Accepting applications. How can I confirm and invigorate? Confirmation of the client's application

Change of Vitrat for CPA at the beginning stage

It is better to ask CPA partners, more precisely - how to start making money on them, without bothering the site and without spending a lot of money on advertising.

I'm sorry, you won't be able to do much without it, especially in the beginning - because... You can spend all your advertising dollars just to find out that this type of advertising is incorrect.

How can newbies change their spending to earn money on CPA affiliates?

Let's look at the butt product offers(advertisers who sell physical goods - either from one-sided sites, or in “full-value” online stores), because Given the niche in CPA is stable, it is not immediately successful.

1. Offer with payment for the application or confirmation of the agreement

Among the product offers you can see such that you can insure the conversion to the webmaster, only if the contract has been paid. For example, you can use the online store (this is also a great CPA measure).

The problem here may be that the buyer brings you to the offer site, filling out an agreement, or paying it in a month - after payment by post. For the entire hour, your conversion remains “alive.”

It’s even worse, since having made an agreement, the store sent the package by mail, but didn’t pick it up and didn’t pay for it. As a result, after a few years of conversion, we will move into recovery. That webmaster's money is worthless.

That's why vibration is more beautiful for the cob offer with payment for application- Here you deduct payment immediately when the buyer completes the order. Or a slightly worse option - payment for confirmation of the agreement (The conversion is ensured if after the call the buyer agrees that he himself has drawn up the order and wants to cancel it).

Among the great online stores represented by CPA managers are, for example,

Among other offers (on the Admitad application):

Applications and confirmation of applications in CPA-measurements (clickable)

It’s clear from the pictures that, regardless of the high conversion fee for the first offer (420 rubles), the lower one for the other (90 rubles), the average income per click - EPC - for another offer the greater the bottom is 3 times greater, the bottom is the first.

2. Seasonality of traffic

What is this - written down in detail. Tobto. In different periods of fate, the saint (and before them) and people on the Internet have different purchasing interests.

You can swim one way, take another; In the summer season it is the third, during the New River season it is in the fourth. Well, it’s different.

You can find out what people care about, just by asking for help. How to use tools: .

For example:

Seasonality ask “buy a T-shirt for a child” (clickable)

Seasonality ask “buy a T-shirt for my wife” (clickable)

So, if you chose, for example, the offer, and wanted to direct traffic to the T-shirts yourself, then it would be better to direct it to children’s T-shirts, and to women’s T-shirts.

3. Trends in marriage

Sometimes splashes of water occur uncontrollably - for various reasons that occur in marriage:

  • your favorite film or cartoon, which you call, as it seems, enormous resonance;
  • the original video has appeared on YouTube;
  • A new technical innovation has been released - for example, the Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone has recently started selling (with the help of CPA affiliates);
  • Well, and a lot of other things.

Tobto. A surge in traffic can be transferred if you are familiar with this topic or keep up with other trends (technological innovations, popular videos, etc.).

If you correctly submit and prepare advertising materials in advance, you can become one of the first webmasters to promote the required offer to the audience that will require it.

In addition, here you can include advertising of products, how and how they advertise. The bottom line is that initially the audience does not have a keen interest in the product or service, but because If you run that same advertisement from month to month (rik u rik), then some people are to blame for the tediousness and the need for it.

4. Drive traffic more correctly

For example, a newcomer costs 300-400 rubles for advertising. How to buy pay-per-click advertising + banners, which you can display on:

Where is the best way to spend your pennies? Of course, if you bring contextual advertising yourself, please understand two words here:

  1. those that people can buy, don't ever joke about the stench;
  2. There are a lot of offers that are very difficult to “pull” into contextual advertising services.

Therefore, understand that the type of traffic that you can earn is more likely to be generated when you select an offer. Impulse conversions, or the one who wants to live target conversions.

Impulse conversions

I think it’s clear that this:

  • shopping based on emotions;
  • nespodіvane bazhanna nachebto “I really wanted this thing”;
  • etc. etc.

