Audiobook Anthony Pogorelsky. Black trigger, or Underground inhabitants hear online, download. Black Kurka, audio tales (1982) Audiobook of Black Kurka or underground inhabitants

Books illuminate the soul, lift and lift people, awaken them to a new beauty, warm their minds and soften their hearts.

William Thackeray, English satirist writer

A book is a great force.

Volodymyr Illich Lenin, Radyansky revolutionary

Without books, we now cannot live, nor struggle, nor suffer, nor be happy, nor overcome, nor strive to reach that reasonable and beautiful future in which we are infallibly confident.

More than a thousand years later, the book in the hands of the leading representatives of humanity became one of the main signs of their struggle for truth and justice, and this very sign gave these people terrible strength.

Mikola Rubakin, Russian book scholar, bibliographer.

The book is a good idea. Ale not only. It brings people into the lives and struggles of other people, giving them the opportunity to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their anger; It gives you the ability to re-evaluate, figure things out and change them.

Stanislav Strumilin, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

There is no better way to refresh your mind than reading ancient classics; It’s good to take any of them in your hands, if you want to, - you immediately feel refreshed, relieved and cleansed, lifted and strengthened - rather than refresh yourself by bathing in a clean dzherel.

Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

The one who was not familiar with the works of ancient times, having lived, does not see beauty.

Georg Hegel, German philosopher

None of the failures of history and the dark expanse of time can help to understand the human thought enshrined in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books.

Kostyantin Paustovsky, Russian Radyansky writer

The book is a charmer. The book changed the world. She has the memory of the human race, she is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of wild children.

Mikola Morozov, creator of modern scientific chronology

Books are the spiritual commandment of one generation to another, the joy of a dying old youth who begins to live, a command that is passed on to the guards who are going to retire, to the guard who takes his place

Without books, human life is empty. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

Dem'yan Bidny, Russian Radian writer, singer, publicist

The book can be used for drinking, practicing, and fighting. It gives people the knowledge of life and the struggle of humanity, rosy the horizon, and gives them knowledge of the ways in which they can serve themselves with the forces of nature.

Nadiya Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Radyansky party member, civil and cultural activist.

Reading good books is a great thing with the most beautiful people of the past, and even more so if they tell us only the best of their thoughts.

Rene Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the branches of thought and the development of wisdom.

Vasil Sukhomlinsky, a prominent Radiansky teacher-innovator.

Reading for the mind is the same as physical right for the body.

Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader perceives from it knowledge and formal activity, the originality of the understanding of life.

Oleksiy Tolstoy, Russian Radyansky writer and huge activist

Don’t forget that the most important thing in order to gain a rich perspective is reading.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading there is no background knowledge, there is no relish, no words, no rich breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare will contribute to the whole university. Reading people are experiencing a century.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

