Shkіdlive PZ (malware). Various types of unsafe software

Often the cobs and the middle-aged ones need to kill one meal, they call it either a bad software virus or a Trojan, and that’s how it’s correct to call them the most bad software. The difference between these concepts is the same.

There are different types of harmful programs and, obviously, methods to protect and combat them. If you use incorrect terminology, there is a great likelihood that you will first get rid of cheap programs, having tried many unnecessary solutions. For example, rootkits are seriously affected by major viruses and, often, to clean the computer from them, it is not enough to remove antivirus software.

This article will provide short explanations of the most common types of wasteful programs, as well as instructions on how to combat them.

Carnage of types of unprofitable software

Bad software (Malware)

Malware - that's the shortened name of a cheap piece of software. This term is used in situations where it is necessary to combine a group of different troublesome programs. If you are familiar with such a term, then you know that we are talking about several types of unprofitable programs. For example, with an antivirus, this term often refers to the availability of features to combat viruses, malware, Trojans and other nasty programs.


Initially, the term “virus” is used to name programs that create themselves, which expand by inserting a copy of themselves into other programs or documents. Some viruses spread all over the world by simply creating a copy of files, but this method of self-creation will quickly stop vikorizing, and the remains of such viruses will be easy to detect. The term itself resembles a similar concept in biology. Viruses infect cells and create copies of them. Computer viruses were one of the first harmful programs. Nowadays, viruses can rarely be eliminated, and the remnants of the greater stench have come from other types of nasty programs, such as worms and Trojans. Regardless of the fact that the term virus denotes strictly one type of program, it is often used to refer to any kind of malicious programs, even if it is incorrect.

You can use programs to fight viruses by looking at the free antivirus programs.

Worm (Worm or NetWorm)

Technically, there is a difference between viruses and worms, but often the term worm is replaced by the term virus. First of all, the worm survives in the virus because it must contain not only all the necessary code for its extension, but also its own transport for other useless programs. For example, a worm can include and activate a Trojan program after infecting a computer. In another way, to expand the can of worms, use a network (local, Internet). In other words, when it comes to viruses, the only thing that infects viruses is not files and documents, but computers (sometimes peripheral devices). Some of the most well-known epidemics have been the source of worms.

Most often, to combat malware, it is best to use anti-virus solutions together with inter-wall screens (firewalls, firewalls).

Troyan and Trojan horse (Trojan)

The term “Trojan horse” (often shortened to a simple “Trojan”) is used to describe cheap programs that seem to be good programs, but in reality they are not. This type of cheap software takes its name from the tricks that the Greeks fought against the Trojans in Homer’s Iliad. The main problem with programs lies in the fact that they may not only be seen as a bad program, but in reality give bad functions as a cover for destructive actions. For example, it’s easy to add your code to good programs. Another concern is that Trojans can be caught in the military system no matter how mischievous they are. From a technical point of view, the Trojans do not engage in their expansion with powerful forces. They are often eaten with mercury mushrooms to increase infection, or they are added to good programs, after which they are placed in a public mercury for downloading.

Due to the fact that, unlike viruses and other Trojan programs, Trojan programs can hide the code to capture their actions, then to combat them, not only antivirus programs, but Trojan program scanners are used.

Key logger

A special type of Trojan that records all keyboard keystrokes and/or mouse inputs on your computer. In addition, all information is collected or stored locally so that criminal intelligence can easily retrieve it, or it is transmitted via a network or the Internet. Make sure your keyboard locker is used to steal passwords. In some situations, this is the same for theft of special information.

To combat keyboard spyware, you will need to use not only antivirus and Trojan scanners, but also secure on-screen keyboards, but also programs for removing advertising and spyware.

Advertising bookmarks (Adware)

Advertising bookmarks or Adware add this type of program. We can be both kind and carefree, but also generous. A good option is to install cost-free programs, which also install the necessary code for further viewing of advertising. Until the singing peace, barter continues. You get functionality without any costs, but at the same time you end up watching advertisements where the software developer takes away income. However, among Adware there are also some nasty programs that, without your knowledge, forward your personal information to advertisers or insert ad units into other programs, for example, into browsers.


Shpigunsky programs are a rather vague term. Initially, they are mainly installed before advertising bookmarks (Adware). It's no less true that today's representatives of spyware programs are rarely considered to be Trojan programs. Its main purpose comes from its name - to monitor your actions, collect data and give them to anyone, without your knowledge.

