General Sergei Mikolayovich Dubinsky frowns. Detailed information about the Russian Major General suspected in the investigation about MH17. The international expert-journalistic group Bellingcat published an account of the downing of MH17, which indicates that the transport was anti-aircraft

We haven’t finished “Let’s Pokhmur” yet. Analysis of telephone calls suggests that Dubinsky was the key organizer of the transport of Buk 332. #Bellingcat

Editor's note . We are already talking about the military villain - the militant of the "DPR" iz the positive name "Pokhmury" (GRU officer of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Sergei Dubinsky) and his responsibility for the downing of the Malaysia Airlines airliner at the gathering of Ukraine. The material, which we present to your respect, contains more detailed information about the part of “Muroy” in organizing this plane crash.

Now, if the identity of Dubinsky - “Pokhmury” is clearly established behind his posts and confirmations from his friend Ivan Okhlobistin, it is possible to conduct an additional analysis of Dubinsky’s role in the transport of “Buk 332” on June 17, 2014 at the gathering of Ukraine . From this analysis we will show that Dubinsky Boulevard key organizer of the transport of “Buk 332” from Donetsk to the field on the day of Snizhne on the day of the tragedy. In addition, this analysis confirms the validity of the transcripts of telephone conversations involving Dubinsky, published by the SBU on June 18, 2014. Some of the details of these previously heard were unreasonable or were raised in doubt - for example, the riddle of the downed pilots and “Carnations” from Rosemary Dubinsky and “Boatswain”. Prote further analysis makes it possible to confirm the appearance of the opened devices and provide further details of these devices.

In the following sections there is a short description and report analysis of the five calls involving Sergiy “Khmury” Dubinsky, published by the SBU and the International Surveillance Group, as well as additional comments on various details that can be found in Another option is one of the calls published by the investigation.

Dubinsky on wiretapped telephone calls published by the SBU

The overflow of telephone conversations, recorded by the Security Service of Ukraine, reveals important details of Dubinsky’s role at the transported “Buk 332” on June 17, 2014. On the day after the downing of the airliner, the SBU identified “Khmury” as “Petrovsky Sergey Mikolayovich, born in 1964, officer of the GRU General Staff of the Western Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, intercessor of Igor Girkin (“Strilec”) from intelligence, at the time of the shooting he was m. Donetsk". Narazi We know that some details of this identification are incorrect or inaccurate - for example, the river of the people (1962, not 1964) and the nickname (Dubinsky, not “Petrovsky” - his nickname for the “DPR”). In addition, in the description of one of the hoardings of the SBU, according to Milkovo, was duplicating information from the latest developments (div. “The Replacement of the Fifth Ring”). In addition, the SBU published the rehousing number: +38 063 121 3401. The published rehousing is available. on the SBU channel with comments Ukrainianі English movami. Dubinsky's voice on the video present on the badges 1:33 — 3:52 , 4:15 — 5:22 .

At the hour of first bell, Dubinsky speaks with “Buryatik”, a separatist whose identity has not yet been identified. “Buryatik” asks Dubinsky (“Pokhmury”), where to place the Buk-M1 installation (“Buryatik” calls it “krasunya”, “Buk”, “B” and “M”), which he brought from an unidentified place to Donetsk . Having queried, captured and seized the Buk, which arrived on the trawl, "Buryatik" confirms to Dubinsky that the "Buk" arrived from the crew. Dubinsky advises “Buryatik” that the installation does not need to be revamped, otherwise it may be damaged “there” right away.


  • The hour of the ringing (9:08 a.m.) is aimed at English version of the SBU video, as well as at the MSG video dated 30 February 2015.
  • It is unknown whether the “crew” of the installation arrived from Russia, or whether it was a group of separatist fighters, or whether it was a Russian-separatist crew.
  • According to Dubinsky’s fortune-telling, the point of significance is perhaps that the field on the day of Snizhne or another place, evidence of this locality is transferred to cover the PPO. The presence of PPO in this area would have been logical, since the Ukrainian aviation was steadily carrying out strikes in the Snizhne area. We are most aware of the airstrike of the 15th, as a result of which 12 civilians were killed. In addition, a Su-25 aircraft can be seen on a satellite image taken on June 16, 2014 (coordinates 47.857925, 38.79837).
  • On video published on March 30, 2015 The international surveillance group still has a few seconds left to ring (a report on the end of this article).

On another phone call, which in the most recent video starts at 2:12, Dubinsky talks again with “Buryatik”. Vin asks that Buryatik brought one or two Buk missile launchers. “Buryatik” explains that during the transfer of the installations “it went wrong”, the remains of another vehicle for transporting the “Buk” were not found. The “Stinks” lured the “Buk” from the trawl on which it was brought, after which the “Buk” moved the “smuzhka” (or cordon) under its own power, and then was hauled onto another trawl and transported to Donetsk. Then Dubinsky said to “Buryatik” that “Buk” would be assigned to the tanks of the “Skhid” battalion.


  • The tinkle hour (9:22 a.m.) is set at English version of the SBU video.
  • Dubinsky realized that another car would be handed over to him, but he didn’t understand it at all. I am able to zrobita vitnovka, pusko Dubinsky dopa -Maga Koordinuvati transmission that vicoristan "Buka", okilki mow vintage about those, and "Buryat", knowing, pushing, kodi, transported "Buk". Dubinsky.
  • It’s not entirely clear how “Buryatik” describes the situation with the words “they’ve gone crazy there.” It is possible that we have realized that another transport vehicle will take another Buk, or that they themselves will remove part of the transportation.
  • It’s not entirely clear who they themselves are in the name of “them” who brought the Buk to the cordon from the Russian side. “Buryatik” does not provide details, but we know that the “Voni” were in contact with the separatists, among them could be members of the crew (extraordinary analysis of earlier negotiations) and the “Voni” transported the Buk to the cordon.
  • Unbeknownst to us, the Buk itself had pulled over the “smuzhka”, and there was also a trailer parked on the Ukrainian side of the cordon. The most important point is the point of illegal crossing of the cordon between settlements. Pivnichny (Ukraine) and Donetsk (Russia) - coordinates 48.352967, 39.942758. Report of the Div. Bellingcat's testimony from Buk. A speck of collection" and side. Bellingcat reports 11-13 “Russia at War.”
  • In an interview with the separatist ZMI icorpus, who did not follow the activity brought about by Anatoly “El-Murid” Nesmiyan, Dubinsky said that shortly before the downing of Boeing 777, he denied flight MH17, Mav allowed to take from the battalion "Skhid": ... when I went to Stepanivka, before the disaster Boeing , Khodakovsky called me, I wanted not Igor Ivanovich [Girkin - “Strilkov”], but me, and said: “If you need it, you can take 3-4 tanks from me.” I took it because I needed it more"» .
  • The transfer of Buk and tanks did not immediately proceed quite as well as when Dubinsky was allowed in. Arnold Greydanus and blogger [email protected](also) carefully analyzed the ruins of the colony “Shoda” along this very route, as well as “Buk”, and at another hour. Axis two video column “Right away”.