The stinks are also associated with the bajans “buti yak usi”.

For example, advertising materials (Stunned, what is this site selling...) carry a message that without this product people’s lives will be completely rotten, because It is impossible not to wear sunglasses eyepieces, because... This is a fashionable accessory", A “a successful person has a one-year-old Casio G-Shock”, then it is practically inevitable that everything will be bought

Whole conversions

These are conversions that occur as a result of people finding the product/service they need. Tobto. He keeps asking - “buy a refrigerator”, “where can I buy a smartphone like this cheaper”, etc.

Of course, the greatest conversions can be eliminated, vikorista contextual advertising. And for impulse sales - go teasers, social and banners. If you want to buy a banner on a suitable site, then conversions can be targeted.

Whole conversions vary because there is practically no difference here. If a person wants to buy a cabin in Spain, it will probably cost millions of dollars.

However, for impulse sales it is important that the product be inexpensive. For a whole nina, a little more than 5000 rubles. Ideally - up to 1000 rubles.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully analyze the portrait of the audience that is suitable for the given offer. There is no need to analyze anything often - many offers (especially online stores) themselves provide information about their target audience - average income, become, age, interests, regions.

The result is that for beginners you can earn money on CPA:

  1. We are looking for offers with payment for a simple application
  2. We focus on the seasonality of the drink
  3. Let's check - what are the trends that people have clicked (can click) on a product that is not actively sold (or is still being sold)
  4. We select the correct traffic for the offer.

I think these simple instructions will help you avoid blowing up your advertising budget the first time and make your earnings on CPA affiliates stable. To make money, I recommend two CPA-measures, Admitad and These are verified and reliable affiliates.

In order to take part in the Tournament, don’t just submit an application: after about an hour you will need to confirm (or click).
In addition, above all, you will need to make changes to the application, for example, specify the remaining composition of the team, and then separate them, sign with the director (or head teacher) and appoint a friend.
This instruction will help you get in touch.

1) To begin with, you need to go to the Application Submission System as a customer.

2) If you have entered your login and password correctly, you will go to the main page of the Application Submission System. If the login and password are entered incorrectly, the system will prompt you to update your password or register again. Please note that once you register again, you will not lose access to your applications and will have to fill everything out again - so what!
Also, on the main page, you click on the message “My applications” at the site header (on the black aphid) or at the Customer Menu (left-hand block on the page):

3) Go to the page where you select to submit an application for participation. Here you can admire them (by clicking on the name of the application or the message “Wonder”) or edit (by clicking on the message “Change” in the table):

4) By clicking “Change” you will be directed to the page of the application form you filled out earlier. Now scroll down the page and immediately check the correctness and completeness of the entered data.
At the end of the page, you will notice that after the “Completion of application” section, you will see the “Participation Confirmation” section (only after your application has been reviewed by the Coordinator and assigned the status “Accepted”).
To confirm the application, select the first item (click on the next one) “I confirm the team’s participation in the tournament.”
Once you need to choose the name of the League, what kind of brotherhood your team will participate in:

5) At some Tournaments, in order to confirm an application, it is necessary to report the solution to one task (where, to confirm participation, it is not necessary to present the solution to one task, then you can skip everything described below and immediately go to step 12).
For this purpose, there are two fields: “File with solutions” - the text of the associated task is attached here, and “Presentation to completion” - here you can add a file from the presentation to the decision, if you have one.
For this you need to press the “Look” button.

6) In the window, find the required file with the top task (or with the presentation - in another field) in the file system on your computer. Click on the file and click "Open":

7) Then, on the application form, click the “Upload” button in the provided field.

8) At the end of the application, you must click the “Save” button so that all changes are entered into the application and the saving files are attached to it:

9) After saving the application form, you will be transferred to the page with the corrected application. After scrolling down, you will see the message attached to the application and the latest presentation files.
After the confirmation period for applications is completed, all decisions will be sent to the members of the Jury for evaluation and the results of the review will appear in the table at the bottom of the application.