To combat spyware, use antivirus software, Trojan scanners, and programs to remove adware and spyware. In some situations, they can also be detected using inter-wall screens (firewalls). For example, for the evidence of surprising and moderate activity.


A rootkit is a popular type of software that is built into the kernel of the operating system. The main disadvantage of rootkits is that, having penetrated into the system kernel, rootkits can penetrate any actions and easily bypass any security systems, and even for their access they need to have access to security features. In addition, rootkits allow you to intercept other unprofitable programs. Ask them to stand up for remote control of the computer.

Through those that rootkits are located on the preferred level, it is important to identify and protect them. Most versions of the original antivirus will not be able to remove infections from your computer, so you need to install special programs to remove rootkits. Also, if you suspect that you are infected with a rootkit, then it is best to use LiveCDs or disks to update the system, since in this case it will be easier for the rootkit to gain its presence.

Zombie computer

Programs for creating zombies from your computer are designed to transfer code to the computer, which, like a logical bomb, will be activated for the singing minds (meaning, we are talking about remote access - command reinforcement). When a computer is infected, Trojan programs are most likely to appear. Bombed computers are used to send spam, carry out DDoS attacks (the attack is distributed in the serviced area), cheat doctors and do other nasty things, without the knowledge of the authority.

As has already been said, programs for bombing your computer often turn out to be Trojan programs, so to detect them, you should install antiviruses and Trojan scanners. In isolated cases, zombie programs become infected with the help of rootkits (or even with some of the rootkits themselves), so if they have revealed unusual activity, then we will not be able to check the system for the presence of rootkits.


Often, zombie computers are organized into a network called a botnet. Such a network has some computers with a relay for transmitting commands from the remote computer of the attacker to all the bombed nodes. This makes it easy for evil-doers to attack botnets in ways that exist in tens and hundreds of thousands. As a rule, such networks are used to facilitate unsafe activities on the Internet, without the knowledge of infected computers.

The fight against botnet barriers often involves search relays and their non-encoded methods (blocking Internet access by providers, filtering on border devices, etc.).

We will forgive you for downloading unwanted programs (Drive-by-Download)

This type of junk software is used by many browsers and forms the website's HTML code in such a way that simply by viewing it, it will start automatically installing other junk software on your computer. Often such attraction occurs in the dark without the knowledge of the client. Infection with such programs is possible in these cases, if standard browsers allow the installation of various components and extensions for websites. For example, since IE allows the installation of ActiveX elements without installation, then one visit to the site or simply opening the HTML page will be enough to infect the computer.

To combat such viruses, use antiviruses that allow you to scan files that scan in real time (including the html code of web pages), cross-border screens (firewalls), as well as various programs for installing secure browser settings And, actions from which are possible find out in the overview of utilities for computer tuning

Lyakayuchi or extortion (Scareware and Ransomware)

Unusual or unprofitable programs that run mainly rely on psychological influx (fear, threats, etc.) and try to transfer money or press on the message, which will result in the installation of a Trojan or other unprofitable ​​program Technically, often such vikorist programs operate beyond the permitted security functions of the system, so security authorities simply do not respect them. And if they have dubious functions, then even primitive equals.

Most often, for them, a simple antivirus is needed. Since such a vikory program only provides harmless functions, then, unfortunately, you will often have to deal with their functions manually.

Welcome indicators

The selected indicators are used to collect information about you or your computer. In the case of spyware, most often they use different methods. For example, inserting a clear image measuring 1 by 1 pixel on the side or into an electronic sheet. The point in this case lies in the fact that when downloading data from an external server, not only the hour and date of downloading are recorded on it, but also all the information that can only be retrieved, such as your IP address and version Browser. On the one hand, it’s important to call this type of person unkind. On the other hand, without your knowledge, your data is collected on a third-party server, often public.

Since, in general, the chosen indicators are based on unauthorized methods and, moreover, collect illegally accessible data, then with great confidence they cannot be detected due to security. Tim, knowing about this type, will allow you to think about the amazing elements that have been revealed.

Final words about free programs

As you know, depending on the type of harmful programs, you can change not only the list of security features, but also how to deal with them yourself. Therefore, be careful to use correct terminology so as to allow you and other people to save time and energy.

