Mimo do-it-yourself armchair antenna. Zovnishnya do-it-yourself antenna for iota. The key knots of the subsidyuvach are

There were few people in the modern world of victors mobile Internet - for the help of a new person, you can remotely communicate, take information and learn practice. Ale not zavzhdi provider naє stabln svydkіst z'єdnannya through the features of the receiving call, which can be surrounded by the features of the relief, great distance before transmission by other factors.

A self-contained antenna for a 3g modem will help you improve the speed and range of the received signal. We will give you some instructions on how to build an antenna for a 3G modem with your own hands.

Kharchenko's method

Not long ago, we wrote how to build an antenna for a TV receiver with your own hands. Did you know that you can similarly build a self-contained antenna for a 3G modem?

We need:

  • Medium drіt abo drіt, you need a litter approximately 30 centimeters;
  • Coaxial cable support 50 or 75 Ohm;
  • A piece of foil or a DVD yak reflector;
  • Tools: lower, soldering iron, pliers, glue, line and olive;
  • Plastic cover for the bottom of the antenna for the reflector.

Preparation of the square of Kharchenko

On photographs of self-contained antennas for 3G modems, you can see a bright look. For the cob, it is necessary to grind on the middling dart with olive oil: the dozhina of the outer side of the skin square is to become approximately 35-36 mm.

Gently bend the drіt along the rosettes, helping yourself with the pasatizh. The symmetrical construction of two squares, which stick together with the kuta, is to blame. Shmatki drot, scho lost, see.

Vikonati in the krishtsi open, in the new one promyknut the end of the cable. Rozdmuhuvati cable, exposing the internal conductor and screen for soldering.

Next, solder the antenna to the cable and connect it to the modem. Soldering should be done like this: to the middle of the antenna, solder the central core from one side, and the screen from the other side. Then attach the cap to the antenna, you can additionally seal and insulate the structure with adhesive and sealant.

Through the opening, insert a reflector disk at the wire, push it up to the antenna and glue it to the cover. Solder to the cable from the other side of the roses for connecting the modem. Connect the antenna to the modem. Enjoy the result of your work!

Antenna "underground ring"

The offensive method of folding a self-contained antenna is more foldable than that of a viconan, but it gives a greater effect. For yoga vikonanna you need:

  • Midny drіt abo drіt;
  • Reflector - a flat dovga tin can, a piece of foil thinly;
  • Coaxial cable with support 75 Ohm;
  • A short metal tube, a cable can be slipped into the yak;
  • Roz'єm for connecting the antenna to the modem;
  • Tools: soldering iron, lower, line and olive.

Detailed instructions for preparation:

  • Look on the Internet for a Bi-Loop antenna scheme for a 3g modem - I’ll go for the Kharchenko antenna design on it, but I see two rings;
  • The thickness of the olive on the dart of the rosette: for the wind-up of 2050 MHz, the thickness of the skin ring can become approximately 146 mm;
  • Gently bend the dart of the underbelly of the ring. It is also possible to prepare two rings with gaps of approximately 3 mm and solder them one to one, filling the gaps with water;
  • Prepare a reflector. Minimum dimensions: height - 120 mm, width - 170 mm. Pіdіyde whether it's a metal panel, with handicrafts it's possible to vicorate the foil or the tin like a tin can;
  • Vikonati in the middle of the reflector is opened, through which insert a metal tube - from the side of the connection with the antenna, the length of the tube should become approximately 18 mm! Solder the tube to the reflector on the other side;
  • Cut the cable with a knife: solder the screen, and lightly strip the conductor;
  • Insert the cable near the tube and solder the antenna to it: solder the upper part to the conductor, and the lower part to the mid tube;
  • Solder the tube and braid the cable;
  • In addition to strengthening the signal, you can beat the satellite dish by placing the ready-made antenna on the bracket;
  • The last end of the cable is connected with a socket for connecting a modem for an additional soldering iron;
  • Connect the antenna to the modem. Ready!

Now you know a few ways how to build an antenna for a 3G modem with your own hands. Find more ways to help you solve problems with a low speed connection to the Internet.

