Synchronization of intermediate folders Windows 7. Here and back: programs for synchronizing data between computers. List of folders to be backed up

Folder synchronization becomes necessary when the user has a number of computers that work in different places. A file created on one PC can be transferred to another. In this case, the work on it can be continued in continuous mode. On the Internet, this job is easily affected by bad services if the user denies access to his files from any work place. In this material we will look at the options for implementing this specification by the operating system depending on the connection to the limit.

Folder synchronization in Windows 7 can be implemented in a number of ways, depending on the type of device. For work in between, you can use the Synchronization Center, and for important tasks, the Portfolio function.


To create a new Portfolio, use the context menu. You can earn money at your desk or at any time of your life.

In the Portfolio creation, a folder with documents that need to be worked on in another work place is copied. Now you can move it to a flash drive and transfer it to another computer. Having connected the exchange device, you open the Briefcase and select necessary operations with files. Having completed the work, we turn to the first PC and synchronize the changes.

If you work with the original folder and make changes to previously created files, they will be displayed in the update menu. The box marked with a frame shows which operations will be selected for synchronization together. In this case we have a number of options:

  1. The file was created on the first PC and last day in the Portfolio.
  2. Before this document, changes were made on another computer and now a replacement for the original is required.
  3. The file was created on another PC and may be copied to the original directory on the first one.

By clicking on the “Update” button, we point to the directory on the computer and change it to the new location.

For each file, you can click on the context menu and view the details and operations with it.

Changes made can be synchronized or the old version of the document can be stored on one computer.

In this way, you can organize work with a flash drive or with a small hard drive that moves between work stations.

Offline files

Another option transfers the robot from a marginal resource. For example, this directory may be located on a NAS or other computer and is subject to unauthorized access. We select the required resource from the explorer and find it in the new folder for which we need it. In the context menu, select the item marked with the number “1”.

After the computer completes the first synchronization, the power of the folder is exposed. As a matter of fact, the files contained in it have become available in offline mode. Now you can work with them due to the fact that the edge resource is unavailable.

Vikonan changes can be transferred to the father's folder manually or set up for a specific schedule. Another option is implemented by a separate synchronization center.

In the panel you can find the meaning of the item.

The center of synchronization is opened on the insert of the keruvanny ligaments. Having seen the “offline files” section, we activate the “Arrangement” button on the panel.

This means a network in which the required directory of documents is arranged.

For example, we select synchronization by subtitle.

Here you can select the decal value instantly. It is important to cancel the operation when starting the OS and inactivity.

Indicates the name of the created rule.

As a result, synchronization with the selected hemline will be placed behind the layout. The last item in the navigation area of ​​the Center opens the options for storing offline files on your PC.

Having completed the work with the hemorrhage, you can plug in the vikoristan on the underground deposit.

The next tab shows data about the use of disk space to save timely copies. If you need them, you can clean the disk for synchronization objects.

The most important aspect of these tools is their lack of support for group work with documents. If changes are made to work files on two or more PCs at the same time, a change conflict occurs. It is often difficult to manually select the required version of the document.

Windows 10

Synchronizing files and folders in Windows 10 requires the use of similar tools. The ability to work with folders has led to the fact that the Portfolio from a set of components function is disabled. Instead, it eliminates the ability to use the OneDrive network to support teamwork. Another available synchronization tool for Windows is the Microsoft SyncToy utility. With this help you can work with any local or peripheral issues.


Work on the utility has been suspended since 2009, but the assigned tasks can still be completed in current versions of operating systems.

When the program first starts, the link creation master is activated. Customers are asked to select “left” and “right” folders. This is how the robbers “badged” Dzherelo and the possessor.

Next, select the type of synchronization. Three options are available:

  1. Synchronize. Full synchronization of all detailed file operations in both directions.
  2. Echo. Copying the changes made by the left pope to the right.
  3. Contribute. Viborche copy. All new or changed documents will be transferred to the owner. Deleted files are ignored.

At the final stage, the name of the created link is specified.

The main window has a couple of folders. You can then change the synchronization type selection or set additional rules. Here you can remove links or create additional pairs of directories. Pressing the assigned button starts synchronization.

The progress of the operation is shown by a small indicator. After the window is completed, the statistics of the game will be displayed.

The utility supports the creation of an uninterrupted number of ligaments. Operations can be saved for all at once or by selecting the required pair of directories.