Note: Perhaps, now you have become a little clearer about why technical fakes, when they hear the word “virus”, begin to put indifferent “wonderful” food.

A virus is commonly understood as a type of malware that copies itself. This will help infect other files (similar to viruses in real life, which infect biological cells through the method of replication).

With this virus, you can perform a large number of different actions: deny access to the computer in the background, steal the password and make it so that the computer freezes (the RAM is filled up and the CPU is used by various processes).

However, the main function of a malware virus is its ability to reproduce. When it is activated, it becomes infected with programs on the computer.

When you run the software on another computer, the virus then infects the files, for example, a flash drive from an infected PC is inserted into a healthy one, which will immediately transmit the virus to it.


The behavior of the hrobak predicts the behavior of the virus. Wider people have less dynamism. If a virus infects programs that a person runs (if the programs are not installed on an infected computer, the virus will not penetrate there), the expansion of the worm is detected through additional computer connections, with a special initiative.

For example, Blaster has quickly become ubiquitous in Windows XP, since this operating system was not supported by a reliable web services protector.

In this manner, the vikorist worm gained access to the OS via the Internet.

After this, the malware is transferred to a new infected machine in order to continue to multiply.

You rarely get these worms, which is why today's Windows has a clear protection: the firewall is victorious behind the scenes.

However, the worms may be able to spread through other methods - for example, through an electronic mail screen, infecting a computer and enforcing physical copies of everyone in the contact list.

Worms and viruses work independently of other unsafe actions when infecting a computer. The smut, which gives the malware signs of trouble, is a method of expanding its copies.


Trojan programs are commonly understood as a type of malware that appears to be the original files.

If you launch a “Trojan horse”, you will still need to use the background utility at the same time. In this way, Trojan attackers can deny access to their victim’s computer.

Trojans also allow you to monitor activity on a computer by connecting the computer from a bot network. Trojans are used to open gateways and attract various types of free add-ons to your computer.

Let's look at the main important points.

¹ The malware appears in the form of small programs, and when launched, it functions in the background, allowing access to a powerful computer. You can compare with the Trojan horse, which became the main character in Homer’s work.

² This scammer does not copy files to itself in different places and is not created before independent distribution on the Internet, like viruses and viruses.

³ Pirated software may be infected with a Trojan.


Spyware is another type of cheap software. In simple words, this program is a scam.

This will help you collect information. Various types of malware often carry Spyware.

In this way, there is theft of financial information, for example.

Spyware often uses completely free software and collects information about browsing the Internet, accessing files, and so on.

Retailers of software security make money by selling powerful knowledge.


Adware can be partnered with Spyware.

We are talking about some type of software for displaying advertising messages on a computer.

It is also often the case that Adware inserts additional advertising on sites that you can watch every hour of the day. This situation is difficult to suspect.


Keylogger is a useless utility.

It runs in the background and records all button presses. This information may include passwords, customer names, credit card details and other confidential information.

A keylogger, most likely, saves the typing of keys on its server, where they are analyzed by a person or a special security program.


A botnet is a large computer network controlled by a robber.

In this case, the computer acts as a “bot”, as well as an infection device for singing malware.

If the computer is infected by a “bot”, it contacts some kind of control server and checks the instructions from the vendor’s botnet.

For example, security bots have been known to create DDoS attacks. All computers in the bot network can be used to attack the singing server and website with different requests.

These parts of the request can lead to the server going out of order.

Botnet distributors sell access to the official bot boundary. Shahrai can use great bot-measures to implement their own ideas.


Under a rootkit, it is common to use a nasty security program that is found on the back of a personal computer.

Used in a variety of ways for security and safety programs.

For example, the rootkit installs itself before Windows starts and edits the system functionality of the operating system.

A rootkit can be disguised. Mostly, what turns a nasty utility into a rootkit is located in the “core” of the operating system.

Baneri zdirniki

You are trying to find the cheapest software products available.

It seems that a number of people flocked to this type of evildoers.

In this manner, the computer or other files will appear in the hands. You will need to pay a ransom for them.

The most popular variety is porn - banners, which allow you to send money and enter a code. You can become a victim of software security not only by visiting porn sites.

This is a bad security program for CryptoLocker.

It literally encrypts certain objects and charges a fee for access to them. This variety of sinews is the most dangerous.


