Program for removing files from disk. How to remember data from a hard disk


As a rule, the main cause of failure when reading information from disk and yoga confusion appears. On the working surface of the compact disk and you can follow the fingers, dried drops in the water. Navit one such droplet can sprout disk unreadable.

Nasamforward, look carefully disk and see the help of the m'yakoy ganchirochka, and be sure to follow the ford. Wipe disk dry and try to run. As a rule, the most important vipadkіv tsgogo appears enough, schob disk normally turned up.

At that vipadku, yakscho vie wiped disk Ale yoga, like before, do not think about it, the reason may be sagging on your work side. Look around the compact disk: even though there are no deep scratches on a new one, that they messed up the robotic ball (you can’t use such a mess), you can try polishing the surface disk and soft ganchirochka with toothpaste applied to it.

Polishing disk, all the ruhi, beat only across the underwear, but do not rouse them. More podryapin go uzdovzh dorіzhok disk and that needs to be polished with rukhs in the center disk and to the edge and back. As a rule, the first time such a work appears enough, so disk I began to wake up again. Before rechecking, do not forget to thoroughly wash it, wipe it dry.

Even though the procedures described above did not help, for the sake of order it is written down on disk information should be collected by special utilities. Try the simplest ones first - for example, AnyReader, you can find this program on the Internet. It’s good and fast, it allows you to update files in case of not serious problems. disk A.

Launch AnyReader, select one of the renewal options, most often the first one is “Copy files from your pocket”. Having selected this item, press the "Next" button. utility disk, designate in the list those files and directories that you need to save. Choose a folder for saving, press "Dali". The process of copying is to be completed quickly, after the completion of the program, let me know about those files that have been removed.

Similar capabilities can be found in NSCopy, File Salvage, Max Data Recovery programs. How to confirm information from disk and help was not far off, hurry up with the miracle utility IsoBuster. Zavdyaki special robotic algorithm is given a program that can retrieve information from very weak disk iv. Nedolik programs - even more work, for the DVD- disk and maybe drink more than one year.

If necessary, vryatuvat disk With video recordings, try re-recording yoga with the help of the Alcogol 120% program. Tsya program you can copy disk the one, skipping the pardon sectors - as if a double checkmark was put in the nalashtuvannyah. On the view of the programs, the absolute integrity of the files is important, small failures when the video is not installed are critical and generally acceptable.

Reading, copying and copying data from a spare disk is one of the most extensive tasks when working with wearable noses. The number of proposed solutions is great, but for trying to systematize, the stench is reduced to a set of algorithms.


Try vikoristovuvati soft cloth (shovkova or bavovnyan) for polishing disk. It is not recommended to win round circles, the right ones are taken from the center to the edge.

Wipe the disc with a special server with antistatic leaks and insert it into another drive (if possible).

Put some poshkodzhenie dik in the freezer for 30 quills, burning yogo in a bag. Try reading a poor sector, which are repeated, leading to heating. disk which calls for a change in the coefficient of breakage. The cooling disk is less scalable before heating, which can help with the worst problems.

Try vicoristati software security(SuperCopy, BadCopy) to replace the value of bad sectors with zeros or try to create an image disk for additional specialized programs (Alcohol, Ahead Nero).

Use utilities such as Nero Drive Speed ​​or Slow CD to change (improve) reading speed disk Or, you can use the special Non-Stop Copy program, as it will not require installation, and it will be freely available on the Internet.

Unpack and run the Non-Stop Copy program.

I think that rich koristuvachs with experience have a lot of CD/DVD discs in their collection: with programs, music, films and others. promo about their little place for today

As a bonus, the fact that disks are often finished (who works with them) has to be inserted and removed from the tray - richly from them they are quickly covered with rubbish underpins. The first axis is now at that moment - if such a disk is not readable ... Well, as the information on the disk is expanded in the margin, it can be taken advantage of, but how can it not? The axis here will be the correct programs, as I want to bring in this article. So, let's get started...

