How to delete information about a program from the registry How to delete redundant program files. How to delete the program through the registry and the Keruvanya panel. We are looking for special utilities that are located remotely from the browsers

You can clean the registry on Windows 10 manually or automatically. In this section we will talk about how to clean the registry without going into the corruption of third-party programs, but rather the vikorist program that is built into the operating system. And how to clean the registry using CCleaner. The same material is suitable for Windows 7 and 8.1

Manually removing unnecessary registry entries

First, delete the entries from the registry; you need to identify them yourself. Ensure that the process of making entries to the register and their deletion take place without being handed over to a clerk. It can be difficult to understand the structure of the registry and make decisions about what records are needed and what simply takes up space in the registry.

The instructions below will show you how to find unnecessary registry entries and how to delete them. This algorithm is relevant for any operating system of the Windows family. Now, if you have downloaded any program from your computer, you can make sure that you have not deleted any “traces” from the registry. I have lost anything - delete it.

  1. Launch the registry editor (Div. article: How to open the Windows registry)
  2. Select the menu commands Edit >> Find or press Ctrl+F.
  3. In the field Know enter the name of the uninstalled program or one of the lines that enter before the name. Our butt has a word visipics
  4. Press button Find out more.
  5. In about an hour, once the word we need is revealed, the search will be added, and the meaning found will be seen.
  6. Tse znannya, shvidshe for everything, can be seen. To do this, use the context menu: click on it with the right mouse button and select the item viluchiti.
  7. To continue searching, press the F3 key on the keyboard or browse the program menu by successively selecting the following items Edit>>Know>>Data.
  8. View all known riddles about the program in the registry.

In this way, you will get rid of these traces that prevented you from uninstalling add-ons on your computer.

How to clean the registry using additional programs

The Windows registry on your computer is a database that saves all information about the configuration and adjustment of hardware and software for the computer for proper startup. Unfortunately, over time this database may become bloated through backup files. The Windows Registry stores out-of-date information about the system configuration, including files that you have deleted. Press the button to freely download CCleaner from the official website.

With the CCleaner program, you can clean the registry of Windows 10, 8.1, 7, making your computer work more effectively. The Registry Cleaner option in CCleaner allows you to scan and delete unnecessary information and improve the functionality and fluidity of your system.

The Windows registry is a critical system database, so CCleaner instructs you to save a backup file to the registry. If this problem occurs, you can always update the Windows 10, 8.1, 7 registry using a backup file.

Once CCleaner finishes cleaning the registry, click “Finish”, now you have a clean Windows registry.

Known computer users are well aware that deleting programs in the standard way through the “Remote Programs” component in the Windows panel does not remove the operating system from tracking programs entirely. At a minimum, the folder with programs in the Program Files directory is lost and, which is much more serious, less acceptable and easier to put in, the number of entries in the registry. One remote program, of course, is not particularly relevant, but if you often install and uninstall different software, then the registry will end up with “Smitten” entries in the desktop, which will negatively affect your productivity.

How to uninstall a program so that its entries are erased from the registry
If the Windows operating system cannot cope with certain functions, or does not perform well, a variety of third-party programs and utilities come to the rescue. These are programs for deleting registry entries.

One of the most powerful in this class is the Revo Uninstaller, which uninstalls uninstalled programs from the computer together with all folders, registry entries, setup files and other related data.

The uninstaller is available in two versions: a free version with limited functionality and a paid version, all of which can be used during a 30-day trial period. If you do not use the operating system, you can download the free version entirely. Otherwise, you will have to buy a license or run a similar cost-free program.

How to delete a program from the registry using Revo Uninstaller

  1. Download archives with a cost-free version of the program from their official website. Traditionally, we recommend downloading the program in the currently popular portable format, which does not require installation.
  2. Unzip the downloaded archives from the program and run the Revouninstaller.exe file.
  3. Install the Russian language program interface. To do this, click on the “Options” icon in the main menu of the program and select a language from the window. Click the “Ok” button to save your changes.

  4. To permanently delete programs in the main window of the program in the “Uninstaller” section, where there is a list of programs installed on your computer, right-click on the icon for that program, you need to delete it and select “Deleted” "Tee".

  5. A window will appear that will list the available modes for the selected program. Select the selected mode, which involves a thorough review of the information found about the program, and click the “Next” button.

  6. The process of cob analysis and data collection for program development will be launched. Please indicate that you want to delete this program. Press "So".

  7. After completing the data analysis, you can see what is full in the progress bar and click the “Next” button.
  8. The scanner will launch the information that was lost after the installation of the installed uninstaller. When scanning is completed, the “Next” button will become active. Press її.

