How to earn more prepaid VKontakte: five effective ways. How to get a million live repayers from the VKontakte group? How to dial into the VKontakte group

It’s no longer a secret for anyone that VKontakte members are very willing to join groups with a large number of participants, even very young groups, where there are still few participants. It has long been noted, and this is a fact, that a group with a small number of participants has a lower number of participants than an already developed and active group.

If you want to be a closed circle - so that people are more willing to join your group, you need to have at least 500 members. If the group grows to the first 500 members, you need to actively solicit new members to join it, and don't join a young group more. I'd like...

So, you just recently created your own VKontakte group to sell manual robots? How to get the maximum number of first 500 participants? Even if potential buyers were willing to reach the group, it is not their fault that it was empty and innumerable.

The food is coming - then we take these first participants “for the sake of consistency”, so that the group looks serious and vital, so that there is more chance that the target audience we need will join the group more often.

Previously, for these purposes, the group actively created offers (something better, no matter what) from special resources. And it completely “moved through” - the administration of VKontakte, it seems, flattened its eyes. There is a severe punishment for offers (and especially for bots) - there is a great risk that the group will be banned forever, without the possibility of renewal.

Why do you need to ask the first people “for the sake of it”, including legal methods, without dubious services a la “I’ll ask the group for so many participants for so many rubles.”

Well, two of the best and most effective ways to recruit the first 500 participants

Method 1.
The best option, in my opinion, for a handicraft group is to, at the first stage, ask your group to include such needlewomen as would like to add participants to their group. Then you ask for needlework to your group, and you also reach out to their group. This axis is mutually encouraged to exit.

First of all, a number of groups for handicrafts are starting up from mutual assistance. Otherwise, there is a great deal of handicraft in online conferences and seminars, within which you can get to know one another and ask in groups. During one such visit, the leaders can recruit up to 200-300 new participants to the group.

The axis has been sent, where you can acquire new participants to the group:

Maybe you have a thought - what should we ask for to the group of masters, and even those competitors? 🙂
Alas, it’s true, let’s celebrate with me internment , Who suffered the fate of over 800 needlewomen, 75% of needlewomen are bought by the robots of other needlewomen, then. There is one target audience.

Method 2.
Once your group has a large number of participants, at least for 200, you can quickly find another cool way to get new people. This carrying out of the so-called “tsukerok” is the drawing of one or many gifts among these participants who will win your minds. Most often, we think like this - join the group and repost (click the "tell friends" button) a singing entry from your group.

No matter what, carrying out “tsukerok” is a very powerful tool for unwinding the crowd! If the “tsukkerochka” is organized correctly, all the important nuances are taken into account, then it can give you even better results! For example, one time I especially organized drawings of gifts for 12 days, welcoming over 800 new participants to the handicraft.

Or even more fresh.
This summer, one of the participants in the closed club “Giving to handicrafts” is a co-founder of the project

Whenever a person meets, as a rule, there are two or three hundred people between them, although there may be blame. With a large audience, it’s easy to make contact with basic everyday methods, and also: communicate, make telephone calls, go on visits. If you want to study with a friend of yours, you would like to go to the river once, for the obviousness of 300 friends, practically every day you will be engaged in cym. This is when social networks come to the rescue, where you can add all your friends and get together with them so that you don’t waste too much time.

However, not for all people the number of friends in “Friends” means the number of acquaintances. Often there may be unknown people there. For some, this is a mistake, and the stink begins to appear as soon as possible, the strangers, and others, however, have begun to withdraw from this tax. Moreover, many of those who engage in social media activities are now trying to update their VKontakte friend list. About how to get 10,000 friends from this social network and have this status.

Nowadays we need a lot of friends

As it was said, more and more people who are engaged in advertising know a fertile ground for promoting their goods and services in social settings. In order to learn about the product, it is necessary to first learn how to quickly gain friends on VKontakte. In other words, the updates that appear on the seller’s wall are duplicated among a variety of new products from your friends, where many thousands of people are eager to pay attention to advertising.

Actions to earn reposts so that they can be supported by their friends, and so on. Therefore, in order to effectively sell your product, you need to know how to quickly recruit friends on your VKontakte page.