What work, if the CD / DVD disc is not readable - recommendations are given

I want to make a small entrance and give you a sprat of joy. Trochs are lower in the statistics of the programs, so I recommend victorious for reading "nasty" CDs.

Programs for copying files from spare CD/DVD discs

1. Bad Copy Pro

Official website:

BadCopy Pro is one of the leading programs in its niche, which can be copied for updating information from various media: CD / DVD disks, flash cards, floppy disks (also, sing-songly, none of them are victorious), USB-disks and other shih outbuildings

The program is to do the good work of the data from the poshkodzhenikh or formatted noses. Pratsiuє at all popular Windows versions: XP, 7, 8, 10

Actual features of the program:

  • the entire process will be carried out automatically in automatic mode (especially relevant for koristuvachiv-pochatkivtsiv);
  • support buy formats and files for updating: documents, archives, pictures, videos too;
  • the possibility of renewal of broken (wrapped) CD/DVD discs;
  • support for various types of media: flash cards, CD/DVD, USB disks;
  • mozhlivіst vіdnovlenny vtrachenih danih after formatuvannya that vydalennya that іn.

2. CDCheck


CDCheck- this utility is recognized for the destruction, detection and renewal of files from filthy (damaged, damaged) CD-disks. For additional utility, you can scan and convert your disks and find out if the files were zipped on them.

With regular use of the utility, you can be calm for your disks, the program will promptly inform you about those that you need to transfer data from the disk to a different one.

Regardless of the simple design (div. fig. 2) - the utility manages even better with its shoes. I recommend for vikoristannya.

This program allows you to copy information from unread and corrupted CD / DVD discs, floppy discs, hard drives and other wearers. The spending of the servants of these will be replaced by vipadkovy tributes.

After starting the program, you will be presented with three options:

- copy files from the poshkodzhennoy nose;

make a complete copy of the original CD or DVD;

Copy all the files from the USB and then burn them to CD or DVD.

Regardless of those that the program has not been updated for a long time - all the same I recommend trying it in case of problems with CD / DVD discs.

4.File salvage


How to give a short description, then File Salvage- Tse program for copying beati i poshkozhenikh discs. The program is rather simple and small in size (about 200 KB in total). Installation is not required.

Officially worked in Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP (unofficially checked on your PC - worked in Windows 7, 8, 10). Some inspirations - showcases are more than average, from "hopeless" disks - they are hardly more help.

5.Non Stop Copy


Regardless of your small size - the utility also efficiently downloads files from small and badly read CD / DVD discs. Deyakі vіdminnі rice programs:

  • you can continue files that are not copied to the end by other programs;
  • the process of copying can be completed and carried out again, after another hour;
  • support for great files (zocrema over 4 GB);
  • possibility automatic exit from the PC program, after the copying process is completed;
  • support of the Russian.

6. Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier


Zahalom, no longer a filthy utility for copying data from damaged and damaged disks, disks that are supposed to be read by staff Windows, and disks, for an hour of reading yaks, fork pardons.

The program takes all the parts of the file so that you can read them, and then put them all together. Sometimes, from which it is not enough to go out business, but sometimes ...

7. Super Copy


Another small program for reading files from small disks. Those bytes, which will not be read, will be replaced (“hammered”) with zeros. Become in good hands when reading scrambled CDs. If the disc is not strongly zipped - then on the video file (for example) - after the update can be fired but daily!

The laser disc in an hour of its creation, having recognized the essence of changes, evolved from a CD with a total of 650 megabytes to a small Blu-ray, a custom saving of up to 50 gigabytes and more. However, regardless of such an obvious progress, the optical nose did not spare a lot of problems and shortcomings, like they followed yoga from the very cob. For example, after recording a chergovoy disc (namely, a recording ghost, which was victorious with it, it’s new) it’s impossible to say with a hundred hundredth impression that all the data was correctly copied to disk. The other handlessness of work with optical wear is connected with a growing communication of information. Orientation, on which of the disks next to shukat that chi program chi document, it became richer. І, nareshti, naygolovnіshi "minuses" of the laser disk - the loss of data in case of mechanical damage (the surface of the disk is torn up) or after the pardon of the record. However, as long as there is no serious alternative to optical wear, it is necessary to find a way to solve these problems, even if it is a private one. Utilities, for the help of which it is possible to evaluate the size of disks and inspect data from them, will be looked at in a modern way.