At the end

As a matter of fact, folder synchronization in Windows can be organized using additional tools or a special utility developed by Microsoft. Additional capabilities necessary for teamwork can be provided by the evil OneDrive, which is a component of the system.

Birch 31st is International Backup Day. It’s possible that the 1st quarter is a quiet day, so don’t bother anyone. While in the office the problem of backup is handled by the system administrator, for those who work at home, it is necessary to solve it yourself. To back up and synchronize your data, use the wonderful, cost-free program FreeFileSync.

Organization of backup copies

When organizing a backup, there are two aspects to consider. The first is that if there are more backup copies, then there will be more reliability in the flow of their data. The other is that where a copy is saved locally as the original, there is a greater chance of saving it. The worst option is to run backup copies on a remote computer through a VPN connection, so there is no danger of flooding or later. But not everyone has this ability, so consider backup and synchronization to an external hard drive.

It’s important to remember that your copies are up-to-date, so you need to perform periodic synchronization. You can, of course, immediately copy the entire data from scratch, but only at random, as there are not many of them. For great obligations, it is necessary to wear out the hard drive and, with a vengeance, mark the hour. Synchronization is carried out more quickly, but it is also important to set it up correctly. Otherwise, you can use a copy and original data! Before you start synchronizing, be sure to test it on unnecessary files and folders!

Setting up synchronization with FreeFileSync

After installation, launch the program and select folders for synchronization. The one on the left will be the original folder, and the one on the right will be the backup copy on the external hard drive.

Then we go into setting up file alignment and selecting parameters. For promotional files, follow the date and size. On the “Filter” tab you can configure folders and files that need to be excluded from synchronization.

On the "Synchronization" tab you can configure the synchronization mode. Usyogo has been given 4 modes:

  • On both sides, changes are made on both sides of the synchronization.
  • Mirror – make sure to change from the left side, so that files and folders that are not harmed will be deleted during synchronization.
  • Update - files are copied to the right, if new files are copied to the right, it must be handed over to the account manager.
  • Vibirkovo – you can customize your file processing rules.

Setting up synchronization behind the layout

FreeFileSync has a core function - it saves synchronization settings as a batch file. To create a file, click the “Save as a package loss” button. If necessary, you can enable recording of synchronization logs.

When you launch this file, synchronization ends in the attached mode without launching the graphical interface. Well, in Windows you can edit your file by folder. For this purpose, when you open the Windows Windows panel, you will find the item “Windows Storeroom”. As a rule, we can adjust the start of synchronization when the computer is turned off. We create a task for all koristuvachs. When you do this, your computer must have a password set.

As a trigger it is indicated “At the hour of launch”. Varto also insert the line vykonannya so that everything is done correctly.

The life of a daily person is such that my computer needs to be cleaned, even if I’m not at home: at home, at work or at work, at home or at retirement. Many people carry a laptop with them everywhere, but it is no longer possible or convenient. Therefore, another option is more often practiced: a desktop computer at home or at work, a laptop or netbook - at home. However, this comes with another problem: you need to transfer data from one computer to another, then back (and with more devices, the task becomes even more complicated). Ask your clients to save it manually using a local network or using an additional flash drive, as saving data in “dirty” storage systems – Dropbox, SkyDrive and others – is becoming increasingly popular. The remaining option is simple when dealing with small amounts of information, up to several gigabytes. Because tens and hundreds of gigabytes are accessed in everyday activities, it is more important to use specialized utilities for data synchronization. You don’t have to worry at all about the computers on which the remaining file changes were saved - in this way, you will now be able to work in a single information environment without having to worry about it all at once. Here we look at the most popular programs for synchronizing files between computers: SyncBackPro, SmartSync Pro, AllwaySync and GoodSync.


  • Retailer: 2BrightSparks
  • Rozpovsyudzhennya: shareware
  • Russian interface: є

This is a powerful program that has a great number of different adjustments. It costs $54.95, and you can also use the trial mode for thirty days. The add-on is supported by a rich interface, including a Russian one, so it’s a bad idea to translate the writings by machine.

SyncBackPro is based on profiles that can be added as needed. The creation of a new profile requires several stages. First, you need to enter the name of the profile, you can immediately determine whether it is a group one (so that it will combine several other profiles). Next, select the profile type, there are three of them: backup, synchronization and mirror. Before we look around, another guy enters; The first purpose is for regular backup of your data, the other is for creating and maintaining an exact copy of the specified folder with files in a one-way manner.

