Stalker sniper passzhennya. Stalker sniper passzhennya Stalker sniper de know military vantage

A land full of surprises and mystery. In one of the missions under the name Army luggage It is necessary to know the military vantage that is available here in the area of ​​salivary stakes. There are very few gamers who are unable to find their luggage and ask for it often, eh?

What do you need to add before packing the baggage?

First of all, you need to step up ground penetrating radar, Who will help you in search of vantage. You can get one from Makarov for 5,000 rubles. Of course, you can do without it, but otherwise you will waste more than an hour.

Search for military vantage

Well, you got the GPR and stumbled on the snowy tracks. Now you need to walk along the path until you finish the train, which has become too expensive. You need to go back and forth from the train until you break into the wrong carriage, which is behind the rails. Having cut it in the middle, turn it right-handed. Open the fireman, and you will see the military luggage, which looks like a small metal screen with a radioactive safety symbol. Vantage found!

At the end

Now you know where to know the military vantage of stalkers sigerous 2.2! Beware of radiation from both sides of the skin. Also, do not go near the electrical outlet, otherwise you will be exposed to high voltage. Good luck in your search!

After securing three military stalker camps on Cordonia, Major Dektyaryov explains that the group should be led to the Swamp location.

We take information about the crossing and the key that leads to the Swamps at the Cordona checkpoint, having searched the corpse of the military man and all the boxes that were lying at the place.

After moving to the location, we immediately immediately, visibly wounded army lieutenant Moror, told Degtyarev that the group had been attacked by bandits and captured.

We roam around the location and at the same time help the stalkers with the quest “Help the Allies” to catch the bandits. After completion, we go to the Ribalsky Khutir to the stalker Bagration and leave the city.

If you speak with him, it is clear that the main camp of bandits is located in the Mechanical Yard. Prote Bagration has preceded us, so that the approach to the base is definitely replaced and we can’t get there without a mine.

Poshuk minoshukach

After the minushkacha's appurtenances, we go to the Cordon checkpoint to the Yermaku equipment. Let's talk about Ermak and it's clear that a sensor is necessary for this folding, after which we turn to the Swamps.

The place with the sensor has been removed at the bottom-entrance compartment of the location, at the oven under the constructed salvage bridge.

We turn with the detected sensor to Ermak and after it has been released, we check for its readiness. You will have to complete the collection within three in-game years, during which time you can collect a sum of 10,000 rubles for a ready-made device.

The vikoristannaya monoshkach does not stand out from the gravity of additional actions, its presence in the backpack is sufficient. Disconnection occurs automatically when you are close to me.

Search for military vantage at the Mechanizer's yard

After successfully passing through the mine fields, all bandits at the base are killed. If the bandits are reduced, we go around the territory of the camp and search for 6 bodies of dead soldiers. To restore respect, the corpse of one of the military men lies a little to the side of the base, under the observation window.

It’s a pity that the search for the military did not give any results, so it is necessary to contact the fishing village for help before Bagration.

Search for georadar to search for military vantage

Bagration directs Major Degtyaryov to the Makarenka equipment, which is located at the pumping station.

Having learned from the technician, it is clear that there is a broken prototype that is ready for 5,000 rubles to renovate it. Once the game hour is complete, the signal about the readiness of the device is received and the georadar is collected.

Find out the military vantage of Sigerous mod 2.2 in the Swamps

The location of the Swamp can reach significant dimensions, the lack of direct guidance and boundaries of the radius detected by the georadar, inadvertently imposes its own burden on the search for vanity and will require a large number of hours. To go after the military, you need to go to the salvage warehouse, having recognized the disaster that has occurred in the lower part of the game location.

In the middle of one of the many carriages we can find a case containing a secret chemical substance.

Now you know where to get the military vantage from sigerous 2.2, after taking the vantage, the job will be updated and Degtyarev will have to transfer it to the linking Tarasov. In the city you find the coordinates of several villages and the open road to Zaton.

About the article:
Guide to modification Sigerous Mod CoP 2.2. This article examines all aspects of the implementation of this modification in the locations: Cordon - Swamps, as well as a map of these locations. (Author: Stalker77Alex)

1. Hello, Cordon!
From the very beginning you need to know the head of the Vilnykh on Cordonia. His name is Medvedev. Vin sees a quest to clear the Village of Pochatkivtsi from bandits.

2. Bandits at Selina Novachkov’s.
We carefully take out the bandits, then kill those who approach.

Please! If you beat them right away, the stench can reach far and wide!

Then, to search for Tamerlane’s corpse, it is necessary to check Sidorovich’s bunker. You can’t waste it there – guess C4. S4 is in the basement of one of the budinochkas of Selina Pochatkivtsiv, who is in charge of standing Vovk at TC. We log in and pick up the flash drive.