Photo of antennas for 3g modem

To connect to the Internet, I use a vicorous 4G (LTE) USB-modem, although it works in 3G mode at the same time, because The LTE (4G) network in my area has just begun to be launched and won't work in test mode. I live in a wet, wooden booth and before, like I was sheathed with metal siding, there were no problems with receiving a signal from my modem. But after sheathing the booth with siding, problems began to appear in the booth. On the right, in the fact that the metal can have a screen effect, and the whole booth is covered with metal, yes tezh metaleva. On the screenshot, you can clearly see the low level of the signal, the speed of the reception was 1.5 - 2 Mbit / s.

Minimum signal level without antenna

I solved the problem with the reception of the signal, that I installed the modem through the window overhead, I waited for an hour, the modem climbed to the booth. But in the coming winters, it was necessary to shukati another version of the solution to the problem. I also guessed about a small car antenna with magnetic mounts, that antenna was lying around in my garage for three years, so the car radio didn’t care about it. the antenna was too small.

The third-generation merezhі most often burst at a frequency of 2100 MHz. The purpose of the adoption of the 3G light standard. Therefore, the antenna is suitable for no larger expansions. I did not go into the mind of the rozrahunki, but simply tried to try my car radio antenna in a robot with a modem. Therefore, I plugged into the radio antenna the right plug, because. for the antenna socket of the modem, it is not suitable, by stripping the central core and simply inserting it into the socket of the modem. To see if I didn’t see it, I wound it up to the modem with electrical tape. Then I installed the antenna through the windshield overhead (with which the windshield closes), fixing it on the siding behind an additional magnet and running the modem program on the computer.

Car radio antenna with modem

The speed of the signal became maximum, the speed of the robot modem in HSPA + mode folded 14 - 18 Mbit / s with a marginal connection, with a connection in a border, the speed decreased approximately 6 Mbps. I'm a radium, like an elephant, at once I check the plug for Ali, then I'll get rid of soldering yoga to the antenna and radio. Before speech, a radio antenna of this type is cheaper, a lower 3G antenna.

Simple antenna for 4G modem

The essence of the video is not that the modem hangs on a string on the window, but that the antenna is connected (the principle is the same as the descriptions by me) for 1-3t.r. not varto! It's easier to buy, squads, mothers, girls, get chocolate and pick up those on the video! It’s not so important to understand, first of all, write your own wigs about those that you can add a simple lace, you can catch it.

Cardboard. Aluminum foil, metallization textolite and others. Adhesive tape, insulator.
Suspension USB.
Your fantasy and nothing more. The simplest way, which is to give 10 megabits of internet speed to the Internet, even more, but still and tsey works on 1000% labor costs.


  1. Yes, you are all correct. It’s also bad for me to catch a modem on a robot, a modem in a podovzhuvachi (3.5 meters) is not particularly better to catch. And then I replaced the cardboard with foil (like yours) by victorizing the frizbі disk (plate) with foil and wonder, everything earned 5+. the extreme board on the disk was cut, the food foil of adhesives on silicone. the modem is installed at the center, the hole for the cable is drilled.
  2. How about catching a private booth on a daha? Tezh cardboard)? The cable is long-term and the modem cannot be used in a new way. I bought a direct antenna for 2k and didn’t blow it, I have 3G internet in one village). Now we have a clear 4G signal, civilization has come before us.
  3. In the past, the modem is so hot, but here on the Sonci and it’s not viable ... In a different way, it’s called a reflector for an internal antenna, a yakby antenna, then it’s not small. And the antennas don't stink, they're corky, they're rich, the modem has a smut nest, not all of them.
  4. Mlynets, I have a megaphone, I live in the front of Yekaterinburg and I have 14 Mb/s for 3g is not enough. LTE signal is weak, the new modem is fixed on 3g. Hotiv antenna, schob LTE stably catching the modem. Ale marveling at your video, de vie radio LTE zі swidkіstyu 6 Mbit / s and virіshiv, scho zazhersya.
  5. Be sure to doubt the effectiveness of this kind of chagarniks. One day, the low speed of the Internet and I checked YouTube for searches of the top of the problem. So it turned out that from the masses of a similar kind of video, including the very same. Well, I think: what the hell is not hot, I'll try, moreover, shy away quickly. Wrapping a thin lamb, I will wrap the plate with foil for baking, attaching the modem to it on the bottom (1.5 m) with two clothespins to the long side. I am glad: the speed was up to 200 kb/s. up to 7-10 Mb/s. The signal has gone from -69 RSSI to -55 RSSI. To improve the reception, try vertical and horizontal positioning of the modem. I have a stable reception for the horizontal.
  6. Significantly podsilyuvachi signal type Connect 2.0 and work, there is a foil in parabolic plastic. I myself made such a bath, more molting with foil on the daha to mess around, that one was not expensive. If you direct it to the vezha, then everything works miraculously.
  7. The simplest way to strengthen (moreover, it’s better for the most expensive antennas) the 3G4G signal is to beat the satellite antenna. I'm at the dacha vikoristav 0.9 meters Supral. For zakhistu modem in vіd zovnіshny vyplyu vykoristovuvav sample pipe vіd siphon+gum cork vіd zlivu+sealants, all the same by installing the SAT converter in the antenna. The plate may be heeled down a lot - not vertically, like in all the tricolors or NTV +. Then, having put the Christmas tree in order behind the antenna, I put a box under it and put the TP-Link TL-MR3020 with the modem in the middle USB wire, and then I twisted the pair into a booth, and then on the main ZyXEL Keenetic Lite router. Without a dish, I will receive 3G signals with periodic sights and the speed in peak is not more than 2 Mbps. Becoming a stable 4G receiver with an antenna (3 fingers out of 5, and for whatever the weather, the speed is close to 15 Mbps, ping 35-45. The operator in which 4G area has no light on the map.
  8. Life hack about those who better not buy a car with a dvigun, but simply lower an empty body from a weight. The principle of a robotic antenna is not just to catch a signal, but also to try yoga. And your effect can be reached by dropping your laptop until the end of the day. + pr before the old usb cable, the modem will be periodically virubuvatisya through marriage eating. To that, as a filthy signal, install the antenna and connect it to the modem.