CDCheck 3.1

retailer: Media Perko
Distribution Rozmir: 1.5 MB
Daytime Rose: shareware
Interface: It is only possible to make a scratch about the mill of the disk "at an eye" only in that case, if on the surface one can see obvious mechanical flaws, which indicate about the inaccurate cause of the nose. The stronger the working side of the disk is tattered and muddied, the greater is the possibility of failures when reading data from the nose. However, after a thorough inspection, no cracks and cracks were found, and still no evidence that the data from the CD/DVD will be correctly read by the device. Pardons for the recording can also be blamed as a result of a software failure, or through the appearance of a recording device. There is a rich choice of a simple way to determine the quality of the recording - portable, which is revised, inserted into the DVD drive, after which the data from the new one is copied to hard drive. The logic of such a "test" is simple - as the data were copied, it means optical disc in order. Really, we don’t call it that. Those that were copied onto a hard disk, let alone talk about those that, as if the information was read by the drive, the very fact that the copying process was completed is not a guarantee that data on a hard disk is exactly identical to those that were recorded on the nose. Not varto so povnіstyu podladatsya on por_vnyannja rozmіrіv vihіdnykh and kopiyovanih files - navit with їhnomu zbіg data can be vindicated. Repair data manually manually, especially if there are a lot of files on the nose, then control of the capacity of disks that are being recorded is best done for help special utility, Such as CDCheck. One of the main functions of this utility is to determine the integrity of the data on the nose. For which program generates for files and folders a checksum, a code that is unique for a particular type, by which one can judge the reliability of a copy of data.

CDCheck works different types checksums - MD2, MD4, MD5, Adler32, CRC32, SHA (1, 256, 348, 512), Tiger (128, 160, 192) and in. Before burning a disc, the program can analyze the future media for consistency / DVD data with ISO-image standards. The reverification of data can be used both for the control sum and for the principle of "dzherelo-copy". After the completion of the verification program, you can start the current antivirus scanner, checking instead for the presence of viruses, CDCheck allows you to set the priority of the task, and also allows the function of updating data by the method of multiple reading of disk sectors. With the accessibility of a single source of reliability, which can be installed in the adjusted programs, data can be taken into account by the updates.

By processing data with the CDCheck program, you can monitor the report statistics of the process: the average speed of reading data, the transfer time of data processing, the number of files and folders. The utility supports the robot command line that nada detailed information about rewriting CD/DVD/BD-nosіy.

DiskInternals CD & DVD Recovery 3.5

retailer: DiskInternals Research
Distribution Rozmir: 3.5 MB
Daytime Rose: shareware
Interface: English Utility for retrieval of data retrieved from optical media is just one tool from a whole set of tools for retrieving data from optical media, as it is to propagate the retailers of DiskInternals Research. This program can be used with any optical media: CD-R and DVR-R, up to two-ball disks and DVD-RAM. CD & DVD Recovery recovers "found" files written in ISO9660, UDF and Joliet systems. Data can be updated, as the data was written to disk in multisession mode.

The operation of revival of late or distant data is rich in why the winds of the cover master, which is the program, will be forgiven. Dorimuyuchisya yogo vkazіvok, it is necessary to choose a nose, instead of one that is unavailable, and then specify the parameters of the files that are being checked. So, for example, for a more accurate result of the search for these data, indicate the approximate size of the files that are being revived, as well as indicate the approximate hour of their creation. These criteria may be of particular importance when analyzing a disc with a rich record, on which a lot of "tracks" were lost old information, if it is written on your nose. CD & DVD Recovery recovers data saved on the disc and can be repaired with old file names. The program grants access to files for any track, so that the session on the disk was not closed correctly.