At the hour of the third bell (at 2:43 on the video) Dubinsky talks with another spy - “Sanic”. The SBU introduced him as a fighter of the DPR, Khmury’s protector. At Rosma’s, Dubinsky informs Sanich that “from yours my Buk-M” is on the mines. Vin asks “Sanicha”: “Where should we send them to put them at the column?” Sanich says that the column is being formed “beyond the Motel Ring.”


  • The tinkle hour (9:23 a.m.) is set at English version of the SBU video.
  • “Buk 332” was parked for an hour near the Motelevsky Circle (as can be seen in this video from the car), and then headed straight to the exit through Makiivka ( video), Zugres ( video), Torez (photo) and Snizhne ( video).
  • It’s cool that Dubinsky calls the Buk installation “mine,” which again indicates that he was the key organizer of the recovery and transportation of the installation from Russia.
  • A key fragment of the ongoing negotiations: it is clear from them that different separatisms are small, different instructions. Here Dubinsky does not know where to transport the Buk 332 in order to “put it in a column”, but he knows the point of importance and that he may be driving with the tanks “Right away”.

Dubinsky speaks with one more unidentified person, presented inclusively as a “DPR terrorist.” Dubinsky every spivozmovnik telephones people with the name “Librarian” and indicates that the spivrosmovnik will know “you know what” beyond the Motel Circle. An unidentified person confirms that he knows that they are respected under the name “you know what.” Then Dubinsky orders you to take “... as many of those who turned around as you need for support. Rashta is missing here.” Then Dubinsky will go to the area of ​​​​the settlement of Pervomaisk, which you can see on the map. After arriving in the area of ​​Pervomaiskoye, the uninstalled militant may take a position and bring there “their people who are missing from you.” Yogo department - reserve and security of the Buk installation. Dubinsky ends Rozmov’s riddle with the fact that a person from the positive name “Gyurza” will also arrive at the position.


  • The tinkle hour (9:54 a.m.) is set at English version of the SBU video.
  • No one has been able to unambiguously identify the person of the “Librarian.” Most of the people who followed this diet did not give rise to any new species. Dekhto assumed that he was a Russian military man, perhaps a spy, without mentioning a specific person. Others pointed to Fyodor Berezin, a great Russian PPO officer, whom the New Yorker called “the Russian Tom Clancy” for his science fiction and Russian books. In 2014, Berezin became the intercessor of the “Minister of Defense of the DPR.” I don’t know if I spent that hour in Berezin near Donetsk. Judging from the posts of this LiveJournal, you might as well be in Lugansk. However, it is not possible to unequivocally confirm that the “Librarian” is associated with books and enlightened people. For example, “Librarian” is the name of the monster from the popular book and game world-wide “Metro 2033”, the star of the “Sparta” battalion of Arseniy “Motoroli” Pavlov, who took his emblem. The appointment of the “Librarian” will allow you to select a wide variety of essential meals related to the flight of the Boeing 777, which took part in flight MH17.
  • It is not clear who Dubinsky holds in the esteem of “those who have turned”, but it is possible that we are talking about Girkin’s militants, who came out of Slovyansk after a thousand-thousandth taxation less than two years before the defeat aligner. These people, perhaps, brought a great battle testimony, even those who were in Donetsk and nearby places.
  • The people Dubinsky is talking about are the same ones who escorted the Buk 332 from Donetsk to Snizhne. By the time they arrived at Snizhne, not all of their vehicles were lost in the colony. For example, on the video taken from Makiivtsi around 11:00 The installation is supported by a black Peugeot 3008, a UAZ-469 jeep, a 2010 Toyota RAV4 with a modified spoiler and a dark blue Volkswagen minibus. On video from Snizhny The Buk, which was taken out just a few years before the shooting, is accompanied by only one vehicle.
  • Near the town where the Buk 332 missile launched a missile that shot down a Boeing 777, there are two settlements with a name similar to Pervomaisk. Closer to the launch site is the village of Pervomaiske, and all in one field on the street from the new village of Pervomaiske. It is unknown who Dubinsky is talking about, between the village of Pervomaisky and a separatist checkpoint that was immediately launched, so as to confirm that they are in the vicinity of this very settlement.
  • It is difficult to reliably install the feature of “Gyurzi”, as long as it is necessary to add positive extensions. Evidently, he was Dubinsky’s protector with the DPR intelligence agency. In 2015, Novaya Gazeta wrote that “Gyurza” had previously served with the French Foreign Legion, but this statement could not be independently confirmed.

The death and death of Rozmov occurred at the end of the 17th day of June 2014 and was discussed between Dubinsky and the “Boatswain”, whom the SBU calls an officer of the Russian GRU. Dubinsky tells the “Boatswain” that he is “on Marinivtsi” and that he “can’t handle it any better.” Vin explains that they are constantly aware of the fire from the Gradiv, and also recently shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft. I guess that when the French made the Buk-M, as a result, “it became easier.” Dubinsky adds that Ukrainian fighters are trying to leave Zelenopill, but for this they need to break through Dubinsky’s militants. You can also guess that “yesterday” (16 June) two Su-25s were shot down, and today another one. For example, Dubinsky says that “in two years” he’s going to Donetsk, and there are three “Carnations” waiting for him. He plans to transport them “here,” to the Marynivka area.


