Smofast and Addmefast - cost-free social media promotion services. Social measures for earning points and cheating

Promoting promotions of interest to AddMeFast and vyrishiv write a kіlka brown colors by work with this project.

See on all social networks with yakim you can practice. Not long, but the robot will be much more productive. h special certificate I will amaze you in the first place with such social networks like:

For them, give the most number of points possible - 9. Twitter winds up as summarily and rarely you can take 5 points.

  • Victory of the special Bot AddMeFast.(Unofficial)
  • Vikoristannya program for memorization of a mouse. ( You can easily find it on the Internet)


For the automation of the work process on AddMeFast you can be banned. So wink in the world, switch over to manual mode.

Get other correspondents into the project for your referral, you can find out at the bottom of the site, right-handed, under the list of social measures:

For the skin active coristuvach that you put into the system, you will deduct 200 points.

good bonus

When you create your own project on promotion, you want richer and smarter, but how can you see it? on the AddMeFastє mozhlivist to set the price for the ticket (CPC) up to 10 points. I don’t compare, the price is high and your promise will be seen by everyone first, ALE: just to be careful, then you remember that the cheat rate is CPC = 8, according to the speed, the cost of cheating is CPC = 10. do not hurry to depend on the price and trinkat your balls. I'm the axis, for example, vzagalі zupinivsya on CPC = 5 and, in principle, satisfaction with swidkіst.

I don’t know how, but at the first hour I didn’t have a chance to make my promise, so the system was supposed to accept my request, writing about the exchange of access. I don’t know how to climb Russian forms, I don’t know, I know how to solve problems on some “bourgeois” forum. Otzhe, I explain for those who are stuck with a similar problem. When adding a message to FB:

So Https is visible "s" and Http is omitted. I don’t know, maybe there are no problems at once, but if it’s closed, you will know.

AddMeFast positions itself as a network that spreads the presence of your side, a group in a social network or a channel on the Internet. Kozhen koristuvach can also be a vykonavtsy, which one chooses yaki from the head of your tsikavi to earn points and further increase the number of likes, reposts and front payers in your social media.

This service is foreign, it would not be bad for him to know English, let him go to cob equal. Youmu is already 5 years old, more than 11 million koristuvachivs were registered for yaks in the new one. The site is occupied by 700 thousand participants. Created for the help of the service, activity in numbers to become more than 100 million days. Itself tsі danі to speak about those that you can swear on AddMeFast.

In order to register with the service, you need to fill in a small form, so that you can see it, then you will click on the "Register" button. In the fields of the form, titled in English words, you must enter your data, as required for registration: addresses email, Password - 2 times, another is needed to confirm the accuracy of the input and captcha (letters from the picture). For the rest of the next, especially try. The system inode believes and does not pass exactly entered information. See if you have tried the captcha with two words.

One more thing - the service may not support Russian postal screens. If you couldn't register one, try entering your own mail.

How can you blame difficulties during registration?

AddMeFast should be installed before re-registrations. Right up to the recognition of IP. Yakshto Merezhevu address was marked by the site, you can’t go wrong new account. Vykorist proxy or change IP-addresses.

Another system pardon has been expanded, as you can vindicate during registration - write "email already in use". This does not mean that your mail has already been signed up in the service, or the request for activation has already been posted (it is necessary to get to know the site first) and it is necessary to check Postal screenshot or open the spam folder.

At the first visit, over all sides, you will end up with the rules. Click on "I agree" to successfully continue the work. You will have 50 points for the rahunka, so you can spend it on your own selfishness. So, as an English service, you can use the browser function to translate the side, so that it was clear how everything was done.

Main capabilities of the service

The AddMeFast system promotes the following social measures and opportunities in them:

  • Facebook - likes, join groups, reposts and comments;
  • VKontakte - join the partnership and likes;
  • Instagram - photo ratings and prepayers;
  • Google - friends, "+1" and addition in the selection of YouTube channels;
  • Twitter - tweets, retweets and additions in the form;
  • - ratings of comments;
  • MySpace - friends;
  • Pinterest - post likes and payers;
  • SoundCloud - new followers;
  • StumbleUpon - the possibility of autosurfing, adding followers;
  • ReverbNation - new fans.