CDRoller 8.0

retailer: Digital Atlantic Corp.
Distribution Rozmir: 6 MB
Daytime Rose: shareware
Interface: The problem of unreadability of disks has become the reason for the vindication of a lot of utilities created for її vyshennya. Some programs are recognized for testing the quality of the recording, others - for reading information that has worked. Call up the method of multiple reading, if the program tries to copy the data from the hard drive as accurately as possible. However, in practice, utilities are far from being able to fix the situation. For example, as a file that is being copied, it can be a great expansion and revenge one or a few unread fragments, then such data for the slanderous curiosity can be irrelevant.

The simplest example of such a situation is the possibility of a DVD being recorded on a new film. Apparently, in the DVD-video format, it sounds like the Video_ts folder, decompresses the menu and navigation files, as well as large files with extensions. vob, in which there is video and sound. As if the area of ​​the disk that is not readable was based on that space, deboo records vob-file, this file will be often damaged, resulting in the loss of a great fragment of video. Chastkovo vodnoviti video, scho you can. In the first place, for whom you can win additional tools, for example, you can correct pardons in the code of the video file. However, even though the parcel is large, such utilities cannot fit into the inspiration. Other programs that edit the video file will re-compress it again, which will inevitably lead to a waste of viciousness. The CDRoller utility can solve the problem of speed and efficiency of other programs. After copying the data from such a disk to the hard drive, CDRoller analyzes the vob file and splits it into different fragments (play the movie), taking them from the MPEG standard DVD-video standard, without wasting power. With this, you can simply turn off the scene with this fragment, de є defect, and record new disk with saved tributes.

Zavdyaki vbudovanuyu module for recording, the procedure for the disk spitting can be vikonan without intermediary in CDRoller. The program allows you to write new files and folders, videos and ISO image files.

A tool for cataloging disks, introducing the program, winning the title of short image (Short CD / DVD Image). Really, don't give a correct image, but rather data about the size of the disk, which is indexed - a list of all files and directories on the disk, with a saved structure. Once every hour of reading a new disc, the program can automatically create such a short image and write it to the folder, setting up, in this manner, a library of all discs. Nadali, if you need to know the song file quickly, for the help of CDRoller you can search for all image libraries. A tool to search for these implementations poke request can be clarified for additional criteria by asking. So, for example, you can set the minimum and maximum size of the file to be opened, specify the subject of the search (for example, only folders, files or those, and more), specify the creation date, etc. Another feature of CDRoller is the ability to work with audio discs. Irrespective of the quality of the audio discs, for an hour it’s enough to have one crying tint, so that the CD-programmer will be able to create a song track or to recognise the disc. In order to extract the recording, the program uses digital audio extraction (Digital Audio Extraction). In the CDRoller audio reading process, you can tweak jitter-correction, as well as stop re-reading sectors for the purpose of pardoning, or use synchronization. Tracks that are read can be converted to different formats digital sound- WAV, MP3, MP2, OGG etc. The program can encode audio discs "on the fly", without creating an intermediate WAV file. In order to evaluate the quality of the optical media, CDRoller performs a series of tests (the test can be launched by selecting the input from the list of available devices and pressing down on the keys), selecting the method of revalidation based on the recorded data. The program is reviewing file system ISO 9660, as well as rechecking the surface of the disk, after which you can display reports on the screen about the generation of information about the different powers of the nose - about the number of sessions shown, about the program, in which the record was written, about the size of the table of file allocation, about the list of unread dads ok i t. P. bud.