  • The hour for reading the instructions was 9:08 a.m., and Dubinsky, with a description, was found in Donetsk. Obviously, they no longer demonstrate effectiveness. The SBU melodiously copied the explanation until the first chime, only replacing “Buryatik” with “Boatswain”. Dubinsky clearly indicates on this call that he is located in Marynivtsi. Rozmova was recognized even after the Buk had shot down the flight. The exact hour of the chime is unclear, but Rozmova was singing in a melodious manner late in the day or early in the evening shortly after the Boeing 777 crash, before it became known that the passenger airliner had been crashed.

  • The identity of the “Boatswain” has not been identified. In a post on for June 13, 2015, Dubinsky will remember how many people are so positive. Vin remembers “Bosun”, a great defender of Bezler, another, a great defender of the commander of the 3rd brigade from Gorlivka, and a third, who served in the DPR “Viking” battalion. Of these three, the first is the most important participant in the overflowing revolution.
  • Shortly before the Boeing 777 crashed on flight MH17, important battles took place near Marynivka. On the 16th of July, on the day before the beating, a video appeared in which Igor “Strilkov” Girkin and Oleksandr Borodai were visiting the field on their daytime approach from Stepanivka and talking about the battles in the Marinivka area. The video shows the Strila-10 anti-aircraft missile system. Separatist forces advanced to Marynivka on the 17th of July. It seemed that part of the village was filled with stinks for another 16 days.

  • You can often find out what kind of injuries (or damages) Dubinsky talks about. You can guess that on the day before the sound of the stench, two Sukhoi Su-25s hit. On the 16th of June, around 13:00, two Su-25s were actually hit, and only one of them was shot down. point out that these Su-25s carried out strikes near the Saur-Mogili area, just a few kilometers from the site of the launch of the fatal Buk missile, the village of Marynivka is the same place, de Strelkov gave an interview on aphids IT-missile complex. Dubinsky was sorry, they say, that on the day of the tinkle they beat another “drying”. The only aircraft shot down that day was a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777.
  • We were able to establish what Dubinsky was talking about about the three “Gvozdikas”: these three self-propelled guns 2S1 “Gvozdika” without identification marks and license plates that passed from Lugansk to Donetsk on the 15th of June 2014. The column, which included three “Carnations,” was repeatedly captured in photos and videos (an extraordinary investigation by Bellingcat). These three “Carnations” were pumping 15 lindens around 19:00 near the center of Donetsk. The convoy with the Carnations was escorted by the same cars (UAZ-469, Toyota RAV4 2010, and a dark blue Volkswagen minibus), as well as a Buk 332 on 17 days. Evenings of the same day (judging from the riddle about the “sushinnya” whippings, even after the airliner crash) Dubinsky departed from Marynivka in a sing-song manner to Donetsk. That same night, three “Gvozdikas” crashed from Donetsk to Marynivka. According to reports, three “Carnations” left Donetsk on the night of 17 to 18 lin.

This article was carefully prepared and written by the team of MH17 investigators for the Bellingcat project.

On June 18, 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) published a bunch of telephone conversations related to the downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) on the 17th of July Most of the conversations recorded on the day of the downing took place between an officer called “Pokhmury” and other self-proclaimed separatist fighters of the "Donetsk People's Republic". The SBU identified “Khmury” as Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky, a Russian GRU officer. Neither foreign nor Russian snakes have ever shown any respect for his specialness.

1st April 2015, Dutch publications NRC, NOS and De Telegraaf wrote about “The Pokhmury” after the International Surveillance Group (MSG) published video, in which there were a lot of telephone conversations, and the identification of the individuals involved in the negotiations was changed. On the 18th of June 2014, the fate of the Russian Internet-ZMI PolitRussia published with a photograph and video about the “DPR” officer named Sergey Petrovsky with the positive name “Pokhmury”.

This publication was based on video dated 27 June 2014, which featured an interview with a fighter of the so-called “People’s Militia of Donbass” with the positive name “Pokhmury”. There is no mention of the name “Muroy” in this video. Later in our article we will show that the person who came to Slovyansk from Moscow and gave a video interview is obviously not the same “Pokhmura” who is present at the jammed telephone dialer.

The medal “Veteran of the Armed Forces of the SRSR” was given only to people who served in the Armed Forces of the SRSR for at least 25 years, and the medals “For Undogged Service” were given 10, 15 and 20 years who served in the Armed Forces of the SRSR. With such a rank, a person who served since 1984 could not take away these medals, the fragments of the USSR were retired in 1991. Two right-handed medals were awarded to veterans of the Afghan war: the badge “For international fighters” and the medal “For the distinguished Afghan people.”

The photographs in Dubinsky’s album show that in the spring of 2014 he visited Donetsk (Ukraine). In the photograph, taken in the spring of 2014, Dubinsky is depicted with the Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov, who introduced Donetsk June 30, 2014.

In the photograph taken in 2014, Dubinsky depicts the Russian actor Ivan Okhlobistin, who was barred from entering Ukraine through the support of pro-Russian separatists, as well as Okhlobistin’s squad Oksana Arbuzova. Okhlobistin brought Donbass to the end of leaf fall in 2014, and Donetsk November 30 2014 Roku. Okhlobistin met with Igor “Strilkovy” Girkin and confirmed that he celebrated the birthday of “Khmury” - Major General Sergei Mikolayovich Petrovsky.

Serhiy Dubinsky and Mikhail Porechenkov at the Donetsk spring of 2014 (photo taken on June 15, 2016).

Sergiy Dubinsky with Ivan Okhlobistin and his squad in Donetsk at the birth of 2014 (photo taken on June 15, 2016). Zliva: Ivan Okhlobystin, Right: Ivan's wife Oksana Arbuzova.

In the photograph taken in 2014, Dubinsky is wearing the Russian uniform of a major general. It can be compared, for example, with the uniform of the speaker of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General No. 51019 - 116th Regional Radio Station of Special Purpose, which is also located in Stepovoy.