  9. Revo Uninstaller will display information about entries that have been removed from the registry as uninstalled programs. Click the “Select all” button next to the window and click “View” on the right. For information about those who have entered that you want to delete the selected items from the registry, click the “So” button in the window. After deleting entries, press the “Next” button.

  10. This coming week we have an uninstaller for all folders and files that have been lost. Delete similar entries in the registry. Click the "Next" button.
  11. The process of finalizing the program has been completed.
Having manually searched the registry for traces of deleted programs, we were unable to find them. This means that Revo Uninstaller does a wonderful job of removing program entries from the registry to keep everything clean and tidy.

The CCleaner program is a clean computer!

Hello everyone! Oh, come on, I got around to writing an article for the blog. Now I’m completely relaxed, melodiously, there wouldn’t be any of this stuff, as if I didn’t have to wait :-). Well, it’s okay, I should have already written down a couple of topics for articles in my notebook.

Well, today I would like to inform you about those how to clean the registry in windows. I can help you with a program called CCleaner. You can attract them from the official website. Before the speech, the presence of the operator on this site was less important. I especially know how amazing it is. Then you would like to have a side with power supplies and outputs to them. Well, thank you, God bless them, for those who gave us such wonderful software

Let's go straight to the right.

Is it time to clean the registry in Windows 7/8/xp?

First of all, let’s start cleaning the registry, I think it’s time to get back, what do you need to do? I think it’s time to start from afar - what is a registry?

Essentially, the registry is a Windows database in which all changes that are made in the Windows panel based on system policies and installed software are saved. The creations are designed to speed up the operation of your computer a little and cope with these tasks well. Do you naturally need to take care of it and clean it regularly, even if you regularly clean up your home? It’s the same with the registry.

The registry is affected by the active use of the computer, the frequent installation and reinstallation of programs. After all, there is nothing serious about it, except that it can actually lead to serious consequences. I think it’s best to guess how old your computer is? How many times have you cleaned the registry? Every once in a while, it’s even worse, you melodiously note the slaughter of subgaldom and suspension. If you don’t want to give up, the Swedish help from is already in a hurry to get to you ;-).

How to clean the registry in windows 7/8/xp?

After you have installed the CCleaner program, you can start cleaning your computer. We launch the program. The axis will look like this:

Has the program completed cleaning? That's it, the registry is cleared. Wait a minute, everything is fine, we have finally set the task. I need to finish, or else. I will give you another small treat.

Now, if you have deleted any unnecessary programs or games, run it through CCleaner. You can not only delete all files of the program, but also clear the data in the registry associated with this program. To delete a program through CCleaner, go to the “Services” tab, click on “Remote programs” and immediately delete programs or games that are no longer needed.

Well, that's it for sure now.


I hope that today’s article was useful to you and you were able to speed up your operating system a little more. Well, that’s where I say goodbye to you, I’d just like to add that now the articles come out more often, because there seemed to be another shortage of blogging, so much so that they actually wanted to sell it :-). If I find a tripod, then one of the upcoming articles will have a video :-), so you don’t miss it, subscribe to updates using the form below or right-handed in the sidebar.

How to delete programs in Windows

The program can be deleted in all modes. It’s simple: go to the list of programs in the Control Panel, find that you need a victim there, press the right button on it and select “View”, isn’t that right? So, everything is correct, but not the whole truth. If you do not delete the program from your computer correctly, you will not only take up disk space, but you may also have conflicts with other programs or problems when you try to reinstall it.

Wikidaemo surpluses

Now go to the AppData folder (C:/Koristuvachi/Your username) and you will notice that there are files in the Local and Roaming folders that are saved by remote programs (if the AppData folder is saved, open “View” in Windows Explorer and select “Show” uvati received "files"). Delete all files and folders associated with these programs, but be careful not to delete any application.

Let's go to C:/Windows/Temp and there you can see the rest of the programs.

We delete the program from the registry

Tsikavo before reading: How to correct amendments to the registry, read here!

  • Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node and there you will also see all folders and files associated with the remote program.

How to remove unnecessary programs from the registry

Unnecessary speeches will characterize our booth, and unneeded programs will characterize our computer. If speeches can simply be sent to the account service, then various computer programs must be uninstalled, and this must be done correctly in order to remove system errors. Therefore, the user must know how to remove unnecessary programs from the computer, such as Windows files and shortcuts, and registry entries.

