Why the tablet does not rotate the screen. The screen on the iPad does not turn: why is it so robust

If the screen rotation is not performed, the functions or the programs at the extension cannot be reversed. Ale persh lower bіgti to maistra abo in service center rather try to reconsider or diagnose problems yourself. Let me remind you that we are not picking up and picking up a device. To that, you can not worry about the loss of the guarantee. However, before we start, let's find out more about the function of turning the screen and the principle of yoga robots.

Also, for the correct automatic rotation of the screen on the tablet, a special sensor is installed, it will work with attachments. Vіn vyznaє the position of the gadget in the space and visibly change the position of the image on the monitor. For example, if you turn the tablet sideways, the picture on the screen turns over at once with it, so that you can see everything that you see. For example, it’s more convenient: you can marvel at yoga on the whole screen, I’ll add it. I realized that problems with getting out of tune with such a function can cause a lot of inaccuracies.

How to fix and increase auto-rotate?


So, if you still don’t have auto-rotate the screen, then we’ll try the following methods. For whatever reason, you missed the front block, turn around to the new one and change, so auto-rotate is enabled. Only then can such operations be carried out. Let's get started:

Replacement for warranty

The topic is about repair and maintenance for a guarantee. There are a lot of quiet buyers, like no more like a rіk to that vіd dat the brunch. This hour you can change in the fallow period according to the warranty term, which is expected by the picker. Ale zdebіshhogo vin to become one rіk. Varto signify that such a guarantee is extended only to a factory hat. Tobto, if you navmisno or vaguely missed the tablet, wet it and so on, then you can’t afford attachments within the framework of the warranty service. However, if you have added some additional service to the store, you can go back there. Obviously, report back the document that was given to you, and only then go to the seller, so that you could not be fooled and sent to the paid center.

Yakshcho vydbali pristriy less fate, it is possible, varto bring yogo to the service center

P_vedemo p_bags

Friends, today we have tried to fix the problem of auto-rotate the screen on an Android tablet and figured out how to enable and adjust the manual function. Let’s hope that you’ve been able to fix the problems in the distance, and you’ll renew yourselves in full with your outhouse. Hopefully, if you want to solve the problem, you can’t help it, you should go back to a specialized service center or ask the master to repair it. Be aware that in some cases you can claim for warranty service. Tell me in the comments, which method helped you fix the situation with the impractical auto-rotation of the screen, and you had to go to the factory to replace the defective sensor.

Tim, who has such unacceptability of vinyl, as if the screen on the tablet does not turn, it will be corny. Even the rotation function (orientation will be attached) is put on the orientation sensor, which your Android tablets. With an active rotation, the picture in the device looks like that of another station, depending on how you hold it in your hands. Let's try to figure out if it's a little bit of work, it's not possible to auto-rotate the screen on the tablet.

If you don’t use the screen rotation on the tablet, first of all, you are responsible to go to the setup menu on your extension or phone. Іsnuє kіlka variantіv scho allow tse realіzuvat. I will build the brand of the initial value.

How to flip the screen on a tablet?

For which you need to click on Menu and go to the item Customize.

Then, in the "Pristry" tab, you need to know the "Display" item. There, activate the "Auto-rotate screen" item by ticking the box. I created it before, so that the rotation of the picture itself corrected the misunderstanding.

In my opinion, I need to put a tick in another area, and myself in special abilities:


Zustrichayutsya such programs, yakі not in zmozі keruvati position of the screen. So, some outbuildings are equipped with a camera, so when the mode is active, you can turn it off in landscape orientation. Іsnuyut and such programs, the work of which is possible only in book orientation. At that moment, if you turn your tablet, the picture will not change position. If the program is closed, your device will activate the standard image mode.

Buvaє so that you can see all the directions, the rotation of the display, like before, cannot change the position itself. How to turn on auto-rotate on a tablet in such a way?

Better for everything and the reason lies in the sensors. In such a situation, it is best to see a service center, so that they can find out how you should be blamed to fix this defect.

On the tablet you can write a lot of different tasks. Basically, zvichayno, rozvaga, ale and popratsyuvati tezh іnоdі corisno. Axis, for example, I'm typing this article on a tablet computer.

Comfort at vikonannі be-yakah zavdan one of the most important factors that signifies the vikonannі work that term. One of such functions that makes working on a tablet comfortable is automatic screen rotation.