Keep in mind that such a re-verification cannot be loaded to disks with the UDF file system. Appointment of pardons on optical carriers from such a file system is signed automatically. This data recording format is actively supported by various models of video cameras recording to DVD, DVD-recorders, as well as add-ons for batch recording, such as Roxio Drag-To-Disc and Nero InCD. Koristuvachі, like to be brought to the right of the mother with such discs, often stick out of the situation, if the recorded video is not taken. Call pardons for the record of the data to be blamed at the stage of closing the session. Їх can be used with robots with outbuildings themselves spring pickers- Lite-On, Thomson RCA, Philips, Panasonic etc. For more information, CDRoller allows you to frequently or more frequently add data.

ISOBuster 2.5

retailer: Smart Projects
Distribution Rozmir: 4.8 MB
Daytime Rose: shareware
Interface: Ukrainian program is a universal tool for the renewal of data. Bagato Koristuvachiv vvazhayut this utility as the best way to "happy" unread data s optical discs And, next to say, not unbelievably. The program is regularly updated and a long list of features grows from version to version. on Narazi IsoBuster can recover data practically from any wear, including BD and HD DVDs.

The secret of IsoBuster's popularity lies in the fact that the program understands all the file systems that are used today to record data. The utility works with a variety of images, and in addition, you can mount images and retrieve data, as well as run files. The program supports the format of all popular disc burning programs, such as CDRWin, CloneCD, DiscJuggler, BlindWrite, WinOnCD, NTI, Plextools and many others. IsoBuster can also be modified to create an exact image of the output disk, and the image can be written in the .iso, .bin, .tao format, created with a cue mark and a checksum.md5 to determine the data integrity.

The program gives you the ability to rewrite the stan of the nose (with which you can not download data to a hard drive) and you can compile lists of files to clear the pardons of reading. As soon as an hour of reading the disk image, the program detects the weakest sectors, IsoBuster can collect the statistics of the broken disk space and save the okremium file. Like the file system of the overlay (for example, FAT), the creation of image files can be divided into parts, the size of which is specified in the IsoBuster settings.


Unfortunately, there is no such method, which would guarantee a hundred hundred data protection on an optical nose. There is nothing left for that, just be careful with the disk and keep a backup copy "in reserve". Well, even though it is superimposed on outside visits, the unacceptability still became, the files from the disk are not copied, or you can’t see it - the hour has come to try one of the descriptions of the utilities for updating information from the nose. Bazhaemo you koristuvatisya tsimi programs only for zіkavosti, and not for the need.

Programs for backing up and restoring data - 6

Copies of spare CDs and DVDs discs

CD and DVD the disks step by step go near the past, and they come to the change іnshі zruchnіshі єmnіshi nії, yakі diligently endure all the old. Unfortunately, when copying information, we often stick with poshkodzhenim disk, scho a hundred rokіv lying at the far kutku (kindly, yaksho not on the sonechka), and nostalgic minds do not allow us to just throw yoga. However, when you try to copy the disk, you see pardon reading... Now, for us, as a matter of principle, old-fashioned photographs or video recordings from the same disk are being restored, and searches for new programs, such as impersonal ones, are being started. Inventories, as always, praise them and guarantee the renewal of not broken, but then glued "Moment" discs.

Because of the great diversity of programs, copying of the poorest disks was not great for me cost-free utility File Salvage(Ryativnik files) of Softella company. It won't change the installation, you can at least fix that simplest interface. Rozmir: 210 kb. take advantage ZIP archives it is possible from a different side to the site of the retailer or .

Not wisely slyly, I will quote the instruction from the retailer's website:
"Program File Salvage allow you to play the movie abo required file from a tattered abo disk, which is rotten to read. Unique opportunity- You can edit the file by using a vikoristovuchi kіlka privіv. Automatically zastosovuyutsya algorithms for downloading files, without interruption the progress of the files is displayed."

Once the archives are unpacked. It is necessary to create a new folder for a new folder, so that the updated file is automatically saved to a hard disk in the same folder, the program is unstashed. Starting the program File Salvage and bachimo original interface like a rattling stake - fig.1

Fig.1. Program for copying broken discs File Salvage

For those in a hurry, everything is simple: select the file on the CD or DVD disc ( source file) and press the button start. Sposterigaєte hіd process, which will be shown on the diagrams in vіdsotkah, and after its completion, you'll be graciously updated by the file on the hard drive. I’m wondering what the savings of your own dad, where did you unpack the program File Salvage.