Phishing (English phishing, also known as fishing - fishing, visualization - a type of Internet scam, which is a method of denying access to confidential data of clients - logins and passwords.

This is achieved by carrying out mass distributions of electronic sheets in the name of popular brands, as well as special information in the middle of various services, for example in the name of banks or in the middle of social networks. hem.

After the buyer uses a variety of psychological techniques to get the buyer to enter his details, login password, and password for accessing the site on the detailed page, this makes it possible Shareholders are denied access to accounts and bank accounts.


Spam (English: spam) is the mailing of commercial and other advertising to persons who have not received any notice.

The commonly accepted term “spam” in the Russian language has become widely accepted for the first time in the distribution of electronic mailing lists.

Not requested information in meeting communication systems (for example, ICQ) is called SPIM (English) Russian. (English: Spam over IM).

The proportion of spam in light mail traffic will increase from 60% to 80% (taken from Wikipedia).


It is also possible that the most “popular” types of harmful programs are viruses.

I hope you can minimize your concerns with them, and you won’t worry about how to steal your computer and you can read your personal data in .


Why is antivirus software called that? Perhaps because a large number of people have been infected, “virus” is a synonym for useless software.

Antiviruses, apparently, protect not only viruses, but also other unnecessary programs, and also for prevention – prevention of infection. That's all for now, please respect one of the main warehouses for the protection of your computer.

Here is a video of 10 common computer viruses.

ISNUT class programs, yaki bili spaces written in the meta of Dani on someone else's comp-comp-comp-compirathy, vicrannya alien izhormatsya, non-organizational vicoristani resource Toshcho, and the authorities of the power of the authorities were talked to be reasons. Such programs are known to be unprofitable and are definitely called unprofitable.

A bad program is a program that causes damage to the computer that runs other computers around you.

2.1 Viruses

Term "computer virus" Appearing later, the official author of this article is a scientist at Lehigh University (USA), F. Cohen, born in 1984 at the same conference on information security. The main reason for a computer virus is its ability to reproduce itself.

Computer virus- This is a program designed to create your own duplicates (not necessarily avoid the original) and transfer them to the calculation system and/or files, system areas of the computer and other objects that are being compiled. In this case, the duplicates preserve the originality until further development.

The mental life cycle of any computer virus can be divided into five stages:

    Penetrating into someone else's computer


    Search for objects for infection

    Preparing copies

    Vikoristannya copies

The routes through which the virus can penetrate include mobile devices and wireless connections, all channels through which a file can be copied. However, in contrast to viruses, viruses do not interfere with boundary resources - infection with a virus is more likely only if the virus itself has been activated. For example, by copying or deleting a file by sending infections and by running it or simply opening it.

After penetration, activation of the virus follows. There are a number of ways, and according to the same method, viruses are divided into many types. The classification of viruses is presented in Table 1:

Table 1- Types of computer viruses



Vandalized viruses

infect important sectors of hard drives and mobile devices.

File viruses

Classic file viruses

You can use different methods to sell your files (repair your bad code or completely overwrite them), create duplicate files, create your own copies in different directories on your hard drive, or figure out the peculiarities of the organization of the file system


as they are written by my inner soul, so called macros, be it any program. Most macro viruses are important vikorist macros in the Microsoft Word text editor

Script viruses

writing scripts for the command shell - for example, bat files for DOS or VBS and JS - scripts for Windows Scripting Host (WSH)

An additional advantage of viruses compared to other harmful programs is their strict vulnerability to the operating system or software shell for which a particular virus is written. This means that the virus for Microsoft Windows is not compatible with or infects files on a computer with another operating system installed, such as Unix. So the macrovirus itself for Microsoft Word 2003 is no longer applicable in Microsoft Excel 97.

When preparing your virus copies for masking against antiviruses, you can use the following technologies:

    Encryption- sometimes a virus consists of two parts: the virus itself and the encoder.

    Metamorphism- with this method, virus copies are created by replacing certain commands with similar ones, rearranging parts of the code, inserting additional commands between them, so as not to spoil anything.

Apparently, depending on the methods used, viruses can be divided into encrypted, metamorphic and polymorphic, which are based on a combination of two types of masking.