For an hour, you want to talk about this function, we’ll talk about it in this article.

Why do I turn on auto-rotate on my tablet?

Honestly, it seems like one of the first events, as I will spend on a new tablet computer - the auto-rotate function of the screen is turned on. Why? The one that I love to practice and play on the tablet lying down. And in this position, my android tablet is not able to properly flip the screen. Still lying on the back, the coup is more or less correct, but it’s still possible to roll over on the back.

I don't care about auto-rotation of the screen. It's easier to turn off and ring to one screen position, horizontal or vertical.

Now that we have set the goals for that task, let's get down to turning on the auto-rotate function.
For whom go to the menu "Nalashtuvannya" and press on the point "Special Opportunities".

Shukaєmo check the box next to write "Auto rotate screen" and tidy up її, or we put everything to lie down in the delivered mark.

Everything is ready, but everything is told.

There is one more way to turn off the auto-rotation of the screen, which is easier for the front. For whom it is necessary to go to the special menu.

The outline of the red icon is indicated for the increase in the function of turning the screen of the tablet.

But still not everything, there is even more a simple way to turn on or turn off the auto-rotate screen - this widget will be called "Energy saving". Itself in the functions of this widget and є shvidka the button is turned on and the auto-rotation of the android tablet is turned on.

Bagato who singsongly energized - why is energy saving here? I confirm: the auto-port button of the screen turns on not only the program part of the operation, but also the sensor of the initial position of the tablet. The sensor itself saves a significant part of the energy of our battery. So, by turning on the automatic screen rotation on the tablet, you will spend an hour of yoga work without recharging.

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Koristuvachі sounded that if you turn the iPad itself upside down, the screen can also be turned upside down. It’s more convenient and allows you to tweak the gadget, perebuvayuchi in any situation. But often the function of turning the screen ceases to work normally, which causes a lot of imperfections.

Based on this material, you know about the causes of such inaccuracies with the iPad, as well as ways to change the screen orientation on tablets like Apple.

The main reasons why the screen does not flip on the iPad

1 In the settings of the gadget, this option is disabled. It doesn't matter whether the vipadkovo tse was broken up or on purpose, but stop spratsovuvati coup. Therefore, in case of a guilty problem, it is necessary for us to look in the menu for fixing. And for whom it is necessary to swipe, starting from the lower border of the display all the way to the top. 2 Turned off the jumper on the panel. If you have an iPad of generation 3 or 4, on the body of your device there is a switch. Vіn razdashovaniya sideways, z right side apparatus, troch is higher than the buttons for adjusting the loudness of the sound. It is important to note that, as a change of lashings, you can change the display rotation or make the sound sound. Therefore, if you find problems with the screen wraps on the iPad, try changing the position of that element. For whom it is necessary to simply turn the yogo in the next direction. Flipping the element allows you to activate the flipping of the display. 3 The gadget freezes or is faulty. Everything that was described above was clearly victorious, and the iPad display still does not rotate, apparently, the software freezes. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to revantagize the device. For this, click on the on button and do not let it go until the iPad off button appears. After the wicked turn off the gadget and renew it. Sometimes such a simple operation eliminates all problems.

After that, the control point will appear. Here you can indulge yourself important functions you can activate or become vimknut be-yaku from them. Navit here you will find the deactivation button for turning the display. Vaughn is depicted at the sight of a castle with a round arrow. As the function is disabled, the button glows with a red color. To activate the option, simply click on this button. The image will turn to Syria, and the rotation of the display will work in normal mode.

It is also worth noting that the distribution of the gadget control is composed of 2 screens marked with dots. We need to fix it up in the first place. Umkneniy tablet needs to be installed by yourself at whom you distribute it.

If you don't mind if you change this element by turning the display on the iPad, you can change it to mute the sound. Therefore, I can go to the main settings of the gadget and find the switcher block on the side of the panel. Here you can deactivate sound tuning.

However, if you want to use more methods, you can’t do it, and the turn doesn’t work, it’s possible, there may be a serious breakdown of the iPad itself. Here it’s more than enough to help me to repair the main. Dosvіdcheny meister is obliged to carry out diagnostics, repair the case again, and then praise the decision about the repair, or else replace any element.

At home minds, it is not recommended to pick up a device. Only in the vinyatkovyh slopes, if the breakdown is not serious, but you can see it on such right. Keep in mind that all the details of the gadget are also tenditn, and be careless, it can lead to breakage. Just don't fix the problem, or you can damage the iPad, which would be expensive to repair.

