Nestor's special office. Nestor the Chronicler. Names of the father of the history of Ancient Russia. About egoism, distrust, lying stones and honesty

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And then you open the book, and already in the middle of your head, instead of reading, you want to do some mindless work on whose White liner of the company, looking crazy... After a year, the crazy sun came out... a light smoke of sour-free brewed ya, with a thin stream and so on

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About egoism, distrust, lying stones and honesty

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Zustrichi near Moscow

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Respect, strolyanina!

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Gra - another tour! (discussed)

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Proposition to the portal

Why not create a FAQ* collection of critics? Browse all blogs about criticism there. Additions: criticism from the writer to the writer, criticism from the reader to the writer, criticism from the writer to the reader; How can a critic be placed before the end of the day? How can a writer receive criticism. Then I made a section for “it’s not for everyone, but especially I put it this way.” This is part of what I'm thinking about. The other stage is the creation of a robot, which would reveal a number of mysteries in the world of similar types of “criticism”.

A list of text organization procedures

I'm going crazy. For the sake of the image, I won’t point my finger. There is only so much to praise. Ale in the first positions – no. Having thought about it, what is the best way to go through the writing process at your master’s office? I have read the books not in the correct order of development, but in the order that you mark at the time of reading/writing. 1. Pobudova rechen. This is the simplest thing. Sometimes it sounds like “They’re approaching the shore, from the house of the vyishov lad.” I leave this guy in the third paragraph.

More eclectic

It’s the 51st day of preparations for the election of the governor of the Moscow region. At the end of our day, the sickle struck all sidewalks and curbs. And the photos are even fresher. Aje vibori has passed. It’s true that yesterday evening the asphalt began to disappear. Cursing grandma's summer.

New (end of story)

Announcement number ZERO: I have a small amount of pressure on the release, and so as not to get out of trouble, I’m looking forward to reading. Stunned number one: - The game “Get it yourself” is closing. What came out was not exactly what we expected - there was no blood, scandals or intrigue. Already, it’s over, not to the liking of my dark soul, so I assure you that the participants have given up all the greed and contentment. I don’t yet know what kind of developments can be made from removing the results and what format can be given to another round (whichever happens), so...

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First day on the AT. How to install the flood clicker, I go through the first page in search of the tsikavoy. I'm going further. However, sometimes the posts of the table are expressive, in response to the fervor of a creative nature, which is important to go through every step. I give it a minus. And for what? And for including comments. So people think that they can bark at everyone and get in safely, but they forget to put a topic on the post as self-promotion. It may be a surprise for someone, but the inclusion of comments may not be the same...

Great is the extraordinary title of a historian. We know Herodotus, Plutarch, Tacitus, and N.M. Karamzina. But for Russian history there is no greater authority, no greater name, the venerable one (bl. 1056-114) - the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Father's Russian history.

9 leaf fall marks the day of remembrance of the chronicler Nestor. The fate of this life fell on the eleventh century. For him, literally recently, in the year 988, the waters of the Dnieper received a mallet that was baptized while the witnesses of this miracle were still alive. But Rus' has already been overtaken by civil strife and attacks from foreign enemies. The interests of Prince Volodymyr could not or did not want to be united; over the course of decades, internecine wars grew among the princes.

Vcheny Chernets Nestor

Kim was Reverend Nestor? It is said that, being a seventeen-year-old youth, he came to the monastery before the holy elder Feodosia Pechersky(block 1008-3 travnya 1074), having accepted the rank of black. There is no doubt that the Nestor monastery will become literate and, at that time, be ordained as a young man. At that time, Kiev had many readers who would soon have Nestor.

At that hour, according to the words of St. Nestor

Chernets, like luminaries, shone in Russia. Some were local mentors, others were firmly in the cold or in prayer; Others fasted every other day or every two days, others only fasted with bread and water; Others are boiled zill, others are made with sire.

They were all in love: the young obeyed the elders, did not hesitate to speak in front of them, and showed submissiveness and obedience; and the elders showed love to the younger ones, instructed and consoled them, like fathers of small children. Whenever a brother fell into some sin, they comforted him and, out of great love, divided him into two or three. Such love was mutual, beyond all dimensions.

And the days of Nestor’s disciples were distinguished from the days of other Black people. Only his hearing has been revived: for the blessings of the rector of Theodosius of Pechersk writing the history of Russia. In his literary practice, the chronicler calls himself “ sinners», « damned», « a worthless servant of God" These assessments show humility and fear of God: a person who has reached such heights of humility, accumulates the least sins in his soul. To reveal the spiritual zeal of the saints, it is enough to understand the following words: “ The saints mistook the shadow of thoughts about sin for sin They were the youngest mistress, and often they mourned their honors as if they were sins.

The first literary works of Nestor the Chronicler

Nestor's work began first after an hour. The lives of the holy princes Boris and Glib, at the holy baptism of Roman and David" He has a high level of prayerfulness, accuracy of description, and politeness. Nestor speaks about the creation of man, his fall and his rise by the grace of God. The chronicler’s words reveal a heavy burden about the fact that the Christian faith is widely expanding in Russia. Nestor writes:

As Christians multiplied here and the altars of idols began to be touched, the land of Russia was deprived of so much idol property, because it did not hear a word about our Lord Jesus Christ; The apostles did not come before us, and none preached the word of God.