Ways to make friends

Here's a list of ways to increase your friend's profile. Let us immediately note the fact that the VK administration is always fighting against cheating. Therefore, a limit was established on the number of output applications, no more than 50 per order. Prote varto means a little trick: the limit is to beat the skin for 8 years, so that the skin quarter can be completed by people up to 50 applications. And for extra money it’s already 200. Knowing this point, it’s easier to ask questions about how to make a lot of VKontakte friends.

The simplest ways

As many have already guessed, the most accessible way to increase the number of friends is to independently send out applications to other clients. As it was supposed to be higher, you can ask for up to 200 for the spoil. If you get 100 from them, it will be even better.

There are also different groups for self-promotion, in which people also ask their friends for contributions. There you can place your shit. However, to improve the result, it is necessary to work hard. Fragments of the message will be posted in the comments, as they are updated very quickly. It is for these reasons that many people want to read about how to quickly make friends on VKontakte. This method allows you to increase your friend list for a few times.

Exchange cheats

This universal tool allows you to significantly increase the number of your friends and prepayers. The method of increasing likes, reposts, prepayments from a group, exchange gives the opportunity to add friends. For which internal currency is needed, on all services it is called differently: “points”, “hearts” and so on. You can earn money through these very actions, and you can also like and repost your posts, join a group and add to your friends. For a refundable currency you can sign up for your friend list. Exchanges such as Turboliker, Olike, VKTarget and others allow you to choose food and make friends on VKontakte. Before speaking, for many services there are automatic robots that will make it easier to earn points. Tim is no less, we approach their vikorstan with the utmost respect. So, if a “heart” is automatically added to your account record, it may be considered cheating, which can lead to the freezing of the page.

Who to add from friends

When you make friends with an unknown person, you need to be respectful. First of all, for these reasons, the correspondent, by no means, cheats on the evidence, which is responsible for everything, to destroy your application. And this means that a lot of unspent outputs will speed up, which should not be allowed without producing results.

Therefore, first of all, we need to give respect to those who are engaged in mutual PR, and we know that they are also very likely to discredit those same people. Placement of publicity in groups dedicated to making friends, allowing the right people to get to know you themselves. We would like to help you avoid typical favors and learn how to quickly recruit friends on VKontakte.

Little secrets

There are many things you can do to increase the effectiveness of adding to your friend list. The first one is worrying about keeping the store clean. “VK” still has such a ranking rating, but no one cares about it except the owner of the regional record. Is there anything else you need? Few people know that it allows you to display your page in the TOP of friends of another merchant. For example, you went to the page before someone, and those six friends who appear in the blog under your avatar are the people with the highest ratings.

You can collect it by remembering your specific data. "VK" itself reserves the opportunity to earn money. There is no need to be lazy if you want to make friends. Another point of connection with the publicity among groups about mutual PR. Much more effective “great” information. So that the comment with a picture or graphite will be greatly respected by more people, the text below is in one row. By learning these secrets, you know how quickly you can gain friends on VKontakte.


In fact, recruiting friends and prepayers from VK is not difficult, and the audience for the project is large. Thousands and even tens of thousands are far from the limit. And, for example, there are hundreds of thousands of prepaid payers on our websites – potential friends. It is also necessary to correctly select a strategy for increasing your friend list. And all the main ways to gain VKontakte friends have been published in this article.

Social media is an easy and effective way to promote a high-quality brand, creating important and informational content, with the possibility of selling advertising on paid posts. And the larger and more active the group’s audience, the more effective the activity on the Internet will be.
Over the past few years, advertising in social networks has become one of the most popular types of business. This is connected, first of all, with the development of social Maidans, and VKontakte zokrema.

By recruiting prepayers from the VKontakte group by purchasing advertising and self-propelling, people can reach the target in a short hour, so that the popularization of a good brand/business is at a minimum, and the ability to share their ideas and creativity wide masses of people.

When using a paid set of prepayers, it is necessary to go through this process with special care, since dealing with cheating services can lead to sanctions from the social security administration. Zokrema, you can get rid of not just a time-consuming ban, but also a block without updating the group.

