What to look for in X-ray images. The most recent X-ray images. Important indicators of the norm

X-ray (synonymous with X-ray image) is a permanent negative image of the object being monitored, captured on a special (X-ray) film or photo paper using additional X-ray imaging.

To detect with X-ray diffraction, one of the main powers of X-ray vipromining (div.) is to penetrate through the various middle parts and tissues of the body and be absorbed by them in different ways, carefully in accordance with their physical and chemical powers. The most important thing here is the serial number of the elements (according to the periodic table), which determines other tissues, the thickness of the ball of the object that changes, and its thickness, as well as the duration of x-rays whose value is practically determined by the hardness expressed in kilovolts.

It has been established that the polishing of X-ray vibration is proportional to the fourth step of the ordinal number of the element (Z) and the third step of the dove. Well, calcium (Z = 20), which is important for the formation of cystic tissue, against atoms of acidity (Z = 8), which enters the warehouse of soft tissues, fades more strongly: 204:84 =160,000: 4096=40, i.e. i. i.e. approximately 40 times. It is clear why brushes against soft tissues produce a more intense shadow on radiographs. On this same principle, the stagnation of such substances as barium (Z=56), iodine (Z=53) and others is based, where the natural contrasts of the mind are insufficient or daily. So, as the radiographic effect, in addition to the power of the object, lies in the intensity (harshness) and quantity (in milliampereseconds) of the X-ray vibration that has passed through the object of investigation and up to now wounds and spittle, it is clear that the harshest will be the treatment, otherwise it seems , the more it penetrates and the greater the exposure, the more intense the process of photochemical infusion onto the light-sensitive ball will be and the more pronounced the stage will be. I don’t spit after this photo editing.

The main important criteria for assessing radiographs, which indicate their suitability for x-ray diagnostic purposes, are: 1); 2) and 3) .

X-ray (synonymous with X-ray image) - a negative image of the object being examined is captured using X-rays on a special camera or paper.

When assessing the brightness of radiographs, the sharpness of the image and contrast should be taken into account. In addition, the X-ray image does not contain any extraneous shadows (artifacts) and sufficiently represents the anatomical area that is being monitored with the correct projection.

Under the sharpness and clarity of the X-ray image, one can understand the presence of a clearly visible transition from one stage of development to another. The movements of an object that is being lifted create dynamic unsharpness. Geometrical blur is determined by the sharpness of the focus of the X-ray tube (the greater the optical area of ​​the focus of the tube, the greater the blur), the X-ray tube is a blur (the greater the focus, the less sharpness), object - spitting (chim wona mensha, tim mensha dullness), the graininess of the light-sensitive melt ball and the graininess of the reinforcement screens (which is less, the less blurred).

Under optimal image contrast, there is clearly visible gradation between dark and light areas of the radiographs. Due to the presence of significant shadow differences between the black ground around the object and the images of its large plots, the radiograph is assessed as low-contrast. The contrast of the image is based on the harshness, so that the energy is promoted. The softer the contrast, the easier it is to remove a contrast radiograph, however, with a tight, or short-haired, contrast, with the correct choice of vitrification, it is possible to achieve a good contrast of the images. It is also important to correctly photograph the melt (adjust to the appropriate mode - the hour of development, the temperature of the developer, the temperature of the film, etc.). The choice of diaphragms, tubes and grilles that are used during radiography changes the amount of diffuse radiation that is lost to the spitting material, and thereby increases the contrast of the X-ray image ka.

The contrast of the X-ray images is also enhanced by the screens, which may release light due to the influx of X-ray images. The tightness of the supporting screens allows you to significantly speed up the exposure during radiography, since the images on the X-ray film are not removed under the direct injection of the X-ray exchange with spit, as much as (larger) under the infusion of light, the screens are washed.

When taking X-ray images, one of the main powers of X-ray vipromining is revealed - to penetrate through the gaps of the midsection and be absorbed by them in a different world carefully from the physical-chemical nature and thickness of the midsection.

For radiographs, use standard formats: 13X18, 18X24, 24X30, 35x35, 15X40 and 30X40 cm. For special investigations (angiography), use a roll of different sizes c. When taking x-rays in dental practice, for intraoral exposures, use floats measuring 3X4, 4X5 and 5X8 cm.

The sensitivity of spitting according to GOST SRSR (2817-50) is noticeable in intravenous X-rays. It is wrapped in proportion to the amount of exchangeable energy in roentgens (1/p), necessary for the standard (mentally accepted) effect of the blackening of the spittle, so that the sensitivity of the spittle is ensured by the return values ​​of the Only.

The figure of 200-300 portal roentgens is indicated on the spittle box of average sensitivity. Sensitivity levels of more than 300 roentgens (high sensitivity) allow the use of radiographs with shorter exposures, medium sensitivity and low sensitivity (less than 200 roentgens) c).

The X-ray film appears under the greater photographic thickness of the light-sensitive sphere, which is why the shadowy thickness of the image is moving forward. Melting on a nitrogen-cellulose base is not safe for use on a daily basis; melting on an acetate base is less flammable. Double-sided emulsion film allows you to use two powerful screens with superior contrast and exposure changes.

To obtain a good X-ray image, the choice of rational technical minds (focal range, anode voltage, force, exposure) and correct photo processing is of utmost importance. In large X-ray departments (which produce at least 200 images per change), it is cost-effective to use special developing units with an automated process of photoprocessing of X-ray images.

X-ray images are viewed on a negatoscope, and intense X-ray images with great differences show increased brightness of negatoscopes.

It is necessary to follow the rules for documenting X-rays: on the skin X-ray there is a designated letter marking the side to be traced (R - right, L - left), nickname, name, according to the father and age of the sick, date and serial number Jenny. The shortest method of certification of X-ray images is light marking with the help of special stencils in order to print the necessary data on the photoemulsion melt.

Also: Shadow contrast, X-ray.

For the diagnosis of various diseases of the lungs, cysts and other organs and tissues of the human body, radiography (or x-ray) has been used in medicine for 120 years - this is a simple, non-milk-free technique that allows you to reveal the greatness of life in order to ensure the accuracy of the diagnosis and the safety of the procedure.

X-promenis, discovered by the German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen, can easily pass through soft tissues. The cystic structures of the body do not allow them to pass through, as a result of which, on X-ray images, shadows of varying intensities are created, which accurately reflect the structure of the cysts and internal organs.