How to start practicing on AddMeFast

Danish service promotes earning points on the basis of simple rules. І already on qiu vnutrishnyu currency buy those, scho tsіkavo to you. Likes, reposts, prepayers and so on for your groups and accounts. This is the main rule of the site, as they say “Good exchange”.

You can score points in the left panel of the site by choosing the right social network and the deadline for it. Roztashovuetsya out under the inscription: "Vilni eyepieces" from the green arrow down. For example: "Facebook - subscribe", "Twitter - retweet", "Odnoklassniki - join", etc. The information is written on the basis of a browser translation of the side. In original English function.

Yak correctly vikonati task for taking points

Click on the “Follow” button and after authorization in the other social media, and after the split, click on the post, as needed in the distribution (intro, like, repost, review, etc.). When completed, it is necessary to close in the end independently. Just then you will be awarded points, like a system (you can use the button to activate the robot).

For regular participants, AddMeFast gives bonuses - 500 points each, so you can win 75 likes. For every day, take a look at the section on the left panel, which is called “School Bonus”. You yogo please order from the star.

How to win promotion opportunities on AddMeFast

After the accumulated points (the same after that, otherwise you will be transferred to the side with notifications about the lack of numbers) you need to place your group in the service or an account to support the social network. For whom click on the green button, as it is called "Add site". Vіdkryєtsya vіkno, in which next, fill in all the fields in order:

  1. Type - choose a date, if you want to sign in from the system (for example, join the VKontakte group).
  2. Krajina - tie the vikonan to the singing geographical position. Here such a function is available, like “the whole world”.
  3. Name - the created campaign needs to be called. Tse allow you to easily rozіbratisya in your tasks, it's easier to look at them and marvel at the statistics at any given moment.
  4. Posilannya - URL of the page, for which promotion is required.
  5. All clicks - put the exchange on the kіlkіst dіy.
  6. Schoden dії - likes, reposts, rewatching videos, new joining the group, etc. You are ready to take a skin day.
  7. KTK - a lot of points, like you want to see for one vikonannya.

After submitting all entries, click on the "Save" button.

Your oblіkovy record will have a table with the placement of tasks. New can be found there. At the counters, the following information is provided, such as:

- kіlkіst vikonan.

There you can start up, start again, or see whether it was the day before, and also adjust the adjustment.

Paid opportunities exchanges

For those who don't want to earn points and bonuses, the site has the ability to buy domestic currency for real pennies. With this method, the division “Buy eyepieces” was created. You can pay in one of 4 ways: Visa / MC card, PayPal, Paymentwall credit card system and mobile payment via Allowpass (supported by more than 100 countries).

Depending on the method of payment, the eyepieces are insured in different quantities. On the application of Visa cards їх credits 1 455, 83 rubles = 5 000 points. With any change of currency conversion: 1 ruble = 0.02 dollars.

At the current moment, the service will carry out a promotion - 20% more points when making a purchase.

Wisnovka wants to say that the AddMeFast project does not varto like a foreign adventure. The hearts of a generous system are eager for cost-free possibilities, the service allows you to move practically for no reason conduct officials on your side, in the group of social networks or on the channels of your video hosting. Passing the rest of the most popular in the middle of this wonderful service.

Mova in this article about one of the most popular services for cheating Addmefast. This service is international, and allows you to wind up not only accounts in Russian social networks, but also in domestic and popular social networks all over the world.

In this article, we tell you how to register on the site, how to earn points without cost, how to win and promote your side in social networks, groups and channels. The site has proven itself to be the most important and most popular service for promotion in social networks. A great number of people in the whole world correspond to him, and a great number of positive vibes can be found in him.