At the third stage, you need to select two folders that will be synchronized with each other - they are designated as left and right. In the lists that appear, you can choose a place to save data: for the output folder, an internal/external disk or external drive, an FTP server, online services Amazon S3 or Windows Azure, as well as files on the mail service. For the folder, in addition to being completely overhauled, there is also the possibility of CD/DVD deletion and saving in the form of an ISO image. It’s worth mentioning that when choosing a location outside the computer, you can specify only a local route as the destination, so, for example, you won’t be able to synchronize two FTP devices. However, you can experiment with it.

Creating a new profile in SyncBackPro

After which you need to set up your profile: first, enter the directories of the left and right folders on your computer (if other saving destinations are selected, then other parameters are displayed there). You can see outside the subdirectories and files in the middle of these folders that require synchronization, and also apply a filter to the selected data types (this filter already includes system files and folders). An option is available - after adding to the layout. The problem, as the profile suggests, can be concluded every day, pain and anxiety, and the schedule is adjusted very gradually (for example, every third day of the month on Tuesdays); In addition, it is possible to repeat it after a specified number of days, years, minutes and seconds. Following the layout, you can set up a policy to make decisions for many situations - what to do if a file was changed in the left-hand folder, a new file was created in the right-hand folder, etc. For the skin version, there are a number of different behavior models: skip, power up the user, a larger file overwrites a smaller one - and others.

Options are just that part of the profile parameters that surround the simple setup mode. Once you switch to the “expert” mode, more than fifteen additional sections will become available to you: compression, encryption, auto-close programs, logging and others - it is impossible to look at them within the framework of this overview. You can read the numerical buttons and checkboxes in detail to fine-tune the program to suit your needs (for example, in the arsenal of features you can find functions such as starting synchronization using a combination of hot keys or files that have been changed within the specified time).

Setting up your profile in SyncBackPro

Created profiles are displayed in the main SyncBackPro window. You can edit, import/export, activate windows, or, at the same time, cancel the operation, as well as view the status: the hour left to start, the result and other information. There are plenty of columns with information, which you can turn on if you don’t need them.

Main window of SyncBackPro

The program maintains a report log with a log of actions. There is a great amount of customization of programs - great parameters of work, dialogues, fonts and so on. The functionality can be expanded even further by downloading additional scripts from the retailer’s website: they are installed in the “Scripts” section and allow you to add new capabilities as soon as the task is completed.

⇡ SmartSync Pro

  • Retailer: SmartSync Software
  • Rozpovsyudzhennya: shareware
  • Russian interface: є

This program has fewer functions than SyncBackPro, but is more user-friendly. It has a simple and user-friendly interface, is clearly localized in Russian and costs 990 rubles (the active support of Russian customers is due to the fact that SmartSync Software Dmitro Sitnikov himself is a programmer from Russia). The demo version of the program can be tested for 30 days.

SmartSync Pro main window

As in SyncBackPro, the robot program is based on the added profiles. The creation of new profiles is requested by the assistant master. The first step is to indicate what you want to synchronize and the type of synchronization, and at the first step you will be asked to identify folders from the standard set: “Desktop”, “My Documents”, Microsoft Outlook and others. To independently specify the required directories, then check the box “Select directories manually” (the choice will be available at the next stage). There are three types of synchronization: synchronization with a local/international computer, with a remote computer using an additional FTP connection, or in batch mode. For each of them, different types of operations are performed: if local connection is selected, the program can copy, move, synchronize, compress files from ZIP archives, or additional backup (the program can koristovuvatsya i for backup data). When connected to a remote computer, bidirectional synchronization is available, as well as unilateral file transfer - from local to remote and back to back.

Master profile creation in SmartSync Pro

If you have chosen to add folders manually, you will then need to check the boxes for the required directories on the local disk. You can view the list of all files and folders that are included in them, and, if necessary, adjust the filter by turning off other elements or files with specific extensions. When you finish setting up the output directory, you will need to specify the destination directory where the data will be synchronized (depending on the type of connection, the data can be stored on a local disk or an FTP server). Next, you need to adjust the layout, which is related to the job profile. It is possible to start manually, as well as at regular intervals - skin patches, days and so on, and you can enter a starting point and indicate at what time you need to mute this profile. KRIM Tsyo, you can give the departure of Vikonnnya Inshogo to Profil (you can’t start that, do not bode diyati), I in the case of the offensive situations: VHID, VIHID IZ Systems, Zmіni in the Catalose Disc. After completing setup, you need to add a name to your profile.