Radiography is one of the most extensively researched and verified diagnostic techniques in clinical practice, which has brought miracles to the human body over centuries of stagnation in medicine. In Russia (in St. Petersburg and Kiev), this method was already used in 1896, after the discovery of X-changes, operations were successfully carried out using the vicinity of X-ray images on photographic plates.

Despite the fact that modern X-ray equipment is being constantly updated and with high-precision medical devices that allow detailed diagnostics, the principle of image extraction has become unchanged. The tissues of the human body, which have varying thickness, allow invisible X-changes to pass through at different levels of intensity: soft healthy structures practically do not stain them, and the brushes fade. The bags' photographs look like a collection of shadowy images. The X-ray image is a negative, in which the white color indicates the cystic structures, the gray color indicates the soft parts, and the black color indicates the crusty structures. The presence of pathological changes in internal organs, for example, in the legs, is indicated by the appearance of a light spot on the leg pleura or in the lung segments. A description of the results obtained by radiographs provides information on which doctors can obtain information about these and other objects of investigation.

Since the 20th century equipment made it possible to carry out, most importantly, the examination of the thoracic tissue and ends, then daily fluoroscopy is used for high-precision diagnostics of various organs using a wide range of X-ray equipment.

See X-ray projections

To carry out preventive investigations and in-depth diagnostics, medicine uses various types of radiography. X-ray techniques are classified:

  • by shape:
    • survey, which allows you to completely bury different parts of the body;
    • targeted, if you want to carry out in-depth diagnostics of the vocal tract of another organ using a special attachment on an X-ray machine;
    • posharova, under the hour of conduction, parallel views of the traced zone are formed.
  • for the type of vikory ownership:
    • traditional plivkova;
    • digital, which allows you to record the original image on a portable device;
    • trivimirna. Computer, multispiral and other types of tomography are available here;
    • fluorographic, which allows for safe and preventive quilting of the leg;
  • special:
    • mammographic, for lining the mammary duct in women;
    • hysterosalpingographic, which is used to seal the uterus and fallopian tubes;
    • densitometric, for diagnosing osteoporosis and others.

The variety of different techniques shows how necessary and indispensable radiology is in diagnosis. Medical doctors can use various forms of surveillance to identify pathologies in most organs and vital systems of the human body.

It’s important to take X-rays

X-changes in clinical medicine are used for preventive examinations and direct diagnostics. You can’t do without such quilting for:

  • fractures of the wrists;
  • damage to internal organs as a result of external trauma;
  • diagnosis of breast cancer and other oncological illnesses;
  • investigated diseases of other organs of the chest;
  • dental and prosthetic teeth;
  • deep implantation of brain structures;
  • Scanning of vessel sections with suspicion of an aneurysm.

The method of conducting x-ray examination is selected by the doctor carefully depending on whether it is indicated or contraindicated in the patient. Combined with various modern techniques for capturing volumetric images, traditional x-rays are the safest. There are no indications for any category of patients.


Regardless of the reliability of diagnosis, patients experience ionizing effects, which negatively affect the cerebrospinal fluid, red blood cells, epithelium, reproductive organs and retinas of the eyes. Absolute contraindications for X-ray are:

  • vagusness;
  • age of child up to 14 years;
  • the heavy stature of the sick;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • pneumothorax or bleeding;
  • ailments of the thyroid gland

For children and pregnant women, such restraint is indicated only in extreme cases, if the threat to life is greater, there is a lower potential for harm from the procedure. If possible, try to reach out to alternative methods. So, if a doctor needs to diagnose swelling in a vagina, then instead of an X-ray, ultrasound is used.

What is required for an x-ray, how to prepare

No special preparation is required to trim the backbone, shawl and tassels. The patient must remove clothing and metal objects from his or her body before undergoing such a procedure. The absence of foreign objects on the body will ensure the accuracy of the x-ray image.

Preparation is required only for the preparation of a contrast agent that is administered for X-rays of these and other organs in order to enhance the visualization of the results. Injection of contrast agent should be administered about an hour before the procedure or immediately during the procedure.

Yak shy X-ray

All X-ray images are collected in specially equipped rooms with dry screens that prevent the spillage from reaching the body organs and are not visible. The investigation does not take a lot of time. It is important to know what method the procedure is used in, radiography varies in different positions. The patient can stand, lie or sit.

You can go home

Careful cleaning with an X-ray machine and other modifications are carried out in specially equipped rooms to protect against ionizing changes. Such equipment is large in size and is installed only in stationary facilities, which allows for maximum safety of the procedure.

To carry out preventive treatment for a large number of people in areas remote from large clinics, mobile fluorography rooms can be installed, which completely replicate the situation in hospital hospitals. I'm looking for it.

How many times can an x-ray be performed?

Testing of tissues and organs is carried out as often as possible, as different diagnostic methods allow. The most safe ones are fluorography and x-rays. The doctor can refer the patient several times to such treatment depending on the results and goals set. The volume of pictures will be shown according to the indications.

When using radiography, it is important not to exceed the maximum permissible total dose of radiation per day, which is 150 mSv. For information: the measurement value for an x-ray of the chest in one projection is 0.15-0.4 mSv.

You can get an X-ray image, that's the average

An X-ray can be obtained at any medical facility: at national clinics, hospitals, private centers. It is possible for such a quilt to remain in the monitored area and as many as possible. Within the framework of compulsory medical insurance or for seeing quotas from state hospitals, the examination of organs for the referral of a doctor can be done without costs. In private medical mortgages, such service will need to be paid. The price starts at 1500 rubles and may vary at various private medical centers.

What does an x-ray show?

What does Vikonian radiography show? In the snapshot of the monitor screen you can see the staging area of ​​the singing organ. The variety of dark and light shades on the final negative allows doctors to judge the presence and presence of these and other pathological changes in the affected organ.

Decoding the results

X-ray images can be read by only qualified doctors who have extensive clinical practice and are familiar with the characteristics of various pathological changes in these and other organs of the body. Based on the photograph taken by the doctor, a description of the X-ray taken from the patient’s chart is made. In the absence of unusual light spots or darkening of soft tissues, cracks and fractures in the wrists, the physician records the health of one or another organ. An X-ray image can be accurately deciphered only by a doctor who knows the X-ray anatomy of a person and the symptoms of illness in the organ that is suffering.

What do the pilot lights indicate in the photo?