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“My soul, what a miracle is Grandma’s whale! Having read the whole story twice and in one breath, now I’m only reading Trifon Falaleych Murlikin. I step forward smoothly, with my eyes flattened, my head turning and my back arching. Pogorelsky aje Perovsky, is it wrong? »
This sheet was sent by A. S. Pushkin from Mikhailovsky in Berezny 1825 when the novella “Lafertov’s Makov” was published in the St. Petersburg magazine “New Literature” signed “Antony Pogorelsky” Initsa,” I immediately became embarrassed to talk about the young author. Vlasne the author was not so young after a century, having previously held a senior rank in St. Petersburg, having occupied a high position in the current marriage, an official “with ties”, from a noble noble family, reached the end of the 18th century.
However, Pogorelsky is a literary pseudonym. The writer spent an hour checking his notebook - the villages of Pogorils in Chernihiv region. There he wrote his beautiful story - the one that Pushkin was so obsessed with.
Nowadays, through the author, “Laffert’s Poppy” is read with the same satisfactions and desires that made the current success, the public and critics talk about the new writer. Fantastic, full of emptiness and sly humor, this rather fiery test of the pen and today’s reader adds its mystery, supports the pure belonging of a light, perhaps airy literary style. And the “poppy tree,” like Pogorelsky’s other works, was written in a true, without chimera, Russian language, which, it must be said, was not so common in literature at the time.
The last phrase in Pushkin’s sheet reveals to us the writer’s true nickname. Thus, Anthony Pogorelsky, the author of the famous children's fairy tale “The Black Chicken, or the Underground Dwellers,” who has melodiously lived for hundreds of years, is actually Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Perovsky (1787 - 1836). During his life and long after his death, this nickname was widely known in Tsarist Russia. They wore the caps of the noble nobleman of Catherine's time, Count Rozumovsky, and themselves occupied high positions in the order and administration. Oleksiy Perovsky also changed a number of such great settlements.
But the official Perovsky is of no interest to us. We know the writer Antony Pogorelsky, a companion and friend of Pushkin, a participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1812, the author of the miraculous fairy tale about the black chicken, who fell in love with the ten-year-old boy Alyosha and how he has been loving Alyosha for another century children both in our region and in other parts light.
And in the meantime, as if to ask Pogorelsky himself about the place in his creativity that childish fairy tale takes, he would laugh melodiously and say that he had said it just like that, in passing, in order to excite his little nephew. That's how it really was. The inspiration of his nephew Alosha - the famous poet, prose writer and playwright Oleksiy Kostyantinovich Tolstoy - the writer gave a lot of time and creative energy, leafed through him, taking him with him on foreign roads and visiting him at the same time in the great German poet Goethe.
Perovsky himself in his youth grew up with extraordinary interests in science, literature and language. In two years, he completed a university course and became a doctor of philosophy and literature in twenty years. For students at the doctoral level, it was necessary to read three trial lectures prior to the status in order to qualify for the award. Oleksiy Perovsky having read them - in three languages. His lectures on the natural sciences, which he burst into, were then seen like a book!
Perovsky having earned, as they said, his career will shine. However, having risen from service meetings, he immediately became involved in literature - translating, writing stories, and becoming a member of the Free Association of Lovers of Russian Literature. I axis to the cob 1829 the fate of a little child’s book to be published. You might think that this is the author, who was written in the spirit of a feisty mood, “a charming story for children” will become one of the most famous fairy tales, and his literary pseudonym will be lost in history itself.” Black chicken"?!
This happened to Prote herself. The generals and officials of the Perovskys have long been forgotten, the small collection of “mature” works by Antony Pogorelsky is read mainly by literary historians. And “Black Kurka” has been alive for a hundred years! For this reason, performances have been staged, films have been made, works of art are illustrated by beautiful artists, and children of rich countries read them. Following Alyosha Tolstoy, we are happy and weary, we feel the bitter rubbish and the smell, rising through the enchanting kingdom of little people who live under the ground. And everything is written so brightly, so lively and destructively, that it doesn’t matter to us at all if these tales were created.
Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Perovsky was a human being with a miraculously alive spirit and a sense of humor in a miracle. There were legends about his hot pranks. However, when she started talking about serious speeches, the person was not intelligent or meaningful. Now, hearing this, it would seem like a simple story about the miracles that happened with little Alyosha, and we would think more than once and ask ourselves “why.”
And first for everything - why do we think this story is absolutely truthful, absolutely real, full of Kazkov’s wisdom? Especially because she is a talented person over there. Why so much? And what’s more important, what is important in life for all people?
And what is the most important thing in life? Hiba vono is lying in the smart place at the moment “to catch your luck”, it seems like it’s just for you with the brown furnishings, what happened to little Alyosha? That’s why, on the right, if the boys had the chance to want something, their fear would immediately come true, but they couldn’t think about it and asked for the same thing they wanted in their place, perhaps, without any effort and trouble , without worrying about anything, become famous for being brightly intelligent and talented.
If it happens, let’s tell it anyway? And to what extent can this be brought? Guess the folk tale. There are so many miracles that don’t happen in them! What many great feats will the beloved Kazkov heroes not attempt, what many invisible servants will not execute the orders of the invisible servants, what many riddles will they unravel! But all these miracles have their own power, their merit, their intelligence and intelligence. And the Alyosha axis, having cut off its charming hemp seed, essentially for nothing: for one small good deed. Then, as soon as you become a prostitute with him, give him a miraculous gift! How Shvidko turned into a leader, praise and reward! And how easily, without even thinking, “just like that,” in order to avoid punishment, the little one, having saved the whole underground people and his friend - the minister...
This is a good, very wise and wise fairy tale. She doesn’t tell so much about the charms of the right, about miracles, how much she urges us to look into our hearts, into our thoughts and think about ourselves, about those who we are, who we are. They are not the people we say we are, and not the people we would like to be, but who we really are, the people we respect today.
And it also makes us think about the beautiful works of literature created by an entire people, either intelligent, subtly sensitive and deeply thoughtful writers. І a fairy tale by Antony Pogorelsky - from among these works. It is not for nothing that the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy loved and valued so highly the tale about little Alyosha and the Black Chicken. We put this enchanting story for children in charge of the bilins, folk tales and Pushkin's verses for the strength of the flow, for the wisdom contained in it.
M. Babaeva

Audio tales of Black Kurk and the underground inhabitants of the world by Anthony Pogorelsky. You can listen to the kazka online or enjoy it. The audiobook “The Black Kurka and the Underground Inhabitants” is presented in mp3 format.