Control panel

The first way to uninstall programs that you are responsible for is to check the “Remote programs” option in the “Control Panel”:

  • Open the "Start" menu, then go to "Control Panel".
  • Find the “Remote programs” section and open it by pressing the left mouse button.
  • Wait, I’ll be looking for a list of all installed programs.
  • Go to the program you want to select, and then click the “Delete” button.
  • Together with the uninstallation wizard, go through all the steps to delete the selected software. After this, restart your computer to completely complete the process.
  • Important! Depending on what and how you are doing, you may need instructions:

    Another good option to remove unnecessary programs from your computer is to use the downloaded add-on uninstaller, which appears in the system with the add-on itself after installation. Typically, this can be found through the Start menu:

    Important! Don't worry about the efficiency of the system - it doesn't suffer through clearing registry entries.

    Follow the same procedure at the end of “Files that are lost...” to completely clean your computer of all traces of the uninstalled software.

    Important! If you are prompted to restart your computer after the process is completed, you can select the “Restart later” option, since if you restart your windows after uninstalling, Revo Uninstaller cannot clean up a register of personal records created during the installation of the software.

    Not everything is a program. Perhaps you would be better off with other software behind the interface, the way to control the function. A report on the software for continuous cleaning of the computer can be seen in the article “The Best Utility”.

    How to tidy up a portable add-on?

    Not all software will require installation - some of them have a portable version that can be launched without any previous installation, which will complete your work.

    To remove unnecessary programs from your computer, you just need to send them to the cat. There is no need for uninstallation here, since the portable program does not register its files in the system and deletes entries in the registry.

    Why bother if the program is not visible?

    If you cannot afford a portable version of any software, then you can use special utilities for unlocking important files in the Windows middleware - Unlocker or LockHunter.

    With the help of such software, you can remove system blocking from the element that matters to you. This blocking looks like a notification about the cancellation, it sounds like “It is impossible to delete the file” and often confuses uninformed customers.

    Download the Unlocker utility and install it on your computer. Before the first launch, Unlocker must automatically access the context menu of the operating system in order to start working with this software as manually as possible:

  • Use the right mouse button to click on a file that you do not want to voluntarily send to the box.
  • Select the “Unlocker” menu item.
  • Show up at the end, select “View”, and then click “Ok”.
  • Important! Another utility, LockHunter, works in a similar way. Once it is installed in the context menu of any file, the row “What is locking this file?” will appear, after clicking on it, a small window will appear at the end, where the path to the file, as well as the process, will be indicated. who respect the world. To insert an element, simply press the “Delete it!” button.

    Video material

    Now you know how to download unnecessary programs from your computer. We hope that the information in our article will be useful to you and you will no longer have problems if you find a game that cannot be removed from your PC.

    How to delete a program from the registry in Windows 7

    I'll make an entry about the program from the registry

    In this article we will look at the process of making an entry about a program in the Windows registry. The registry is a place for storing records of operating system settings, as well as application software settings.

    I’ll tell you straight away that if you work with the registry manually, you need to be even more careful, because incorrect manipulations with settings can cause the operating system to go wrong.

    In some cases, manually editing the registry can be quite ineffective; for example, if you have installed any program incorrectly, the registry may lose entries that will prevent you from re-installing the version of that program. In this situation, you may receive notifications about installation errors like: “A previous version of the program is already installed on your computer,” etc., although you really “saw” them. In order to delete an entry for any program, you need to open the registry editor, Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Windows (Win7), or just Start -> Windows (Win Xp), you can also set the key combination Win + R. To launch the program that has opened, enter “regedit” and press Enter (Fig. 1)

    After we have completed the description of the manipulation, we will see a registry editor window for help in deleting entries about the Win Rar program. In Fig. 2 you can mark different registry entries: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG. There are five entries in the registry, in which case we are deprived of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder contains records about the programs installed on your computer.

    To delete an entry about a program, you need to go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE (opening the skin tab), (Fig. 3) After you have gone to the SOFTWARE subsection, you need to find the one in the list of programs that you need to delete entries about. Then we simply select the folder under the name of the entry about the program. But again, I repeat, when working with the registry it is necessary to be extremely careful, as this may result in leaving the operating system.

    You can also quickly search for the name, for which you need to go: Edit -> Search.

    I’ll tell you how to delete the program from your computer again.

    Before you do, you need to delete the program via Vidalenny or change programs.

    The first step of the procedure is familiar to you - use Windows Explorer to delete the program. Just to guess:

    Go to the Control Panel, open “Programs”, click on the required right button, select “View.”

    Wikidaemo surpluses

    After this, we go to Program Files, Program Files (x86) and ProgramData and go through the same thing - we can see all the files and folders that exist in remote programs.