When soft tissues, joints and brushes are examined for evidence of pathological changes, they show symptoms characteristic of other illnesses. If the plot is damaged by fire, it also fades due to X-ray analysis, leaving less healthy tissue. As a rule, such a zone is darkened in the middle. The evidence of the doctor immediately indicates the type of illness in the captured image.

What illness looks like on an X-ray

When the images are transferred to the melt, areas of pathological changes are visible on healthy tissue. When damaged brushes are scanned, the place of deformation and displacement is clearly visible, which allows the traumatologist to make an accurate prognosis and indicate correct treatment. If shadows are detected on the legs, this may indicate pneumonia, tuberculosis or cancer. A qualified specialist can differentiate the manifestations of rehabilitation. And the axis of the enlightenment area in this organ is most often indicative of pleurisy. Specific symptoms associated with the skin type of pathology. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to thoroughly study the x-ray anatomy of the human body.

Advantages of the technique and why the negative impact of X-rays on the body

As a result of X-ray scanning, X-ray images provide a more precise understanding of the organ being examined and allow doctors to make an accurate diagnosis. The minimal discomfort of such restraint and its immediate availability significantly reduce the possibility of removing a dose of ionizing infusion that is unsafe for human health. A pair of quills is sufficient for detailed visualization of the organ. In this hour, if it is contraindicated in the patient, it is impossible to cause any harm to the body.

How to minimize the legacy of damage

All forms of diagnosing illness due to prolonged X-ray examinations are carried out only for medical indications. Fluorography is the most important, as it is recommended to be carried out carefully as a method of early detection and prevention of tuberculosis and leg cancer. The decision of all procedures is determined by adjusting the intensity of X-ray vibration, in which information about the dose taken is entered into the patient’s chart. The physician always checks this indicator when selecting diagnostic methods, which allows you not to overestimate the norms.

How can you perform x-rays for children?

In accordance with international and national standards, any investigation based on the infusion of ionizing chemicals is allowed to be carried out by persons who have reached 14 years of age. As a guilty doctor, we can consider the child’s X-ray as a suspicion of serious illnesses due to the father’s illness. Such restraint is necessary in acute situations, as it requires a quick and accurate diagnosis. Before doing so, you should always be aware of the risks of the procedure and the threat to the child’s life if it is not carried out.

Possible x-ray for vaginosis

Such restraint is not recommended during the period of pregnancy of the fetus, especially in the first trimester. Because it is necessary because the lack of timely diagnostics threatens the health and life of the expectant mother, then in the course of this a lead apron is used to protect internal organs from X-changes. With other similar methods, x-rays are the safest, but doctors are advised not to carry out them during most cases during the hour of pregnancy, protecting the tissue from harmful ionizing infusions .

Alternative to X-ray

120-year practice of x-ray and similar techniques (fluorography, computer, multispiral, positron emics tomography and others) has shown that today there is no more accurate method for diagnosing low pathology. With the help of additional X-ray examination, it is possible to quickly detect sickness of the leg, trauma to the cysts, identify diverticula in older patients, perform clear retrograde urethrography, and quickly detect oncology at the embryonic stage of development and something else.

An alternative to such diagnostics using ultrasound examination may be used for pregnant women or patients with contraindications before performing an x-ray.

thank you

The site provides preliminary information for information purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of illness must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All medications may be contraindicated. Consultation with specialist Obovyazkov!

X-ray is normal. What do healthy legs look like on an X-ray?

The lungs are the organ of human breathing. Dihanna occurs through the exchange of gases between the atmospheric air and the bloodstream, which takes place at the structural units of the legs - the alveoli. The lungs contain a large range of blood vessels, and also include bronchi of varying diameters - from small to large. The lungs are swollen at the chest wall and swollen with pleura - the membrane that protects this organ from rubbing under the hour of breathing.

Vivchennya go for help x-ray Even manually, scraps of fabric on the leg are washed and pass X-rays well. Against this background, the different forms of the leg are in contrast and can be easily detected using modern X-ray machines.
Vivcheniya anatomical features on x-ray legen plays an important role, since it is only possible to obtain the necessary diagnostic information about illness in accordance with the norm.

Shades and lightening on the x-ray of the leg. What does color mean on an X-ray image?

X-ray image with different shades of gray color ( from black to white color). The intensity of the dye depends on the thickness of the tissues through which X-ray examinations take place. Thus, a leg is a tissue organ through which X-ray channels pass almost completely. Thus, the legen’s field is a piece of enlightenment that shows a black color on the X-ray. All blood vessels – ribs, mediastinum, radicular legs – have a large structure and therefore obscure the majority of X-ray changes. The smells have a light color and are called shadows.

Shades can be shown on x-rays as normal or pathological. Thus, the root of the leg appears normally on an x-ray as a shadow with well-formed edges, as well as single shadows at the site of the leg's fields and pathological structures. The intensity of the gray shade also plays a big role. So, for example, since the root of the legenia has a light color, then doctors talk about the intensification of the shade, which occurs as a result of pathological processes or as a result of aging of the body.

X-ray picture of healthy legs. Lehenev fields

The use of x-rays has a long history. Today, the X-ray method is the most manual way to inject a leg. The lungs are an organ of the body, so the tissue of the leg is represented by lung fields, which are normally clear on x-rays. The boundaries of the legs can be judged side by side, priming on the contours of the larger structures. At the bottom, the leg is surrounded by a dome of diaphragms, on the sides, front and back – by ribs, in the middle of the leg is the shade of the middle spine and the heart. The collarbones are located at the top, the other part of the leg protrudes above them.

On an X-ray image of healthy legs, the following anatomical features can be seen:

  • skeletal skeleton of the chest - ribs, sternum, clavicles;
  • legen's fields and legen's little ones;
  • root legend;
  • median;
  • shadow of the heart;
  • diaphragm dome.
In healthy legs, on X-ray images, the leg areas are uniform and there are no distinct parts or segments. Indirect judgment about the localization of segments can be made based on the character of the lung baby, which is formed from the vessels and other bronchi. Legene fields in healthy legs cannot be turned on in the form of shades of different shapes and sizes. It is necessary to ensure that the X-ray image does not show any depth, through which the effects of the work can be revealed less in the external projection.

Segments and parts of the leg on x-ray

The lungs are not functionally related, but are anatomically composed of segments and parts. Such a section, on one side, requires complete bleeding, on the other side, prevents inflammation and infectious processes. The legs have 10 segments, which are grouped into two parts ( at the left leg) or in three parts ( at the right leg).