10) After you attach the files with the highest assignments to your application, you will receive confirmation at the indicated email addresses (team captain and mentor) that the files have been retrieved by the Organizing Committee of the Tournament.

11) In addition, the status of your application in the final list of applications for this Tournament will be changed from “Accepted” to “Rejected”:

12) In order to edit the application (and then sign it and sign it) you must go to review the required application and click on the “Rub the application” option in the Koristuvach Zliv Menu:

13) Otherwise, please fill out the “Request for Application” at the very bottom of the application form:

14) As a result, it will open at the end (or tab), in which the version of your application will be placed, ready for printing (selecting design elements for the site).

15) To send it to someone else, you need to click “Forward view” - in older versions of browsers there is an option in the “File” menu under the header with the name of the window, in new ones (as shown in the little one) click on the special button in the menu. The most universal way is to immediately press the Ctrl and P (Russian) keys on the computer keyboard.

16) After this application appears in the first review, in which you will see how the application appears on paper. If it does not fit completely into one arch, you can change the parameters of the hand (margins, scale, etc.) - and then we would like to optimize its appearance so that it fits into one arch. Now, press the “Druk” button (shown on the little one) – the printer is different!

17) If everything is completed successfully, close the window (tab) with the version of the application for your friend. In the user menu, press the “Exit” button to complete the work.
Now it’s no longer possible to sign the application from the director (head teacher) to install and assign a friend to it.

We hope that this instruction was useful to you!

Transfers and payments for goods through Oschadbank Online require a number of stages: a payment check is created, the transaction is confirmed and completed. The transfer of a small amount can be confirmed with a one-time code from SMS, and payments over the established limit can be confirmed by calling the contact center. In this way, the bank protects its clients from fraud: without access to your phone and without knowing your data, no one can steal money from the cards.

Before a large sum is written off from the account, the electronic document will lose the status “Up for confirmation”, which you can obtain in a special account of Oschadbank Online. This means that the amount to be transferred exceeds the limit, and to continue the payment you need to contact the bank and confirm that you are carrying out the operation yourself. The average person spends 10-15 coins per call at the CC.

Information: Oschadbank is one of the first credit institutions that introduced individual identification as an additional protection for the accounts of its clients.

How to call the Oschadbank contact center to confirm the transaction

If, when the payment is made, the status of the application changes to “confirmed”, you need to call the Oschadbank CC and confirm the debiting of funds.

  • There is a catless number on the territory of the Russian Federation 8-800-555-55-50 .
  • You can call the CC if you are traveling across Russia's borders. +7-495-500-55-50 . The call is not costless: you may have to rely on your mobile operator.
  • If you are a subscriber to Megafon, Beeline, MTS or Tele2, then you can call 900 free of charge: calls can only be made from mobile phones.

Important: you can make an Internet call. For whom should I leave the mobile add-on. At the top right corner there will be a pictogram of the tube. Click on it and contact the operator.

Listen to the video, explain the essence of the call and tell the facts about yourself:

  • P.I.B.;
  • passport data;
  • sixteen-digit card number (in some cases it is necessary to specify the term);
  • code word: without it, the operation will not be confirmed.

Important: the secret word may be indicated for the purpose of placing the card at the time of registration. If the document has been lost, but you cannot guess the code, you need to go to the bank office and change it.

As soon as you register with the bank, check all the data and identify your person, the confirmation will be confirmed. You will need to refresh the page and click on “remaining confirmation”.

No confirmation required for any amount

Limits on penny transfers without confirmation are set by both the bank and the merchant himself. The bank will limit the additional transfer:

  • 1 million rubles for sending funds to clients of Oschadbank and other credit institutions;
  • up to 10 thousand rubles to pay for mobile communications;
  • up to 10 thousand rubles for additional virtual hamants.