    Tsikavo: Let’s delete the Temp folder from the computer!

    We delete the program from the registry

    Now it’s a little easier - you need to delete the program from the registry. Here it is very important not to show off the wrong ones, otherwise it could cause serious damage. But just follow our instructions, and everything will be fine. In addition, the first thing you need to do is delete it, create a backup by right-clicking and selecting “Export”. It's a shame, but have mercy after all.

    Before reading: How to correct amendments to the registry, read here!

  • Press the Win+R combination and enter the regedit command in the row.
  • Having opened the registry editor, go to the HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Software tab and there look for folders and file names that are associated with the remote program. View them by right-clicking and selecting “View.” Just don’t see the program directory. For example, if you need to uninstall InDesign, do not delete all Adobe folders - otherwise entries in the registry of Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop and other required programs will be lost. Be respectful!
  • Behind the scenes: Vikorista CCleaner to finish on the right

    Until then, all programs must exit the computer, unless you don’t mind using a third-party program and creating another “run” so that you can speed up CCleaner. This is a wonderful program, and it does a lot - for example, you can clean cookies and delete temporary files, and you can find the remaining traces of files that are no longer associated with the same program.

    CCleaner may also benefit the registry, since you still deleted it in the new one.

    Axis Win is a way to manually remove 100% of all unnecessary programs from your computer. First, you can give it a try, but try the whole procedure several times, and you’ll be sure to register in a long-lasting memory (which is the equivalent of a HDD in our brain). Have fun!

    Manual programming

    In the Windows Server panel there is an item “Installed and remote programs” or “Programs and components” in Windows Vista and above, in connection with the problems that occur in the operating system or in the software, the program is always uninstalled using standard Windows methods.

    There are two ways out of this situation: find out the program that uninstalls and cleans the computer automatically, or uninstall the program manually yourself. The first method, although there are a large number of such programs, usually harms the computer, installs advertising, and even worse, introduces viruses. We are looking for another way to view programs because we don’t want to see ourselves.

    I'll manually select the program.

    There is nothing complicated about it, and the effect appears to be better than automatic uninstallation.

    To begin with, you need to clear the registry of programs that we don’t need, for which we launch the regrdit add-on, which is located in the windows folder, so you can launch it by clicking Start > Vikonati > type “REGEDIT” > press Enter. You will see the standard Regedit program. Press Edit > Search > enter the name of your program if you need to delete it (for example, Drweb) > press Enter and check if there are entries related to your program. After the entry is found, you can delete it (del key) and search further Edit > find further (F3 key) and continue searching and deleting until the search ends. Otherwise, you may encounter a problem when a registry item cannot be deleted due to insufficient rights, this situation can be corrected by adjusting the rights to the registry item that is not visible, for which you can click on it with the right mouse button and select “Allowed”, add the group “All” and check the box "renewed access" After this operation, you can continue cleaning the registry.

    After cleaning the registry, it’s best to restart your computer so that there are no problems with the settings of the next point (or not obligatory)

    Available programs from the disc

    Now that the program has been removed from the registry, you now need to clean it from your hard drive. We know it on the disk (make sure that all programs are located in the Program Files folder) and just press to delete it. If you need to clean up the traces of your computer, then go and delete the same folders in C:\document and settings\application data or C:\Koristuvachi\application data (for windows Vista and 7) where the customer's name is - your login How do you log in to windows (You can see it by clicking on the Start menu, it will appear in the top menu)

    Types of antivirus programs

    You have to tinker with antiviruses more, but there are instructions for what to do, just before you turn on the self-protector or just the antivirus protection, everyone turns it on differently, just press the right mouse button and by the antivirus icon and by selecting the submenu. It is important that most anti-virus companies release a utility for quickly removing anti-virus from a computer, so it’s better to go to their site right away and allow such a program to greatly save time.

    Utilities for removing software products are not released only by the creators of antivirus software, but you can always see on the manufacturer’s website that they do not have such utilities.

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    Robimo manually and automatically cleaning the system registry in Windows 7

    They all miraculously remember how quickly they worked on the computer immediately after installing the OS: installation speed, easy installation of any programs, high FPS (frame per second) values. However, with the most careful attention, the intimacy dropped, there were unthinking favors, spontaneous trips to the work table and occasional re-invitation. Why bother? You can reinstall Windows 7 again, if you don’t have many “busy” days to deal with, you might want to try less costly methods. Clearing the registry to see what has accumulated is one of them. In many cases, this procedure takes a lot of effort, allowing you to make the computer work faster and, therefore, re-install the OS. In what types of situations does such a robot have a sense? The list is long, but there are obvious reasons - an unknown previously installed software, optimization of programs that run automatically, and cleaning the system registry. Let's take a look at all three types, and to run the first two, we don't need the same additional programs, since everything needs to be installed in the OS. Let’s also try to understand how various specialized utilities work by installing the Reg Organizer program on your computer.