The lungs are divided into the following segments:

  • Verkhivkovy;
  • rear;
  • front;
  • lateral;
  • medial;
  • upper;
  • medial-basal;
  • lateral-basal;
  • anteriorbasal;
  • posterobasal.
The first five segments are located in the upper and middle parts ( the middle part is less active in the right leg). The other five segments are expanded in the lower part of the leg. The basal segments are divided so that they are separated from the dome by the diaphragms. In the middle of the skin segment there is a segmental bronchus, an artery and a vein. The segments of the legion do not damage the membranes; therefore, the boundaries between them in a healthy legion are invisible. However, with the development of pathological processes in the vocal segment, the veins become narrower, and on the x-ray the shadow of the segment appears to be visible in the form of a tricutulum or rectcutaneous with evenly rounded edges. The position and intersegments of a healthy leg can be determined using additional computed tomography ( CT) and bronchography.

The parts of the leg are more clearly visible, between them there is a small open space - inter-partial fissures, covered with layers of the pleura. However, the presence of pleura between the parts of the legs in the norm does not change the visibility of the leg areas. The inter-sectional gaps run obliquely, through which, in order to tighten the legs, it is first necessary to obtain direct and accurate X-ray projections. The leg was divided into segments and the parts were analyzed by radiologists to describe the localization of pathological processes.

Root lesion on x-ray

The root legen is spread on the internal surface of the organ. On x-ray they can be recognized by their characteristic light color in the middle third of the leg. The light shade is shown to be more dense in a flat, wind-blown field. The root legen is also called the gate, the fragments in this galuz are narrowed down by all the courts and important routes that are located in the middle of the legen.

The root legend is formed from the following creations:

  • bronchial tubes;
  • legen's arteries;
  • leg veins;
  • lymphatic nodes;
  • fabric is good;
  • fatty cellulose.
The root of the leg grows between the other and fifth ribs, the width at the end is 2 - 3 centimeters. At the root of the leg there are linear or medial shades, which are representative of the great anatomical structures - the bronchial bronchi, the leg artery. A linear shadow emerges at different times, because the part of the vessel is perpendicular to the course of the X-ray changes, and the middle one, because its direction is similar. The veins in the root of the leg are not clearly visible.

The doctor evaluates the following criteria for the development of a root disease on an X-ray image:

  • grow up;
  • symmetry of the roots of the right and left sides;
  • uniformity of structure;
  • clear between the walls of the legen artery and bronchus.
In young people, the tissue in the root of the leg is normally not visible on x-ray. Physiologically, their strength may increase in older adults. The ancient history of the roots of the legend includes changes that can be confused with pathological changes. With ageing in the area of ​​the roots of the legs, the walls of the veins and in the partitions between the alveoli increase in size, through which the roots of the legs lose clarity and become heterogeneous. This phenomenon is a secular fibrous transformation of the roots of the leg.

Lymphatic nodes of the leg. Detection of lymphatic nodes in the area of ​​the root of the leg on x-ray

The lymphatic system of the leg includes superficial vessels that accompany the passage of arteries, veins, and bronchi. The collector of lymph is the leg and internal mammary lymphatic nodes. The smells are found in the area of ​​the root of the leg, in the mediastinum, and also accompany the passage of the bronchi and trachea. Normally, lymphatic nodes are not visible on x-rays, and the fragments are small in size. up to 0.5 cm) this shadow flows from the shadow of the root of the leg, and from the wall of the bronchi.

Lymphatic nodes become visible on x-rays due to the development of swelling and inflammatory processes. When they become stronger and larger in size, they appear more visible and light in color on x-rays. Changes in the lymph nodes become noticeable as soon as the main symptoms of illness develop, so the presence of lymph nodes on an X-ray image carries important diagnostic information. Since lymphatic nodes are normally not visible on x-rays of healthy legs, their appearance alerts the doctor and increases the severity of the pain.

What is a lehenev baby? What does a baby lehenga look like on x-ray?

The legen's baby is a collection of large anatomical structures on an x-ray image, grown in the middle of the leg's fields. It is formed by the impersonality of the vessels and the terminal sections of the bronchi, which look like a thin line across the clear X-ray fields. The baby baby is monitored on X-ray with a high degree of sensitivity, because the caliber of the vessels and bronchi that create it is very small. By force or, inadvertently, the weakening of the legen's little one, doctors will stop the bleeding of the legen.

Lehenga baby is formed from the following anatomical structures:

  • arteries and vessels of the leg;
  • capillaries;
  • bronchi of the third and fourth order.
The little Lehenevian baby looks different in both the young and the older ones. This is due to the fact that with age the legs develop a ball of healthy tissue, through which the baby in the middle of the leg margins grows and looks sharper in a healthy body. Lightness also changes with age. The upper parts of the legen's fields become clear, while the lower parts of the legen's fields become narrower. In these plots of babies, the leg becomes noticeable.

The baby's baby may look different depending on the position of the body in which the X-ray image is taken. In a vertical position, the upper part of the leg has less arterial and venous vessels, the lower third. That's why the little baby on such an X-ray looks very different. In a horizontal position, the appearance of the baby's leg is even across the entire area of ​​the leg's field.

Baby legs also have individual characteristics. The stench is associated with the growth of blood vessels in the fabric of the legen and the way they are loosened.

A small car can be of three types:

  • Trunk type. With this appearance of the legen baby, from the root of the legen there are a number of large vessels, from which it is possible to clearly quilt the stitching of more thin vessels.
  • Rosypny type. In this case, when the root of the legen is well-groomed, it immediately divides into thin, thin needles.
  • Mixed type. It is a combination of meaning types and is most common.

Deciphering x-rays of the legs. X-ray syndromes in various diseases of the leg

Diseased legs are described by radiologists using additional special terminology. She does not present a diagnosis, but describes the changes that were detected during the X-ray examination. These changes can be interpreted differently based on the patient’s symptoms, clinical examination data, and laboratory findings. Proceed with a list of pathological changes that show up on an X-ray image of the leg, dosit obrezheniya.

The onset of pathological symptoms and syndromes can be seen on an X-ray image of the leg:

  • shaded leg;
  • enlightenment of legends;
  • change the legen baby;
  • change the root legend.
Shaded and illuminated with plots ( limited or great), in which the tissue thickness is less than normal. These areas may have swelling, ignition infiltrate or tuberculosis. Change the underlying disease and the root disease with symptoms that are universal for a whole list of illnesses. The stench arises from damage to the structure of blood vessels and the healthy tissue of the lungs.

