Html font. Bold text with additional HTML and CSS. Bold text in CSS

Hello, fellow blog readers! This statistic is about tags format text. With bright butts the text is shown in bold or italics. We will also look at the infusion of certain tags into the internal optimization of the site and the rules for writing them. You can read about those in the guidance article. Before speaking, you can create similar elements of text design in many text editors, for example in Word.

Tags are divided into 2 types: block and small. If you select the first, you can change the replacement of parts of the text (rows, fragments or words), and others. The formatting tags, as we look at in this article, are very small.

Rules and order of writing tags

You already know what opens and closes tags. If not, then read the article, which is directed to the very beginning of this material. In short, there are two types of tags: single (for example, moved to a new row
) That container (guys). So axis, all text formatting tags are guys. This means that any element may open and close tags, and that the fragment appears to be responsible for the placement between them. For example, the correct phrase would look like this: vision fragment

If the browser parses this fragment, then you will see the following text on the axis: Vision fragment. Before speech, all tags are not displayed in RSS pages ().

Important when writing tags - do not forget to close them. Otherwise, all text on the page will be shown in bold (in the appendix with the tag ). But there are such situations when you need to see the song fragment in both bold and italics at the same time. Ale tag, which concludes this whole thing, doesn’t matter. There is only one way out of this situation: vikoryst two tags at the same time. In any order, their vikorystuvat has no meaning. Tom, writing the text with tags like this:

vision fragment

or the axis is like this:

vision fragment

You keep taking it away vision fragment italic and bold at the same time. However, it is important to choose the first option, because initially it will be the only one and correct. It’s also important to remember that your browser can display tags in different ways (), subject to adjustment. And now let’s move on to the formatting tags themselves

Showing text in bold and italics - tags , , і

Most popular text formatting tags - vision fatі italics. Call them vikorists to add importance to any fragment. The first option is to display a fragment that contains relevant information or keywords. Italics are used for the same purposes as bold text, but the information is less important because the italics on the main text are less prominent, and the text is less bold.

Let's take a look at the cob see text in bold. For this purpose, two tags are created - і . There is no difference in the external appearance. If you look at the fact that any browser can interpret the skin element in its own way, you can gain some benefits. The yak axis looks like text in tags і in the view already acquired by the browser:

Text in tags strong

Text in b tags

And the axis looks like two data rows in the output code of the page:

Text in tags strong Text in b tags

We can prevent the same situation from tagged as seen in italics і . Try to find out the differences between the two butts:

Text in em tags

Text in tags I

And the axis output code:

Text in em tags Text in tags I

Well, the reviewed tags shown in bold and italics are not actually distinguished, but for us, for example, the tag I mean ? It is also easier to write just one character (without breaking the handles) and, therefore, it is easier to write. And everything on the right is that tags і pour into . If you identify keywords in these tags, then you will be welcome to appear on the site. The main thing is not to overdo it - a maximum of 5% bold text in the text should be used in the title. , I style and italics in the abstract .

If you just want to see any moment in the text, then use the tag or else . Vzagali, I think that the jokers also look at the text in these tags as more important, but not internal optimization the stench is still robbing a smaller influx, lower і .

Tags for seeing the text with rice - , і

Now let's take a look at the number of key words that are used to differentiate between the formatted text. Your favorite text editor - tag or an armchair. Having entered the ranking of this tag, do not bother (as far as I know), but you will see some text and ask for further help. Butt vikoristannya of this tag, I added a little more.

Two more tags with similar meanings - і . Offended by the function of the text. You can use this tag in any situation: if you are updating a document (or rather a part of it), you can rename the old one and add the new one; what you are going to write that will go with the material; This is not consistent with moral and ethical standards.

The meanings of these two tags only apply to them written Therefore, it is better to write the first one, because it is easier to write, and otherwise, on your page there will be less HTML code, and jokers will love it.

tag і attributes - parameters for font and text

Now let's take a look at a tag that is not visible without attributes. For additional help, you can set parameters for the song fragment to the text. Now, it’s better to use wikis (cascading style sheets), because with their help you can greatly shorten the entire HTML code of the page. Well, let’s take a look at that very tag . For everyone, everything is possible three attributes:

  • face- the font itself. For example, Arial, Courier or Verdana. You can change the name, since not all browsers have a large set of fonts, and by writing the name in the face attribute, the browser can choose which one is used, or more precisely, which one is present in the system;
  • size- an attribute that indicates the size of the text. There may be expressions both in mental units and in pixels;
  • color- color of text. This attribute can be used both in HTML codes of tickets and in verbal ones. The first ones look like #FFFFFF (for example, F is a number or a letter from A to F), and the others are written in simple words (for example, red - red).

