What is Siri in iPhone and iPad? Siri is more timid. And tell Siri back what you

Most people on planet Earth are well aware that the Apple company is a company. With every update to its iOS mobile platform, the company hopes to delight and delight its customers. The Siri assistant algorithm has recently been overhauled. Now this virtual mind has become richly intelligent. It’s even more valuable that the robot has been provided with almost disgusting humor. What can you learn from Siri in order to laugh? The list of queries is extremely wide. Let us first look at the main features of this sidekick.

What is Siri?

The goal, before speaking, can be given to the assistant himself. And this is true in a humorous way. Because to feed such speeches among ladies is a mountain of obscenity. However, let’s laugh too much and take it seriously. Siri is a mobile assistant designed to help clients find the information they need. Apparently, a similar search engine on Google suggests. Let’s face it, there is no sense, since the child of “Google” does not have such broad capabilities, there is less sense of humor and there is no intelligence at all. This is simply a basic sound system with a voice activation function.

Until the mobile platform was updated to version 8.3, Siri could not help but speak Russian. Vikoristannaya assistant was the prerogative of the Anglo-majorists. Other mobile technology lovers have already realized this possibility. From the beginning, Siri wrote wonderfully in Russian. Clearly the localization was a mess. With the recent updates, the situation was corrected. Well, what should I drink from Sira to lift my spirits? There may be some evidence of this food. Golovne understand that you yourself can respond to an inadequate reaction from your assistant.

Proposition to dance

Surprisingly, it’s amazing that the assistant’s responses to this unforeseen proposition can make you incredibly happy. Moreover, the evidence for such a key may not be any different from the Russian Syria. What should you ask specifically?

There is one good story at home. Koristuvach asked his assistant to dance. To which Siri responded literally like this: “Who, me? I have two left legs, and I’ve offended my rights, or I’ve burned my heart!” Wait, this is quite an original testimony. And this is the main importance of this assistant from other assistants.

There are also other types of responses to the individual mind for the proposition of dancing. Among them: “I choose sirtaki, although you probably don’t know this dance,” “Good, you lead,” and more. However, it is far from possible to get rid of Syria. And a few more commands that can raise the mood of the kristuvachev.

Reaction to images

Siri is a completely adequate assistant to the female status, who reacts to direct images. Piece intelligence can be translated in such a way that the degree of tension can be reduced. For example, to the phrase “You’re in trouble,” Sira responds with the equally important phrase “I’m getting tired.” If you ask your assistant to shut up, you will hear the barbarous phrase “It’s not nice.” Unfortunately, the machine reacts as if it were a living person. There is only one difference: it is impossible to dismiss it as an image. You can also wiggle around as much as you want.

What should you tell Siri so as not to make her laugh and laugh? The evidence for nutrition is ambiguous. You can, for example, worry about “Epl”. Whose lieutenant does not live, but threatens to lose himself within the bounds of decency. It’s good that you don’t have a car, otherwise the inheritance would be even worse.

Rozmovi about Apple

This is exactly the topic that bothers most pro-corrists and is absolutely unpleasant for Sira. When asked about who Steve Jobs is, Siri points directly to the Apple website dedicated to Jobs. Directly accompanied by the phrase “Thank you for asking about Steve, his page on the Apple website.”

If you really want to become a deputy, you can ask about what’s wrong with the “Apple” corporation. On this page, the assistant says: “It’s true, I don’t know, Lord.”

And the food axis about those, which is the most beautiful tablet, Sera confirms, does not get confused: “Well, there’s an iPad... And yet... Oh, no, only an iPad.” The situation with computers is approximately the same. Siri only recognizes "Maki". Considering the counter-trend in the development of the company with Cupertino, there is nothing surprising here.

The axis is the answer to the questions about those who asked from Sira. The jokes won't end there. Now we are moving towards teams without a category. It is impossible to classify them as another type. That's okay about them.

Another thing to ask

Of course, this is not all of the assistant’s capabilities. As a woman as she is, Sera loves to talk. It is necessary to know more about what to ask for. The most popular activity of the rulers of iPhones is to listen to tales from the viconn's lieutenant. If you kindly ask Siri, she will tell you a story about herself. If you speak, then the assistant has problems. Siri is filled with phrases like “I couldn’t sleep well, I confused the notes Si and Pi”, “I can’t sleep” and “You know that I don’t have a voice.”