Shading on x-ray

The shades look like abnormally light patches on a dark-colored legen fabric. Shading on the X-ray image most often results in the accumulation of ignition infiltrate, a decrease in the lightness of the leg, and the replacement of the leg tissue with granulations and solid tissue. More often, clicks are obscured by plump processes. The shadows can take up both part of the leg and bury it completely. In addition, the object can be in a legging fabric or on a cordon with seams.

These types of shading can be seen on x-rays:

  • Widely shaded leg. In this case, the shadow occupies over 80% of the area of ​​the leg area. Such a camp can be avoided if the legion declines ( atelectasis), swelling or cirrhosis of the legen. Burning or new creations rarely take up all the legions, prote before, when medicine was as well excused as today, such episodes were avoided.
  • Shaded area. In this type, the shadow is the size of the parts of the segment of the leg. Most often, this type of shadow occurs during ignition illnesses ( segmental or shared pneumonia).
  • Round shadow syndrome. It is a rounded single shade with a diameter of over 12 mm. Such illumination is stable and appears in all projections. This radiological picture is characteristic of tuberculosis, swelling, cysts, aneurysms of the leg and other conditions.
  • Vognishche's shadows. Such shades may be less than 12 mm in size and can be formed into several pieces ( type 2 to 5). Vognishchevy shadows appear in the legs with tuberculosis, cancer metastases, pneumonia.
  • Great dissemination. With this type of expression, the size of the baby legs changes significantly, in them there are shades ranging from 2 mm to 12 mm in large bones. The dissemination is considered great because it has expanded by 2 more segments of the world. This radiological picture is typical for alveolar plaque, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis and other diseases.

Enlightenment on x-rays of the legs

The clearing of the legen on X-ray is characterized by the almost complete transparency of the legen's fields, the presence of the legen's baby in this area. This is due to changes in the thickness of the leg and increased swelling in the legs. Illumination of legends can be broad or local. The cleared leg becomes more pronounced on an x-ray image, and less shaded, which is due to the fact that in the middle of a sick leg, the most common are sharpened and swollen illnesses.

Widespread lucidity of the pulmonary fields increases with pneumothorax or emphysema. Pneumothorax occurs as a result of damage to the integrity of the chest wall, and emphysema occurs through blockage of the bronchial tubes. In both cases, stains accumulate in the leggings, which stretches the fabric of the legging and changes its thickness. It is very rare that the enlightenment of the legen's fields is caused by damage to the surface of the bloodstream of the legs through congenital heart disease.

The clearing of the leg margins becomes narrower with cysts, empty forms of swelling, tuberculosis, and abscesses of the leg. Limitations of enlightenment can appear through changes in the posture of the lungs, for example, diaphragmatic hernia or deformation of the ribs. Rarely, pneumothorax occurs between the boundaries, in which only part of the leg is enlarged.

Change the baby's leg on X-ray. Strengthening, weakening or deformation of the baby's leg

Replacement of the pulmonary veins is a symptom that accompanies various pathological conditions of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The leghen baby represents the circulatory system of the leg. They can vary widely, which allows the body to adapt to external factors.

There are three types of x-ray changes in a baby leg:

  • Posilennya. In some cases, the number of structural elements of the legen baby is increased. This should be avoided in case of congenital or swollen heart disease, as the fluidity of blood circulation in a small volume of blood circulation changes. Lehenga baby can be strengthened with uniform growth of healthy tissue in the lung.
  • Weakened. With this type of change in the legen baby, the caliber and number of its elements have been changed. This can be avoided in case of emphysema, stenosis of the pulmonary artery valve, and other heart defects.
  • Deformation. In some babies, the legs change unevenly, as the contours are irregular. This picture is observed in infectious-inflammatory illnesses, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
Replacement of a leg fever is often accompanied by other symptoms, which allow an accurate diagnosis to be made. As it is clear that a change in the leg tissue is not the cause of pronounced symptoms, please note the organic changes in the leg tissue.

Change of root cause on x-ray

The root structures include important anatomical structures, including the great vessels, bronchi, and lymphatic nodes. Changes in the root of the legen are noticeable in cases of severe illness. It may look different on an X-ray image, starting with a change in size and shape, ending with damage to the structure. The root of legene is increasingly respected ( let's expand), so that the transverse size of the roentgen should be over 3 centimeters. On the other hand, changes to the root of the line can include shades of different shapes or strengthening of the contour.

The syndrome of change of the root of the leg is worsened by the onset of illness:

  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • Lehenevian arterial hypertension;
  • nabryak legeni;
  • Vadi heart, associated with damage to the blood circulation of the leg;
  • evil fluff ( cancer of the leg);
  • cancer metastases in the leg.
Changing the root of the leg can be unilateral or bilateral. In case of acute illnesses, as well as damage to the leg blood flow, radiological signs of a change in the root leg are bilateral. Puffiness, both good and bad, leads to a unilateral change in the root of the disease.

Diagnosis of infectious diseases of the leg using x-rays

X-ray examination of the leg is intended for us in advance for the diagnosis of various inflammatory diseases of the leg. This is due to the fact that when the tissue is burned, the leg becomes stronger, which is a clear radiological sign of the burning on the image. p align="justify"> X-ray examination is especially important in the diagnosis of acute conditions, which contribute to the terminology of treatment.

The X-ray method is used for diagnosing the onset of inflammatory diseases of the leg:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis and bronchopneumonia;
  • abscess of the leg;
  • pleurisy, etc.

Tuberculosis legen on x-ray

Tuberculosis is one of the most common diseases of the respiratory system. Fluorography, as well as digital radiography of the chest, which is associated with a preventive method, sometimes reveals the middle of the tuberculosis process. This is due to the fact that tuberculosis is a contagious infection, which, despite the good level of immunity, may not manifest itself for several years. Tuberculosis is caused by various types of mycobacteria that are highly resistant to drug treatment.

Tuberculosis is distinguished by the diversity of X-ray manifestations. This means that there are a large number of options for the interaction between the body and the causative agent of tuberculosis. Sometimes the cavity becomes infected and calcifies; in other cases, tissue breakdown occurs. The process can be local or spread over the entire surface of the page.

