Spy games or how to recognize the ruler of the domain. Whois service How to find out where the domain is located

If you registered the domain through a third person: a freelancer, a studio, or simply an acquaintance, it is worth getting more information about the address of your site (as well as about those whose domain is valid for purchases on you). You can earn money through the whois service.

Go to http://whois.domaintools.com, enter domain name resource and press the Search button.

The service processes the request and transfers it to the page with the parameters. We have 3 tables in front of us, let's take a closer look at the skin.

How can I find out the registrar through which my domain name was registered?

Whois Quick Stats - hidden information

  • Registrant Org. Shows who is registering the address and approximately the number of other registrations.
  • Dates. Dates of registration and completion of delegation.
  • IPAddress and Location. Merezhevy and the physical address of the server.
  • ASN. Unique number of the autonomous system.
  • History. History of revisions.
  • Server. Who is server addresses.

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Website - information about websites

  • Website Title. Description of the site.
  • Server Type. Server type.
  • Response Code. The code is part of the number of the server's output, in our category: 200. This means that the successful request is made and the site is running.
  • SEO Score. The visibility of the site, technical parameters and SEO optimization.
  • Terms, Images, Links. Information about content: message, images, etc.

How to find out where to buy a domain?

Whois Record

  • Nserver. DNS server, which is responsible for recoding the name into an IP address.
  • State. Stan domain: registrations; delegations - indicated DNS servers; verified - the administrator has confirmed his data with documents.
  • Person. Who registered: human or organization. For registration of domain names in the RU, SU and RF zones there is protection of personal data, so it is impossible to find out who is registering the domain.
  • Registrar. domain registrar.
  • Admin-contact. Contacts of people or organizations that service the domain name.
  • Created. Date of registration.
  • Paid-till. Up to the number of payments for the domain.
  • Free-date. If you call the address.
  • Source. Which register to follow, TCI - Russia. For Europe RIPE, Ukraine: UANIC.

If the site is not clearly indicated in the “Registrar” or “Admin-contact” sections, it is enough to enter this data in sound system, To go to the registrar’s website.

Remember the classic detective genre about the useful detective Holmes? Under the gloomy sky of Foggy Albion, he unraveled the secret places that were beyond the power of the police. Let's be aware of this and try to find out who should own the domain.

Why is it necessary to know who is the ruler of the domain?

  • You are planning to buy a website. So you need to know his secret place. Raptom domain is sold not by Yogo Vlasnik, but by Shakhrai?
  • If you previously worked with a web studio, which registered a name for the site, and then for some reason you stopped using their services. Obviously, both the site itself and its name need to be transferred under your control. For this purpose of the nobility, everything must “lie down.”
  • After the registration procedure, it is necessary to verify that the administrator (for example, you) has entered correctly.
  • If you are starting a business with an unknown web resource, you need to check who owns the domain name and website.
  • You buy advertising space on a third-party web resource, but a hacker can sell it.
  • You ordered the goods or services, sent the payment to the site, but did not cancel the order.
  • If you have become a victim of shahray (they re-registered the domain with a fraudulent way, etc.).

In order to verify information about the owner of the domain - who is registered under it - there are a number of ways.


Without personal online services, you can prove your services by checking history. Let's do some checking on the Ru-Center website.

Enter your name in the field and press WHOIS.

Information about Vlasnik Vidkrit:

Further butt - information is closed:

From the above you will find the date of registration and release, hoster, contacts of the registrar (the Ru-center), and you can also contact the administrator by clicking on the confirmation message.

You will spend on the form the call of the bell, Through this you can send a notification to the admin at special office on the website of the registrar company. Unfortunately, in our application, the information about the admin itself is private (so called admin).

To retrieve these data, you do not need a site name. You can “pierce” web resources via IP. This is a unique address for placing the website in Merezhi. In order to find out which IP the Internet resource is located on, you can quickly access the 2ip online service or other similar ones.