In the photographs published in 2016, you can see Dubinsky’s new booth, which was in the distance geolocuvati for the same address as indicated in the InformNapalm statistics: Rostov region, Velikiy Log, Molodizhna street. It was not possible to confirm the number of the booth, as the numbers on Google and Yandex maps do not show the numbers of all booths on this street. Prote, it’s clear that the number of the booth is 4a, not 4b. The background of the photo resembles Google Streetview. In another photo, Dubinsky can be seen with a Can-Am Commander XT all-terrain vehicle of Canadian manufacture. A new motorcycle of this model costs around 15,000 dollars.

Sergey Dubinsky’s new little house, de vin (and his homeland), melodiously, live since 2015. The photo was captured on September 8, 2016.

Sergiy Dubinsky at the Can-Am Commander XT, singing everywhere, in front of his wake-up call. Photo captured on the 4th sickle of 2016.

Bellingcat to get the latest news: a person whose phone was tapped by the Security Service of Ukraine on June 17, 2014 (as the SBU correctly identified his voice and/or knew that the phone that was tapped was located there, apparently development before the transport of the "Buk", which hitting MH17 on the same day) - this is Sergiy Mykolayovich Dubinsky with the positive name “Pokhmury”. Dubinsky is a Russian veteran of combat operations, who was promoted to colonel in 2014, who fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and later served in the 22nd Brigade of the GRU Special Forces.

This, judging by this, is not the same person as the bearded “Pokhmury” in the interview, who melodiously sang that same positive: On June 2, 2014, Dubinsky wrote on the “Antiques” forum that he was confused with another person. Prote Dubinsky could be the person in the mask on the video, which was popularized in the past 2014 under the title “Sergey Mikolayovich Petrovsky (positive Pokhmury), previously popularized on June 12, 2014 under the title “Strelkov’s Special Forces.” In the same post on the “Antiques” forum on June 2, 2014, Dubinsky wrote that he does not appear to ZMI, with one fault: he reads the text on the video from June 12, 2014.

Sergiy Dubinsky relinquished the title of “Major General of the DPR” from Serpnya in 2014, shortly after the downing of MH17, and later turned to Russia, expelled from Donetsk for financial misdeeds. Now Dubinsky is alive, behind the Russian world, to drink luxuriously - he has a booth near a quiet village, and he is alive with his family and rides on an expensive motorbike everywhere.

The international expert-journalistic group Bellingcat published an account of the downing of MH17, which indicates that the transport of the Buk anti-aircraft missile system from which the flight was shot down was organized by the Russian Major General Sergi y Dubinsky.

Russian Major General Sergiy Dubinsky, who organized the transport of the Buk anti-aircraft missile system that shot down MH17 /

The latest text of the report, TSN's presentations, 1st quarter 2015, the Dutch ZMI NRC, NOS and De Telegraaf wrote about "Pokhmury" after the International Surveillance Group (MSG) published a video in which There have been a lot of telephone conversations, but identification The characteristics of the participants in the negotiations were highlighted.

On June 18, 2014, the Russian Internet news portal PolitRussia published an article with a photograph and a video about “DPR” officer Sergei Petrovsky with the nickname “Pokhmury.” This publication is based on a video from June 27, 2014, which features an interview with a fighter of the so-called “People’s Militia of Donbass” known as “Pokhmury”. However, the name “Muroy” is not in this video.

Further in our article we will show that the person who came to Slovyansk from Moscow and gave a video interview is obviously not the same “Pokhmura” who is present at the hour of a telephone ringing. Another video under the title “Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky (Pokhmury Pokhmury, Pogany Soldier)”, released on June 2, 2014, presents the brutality of people in the mask - similar to the title of Sergiy Petrovsky’s video. This video was popular even earlier, on June 12, 2014, under the name “Strelkov’s Special Forces.” However, all that matters is not the same person who gives the interview on the video on the 27th of March, and even their voices are so different.

On November 30, 2014, the Russian news site Politikus published an interview with General Sergei Mikolayovich Petrovsky. The interview stated that at that time he had abandoned the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the “Donetsk People’s Republic”, and that his military career began in the Radyan army in 1984, when and went to fight in Afghanistan.

In the 90s, he took part in the wars of Pivdenny Ossetia and Chechnya, and got to know Igor “Strilkov” Girkin, who in 2014 was the “Minister of Defense of the DPR.” In another interview published on June 25, 2014 on the Russian ultranational-patriotic new website “Zavtra”, he calls himself “Major General Sergei Petrovsky” and guesses that he was born in 1962 in Donetsk th region. It is not clear whether he rejected the rank of major general in the Russian Federation or in the self-proclaimed “DPR” or both. You might also guess that he served in the Radian and Russian armies for over 30 years.

Previously, an interview with “Pokhmurim”, also a colonel, was published in 2003 on the Russian news resource “Visti”. This interview was published by the Globalized blog in 2016. In this post, as well as in another post (on November 28, 2014), it is noted that the koristuvach, who called himself “Pogany Soldier”, with an avatar with the inscription “Pokhmury”, often posted on the forum of the Antikvariat website, dedicated to the history of the military, relics and other topics. On this forum, Igor “Strilkov” Girkin also often published information about the war in Ukraine. At this forum, “Pokhmuriy” wrote on June 19, 2014, that he is Colonel Sergey Mykolayovich Petrovsky, the intercessor of the Minister of Defense of the “Donetsk People’s Republic” from the intelligence service of the Guard.

The real identity of “Sergiy Petrovsky” (his name became a pseudonym) became known to the evil of Igor Girkin’s email in the fall of 2014. A number of sheets were published from Girkin’s post, including messages dated April 28, 2014 by Sergiy Dubinsky from addresses [email protected] The leaf said: “Hello, Igore, have you forgotten the Bison yet?” These email addresses are listed on the social media page, which shows that Dubinsky was born on September 9, 1962 and is alive near Donetsk (Ukraine). Varto notes that the date of birth (1962) differs from the stated date of the SBU (1964).

By email you can find the forum on the website of the 181st motorized rifle regiment of the 108th motorized rifle division, which took part in the war in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. On the forum, following the list of soldiers who served on June 18, 2010, the guest introduces himself as “Karakhan” and Sergiy Dubinsky, who served from 1985 to 1987. she lives in Donetsk. In 2011, a family registered under the nickname “Karakhan”, stating that his name was Sergei Dubinsky and that he was born on September 9, 1962, and adding his photograph in the military uniform of a colonel.

