Installing windows on a flash drive via virtualbox. We backup a virtual machine from a flash drive with the Virtual Machine USB Boot program. I thank you for your respect

In this article, I would like to talk about installing Windows OS on a VirtualBox virtual machine from a flash drive. If you are using the VirtualBox program, then you will be prompted to install the operating system from the flash drive itself, if you have opened this article, then you will already be prompted.

For this operation we need an additional security program called Virtual Machine USB Boot, you can download the program from the official website by going to From the retailer's website you can download both the original version of the installation and the portable version that does not require installation. I downloaded it portable.

The program is enchanted, we unpack it and launch it.

In the program window, click Add.

At the point VM name We need to select the virtual machine that our flash drive will be used for.

My VirtualBox can accommodate 5 virtual machines, which is noticeably smaller.

I select Windows 7, so that at startup, this virtual machine will be loaded with a flash drive.

At the point Drive to add and boot, We select the flash drive we want to connect to the virtual machine.

At the information window that appears, press OK.

Select the tab that appears in the list and press on Start. Until the button is pressed start Please check that the VirualBox program is not running.

At the information window that appeared, we press OK again. After which the virtual machine starts from the flash drive, as we wanted.

The problem occurs at startup.

In versions of VirtualBox starting from 5.0, when launched with the Virtual Machine USB Boot programs, a crash is avoided FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted, This problem is due to the fact that the Virtual Machine USB Boot program does not automatically create the IDE controller in VitualBox 5 versions; without it, there is no way to connect the program to the vmdk file, which indicates connection with our flash drive.

To implement this, we need to manually create an IDE controller in VirtualBox. We go into the program, select the virtual machine with which we want to engage (I have Windows 7), then go to customization - > noses, at point media information, at the bottom, press the button with a green cross (as shown in the picture below) and select the item Add IDE controller.

We launch the new Virtual Machine USB Boot program, press Start.

Now the program runs from a flash drive without any hassle.

And as a matter of fact, the file with the vmdk extensions has successfully connected to the IDE controller.

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Being involved in system administration, I often have to use virtual machines like Oracle WM VirtualBoxі WMWare Workstation. I use VirtualBox more often through those that are simpler and easier for single launches. There is no need to import a virtual machine from a real USB flash drive, in this case, to verify a freshly purchased flash drive. one disadvantage - through the main interface of the VirtualBox program is not It is possible to download a virtual machine from a physical USB disk, if the data is deleted, the axis of this method will be in the statistics.

To import a VirtualBox virtual machine from an external USB drive, you must create USB disk clone as *.vmdk file through which connection will be made between the VirtualBox host and a physical external USB drive. Such a file will take up a few kilobytes, because Remove the data connection from the USB drive.

1. Create a file that serves as a bridge between VirtualBox and a USB drive.

To create a *.vmdk file, use the vboxmanage.exe utility to enter the standard VirtualBox warehouse, which does not require any special settings.

Now, to create such a file, you need to enter the command in the Command Row window, going to the VirtualBox directory on yours:

"C:Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename c:\temp\usb.vmdk -rawdisk \\\.\\PhysicalDrive2 -register

Here we need to expand on two parameters:

To find out the number of your current USB disk, then link the file (name your current USB HDD under the number 1 , if only one hard drive is installed), you can look at it in “Control Panel → Administration → Computer Management → Disk Management”.

Now I can no longer configure the VirtualBox host to download from a carefully created virtual disk.

2. Install the VirtualBox *.vmdk file as the original disk.

You will now need to add the usb.vmdk creations to the list of hard drives in the VirtualBox virtual media manager.

Next, go to the “Authorities” of the virtual machine (you need to import it from an external USB drive) and in the “Nossia” section, insert the additional virtual hard disk usb.vmdk into Slot"The first master of the IDE", as in the screenshot.

Done, now you can import a virtual machine from an external USB drive.

It seems that I ran BackTrack r5 on VirtualBox, but I couldn’t get anything done, because it requires a Wi-Fi Adapter, and the adapter I had on my laptop was an Ethernet one, so it’s obviously not possible to process it through it. The monitoring mode does not work for anyone.