How to increase the speed of 4g LTE Iota? How to install mimo antenna?

Having bought an iota modem, is there no security?
What work, like the Internet from Yota do not want to work?
How much do you have to pay for Iota, and how much do you see?

As you have a low speed 4g LTE from Iota to Tomsk, otherwise in some other place, you need to strengthen the signal for the help of the Mimo antenna.
Mimo antenna really improves signal 10-15 times
Now an iota has begun to be more stable, and more beautiful.

What is needed to increase the signal:
1. MIMO antenna (supporting the Internet signal)
2. Coaxial cable
3. Pigtails
4. Be a modem (Only not Iota)


  1. People, if you want to screw the antenna to the Yoti modem, then there are roses MS 156, pigtails joke for it. Dyakuyu Denis Kulkov for the tip, and if anyone has a huawei, then in the comments already a tip on the pigtail is given.
  2. For those who are led by the author’s butt, as M. Gorky wrote, “... so that it didn’t hurt more sore for aimless lives…” LTE bands in two bands: Band3 (1800) and Band7 (2600) In localities, the rule is B7; You can buy an antenna without a box and pull cables from the antenna to the modem. spend on cables and roses' You can buy an antenna with a box and install a modem in a box, connect the antenna with a pigtail modem, and connect the modem with a router with a USB cable - the cost will be minimal, but the modem is not recognized for a robot and for negative temperatures, this charge can be problematic right up to the modem's exit. Vtіm, like so, like on the fingers. Other operators vikoristovuyut іnshі subdivision.
  3. From what you wrote, I took 1700-2700, but I took 3-4 g internet from Yoti, Megafon, beeline or MTS for Pdmoskov'ya. I don't know what provider you will be using and on what frequency you will work in the region, de we install an antenna, I can't give you an exact answer due to insufficient nutritional data. Raptom "carried" you to the Skylink?
  4. Yota works on Lte via FDD for Band 3 (1800) and Band 7 (2600), everything else is a download. Now I am writing from the countryside: ZyXEL 4g III, Huawei E3372, Agata 2x2 MIMO Box (1700-2700). Here you can find 3G forcibly and only in some places, but I have 5 Mb / s. easily.
  5. All right, colleague! And for charging the modem, you can use a simple 12-volt relay, there are many of them at once.

This article is dedicated to 3G and LTE antennas for modems. You know how you can improve the signal, and how to work the antenna with your own hands.

The advantage of 4G Internet over 3G is no less evident in the security of the network. The Internet of the new generation is playing for the lower ping. So, online battles, connected to 4G "MegaFon", can see the same difference between generations on the same speed. 4G connection and power will help the participants in the insurance for a lot of corystuvacs in battles in the lag and increase the fps by an order of magnitude.