If you tell your assistant about those who are drinking, Siri says that none of you can sit at the kermo and calls for a taxi. A very strong reaction to the prohanna helped to seize the body. The assistant will sip on the food “What, again?” One more answer to the question about those asked from Sira. Skelya Johnson (the same as Dwayne) appears to be the actor's favorite assistant. Therefore, he does not react quite adequately to the heat of this actor.


Well, what can you drink from Sera purely for fun? There are many examples of this nutrition. In principle, you can ask for anything ahead of time. This sidekick is inspired by a sense of humor. It would be a good idea for Siri to come up with a sparkling and humorous testimony that might be based on food. If the assistant’s food is “not to his liking,” then various phrases are used to subvert the conversation in a direct manner. It is clear from these reports that we are working as a female assistant. It’s so great to be able to uniquely remove direct nutrition from a woman. As if it weren’t there, Siri is a new milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. "Epl" managed to create a full-time assistant with its own speciality. So far, no other company has achieved this. That’s why the company’s devices love and price them. They don’t care about those who spend the rest of their time scrounging up unproven milk.

  1. The “Hey Siri” feature is supported on iPhone SE, iPhone 6s or later, iPad Pro (except 12.9-inch 1st generation model) and iPad (5th generation or later) without connecting the device to a power supply. The “Hey Siri” feature is supported on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch running iOS 8 or later when the device is connected to a power supply. The feature is not supported on first-generation iPad, iPad 2 and first-generation iPad mini.
  2. Siri suggestions for the Commands app are supported on iPhone 6s or later, iPad Pro, iPad (5th generation or later), iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4.
  3. Upfront payment required for Apple Music.
  • The Siri voice assistant is available on iPhone 4s or later, iPad Pro, iPad (3rd generation or later), iPad Air or later, iPad mini or later, and iPod touch (5th generation or later). Internet access required. The Siri voice assistant may not be available in all countries or regions. Siri's capabilities can also vary. Fees may apply for the transmission of data through Stilnikov's networks.
  • Functions and the ability of Siri to be stored in the device.
  • These functions are not available in programs supported by SiriKit.
  • Some features may not be available in all countries. Press

Siri is a personal assistant for devices that operate on iOS. The global sensory system has a nutrition-supply system that adapts to the skin system to regulate individual benefits. The main tasks of Siri include assistance in hands-free navigation of iPhone or iPad, which makes the device much more flexible.

But the program has a lot of tricks that few people know about. This list was compiled by Cheat Sheet.

1. Won – calculator

2. Ask Siri what kind of planes are flying over you at the same time

Ask the program: what planes are flying overhead?, and it will show you a list of planes that are currently flying over your destination, and also explain what to look for in order to see them in the sky.

3. Get Siri to pick up names

Sometimes your assistant may get lost in various names. This is realized through the fact that not all smells are simple in your mind for a living person. You can teach Siri to recognize names correctly. Vickory the command: learn how to pronounce and say it to the contact correctly - the program remembers it.

4. Expect the hour to arrive

If you use the navigation feature on your iPhone, Siri can tell you the estimated time of arrival at your destination. For this, just use the ETA (estimated time of arrival) command.

Your personal assistant will help you to add calories to your diet, which is beneficial for both simple and complex products. For example, to ask: Siri input "520" - information from the official McDonald's website.

6. Re-creation of all quantities

As previously stated, Siri is using Wolfram Alpha for a wide range of applications. One of the speeches is that this site can work quickly, through the transformation of different quantities. Just tell Siri what you want to convert and it will tell you the result.

7. Rozrakhunok tea

If you ask Siri to grab some tea in a restaurant for one or a group of people, you can earn a lot of money. For example, to ask: What's a 20% tip for $56.80 bill split among four people? Looks like I won’t spare the tip sum, and that part that I can bring in from the guests.