    Manual cleaning (video program)

    Again and again, uninstallation using standard Windows methods is impossible, so you will have to take on part of the work yourself. For example, let’s look at how you can manually uninstall the Firefox Internet browser, because for these and other reasons the standard utility does not work correctly.

  • We launch the standard registry editor. To do this, press the key combination + [R] on the keyboard and enter the regedit row in the window.

  • Select the "Edit" menu item, "Find..." item.
  • The legal rule for permanently clearing surplus installed software comes down to checking with the registry, both for the name of the program itself and according to the distributor. So, in order to search, you will need to enter two words: “Mozilla” and “Firefox” and click the “Find More” button. Important: we start with one sound sequence first, and then, once the procedure is completed, we move on to the next one.

  • If you have to stock up on terpines, the leftover “tails” may be left behind. The results of the search are presented in a list view, which allows you to change the values ​​of the registry (left window) and their value (right window). Before the cutaneous entrance is found, the trace will be placed as more important. Once you have indicated that the parameter value is no longer needed and the cursor is visible in the row in the right window, press Del on the keyboard. If the entire tab is visible, press the “Tab” button on the keyboard (you will see not next to the value, but a node element in the left window), then press the “Del” button.

  • After this, either successively select the menu items “Edit” / “Find further”, or press the F3 button on the keyboard and turn to item 4.
  • If the screen displays the message “The search for the registry has been completed,” you can go to the leading word (in our selection, “Mozilla”).
  • Manual cleaning (automatic cleaning)

    It is no secret that many programs, without permission, automatically start when you start the PC, which reduces the speed of your work and therefore increases the start-up. Here you can use your power, and all you need to do is delete the entries from the system registry.

    The only difference lies in the fact that programs can be launched from a number of places (registry keys) when starting a PC:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  • Well, we have to look at the skin registry and make the necessary corrections.

    1. We start the regular process of working with the registry (for details, see paragraph 1 of the previous section).
    2. Through the skin, open the register, for which you either double-click the left mouse button on the name, or once - on the small tritucle of the kidney.

    3. When everything is ready, in the right window you will see a list of programs that run under this registry tab. To remove unnecessary ones, you need to see the subordinate rows and press the Del button on the keyboard. If you show up before security, press “So.”
    4. After this, repeat the procedure (points 2 and 3) of the skin element on the list, placed above.
    5. Video instructions for cleaning the registry in Windows 7

      Drinking automatic cleansing (Reg Organizer)

      Regardless of the effectiveness of the procedures, it is impossible to call them simple, as the costly people will have to spend a lot of time on them. It would be better for you to install a special utility that automates most routine and tedious operations.

      For a group search and replacement of keys, we need the “Registry Editor” tool, which can be found in the “For Specialists” utility block.

    6. Enter the sound field in the appropriate field. Our application will have the words “Mozilla” and “Firefox” (the row with the magnifying glass icon and the words “Search: in all registries”).
    7. Press the on-screen button “Start Search” and stock up on terpenes: you can wait for the right time.
    8. Look at the found entries in the lower part of the program window and mark those that you no longer need, and if you trust the program, click the “Mark all” button.
    9. When everything is ready, click the “Delete records” button. If the program asks you to confirm your preferences (“Do you want to delete selected registry entries?”), click “Yes.”
    10. Automatic cleaning (Reg Organizer)

      Since you need to know a system administrator for success, manual analysis of registry entries can help you identify any problem related to the operating system that is not working correctly, or application programs. What should we do if we respect ourselves as humanitarians and don’t have to worry about learning the basics of Windows? In this case, you will have to rely on automation and use special utilities designed for these purposes.

    11. In the “Functions for everyone” section, select the “Registry cleaning” item and click the “Start” button in the window that appears.
    12. Once the procedure is completed, you can either get acquainted with the list of known errors by clicking on the row “Show invalid entries (for additional users)”, or trust the utility by selecting the “Correct” item. While we are now discussing automatic cleansing, we would like to choose another option.

    13. After completing the work, click the “Done” button.
    14. Automatic optimization (Reg Organizer)

    15. Launch the utility.
    16. We close all running programs, and the computer will be restarted after the work is completed.
    17. In the “Functions for everyone” section, select the “Registry optimization” item and click the left button on the window. After completing the work, the computer utility without additional data will be re-enabled in advance.