It’s a pity that you don’t have to go out and not at all to enjoy the quality of the supra-Swift Internet. Buying a wireless 4G modem from "MegaFon" is not a guarantee that your mobile Internet is strong.
But do not hurry to call all the mortal sins of the operator. In deyakih vipadkah vins are simply powerless. It is necessary to know what it is, tobto: current technologies are still far from ideal.

With a serious shift between the signal and the LTE mesh "MegaFon", the cream of the banal advent of the coristuvacha mesh, you can act:

  • long distance to the base station (availability of 3G and 4G network - dosі ne actual power supply for vlasnіv dachas and muškantsі v remіst);
  • potential space for roztashuvannya modem (height, surface budіvlі, material walls and їх tovshchina);
  • other crossings, which are due to a high signal: forest planting, laying down high-rise buildings and power lines.

All this is indicated by the strength of the signal in 3G/LTE mode, not by the highest rank. Isn't it possible to influence anything with this dissimilarity? You may need it.

Virishiti more vague problems of calling to the signal - 4G antenna and reflector. 4G antenna for the modem є hard directing subsilient signal, looking like your television counterpart. This attachment helps to seriously increase the intensity of the signal, which accepts attachment.

Antenniy handmade: what is the word "assault"?

Naturally, impersonal coristuvachiv falls on the thought of food: how can you prepare a similar design for the Megafon modem on your own.

Vono and zrozumilo, for those who want to practice in applied radio engineering - making a modem with their own hands - this is a miraculous chance to improve skills, to learn the finest selection of elements and to learn about new things. Obviously, when making LTE antennas with your own hands, you need not only spend a lot of pennies, but also a modem that burns.

Tim is no less, a lot of 4G modem lords successfully win a self-contained signal in their apartments and in their dachas. On the Internet, anonymous helpers and schemes were chosen for choosing an existing LTE subscriber with their own hands. For quiet, hto orientations of the best result, the best option would be to attach firm directing antennas.

Kіmnatnym variant of the antenna, which works with 3G and LTE signal "MegaFon", є vіdbivno-selective forms. As a matter of fact, it’s not the antennas, in a completely understandable word. Vidbivachi (or reflectors) do not close to the antenna output to the 3G modem. For whom the shape of the metal reflectors, on the top of the antennas, is not of principle, and then, perhaps quite enough.

Yak Bulo was appointed higher, especially these outbuildings and vinyatkovo їх vikoristannya. It is not recommended to blame them for inter-applications, they are factory-made, and more self-contained designs are not built to protect the modem from the vplyu volog and temperatures.

Do not use a simple metal reflector as a panacea for serious problems from 3G or LTE with the Megafon signal. Its efficiency is about ten times less than that of a wine-free 3G antenna. However, to add some lack of stability to the modem, the whole structure is similar.

Many of us have long and been satisfied with such devices as modems for style operators, which allow us to gain access to the “all-world web”. Alas, it’s a pity, on the vіdmіnu vіd shirokosmogovogo drotovoy іnternet, ії аn additions іt mаyut kіlka іstotnyh nedolіkіv. The main one of them is the peculiarity of the expansion of the radio signal in the vastness of the space. Radios in the ranges of 3G, 4G and LTE may be corrupted by the power of changing the code, changing and switching off, depending on the speed and quality of the Internet connection. What can you do in such a situation?

The simplest and foundest way to enhance the signal that comes from the provider's base station to your modem is a self-contained antenna with manual work, made by hand. Let's take a look at the simplest and most popular options for the preparation of designs that support the radio signal that go to the modem from the BS.

Dart antenna

The simplest variant of a self-contained antenna is a victorious piece of copper wire with a small cut, which needs to be wound around the top part of the modem. Throw a dart with a length of 20-30 centimeters, spread vertically. Danish primitive way for singing minds can significantly improve the stability of the radio signal.

Tin bank

Without a doubt, in a booth you can, for a bag, know an empty vikoristan plaque in the form of cold drinks or kawi. This simple object can be the basis of another self-contained antenna. We take the cover of the container, open it in the cell wall, insert the modem up to half of the case, for the help of the USB-support, connect it to the computer or laptop. In the distance, it is left to know the best roztashuvannya designs in space. The effect of strengthening at times can be even better.

Drushlyak 4G

Zvichayny aluminum drushlyak є in most people. І tsey subject stuffing can be twisted to create one more simple antenna for the modem. It is better to fix the whistle at the bowl of dishes, for example, for an additional sticky line. As it seems, everything is ingeniously simple.