8. Flip a coin or throw a brush

Do you need to figure out who will bring the drinks today? - Ask Siri to flip a coin, and then you can select “heads” or “tails”. Do you want to gamble with Gru? - Siri can throw brushes for you.

9. Search for people

If you use the Find My Friends program, or if your friends have given you access to information about their place, ask Siri to find that person and pinpoint their place on the map - you can get a lot.

10. Siri can give you peace and quiet

If you need to concentrate on something and don't want to be distracted by calls and notifications, tell Siri the command: do not disturb, and you will switch the phone to silent mode. Command: airplane mode enable mobile data and internet reception.

11. Memorizing important dates

Siri can tell you any dates that are entered on your calendar (Friends' Day, Christmas Day, etc.), and you can also ask you to set the guess number a few days before the Holy Day in order to buy a gift.

12. Be the king of dribnitsa

Siri can quickly find out the information behind any joke, so you can now name films in which another actor appears, or play another superstar, as you can find on the Internet.

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stdClass Object ( => 87 => Apple => post_tag => apple)

stdClass Object ( => 2616 => Siri => post_tag => siri)

stdClass Object ( => 4853 => iPhone => post_tag => iphone)

stdClass Object ( => 13992 => Likbez => category => poleznaja-informatsija)

stdClass Object ( => 18508 => functions => post_tag => funkcii)

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From whom I hope to learn all the necessary knowledge about Siri. These articles will tell you how to tune Siri, how to find out what you need and what you need.

Who is Siri? What is Siri?

Siri (English: Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface) is a personal assistant and nutrition system, developed for iOS. Siri uses natural intelligence to help you respond to queries and make recommendations. Siri adapts to each skin patient individually, especially for the last three hours.

The history of Siri begins in 2010, when the voice extension reaches the App Store under the company Siri Inc. April 28, 2010 Siri is being bought by Apple.

Siri is available on walking devices.

  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus
  • iPad Mini 1, 2, 3, iPad 3, 4, Air, Air 2
  • iPod touch
  • Apple Watch

Siri in English first appeared in iOS 5. Siri in Russian was released simultaneously with iOS 8.3.

How to hide/mute Siri?

The settings for Siri have not yet seen a separate section. So let's go to Setup->Basic->Siri. Turn on the Siri checkbox if it is not enabled.

After this, a notification appears in the center of the screen, informing the user that requests for Siri are sent to the Apple server. Text "Turn on Siri"

Lower Bachimo adjusted Siri (we’ll get back to them). Click us point Language. Select "Russian".

Now press the Home button on the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch and press it without tearing your finger for a couple of seconds. The Siri start window will appear on the iPad.

We set our own power supply - we select the types of feeds from each system.

Setting up Siri

Setup->Basic->Siri. Let's go through specific options.

Allow “Hey Siri”– By selecting this option, you can activate Siri while the phone is charging. Why do I need to say, you won’t guess... “Hello, Siri.”

Language- Vibir movi Siri. So, you can talk to Siri as you please. Moreover, for any language there is a choice of dialect.

You need to understand that phrases for Siri are given by a living person (announcer). For whom are the resources needed: the Russian Siri itself still needs to speak in one woman’s voice.

Audiovidguk– the essence of this installation is to silently speak to Siri while the phone is in silent mode. When you decide, Siri will give you a voice first.

My tributes– this item allows you to choose from the Contacts program. Siri will contact you as indicated in the “Nickname” field (as it is) or by name.

Let me add that Siri is able to understand people’s language, and it will gradually get used to it. So you understand people’s phrases on the script “How can you handle it?” and it demonstrates the highest rank. Listen to Siri. :)

Siri also provides the widest range of capabilities in English. The Russian market does not yet have many additional options. Zokrema, English Siri supports the Wolfram Alpha system. Translation of the Russian language, but the exact terms of the appearance of the WolframAlpha support in our Siri are still missing.

Siri is inspired by CarPlay. CarPlay is a modern way to use an iPhone in a car, as long as the necessary programs adapted for driving are displayed on the car’s display screen.

Popular food and news about Siri

Meals: Can Siri be installed on older devices? Why is Siri not available on iPad 2?

Subject: It's impossible without jailbreak. Because of jailbreak, you need to look for the current instructions and not the fact that you are asking.