VKontakte itself is known as a social barrier that blocks punishment for violating the rules without the possibility of apologizing and in any way to mitigate punishment. This can happen for a variety of reasons: there are a lot of money-makers, a large number of bots are replacing active prepayers. Most of the blocks are placed by “young” publics, vikoryst third-party services for boosting prepayments, likes, and comments.

By what method is it necessary to dial prepayers to the VK group

As has already been noted, the number of prepaid providers is one of the main indicators of popularity on the Internet. The larger the audience of the group, the more expensive advertising is sold. For example, since the online store is constantly updated with new, original and, most importantly, relevant content, its sales will significantly increase. If you create bots (cloud records automatically created by your computer), you won’t be able to improve the statistics of not just the online store, but the group itself; the rest of the bots are completely inactive.

The main ways to recruit prepaid subscribers to the VKontakte group

Cheat. I’m wondering how to get enough prepayments from the VKontakte group, the first thing that comes to mind is to quickly use third-party services. And it is logical, even though there are a lot of advertisements on the Internet, and bloggers with large audiences often advertise similar methods of weaving. Here you can include account brute force, robots and offers.

  1. Brutus means subscribing to a group of malicious cloud accounts of koristuvachs, who, as a rule, have not logged into their pages for a long time. It’s a shame to hesitate for the help of automatic password search.
  2. Bots can also be linked to inactive profiles, which are created automatically using additional special programs. As brutal as it is, they must be quickly blocked, and the fragments are victorious for mass subscriptions in different groups.
  3. Offeri are living people with oblikovites. For the sake of the penny wine town, they enter into partnership and do all sorts of things: comment on posts, share material, put badges “Befits me.” Offers allow you to reach a large number of prepayers in the shortest possible time and on a fairly small budget. The most important ones here are those who stink of all the wrong pages (even if they are fakes). Prepayments are purchased on special exchanges. The average cost of thousands of prepayments is approximately 500 rubles.

These methods of increasing the audience have absolutely no practical benefit, except for the doctor: the number of prepayers increases. Over time, accounts, both brutal and offer, are blocked for supernatural activity, and the danger is filled with dogs, like deleted profiles. Before that, the more superficial groups are called to bring about blocking.

Inviting. The simplest way to ensure the safety of dozens or hundreds of prepayers is to send requests to your friends and ask them to create their own friends list.

Requests can only be made to friends. In other words, in order to promote a group, people can refer other people to a friend and immediately ask them to subscribe to the group. According to the rules of the social network, you can now send requests to friends up to 50 times and receive no more than 40 invites.

Regardless of safety, this is a way to get a completely full group, as you can take away no more than 30% from the total number of requests made. There are also proposals for paid invitations on special Maidans. And such services, as a rule, are important to demonstrate under robot subscriptions.

Targeted advertising. This method is propagated by the social dimension itself. However, for this you need to conduct research on your target audience, choose a title format, select useful illustrations and write an attractive title. The deputy of the servant pays the result - clicks or displays to the stunned profiteers. To ensure that the advertising campaign budget is not wasted, you must be especially careful before setting up targeted advertising.

Paid advertising in groups. Here is another effective, if not recommended, method for promoting your VKontakte group. This sense lies in the fact that by choosing and placing in thematic groups of confusion, created from high-quality materials (here you can use text, pictures, audio and video recordings), people effectively remove subscribe and, for the presence of this material, will be active .

You can place advertisements in thematic groups in a number of ways: by contacting the advertising administrator directly, you can find a job on the official social network exchange, or by going to third-party platforms. The effectiveness of the service depends on the popularity and statistics of the group in which the advertising post is placed. When choosing content, pay attention not only to similar topics, but also to the behavior of the audience: “I like” icons, reposts, comments. Given that this group earned its popularity through promotion, the purchase of advertising will be cheap and will not bring an influx of audience.

How to safely recruit prepayers to the VKontakte group

To gain an audience without investing costs and running an advertising campaign, you need to develop patience and creativity. This is necessary so that the target audience finds the product useful and useful for themselves.