Also guess what the case of the iPad is - on the right is a larger cuff, lower on the iPhone. You will need special attachments, and the mother will also have a chance to heat the device on the right. So it’s better not to risk and bring an accessory to a professional.

Rotate the screen to the iPad: blocking

Let's take a look and wrap the situation, if the rotation function needs to be turned off, and not unblocked. I need to discuss the situation from the old iPad models(3 and 4). A lot of back files are actively backed by iPad 3 or 4 versions, so the food for them is relevant. Often such problems are blamed on Vlasnik's versions of the min.

It is very significant that the process in old gadgets is somewhat foldable, lower in the iPad, which works on the “operational” 7.

So, how to block the screen rotation and disable the rotation function? What is the job of such a situation?

Deyakі koristuvachі, having added an old tablet like Apple's old version (2,3,4), try to twist yoga in different sides, so that the display is thrown over. But with their actions they do not reach the result. It appears that the button for unlocking the display of the iPad 2 is stashed on the rich task panel (near the bottom dock). To gain access to it, it is necessary to double-click on “Home” or zastosuvat gesture chotirma with your fingers uphill. After opening the dock, you need to wave the icons on the left side of the right hand.

After you have named everything, you can spend it at the additional distribution, de and know the button under the name of blocking the orientation of the iPad. According to them, it is necessary to click, after which the picture from the castle disappeared in the dots and on the status bar. Now the screen is turning around. And there are buttons of a red color, ruffled at the bottom of the zlіva, tse KillBackground.

If you do not show the blocking button at the additional distribution, instead of it there may be a button for turning on sounds. In a similar situation, it is necessary to do so. First, change the switcher on the iPad case. An icon will appear on the screen above the buttons to indicate that the orientation has been unlocked. I have again reached the activation of the function of turning the display on the iPad.

Respect what the speaker is, what you know on the side, you can change it, and don’t hesitate to have a different menu. It is necessary to remove that vibrating element in the main adjustment. There you can set the value of blocking the orientation or mute the sound. Fallen in your files, the button of the additional bottom dock will change. With two screens, you can easily turn on the option to rotate the display, and turn off the function of flipping the screen. In the rest of the fall, the screen will stop responding to changes in the position of the device itself.

It is now possible to rotate the screen of the iPad to iOS 7

As soon as you do a good job updating the firmware of your iPad to the “operator” version 7, it will be easier to get to the control buttons for the display wrappers. Now the stench is spreading keruvannya at the menu. Applies to the iPad Air tablet model.

And the panel is named, at its own edge, at the very bottom of the screen. It's necessary to swipe from the bottom, burn down, and I'll show up. Here you can easily find the blocking button for turning the iPad display. In a situation where the screen does not rotate, which element needs to be activated. The new device will now be better practiced, and the screen will exactly repeat the ruhi of the gadget itself.

If such an element does not appear in the distribution, read the instructions carefully again. There it is explained how to fix it in a similar situation on the iPad, how to enable the option to rotate the screen.

iPad won't flip screen: visnovok

Need to say that the iPhone also has an option to block the display. Ale, on the face of the iPad, the owners of mobile gadgets are more likely to stick with broken functions. Although, apparently, there are some reasons why the tablet owners need this function more often.

For some unknown reason, but often on the iPad, the display turns upside down. If you want to rob everything correctly, click on the necessary button and activate the flip option. Ale, the screen still does not react. In such a situation, the system is overwhelmed by the re-advancement of the system - otherwise the problem is solved. In the latter case, you can reflash the device and again erase all the extra patches. The third one is a little more service, which turns the accelerometer of the gadget to life.

In a twisted situation, if nothing helps, you can try to speed up the section "Physiology and motor skills" with the name AssistiveTouch. When you see it, a virtual button will appear on the display. By clicking on it, you can click on the option to change the display orientation. In this way, the koristuvach can change the position of the screen in the primus order.

Now you know all the ways to turn the screen on the iPad. We also believe that the article helped you figure out the main reasons why the iPad does not flip the display. Improving the function of turning the screen on tablets like Apple, as you could, is not easy on the right. But all the same, you can fix the iPad screen, turn it on like blocking or turning on, you can. And do not forget that auto-rotation of the screen is a fundamental function.