    18. Automatically displaying programs (Reg Organizer)

    19. Let's launch the utility.
    20. In the “Functions for everyone” section, select the “Remote programs” item.
    21. In the left window we select the program that we no longer need.
    22. We check that in the upper block, in which information about the selected program is displayed, the “Delete program” item is selected, then click on it.
    23. After this, the official uninstaller will start, and after that, the Reg Organizer utility will start (you need to press the “Forward” button) to clean up the excess. For residual erasing, you will need to press the “Delete” button and click for 20-30 seconds.

    In this article we will look at the process of making an entry about a program in the Windows registry. The registry is a place for saving records of adjusting the operating system, as well as application software settings.

    I’ll tell you straight away that if you work with the registry manually, you need to be even more careful, because incorrect manipulations with settings can cause the operating system to go wrong.

    In some cases, manually editing the registry can be quite ineffective; for example, if you have installed any program incorrectly, the registry may lose entries that will prevent you from re-installing the version of that program. In this situation, you may receive notifications about installation errors like: “A previous version of the program is already installed on your computer,” etc., although you really “saw” them. In order to delete an entry for any program, you need to open the registry editor, Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Windows (Win7), or just Start -> Windows (Win Xp), you can also set the key combination Win + R. To launch the program that has opened, enter “regedit” and press Enter (Fig. 1)

    After we have completed the description of the manipulation, we will see a registry editor window for help in deleting entries about the Win Rar program. In Fig. 2 you can mark different registry entries: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG. There are five entries in the registry, in which case we are deprived of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder contains records about the programs installed on your computer.

    To delete an entry about a program, you need to go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE (opening the skin tab), (Fig. 3) After you have gone to the SOFTWARE subsection, you need to find the one in the list of programs that you need to delete entries about. Then we simply select the folder under the name of the entry about the program. But again, I repeat, when working with the registry it is necessary to be extremely careful, as this may result in leaving the operating system.

    You can also quickly search for the name, for which you need to go: Edit -> Search.

    I’ll tell you how to delete the program from your computer again.

    The program can be deleted in all modes. It’s simple: go to the list of programs in the Control Panel, find that you need a victim there, press the right button on it and select “View”, isn’t that right? So, everything is correct, but not the whole truth. If you do not delete the program from your computer correctly, you will not only take up disk space, but you may also have conflicts with other programs or problems when you try to reinstall it.

    Before you do, you need to delete the program via Vidalenny or change programs.

    The first step of the procedure is familiar to you - use Windows Explorer to delete the program. Just to guess:

    Go to the Control Panel, open “Programs”, click on the required right button, select “View.”

    Wikidaemo surpluses

    Now let’s go to the AppData folder (C:/Koristuvachi/Your Koristuvachka name) and it’s surprising that there are files in the Local and Roaming folders that are saved by remote programs (if the AppData folder is saved, open “View” in Windows Explorer and select “Show” uvati received "files"). Delete all files and folders associated with these programs, but be careful not to delete any application.

    After this, we go to Program Files, Program Files (x86) and ProgramData and go through the same thing - we can see all the files and folders that exist in remote programs.

    Let's go to C:/windows/Temp and there you can see the remaining program tracks.

    Tsikavo: Let’s delete the Temp folder from the computer!

    We delete the program from the registry

    Now it’s a little easier - you need to delete the program from the registry. Here it is very important not to show off the wrong ones, otherwise it could cause serious damage. But just follow our instructions, and everything will be fine. In addition, the first thing you need to do is delete it, create a backup by right-clicking and selecting “Export”. It's a shame, but have mercy after all.

    Before reading: How to correct amendments to the registry, read here!

    • Press the Win+R combination and enter the regedit command in the row.
    • Having opened the registry editor, go to the HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Software tab and there look for folders and file names that are associated with the remote program. View them by right-clicking and selecting “View.” Just don’t see the program directory. For example, if you need to uninstall InDesign, do not delete all Adobe folders - otherwise entries in the registry of Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop and other required programs will be lost. Be respectful!
    • Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node and there you will also see all folders and files associated with the remote program.

    Behind the scenes: Vikorista CCleaner to finish on the right

    Until then, all programs must exit the computer, unless you don’t mind using a third-party program and creating another “run” so that you can speed up CCleaner. This is a wonderful program, and it does a lot - for example, you can clean cookies and delete temporary files, and you can find the remaining traces of files that are no longer associated with the same program.

    CCleaner may also benefit the registry, since you still deleted it in the new one.