Often, group administrators vykoristyvayutsya for the most important post - this is pinned on the front side, so that when the group is separated, people begin to get to know the group right away. In addition to being an important and informational space, such a post can look like a joke, motivating people to subscribe with the possibility of winning. Here are some cost-free ways to promote a VKontakte group:

  • Stopping services based on prepaid fees.
  • Optimization of the group by way of publishing content.
  • Make an effort to ask your friends to join before you sleep.
  • Mutual PR with other thematic groups.

The list of cost-free cheating services can include: Vktarget, Bosslike and Olike. These are the most popular services from boosting prepayments to the VKontakte group. However, it is not easy to believe that increasing the number of prepayers in a similar manner will achieve the desired result (the quantity and brilliance are not the same here).

It’s easy to use cheating services: just register, create a request form using the assigned group address and the required number of prepayers. Varto points out that this method cannot create a stable base of prepayers. As a rule, on these exchanges there are fake accounts that, through supernatural activity (subscriptions to updates, likes, etc.) are quickly blocked by the administration of the social network.

Activity depends on the number of prepayers. According to hundreds of living people, who follow the theme of sleepiness, pre-payers are commenting more on posts, putting up “Me befits” badges and sharing new products, including a thousand unnaturally inflated bots.

Explore groups in social settings where it is possible to interact with people with similar interests. Therefore, in order to recruit a lot of VK prepayers, it is important to optimize the name of the group, select effective keywords for sound systems to rank the strength on the first pages of the sound type.

How to get prepayers to the VKontakte group for pennies

Cost-free methods of recruiting prepaid workers until retirement can never guarantee a hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-year success (including paid ones). Since people are willing to pay for a larger audience, they can use the most secure and effective tools, including:

  • Contextual advertising.
  • Special services with cheating (about what you have already guessed).
  • Accountants in the SMM sphere (freelancers).

The remaining point - freelancing - allows you to hire a professional and, without wasting any power, get the desired result. Here it is important to discuss in advance what are the ways to obtain permission from prepayers, and how to protect them through their ineffectiveness and the ability to unblock group blocking.

Zokrema, it is recommended to use paid services such as VkLike, TurboLiker, promotion of groups in contact. .) in order to earn points and use them to promote your projects without costs.

The stench is not limited to the content of the splendor. And if, after an hour, such accounts are blocked through off-world activity, they are not renewed, as a result of which they are deprived of subscriptions to the dog view (remote account) and public statistics are lost. Moreover, if it is discovered that the accounts of the group's prepayers are blocked, they must be immediately removed, the fragments of them will clearly reduce the group's positions, and save them for the number of prepayments - add the mark on the right.

Date of publication: 22-03-2019 2466

“I only pay for original content, but I have more than two hundred prepayments, and he’s gaining momentum for the year with his button accordions! - the administrator of the public “Lampova Republic” wonders. - Merezh is filled with livelies, who don’t need a hedgehog for reason! Give them funny pictures and..."

Here we will interrupt the fearless hero of the keyboard and mouse, until we have completely lost faith in humanity, and we will supply food: and how many people, any people, put on advertising, so that recruit prepayers VK? Shvidko “realized” that Rozmova was talking about finance, the lamp republican was already preparing to declare that he was a poor student, but food was not at all about investing pennies. " How to recruit prepayers from VKontakte cost-free? What a beacon!” the administrator immediately waved.

And for free: there are literally no ways to quickly recruit prepaid VKontakte members without investing every penny in the promotion of the group. It is clear that these are ways not to allow a public millionaire to be collected from scratch in one day, but to collect the necessary starting base, with such strength that the aura of trustworthiness in the eyes of potential prepayers will be ideally suited.

So, how can you recruit prepayers from the VK group without costs, without any conscience?

How to recruit prepayers on VKontakte

It seems to be true: you can be a naturally brilliant author, but not the mother of a passionate reader, and then all the genius goes down the drain. Life didn’t last, people didn’t leave, and the police bookstore was filled with waste paper.

And so from everything. Find the greatest talent, find the best prices, find the best products that don’t bring the most value, because no one knows about them. Social measures have created a small revolution in the distribution of goods and services, and, to tell the truth, you don’t need to buy money in the newspaper, billboards or broadcast hour.