This is what the text looks like in the abstract for the skin attribute:

This text is 6px in size

This is the text of the red color

This text is in Arial font.

This text is in red color and size 5px

What will you learn after reviewing the written code:

Block text design elements - headings


, paragraph

Finally, we will look at the block elements that are practically used in the skin. These are the heading and paragraph tags. Let's take a look first. Headings come in 6 types and each has its own tag. The skin type does not have its own serial number and is recorded under additional tags



. This is how all the headings look in a simplified view:

The number after the word title confirms the numbers in the title . Headings have a great impact on internal optimization, so put them in tags key words. There are a lot of peculiarities about this, which I will discuss in upcoming articles.

Now let's talk about the paragraph view tag

The function of this tag applies to the selected text between other similar text in an empty row. If you look at the output code of any document, then you can learn next:

The green ones have one paragraph, the red ones have another. And the axis is what this code looks like after processing by the browser (the arrow indicates an empty row):

In addition, we can add extra attention to separating one paragraph from another that is worthwhile - reading becomes more convenient.

The axis has reached the end of the article about document format tags. There are many more of them, which I have described below in this material. It’s just that there is a need to learn a lot about the actions, and then what will be devoted to them besides the statistics with a closer look!


The meaning of the image is in the font - primary, italic or lower. If the text is set to italic or incorrectly edited, the browser will start to search for a suitable font. If the font is not found, the browser uses a special algorithm to imitate the required type of text. The result and the outcome may be unsatisfactory, especially if the document is altered.


font-style: normal | italic | oblique | inherit


normal Zvichaine image to text. italic Italic. oblique Pohile reclining. Italics and bad font, for all their similarities, are not the same. Italics is a special font that is handwritten, but it is created by moving the initial characters towards the right. inherit Uspadkov's important father.

HTML5 CSS2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


Duis te feugifacilisi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Ut wisis enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

The result of the readings given to the butt in Fig. 1.

Small 1. Zastosuvannya vlastivosti font-style

object model



Internet Explorer up to version 7.0 does not support the inherit value.

Browsers will now display text with oblique values ​​as italic.

Today we will show you how to create bold words on a website using HTML and CSS. This design is used if you need to see the song information on the page. Moreover, the language is not just about headlines, but about simple words and phrases in the text. It's easy to implement.

To make the text appear in bold, special HTML tags are used - і . For example, the offensive code:

Zvichayny text.

bold text.

Bold text strong.

Zvichayny text.

bold text.

Bold text strong.

The output gives the following picture:

The remaining two options visually look the same, but they differ slightly from each other. tag sets a simple stylistic view of the words in bold font, like At the same time, it adds more semantic meaning. The remaining row is not just bold text, but important information. In principle, for sound systems it is recommended to use Vikoristovat yourself .

You can also customize the bold font in HTML using additional styles:

Butt of bold text.

Butt text fat in a word.

On the website it appears like this:

Don't be surprised if the bold text code for HTML works correctly, it won't work. All design styles must be included in the CSS file. That's why you need to use tags for tags

І enter a subclass, and then register its design in the style sheet. These are the basic rules for designing the code. So for bold font in HTML, vikorize the tag .

Bold text in CSS

To create bold fonts in CSS, you need to explore the power of font-weight. This helps indicate the “intensity” of a fragment to the text. The values ​​can range from 100 to 900, but the most frequently used ones are:

  • bold (bold) - 700 for cleaning;
  • normal (primary) - 400 for cleaning.

There are also options for bolder and lighter, which will change the font weight from the father to a larger or smaller bold one.

To set bold text in CSS, you need to style the other element, for example:

Zvichayny text fat visions in the center.

strong (font-weight: bold;)

Here I would like to point out one small nuance that is less appreciated - when you create a new class for an element, then it is necessary to be more specific about the “understanding of the name.” For example, in practice the class = "my-bold-font" style looks more logical than class = "new-font", so you can often understand its purpose. This is a plus for those who will be surprised and criticize your layout from afar.

The current article will tell you about the thick bold fonts that I was able to find.