You can also “push” IP through your PC, connecting to the Internet. Select the “Viconty” command and write in the window “ping domain-name-site”.


If a person is closed, set not to log out, but we can only remove the IP address that can be entered into the WHOIS service, for example, in the Nirosoft program.

Launch an additional program and enter the IP you need for us.

After this you will see the information behind the IP data.

2. Registrar company

If the person is registered, then the data on the administrator is always with the registrar company. The registrar “makes his way” easily to any additional service described earlier.

If there is an urgent need, you can contact the registrar company (with the help of government agencies - police, court, etc.), and you will be required to provide the authority data to the domain for an official request. There is one caveat: if the name is registered to an unknown person, then, unfortunately, there is no way to find the right authority.

The registrar's website is always listed in WHOIS.

The remaining instances are the most common Runet registrars

  • Ru-center.
  • P-01.
  • Reg-ru.
  • Gandhi.
  • Reggae.
  • 101domain.
  • Webnames
  • Godeddi and others.

Please provide information about the administrator only if we become victims of the shahrays. Therefore, before carrying out any operations, check your partners immediately. It’s better to spend a lot of money looking for information than to spend a lot of money on websites. And if you have doubts about the ruler, don’t risk it.

view 101domain | Thursday, September 12, 2017

Domain names are no longer the most important tools for doing business.

Sometimes controversial situations arise, in which there is a need to contact administrator(Registrar) to domain i, because it poses difficulties, with registrar domain name.

Who is a REGISTER?

registrar: legal person, Accredited by the coordinator (the company that represents the registry) to register domain names. This means that through any kind of registrar, a domain name is registered in one or another zone, if you choose a secretly accessible WHOIS service. On the website for 101 domains, you can view WHOIS data for domains registered by the company. By extension there is information about the domain registry and about the domain name registrar.

Other ways to obtain information about the registrar

Enter the “Whois” command in command line, Follow the simple syntax. To retrieve information about registration data for the domain “last.com”, in search row In any browser, you can enter the query “Who is who last.com”.

You can check out any resources that provide information. Go to the page of any of the similar resources. In the field for entering Whois information, enter the domain name, and to select registrar Follow the instructions and tips. Your request will be sent to the server, and after about an hour, you will access the data side.

In addition to hiring a registrar, quickly naming him in the registry, you can also retrieve information about hosting, which type of placement.

In this article I will describe all the relevant ones on Danish moment Methods of Vlasnik's appointment to the domain. I would like to immediately inform you that there is no hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-and-one-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-one-hundred-hundred thousand years of popularity is unknown to the domain that we definitely have no significant authority over. This is due to the fact that webmasters enter fake (pardon) data about themselves when registering domains - under this circumstance, nothing can be done. I can only say that there are a minority of such people, which means there is still no greater chance of knowing the ruler.

Vlasnik's domain can be defined in different ways. Let's take a look at them in detail:

1. Via Whois data

Insanely, this is the simplest and most reliable method (wow. What is Whois). If you want to know about him, I would like to sing, sing, that’s all. There are a lot of services that provide new information about the domain, and I’m not surprised because you know a more useful service, which I’ll mention below. I would encourage vikorists to use the following websites to determine Whois:

for example:

After removing the Whois data, add it to the “Domain Administrator” column (sometimes called person). Itself in it and take place PIB Vlasnik domain. If there is a Private Person in this column, then we can talk about those who are the owner of the domain and will lose the invisible. You can earn money by enabling the Private Person option in the domain authorities that receive the PIB. However, in this case there is a way to calculate it. I will proponate two paths as it is possible to earn money:

a) If you know the e-mail, then you can find the owner through this data. To log in to the service http://2ip.ru/domain-list-by-email/, enter the address postal screenshots And you can see all the domains of this person. It is possible that in some domains the Private Person option will be enabled and in this indirect way the owner can be identified.

b) Marvel at the history of the domain. I will raja vikoristovati like this cost-free services What allows you to earn:

