Shader processors. Number of unified shader blocks (or universal processors)

Automation of the form of banking operations and implementation of the program "1C Accounting"

If all activities of the company can be divided into business processes, then the processes can be divided into more warehouses. The methodology encourages business processes to be called decomposition...

Internal peripheral outbuildings PC

Development of a discrete population model using the Model Vision Studium software

The main "life element" of the MVS description is the block. A block is a chain active object that functions in parallel and independently of other objects without interruption. Block Oriented By Block...

Wikimedia LMS Moodle for the initial process

For the course of obov'yazkove presence of the central region. The left and right columns with blocks may not be. Ale different blocks, which enter the warehouse of the Moodle management system, increase functionality.

Extending the performance of the remote learning system Moodle

To add new resources, elements, blocks or edits available in your course, press the Edit button, put it in the block of text. Brilliant look at the course in the mode of editing views on the little one 2.5.

Modeling software

The UML movie dictionary includes three types of everyday blocks: daytime; see blue; diagrams. Essence - tse abstractions, which are the main elements of the model.

Modeling the work of the library

Operators - blocks form the logic of the model. GPSS/PC can have close to 50 different types of blocks, each depending on its specific function. Behind the skin of such blocks is a subprogram of the translator.

Basic features of CSS3

You can format the text in an original way with the help of different creative blocks, like a new one based on CSS3 technologies. (Fig 5.) Fig 5...

Basic features of CSS3

The effect of the transparency of the element is well remembered for background baby and widened in different sizes operating systems To the one who looks stylish and beautiful.

Preparation text document valid to STP 01-01

Blocks (pay) extensions or cards (Card), as they are called differently, can be used for servicing outbuildings that are connected to the IBM PC. Pong can win for connection additional outbuildings(display adapters, disk controller, etc.).

Breakdown and repair of the video card

These blocks are processed at the same time by shader processors of all designated types, they determine the selection and filtering of texture data, which are necessary for stimulating the scene.

Registration program for the verification process for automated system management of the acquisition of electronic industry

There are 11 types of blocks, from which a specific MES system can be prepared for that ch іnshoy selection.

Rozrobka software package rozrahunka compensation for overhaul

On your own lower equal The granularity of data in Oracle databases is stored in data blocks. One block of data is equal to the number of bytes of physical space on the disk.

Development of hardware and software for the control system of transport platforms in Simatic Step-7

System blocks are components of the operating system. The stench can be avenged by programs (system functions, SFC) or data (system data blocks, SDB). System blocks give access to important system functions.

Outbuildings to enter the EOM warehouse

Blocks (pay) extensions or cards (Card), as they are called differently, can be used for servicing outbuildings that are connected to the IBM PC. The stench can be used to connect additional attachments (display adapters, disk controllers, etc.).

About scho rozpіdatimetsya at іy small statti?

This article is about gaining basic knowledge for those who want to choose a balanced video card without paying pennies to marketers. Help newcomers, and also serve as a dzherel brown information the one for more prosynutih koristuvachiv PC. Tim is not smaller, the mini article is still, oriented to herself for beginners.

Assignment of the video card.

It's not a secret for anyone that in our time the main field of activity for a productive video card is 3 Dgames, smoother graphics video( HD ), work for professionals 3D2D and video editors. Other, regular tasks can be easily installed on the processor or video card chipset. Recently, for the video card, the field of viability of the video card has been expanded number of rich streams, yakі pratsyut richer on the parallel architecture of video cards, lower on processors.

NVIDIApush your software and hardware platformCUDA, based on the movieСі (Mіzh іnhim away, and it's not surprising, with the contribution of such koshtіv).AMDwell, mainly rely on the open codeOpenCL.

For help you can encode video in 3-4 times shvidshe. Hardware-wise, with the help of video cards, mow down the products of the companyAdobe- zokrema photoshop, Flash, І tse mabut only an ear. It's true, there are very few quiet people, as if they are constantly counting on the hardness of video cards. I was given to think about it while it’s still early, then it’s more to come richnuclear processors, even if they are more efficient in rich streaming operations, but there may be an inconspicuous plus for the fact that the stench without folding software optimizations simply robs its right side. And the simplicity and efficiency of implementation, as history showsWindows(for example) - for people smut, that order is successful on Software market. And all the same varto voddat danina obschilyuvalno natuzhnosti video cards, not yet tidy "correct" software.


*Nice nutritious food

Head engravings on the market of graphic accessories and corporationsAMDі NVIDIA.

Here everything is clear, like in the rich sectors of the markets, duopoly. Yak Pepsiі Coca Cola, yak i Xbox 360 , yak Intelі AMD in kіntsi kіntsіv. Recently, companies have released their products on a whim. Sob and one was good and another. Spochatku AMD launching the flagship of the line, then in two or three months, launching more pushing flagship NVIDIA. The cards are bathed on the back AMD, like the best, then after the release of the cards NVIDIA, I bought them, I'm going to the store again for a better product. Practically they are the same in the middle and budget market. Only rozkid for increased productivity, there is a great competitor here, so that you can get more economical support, you need more, lower chance of mother best video card how does it work in the flagship sector.

Rather not a fanatic, just a business and nothing special. Golovna, that the video cards were productive, but the prices did not bite. I like a virobnik - it doesn’t matter. With such an approach, you can forever lose yourself from the winners at the cost of productivity.

Chip architecture.

Kіlkіstpixel processors (for AMD ), universal conveyors (for NVIDIA).

So. Tsezovsіm different speeches. The ones from AMD Radeon HD 5870 1600 vykonavchih blocіv zovsіm does not meanNVIDIA GTX 480 yakoї on board є 480 Vikonavchih blocks.

NVIDIAmay scalar architecture, andAMDsuper scalar .

AMD architecture.

Let's take a look at the architecture PP (*pixel processors),on the basis of the basic super scalar architecture of video cardsRadeon HD 5 episodes ( 5-way VLIW).

Kozhen 5 pp fold one vikonavchiy block, which at a time can vikonati maximum. 1 scalar operation and 1 vector otherwise 5 scalars(prote mind not zavzhdi fit for whom). Skin vector operation for care 4 PP, skin is scalar 1 PP. And here, as already seen. AtNVIDIA w skin Cuda Core, vikonu strictly according to 1 vectorі 1 scalar operations per clock.

With the release of the 6th series, under the code names ( Northern Islands ), and the chip itself Cayman, vyrіshili vіdmovitysya in the form of an additional, fifthALU(T-unit);

Now this role can be played by three or more blocks that are left out. Tse allowed rozvantazhiti flow manager. Ultra-Threaded Dispatch Processor), which for addition became two more for improving the work with geometry and tessellation, which were the weak side of the 5th series. Plus to everything, it allows you to save on the area of ​​the core and the transistor budget for the same efficiency.

After the first series, the robot has a straight line of development VLIW ended, calling on її weak flexibleness and a great hour of downtime through the staleness of internal blocks in front of each other (especially vector operations). New architecture came to the fore Graphics Core Next .

Dvigun SIMD, changed by enumeration block Compute Unit (CU), which allows you to significantly increase the efficiency and productivity of architecture. Skin PP can now independently perform vector and scalar operations, since separate control blocks have been introduced for them, which more effectively distribute resources between different blocks. In general, architecture begins to know the causes of scalar architecture in NVIDIA, as it exudes simplicity and efficiency.

Becoming the first chip of the new architecture Tahiti GPU on whom they will AMD Radeon HD 7970/7950 . The company plans to release the middle class on the new architecture.

Now let's look at the basic scalar architecture NVIDIA .

Yak bachimo, leather universal processor ( ), per beat 1 scalar operation 1 vector. Tse allows you to reach maximum smoothness. There are a lot of vector and scalar operations, video cardsAMD with architecture VLIWto give in, to that stink is not enough to zavantazhit your blocks with a robot like a video cardNVIDIA.

Permissible vibіr falling mіzhRadeon HD 5870 і GeForce GTX 480 .

First 1600pp, at another 480 unified blocks.

Countable: 16005 = 320 superscalar blocks, y Radeon HD 5870

Tobto per clock video cardAMD, vikonuє vіd 320 to 1600 scalar operations and 0 to 320 Swimming vector, fallow due to the nature of the plant.

And when the frequency of the shader domain is reduced, the map on the architectureFermi, theoretically 960 vector ta 960 scalar operations per cycle.

Prote Radeon , may show more frequency, lower card from the "green camp" (700 versus 850). Otzhe, such showcasesNVIDIA, theoretically responsible for the frequency of the robot shader domain at a frequency of 1700 MHz (850 x 2 \u003d 1700), ale tse negarazd. At a frequency of 1401 MHz, GTX 480 views ~ 700 vector i ~ 700 scalar operations per cycle.

* do not rely on the accuracy of the data to calculate, the stench may be more theoretical in nature. Until then, the firmness is not for the 6th series Radeon, starting from chips Cayman.

For the calculation of the fact that the maximum number of vector and scalar operations is the same number.NVIDIAI can best smoothness at folding scenes, lower AMD VLIW (<5 series).

The number of categories is that which we accept, as if buying a video card with a series of the youngest.

engineers AMD, without thinking, cut half of the pixel processors, memory bus and partROP's generation of cards, from the segment to the class below. For exampleRadeon HD5870 may 1600pp, tire 256 bit, and in 577 0, exactly half of the total was lost - 800 , that memory bus 128 bit. Such a situation is threefold even to budget video cards. Again, better get a bigger weaker video card from the 58** series, the lower one from the 57** series.

At the engineers NVIDIA, not a lot of other approach. Smoothly, a memory bus is being formed, universal conveyors,ROP's , pixel pipelines. However, the frequencies are reduced in such a way that, with a proper cooling system, it is possible to compensate by overclocking. It’s not a big deal, it’s not navpakiAMDmoving the frequencies on the maps with a cut number of different elements.

Pidkhid AMD more virobnik, pidkhid NVIDIA- buy.

Riddle about drivers.

Itself through the features of superscalar architecture VLIW, driver type AMDIt should be constantly optimized, so that the video card has been developed, if it is necessary to use vectors or scalars as efficiently as possible.

Unified driversNVIDIAmore unacceptable to other dvigunіv іgor, zavdyakiNVIDIAMost of the time, we optimize the architecture of our video chips and drivers. Also, it means that with these installations, the remote ones do not cause practically any problems, as if the drivers were connected toAMD.

Drivers NVIDIA you can install it directly on the old one, without having to remove it without cleaning the registry. Let's hope that the programmersAMDruhatimutsya in the same straight line. It was possible to download "fixy" for driversCatalyst, yakі come out shortly before the appearance of gris at the sale of chi trochs a year. It's already. And with the release of new architecture Graphics Core Next, the work of optimizing drivers will be significantly relieved

Pixel conveyors, TMU, ROP.

So, the quantity is important pixel pipelinesі TMU (texture overlay block), their number is especially important at high resolutions and at different anisotropic texture filtering ( important pixel pipelines), high-quality textures and high-quality anisotropic filtering (important TMU).

Number of blocksROP (raster operation blocks ), mainly contribute to the productivity of smoothing, but in case of failures, it can be spent on total productivity. There are more of them, and there is more incomparable splintering for the number of frames per second. So, on productivity zgladzhuvannya, іstotno vplyvaє obsjag vіdеopomyatі.

Volume, frequency and capacity of the memory bus.

The more video memory a video card has, the better. However, not varto bathe in a big engagement.

How often do you, on a visually weak video card, put names on video memory, and that’s right (for example, onGeForce 8500 GT, deakі OEMput the picks behind 2 GB DDR2 video memory). No video card will make you angry and productivity will not be reached.

* por_vnyannі s 8500 GT 512 mb

For the best option, if you take a video card with a memory card, or a smaller one. For example, yakscho vibir varto: take 9800 GTh 512 or 1024 mb memory, іz frequency 1000MHzі 900MHz apparently, it would be better to take 9800 GT h 512 mb memory. Tim more a video card of this level will not require video memory more, lower 512 mb.

Memory bandwidth - Tse smut in the productivity of the video memory subsystem, as the most important rank influencing the productivity of the video card as a whole. Gb / s (gigabytes per second) is reduced.

For example, at once, actively vikoristovuetsya video memory typeGDDR5 , which has a richly high frequency potential, lowerGDDR3 , and apparently more of a temple throughput.

Prote frequency is far from everything. Another important factor is memory bus capacity. The greater the rank, the better the memory.

For example, memory from the frequency 1000MHz that tire 256 bit, will be equal to 2 times shvidshe memory 1000MHz that tire 128 bit. The greater the rank, the greater the memory. The biggest memory bus of the essentials is monstrous 896 bit(448 x2 ) on the video card GeForce GTX295 . However, he has a victorious memoryGDDR3 , which actually increases the throughput of the building (less efficient frequency)GDDR5 . To that, її throughput building, wind a troch lower, lower atRadeon HD 5970 h 512 bit(256 x 2), ale z GDDR5 .

Cooling system.

If the cooling system is efficient, then there is less chance that your video card is out of whack. The card will be less overheated, to improve the overall stability of the system, significantly increase service term, as well as promote expanding potential.

Released, readyhsystems about holodzhenny videocards have two variations.

Reference (type of picker) that alternative (Vid partner virobnik). As a rule, the reference cards may be turbine (, blower) vikonannya, and sound even better. Visibly loud, don't be so efficient, like alternative SO in the form of partners of the picker, they are more heavily clogged with a saw. If you want a more efficient and quiet video card cooling system, if you choose blower cooling systems. Even though there is little noise when you are not turbulent, and you do not set records in acceleration, the reference cooling system is better. Sound, partners of manufacturers, glue them with stickers and their logos, you can change it only in the BIOS-e video cards (adjustment of fan speeds), to that the cards are identical in design, but also to other manufacturers, better or hotter for your brothers. At skin z virobnikiv, your own worries and guarantees wash. To this, the deacons sacrifice silence for greater stability and longevity.

How important are you silence, then varto turn respect for alternative systems cooling increased efficiency, with less noise (for exampleVapor-x, IceQ, , DirectCu), or choose a video card with a passive cooling system, there are more and more of them these days.

* Porada: do not forget once or twice, change the thermal interface, especially on the 3rd technology of direct contact of heat pipes. The thermal paste catches, fixing the ball, which is bad to conduct heat, which leads to overheating of the video card.

Energy saving video card.

The characteristic is even more important when choosing, since a video card is a non-nerdy component of a computer, so it is not a nerdy one. Top video cards are sometimes approaching to the icon 300W. Therefore, when choosing the next step, ensure that your building block of life will provide a video card with a stable meal. Otherwise, the system may or may not start up due to the lack of voltage during the hour of passage POST, may cause instability in the robot and the lack of sound, overheating, or overheating of the computer components, or the life block may simply burn out.

On the website of the maker or the box of the video card, the minimum characteristics are written, the average is the minimum pressure on the block of life. Qi meanings are written for any blocks, including Chinese ones. If you are convinced that you have the same block of life, you can choose which value 50-100W.

In the middle, it is possible to determine the energy supply for a number of additional roses for living on a video card.

Zhodny - less 75W, one 6-pin before 150W, two 6-pin before 225W, 8-pin + 6-pin - Before 300W. Be sure that your unit may need roses, otherwise the kit will have 4-pin adapters. molex-and. Or buy them, they are freely sold at computer stores.

A short life of the video card can lead to її overheating, the appearance of artifacts and the output of the її system of life from the fret. Video cards NVIDIA, in case of a live failure, you can start by changing the mind: "the video driver has stopped supporting and renovating" or "turn on the additional live to the video card".

High energy saving = high thermal output. If your video card is running on a lot of energy, look for additional fans for blowing and looking at the case. Abo like a timchasovy zahid - open a bichnu kryshka. Constantly high temperature in the case - detrimentally pouring into the lines of service of all components, starting with the motherboard, ending.


If you have already signed up with a video card, then turn your attention to roses.

How do you have a monitor with a matrix P- but for help 30 bit color (1.07 billion), then you will definitely need display port on the video card to explore the yoga potential. Tilki display port support transmission 30 bits glibini color.

* authentically unknown, which supports the transfer of 30 bits, game video cards, but the presence display port talk about the possibility of support. At the specifications of the support, it is stated only for professional video cards AMD FireProі NVIDIA Quadro.

Even better, yakscho є . You don’t know what you can become in good time and better, but we’ll cook until then. Raptom you happen to enter the signal from the receiver. Before the speech HDMIі DVI sumіsnі through a simple adapter that is practically without problems.


On whom everything. We didn’t catch up, we’ll finish already. Shards of the article signify the main, deep understanding, it has been out for a long time.

Tim is not less, all the most important moments for choosing the most productive video card are described.

1. Food vіri.

3. Number of vykonavchih blocks (TMU, ROP too).

4. Volume, frequency and capacity of the memory bus.

5. Find out, chi pidide card for equal energy supply.

5. Cooling system.

6. Roses.

With your knowledge, you can, as best as you can, choose a video card.

Away from your choice!

Number of counting (shader) blocks and processors

Maybe, at the same time, these blocks are the main parts of the videochip. The stinks are beaten by special programs that look like shaders. Moreover, as before, pixel shaders counted blocks of pixel shaders, and vertex - vertex blocks, then from now on graphic architecture was unified, and many universal counting blocks were engaged in different layouts: vertex, pixel, geometric and nav.

For the first time, the architecture of the Bula Vikoristan was unified in the video chip of the Microsoft Xbox 360 game console, the whole graphics processor was expanded by ATI (purchased by AMD). And for video chips for personal computers, unified shader blocks appeared in the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 board. );

For the number of counting blocks and their frequency, it is possible to compare the mathematical productivity of different video cards. The majority of games are at once limited by the productivity of pixel shaders, so the number of blocks is very important. For example, if one model of a video card is based on a GPU with 384 counting processors in one warehouse, and another one is based on a GPU with 192 counting blocks, then with the same frequency of the other, it will be possible to process whether it is some type of shader well productive.

Although, on the basis of just a few number of counting blocks, it is not possible to work unambiguously about productivity, it is necessary to pay attention to the clock frequency and size of the architecture of the blocks of different generations and the number of chips. You can only match these numbers with chips or less between the same line of one virobnik: AMD or NVIDIA. In other situations, we should pay attention to productivity tests in the national games or supplements.

Texture Units (TMU)

These GPU blocks are processed together with the calculation processors, they are used for selection and filtering of texture and other data, which are necessary for stimulating the scene and universal calculation. The number of texture blocks in a video chip determines the texture productivity - that is, the flexibility of the selection of texels from textures.

In the rest of the hour, if you want to focus more on mathematical rendering, and some of the textures are replaced by procedural ones, the pressure on TMU blocks and dosing at once is great, the chips of the main textures, the selections need to work from normal maps and susvives, as well as behind-the-screen buffers in rendering the render target.

Considering the emphasis on bagatioh igor zokrema and productivity of texture blocks, it can be said that the number of TMU blocks and the high level of textural productivity are also among the most important parameters for video chips. By adding this parameter, this parameter gives smoothness to rendering images with different anisotropic filtering, which allows for additional texture vibrations, as well as with soft shadows folding algorithms and newfangled algorithms for Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.

Rasterization Operation Blocks (ROP)

Rasterization blocks zdiyasnyuyut operation record razrohorovanny video card pixels in the buffer and mixing (blending). As we have already designated higher, the productivity of ROP blocks affects the file rate and price - one of the main characteristics of video cards of all hours. Even though the value of the remaining hour of її has also decreased a little, there are still some drops, if the productivity of the programs is due to the speed and the number of ROP blocks. It is most often explained by the active selection of filters after processing and the inclusion of anti-aliasing at high gaming settings.

On our forum today, dozens of people ask for advice on the power of modernizing their own, from which we are willing to help. Today, “evaluating the folding” that our customers have reviewed the components for summancy, we began to notice that respect for the coristuvachi is attached mainly to those other, without any doubt, important components. I rarely know that when upgrading a computer, it is necessary to update the language, but not less important detail -. And today, it will be shown that we don’t forget about warto.

“...I want to upgrade my computer, so that everything would fly, having bought an i7-3970X processor and an ASRock X79 Extreme6 mother, plus a RADEON HD 7990 6GB. What else nan????777"
- Approximately half of all repairs to the stationary computer update are approximately the same. Vykhodyachi zі svogo or family budget, koristuvachі namagayutsya choose yourself, the most and most beautiful memory modules. At the same time, it’s really important that the old one at 450W runs into both a non-aggressive video card and a hot processor for an hour of overclocking at once.

We, on our side, once again wrote about the importance of life to the bloc - ale, kaєmos, singsongly, it was not enough on purpose. Therefore, today we have corrected, and prepared a memo for you about those who will be, if you upgrade your PC, you will forget about pictures and report descriptions.

Otzhe, we wrote a new configuration ...

For our experiment, we decided to take a completely new average computer and upgrade it to the level of a “game machine”. You won't be able to change the configuration much - it will be enough to remember, remember and the video card, so that we have the opportunity to play in more or less modern games with daily adjustments of details. The default configuration of our computer is as follows:

Living block: ATX 12V power supply 400W

I realized that such a configuration is for Igor, mildly seemingly, weak. So, the time has come for me to change! Let's start from the same reason why we start more correct "upgrades" - p. We don’t mind the mother board - until the power is out of us.

We didn’t cheat on the mother board, but it’s better to use socket FM2 (fortunately, there is a special button on the side of the motherboard description on the NIKS website). Let's not be stingy - we'll take an affordable, scary and smart processor with a frequency of 4.1 GHz (up to 4.4 GHz in Turbo CORE mode) and an unlocked multiplier - we also love to "break", nothing is alien to us. The axis of the characteristics of the processor we have chosen:

CPU bus frequency 5000 MHz Tension that rises 100 W Robotic processor frequency 4.1 GHz or up to 4.4 GHz with Turbo CORE mode Core Richland L1 cache 96 KB x2 L2 cache 2048 KB x2, based on processor frequency Pidtrimka 64 bit So number of cores 4 Reproduction 41, non-blocking multiplier Processor video core AMD Radeon HD 8670D іz 844 MHz; trim Shader Model 5 Max amount of RAM 64 GB Max. number of monitors that are connected 3 with direct connection or up to 4 monitors per hour with DisplayPort switchable

One bar for 4GB is not our choice. First, we want 16GB, but in a different way, we need to set up a dual-channel mode of operation, for which we install two memory modules with a capacity of 8GB each in our computer. The high throughput capacity, the number of radiators and the daily price make this the best choice for us. Before that, from the AMD website you can download the Radeon RAMDisk program, which will allow us to create a super-sweet virtual storage device with a volume of up to 6GB absolutely cost-free - and we love everything without cost-free brown things.

Obligation of memory 8 GB
Number of modules 2
Memory standard PC3-10600 (DDR3 1333MHz)
Functioning frequency up to 1333 MHz
Timings 9-9-9-24
Life pressure 1.5 U
Throughput capacity 10667 Mbps

Grati on a vbudovanom video with comfort is only possible in a sapper. Therefore, in order to upgrade the computer to a gaming level, we chose the current effort, but not the best.

Їy became z 2GB of video memory, supporting DirectX 11 and OpenGL 4.x. that miraculous Twin Frozr IV cooling system. There is just too much productivity to enjoy the latest installments of the most popular gaming franchises like Tomb Raider, Crysis, Hitman and Far Cry. Characteristics obranoї we look like this:

GPU GeForce GTX 770
GPU frequency 1098 MHz or up to 1150 MHz for GPU Boost mode
Number of shader processors 1536
Video memory 2 GB
Video memory type GDDR5
Video memory bus capacity 256 bits
Video memory frequency 1753 MHz (7.010 GHz QDR)
Number of pixel pipelines 128, 32 blocks of textures
interface PCI Express 3.0 16x (summary of PCI Express 2.x/1.x) with the ability to combine cards behind SLI support.
Porty DisplayPort, DVI-D, DVI-I, HDMI, D-Sub adapter included
Video card cooling Active (radiator + 2 Twin Frozr IV fans on the front side of the board)
Rose of life 8pin+8pin
Support API DirectX 11 and OpenGL 4.x
Dovzhina video card (simulated in NIKS) 263 mm
Support for the calculation of the infamous confession on the GPU DirectCompute 11, NVIDIA PhysX, CUDA, CUDA C++, OpenCL 1.0
Maximum Power Saving FurMark+WinRar 255 W
Productivity Rating 61.5

Uncomfortable difficulties

Now we have everything we need to upgrade our computer. Let's put new components into the case, which we have.

Runs - and does not work. Why? And for those who are budgetary living blocks, it is not physically possible to launch a computer with a little bit. On the right, for living in our video card, two 8-pin connectors are needed, and the living block can “in the base” have only one 6-pin video card live connector. Vrakhovuchi, that more is needed more and more connectors, lower in our opinion, it became clear that the block of life is needed to be changed.

Ale tse sche pіvbidi. Just think, there is no life connector! Our test lab has been able to get some common adapters from 6-pin to 8-pin and from molex to 6-pin. Axis like this:

Varto signify that on the budgetary modern blocks of living with leather new release of roses in Molex, the daedal is less - we can be said to have been spared.

At first glance - everything is good, and through some clever tricks they could upgrade the system unit to a "gaming" configuration. Now let's get excited by running Furmark test and 7Zip archiver in Xtreme Burning mode on our new gaming computer overnight. We could start the computer already good. The launch of the Furmark system is also vitrimal. Launching the archiver - what is it? The computer turned on, before tsim pleasing us to the rev_nyam of the fan untwisted to the maximum. The "fast" staff 400W does not zoom, as if without smudging, to run a video card and a hard processor. And through the middle of the cooling system, ours got very hot, and the maximum fan speed did not allow him to see even if he wanted to declare 400W.

Let go!

Tide. We bought expensive components, so we could get a gaming computer, but we can’t go out on a new one. Cover. Wisnovok zrozumіli usіm: the old one is not suitable for our game computer, it is necessary to change the terms to the new one. Ale na yaki same?

For our upgraded computer, we chose the main criteria for Chotirma:

First - tse, obviously, tightness. We vvazhali for better choose from the reserve - we want to break the processor, and score synthetic scores in the tests. With the improvement of everything that we might need in the future, we tried to collect the power not lower than 800W.

Another criterion is value. We really want to take “out of stock” having survived the onset of a generation of video cards and processors, without burning itself and without burning expensive components (at once with a test maidanchik). Therefore, our choice is only Japanese capacitors, only zahist in short flickers and nadіyny zahist in the event of overwhelming any output.

The third point of our efforts is efficiency and functionality. For the cob, we will need it - you will often use the computer, and especially the power supply unit at once with a video card and a processor cooler will drive you crazy. Until then, we are no strangers to the beautiful, the new block of life for our gaming computer is to blame for being modular and mother cables and connectors that are available. There was nothing bad about it.

І rest after the list, but not for significance, criterion - tse energy efficiency. So, we are turbulent and in the middle, and rahunki for electricity. To that obrany to us the block of life is guilty of proving, at least, to the energy efficiency standard 80+ Bronze.

After having analyzed all our efforts, we chose among the few applicants, who fully satisfied all of our efforts. Him becoming the power of 850W. Respectfully, for the whole low parameters of wines, we have turned over our victories. Let's take a look at yoga specification:

Characteristics of the living block
type of possession Living block with active PFC (Power Factor Correction) module.
power Braided loops, Japanese capacitors, Short flicker protection (SCP), Voltage shift protection (OVP), Overvoltage protection for any output in the okremo block (OCP)
+3.3V - 24A, +5V - 24A, +12V - 70A, +5VSB - 3.0A, -12V - 0.5A
Cables of life that come out So
KKD 90%, 80 PLUS Gold Certified
Pressure on the block of life 850 W
Payment connector 24+8+8 pin, 24+8+4 pin, 24+8 pin, 24+4 pin, 20+4 pin
Live video card connector 6x 6/8-pin rose (multiple 8-pin rose - 2 pins allowed)
MTBF 100 thousand Godin
Refrigeration unit 1 fan: 140 x 140 mm (on the bottom wall). Passive cooling system with a load of up to 50%.
Fan speed control Type of temperature sensor. Changing the speed of the fan wrapping in the fallow area due to the temperature in the middle of the living block. Manual selection of fan mode. In Normal mode, the fan constantly spins, and in Silent mode, it hums more when the fan is low.

, one of the best for qi pennies. Let's put yoga in our body:

Then it happened that we were troch zbentezhilo. It would have been better, they had chosen everything competently, they had connected everything, everything was working - the block of life was to be removed! Tobto vzagali: the fan, as if standing on the spot, so it was, and the system started up properly when it functioned. On the right, when the power is up to 50%, the heating unit operates in the so-called quiet mode - the fan of the cooling system does not spin. To buzz the fan is not enough for great ambitions - the one-hour launch of the archivers and Furmark still caused the cooler to turn around.

The block has six 8-pin6-pin connectors for the live video card, and these are a variety of 8-pin connectors, which, if necessary, can be connected to 2 contacts. In such a rank, the wine of the building without zayvogo klopota and trudnoshchіv produvati whether it's a video card. І navit not one.

The modular system allows the living unit to install non-essential living cables, which allows you to improve the airflow to the case, the stability of the robotic system, and, of course, aesthetically improve the outside appearance of the interior space, which allows you to boldly recommend to amateur modders in the end of the case.
buy a supple and tight block of life. Have our look at him becoming. - I like bachite, not vipadkovo. Having bought the same in NIKS, you can be sure that all the components of your highly productive system will be provided with sufficient and uninterrupted eating, in case of extreme overclocking.

Until then, the block of life should be pushed ahead of time - more quickly from the reserve, so you can choose to upgrade the system with high-quality components in the future.

Theoretically, a modern computer can be used without a video card - it’s not for nothing that a mother’s pay is given one or two roses, which are used for connecting a monitor. There are no daily problems for Vlasnik processors from the integrated graphics core. Ale navit stink buy a video card in that case, as if you want to play with today's game. Only a video adapter can provide adequate graphics performance. And even more powerfully, it helps video editing work on visual special effects. How about choosing a model?

Availability of video adapter with other components

In front of you, orienting us forward next to the already available computer components! Let me tell you that the most powerful NVIDIA TITAN came at the same time as your system block has a modest dual-core processor. Vin just can't get all the information that you need to get to a new video card. At the link with the cim, your TITAN has more than half the capacity, or a quarter of its capabilities.

In a word, choose your own components of approximately one class. If you buy a gaming video card, then the processor with the motherboard is not guilty of being cheap. There are no more problems with budget video adapters, which are recognized for processing office graphics. As a rule, a maximum of such an add-on can be changed, whether it be "motherboards" and processors, so you can't even find a single-core chipset from a decimal age.


Main selection criteria

Connection interface

As expected, video adapters are inserted into the PCI-Express slot. Vіn є practically leather mother board, behind the blame of the most miniature models. Ale version of which interface can be upgraded! If you choose a computer directly at once, then you will definitely add a motherboard with a slot PCI-Express 3.0. And if you choose a video card for the "mother", then we will not be afraid to find out if the version of the interface is victorious with it. As much as possible, what is old PCI Express 2.0.

There is nothing wrong with the installed video card on the interface of the past generation. It's just that you can't win all the possibilities, the shards won't work in the mode of wisdom. The difference in interfaces is less in terms of bandwidth - you can forget about the high level of graphics in today's games. Fairly tse i u zvorotny bіk. Video adapters recognized for PCI-Express 2.0 are also available in the new slot. And better yet, look for a newer video card to discover the potential of the motherboard.

Energy supply

The hours have long since passed, if the videopriskoryuvach did not survive the supplementary life. At the same time, only a few roses seem to grow, as if they are vicorous for connection to the block of life. The most advanced models require the security of life for the help of two roses 8 PIN- if your block of life does not have such cables, then you will have to worry about the need for adapters, which will turn on MOLEX. Three smaller hard video cards can win one rose 8PIN or navigate 6pin.

Zrozumilo, vіdіznyаєtsya vіdeoadapterіv i rіven energospozhivannya. At the technical characteristics, it should be noted that the electrical parameters of the video card work as a downtime and under pressure. Sound, this parameter varies from 50 to 350 watts. If you do not choose to change the life block, select the next video card. For example, GeForce 770 with GIGABYTE cooling system can run up to 220W in games. Power up your hard drives, CD drive, sound card, and motherboard. As a result, you take into account that such a video card requires a power unit of at least 600 watts. If your block of living is not built to see such an electrician, then look at a simple video adapter. Abo NVIDIA GeForce 970, creations behind a sophisticated technical process and saving less electricity.

Volume of that video memory bus

It’s richer, the more video memory the video cards are, the better. Prote really tse zavzhd so. On the right, in that video memory is accessed through a special bus. And since her throughput is already low, then in a rare city you can display the entire stock of video memory. Zokrema for obsyagu 1 GB enough bus 128 bits. And for a volume of 2-4 GB, a 256-bit bus is required. For even more commitment, you need a wider tire. For other needs, you may need a video adapter with the following parameters:

  • Work in the office- at this time you can have the simplest video card, on board there is 512 MB of video memory with no more than a wide bus;
  • Revisiting the video and the games of the past generations- For the implementation of such tasks, you need a video card with 1 GB of video memory (based on the GDDR5 standard) and a 128-bit bus.
  • Modern games with average improved graphics- Here everything is laid out in a different building screen. View pictures in Full HD with 2 GB of video memory and 256-bit bus.
  • Modern games with maximum graphics improvements require at least 4 GB of video memory and a 256-bit bus (the wider, the more exciting the graphics).
  • Zadіl on the future and professional editing of video materials- Useful model, equipped with 6 GB of video memory (and more shortly - with a larger number) and the widest possible bus. Even though the power supply is high, you can look at a dual-processor video card or a link between two video adapters.


Video memory frequency of the processor

Whether or not a video card is built up from the processor and video memory. Offenses and components are characterized by frequency - for which plan the stench is not disturbed by the processor and operational memory, which are connected to the mother's payment - only the numbers are different. Zokrema, video memory frequency sound increased to a few thousand MHz - it is broken in order to exchange data when it is more clear. Well, what's worth processor then the yogo clock frequency varies from 600 to 1300 MHz. What are the parameters of the parameters, the greater the graphics ratio of the building security video adapter.

Thank you for your respect, such as video cards, the number of which starts at 15 thousand rubles, they are subject to dispersal! In the BIOS, you can try to increase the frequency of the processor, achieving a threefold result.

Number of universal processors

It is also a cicavi parameter. For gamers, wine is not so important, the fact that universal processors in games are far from a reality. We stink are recognized for processing the stream of video data, and not trivial graphics. Zocrema, for their help, render video and convert one format to another. The more processors, the faster the process will end. In top video cards, the number of universal processors can reach as many as thousands. Budget models їх may have only 300-500. Before the speech, at NVIDIA, this technology took away the name CUDA - maybe, you already know about it.

NVIDIA Experience

Just as the language has already gone about NVIDIA video cards, then let's talk about the main problem. When installing such an attachment, you will take the program from your order NVIDIA Experience. On the back of the head, it was recognized as less for automatic updating of drivers and optimization of existing games. But at the same time, I have an additional item - NVIDIA ShadowPlay. As a matter of fact, the video card in the background will record your gaming process (five to twenty remaining minutes). The onslaught of a song combination of keys allows you to save the video on a hard disk.

Please note that this feature is only available to owners of NVIDIA GeForce 600 series video cards. Її the main influence on Fraps, Bandicam and other similar programs - the presence of any additional pressure on the system, at the link with FPS (frame rate) in games does not pass.



To display the image on a monitor or a projector, you can select different roses. Sound the video card is equipped with at least two interfaces, and in expensive models you can find both or five roses.

  • HDMI- a modern digital interface, which is heard from the most important TV sets and rich monitors, the number of which exceeds 6 thousand rubles. Take care, use a changed version of the socket, as if using a different cable! Depending on the version of the video card interface, you can display on the monitor a picture from a different building (up to 4K) and display it in a 3D view. You can show the image of the couple with sound.
  • display port- One more modern rose. This interface allows you to display a picture in any kind of a different building, just like a video adapter. You can input sound from the images at the same time. The function of connecting a number of monitors is also available.
  • DVI- The most beautiful rose. "Fork" is not only connected to the new one, but it is screwed in with two bolts. You can use a little more than enough - the picture can be shown in Full HD, but no more.
  • VGA- an old rose, through which it is impossible to bring an image from a high-rise building, and the sound cannot be heard by it. However, such an interface can connect a lot of monitors.

Popular video card builders

Here, it should be noted that the maker of the video card of the same card is far from being the same. In fact, video adapters are made by more than two companies. NVIDIAі AMD. But it’s not easy to know such factory options for sale. It's easier to get the product from third-party vendors, to change the factory settings (disable the video card) and install the cooling system. Among such companies, it is the most important thing to do GIGABYTE, MSI, ASUS, Palit, Zotac, Inno3D, EVGA GmbH, Sapphire and others.


What to focus on?

  • If you need to view the image on a monitor monitor, you need to look at a hard video card, endowed with modern roses (forget about VGA).
  • Office practitioners in power are practically any kind of video adapter, which is sold at the same time in stores. When buying a live extension, you should focus on the use of video memory - at 512 MB, work stably, whether it be programs that support graphics or video.
  • Fans of the city are guilty of using a video card with a decent capacity of the video memory bus. 256 bits is the optimal parameter that allows games to easily play around with video memory - up to 4 GB.
  • If you like to record your game process or stream, then focus on NVIDIA products - ShadowPlay can help you. Ale, do not forget to stock up on a soft hard disc before you, the choice of which is dedicated!

It didn’t seem to be there, but when choosing a video card, it’s necessary to read and look at that video. Just so you can understand that you don’t squeak at the attachment of the throttle, like the cooling system is working loudly and showing signs of the video adapter in your favorite games.