Soon after, another fellow soldier also published a number of his photographs, and in 2016, another fellow soldier published a great photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky in uniform, signing it “Petrovsky, , Pokhmury, Bison, Bison and our Karakhan", as well as "" Pokhmury "near the DPR." Nina's posts have been deleted. On the video on the forum and on YouTube there is the same photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky in military uniform.

The photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky in the form may have been edited (for example, the fragment of the Order “For Merit to Fatherlandism” is missing). However, the number of medals is entirely typical for a colonel in his military career since 1984. Most of the medals on his uniform are similar to the Radyan medal, for example, “Order of the Red Star”, “For Service of the Batkivshchyna in the Armed Forces of the SRSR”, the medal “Veteran of the Armed Forces of the SRSR”, three medals “For tireless service”, as well as a jewelry medal” 70 "The medal "Veteran of the Armed Forces of the SRSR" was given only to people who served in the Armed Forces of the SRSR for at least 25 years, and the medals "For Undogged Service" were given to people who served in the Armed Forces of the SRSR for 10, 15 or 20 years.

With such a rank, a person who served since 1984 could not take away these medals, the fragments of the USSR were born in 1991. Two right-handed medals were awarded to veterans of the Afghan war: the badge “For international fighters” and the medal “For the distinguished Afghan people.” Only two “Orders of Manliness” left-handed eels were probably taken away during their service in the Russian army.

The medal on the right in the top is, perhaps, the jewelry medal “50 Rocks of Victory in the Great German War of 1941-1945,” which was awarded to the 1993 generation, together with another medal, even by veterans of the 2nd Svitov and wars, as well as terrible children in concentration camp language. The fragments of Dubinsky, born in 1962, cannot be placed in these categories.

This photograph appeared in articles about the “DPR” on September 10, 2015, on Spring 14, 2015, and on November 12, 2015, and even on November 19, 2016 on the site dedicated to Donetsk, a link from MH17 was indicated. These photographs of Sergiy Dubinsky were published on the scandalous website “Peacemaker,” which collects specific data (most importantly from confidential sources) of Russians, separatists and any collaborators who are fighting the war in Donbass. On July 7, 2017, a team of investigators from InformNapalm published additional information about Sergiy Dubinsky, who indicated his place of residence: Russia, Rostov region, Velikiy Log, Molodizhna street 4B.

Bellingcat managed to reveal another side of Sergiy Mikolayovich Dubinsky. It is stated there that Koristuvach was born on September 9, 1962 and is alive near Donetsk (Ukraine), as well as near Rostov-on-Don. Judging by the photo on the page, in 2010, Dubinsky and his family lived in Russia, or they lived in Russia, and in 2011, they lived in Ukraine.

Based on the open data base of the traffic police of Rostov-on-Don, Sergey Mikolayovich Dubinsky, who was born on September 9, 1962, lived with Stepovoy on an unknown street near the booth at number 1, apt. 117. From 1998 to 2004, 3 cars were registered. Stepovo is a small town in the Rostov region, where the 22nd Special Purpose Brigade is based, military unit 11659. This brigade is assigned to the Main Intelligence Directorate - “GRU”.

The photographs in Dubinsky’s album show that in the spring of 2014 he visited Donetsk (Ukraine). In the photograph taken in the spring of 2014, Dubinsky is depicted with the Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov, who visited Donetsk on June 30, 2014.

In the photograph taken in 2014, with Dubinsky in the photo is the Russian actor Ivan Okhlobistin, who was banned from entering Ukraine for supporting pro-Russian separatists, as well as Okhlobistin’s squad Oksana Arbuzova. Okhlobistin brought Donbas to the end of leaf fall in 2014, and Donetsk – on the 30th of leaf fall in 2014. Okhlobistin met with Igor “Strilkovy” Girkin and confirmed that he had celebrated the Christmas anniversary with “Pokhmury” - Major General Sergey Mikolayovich Petrovsky.

In the photograph taken in 2014, Dubinsky is wearing the Russian uniform of a major general. This can be compared, for example, with the uniform of the Speaker of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov. On Dubensky, you might say, there is a “GRU Special Forces” patch. At the same time, the emblem of the Russian Ground Forces is clearly visible on our shirt, although Dubinsky never fought at the end of the 2014 season, having destroyed the service of the “DPR.”

Obviously, Dubinsky has deprived Donetsk of rock in 2015; In this case, the entry to the DPR was blocked for extracting pennies from businessmen. According to the decision of the Aksai district court of the Rostov region on the 17th quarter of 2015, Dubinsky was awarded a penalty. It is also possible that he was withdrawing pensions for service in various military units. First of them - in / year No. 61019. Important for everything, this part has been formed for a long time - there is no information about it on the Internet. Another of these parts is known to the military unit No. 11659 - the 22nd special forces brigade, and the third - military unit No. 51019 - the 116th military radio station for special purposes, also located at Stepovoy.

In the photographs published in 2016, you can see Dubinsky’s new booth, which was geolocalized to the same address listed in the InformNapalm account: Rostov region, Velikiy Log, Molodizhna street. It was not possible to confirm the number of the booth, the fragments on Google and Yandex maps do not indicate the numbers of all booths on this street. Prote, it’s amazing that the number of the booth is 4a, not 4b. The background of the photo resembles Google Streetview. In another photo Dubinsky can be seen everywhere in the Can-Am Commander XT of Canadian manufacture. A new motorcycle of this model costs around 15,000 dollars.

Bellingcat has this clue: a person whose phone was tapped by the Security Service of Ukraine on June 17, 2014 (as the SBU correctly identified his voice and/or knew that the phone would be tapped, so that it should be monitored and, apparently, before transporting the "Buk", which beat same day MH17) - this is Sergiy Mykolayovich Dubinsky with the positive name “Pokhmury”.

Investigators found photos and videos of the ex-combatant.

On June 18, 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) published a collection of telephone conversations related to Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) hit 17 minutes. Most of the conversations recorded on the day of the killing took place between an officer called “Pokhmury” and other separatist fighters of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic.” The SBU identified “Khmuroogo” as Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky, a Russian GRU officer. Neither foreign nor Russian snakes have ever shown any respect for his specialness.