Another, and no less important, and significant work of the chronicler - “ The life of St. Theodosius of Pechersk" Nestor became a novice of Saint Theodosius as a young novice, and then, for many years, took part in the discovered relics of the monk, and the glory of his life. It is simply written in a crude manner.

My hope, - writes Nestor, - that after us the Chernorists, reading the life of the saint and having gained from his valor, glorified God, glorified the saint of God and strived for feat, especially since such a man appeared in the Russian land and a saint of God.

Nestorian chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years”

The main feat of the life of the Monk Nestor was the formation until 1112-1113 "Tales of Bygone Years." An extremely wide range of dzherel, interpreted from a single, church point of view, allowed the Monk Nestor to write the history of Russia as a warehouse part of world history, the history of the whole human race. " The story of yesteryear"came to us from the warehouse of older crypts:

  1. Laurentian chronicle(RUR 1,377)
  2. First Novgorod chronicle(XIV century) that
  3. Ipatiivsky chronicle(XV century).

It is transferred that Nestor vikoristav material The most recent crypt(IX art.), Nikon plant(70 pp. XI century) and Cob crypt(1093-1095). The text has obvious echoes of the Byzantine chronicle Georgiy Amartoli. The authenticity and completeness of the writings of the Monk Nestor is such that historians before them are considered the most important and reliable source of information about Ancient Rus'.

« The story of yesteryear"- The great creation of Russian history.
Not hourly, but hourly fates that buried not just any small period, but the great fates of Russian life, an entire era. In its entirety, it is called like this: “Throughout the history of time, the Russian land began to exist, and the first princes began to exist in Kiev, and the Russian land began to exist.”

The story is interpreted by Nestor Suvoro from the Orthodox point of view. He tells about the holy apostles Kirill and Methodius, Shows the great happiness of the Creation of Russia, the fruits of its illumination. Holy Apostle Volodymyr- The main hero of Nestor’s “Tale of Bygone Years.” The chronicler equates him with John the Baptist. The exploits of the prince's life are depicted meticulously and with love. The spiritual depth, historical fidelity and patriotism of “The Tale of Bygone Years” place it among the most popular works of secular literature.

Chronicle of Nestor " The story of yesteryear“cannot be called pure history, church or community chronicle. This is the history of the Russian people, the Russian nation, think about the currents of Russian knowledge, Russian acceptance of the world, about the share of that worldly people at that time. This is not just a simple flow of bright waters, but an essential European life, but a deep thought about the place in the world of a new young people - the Russians. Stars? What are the miracles? How do we differentiate ourselves from other peoples?- The axis of nutrition, as they stood in front of Nestor.

"The Tale of Past Years." Follow-up

The first follower of the “Tale of Bygone Years” was a Russian historian and geographer V. N. Tatishchev. The archaeographer got to know a lot about the chronicle P. M. Stroev. We have developed a new look at the “Tale of Bygone Years”, as if it were a crypt of many more early chronicles, and such crypts have become important to all the chronicles that have come down to us.

Vidomy Russian philologist and historian of the late XIX-XX centuries. A. A. Shakhmatov Hanging out the version that comes from the chronicle crypts - this is a historical story with its own powerful political position, dictated by the place and time of creation. The history of the chronicle is connected with the history of the entire region. The results of this research have been published in the robots " Intelligence about the found Russian chronicles crypts"(1908 r_k) that " The story of yesteryear"(1916 r_k). According to Shakhmatov’s version, the first editor of “The Tale of Past Years” Nestor wrote at the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery in 1110–1112. Another edition was written by Abbot Sylvester at the Kiev Vidubitsky St. Michael's Monastery in 1116. At 1118 rub. The third edition of “The Tale of Bygone Years” was compiled on the orders, or in response to the political agreements, of the Novgorod prince Mstislav I Volodimirovich.

Radyanskiy doslednik D. S. Likhachov assuming that the 30–40s of the 11th century were under orders Yaroslav the Wise A record of historical folk tales about the expansion of Christianity was compiled. This cycle became the future basis of the chronicle.

Alexander Sergeyovich Pushkin creating his chronicler Pimena in drama " Boris Godunov"(1824-1825 pp.., Published in 1831), based on the character of the chronicler Nestor, which is true to the truth, as it is not appropriate for anyone, anitrohi" does not embellish the one who writes».

The Monk Nestor survived the ruin of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in 1196. The rest of his work is permeated with the thought of the united Russia, about the Christian faith instilled in it. The chronicler commanded the Pechersk Chentsy to live every day of their lives. His defenders in the chronicles: the venerable Sylvester, abbot Vidubitsky Kiev Monastery; hegumen Moses, having extended the chronicle to 1200; hegumen Lavrentiy- Author of the famous Laurentian chronicle crypt of 1377. All the stench falls on the Monk Nestor: he is the greatest reader - like a scribe, like a prayer book.

As it was established today, the Monk Nestor died at the age of 65. The relics of Saint Nestor remain incorruptible. Nearby ovens(Antonievikh) Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. On the beginning of the XXI century " Association of History Lovers at Kiev University"The saint's shrine was shackled.

Respect to all lovers of Russian history

Russian chronicle history is a monumental monument of the ancient Russian literary mystique, due to the scale and breadth of the accumulation of historical sources, as well as the form of presentation of the material there are no analogues in the world. The collection contains contemporary (fateful) chronicles, stories, accounts, lives of Russian chronicle history spanning almost half a century (XII-XVI centuries).