  • http://who.is/ (shows not the whole history, but only from 2011-2012)
  • http://whoishistory.ru/ (also works with the domain.рф, otherwise authorization is required for the work)
  • http://whoistory.com/ (only works with domains.ru, admin service, below is a screenshot directly from this service)

for example:

Finally, I would like to say that since the vikoryist and all the overhauled methods did not work for you, then, for example, in reg.ru it is possible to find out for a fee the entire history about the owners of the domain (as the domain has changed its owner). To be honest, I have never experienced such service, so I can’t say anything about its effectiveness. Before speaking, paid services are available to many registrars.

Below, all the methods will be overhauled, and more precisely, the signs behind which you can want to know about the ruler of the domain. However, the chances of success are much less if you consider the method of identification through Whois.

2. Through WebArchives

Visit the WebArchive website: http://archive.org/web/web.php. Search for the site you need and marvel at the history. If so, then try to find out any contacts on the site. Possibly, they contain a clue, because I would like something more beautiful for your appearance.

for example:

3. Try to contact the Vlasnik domain

There are only two ways for me to get in touch with the ruler:
a) or write a sheet at the address as indicated in whois (although there may be no indications);
b) or write to the address: [Email protected] DOMAIN.

Before speaking, if you don’t know where to write, then try searching through some kind of search engine for the following phrase: “@ DOMAIN”. Perhaps, here in the index there is information about other mailing addresses for your domain.

In extreme cases, you can call the number on the site (mula on other sites of this authority) or in Whois.

Finally, I want to tell you about one service that allows you to identify all the sites of one Vlasnik (though only in the domain zones.ru i.rf). You can earn money on the website: http://2ip.ru/domain-list-by-email/.

for example:

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Information about the owner of the domain is confidential and is provided by the registrar only to the authorities. Ale is kilka Mozhlivikh ways to see it. They are mentioned in this article.

Here's what you need: find out the law on people who shamelessly steal your content, evaluate the payment capacity of the Vlasnik site before making your purchase proposal, find out the fakes from the university region who writes tlumachny articles for your blog, and also subscribes Let's use the nickname, etc.

1. Wondering whois history

Start your product by checking the site at who.is. On the screenshot of the testimony there is a butt, if you become aware of not only the email, but also mobile phone and the address of the ruler (this also happens to spare more). I am concerned about the privacy policy of my hoster! Most of the options display only messages that can be sent to the owner of the domain through the registrar. And with this help there is a chance to recognize a lot of fun.

2. We invite you to contact him in an official way

The result is due to luck. People inexplicably check the email they entered when registering the domain and how reliable the data is. Your social engineering skills are also important. You can apply for investments, pretend to be Yuri Milner’s assistant :-), and you will need to immediately call or Skype and inquire about the possibility of a special partner. Head over to the man, so that his share gave him a real chance to earn money and ask for as much data as possible in further exploration.

It’s important to add the phrase: “Be kind, let me know that the proposition doesn’t bother you.” There is a greater chance that a person with sensitivity will read more than a couple of rows, having illuminated their email, name and IP address.

If you know the e-mail of the great leader (and his nickname), you can find his announcement about sales to the site / domain on a specialized forum and the list of sellers who paid attention to him. From them you can put together a large number of nobles in the domain.

3. We look for sites registered under the name of Vlasnik

know the address by e-mail People, you can find out what domains you have registered. Zrobiti can be purchased at domainiq.com. It is possible that one of these sites will have a special blog behind which you can install a special person.

4. Get back to the hoster

12. Reading comments in the output code

We go to the site, press Shift + Command + U(Or select from the menu the item Show program code stories). Now we look at the HTML code for any comments with names and nicknames. For example: “BigFatNagibator, please change your mind!” Along the way, we look for JS scripts that were written by Vlasnik for the site specifically for this resource. It is not included that they may contain the inscription “Created by Sasha Petrov. Irkutsk” and sent to your Github profile.