In your Oschadbank Online personal account, you can independently indicate the amounts that require confirmation of the operation.

Important: transfers based on established templates, as well as transferring pennies to your money, are not subject to limits.

To change the transfer amount, which does not require confirmation, in Oschadbank’s account, go to the settings section, find the tab “Withdrawal limits for transfers and payments” and click on the “not installed” row. A window will appear asking you to send the required amount. In this way, you can set any limit that does not exceed 1 million rubles.

Important: if you need to change the acceptable value, you will need to confirm it with an SMS code. An increase in your limit is only possible after calling the contact center.

In addition, you can enable the function of confirming all transfers through the Oschadbank Online system by calling the CC. To do this, move the button from “off” to “on” in the section “Confirmation of transfers and payments to the Contact Center regardless of the payment limit.” Any change in system settings requires you to enter a one-time code that will be sent to your number.

How can you enter the confirmation and how to set the limits?

It is not possible to set limits on transfers at all, but you can create a template for a specific owner, confirm it with a call to the CC and without any delay boost any sums from this drive. If the template is not confirmed, you will have to call the bank immediately if the amount exceeds the limit.

To create a template, you need:

  1. at your personal account, go to “My templates” and create a new one;
  2. select the type of template, for example, requesting a client from another bank or repaying loans;
  3. fill in the required details;
  4. Call the bank to confirm and save the template.

Next, you can quickly formulate the payment by changing the transfer amount. Also, writing off pennies for the cost of your account does not transfer limits.

Other payment statuses to Oschadbank Online

The transfer of costs is available at several stages. You will immediately need to formulate an application that can be divided into several statuses:

  • “Black” means that the document is either not until the end of the filling, but the filling and the end of savings. In this case, we will check for confirmation.
  • “Confirm with CC” - the transfer amount has been transferred and the bank needs to identify your person to continue the operation.

After confirmation, the bank will process your application, which will change the status:

  • “The payment is cleared up” - it’s not a pardon and it’s not just payment for works outside of business hours. Health workers will process the application as soon as the weekends and holy days end.
  • “Confirmed” - the application has been confirmed and the bank’s specialists are already working on it.

At the last stage of the payment process, you can see whether the operation took place and, however, for some reasons:

  • “Viconany” - the money was overinsurance and was taken away by the addressee.
  • “Vidhileno” - the item was not written off. It is possible that your card is blocked because there are not enough funds to transfer it. Details can be found by hovering over the status.
  • “The application has been collected” - this means that you have collected the payment before the end of this year.

If your application has reached the status of “Wikonane”, then you can issue a check for the full payment. The document must be saved until the addressee cannot confirm that the money has been withdrawn. Otherwise, you can go back to the bank with a receipt and solve this problem.

When a new client request is received by the server and requires confirmation, a window will be displayed on the QUIK account manager’s work station with the right to confirm client requests, prompting the user to confirm the transaction. with guidance in new parameters.

Pressing the “So” button confirms the client’s request. When you press the “No” button, the application is abandoned. The “Screen” button is used to close the window without any action from the application.

      1. Confirmation mode settings

The settings window is opened by selecting a menu item Adjustment / Basics, the “Client Transactions” tab contains the following parameters:

    “Request confirmations at the time of operation from client transactions” - when the sign is turned on, after pressing the button in the application confirmation window, a window with additional confirmations selected will appear on the screen oi dii.

    "Request confirmations for operations with groups of client transactions" - the sign means that when selecting an action over all transactions, select from the "Table of client requests for completing applications" (items of the context menu "Confirm all key transactions from the table" or "Add all keys." transactions from the table") with additional confirmation.

    “Show text with a description of the client transaction in the standard program notification window” - the sign allows you to click/turn off notifications about the arrival of a new transaction in the notification window.

    “The button is active in the window for confirming the final transaction” - indicates the active button in the window, “Yes” or “No”. It gets stuck when you frequently confirm requests from the keyboard by pressing the Enter key.