The main goals of any computer virus are the expansion of other computer resources and the introduction of special actions for the early stages of the campaign (for example, on the 26th of each month and re-installation of the computer). Special activities are often expensive.

Of course, most computer users have been stuck with cheap software or have trouble getting into the computer. It's easy to uninstall and forget about a faulty security program. If you can’t earn anything, then you can avoid important tributes or shut up with bitter speeches. Types of computer viruses can be divided into several main groups.

See the cheap software.

Viruses are programs that penetrate into a computer through various means. It’s not for nothing that this species was given such a name - computer viruses operate similarly to biological ones. The stench penetrates the file and infects you. After this, the stench overlaps with the infection of other files. Such a file, transferred from an infected computer to a healthy computer, can infect it. Depending on the type of virus, you may experience unwanted effects, such as computer malfunction or system failures. People often use the word “virus” to refer to Trojans or worms, but this is incorrect. Viruses are one of the types of malicious software, such as Trojans, worms, etc.

Trojans are programs that do not reproduce due to viruses. The principle of their work is this: masking the file and vichikuvannya to the moment of brutalization of the koristuvach to the next. Once the infected file is open, the Trojan begins its work. Most often, Trojans play the role of collecting personal information, changing and deleting data from an infected PC.

Chrobaks are programs similar to viruses. However, the difference is that the virus is responsible for infiltrating the file in order to start working, and the worm does not require any work. They can reproduce independently, thereby characterizing the koristuvach system. The creamy robot of the hrobak can be straightened to the hem. Often such worms disrupt the mass distribution of their copies by electronic mail. Vony is being tested as a password finder for an evil e-mail to an infected PC.

Snipers are programs, as the name suggests, that collect information about the customer’s computer: configurations, activities and other confidential data.

Keyloggers are programs that record skin pressure on the keyboard. Used to collect information and steal victim's passwords.

Ransomware (blockers) are programs that attack the client’s PC with a banner containing information about those who have blocked the computer. Such blockers allow you to send a message to the previous number in order to remove the code for unblocking. As a rule, you won't find the required codes.

Zombies are the result of a computer being infected with a nasty program. As a rule, hackers create mass bombing of computers for attacks (DDOS, spam).

Foreign approaches and ways to fight viruses.

In fact, the list of these programs is much larger, so even those that are likely to be expanded are overconsidered. All of them can harm your computer and customer data in different countries. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow these simple rules:

Installation of a clear antivirus protection. In short, it will not be a simple antivirus, but a comprehensive protection for the antivirus, firewall, anti-spyware, firewall, backup copies, etc.

Gradually scan your PC. If you want to run scans on your own, you can configure your antivirus to scan one by one. The optimal scanning frequency would be 1 time per two times.

Respect. It is not possible to download suspicious files sent by email, follow unknown messages, install programs, download from unknown devices. Please remember that poor software can be “downloaded” not only from the Internet, but also, perhaps, from a flash drive.

Updated. Updates to the system and software can be released not only through optimization, but also to improve protection. It is therefore recommended to install all updates to update the operating system, browser, mail client and other programs.

Good afternoon friends. In this article, I hope to end up with such complex ones as cheap programs. Most of the time, there is no particular difference between a computer virus, a Trojan horse, a computer worm or a malicious program. I’ll say right away that a bad program is an obscure term. Which includes all cash deposits and more. To look at them all, you need not just one article, but a whole range of articles. Having already looked at some of the articles on this topic, I will only have a chance to look at some of them.

I, like many other authors, also sometimes call a program a virus, which is actually a harmful software. Some of the koristuvachs I openly point out about this. It’s not right for me to contact you through this, I’m paying this for a handy and intelligent contribution to the material.

At the end of the day, material is often laid out in a similar manner, only the term “Virus”, which is familiar to us, is used, but “Malware”, which can be translated as “Evil PZ”. In the same way, we will look at not only the disgraceful programs, but also the disposable activities of evildoers. Let's return to those statistics.

Free computer programs, what are they

With this free program you can understand the software, the essence of which is to gain malicious access to the computer and the data that is stored on it. Also, the sense of similar programs under the influence of this EOM or this authority appears to be the destruction of the computer’s work, the destruction of the PC’s mainline, the theft of data, theft of this computer as a transshipment base for attacks on other computers (DDoS attacks) and others methods of mischief.

Hey, let's take a look at the most common types of wasteful programs.