See the onset of radiological forms of tuberculosis:

  • Primary tuberculosis rot. This is the picture that occurs when mycobacteria are first introduced to the fabric. The primary cavity is a rounded shape measuring up to 12 mm with unclear contours. The root of the leg expands through an increase in lymphatic nodes. From the shadow to the root of the leg, small linear shadows pass through the dilated lymphatic vessels.
  • Vognishchevy tuberculosis legen. Characterized by slight shadows ( up to 6 mm) for quantities ranging from 2 to 5 pieces. The shades appear in the upper segments of the legs.
  • Infiltrative tuberculosis.Є surrounded by shaded areas of the leg that indicate a segment or part of the leg. In the infiltration there may be empty parts of decomposition or parts of mineralization, so the shadow becomes heterogeneous and large in size.
  • Disseminated tuberculosis. With this form of tuberculosis, small shadows appear throughout the entire area of ​​the lungs. Legenevy babies are strengthened through fibrosis of the tissue septa.
  • Cavernous tuberculosis. Illumination of the cavern ( empty) occurs as a result of the destruction of legging fabric due to extreme ignition. The radiographic void is described as a round cavity with a clear cavity and a thick wall 1 - 2 mm thick.
  • Tubercle. And a single shadow on an x-ray image that is of great size. Tuberculoma appears large on X-ray, with fragments of mucus, lymphatic tissue, and swelling.

Burning legends ( pneumonia) on x-ray

Inflammation of the lungs is acute infectious disease, which develops through the development of pathogenic bacteria in the tissue of the lungs ( staphylococci, streptococci etc.). In this case, inflammation of the cells and exudate appear in the alveoli, through which the respiratory function suffers and the inflammation of the body is greatly affected.

In cases where patients are ill, X-ray investigations may be carried out earlier. Using the X-ray method, ignition infiltrates in the legs are detected with high accuracy. However, it is necessary to be aware that with a decrease in the reactivity of the body or at the early stages of illness, stench may be present throughout the day.

X-ray examination of inflamed legs reveals:

  • infiltration centers as shades of different sizes;
  • intensity width ( segment, part, one or offence.);
  • inflammation of the pleura;
  • inflammation of the bronchial tree;
  • reaction on the side of the lymphatic system ( root extension);
  • strength of the legen baby.
The burning of legions can be central, segmental or unitary. The lower parts of the legs are most often affected by fragments of the ventilation of these parts of the chest, the lower parts of the upper legs. Vognishche pneumonia is characterized by a small amount of infiltration ( up to 1.5 cm), in this case, in case of segmental or partial pneumonia, the intensity of the infection is much greater. The shape of the infiltrate can be different, but the dimensions of the infiltrate can be assessed more accurately with a straight and horizontal projection. Today, lobar pneumonia - an illness in which all the legs are affected completely - is practically not common. In this case, intense shading is maintained throughout the entire area of ​​the legen field.

X-ray picture of an abscess in the leg

Abscess of the leg is a complicated inflammation of the leg, in which, as a result of inflammation and proliferation of bacteria, the leg becomes empty and filled with pus. The abscess is surrounded by excess tissue with a membrane made of synthetic tissue. An abscess of the leg can take different forms and sizes, but in case of any outbreak of stench it can pose a great threat to the patient. Abscesses in the lung appear through insufficient diagnosis and treatment of the inflamed leg.

See the onset of radiological signs of abscess in the leg:

  • the ear of the disease shows intense shading of a round shape;
  • Over time, the intensity of the shadow changes, it takes on the shape of a ring, which indicates a horizontal line;
  • a chronic abscess is cut up by a thick wall ( 3 – 4 mm linings), in the center of it there is a zone of enlightenment and perhaps a daily ray of light.
An abscess often causes a characteristic reaction in the patient, as it manifests itself on x-rays as enlargement of the lung, enlargement of the root of the leg, and inflamed pleura. The leg abscess is drained under X-ray and ultrasound control. Instead of the abscess, the butts were removed piece by piece, so in other cases the clothes will become tight, and the cleanup will require many hours.

Pleurisy on chest x-ray

Pleurisy means inflamed pleura - the membranes of the lungs. Through those that the pleura contains a large number of nerve endings, their inflammation is always accompanied by painful sensations. Pleurisy rarely develops on its own, due to the complications of the infectious process in the legs, injuries or swellings. X-ray examination in cases of suspected pleurisy is even more important, as fragments between the layers of the pleura can contain flammable exudate and pathogenic microbes.

See the onset of radiological signs of pleurisy:

  • the evenly shaded part of the leg area lies under a large amount of exudate;
  • there is shading when the X-ray image is taken in a different position of the body;
  • when the pleura is inflamed in the intersectional fissure, shading appears in the appearance of the biconvex lens.
Shading of the great plot of land ( in one third and more) means the accumulation of exudate between the layers of the pleura in a quantity of at least 200 ml. In this case, for successful treatment of pleurisy, a puncture of the remote area is required. However, in order to eliminate the created exudate, it is necessary to treat the underlying illness ( fire, injury or swelling). On the X-ray image of the abdomen and ulcer there are signs of a pershopper cause of pleurisy.

Acute bronchitis on chest x-ray

Bronchitis is one of the most widespread diseases of the cold season, which increases during the cold season. In bronchitis, the infection affects the lower respiratory tract - the bronchi, which are located in the immediate vicinity of the legs. Acute bronchitis is characterized by a sore cough, difficulty in taking a deep breath and a high risk of developing pneumonia. If such symptoms persist for 10 days, people must consult a doctor.

Regardless of the fact that acute bronchitis does not have characteristic x-ray signs, an x-ray of the leg when bronchitis is suspected is liable to result in most episodes. In case of bronchitis, infiltrates are not detected in the tissue of the lungs, as in case of pneumonia, there is infiltration of the lung tissue. The need for an X-ray of the legs in case of bronchitis is explained by the fact that during the course of the illness, microorganisms can cause inflammation in the legs. Treating the inflammation of the lungs results in many cases of severe symptoms and bronchitis. Moreover, when treating bronchitis, X-ray monitoring of the patient’s condition is necessary.

Whooping cough. X-ray signs

Whooping cough is a highly infectious disease of respiratory diseases that affects people of all ages, which causes particular danger for children under 2 years of age. Previously, the cough was already widespread and a dangerous infection, due to the stagnation of vaccination and illness began to become rare.