For more detailed information, we’ll talk about how to see the text italics HTML. As with bold text, italic text can be created in three ways:

  • tag i HTML;
  • tag em HTML;
  • CSS power font-style.

Let's look at all three options for how to create italics in HTML, discuss the subtleties of it and what are the easiest and most correct ways to handle it in these and other situations.

Italic text: tag

tag i(Italic), similar to the tag b for bold text, serve to give a physical appearance to italic text (which means that only the text is changed). tag stuck i:

Website builder "Nubex"

Thus, it is necessary for some of the text to be located between tags .

Italic text: tag

want tag i is deprived of action, from the point of view of optimization of the site, it is better to use the tag em to see logically important parts of the text. This means that search robots insure the importance of the text placed between the tags :

Website builder "Nubex"


Website builder "Nubex"

Ale do not forget to forget the text, put it into tags iі em Although they are displayed practically the same (in all modern browsers), in essence they are not completely identical, as has already been said. Therefore, it is necessary to use tags in the world of necessity: tag em HTML frame important parts of the text, and visual italic design is placed behind an additional tag i or CSS styles. Let's now take a look at CSS styles for italic text.

Italic text using CSS

To install font display styles in CSS, power is required font-style, Yake can get the meaning: oblique(Italics), italic(italics) i normal(Zvichainy font).

Varto remember about those who italic font i abduct, To be honest, it’s not the same thing. italics- this is a special font, which is analogous to handwritten text, and abduct It is formed following the help of a similar font to the right.

zastosuvannya attribute font-style in practice:

Italic with additional CSS - "Nubex"

Our sites are effective, majestic croc in the web development.

Mi robimo in the right way clearly website.

It is also important to remember that some browsers have power over text. font-style:oblique; can be interpreted not as italic, but as cursive.

I welcome you, lovers of learning what’s new and updating your screen with new information! After reading the article, you will learn how to create bold text in HTML, what types of chairs there are and what elements go behind it. As a result, your site can boast of readable text with clearly visible key points.

In previous articles, I talked a lot about the attributes and tags of web sites, about the methods of creating a new look, and always without touching any object, without which it is impossible to live on a website. This is the text.

Why not just a simple typing of letters, but competent division into paragraphs, showing key words, quotes, messages, etc. For which purpose in the css language and transferring special tools to the chair. Let's get started!

Possibilities of armchairing in html

The font of text content can now be changed. For example, you can put it in bold or in italics, and you can also decorate it. For this purpose there are simple tags that are very easy to remember and then condense. Below is a table of elements that explains their meanings.

First, let's take a look at the bold font of text elements.

To increase the number of letters, there are such paired tags as і . In some tools, however, it is displayed differently because they do not format the text in bold. However, their meanings vary. Therefore, they cannot be called equivalent and only one of them cannot be victorious.

Yes, tag by mentally changing the standard font in inscriptions and inscriptions. It does not carry any semantic significance to the physical appearance of the chair. So let's say, it's just a different type of dough.

A reasons for emphasizing respect on the key point. A whole logical element, which at the time of speaking was seen with intonation.

Now let's look at the following tags: і .

Please format the standard font into italic. I think you’ll logically ask: “And these elements are also divided among themselves based on the principle of tags і ? " The food is correct. And you're on the radio!

Effective, one of your markings designed to place emphasis on important moments and details, while I have a different look instead of everything else.

Tools for changing fonts in CSS

CSS does not appear and offers developers similar tools for editing text. These are the same powers as text-decoration and font.

- this is a universal parameter that complements the font with various details. Thus, the text can be “blinked”, underline or line-through, draw a line over the words (overline), reduce the characteristics of the Father’s object (inherit) or clear the format of the font without all extras (none ).

Another commonly used mechanism for editing text content is font power. With this help, you can change the style of the font (font-style), its size (font-size), set the cap to indicate the type of small letters (font-variant), and also “change” the font (font-weight).

A axle and butt

Looking at all the information that I have found so far, let’s try to create such a code in an application that will remove knowledge as much as possible (I’m guessing that the code can be typed in).

change to text

Creating a header for new paragraph!

We write text content to the paragraph itself, which shines .

Launch the application in the browser and start using styles. Thus, the title of the visions is in a light, slender font with underliners above the proposition. The paragraph is shown in small capital letters. Moreover, in the text there are logical and physical representations of words.

Now you can edit text content according to all the rules. Subscribe to the new blog and ask for friends. Boo!

With respect, Roman Chueshov