Among the SND, the most popular social network was and is no longer in love with the wealth of Vkontashechka, where over four hundred million sites are registered. A great number of creative people, private entrepreneurs and companies work on the official VK page, and the conduct of great spilots has itself become a prominent cause.

In front of a person who has decided to establish a social network for herself on VKontakte, three questions inevitably arise: “How can I recruit VK prepayers?”, leaving an empty group will give absolutely nothing; “How to get more VK prepayers?”, and the more people know about him, the more feedback; and “How to recruit VK prepayers cost-free?”, since there are often daily finances that could be invested in the promotion of income.

In this case, there are five time-tested methods that you can use in the VK group to recruit a lot of prepayers and spare your money.

How to quickly dial prepayers on VKontakte: the first way

By the way, you have already contacted your friends and relatives about joining your “young, dynamically developing” VK group and you already have twenty to thirty people with prepayers. Ale, make more friends on VK.

After all, most of them have never been exposed, you don’t know much and from the list and have forgotten, when they were added to them from a friend. That's it. The VKontakte service makes it possible to send requests to a group of “friended” members with one click, allowing mass distribution in a couple of dollars without the fear of wasting money on spam. The limit has been set at 40, it’s not your fault to request for beneficiation: you’ll just run out of friends this week.

Don’t forget to continuously add new “friends” to the group based on upcoming requests. This is a way to quickly recruit prepaid people from the VKontakte group, even if people want to respond to the request, what they found on the site, as they themselves added “from a friend.”

How to recruit VK prepayers: another way

The answer to the question “How to recruit prepayers to the VKontakte group without costs” is a favorite among the administrators of the university. The essence of this method lies in the search of a group that would like to be related to your topic with a further proposal about the scientific practice.

The list of contacts often includes an administrator who is involved in food cooperation and advertising. If this is not the case, it would be better to convey this information to the head administrator of the public. You will be more likely to accept the proposal about the merger (as a rule, which is reflected in mutual advertising for additional reposting) among like-minded people, especially since the topic of your groups conveys the idea of ​​consolidation, and the other part of the audience And other groups themselves directly give vitality to the public.

Thus, mutual advertising of groups dedicated to literature (especially since they assume the literary activity of the prepaid workers themselves) is practiced everywhere, and sometimes great publics agree to cooperate with those who seriously act in their the number of participants, and absolutely cost-free. Sometimes this kind of competition grows beyond the creation of real clusters of spilnots.

What’s important is that this method allows you to recruit real prepayers from the VKontakte group, and even people come to you with a special interest, so you can avoid disappointing your new audience.

In the vastness of VK there are anonymous groups specifically designed for those looking to exchange advertising. In such places you can simply ask for a mutual repost.

In addition to the former method, this will result in a smaller influx of prepayers, since advertising is given in a group on a different topic, which reduces the chances of finding people among other people who are interested in your group, and explain to your prepayers What’s so special about the artist Vasya’s group to repost from Sleeping with fishing enthusiasts can be difficult. Then this method does not transfer everyday tasks. The agreement has been completed - take it away and sign it.

How to get a lot of prepaid VKontakte members? For additional help, ask for spare power outlets. How can I quickly recruit prepaid people from VK? Hand over the power supply to the robot! There are a number of VK bots created to automate similar processes, such as sending requests to add friends and request to groups.

Distributors of such programs often allow clients to try their creations freely, after which they have to subscribe, otherwise, in a couple of steps you will be freed from the routine and you will be able to concentrate on filled groups with clear content.

Of course, you cannot ignore third-party sites that specialize in promoting accounts and groups in social networks, including VK. The mechanics of the work of these sites are based on the “karmi” system: you collect points by clicking on the button for placing “likes” on the song photo or entering the designated group, after which you spend collecting points, setting the value same family.

It’s unlikely that with the help of such services you will be able to collect a lot of living prepaid clients, otherwise “dead souls” may lie at the foundation of your death. On the right, the publics that have a large number of prepayers are seen as “vaga” in the eyes of the majority of people, and even if a large number of people have subscribed to the public, then there is definitely something wrong here.