The cough alert detects toxins that arise from the upper and lower respiratory tract, causing a nasty cough and bronchial spasm. The pain is assumed to be in the leg of a sufficient number of people through the sound of bronchospasm. The result of illness is a sharp change in acidity in the blood. Whooping cough is characterized by a variety of radiological symptoms, regardless of the fact that the diagnosis is based on characteristic clinical signs.

Metastases of cancerous tumors on an X-ray image can be of the following types:

  • Vognishchevo. The shades are round in shape and have a different diameter. Such metastatic lesions are created when malignant cells are infected with a blood stream.
  • Infiltrative. Such metastases appear as meshes or snowflakes, and fragments spread around the appearance of changes in the epithelial wall of the alveoli. Such metastases are aggressive and disappear in the lymphatic system.
  • Mixed. Let's combine the names of the variants of metastases.

Kindly plump legen. Fibroma

Benign swellings are new, which grow to a greater extent, with the absence of metastases. Such swellings, when treated as harmful new developments, do not destroy the tissue of the leg, but can cause compression of the bronchi and limit the functional capabilities of the leg. It is clear that there is a large number of good-favored fluffy fluffs that are found behind the tissue of everyday life and localization.

There are the following options for good fluff:

  • Adenoma. To come from the mucous membrane of the bronchi.
  • Hamartoma. Naturally plump, which includes cartilage, fat and other tissues.
  • fibroma. It measures 2 to 3 centimeters, is made of durable fabric and grows from the partitions of the fabric.
  • Papiloma. The fluff is of small size, located in the middle of the lumen of the bronchi.
  • Hemangioma. It is folded from vessels and is cut with low thickness, less fluff than other types.
  • Lipoma. It develops in the great bronchi and is composed of adipose tissue.
  • Teratoma. A type of fluff that includes various types of tissues resulting from the mixing of embryonic cells.
The exact location of the swelling can only be determined after microscopy. The X-ray method for fair plumpness reveals a dark spot of shading of different thickness. At the cob stage, a seed up to 1 centimeter in size appears. When the swelling grows, as with benign swelling, it is already full, there are a number of additional symptoms to watch out for. The stench is associated with damaged bronchial passages. X-rays reveal hypoventilation syndrome and atelectasis. Part of the legene becomes thicker, and the outer thickness of the legene changes. Sometimes, as a result of good swelling, an inflammatory process develops in the legs. In this case, the X-ray image shows the intensity of the ignition infiltrate, the strengthening of the leg tumor and the expansion of the root of the leg.

Leg hypoplasia on x-ray

Hypoplasia is a congenital condition in which the legs are characterized by a deficiency of the main structural elements. Leg hypoplasia is a rare congenital anomaly that results from disruption of the development of the embryo. The abnormal leg has smaller dimensions and functional capabilities, due to the high likelihood of infection and the development of inflated anomalies.

Leg hypoplasia can be of two types:

  • Just hypoplasia. This type of hypoplasia is characterized by changes in the bronchial ducts and alveoli in the lung.
  • Cystic hypoplasia. With this option, the terminal sections of the bronchi and alveoli become dilated and appear empty and are less functional than with the first option of hypoplasia.
The X-ray method is the main one for diagnosing this developmental anomaly. X-rays show a change in the area of ​​the leg area and its shading. The middle is displaced at the side of the underdeveloped leg, and the dome is raised by the diaphragm. In the case of a cystic form of hypoplasia, lightening patches may be detected in the leg area. Patients with pulmonary hypoplasia often suffer from chronic bronchitis, which is visible on x-rays in thickened walls of the great bronchi. Hypoplasia in some ways is similar to atelectasis, so it is important to differentiate these conditions. Computed tomography of the chest is required.
  • X-ray legen. Indications, contraindications. Methodology of preparation for x-ray examination
  • X-ray of the leg: with chicken, damaged bronchial passage. X-ray diagnostics of acute leg conditions. Nabryak, infarction of the leg on x-ray
  • Why shouldn't doctors get stuck? Before you are the most shocking X-ray images:

    The dentist diagnosed a toothache. Patrick Lawler squealed at the death of his company: it turned out that the cause of a 10-centimeter flower was that an alarm bell had inadvertently inserted into his skull six days earlier.

    According to numerous reports of the international press, the 11th Chinese schoolboy Liu Cheon was threatened with death when his friend shot him in the head with a 40-centimeter arrow. The arrow reached my skull through the eyeglass and got stuck in my head. It seems like a miracle that the boy suffered a fatal brain injury.

    Let’s not forget about the classic shots: drinking beer in the anus!

    The 16-centimeter subdivide fooled death when a 12-centimeter lower one was built into your head. The sauce was taken to the doctor's office with a kitchen knife, which was removed from the cloth.

    8-river Haley Lents from India forged 10 magnets and 20 steel balls from a set of Magnetix toys. The magnets of the two were attracted one to one in her herbal tract, creating all sorts of holes in the intestines, through which the fathers had to take the girl to the doctor for terminal surgery. Lents later told journalists that the magnets and steel balls “looked like zuckers.”

    A 5-centimeter bloom, which can be seen on this X-ray image, was discovered after a man from Seoul, New Korea, became sick with a severe headache. After the man was unfastened and recuperated, the doctors admitted that the flowers were the result of an unfortunate episode, which was due to fate, but the man did not notice that there were flowers in his head.

    An X-ray image shows a mobile phone in the lower intestine of the patient from El Salvador. The man was one of four notorious members of the Mara Salvatrucha street gang. Prisoners from the Zacatecoluca community in San Salvador were trying to scam people out of smuggled mobile phones, spare SIM cards and chargers.

    This photo shows part of a 60-year-old man who arrived at the Nishtar Hospital in Multan, Pakistan. They are about to go berserk to the doctors in the same way that the villains inserted a can of Pepsi up to your anus, after which they stole two buffaloes.

    This X-ray image shows the source of the fire that pierced the brain of 17-month-old Nicholas Holderman in Kentucky and reached the child's brain. Although the doctors immediately confirmed that the object had completely pierced Nicholas’s apple, another team of doctors later confirmed that the boy had not suffered a permanent injury.

    This lad got a knife in his teeth after he helped him, but started to laugh and the knives fell into his throat. Having seen and suffered no more!

    X-ray of a knife removed from the middle of the scutum by Pat Skinner of Hurstvlle during surgery at St George Hospital, Sydney.