And our drunken friends, obviously, press the button with their hollow fingers Advanced... When it comes to tsіkavіshe vіkno - Fig. 2:

Fig.2."Thin" file update
Here you can experiment with different settings and modes for copying poor records, but I want to get ahead, there will be no miracles anyway. Navіt yakscho you vdastsya zapkhati old vinyl in the drive, you won't get rid of the squeak on the record. The description of the utility for copying spare disks, Softella company, props and other small, but cіkavі programs for example, Light Alloy- Universal MP3, AVI, DVD, etc., and also Gamux- classical checks and Russian checkers (8x8 with kings). You can find out and download them on the company's website.

April 25, 2012

    More articles on the topic "Optimization and acceleration of the computer":
    • The author of the program is Vereshchagin Andriy Volodymyrovich.
    • Type - a program for reading small discs.

Super Copy 2.1 is a program for reading hard disks and magnetic disks of the "floppy disk" type. Revisited on CD DVD discs. Theoretically, copying from BD is possible. The advantages of this program are based on the fact that it is cost-free, works without installation, її rozmіr warehousing 408 Kb, may be simple and easy and intuitively intelligent interface (figure below), є advanced system (but you don’t need it).

Super Copy is a very simple program for reading old discs.

For robotic programs, a computer is required with a processor not lower than P-166MMX, 32Mb operational memory even more, 408 KB hard disk, optical drive, floppy drive, OC Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7. Job pid keruvannyam Windows XP/Vista/7 I checked myself. Possibly, to launch you need access rights equal to Administrator. When copying large files (4.4 GB) in Windows 7, the program may crash. The retailer on its website states about the summancy of Windows 98/NT/2000. I think youma can be trusted. However, next lie, what is better than yours hardware security(processor, RAM, HDD (“Winchester”), optical drive and so on), it is more important to take into account the process of copying. Also, for an hour, the process of copying is injected with the following factors: rozmіr file, what is being copied, steps of poshkodzhennostі nіya, nalashtuvannya kopiyuvannya programs.

"Rodzinka" tsієї programs I slapped, if I tried to copy from a tattered CD-R disc film. Until then, I tried to work for myself for the help of IsoBuster (paid and invariably more functional programs). IsoBuster didn't fit. The process of copying stuck at 30%. CPU utilization was close to 100%. After fifty fine copies of the thirtyth century, I interrupted the task.

The Super Copy program (also 2.0) ran into the problems with a bang. On the same thirtieth year, she “thought” a trifle, skipped yoga (replacing it with zeros) and continued copying further. After 20-25 minutes, I took a copy of the film on my hard drive. When you look, here at the evil thirtieth hundred, Windows Programmer Media, on a black screen, breaking off for a few seconds, the sound and the film continued far away.

A look at the Super Copy 2.1 interface

Let's take a look at the brand new program for reading older discs Super Copy 2.1 (figure below).

  1. Button for selecting a file for copying (duplicated by the File menu).
  2. Button to select a directory to save the file to be copied (duplicated in the File menu).
  3. Button to start the process of copying (duplicated in the Copy menu).
  4. The key for opening the window is fixed (duplicated in the Settings menu).
  5. The button to open the browser to the site of the program. Internet connection required (duplicated in the Dovidka menu).
  6. Button to open the window About the program (duplicated in the menu Finalization).
  7. A row of paths to a poshkodzhenny file (you can edit it manually).
  8. There is a path to the directory for saving the file that is being copied (you can edit it manually).
  9. Indicator of the process of vikonannya.
  10. "Legend" for the process of copying. At first glance, it shows how the blocks of the file are read/switched.