      Table of clients' requests for vykonannya applications

menu Trade / Client transactions

      1. Assignment

Review of client requests directly from the mode of accepting client transactions confirmed by the broker.

      1. Table format

Each row of the table contains information about one client request. Table table parameters:

Field name


Client code

Client code, registration on the QUIK server

Time taken by the server

Hour of processing the client's request by the QUIK server according to the server year

Confirmation hour

Hour of confirmation of the client's application for the anniversary of the QUIK server


Application confirmation stage. Possible values:

    “Not confirmed” – the client’s request was abandoned

    “Confirmed” – the application is confirmed by the broker and transferred to the trading system

    “Registered” – the application is accepted by the server and checks for confirmation by the broker

    “Accepted by client” – the application is accepted by the client before it is confirmed by the broker

Description of the QUIK system accountant from the terminal from which the transaction was sent


Transaction type, for example "Entering an order"

Class of the instrument


Name of the instrument

Trade Rakhunok

Trading code


Text note from the darling

Description of the application

Warehouse field to accommodate other customer requests

Requests for technical support service (Help Desk or Serivce Desk) are implemented in the form of a separate document. The application form is located at the bottom of the bookmarks and details. On the “Application text” tab, you must enter text that explains the problem and requirement. The text can be formatted using all the capabilities of a custom text editor, including changing the appearance and size of the font, seeing the color around the elements, and also inserting an image directly into the text (for which use the Use menu ii).

Documents may be added prior to the application. To do this, click on the “Supplements before application” message and select one or more corporate documents. You can also create a corporate document based on an interactive file by adding the “Add External File” menu item to the list of add-ons before your application. At this time, based on the file, a corporate document will be created, a vikoryst template of a corporate document, assignments in the “Technical support” section in the system settings. Before the application, as well as to other objects of the subsystem, you can add messages to objects of external databases, for example to documents "1C:Management of a manufacturing enterprise.” As soon as the application is submitted, click on the “Submit application and close” button. The exact status of the application is displayed in the title of the window after the “|” section. Please note that once you submit your application, the selection of buttons on the top toolbar will change and other actions will become available for your application.

The decision for the in-line application is displayed in the application form on the “Decision” tab. More than one decision may be made per application. Detailed description of documents “Technical solutions. encouragement" induced.
All applications can be linked to one technical support services. After installation, after installation of programs in the subsystem there is only one “Main” service. If necessary, system administrators can create a sufficient number of other services to satisfy business needs. The butt is pointed lower. You can select or show the service tree by pressing the “Service List” button.
The list of services can be added and expanded at any time. If necessary, you can create subelements for any element of this list.

Acceptance or approval of applications

After submitting the application, the system provides the new type of business process “Tech. "Support" make a request to the dispatcher of the service selected from the applicant. The service manager is assigned to the form of the “Technical support services” browser element (the form can be opened from the list of services by right-clicking the mouse button and selecting “Change”).

The service manager (the “1C:Enterprise” accountant) selects the task for acceptance or the recovery of the task that came to the account manager, to the desktop in the “New task” folder (as well as other tasks ). At the top panel of the application there are two buttons available: “Accept an application before work” and “Submit an application”. Varto remember that the form of the assignment is formed on the stand for adjusting the point of the “Accept from the robot.” At this point, the main sound of the Viconians is indicated with the highlighted sign “Select by panel buttons”. This installation may be used in other types of business processes. The butt of such a device is pointed at the baby.
The butt of the dispatcher's office, in which decisions are made about the acceptance of applications for work or treatment, is aimed at the next step. The dispatcher's appointment form is sent to the application, as well as the details that must be filled in to accept the application into the work. At whose details it is necessary to indicate a specific Vikonavian for the application. If the set up element of the service indicates the need for payment, if the details are entered automatically, then the dispatcher will need to specify it.
If the service manager praises this application and presses the button “Accept the application for robot”, then the business process goes to the point “Prepare a decision on the application”.