    Axis Win is a way to manually remove 100% of all unnecessary programs from your computer. First, you can give it a try, but try the whole procedure several times, and you’ll be sure to register in a long-lasting memory (which is the equivalent of a HDD in our brain). Have fun!

    Manual programming

    In the Windows Server panel there is an item “Installed and remote programs” or “Programs and components” in Windows Vista and above, in connection with the problems that occur in the operating system or in the software, the program is always uninstalled using standard Windows methods.

    There are two ways out of this situation: find out the program that uninstalls and cleans the computer automatically, or uninstall the program manually yourself. The first method, although there are a large number of such programs, usually harms the computer, installs advertising, and even worse, introduces viruses. We are looking for another way to view programs because we don’t want to see ourselves.

    I'll manually select the program.

    There is nothing complicated about it, and the effect appears to be better than automatic uninstallation.

    To begin with, you need to clear the registry of programs that we do not need, for which we launch the regrdit add-on, which is located in the windows folder, so you can launch it by clicking Start > Vikonati > type "REGEDIT" > press Enter. You will see the standard Regedit program. Press Edit > Search > enter the name of your program if you need to delete it (for example, Drweb) > press Enter and check if there are entries related to your program. After the entry is found, you can delete it (del key) and search further Edit > find further (F3 key) and continue searching and deleting until the search ends. Otherwise, you may encounter a problem when a registry item cannot be deleted due to insufficient rights, this situation can be corrected by adjusting the rights to the registry item that is not visible, for which you can click on it with the right mouse button and select “Allowed”, add the group “Everyone” and check the box "renewed access" After this operation, you can continue cleaning the registry.

    After cleaning the registry, it’s best to restart your computer so that there are no problems with the settings of the next point (or not obligatory)

    Available programs from the disc

    Now that the program has been removed from the registry, you now need to clean it from your hard drive. We know it on the disk (make sure that all programs are located in the Program Files folder) and just press to delete it. If you need to clean up any traces of your work on your computer, then go and delete the same folders in C:\document and settings\(the user's name)\application data or C:\Koristuvachi\(the user's name)\application data ( for windows Vista and 7) where is the name of the owner - your login with which one you log in to windows (You can see it by clicking on the Start menu, it appears in the top menu)

    Types of antivirus programs

    You have to tinker with antiviruses more, but there are instructions for what to do, just before you turn on the self-protector or just the antivirus protection, everyone turns it on differently, just press the right mouse button and by the antivirus icon and by selecting the submenu. It is important that most anti-virus companies release a utility for quickly removing anti-virus from a computer, so it’s better to go to their site right away and allow such a program to greatly save time.

    Utilities for removing software products are not released only by the creators of antivirus software, but you can always see on the manufacturer’s website that they do not have such utilities.

    Some people run into a problem when, after deleting a program, the work of other programs or the operating system is left behind.

    This problem can appear in different ways. For example, when installing a new version or program from another manufacturer, you may receive a notification that an old version (or a product from another manufacturer) is found on the computer, after which the installation process is interrupted. Problems also occur when, after deleting any programs in the context menu of “Explorer,” the context menu items for the deleted programs are lost. Try to run it until it stops.

    This is due to the fact that the system has lost traces (redundancies) of remote programs that robots rely on. The stinks can be either in the system registry or on disks.

    Most often, antivirus software suffers from this problem when, when switching from one antivirus package to another, they are notified that a version from a different package is already installed on the computer. After such a notification, the installation process is interrupted.

    How can I correct the situation and delete an incorrectly deleted program?

    1. Checking the list of installed programs

    First of all, we need to re-convert to make sure we have actually deleted the program. Regardless of those that are obvious, there are fits when a neighbor appears on the list of additions. To avoid confusion, you just need to check the list again.

    To do this, launch the Removed Programs tool and find out there the names of the programs you want to delete. Since there is nothing left, let’s move on.

    2. We look for special utilities remote from the browsers

    When it comes to antivirus and computer protection, the vendors of such programs often create specialized utilities for easy removal of harmful products. As a rule, they are called something like this: %AntivirusName% Removal Tool. Replace %AntivirusName% with the name of the antivirus product.

    Such utilities are designed specifically to completely remove the product from the system. And antivirus vendors are trying to promote such products in the current state, because they are often needed by computer users. It is highly recommended that you vikorist first if you want to remove the antivirus solution completely.

    Below is a list of instructions for such utilities for several popular anti-virus solutions.

    3. Removing surplus uninstalled programs from the Reg Organizer uninstaller

    If we are not talking about antivirus software, but about a simple application program, then there is a chance that data about traces (backlogs) is in the database of the Reg Organizer tool for remote programs.