Please! To support C4, select the Keruvannya remote control, which will spawn in the backpack after the charge is installed

It's not that simple! It is also necessary to confront the mutants that appear after taking the flash drive.


After killing the mutants, go through the mist. Near the Pivdenny checkpoint and Village of Pochatkivtsiv you can find:
Walther pistol (I have a booth in the village of Novachki, opposite the basements)
Converter for grenades (duh budinka, the order behind which Vovk stands at the PM)
Tamerlane's swag (Vikorist's flash drive of Tamerlane)
Cartridges 5.45x39 (Bush for the daytime entry of the checkpoint)
MP5+cartridges (Zalizna nіsenіtnitsa at the roadblock of the checkpoint behind the parking lot)
Mishok with a penny (replacement of the Naymantsiv suit at TC)
Energetics (de standing Vovk)
Cartridge.45ASR, trailer, row behind yakim blvd Tolik near TC

3. Nahabni mutants
We carefully carry groups of blind animals, pseudo-dogs, flesh and wild boars. We take it away from Medvedev.

Please! Don't bother yet! The bandits will still sing your cries, be sung.

4. Blockades.
Ask the Bears to wait until the night. Let's sleep with him on the mattress, let's go to the place where we're going. There we see a gas mask from PNO. We carefully carry out the bandits, we know on the hillside of the Budinochka, where we sit near the Shustrii near the PM safe. The key to the new house on the mountain is in the backpack. We open the safe, take the flash drive and run from nowhere to Medvedev.

5. Quest Krivoukhov and Bilousov.
Krivoukhov has a mission for us - to know the Shapoklyak artifact. You can find him in the anomalous ravine behind the Settlement of Novachki, on the slide between the constructed bridge and the descending tunnel, or in the stone row next to the diesel locomotive, which comes from the slats not far from the descending tunnel. And our Medvedev sent us to meet with the Belousovs, who told us about the military equipment at the Ermak name.

6. Yermak and the beginning of a story about military vantage.
Technician Ermak tells us about the kind of military goods that the military transported. You will need to track three points on Cordonia. All three are controlled by bandits - it is necessary to knock them out. In order to complete the quest, you need to search one body of the soldier on each skin point. The last point is the Pivnichny checkpoint, the signs will take you to the Swamps. The key lies next to the box, indicating the next step to the Vault.


After killing all the bands, go through the area. Starting with the ATP and ending with the Pivnichny Checkpoint, you can know:
Detector Vedmіd and backpack (look at the container of little things at the entrance to the destroyed bridge on the car)
Costume of the Naimants (exit tunnel under the slime mound, near the container)
AK74 (soil mounds, western edge of the location, bush)
Desert Eagle pistol (ATP, vantazhivka body, what’s in the garage)
Cartridge Dum-Dum and muffler 5.45 (dah elevator)
Army first aid kits (Pivnichny checkpoint, gathering, parkan)
Sholom Spring (around this time, they heard Belousov, near the tunnel)
Don’t forget to look at your personal belongings (taken from the bandits of flash and vikory)

7. Swamps.
After moving to the Swamps of the wounded military man. We talk to us, then we carry the Bandits to the whites, which have been scattered nearby. Then you can immediately go to Ribalsky Khutir and help the stalkers defeat the Church. After this, the head of the stalkers tells us where the main base of the Bandits is. Just go to it and then turn around to Yermaku.


After killing all the bandits from the church, the locality will be cleared. In the area of ​​the Ribalsk farm you can find:
VSS "Gvintoriz" at the bushes on the way out of the farm
PSO-1 on the border between the farm and the church

8. Sensor for minoshkach.
Pan Ermak, I wish we had covered 1 billion km. Therefore, we will have the opportunity to pick up the sensor for the mini-tunnel, which is located in the mini-tunnel at the bottom of the Swamps. You can get there through the door near the park (a hint will appear on the map). Then turn around to Yermaku.

In Russia, when going to the Cordon, near the bottom-entry part of the location where the sensor lies, you can find out:
AK74 (near the bushes, you can see the screenshot of the huts - on the road between the passage and the village)
RPG-7, L85, medicines (village, look at everything, including the basement and water tower. Bandits live there too, they will have to be killed)
Veles detector (for hours CHN lies there, where the sensor is, under the mattress)
Winchester (behind the church station, in park)

Please! Once you have taken the sensor for the mine, at Cordon for speedy transfer to the Pivnichny checkpoint and back to Pivdenny, speed up with stalker-guides. They can be found in Selina Novachkiv and on the farm, where there used to be a Bandit base on Cordonia (as the stalkers were not killed).