It is very important to follow this, so that “untwisting” will not deprive you of your strength, and your post will bear the badges “I deserve it.” A group of tens of thousands of people does not collect even a dozen “likes” on their posts, which creates a larger potential audience.

You can complement the above-mentioned methods in other, more elementary and even obvious ways:

  • If you run a few groups (and also in various social networks!) or run your own website, YouTube channel, account on LiveJournal, consider working with them as a team. For the video on the channel, please send a link to the VK public page, and in this case, give a special link to your account on Instagram.
  • In the 21st century, barter is no longer relevant. If you work in graphic editors, work with a great public about the design of hats in exchange for advertising, you can write - ask for a repost for the great article of hair preparation.
  • If you want to get involved, advertise your group directly, as much as you can: bombard unknown people with complaints about joining the public, let’s send messages in the comments under the posts of third-party sponsors, and don’t harm anything if your account is blocked due to the number of workers.
  • The sputtering in the comments appears less aggressive in the name of sleepiness, which is such a possibility. However, such behavior is often not praised by group administrators where you would like to advertise.

With the help of the descriptions of more methods, you can quickly and easily collect prepayments from the VKontakte group, keep in mind that it’s not enough to get rid of the prepayment, you still need to get rid of it.

Events whose content has not been updated for years will inevitably lose people more and more, as people begin to lose interest to the point of hanging like dead weight on the “My Groups” list.

It is possible to earn a lot of money on a regular basis, and there are a number of ways to do it.

Now it’s time to launch your VKontakte profile, all you have to do is guess, select the shortest option and report all your efforts to complete it properly. Ale naskoladnishe – tse razkruchuvaniya.

How to get 3,000 prepaid fees to the VK group in a month? To achieve what you want, you need to set a specific goal for yourself. Collecting 3000 participants from the spilnota is a wonderful bar for a beginner.

This article will tell you about a number of ways to recruit such an audience, but before that, ask about the top of the Maidan, as an option, vikoryst.

Is it possible to quickly get people into the VK group?

It is possible to earn money, but you need to earn an investment. You can spam, push the request for entry until bedtime, ask people you know to work for it, otherwise you won’t achieve serious results.

The following methods are good:

1. Competitions. Launch a great competition with valuable prizes and people will definitely start joining until the end of the day.

To carry out such an entry as efficiently as possible, encourage the contestants not only to join the group, but also to repost. This will allow you to win over a large audience and win the respect of other proponents.

The greater the prizes, the greater the excitement for your raffle. It’s best to choose thematically in order to reach your target audience. For example, if you are interested in a gaming theme, then give the winner some kind of key, gaming gear or something.

2. Advertising. The best way to make a name for yourself and promote any Maidan is to launch an advertising company. Guess the original posts for your popularity like “If you like to write, then subscribe”, so that you can then vikorize them as advertising.

Hundreds of different publics are ready to advertise your splendor, look for them on Sociate. Depending on your budget, you will definitely choose the right Maidans. As an option, you can promote groups with similar topics to your leaders, exchange advertising and post messages.

3. Cheat. You can collect 3,000 prepayments for the VKontakte group in just a few days, as you can quickly use promotion services.

With this method, you will not get the whole audience, then the Maidan’s displays will quickly disappear. For a start, this method is ideal; you can quickly raise the platform from the zero icons.

Do not use cheating services on social networks, because you will immediately block your posts and freeze your pages. To safely recruit people, log in to Wmmail, register and complete your task:

After going to create a new task, a form will open where you will need to indicate your options before the Vikonavians:

So that no one suspects that you are cheating, direct people from your site to your page, and then, so that the stench goes to sleep. There are over a million people working on Wmmail, and it’s just a matter of routine, so you’re quickly losing out on the number of followers you need.

For such an appointment, such as joining a group, you can pay 2-3 cents. The Vikons are real people, and there is no deception here.

Before they leave the wines for the city, you will check their profiles (they will force them to check). If you confirm that the person has joined the group, you can confirm the payment.

This method of cheating is much more secure than the use of such systems as Olike or VkTarget. Until then, it will be possible to subdivide and pay for the entry (even partly) with these pennies.