Added profiles can be grouped into folders, launched one at a time, or all at once. It is possible to send a shortcut to the desktop to launch the profile, and import and export are also available. You can edit the parameters of profiles, and the authorities have available additional settings that are not available in the master: notifications for the launch of a profile, related to the launch of the page, a file replacement policy, saving several versions Both files and others. In the profile control panel, you can change the output directory and synchronization parameters. Remember that the connection with a remote computer in batch mode is set up here: you can select a folder to save data on a spare/local disk, e-mail or FTP server. The programs themselves also have some disadvantages: for example, they can run in the background if the computer is blocked and no one is connected to the system.

Profile power in SmartSync Pro

One more detail is connected with the program: when installed on the computer, it adds the Backup with SmartSync Pro (create a backup) command in the context menu of files and folders, which opens the wizard to create profiles from the visible directory. This will help you easily adjust your backup copies.

⇡Allway Sync

  • Rozrobnik: Usov Lab
  • Rozpovsyudzhennya: shareware
  • Russian interface: є

The Allway Sync program is available from retailers at no cost to specific users; the commercial version of the program costs $19.95. The utility is simple and manual in Vikoristan, although it has a rather discreet interface (support for the Russian presence). There is no list of profiles, but also information about which ones are displayed on the next tab: you can add, delete, clone and rename them. To set up your settings, you need to specify two folders for synchronization and that means directly. The program allows you to select folders not only on the local disk, but also on the Internet - it supports FTP, SFTP, WebDAV protocols, online services Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Docs, OffsiteBox and others, including mobile devices, connections via Microsoft ActiveSyn c, and also in read ZIP archives. Moreover, in addition to SyncBack Pro programs, which have similar functionality, in Allway Sync you can add links between online folders - for example, synchronize your Dropbox account with an FTP service.

Select direct synchronization in Allway Sync

Selected folders need to be adjusted (the type of adjustment depends on what folder you have specified: if on a local disk, you need to enter the directory, if for FTP, enter the server parameters, if Google Docs, enter the e-mail and password for the account, and so on) . Direct synchronization between folders is indicated: it is two-sided, so that the files will be identical both in one place and in another, but you can change it to one-sided, choosing the side that becomes the source of the data. Before speaking, when strictly synchronizing folders, there can be more than two - you can adjust the mirroring of an unbounded number of data files.

Having adjusted the settings, you can press the “Analyze” and “Synchronize” buttons. The program recommends performing a preliminary analysis so that you can make sure that everything turns out as needed. There will be a report in which new/unchanged/all/included files will be grouped under the tables with the assigned name, size, hour and direct synchronization. Important notices related to file changes can be displayed nearby.

About analyzed files in Allway Sync

Allway Sync options have a section “Customize your profile”, where a set of additional controls is displayed for each setting: “Synchronization rules”, “Automatic synchronization”, “Turn on and off filters”, “Version policy”, “About” timid pardons.” Let's take a look at their report. In synchronization rules, you can activate a number of important options - ignore the hourly difference in modification hours, copy security attributes, etc. Automatic synchronization parameters allow you to select a start mode: when a dedicated disk is connected, when file changes are detected, or when the computer is idle. Filters that you can turn on and off can be adjusted to a wide range: you can set them both to the name or file extension, and to the status (new, changes, deletes), attributes (system, style and others), time of modification and size iru. Paul Kervannya versions of Vibrate, Robit Zi with old versions of the serpent files: Videli abstract to the singing of the folder, and such a thing, Skіlki is a guilty of the saber. In adjustments related to the processing of amends, you can indicate that it is necessary to work the program for different amends, and determine their behavior with the appearance of anticipation.

Allway Sync options

Finally, it is important to add that, like the previously discussed utilities, Allway Sync keeps a log of the log and allows you to import and export customized programs.


  • Rozrobnik: Siber Systems
  • Rozpovsyudzhennya: shareware
  • Russian interface: є

This utility is notable because it was created by the vendors of the popular RoboForm password saving program. The program is clearly translated into Russian language (amateur translations are available in other SND languages), there is a version for Windows and Mac, as well as a portable version for running from a flash drive. GoodSync is a smart, cost-free program and after thirty days, the program will apply an exchange to the number of files in the task (no more than one hundred) and the same number of files in the task (no more than three). Moreover, the price is completely affordable: 595 rubles for the version for Windows and 795 rubles for the version for Mac.