This is according to the team investigating the death of MH17 for the Bellingcat project, the text of which was published on Wednesday, May 15th.

1st quarter of 2015, the Dutch media NRC, NOS and De Telegraaf wrote about “Pokhmury” after the International Surveillance Group (MSG) published a video in which there were a lot of telephone conversations, and the identification of the person participants in the negotiations were confirmed.

Read also:

On June 18, 2014, the Russian Internet news portal PolitRussia published an article with a photograph and a video about a “DPR” officer named Sergei Petrovsky with the nickname “Pokhmury.” This publication was based on a video from June 27, 2014, which featured an interview with a fighter of the so-called “People’s Militia of Donbass” known as “Pokhmury”. However, the name “Muroy” is not in this video.

Later in our article we will show that the person who came to Slovyansk from Moscow and gave a video interview is obviously not the same “Pokhmura” who is present in the crowded telephone ringer. Another video under the title “Sergiy Mykolayovich Petrovsky (Pokhmury Pokhmury, Rotten Soldier)”, released on June 2, 2014, presents the bestiality of people in the mass - together with the title of Sergiy Petrovsky’s video. This video was popular even earlier, on June 12, 2014, under the name “Strelkov’s Special Forces.” However, regardless of everything, she is not the same person who gives an interview on the video on the 27th of March, so their voices are so different.

On November 30, 2014, the Russian news site Politikus published an interview with General Sergei Mikolayovich Petrovsky. The interview stated that at that time there was no release from the Main Intelligence Directorates (GRU) of the “Donetsk People’s Republic”, and that his military career began in the Radyan army in 1984, when n virus to fight in Afghanistan.

In the 90s, he took part in the wars of Pivdenny Ossetia and Chechnya, and got to know Igor “Strilkov” Girkin, who in 2014 was the “Minister of Defense of the DPR.” In another interview published on June 25, 2014 on the Russian ultra-national-patriotic new website “Zavtra”, he calls himself “Major General Sergei Petrovsky” and guesses that he was born in 1962 in Donetsk this region. Unsurprisingly, having rejected the rank of major general in the Russian Federation, in the self-proclaimed DPR both here and there. You might also guess that he served in the Radian and Russian armies for over 30 years.

Read also:

Previously, an interview with “Pokhmurim”, also a colonel, was published in 2003 on the Russian news resource “Visti”. This interview was published by the Globalized blog in 2016. In this post, as well as in another post (on November 28, 2014), it is noted that the koristuvach, who called himself “Filthy Soldier”, with an avatar with the inscription “Pokhmury”, often posted on the forum of the Antikvariat website, dedicated to history, Ikviyam and other topics. On this forum, Igor “Strilkov” Girkin also often published information about the war in Ukraine. At this forum, “Pokhmuriy” wrote on June 19, 2014, that he is Colonel Sergey Mykolayovich Petrovsky, the intercessor of the Minister of Defense of the “Donetsk People’s Republic” from the intelligence service of the Guard.

The real identity of “Sergiy Petrovsky” (his name was a pseudonym) was revealed due to the evil of Igor Girkin’s email in 2014. A number of sheets were published from Girkin’s post, including messages dated April 28, 2014 by Sergiy Dubinsky from addresses [email protected] The leaf said: “Hello, Igore, have you forgotten the Bison yet?” These email addresses are listed on the social media page, which shows that Dubinsky was born on September 9, 1962 and is alive near Donetsk (Ukraine). Varto notes that the date of birth (1962) differs from the stated date of the SBU (1964).

Read also:

Behind the email you can find the forum on the website of the 181st motorized rifle regiment of the 108th motorized rifle division, which took part in the war in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. On the forum, following the list of soldiers who served on June 18, 2010, the guest introduces himself as “Karakhan” and Sergiy Dubinsky, who served from 1985 to 1987. And lives in Donetsk. In 2011, the family registered under the nickname “Karakhan”, stating that his name was Sergei Dubinsky and that he was born on September 9, 1962, and adding his photograph in the military uniform of a colonel.

Nezabar then, another fellow soldier also published a number of his photographs, and in 2016, another fellow soldier published a larger photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky in the uniform, signing it “Petrovsky Dvorki, everyone, Pokhmury, Bison, Bison and our Karakhan", as well as "" Pokhmury "at the DPR." Nina has been forced to post. On the video on the forum and on YouTube there is the same photograph of Sergiy Dubinsky in military uniform.

The photograph of Serhiy Dubinsky may have been edited (for example, a fragment of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland is missing). However, the number of medals is entirely typical for a colonel who has served his military career since 1984. Most of the medals on his uniform are similar to the Radyan medal, for example, “Order of the Red Star”, “For Service of the Batkivshchyna in the Armed Forces of the SRSR”, the medal “Veteran of the Armed Forces of the SRSR”, three medals “For tireless service”, as well as a jewelry medal” 70 The medal "Veteran of the Former Forces of the SRSR" was given only to people who served in the Forever Forces of the SRSR for at least 25 years, and the medals "For Undogged Service" were given for 10, 15 and 20 years who served in the ZF SRSR.

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With such a rank, a person who served since 1984 could not take away these medals, the fragments of the USSR were retired in 1991. Two right-handed medals were awarded to veterans of the Afghan war: the badge “For international fighters” and the medal “For the distinguished Afghan people.” Only two “Orders of Manliness” left-handed eels were probably taken away during their service in the Russian army.

The medal on the right in the top is, perhaps, the jewelry medal “50 Rocks of Victory in the Great German War of 1941-1945.” This war, as well as the terrible children in yazni. The fragments of Dubinsky, born in 1962, cannot be placed in these categories.

This photograph appeared in articles about the “DPR” on September 10, 2015, on Spring 14, 2015, and on November 12, 2015, and even on November 19, 2016 on the site dedicated to Donetsk, a link from MH17 was indicated. These photographs of Sergiy Dubinsky were published on the scandalous website “Peacemaker,” which collects specific data (especially from secret sources) of Russians, separatists and any collaborators who may be involved in the war in Donbass. On July 7, 2017, a team of investigators from InformNapalm published additional information about Sergiy Dubinsky, who indicated his place of residence: Russia, Rostov region, Velikiy Log, Molodizhna street 4B.