Social measures for earning points and cheating

The site allows you to wind up more people, including on the territory of Russia, social networks. Let's look at the skin of the skin around and see the activity, you can wind it up in it.

How to use the service

To start working on Addmefast, you need to earn points on your balance. You can otrimati absolutely without cost, for vikonannya, whether there are any tasks in any kind of merezh. For Russia, the appointment is available on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and VKontakte.

If you have registered profiles in other social networks, then just hit the task: put likes and join the group. For skin vikonannya you will earn points on the balance. The current balance is displayed on the mountains in the office. You can always bachiti skilki points and you have already earned it.

On average, for one task you pay from 4 to 10 points. The service allows you to earn points of non-burrowing of your sides, for which you can watch videos on YouTube and earn 7-9 points per skin per view. There are a lot of available services on the service and the stench practically never ends. Since this site is international, then there is a great number of coristuvachs, not only from Russia, but also from the other regions of the world. Indemnify when the appointment is due.

How to wind up

For whom, click on the green button "Add Site / Page", as it is located at the top left corner of the Addmefast office. Here it will be necessary to fill in the form: choose the necessary social measure and the need for action, as you want to remember. You can choose a specific country or leave out "Worldwide", in which case you will be vykonuvatisya from any country around the world. Enter the name of the promotion, as well as the url of the page for cheating. Lower to enter the total number of vicons, as well as let's go to the booty. Indicate varity: you can pay for skin care from 2 to 10 points.

We recommend that you set the payment for more than 7, only in which case you will be paid in the normal mode. If you want the project to be as fast as possible, or to select the maximum audience, then enter 10 points in the “price” column. After you click on "Save changes" and ask to appear in "My Sites". Here you can check all the statistics for all your suggestions.

How to buy a point

AT special office can not only earn points free of charge, but also top up the balance with real pennies. For whom, click on the "Buy Points" button and choose another payment method.

You can pay for additional credit cards (VISA or MasterCard), WebMoney, Yandex Money and. As we say about art, then 1500 points can be bought for 10 dollars. After payment, the money will be credited to the balance and will be debited from the world after the commemoration.

Affiliate program

Website affiliate program, For a skin referral you get 300 points. To get qualified for the promotion service, copy your referral letter. You can share it on various resources on the Internet: for example, record a video of a look at the site and play yoga on YouTube, and short partnership assistance insert in description. Tse one of the simplest and effective methods received referrals. All earned points on the referral program can be spent on the promotion of your parties and groups in social networks. It is not possible to spend money on your money from Addmefast. is an international service for promotion in social networks, working since 2014. When registering a skin, the participant will receive a bonus for registration in the amount of 50 points.

The main functionality of cheating

Facebook - likes, prepayers, census, comments join groups;
. Google - likes and friends from Circles, Google+, YouTube in the form;
. Twitte - tweet, selected, retweet;
. - likes;
. VKontakte - likes and join the group;
. MySpace - add to friends;
. Instagram - prepayers and photo likes;
. Pinterest - reposts, likes;
. ReverbNation - fans;
. SoundCloud - followers.
. StumbleUpon - autosurf and followers.

Be respectful, the skin social network has its own exchange in the system. In some social networks, you can take forward payers and likes, in others you can only comment and repost. The system is between your dates and tasks, so you can give them.

How to start a job with Addmefast

After the standard registration, you will be awarded 50 points, so you can score for the task. site on English With the help of the service, I will translate Google.

I’ll translate the trash, that would need some knowledge of the English language.

The system interface itself is simple and does not call power.

In the menu, you can add pages to your site (social profile), subscriptions, look through bonuses, buy eyepieces (Points - internal currency), take points for skin care tasks.

Early: Splicing window must be closed manually, otherwise it will not be insured.

The price of skin care is 9 points (do not lie in the social network). Managers are sharing dekilkoh views: for business, fan site, special. You can choose to join shops, celebrities or private public groups. Chi not worthy of the task can be skipped by pressing the "Skip" button. For some social measures, there is an expansion of the menu. For example, by selecting Facebook, you can like, comment, share, follow people and groups. VKontakte can only subscribe to groups and put likes. In "Odnoklassniki" - only subscribe to groups.