Having crawled a bunch of sites on the Internet, I don’t know anything. Virishiv, start digging yourself. It came out of me. I’ll tell you straight away that I didn’t install AirSlax to hack other people’s WiFi connections. I needed to find out who was connecting to my limit, otherwise it was not the same.

I will describe the whole process, and myself:
1. Installing AirSlax on VirtualBox
2. Preparing a flash drive
3. Setting up the virtual machine
4 Work with USB WiFi adapter

Those who know how to install AirSlax on VirtualBox can skip this and start reading about setting up a USB WiFi adapter.

Well, that's it.

Lesson 1: Preparing a virtual machine using VirtualBox

So, before we speak, why VirtualBox and not VMWare?
There are a bunch of reasons:

1. I haven’t completely mastered VMWare, but I don’t have enough experience with VirtualBox.
2. I couldn't run AirSlax on VMWare

Let's get started.

1.1 Enter names for the virtual machine
1.2 Type Linux (Obov'yazkovo Linux)
1.3 Version, at your discretion, but I chose Linux 2.6 / 3.x 64bit (if you have a 32-bit operating system, then select 32 bit)

Now we can indicate the amount of memory for the virtual machine that is visible.

Enter such a quantity so that you have a few gigabytes left for the main operating system, optimally like this:
- with 4 GB of RAM ~ 2 GB per virtual machine;
- with 8 GB of RAM ~ 4 GB per virtual machine;
- with 16 GB of RAM ~ 8 GB per virtual machine;
- with 32 gigabytes or more, you can download up to 8.

The fragments in AirSlax contain the Porteus bootloader, installation on a real hard drive is not possible. This device breaks the Windows device.

Now, if you haven’t created a flash drive with AirSlax yet, then I described it here, and if the flash drive has already been created, then proceed to step 3

2. Preparing a flash drive

2.1 Inspiration for the original image

You can add charm to the image. Please send it to Yandex disk.
If you don’t believe me, go to the website and download the stars yourself.

2.2 Copying the desired image to a flash drive

Copy the boot and porteus folders to the flash drive. After copying the files, go to the boot folder and open the porteus-installer-windows file:

When prompted, press any key to install porteus bootloader on the bootloader. Make sure you don't install VantageWatch on your hard drive:

Now press the key again to exit the installer. The axis is all, the flash drive is ready and AirSlax is already on the flash drive.

Now I’ll explain why the flash drive itself is needed, as it was said above, Porteus bootloader can ruin your system backup, apparently, having put all the files in the iso, you won’t be able to launch airslax without installing porteus bootloader.

So, before speaking, on the hard disk for the virtual machine, select the item “Do not connect the virtual hard disk.” This is why we give up little bits every year.

Here on the Internet I know an article on how to get hold of a flash drive from a virtualbox, I can read it on its website, I don’t remember exactly.

3. Setting up a virtual machine and setting up a flash drive for VirtualBox

In order for VirtualBox to work with a flash drive, you need to write down the route to the device, all the information in the vmdk file, so you can get it.

For the building we need:

1. VBoxManager (vboxmanage.exe – located in the VirtualBOX folder)
2. DiskPart (system utility for working with disks, disk partitions)

I was unable to create the original bat file for my dad with VirtualBox, but I didn’t have the rights to create the vmdk file, the program had administrator rights, I had to work through the command row (cmd).

I will describe how to create it through the command line, but if you want to create a bat file, just copy the lines and edit a few of them to your own.

3.1 Setting up VirtualBox from a flash drive

Open cmd (as administrator name).

Enter next: cd to VirtualBox (menu: "C: Program Files Oracle VirtualBox"). Then
VboxManage.exe internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename c:\vbox\usb.vmdk -rawdisk \\.\PhysicalDrive1

I'll write the commands:
VboxManage.exe internalcommands createrawvmdk (rewrite obov'kovo);
- filename (way to save vmdk file);
- rawdisk (physical disk, flash drive) – how to find out which number, for which we need DiskPart.