Ramkov's zigzag-shaped antenna of the radioamator of Kharchenko's Radyansky radioamator. To prepare such a pidsiluvach, you need a medium drill with a cut of 2.5 mm. It is made in the form of two confusing squares, a modem is placed at the connection point, connected via a USB cable to the computer. From the last part of the antenna, a thin sheet of metal is fixed like a windbreaker. You can easily finish such a device, and the coefficient of strength for singing minds can be even more pleasing.

Rebuilt satellite antenna

Even so, someone from us is corrupted by the servants of satellite television. Even though your order has an old satellite dish, it can be completely converted into an antenna for a 4G modem. Zrobiti tse duzhe simply. We know the converter rods and install the modem on the other side. We direct the construction at the provider's base station, it is possible to wrap it up to achieve the best result.

Also, we looked at a few options for preparing an antenna for a 4G modem with a handful of available hand tools. You can try it on your own, be it from the proponing models, and remember to strengthen the signal that is received from the provider's base station. Success!

Do-it-yourself 4G antenna is an irresponsible universal and found way to improve the signal of the stylnikov's call at the dacha to the zamіskom booth. The design of such attachments is simple, which gives the ability to receive a good and stable Internet signal, which allows you to reach the operator's base station. You can connect the signal with your own hands to the router and distribute the Internet to a smartphone, tablet or laptop. It is enough to conduct a literate survey of the building, pick the right ones, make sure to the scheme and pick them all. Weide is simple and finish the hard way, which allows you to improve the quality, the speed and the stability of the link.

More coristuvachiv mobile and beyond the borders of the great places, vicorist given the appearance of a link as the main one. However, dosі in Russia є mіstsya, yakі znahodyatsya on the portability vіddalenny vіd vyshokі stantsіy operіvіv, yakіst sv'yazku not good enough for the normal koristuvannya global merezhey. In such moods, self-confidence comes to the rescue.

Get respect! The first ones were like that, like they were ready, and self-reliant, victorious for catching TV channels. Over the years, they replaced satellite dishes and cable television. With the help of all mobile communication and the Internet, coristuvachi began to actively install antennas in the dachas near private booths.

Today, the most popular and widest standard for communication is 3G. For this capture, that strength is often not enough for a simple modem. Navigate, regardless of the efforts of the operators, the connection and the post-installation of new base stations, in some areas there are problems with the signal. It is crushed with its own hands, an armchair that is at the corner of access, to help correct the situation.

Important! If there is no signal from the mobile operator, then install the antennas and subdues.

There are two types of such outbuildings:

  • internal;
  • outrageous.

Krym tsgogo, zovnіshnі podіlyayutsya on one-line and all-straight. Also, there are different frequency antennas, which can be used at the same time in a number of frequencies and ranges.

Attachment and dimensions

Also, antennas are subdivided into sprat types. Tse can be a room outbuilding, which is used by the occupant, or a call, as if it is being installed and directed to the vezha from the street. Naybіlsh optimal and yakіsnimi є attach another option.

Get respect! All representations of the attachments vikoristovuyutsya both receiving and transmitting a signal.

To connect with the network, the antenna receives and strengthens the signal from the base station, which is then transmitted to the modem behind the auxiliary USB port and port. The names of subsidiaries are subdivided into the following main types:

  • straightening;
  • straightening;
  • wide-band and rich-frequency.

Directed to be divided into three different subdivisions:

  • building to improve the signal from one side only;
  • sector, yak і, first, put up to one-line outbuildings. The stench may be able to practice in one straight, but with whom you can swell the additional expanse;
  • all-straight, which means to strengthen the signal at once from several sides.

How to grow the front rozrahunok

For a yakіsnoї robotic antenna, be it necessary to have a front rozrahunok її parametrіv. Attachment is made up of a number of parts:

  • vibrator;
  • droti antennae;
  • signal transmission unit;
  • vidbivacha.

Vimogi to the vibrator

The material for the main part is copper or aluminum. The stench is resistant to corrosion and may have a harsh vibration effect. The expansion of the presented parts is not large, and the soft material, therefore, the connection with the wire is carried out by the soldering method. The cross section is in the range of 5-7 mm, as the diameter is to be changed by 3 mm.