    To do this, launch Reg Organizer and go to the remote program tool. On the home panel there will be an option “Track your deleted programs”.

    If after naming the item you have a non-zero value in the boxes, then the Reg Organizer utility can find any remaining programs. Check that there are no programs among them that you want to remove.

    If removing surpluses through Reg Organizer did not help, or surpluses for the required program were not found, then we will go to the next step.

    4. Manual search for excess space on the disk

    Now let's move on to manual methods for finding surpluses. First, let's check the disks to see if there are any traces of those programs that we want to completely remove from the system. For this purpose, we call it Explorer (or some other file manager that is handy for you).

    C:\Program Files\ and C:\Program Files (x86)\

    These folders store the main working program files.

    We need to know and delete the folder with the name of the program. Simply go through the folders one by one in Program Files and delete them if necessary.

    If you need to remember the name of the manufacturer of the product, then you should place the program folders of your old dad with the name of the manufacturer.

    %AppData% and %LocalAppData%

    These folders are used to save files that are created during the program’s operation. This could include configuration files for your system, logs, and much more.

    To open them, just enter %appdata% or %localappdata% in the address bar of Explorer and press Enter. The operating system will automatically redirect you to a separate folder on the disk of your account user profile.

    We open the %appdata% and %localappdata% folders sequentially in Explorer and find in the middle of these folders the name of the manufacturer or directly the name of the product, the excess of which we want to remove.

    Most often, AppData/LocalAppData initially contains a folder with the name of the manufacturing company, and then a folder with the name of the product itself is expanded into it.

    All programs are primarily installed in %AppData% instead of Program Files.

    Once you have found folders with the product name in AppData/LocalAppData, simply delete them.

    5. Manually search the registry using Reg Organizer

    In the system registry you can find traces of programs that were deleted a long time ago. To do this, launch Reg Organizer and select the “Registry Editor” tool.

    At the top right corner there is a row for introducing a sound sequence. Here we will introduce the name of the program and the name of the virobnik. But first of all, we need to sort out the search, so as not to throw away a mountain of unnecessary keys, among which it is problematic to know.

    Open the joke settings and uncheck the box opposite the “Name the keys” item in the “De jokes” block. You can give the program a command to search for escapes from the names of the keys, which will effectively shorten a number of records in the search results and make it easier for the robot to work with them.

    As soon as the settings are changed, enter the search command under the name of the company-producer or name the program (better start from the first) and launch the search.

    As a result, you will see a small list of registry keys, some of which include the name of the manufacturer or the name of the program itself. You need to know what makes you happy with the design:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ %Company name%\%Program name%
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\ %Company name%\%Program name%
    HKEY_USERS\%NUMBER-WITH-HYPHEN%\Software\ %Company name%\%Program name%
    HKEY_USERS\%NUMBER-WITH-HYPHEN%\Software\WOW6432Node\ %Company name%\%Program name%


    %Company name%- The name of the company that produced the program; any surplus must be removed. Never again will I sleep. Replace the new field % Program name %.
    %Program name%- Called programs, any surpluses need to be removed.
    %NUMBER-WITH-HYPHENS%- Account ID in the key HKEY_USERS.

    Those keys that satisfy the designated structures must be checked and selected using the context menu (which is clicked with the right mouse button).

    You can also check and, if detected, remove remote program secrets from the keys located behind the following addresses:


    Deleting data through the registry editor Reg Organizer is carried out with a mandatory backup copy, which can be updated at any time through the “Change Center”, which is launched in the lower right corner of the main window.

    6. Automatically clean the registry in Reg Organizer

    The last step is to search for traces of deleted programs in the registry and automatically clean them using Reg Organizer. The utility analyzes key sections of the registry and looks for messages on unnecessary/deleted files, so that they can then be correctly deleted.

    This is especially true if the deleted program is recorded in the auto-enabled, context menu, file extension associations, and other similar sections.

    Cleaning the registry is done completely automatically and does not require any assistance from the user. You will need to stock up on some patience while the utility conducts a thorough analysis of the system registry and looks for deleted files and folders.

    When the keys are deleted, before the registry is cleaned, Reg Organizer automatically creates a backup copy of the deleted data, which can be updated at different times through the “Change Change Center” (visible in the lower right corner of the main window of the program).

    This procedure comes down to the rest of the equation. This is due to the fact that there is a search for sending files to remote locations. If you clean the registry first, and then delete the files, then in the menu, auto-accessed and other places will be lost, the remaining files were present on the disk at the time of cleaning the registry.