In the opinion of most consumers, the presence of Siri on older devices is a twist from Apple marketers. Official version – the use of old noise filtering devices. The version is not even plausible.

Around the same time, the voice assistant Siri introduced a hint of Russian language, which gave us the ability to use our smartphone in the car, in preparation for other situations, if our hands were busy. In this article we will look at what commands Siri supports, we will look at a number of different options and try to teach them new commands.


Today, almost all OS developers create and develop voice assistant programs that make it easier to use a smartphone or tablet in various situations. As for iOS, this platform has all three main voice control utilities: Google Now, Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana. And since the first and third programs are not programs from third-party vendors, which also include their capabilities through the integration with the firmware, then the created company from Cupertino has a full-featured Products for iPhone and iPad in this area.

Starting with the iPhone 4s and iPad 3, Siri is present on all Apple devices, but in 2016 all current devices, except the iPad 2, are supported. Perhaps, if you don’t use this tool so often, this article will tell you about its features and those that are most productive and quick to capture information using Siri.

Let's look at the adjustments

Siri’s settings are not so rich anymore. All of them are located in the Siri section of the Basic Native Programs section. Zokrema, you can vibrati:

  • You can activate the utility using the phrase “Hello, Siri.” Setup only works when connected before charging (except iPhone 6s and 6s Plus). If you are already in dialogue with your assistant, you will respond to this phrase;
  • language The options that are recommended before installation are English (USA) or Russian. The first is the most elaborate, the other will be simpler in the vikoristan;
  • Siri voice. For skin language there are two settings: human or female, accent for visual language. For example, for English there are British, American and Australian versions;
  • audiovidguk. Tse nalashtuvannya is even more important. Once you set the “Start” button, Siri will provide you with a replica that will practically cover your skin. Apparently, the “None” option will always enable voice prompts. There is also a third option, which allows the sound to be turned on in addition to the standard control system using volume buttons or a slider at the center of the volume.

Popular scripts from Wikoristan

Siri has hundreds of scripts, but not just one. Here are a number of scenarios for the use of a voice assistant, if it is richly colored, without a traditional graphical interface.

Let's start with something simple - launching add-ons and functions. Let’s say it’s a bright, sleepy day when you go outside and can’t see anything on the device’s screen. You can also safely press the “Home” button and select the “Increase screen brightness to maximum” command. Now the device's display will quickly become readable and necessary actions on the iPhone will not be difficult. So you can either turn on or turn on Bluetouth, Wi-Fi, and the “Don’t turn on” mode.

If there are a lot of programs installed on the device, you may need help to open it. In this case, it could be a program installed on the device. Did you not manage to correctly call the English program the first time? You can correct the question by correcting the inaccuracy in the command. Why press the button? at the lower right corner there is a vikonai torcanya on command, as it appears to the animal.

You can open not only programs, but also outside the menu, for example, setting up a specific utility or a tab in the native “Godinnik” application. And the folder and menu cannot be opened by third-party programs.

Do you want to write a new message, sheet or post on social media? Siri can help you with this. Say “Create a new sheet”, and then enter the contact to whom you want to send notifications. It is important that your email address is attached to your entry. Enter the topic by voice and change the sheet, and then confirm your submission. Notes, fortune-telling, replies and Facebook posts are created in the same way.

Help Siri find advanced information. For example, you can find out the weather for tomorrow, find out how much two plus two is, or find an article on Wikipedia by searching. Another possibility is reading the text. You can read the remaining fragmented note of the leaf.

Siri can also recognize music that is playing. Just ask “What kind of music is playing?”, and within a few seconds Siri will listen and analyze it in its database. The popularity of favors is high, and there are no problems with popular songs.

Regardless of everything, you won’t want to create passwords with the help of Siri, there is a possibility here. To integrate with the Wolfram|Alpha service, simply enter the command Wolfram, password and select a number of possible options at once with detailed information. Unfortunately, there is no integration with the Russian version of Siri here.

You can also find out which pilots are flying over the singing place. Just say "What airplanes are flying above me?" or a similar phrase contains information about the name of the flight, the altitude of the flight and about the surface of the ground.

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