Let's start working with DiskPart.
Open another cmd; this utility does not require administrator rights.

Enter diskpart, if you entered it correctly, you will see this:

Enter list disk and find the flash drive in the list. Please note that I have Disk 0 as a hard drive, and Disk 1 as a flash drive. Since Disk 1 is a flash drive, the VboxManager command will be like this:

Go back to cmd from the command you entered.

VboxManage.exe internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename path for vmdk -rawdisk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 (My type 1 is a flash drive).

Don't forget to create a folder to save the vmdk file. If everything goes well, please write
RAW host disk access VMDK filename.vmdk created successfully.

Now let's move on to setting up the virtual machine.

3.2 Connecting an external flash drive to a virtual machine

Right-click on the virtual machine -> Setup

Select “Noses” from the list left-handed. Then press the button shown in red in the picture.

Click on the "Select new disk" button and select your creation vmdk file.

Now let's move on to connecting USB WiFi to AirSlax in VirtualBox:

Go to the USB menu and press the button with the green plus and select your adapter, then press “Ok” and start.

If everything is set up correctly, you will see the blue menu, select Graphic Mode and check.

Once your work desk appears, you can start working.

Axis screenshot of AirSlax in VirtualBox:

I’m sure it’s not for nothing that I’ve put in so much time. Good luck!

This statue was created with a conscious method. The author of this article bears no responsibility for the corruption of this program.

Please install the operating system in VirtualBox via an ISO file or CD/DVD disc. Did you know that you can use a USB drive in VirtualBox? A lot of people don’t know this simply because this ability is hidden and not available through the graphical interface of the client. In fact, you will have to open a terminal (or command line) and use the VBoxManage command to access this function. Whose helper will look at the possibility of downloading (or installing an OS) from a USB device in VirtualBox.
Note: This tool runs on a Windows machine. Crocs may vary for Linux/Mac.
Note 2: This tool tells you that you already have a valuable USB drive with an operating system (most likely a Linux distribution) installed on it.

Interested in USB storage from VirtualBox

First, start Windows and connect the USB drive. Now we need the number of this valuable USB drive.
Note: Do not confuse the disk number with the letter. It stinks, though.
We can find out the disk number from the Disk Manager utility or other third-party disk management programs. Today we will be using the Windows utility. Press the “Win ​​+ R” keys and press the command “ diskmgmt.msc”, then press the “OK” button. Read about other basic commands of the “Viconati” dialog box in the statistics.

Look at the USB drive and remember its number. My USB drive displays as “Disk 7”, so the disk number is “7”.

Once you have found out the disk number, run Command Row with administrator rights. In Windows 8, you can do this by pressing the Win+X keys and selecting the required menu item.

Go to the VirtualBox installation folder and enter the following command. If you have installed VirtualBox in any other directory or another disk, then change the command to the appropriate level.

cd %programfiles%\Oracle\VirtualBox

Enter the command, replacing the "#" symbol with the actual disk number. This command creates a VMDK file on drive C, which points to a physical USB drive.

VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename C:\extdisk.vmdk -rawdisk \\.\PhysicalDrive#

After you execute the command, you will cancel the confirmation message and create a new file named “extdisk.vmdk” in the root of drive “C”.

Now open VirtualBox with administrator rights. If you don't mind, VirtualBox is not interested in USB drives.
After opening VirtualBox, create a new virtual machine as before. At the stage, if VirtualBox prompts you to add a hard disk, set the jumper to the “Add virtual hard disk” position. Click on the small end of the folder and select the file that we created. Click the “Create” button to complete the process.

You will find a new virtual machine in the list on the left side of the VirtualBox window. Just select it and click on the “Run” button located at the top menu to start downloading the USB drive. As you can see from the image below, I have successfully installed my Ubuntu live disk.

The axis and everything you need to create, and it’s really very simple. I hope that my article was useful to you. Write in the comments your tricks of working with VirtualBox, subscribe to our news and stay tuned to us.