General information about GoodSync

The program starts working as soon as the order is added. There are two types of problems: synchronization and backup. Skin conditions are displayed on the same deposit with powerful adjustments. Regardless of what type of data you have selected, you need to specify the left and right folder containing the data. Both for computers and for people, there are a lot of places where files can be saved: your computer, other computers in the local area, FTP protocols, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Google Drive, Windows Azure, SkyDrive. , connected devices on Windows Mobile and the GoodSync Connect service. The program does not interfere with the exchange of data and allows you to connect all the devices that are supported. Please let us know about GoodSync Connect: it is a P2P server that allows you to synchronize data on multiple computers via the Internet. Thus, you do not need to connect your computer to a local network, but rather use a USB device for transfer, in which the files are not saved in the “mud”. To use GoodSync Connect, you need to configure the computer that created the cloud record in the system.

Select folders in GoodSync

By selecting the left and right folder, you can run forward analysis or print synchronization. In the main window, the tree view will display a list of files that are being synchronized, by designated size, date, and copy direction (left to right, right to left). You can browse by category of files (changed, new or different) and turn it off or, for example, turn on External Copying, and also change directly. In the configured settings, you can specify the parameters for automatic logging: when changing a file, when starting a program, periodically, when connecting folders before logging out of the system. It is possible to schedule tasks using the standard Windows scheduler in login mode or without it. Another option is that you can enter hundreds of changes, and if any of them are moved, the synchronization will not be canceled. Another option that can be adjusted is the method of automatically resolving conflicts: skip, replace with later files, and so on. In addition to the automatic backup settings, customization includes other options, where you can uncheck such items as “Back up copies of deleted files” or “Copy the original file”, overlay search for files and folders and more.

Database options at GoodSync

The program can be run in menu mode - it is displayed in a small panel containing a list of active tasks, which allows you to deal with other issues and simultaneously control the progress of synchronization. Finally, you should know about the GoodSync Explorer program, which is easily installed on your computer - with its help you can browse the directories in which your data is saved and add bookmarks to the desired locations. Then you can select bookmarks if you select a device for folders while setting up GoodSync settings.

⇡ Visnovok

We looked at the most popular programs for synchronizing data between computers. They all deal with their tasks differently, and the choice depends on the details: what is most important to you - a comprehensive arsenal of functions or a simple and sensible interface, and how much you are willing to pay for the program. We can guess that the only utility that can be used without costs is Allway Sync. In case of any emergency, we recommend that you make your life easier by installing one of the programs on your computers that you can use.

Your skin can choose to save these data in its own way. I suggest you take a look at how to secure these files for additional data synchronization.

My friend's laptop recently got damaged. Having hit him in the vein, he stopped rolling. It turned out that the hard drive was flying, and all the important information was on it. File backup without being timid, because I often forgot, sometimes it was lazy or it was simply important to keep track of all the documents. There are a lot of problems with updated information. Now, knowing about synchronization, you are not afraid of anything.

Now you understand that it is no longer reliable and safe to store your data on your computer, disks and flash drives. It’s still possible to embrace the human factor if you randomly look away, forget, get lost...

If you have already started to see the meaning of certain words and phrases, you can now look at the section . I'm choosing food there so I can check it out often.

How to synchronize files and folders?

Synchronizing files and folders is really easy. It all comes down to the fact that you need to register in one of these services, then install a special program on your computer. The program will create your own folder on your hard drive where you need to place files for synchronization.

Here we have tried the most popular file synchronization services. You can get acquainted with them and understand the following:

Infection beware of bubbling development of terrible services, who, in the fight for the prosperous people, try to win unique chips and introduce the prominent minds of the prosperous people to their services. The middle one gets close 5 gigabyte costless, gloomy disk space to synchronize files. It’s not that rich, but it will be enough for the most important files. I also recommend that you take a look at the article, where I tried to inform you about which files are for you and which are unimportant. This will help you choose the right files for synchronization and backup.

The essence of synchronization

Data synchronization will ensure the identity of the selected information on different devices connected to the synchronization service. If you take, for example, a text document, it will be the same on all your computers. If you add it to this document, the file will be automatically updated on other computers. It is important to synchronize via the Internet. For this purpose, you need to install special programs on all computers, tablets or smartphones, such as those you use, for example. The program will create a folder in your Dropbox name in which you will save your documents. Stinks will download on special monster on the Internet, after which you can access them from anywhere on the planet through a web browser, smartphone or tablet.