    X-ray image of a heel with a diamond in the middle of the 30-point Wilfredo Gonzalez-Cruz from Chicago. A man stole an engagement ring from a woman's house in Cicero and then cheated him.

    In this photo you can see a quarter, rolled with a six-sided girl.

    A vibrator that got stuck in the anus, without prompting the person to go to the point of emergency assistance. You just try to remove the stuck object using salad tongs. The problem is that the tongs are also stuck.

    This was an unfortunate fall, but a happy one. The deceased Ryan Dunn from the TV show “Jackass” knowingly inserted the car model just to get in touch with the doctors of Swedish Help.

    A man from China squealed at the bottom of the boat. The people had a chance to go berserk to the doctors after they couldn’t pull off the dances with the help of a twisted piece of paper. When medical professionals asked him about pain, they insisted that they did not understand how he felt discomfort. My memory suddenly turned violent when the doctors showed X-ray images of the dance and the dart in the middle. Vin confirmed that after inserting the dance, she got stuck, and said that with the help of a steel dart, she tried to pull the dance away from the attack of panic.

    A 52-year-old woman from the Netherlands named Margaret Daalman was furious with a skarga at the waist and one glance at the photo explains the reason for the discomfort. Surgeons from Rotterdam were amazed by the images, which revealed 78 different table utensils.

    The 22-river Wu Moude landed on the steel reinforcement, 15 centimeters deep into her head under her chin. For the excision, an operation was required for three years, during which time surgeons cut open Wu’s trachea and skull.

    A man from China told doctors that he would move the furniture near the booth when he noticed the mouse. He lifted the steel beam and chased after the creature, but tripped and landed on the reinforcement, which was dragged to the anus. The doctors were afraid that simply pulling the haircut from the gag would cause even greater harm. The firemen cut out the outer part of the brucht, after which the mouth of the part was cut off with a surgical cut.

    The Chinese sauce has licked its lips and embedded itself in the guise of a 7-centimeter bottom, like peeling an apple. Father Ren Hanzhi says: “Go to the sofa and peel the apple. Raptom, he licked his lips and, in his guise, built up a hot bottom. I didn’t dare to pull my leg, because my son was screaming loudly.” Head surgeon Peng Liwei, who performed the operation with a knife, commented: “This is a shocking episode. Nizh, the dovzhina of which exceeds 20 centimeters, increases by 7 centimeters to the appearance of a boy.” The operation was successful and the patient recovered completely in about a month.

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    An X-ray of the chest organs in a healthy person can reveal additional shadows in the legs that are not noticeable. Normally, there are significant changes in the baby's leg (strengthening, thickening and deformation), as well as root pathology. Not lakatimemo readers, but explainable X-ray symptoms of healthy legs.

    What does a healthy person's leg look like?

    The sign of a healthy person’s symptoms looks typical:

    1. Passenger fields, stretched from both sides of the chest.
    2. The heart's shadow and sternum are at the center with radiographs.
    3. The collarbone is at the upper part.
    4. The diaphragm domes are located below the lehenev fields.
    5. Linear shadows of the ribs above the projection of the leg.
    Photo of the chest organs of a healthy person with a description of the structures

    In the photo, the radiologist evaluates the following structures:

    1. Soft fabrics.
    2. Cystkovo-subglob system.
    3. Aperture.
    4. Seredovishche.
    5. Costophrenic sinuses.

    These structures appear differently on radiographs in negative and positive versions.

    It should be understood that the presence of light pathological shadows in the photographs does not mean that the person is healthy. For any pathologies there is no risk of changes in the pictures:

    • ignition cavities up to 2 mm in diameter are not visualized on an X-ray image, since the method is within the permitted range;
    • minor enlightenment;
    • further darkening during infiltrative changes in the bronchi;
    • accumulation of liquid in the costophrenic sinus up to 250 ml;
    • the thickness of the bronchial walls of the arm is less than 1 mm;
    • slight focal enhancement of fabric.

    What is wrong with X-rays of healthy legs?

    Normal digital radiograph of the leg in a positive image

    Fluorography is a screening method of x-ray diagnostics. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health, it is obligatory for the skin of people once a day. With the help of fluorography, doctors detect illnesses such as tuberculosis and cancer in the early stages. Of course, the story is more informative, but it is characterized by significant trade-offs for people, which can be used for mass relief of the population.

    A simple person does not understand what pure symptoms look like, so it is impossible to differentiate between normal and pathological shades. If people are sick enough to form dark shadows in the photo, they show “separation” and “white shadows”.

    X-rays passing through the chest wall are knocked out by some tissues and buried by others. As a result, dark, white and gray shades are formed on radiographs. They are consistent with each other and represent a normal x-ray picture.

    Some differences in the imaged shadows arise from the technical features of the fluorography method. With fluorographic coating, the images come out of the fluorescent screen.

    X-rays penetrating through tissue illuminate X-ray spittle. This is how an X-ray image is formed.

    • blackout;
    • enlightenment;
    • additional shadows.

    A normal radiograph was taken of the baby. Remember this look. If the photograph reveals additional spots that appear as a result of the induced photo, which would have been better than everything, such a picture will reflect the pathological process.

    How it flows into the X-ray image of the waste that grows

    Scheme of fusing the X-ray machine's external grid onto the photographic capacity

    The X-ray machine grid flows onto the imaging tray. If X-rays are taken on one body, they show similar colors of anatomical structures, then the radiologist can easily detect pathological darkening.

    It’s no less true that on one X-ray machine, images of the chest organs can be separated depending on the patient’s position. In the above photo, X-ray images show one and the same person in a standing position (a) and lying down (b).

    Return respect to the heart's shadow and intensity of the reflection of the legene fields (the stinks appear behind the color). The diaphragm domes are also sculpted on different levels.

    The X-ray picture of normal legs is formed based on the fact that X-ray changes pass through the same tissues at different stages of their physical development.

    Diagnostic equipment is also added to the range of X-ray images. Within minutes, X-ray diagnostics were carried out on the RUM complex. Whose radiography modes were set manually using additional controls. For example, the strength of the stream and the time of exposure of X-ray changes were regulated by X-ray laboratory technicians. In photographs of legs taken from the same person, it was possible to observe differences in the intensity of shadows and their harshness.

    The emergence of modern diagnostic complexes has eliminated this problem. Exposure parameters are adjusted automatically.