Read also:

Bellingcat managed to reveal another side of Sergiy Mikolayovich Dubinsky. It is stated there that Koristuvach was born on September 9, 1962 and is alive near Donetsk (Ukraine), as well as near Rostov-on-Don. Judging by the photo on the page, in 2010, Dubinsky and his family lived in Russia, or they lived in Russia, and in 2011, they lived in Ukraine.

Based on the open data base of the traffic police of Rostov-on-Don, Sergey Mikolayovich Dubinsky, who was born on September 9, 1962, lived with Stepovoy on an unknown street near the booth at number 1, apt. 117. From 1998 to 2004, 3 cars were registered. Stepovy is a small town in the Rostov region, home to the 22nd Special Purpose Brigade, or military unit 11659. This brigade is assigned to the Main Intelligence Directorate - "GRU".

The photographs in Dubinsky’s album show that in the spring of 2014 he visited Donetsk (Ukraine). In the photograph taken in the spring of 2014, Dubinsky is photographed with the Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov, who visited Donetsk on June 30, 2014.

In the photograph taken in 2014, Dubinsky depicts the Russian actor Ivan Okhlobistin, who was barred from entering Ukraine through the support of pro-Russian separatists, as well as Okhlobistin’s squad Oksana Arbuzova. Okhlobistin brought Donbas to the end of leaf fall in 2014, and Donetsk – on the 30th of leaf fall in 2014. Okhlobistin met with Igor "Strilkov" Girkin and confirmed that he celebrated the birthday of "Khmury" - Major General Sergei Mikolayovich Petrovsky.

Serhiy Dubinsky and Mikhail Porechenkov at the Donetsk spring of 2014 (photo taken on June 15, 2016).

Sergiy Dubinsky with Ivan Okhlobistin and his squad in Donetsk at the birth of 2014 (photo taken on June 15, 2016).

In the photograph taken in 2014, Dubinsky is wearing the Russian uniform of a major general. This can be compared, for example, with the uniform of the Speaker of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov. Dubinsky probably has a “GRU Special Forces” patch on him. At the same time, the emblem of the Russian Ground Forces is clearly visible on our shirt, although Dubinsky never took part in the exhibition in the 2014 season, disrupting the service of the “DPR”.

Obviously, Dubinsky has deprived Donetsk of rock in 2015; In this case, the entry to the DPR was blocked for extracting pennies from businessmen. Today, with the praise of the Aksai district court of the Rostov region, on the 17th quarter of 2015, Dubinsky was awarded the sum. It is also possible that he was withdrawing pensions for service in various military units. First of them - military unit No. 61019. Important for everything, this part has been formed for a long time - there is no information about it on the Internet. Another of these parts is already known in military unit No. 11659 - the 22nd special forces brigade, and the third - military unit No. 51019 - the 116th military radio station of special significance, which is also known to Stepovoy.

Read also:

In the photographs published in 2016, you can see Dubinsky’s new booth, which was geolocated to the same address as indicated in the InformNapalm article: Rostov region, Velikiy Log, Molodizhna street. It was not possible to confirm the number of the booth, as the numbers on Google and Yandex maps do not show the numbers of all booths on this street. Prote, it’s amazing that the number of the booth is 4a, not 4b. The background of the photo resembles Google Streetview. In another photo, Dubinsky can be seen with a Can-Am Commander XT all-terrain vehicle of Canadian manufacture. A new motorcycle of this model costs around 15,000 dollars.

Sergey Dubinsky’s new little house, de vin (and his homeland), melodiously, live since 2015. The photo was captured on September 8, 2016.

Sergiy Dubinsky at the Can-Am Commander XT, singing everywhere, in front of his wake-up call. Photo captured on the 4th sickle of 2016.

Bellingcat to get the latest news: a person whose phone was tapped by the Security Service of Ukraine on June 17, 2014 (as the SBU correctly identified his voice and/or knew that the phone that was tapped was located there, apparently advance to the transport of the Buk, which hitting MH17 on the same day) - this is Sergiy Mykolayovich Dubinsky with the positive name "Pokhmury".

Dubinsky is a Russian veteran of combat operations, who was promoted to colonel in 2014, who fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and later served in the 22nd Brigade of the GRU Special Forces. This, judging by this, is not the same person as the bearded “Pokhmury” in the interview, who melodiously sang that same positive: On June 2, 2014, Dubinsky wrote on the “Antiques” forum that he was confused with another person. Prote Dubinsky could be the person in the mask on the video, which was popularized in 2014 under the title “Sergey Mikolayovich Petrovsky (formerly Pokhmury, Pogany Soldier), previously popularized on June 12, 2014 under the title “Special Forces Strelkov”. There are also posts on the forum "An On June 2, 2014, Dubinsky wrote that he does not appear in ZMI, with one caveat: he reads the text on the video on June 12, 2014.

An investigation of activists of the huge organization “Europrostir” is published Oleg Baturin і Sergiy Petrenka, specially prepared for the international oil and gas industry InformNapalm. The collected material revealed information about the Russian military villain, Major General of the Russian Federation Sergiy Dubinsky, who was suspected of being involved in the destruction of flight MH17 in the sky over Donbass.

Fantastic “separi” and the place where they lived

In the spring of 2015, the fate of the Ukrainian media was overtaken by a terrible news: “On the recording at the right of the downed Malaysian Boeing, Major General Petrovsky of the GRU of the Russian Federation was identified.”

Telephone reports published by the Prosecutor's Office of the Netherlands and the SBU about the MH17 disaster allowed one of the participants to be identified as Sergei Mykolayovich Petrovsky (Dubinsky), who went by the nickname "Pokhmury". Rozmov’s “Pokhmury” informed that he left the army for the 2014 season with the title of major general. “Pokhmury” is also known as “Petrovsky”, “Sergiy Mikolayovich”, “Pogany Soldier”, “Drunk Roger”. A little more information about this can be found on the “Peacemaker” website. Volunteers established the legal name of “Khmury” – Sergey Mykolayovich Dubinsky, born on September 9, 1962. He was the so-called protector of the defense minister of the “DPR”, the head of the intelligence department of the “DPR” army and the “hero of Novorossiya”.

Ale about everything tse po cherzi.

For reasonable reasons, such a character as “Pokhmury” could not deprive us of our friendship. Then we reached the village of the Misko type of Velika Novosilka, which was built at the end of the Donetsk region. The Great Novosiltsa herself went through the childhood of Sergei Dubinsky and lived there for several years just before the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. His friends told us about the “stages of the great journey” of “Pokhmury” and a lot of other things, but we do not mention the names of any reasonable reasons.

The Dubinsky family, in their own words, knew a lot about the Great Novosiltsya. The father of the terrorist Mykola worked as an engineer, matir, Kapitolina Illivna Dubinska, and a reader. Both are no longer alive.

– In the eighties and nineties, Seryoga served in the Armed Forces of the USSR, and after that - in the ZS of the Russian Federation. From 1985-1987, he served as intercessor to the commander and commander of the intelligence unit of the 181st motorized rifle regiment in Kabul (Afghanistan). He was awarded the Order of the Chervonoya Zirka and “For the service of the Fatherland in the Western Soviet Socialist Republic” - every friend of his.

In 1997, Sergey Dubinsky joined the reserves, took out a pension, and until 2002 lived simultaneously with his family in the Rostov region (RF). Having later separated from her friend, she takes her daughter to her first whore and her amorous son. In the spring of 2002, having been promoted to lieutenant colonel in the military, he was called up from the reserve of management personnel of the Eastern Caucasus Military District (today, the Military Military District of the Russian Federation) and sent to serve at the warehouse of the United Group army in the Pivnichny Caucasus. In 2002-2004, he served as commander of the 974 commandant company (military unit 22727) and head of intelligence of the 194 commandant tactical group. In 2004, the family again returned to the reserve, but when the special officer on the right Dubinsky was overthrown, it was ruined, and he was actually lost from the service. With this, he was able to formalize the withdrawal of his pension, since the “fair Russian court” had turned down the law (this episode became the starting point for “Pokhmury” in the story of Donbass).

– In 2005, his family moved to live with their mother before (Velikaya) Novosilka. On the right, the fact is that his service apartment was deprived of a lot of troops, and there was no way for him to live in Russia,” shared a friend of Sergei Dubinsky’s childhood. – My mother and I lived at Radyansky, 56, apartment 11. Life was not going well for anyone. He spent his pension for a few days on booze and women. Then he pulled money from his mother’s pension and scrounged for money he knew. Drinking wine black, for which the locals gave him the nickname Drunken Roger. Siriy lived for an hour near Novosilku, and then moved to a dacha cottage near the village of Storozhove. There he is alive until about 2014.

In 2011–2012, “Khmury” began to grow black and white. One hour later, an audit of parts of the Pivdenny Military District of the Russian Federation revealed the illegal payment of his pension since 2004. The court proceedings began, as a result of which the court of the goiters of “Pokhmury” turned away the money. After this, Dubinsky returned to the command of the Pivdennoye Military District of the Russian Federation with the intention of informing his special officer to document his payment from the reserves from his pension. For the most part, in the spring of 2012, we went to the personnel department of the Russian Air Defense Forces, where we were assigned to the commander of military unit 11659 (the 22nd division of the special purpose brigade of the GRU to the General Staff of the Russian Federation, the population of Stepovy, region) for provision of all types of security and preparations until stock is filled.

In the book "Pokhmury" you will find yours and the reserves of the named colonel. Moreover, all this time they were on the lists of their units, fictitiously, actually living on the territory of Ukraine. Shvidshe for everything, Dubinsky Mav was so privileged for a reason... The exhaustion of the wines was reduced to the list of “ichtamnets” of the GRU General Staff of the Russian Federation, which was already preparing for aggression in Ukraine. Confirmed by this, we can appreciate the early departure of “Pokhmury” from Chernya 2014 to the Russian Federation and practically the meeting’s appearance in Slovyansk in the company of his friend for the Other Chechen War Igor Girkin-Strelkov at the Posad and “protector of the commander of the DPR army.” During the occupation of Ukrainian territory, Serhiy Dubinsky creates a special forces company and an intelligence division, the headquarters of which was taken over from Kramatorsk. On the basis of the creations of the “pidrozdil”, they formed the so-called Head Intelligence Directorate of the “DPR”, as they were safely recovered.

At the beginning of 2015, Roger left the DPR and moved to Russia.

At the Great Novosiltsya we also learned that Sergei Dubinsky has a brother, Roman Mikolayovich Dubinsky, born on September 17, 1967. n. Roman is a citizen of Ukraine, a native of the village of Velika Novosilka, living for some time at the following addresses: the village of Velika Novosilka, Donetsk region, vul. Radyanska, Budinok 56, apt. 11, that metro station Donetsk, vul. Zhebeleva, bud. 24, apt. 127.

Roman Dubinsky, a friend, now lives quietly in Kiev, where he is the director and kernel worker of Flora-Engineering LLC (metro Kiev, Shchekavitska st., 37/48, office 1). This data is confirmed by the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of Ukraine.

Is it possible, by the way, how did it happen that such an odious peculiarity and their relatives were deprived of the respect of the Ukrainian special services? Unfortunately, we also do not know any clear evidence on this matter, but it was possible to establish that after the departure of “Mury” to Russia there was a trace of it. For an hour. So far we have not been able to discover his new address in Russia, where his family lives with him:

Russian Federation, Rostov region, Aksai district, Veliky Log village, Molodizhna street, 4v (coordinate the booth47°18’15.8″N 39°54’49.7″E ). If we look at the address for help on Google Maps, we can help you further ( photo of the budinka camp for 2012).

In this manner, we give the miraculous benefit of introducing our “idol” to everyone: from a simple opening, to squeeze your hand and listen to the singing tales of the “former” warrior for the independence of who knows what, to the military prosecutor, who can now easily issue Dubinsky a summons to trial . We also call upon the greatness of the world, before those who, having lost their loved ones in the Boeing plane crash, brought out the “scorched patriot of Novorossiya” and looked into their eyes. Hail news!

The material was prepared