Super Copy 2.1

To open the window, press the button Nalashtuvati at the main window of the program. Or go to the menu Nalashtuvati that choose Program parameters(Figure below).

The super-copy-2.1 program can support the process of copying kilkom using methods. Which of them will accelerate, lie in a specific situation. You can insert the reading area (the file will be restored or until the first pardon). You can also set the file to be read directly. Yakshcho put an ensign " Read from senior address", the reading of the block will not start from the cob, but from the beginning, so that you can improve the process of reading files, but to speed up the number of pardons. To put an ensign" Reschedule reading in... sec.", the program keeps calling for the process of reading and restarting yoga after a given amount of time. core function, because deakі driver pristroїv duzhe dvgo obroblyayut pardons. Tobto. if the program long hour try unsuccessfully to read that very plot, the process of reading primus will be interrupted through the installations by you for an hour. If you don’t see anything, without interrupting the process of copying, it’s necessary to remove the information from the reading room and, after the prompt appears, insert it back.

Methods of copying

  • The method of reading the file as a whole directly. The file is smartly subdivided into blocks. Blocks are read less sequentially in a straight line and all without a blame. Reading at the bloc's vіdbuvaєtsya before the appearance of the first pardon. For example, such a method is suitable for reading small files or reporting analysis for a short period of time.
  • The method of reading the file directly. The file is smartly subdivided into blocks. Blocks are read less sequentially in a straight line and all without a blame. Reading at the bloc's vіdbuvaєtsya before the appearance of the first pardon. For example, such a method is suitable for reading small files or reporting analysis for a short period of time. Yakshcho installed ensign " ", Reading the block went backwards from the great addresses to the smaller ones. Tse allow a few pardons to pass.
  • The method of reading the file is to start from the direct one, then from the return one directly. The file is smartly subdivided into blocks. Blocks are read less sequentially in a straight line and all without a blame, then those blocks, if you didn’t get far to read the next hour of reading forward, the program will try to read the readings back. Praporets Read from senior address guilty of buti insertions. This method is suitable for reading small files or with minor errors.
  • The method of reading a file until the first pardon appears directly. The file is smartly subdivided into blocks. Blocks are read less sequentially in a straight line until the first pardon appears in the block. This method is suitable for reading very loose noses.
  • The method of reading a file until the first pardon appears directly. The file is smartly subdivided into blocks. Blocks are read less sequentially at the right direction until the first pardon appears at the block. Yakshcho installed ensign " Read from senior address", Reading the block went backwards from the great addresses to the smaller ones. This allows you to speed up a few pardons. This method is suitable for reading very weak noses.
  • The method of reading a file from a direct one, then from a reverse one directly until the first pardon appears. The file is smartly subdivided into blocks. The blocks are read sequentially, until the first pardon appears at the direct line, then until the first pardon appears at the return. Praporets Zvorotnє reading pіd hour reading to that"They are responsible for the installations. This method is suitable for reading heavily damaged noses. (Items "Installing Super Copy 2.1" and "Copying Methods" are taken from the program's fine-tuning).

The copying process (picture below) starts changing the indicator for the copying process and the “legend” is restored

I'll give you the screenshots of the manager's manager and the system utility Resource Monitor in Windows 7.

PC hardware and software:

  • Processor - Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz.
  • OZP - DDR2 4 GB (800 MHz).
  • Motherboard - Asus P5Q SE2.
  • HDD - western digital Caviar Black (WD5001AALS-00L3B2).
  • Optical drive - ASUS DRW-20B1LT ATA Device.
  • OS version - 6.1.7600 (Win7 RTM).

On my great pity, the program has not been updated for a long time. Version Super Copy 2.1 - stay on the website of the retailer. Ale dosi Super Copy 2.1 is one of the best no-cost program for reading poshkodzhenikh discs, yakі I zustrіchav.

To download the files and remove the password on your account, go to the site, win your own data, or register. Be kind, look at the file, which is interested in the data shown on the site. Posilannya on zavantazhennya z'appear for example statti over comments.

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