Get respect! Crimson, it is important to trim the symmetry of the squares and the white surfaces.


For the reception of a mobile signal, a singal rosemary is required against the wind. The value can be 55 ohm or 80 ohm. To avoid the intrusion of tightness, the necessary wire with a minimum support. Vіn mає mаєlіch posіtivіє storіn, vіdє maximі elektronnі dіnі, mає є small loss of the signal аnd go beyond the dimensions for the connection with the vibrator.


I’ll build the most for the dimensions of the part. May bezperednіy vpliv priyom signal. The reflector can be made from a metal plate. If you can’t do it with your hand, then you can wind the bottom of the old pot, or a piece of cardboard is wrapped in foil, and rather plywood. Deyakі umіltsi svoryuyut small vіdbivachi zі zvіchayny CD, until the modem creaks, scho catches the strength of the signal.

Important! The size of the reflector may be equal to the scale of the dimensions of the vibrator.


It is a panel-type attachment for receiving that stronger signal strength, as it works with how many inputs of streaming data, obviously, and how many outputs of such. with their own hands, they pick up the trochs more folded, lower sizable. However, for the obviousness of the schemes, that armchair is all visible.

When choosing such an antenna, it is necessary to be aware that not all operators can fully use this technology. Note that the speed of transmission for MIMO technologies is 100 Mbps. Tse revisit the indications of the strongest antennas at 2 times.

Get respect! Such an attachment is made up of one building, in the middle of which there are two fixed antennas. The reception and transmission of the signal are sent both in batches at the same time and pass through different channels.

Zovnіshni pіdsilyuvachi and їх characteristics

The most significant and influencing the quality of data transmission is the parameter є signal strength coefficient. You need to be careful when choosing antennas:

  • at a distance of 1-3 km to a point with a good signal, an antenna with a gain coefficient of 14 dB is required;
  • at a distance of 3-8 km, the gain coefficient is 18 dB;
  • at a distance of 8-12 km, an antenna with a coefficient of 20 dB is used.

The process of folding

Stages of storage will be stale depending on what type of building I build.

Simple zovnіshnіy pristіy

Zvichayna zovnіshnya antenna є an attachment for strengthening the signal of the stylnikovo mérezhі, which is installed on the streets. Maybe a different old look, for example, a look of a great catcher from a plate, or a simple TV antenna attached to a 3G signal.

Get respect! In times of modern antennas, a great role is played by the quality of the insulation, and the shards of light can be practiced in different weather minds.

An important value in such outbuildings may be the choice of the best place for installing that direction at the base station. Krіm tsyogo, їх sіd іs аkіsno іsоlyuvati, schob the water did not drank from the place with microcircuits and conductive shelves.

The reflector is made from a metal sheet, which is recommended to be rounded. Even if there is no steel, you can vicorate plywood or cardboard, wrap some foil around it.

panel for antenna

With a large metal plate fastened to it with patches or small panels for the shortest capture. To assemble 4G antennas - “garmaty” - you need to buy with your own hands:

  • galvanized ribbing for panel folding (one sheet of dimensions 334 × 290 mm);
  • for folding patches of choti and leaves of a galvanized hall (dimensions 118 × 70.5 mm);
  • midny drіt (diameter 2 mm);
  • medium foil, bagan sprats of large shmatkivs (virіzati kolo with a diameter of 21 mm);
  • polystyrene for patches;
  • Super glue.

Do-it-yourself antenna Kharchenko for 4G modem

Vaughn bula is named after the venerable one, who was such an accustomer before the wines. One of the simplest for the design of antennas for a mobile signal. For selection, you need:

  • spiral drill;
  • coaxial cable;
  • strizhneva derev'yana lath;
  • pliers, hammer, lower

Get respect! Before picking it is important to hold a yakіsny rozrahunok.

Folding steps:

  • determine the polarization and frequency of wheezing. Attachment may be linear;
  • build a bi-square type of antenna attachment at a zigzag look from the midi. All the elements are to blame, but roztashovanі on kutah, one of them to roll. For polarization of the horizontal type, it may cost a lot. To work with vertical polarization, the design is installed on the beam;
  • the side of the square is redeemed according to a special formula: dozhina khvili, divided into chotiri;
  • the choice of construction, it is the fault of the oval shape.

In this rank, I’ll add to the set, which podsilyuє, there is nothing folding. Golovne - choose a viable type, follow the instructions more and work accurately.