9. Minoshukach
Ermak ask us to check, and then pay him ten thousand rubles. After being recaptured, Medvedev's mission is to repel the attack of mutants. Then we leave the city - and go on a long journey to the Swamps. Please! It is also possible that the stalkers have now changed their clothes and cut off new trunks. If the stinks inadvertently died during the hour of defense, then you can get some pretty good harmats. True, this is not guaranteed.

10. Head base of the Bandits – Mechanizatorskyi dvir
If you have a small backpack in your backpack, it is possible to damage and destroy it. To get rid of them, you need to go right next to me, you won’t know. Please! Don't rush! Try the method you used when you passed the tunnel under the electric rampart on Cordonia near Narodnaya Solyantsa. We carefully bring down the bandits, vikorists, and you snatched them from the shovankas of the spores - grenades, gvintoriz, RPGs. After you were killed, 6 corpses were found near the Mechanical Yard.
- it was hard for the new ones. in the yard with a canopy
- the sm_tnik has white holes on the wall on the side of the vantages
- near the main area between the tank and the wall
- near the back wall of the main building
- under the wind (to the water-pressure symbol from the back side of the main building)
- at the smіtnik bіl stіny how to marvel at the village (transition to CN to another location - at the first meeting of the map)
The plant will be updated soon. Swag

Near the Mechanizator's Courtyard you can find:
Costume Wind of Freedom (vantazhivka at Mechanizatorsky Dvor, body)
UDP Compact (on KamAZ, at the entrance to the Mechanical Yard)
Don't forget to look at the features of the bandits' storages from flash drives!

Please! When you enable the option “Remove armor from corpses”, you can remove armor from military personnel such as the Bulat armored suit. Until the exoskeleton is attached, it will serve as your replacement.

11. Ground penetrating radar and military vantage.
After searching for six corpses, you need to turn to Ribalsky Khutir and talk to the heads of the stalkers. He directs us to the equipment at the Pumping Station. For 5 thousand rubles I will get you a Georadar. You will find the military vantage in the Swamps, as you will go up to another 50 meters.
Hint: vantage to lie on the night of the Swamps, near the carriage. The order also lies in the breakdown of VSS Vintorez, which was lost there for hours CHN

Once you know the importance, bring it to the link. It looks like a small town and will direct you to Zaton. Before crossing, hit me, be careful!
The storyline is completed.

With today's materials, we believe that the main purpose for you is to feed on the stalker sniper passage. That's why S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: S.N.I.P.E.R. є modification of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The cry of Pripyat.

Along with other modifications, the developers have worked hard to improve the graphical elements and the game process itself. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful graphics. This is a wonderful mod of games and walkthroughs, stalker sniper, you won’t notice for a long time.

Stalker sniper passage will not give you a lot of problems and inconsistencies, because all the dead outskirts of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant have already been twisted up and down in the previous version. Only the warriors in this location are not at risk of witchcraft production. I only want to buy from you, it’s rare. And, before speaking, they don’t have enough NATO cartridges, so if you are a fan of foreign ammunition, you will need a decent supply of cartridges, or follow the plot with the Monolith.

Going through the stalkers of a sniper is a simple process that makes a lot of money, without ammo or your own blood.
With the development of quest missions in the stalker call, the sniper passage of the game, the developers were able to please the Gravians.
You can download the stalker mod sniper walkthrough with closed access to the Internet with verified resources.

The plot line is very complex and intense. Why are you stealing the stalker sniper going through the shovanka? Along the way, there are two hundred of them in all locations, with one stacked after the other. But don’t rush to admire the clues of the stalker sniper to find hidden places, especially video materials, because you don’t realize the deep joy of your discovery. Just enjoy the game and practice. Tim more, that a lot of things can be seen with the naked eye without binoculars. You just need to clear the roads and get rid of them. There is no need to joke stalker sniper passage code shovanok - be patient and go as far as you go.

Another important reminder for the followers of the series of stalkers, these are the ones that follow the most popular science fiction novel by Dmitry Sillov “The Sniper's Law”. Stalker's law of sniper passage guides us to the point where it's not enough to get to Kiev. The stinks provide access to the new rifle armor, which appears more realistic. And also in fashion, the stalker law of the sniper is spawning zombies - be smart and careful.

At the location “Swamps” stalker sniper passing military vantage, you cancel the quest, where your boss will discover this military vantage. About the wounds of a Virmenets, who suffered from the attack of bandits. Vantage of stealing, and you will go in search of respectable people. The mission is quite unsafe.
Another mystery, with its legends and fears, is presented in the game Dark Valley - a gloomy location with forgotten factories and laboratories. How to go through it, you can find out from the video material stalker sniper walkthrough dark valley: