Russian theme. What does Themis look like? What is sleeping with the goddesses Themis and Justice?

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A stern woman in a mantle and with tied eyes, with arms in one hand and a sword in the other, is a well-known symbol of justice. Who is she and what does her extravagant look mean?


According to legend, Themis was born from the union of the sky god Uranus and the earth goddess Gaia. Otherwise, she was a Titanide, the deity of another generation, which was the children of Gaia and Uranus. Among her six sisters and six brothers, Themis sits in a special place. Having reached maturity, the intelligent Themis became another squad of Zeus and conveyed to her that she would be thrown off by her own son, who was married to the nymph Thetis. Protective Zeus listened to the prophecy and disappeared into a love affair with a sea maiden.

The goddess Themis is also known to have taken an active part in the outbreak of the Trojan War. She has always been a source of encouragement and support for her loved ones. Themis gave birth to three miracle daughters to Zeus - justice, goodness and peace (Dike, Eunomia and Eirenu).

The practice of prophecy and divine rites also expanded during Themis. This goddess not only dared to prophesy, she legitimized this existence. Themis was a thirteen-year cycle, divided into summer and winter seasons. Behind these mythological myths, Zeus gave birth to yet another goddess for fate and fate.

Why worry about law and order?

Ancient Greek authors lift the curtain on the secret chambers of life, as led by the goddess of justice Themis. Eschylus, for example, tells us about those who were the mother of Prometheus, who gave fire to people. Homer, writing to the one who, as a significant servant of the great Zeus, calls the gods to the meeting and reveals to them the will of the Olympian ruler. She is now ready to reveal the will of the supreme deity to people, starting with their correct moral standards and subduals. It is not surprising that Themis represented the foundations of law and order and became what we today call the “goddess of justice.” It is often possible to feel that the court is called the “temple of Themid”, and the Suddian officials – “the priests of Themid”. The Latin word “justice” refers to both the judicial authority itself and the system of bodies that are engaged in this activity.

What a unique look

Why does the goddess of justice stand before us with a bandage on her eyes? This detail clearly demonstrates the lack of urgency, which, in the opinion of old, is necessary to accept a judicial decision. The judge is not guilty of marveling at people, he is guilty of hearing without fact. Without giving any consideration to those who are suing, they simply blindly accept the rights of decision. There is no denying that such understanding is very important today.

Blind to the truth or to lies?

The fact that the patrons of the right are bound to the court is often taken as ironic. It appears that this detail can be interpreted as objectivity and lack of anticipation of the Suddish tribe, or, at the same time, perceived as anticipation and subjectivism, which is the desire of people to carry out righteous justice and strive for іtsyanki. In this case, when the court made an unfair decision for the benefit of someone or for fear, then, marveling at the reception under the harsh eyes of the goddess, with a bitter smile they say that the goddess of justice, unfortunately, is blind.

Wags, sword, mantle

Teresa, as the goddess of justice Themis says in the left hand, means that guilt and rightness are important, justice triumphs. The sword on which the royal Themis lays her right hand, before wealth, is a symbol of repayment for good, for life. This is how it was among the Greeks. There were no bandages on her eyes before the speech. Roman mythology, having posited the image and attributes of the goddess, named her Justicia, covered her eyes with a red bandage, and to replace the horn of prosperity, she put a punishing sword in her hand: let the villains and servants of evil tremble! Those that the goddess holds the sword at her right hand symbolize the rightness of the decision. Those who have a sword of imprisonment on both sides, talk about those whose law not only punishes, but also guards against thoughtless actions. The mantle is a long-standing ritual item, which is attributed to the symbolism of the spiritual transition to the camp, which symbolizes the ceremonies of the commission of such and other affairs, in this case - justice.

Who is the Russian Themis protected from?

When the building of the Supreme Court of Russia was being reconstructed, a great sculpture of Themidi was erected above the entrance, and there was no bandage on her eyes. In the right hand, according to tradition, the goddess of justice holds not a sword, but a shield. The enormity was unbanned.

The authors of the reconstruction project explained that they decided not to adhere to the ancient Greek canons, because “our Themis knows everything and knows everything.” And the fragments in her hands are empty of a sword, there is “no one less than anyone.” This axis is the interpretation of the literal meaning of the symbol. And here the old Russian story about the judge Shemyak, who, having made his decisions, marveled at the stone lit by the gancher in the bosom of the defendant and took this stone for swag and threats, suddenly comes to mind.

Why are Themida, the goddess of Justice, blindfolded? and having taken away the best part of the story

A message from the Rain Wives[guru]
Themis is the Greek goddess of justice, who was depicted with warriors in one hand and a sharp sword in the other.
Their eyes are covered with a bandage.

Terezi is an ancient symbol of peace and justice.
In Teresa of justice, good and evil, guilt and innocence are considered.
The integrity and fairness of justice are conveyed and, more precisely, important actions.
The sword is a symbol of spiritual strength, payment; in the hands of Themida there is a symbol of payment.
The sword touches the mountains, which indicates the “will of heaven,” I seek justice, as well as the permanent readiness of its cessation.

The sword of the goddess is double-edged, so the law does not punish less, but precedes it.
The bandage on the goddess's eyes symbolizes lack of progress.
It is important not to marvel at the serious things themselves, at their main and social humility, but rather to listen to the facts and truth, hearing the grievances of the other parties.
Justice does not discriminate between people, it is blind to whose sense that it is not right.

Any lawyer will rush to argue that he speaks for the objectivity and integrity of the judiciary. Having said that, the value lies beyond the arguments that are placed on Terez’s shawls on both sides.
And now let’s admire it more respectfully. Better yet for a further experiment.
Take your clothes. Tell me, how can you get into balance with a crooked arm? Nyak. Close your eyes whether you want or not.

Because there is a vest, judging by the lining of the cup (and the cup is held), then it is not the eyes that need to be tied, but the other’s hand.
Why is it important to tie your eyes? Perhaps there is another world?
Let's serve further. Cover your eyes.
They placed a stone on your path.
Do you know what you put on your vaginas?

Have you realized this? No. Place the stone carefully.
How should you put a stone and say that you put a small bag of sand? How to find out? Nyak. Yogo is not visible.
What is it? You're welcome!
Alternatively, instead of arguments, you can put something else! Do not spoil the very essence of a healthy Slip! Do not pour what you put on the bowl!

It’s not so, the main decision is on courage, and not on savagery - savagery!
This moment – ​​the blindfolded eyes – speaks volumes about the secondary role of the figure itself in the trial.

Confirmation Budislav Sergeev[active]
Nonsense, like a blind Goddess can symbolize lack of progress, and especially a woman? Open the Bible, the book of judges, judges in ancient times were men. Why not depict it as a symbol of justice as if it were a saint? And you know why, because the Goddess Themis is a symbol of Feminism and Matriarchy. Any woman with her woman's logic can uphold justice? Tim is better than a blind man. This is a feminist lighthouse.

Confirmation Capricorn-1[active]
Themis is depicted with a bandage on her eyes, which symbolizes lack of progress, with her hands in one hand and a sword in the other - such a wider image was already taken from the Romans, as the Greeks put it in their eyes stories. The Romans put a sword in her hand to cover up the horn of wealth, but she did not have a bandage, so she was depicted as a horn of wealth.
Terezi is an ancient symbol of peace and justice. At the Teresa of Justice, good and evil, things that are slaughtered by mortals in life, are respected. The posthumous share of people lies in wait until the cup is lifted. Reg of prosperity in Russia Femidi - a symbol of payment or not payment when brought before her court [

Confirmation The_Are[guru]
So as not to suffer from all the thirst that comes from the world

Confirmation Vira Gainullova[Newbie]
It's time for Themis of Justice to open her eyes. For one cup of Terez's skarga. to other subscriptions

Confirmation Denis Sokolov[guru]
a symbol of lack of progress and justice.

Confirmation Pantera[guru]
there may be buti unpreceded!

Confirmation Nik1047[guru]
so as not to waste so much money to show off

The ancient gods have lost their trace of the rich sides of everyday life. One of such images that passes through the eyelids is Themis. This is a current symbol of the legal and all legal systems, the image of the ancient goddess symbolizes the judicial system in many parts of the world.

Ancient gods

The idea that justice should be brought before the deity was already in the air in ancient Egypt. Vidoma (Ma), which is the eye of Osiris, was a symbol of truth and justice.

The symbol of the Egyptian goddess was a feather. This statue was an obligatory attribute of the judge’s clothes - it was hung on the neck, in order to help praise the correct and just decision. Similar rices are used to achieve justice. Vzagali, although the court always respected the man, justice in many religions was ensured by the woman, the daughter, the squad and the sister of God.

Goddess of justice

The mythology of ancient times did not follow this trend and made the goddess a symbol of justice. The female image of truth and justice is also present in later religions. Themis is the goddess of the pantheon of ancient Greece, who ensured law and legal order among all earthly rulers. She was like the Titans and was the daughter of Gaia and Uranus. The goddess Themis is the first squad of Zeus. As a result of the love affair with Lord Olympus, the Moirs were born - the rulers of fates. Themis will once again sit as the right-hand man of Zeus, gives him the pleasure, stuns the virok.

Of course, such an important deity could not do without powerful symbols. The main attributes of justice are bulls and swords. Terezi Femidi is the emblem of justice and important decisions. The sword is a symbol. These symbols are also used in Suddish symbolism in various countries.

Themis and Justice

Like any Greek deity, in the Roman pantheon the goddess of justice had a powerful counterpart. She appeared as the great Justice - the Roman goddess of justice. There is a figurine that symbolizes a fair trial - rather Justice itself, and not Themis. This idea is confirmed by an additional attribute - a bandage on the eyes, which symbolizes equality and lack of progress. Themis among the Greeks administered judgment from open eyes. This is how a great incident arises: in the world, the goddess of justice is called Themis, and is depicted as Justice.

Image of Femidi

In the veil, the goddess Themis is depicted as a woman in her full age, wearing a long mantle, with a bandage on her eyes.

The left hand holds a sword, the right hand holds a sword. The blade of the sword is bare, but lowered. The sword and the sword can be traced back to the main symbols of justice, the history of which is so long ago that it would be naive to attribute such a basic emblem only to the ancient Greeks. Rather than everything, this emblem came to the shores of the Aegean Sea from some ancient and forgotten religion. The most important symbols are the bandage and the mantle - the smell of Roman Justice.

The sword is the oldest symbol of spiritual and physical strength. The sword that Themis holds in his hands is a symbol of fair punishment. The blade of the sword is great - even the law not only punishes the guilty, but also forestalls evildoing. It is symbolic that the goddess holds the sword at her right hand - this is a symbol of “right justice”, faith in justice.

Terezi is the oldest emblem of peace and justice. On the basis of justice, the evidence of guilt and innocence, good and evil, is steadily balanced. Tereza is left-handed, which suggests intuition and intuition.

The mantle is a ritual decoration, intended for the performance of ceremonial events, such as justice, a symbol of which is Themis. This selection emphasizes how important it is for the court to wear a mantle when extinguishing their obligations, leaving a huge cloth for worldly affairs.

Symbolizes lack of advance. A fair court is guilty of closing its eyes on the main, class differences and looking at facts that are not fair. When looking at the certificate, the judge may be blind, because the sense is that it is positive, and it appears that the law does not show any facets.

Such a rich combination of symbols of the goddess of justice further reinforces the long-standing desire of humanity for justice. And the divine essence of Themida pushes through the everlasting vengeance until the residual, greater judgment, which, with its wealth of punishments, descends on us like a life’s path.