It is important to synchronize data from the person you want no need to keep track of file versions what you do. You will always have the latest version of your document. Any file synchronization service allows you to capture your documents, photos, music, and other files in an instant and then deny access to them through programs for computers, tablets, smartphones, or simply through a web browser. In order to start using file synchronization, you need to register and sign up for a free account. file synchronization program. You can read about how to earn money from the statistics about . And don’t let the English-language interface bother you, you can quickly use a wonderful plugin for Google Chrome for a quick translation of stupid words.

What are the benefits of data synchronization for primary customers:

According to Pershe- Data protection due to loss of important information. You are not afraid of computer failure, loss of a flash drive, or failure of a hard drive. Your documents, photos, presentations, spreadsheets and other files will always be available on the Internet.

In a different way- You can easily exchange files with other people simply by sending them an email, VKontakte, Facebook, or in any other way that is convenient for you.

In third- Synchronization of computers via the Internet. You can start working on your work computer and continue working at home from where you left off. Data synchronization on two or more computers has essentially ceased.

On a quarter— you don’t have to carry a flash drive with you, often forgetting to put it on it. It is enough to know the login and password for the data synchronization service and your files will always be accessible via the Internet.

I am not tired of repeating that there will be no synchronization with the daily rhythm of life. It is especially easy to spend all your documents, files, photos through those computers that have become mobile, they are easier to break or spend. Often important documents simply lie on the Work table. Ale tse will not be rude to you until you show more respect. So axis, provide important information to help you synchronization services

I think for us, setting the menu “What else is the Portfolio showing up in the Create menu and what is its purpose?” I just wondered why I needed a Windows briefcase. At first glance, you might think that Briefcase has the same functions as a folder, but has a different icon, but that’s not quite the case. On the right, you cannot create files and folders in the Briefcase, or even copy them from the Briefcase or change them. You can only create in subcategories, then. in the enclosed folders! And all this is due to the fact that the functionality of the portfolio is intended for synchronization between files and folders.

Let us, within the framework of this article, clearly need a briefcase in Windows and let’s take a look at your robot.

As a matter of fact, Microsoft recommends that you use a portfolio in two situations, when synchronizing files and folders from your PC between your computer and other devices. I will not use the briefcase for synchronization along the line, since it is much easier to access the resources of the singing koristuvacheva and through the line you can process documents. And let’s take a look at the axis synchronization through a significant device!

As a rule, the need for synchronization arises from the fact that you work with the same documents on different computers. So, from now on you will need to update the remaining version of the files. Of course, you can immediately copy and delete the entire folder in which your documents are located, so as not to know which files have been changed. Well, since there are a lot of files, it can take up to an hour. The Windows portfolio can help us in this situation.

Create a briefcase at the root of the USB flash drive (RMB \ Create \ Briefcase \ Work documents)

I copy to this Portfolio the files and folders that you intend to use on another computer. At the very moment of copying documents and folders, links are created between them, so that the same versions of files will be saved.

As I said earlier, we cannot create anything in the Portfolio, because there is simply no “Create” item in the menu

Hello, we can create files and folders in the middle of folders

The whole point is that between the files and folders in the middle of the Portfolio there are links to these files and folders that they were copied. If we try to create a file, then it simply won’t have a link, which means there’s no way to synchronize with it.

After we have worked with documents on another computer (or simply with documents in our Windows Portfolio), we can cancel synchronization (copy changed files and folders).

For this we can press the right mouse button on Portfolios and select “Refresh all”

Or go to the portfolio and on the toolbar click “Update all objects”

As you see from this screenshot, from the moment of the remaining synchronization, I made changes to the “Partnership” file and created the file UUUUIIIIII under the subfolder. So, in the process of updating, the “Partnership” file will be replaced, the file UUUUIII will be created, and in this way there will be identical files on both sides.

To view more detailed information, you can right-click \Details in case of any non-standard situations (offense files were updated at the moment the link with the portfolio was created) to make the correct decision.

Also, by going to (Authority file (folder) \ Stan) you can obtain information about each file (folder) in the connections.

And also update the original file, add it to the original and find the original, until the file and folder are linked.

Thank you so much for sharing this material! :-) Our Navchannya Center will not forget you!