For an active victorious system (a good victorious manager), the partner will receive 200 skin points for 24 years.

Payment and tariffs

In the system є 4 tariff. "Super Rewards": for 25 US dollars you get 5000 points and another 1000 as a gift.
Payment is due credit card, Google Checkout, PayPal.

"Paymentwall": choose the number of points you need, the number of points is 5 to 50 $ for 750-7500 points. As a gift, you take 20% of the selected number of points.

Payment via E-mail, bank order, preparation, via mobile phone, bank card or ClickandBuy for help.

"Allopass": available only for 100 countries, Russia does not appear in the list of such. Payment for additional SMS assistance (pennies written off from the account). Tariffs vary depending on country and mobile operator.

"Subscription": subscription rate from 199 to 999 dollars per day! You take away an unrestricted number of points. І the kіlkіst of the village was surrounded. One hour you can run from 3 to 25 days (on the skin of the day, one message each).

The number of wines for the CPC model will be set to 10 points for all tasks. All earned points and bonuses will be summed up and carried over to the unpaid period. After the end of the term, unlimited eyepieces will be replaced by custom ones.

Affiliate program

Affiliate earns 300 points per skin referral. The sighting of the bones was not transferred.

Although they decently work for promotion and promotion, and they earn badly on the airing of their channels. For example, the largest number of PewDiePie payers, who are involved in horror games, can live without a turbo on their pennies. Ale, how to wind up the pre-payers on YouTube with a nasty yoga with success for the channel of the Vlasnik? More than anything, you’ll be stuck with a natural problem: few of the vipadkovy “transitioners” want to subscribe to a small channel, and the potential payers risk getting excited about it. How to solve this problem? Vykoristovyte special sites, for which promotion prepayers on YouTube- the main task.

Deyakі sites can help in how to wind up pre-payers on YouTube, so “gather” a bunch of “fingers up” or look around. This one directly works, for example, In general, the robotic algorithm can be described as "service for service". The correspondent creates an account on AddMeFast, earns 50 points for registration and earns additional points for subscribing to other channels. Vlasniki channels, registered on this site, subscribe to this channel and so on. Too many prepayers, obviously, wind up not a lot, but in general, up to a hundred new prepayers can be taken away.

Following the same principle as AddMeFast, the site works. For the cob there you need to link your account on the website with the channel on YouTube, as well as buy balls for promotion. For a skin subscription to someone else's channel, you can get 5 to 10 points, for one year you can only subscribe to 40-50 channels. The policy of reporting to the site is unimaginable, to the fact that with the removal of a new pre-payer, the koristuvach spends money, and, in his line, he is more and more stunned by subscribing to other people's channels.

Expand your channel in social networks

Vybіr social merezh rich in what to lie in vіd target audience. For example, don’t start an account on Facebook, as there is no way to catch an inquisitive gazer. To expand the channel among the viewers of Russia and the lands of the CIS, you can use the VKontakte side. Suggest how to wind up prepayers on YouTube, maybe a side on Twitter with the function of a quick reader notification. About the skin new video added, it is necessary to “tell your friends”, if you want to campaign for them, not only marvel at the video, but also subscribe to the channel.

It’s better to block the introduction of videos on third-party sites, so that potential payers, when watching the video, go to YouTube and hit the “subscribe to the channel” button there.

Follow the trends of the audience and improve the content

In order to understand, how to wind up pre-payers on YouTube, focusing not only on "dead souls", but also on the potential post-watchers, it is necessary to follow the audience's mornings. The statistics always show that some of the videos are the most popular for the viewers, the inhabitants of these countries are most likely to be surprised and that the most popular videos are the most popular. As the content is no longer corrosive, it is not necessary to be afraid of changing it, but to present it in a new format. Now you know more about how to get prepayers on YouTube. Good luck in business!