Black Kurka or underground inhabitants, place:

Audio tales of the Black Kurk and the underground inhabitants - a story about a ten-year enrollment in one of the St. Petersburg boarding houses. Boy Alyosha was warm and smart, but his relatives were gone, and even they lived far away from the Pivnichny capital! That's why he's gravy with chickens.

A black trigger was most fitting for you. As if once again, they twisted the kitchen knife, after which Chernushka came to the new one, promising to show something more marvelous. The stench wafted through the whole world, after which the chicken asked not to tell anyone anything.

The next day, Chernushka called him again, and the stench spread to the underground inhabitants, and the de Aloshis presented hemp grain. As a result of this gift, the boy had a miracle of creation - having already learned some lesson, he wasted absolutely no time on his knowledge!

Alyosha became a hooligan. It is unknown what the end of our online audio fairy tale would be, as if the seed had not disappeared and it had not appeared that the boy did not know the lesson at all!

The next day, Chernushka took mercy, turned the enchanted grain, and learned everything again! The teacher of life sciences, Alyosha had the chance to hear all the news. How did this unexpected crisis end? Listen respectfully and find out everything!

Audio tales “Black Kurka”; Anthony Pogorelsky; Staging of M. Krakovskaya's tale; Music by M. Meerovich; Virshi K.Ibryaeva; Vikonavtsi: Author's view - Yuriy Yakovlev; Alyosha - Margarita Korabelnikova; Alosha (spіv) - Tetyana Shatilova; Teacher - Lev Durov; Kurka - Anatoly Shchukin; King - Semyon Samodur; Directed by N. Kiseleva; Chamber ensemble under A. Korneev’s church; "Melody" 1982 rik. Listen kids audio tales і audiobooks mp3 in good quality online, costless and without registering on our website.

“My soul, what a miracle is Grandma’s whale! Having read the whole story twice and in one breath, now I’m only reading Trifon Falaleych Murlikin. I step forward smoothly, with my eyes flattened, my head turning and my back arching. Pogorelsky aje Perovsky, is it wrong? »

This sheet was sent by A. S. Pushkin from Mikhailovsky in Berezny 1825 when the novella “Lafertov’s Makov” was published in the St. Petersburg magazine “New Literature” signed “Antony Pogorelsky” Initsa,” I immediately became embarrassed to talk about the young author. Vlasne the author was not so young after a century, having previously held a senior rank in St. Petersburg, having occupied a high position in the current marriage, an official “with ties”, from a noble noble family, reached the end of the 18th century.

However, Pogorelsky is a literary pseudonym. The writer spent an hour checking his notebook - the villages of Pogorils in Chernihiv region. There he wrote his beautiful story - the one that Pushkin was so obsessed with.

Nowadays, through the author, “Laffert’s Poppy” is read with the same satisfactions and desires that made the current success, the public and critics talk about the new writer. Fantastic, full of emptiness and sly humor, this rather fiery test of the pen and today’s reader adds its mystery, supports the pure belonging of a light, perhaps airy literary style. And the “poppy tree,” like Pogorelsky’s other works, was written in a true, without chimera, Russian language, which, it must be said, was not so common in literature at the time.

The last phrase in Pushkin’s sheet reveals to us the writer’s true nickname. Thus, Anthony Pogorelsky, the author of the famous children's fairy tale “The Black Chicken, or the Underground Dwellers,” who has melodiously lived for hundreds of years, is actually Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Perovsky (1787 - 1836). During his life and long after his death, this nickname was widely known in Tsarist Russia. They wore the caps of the noble nobleman of Catherine's time, Count Rozumovsky, and themselves occupied high positions in the order and administration. Oleksiy Perovsky also changed a number of such great settlements.

But the official Perovsky is of no interest to us. We know the writer Antony Pogorelsky, a companion and friend of Pushkin, a participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1812, the author of the miraculous fairy tale about the black chicken, who fell in love with the ten-year-old boy Alyosha and how he has been loving Alyosha for another century children both in our region and in other parts light.

And in the meantime, as if to ask Pogorelsky himself about the place in his creativity that childish fairy tale takes, he would laugh melodiously and say that he had said it just like that, in passing, in order to excite his little nephew. That's how it really was. The inspiration of his nephew Alosha - the famous poet, prose writer and playwright Oleksiy Kostyantinovich Tolstoy - the writer gave a lot of time and creative energy, leafed through him, taking him with him on foreign roads and visiting him at the same time in the great German poet Goethe.

Perovsky himself in his youth grew up with extraordinary interests in science, literature and language. In two years, he completed a university course and became a doctor of philosophy and literature in twenty years. For students at the doctoral level, it was necessary to read three trial lectures prior to the status in order to qualify for the award. Oleksiy Perovsky having read them - in three languages. His lectures on the natural sciences, which he burst into, were then seen like a book!

Perovsky having earned, as they said, his career will shine. However, having risen from service meetings, he immediately became involved in literature - translating, writing stories, and becoming a member of the Free Association of Lovers of Russian Literature. I axis to the cob 1829 the fate of a little child’s book to be published. You might think that this is the author, who was written in the spirit of a feisty mood, “a charming story for children” will become one of the most famous fairy tales, and his literary pseudonym will be lost in history itself.” Black chicken"?!

This happened to Prote herself. The generals and officials of the Perovskys have long been forgotten, the small collection of “mature” works by Antony Pogorelsky is read mainly by literary historians. And “Black Kurka” has been alive for a hundred years! For this reason, performances have been staged, films have been made, works of art are illustrated by beautiful artists, and children of rich countries read them. Following Alyosha Tolstoy, we are happy and weary, we feel the bitter rubbish and the smell, rising through the enchanting kingdom of little people who live under the ground. And everything is written so brightly, so lively and destructively, that it doesn’t matter to us at all if these tales were created.

Oleksiy Oleksiyovich Perovsky was a human being with a miraculously alive spirit and a sense of humor in a miracle. There were legends about his hot pranks. However, when she started talking about serious speeches, the person was not intelligent or meaningful. Now, hearing this, it would seem like a simple story about the miracles that happened with little Alyosha, and we would think more than once and ask ourselves “why.”

And first for everything - why do we think this story is absolutely truthful, absolutely real, full of Kazkov’s wisdom? Especially because she is a talented person over there. Why so much? And what’s more important, what is important in life for all people?

And what is the most important thing in life? Hiba vono is lying in the smart place at the moment “to catch your luck”, it seems like it’s just for you with the brown furnishings, what happened to little Alyosha? That’s why, on the right, if the boys had the chance to want something, their fear would immediately come true, but they couldn’t think about it and asked for the same thing they wanted in their place, perhaps, without any effort and trouble , without worrying about anything, become famous for being brightly intelligent and talented.

If it happens, let’s tell it anyway? And to what extent can this be brought? Guess the folk tale. There are so many miracles that don’t happen in them! What many great feats will the beloved Kazkov heroes not attempt, what many invisible servants will not execute the orders of the invisible servants, what many riddles will they unravel! But all these miracles have their own power, their merit, their intelligence and intelligence. And the Alyosha axis, having cut off its charming hemp seed, essentially for nothing: for one small good deed. Then, as soon as you become a prostitute with him, give him a miraculous gift! How Shvidko turned into a leader, praise and reward! And how easily, without even thinking, “just like that,” in order to avoid punishment, the little one, having saved the whole underground people and his friend - the minister...

This is a good, very wise and wise fairy tale. She doesn’t tell so much about the charms of the right, about miracles, how much she urges us to look into our hearts, into our thoughts and think about ourselves, about those who we are, who we are. They are not the people we say we are, and not the people we would like to be, but who we really are, the people we respect today.

And it also makes us think about the beautiful works of literature created by an entire people, either intelligent, subtly sensitive and deeply thoughtful writers. І a fairy tale by Antony Pogorelsky - from among these works. It is not for nothing that the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy loved and valued so highly the tale about little Alyosha and the Black Chicken. We put this enchanting story for children in charge of the bilins, folk tales and Pushkin's verses for the strength of the flow, for the wisdom contained in it.

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