Router zyxel keenetic start supports iptv. Connecting a ZYXEL Keenetic Start II router to a computer. Configuring the connection to Windows

the budget version of the elite family of routers Ziksel Keenetic Start, which appeared on the cob of 2013, having won popularity with the brand's new price segment "close to 1000 rubles". For a remarkably low price, the virobnik, having pressed all the same, invariably high quality and superiority, I will build it. The router will be expanded for functioning, as with wired connections, as well as extending the Wi-Fi network. The maximum speed of transmission of this add-on via radio communication reached 150 Mbit / s, and the adjustment of the Zyxel Keenetic Start router became more convenient and intuitively understandable.

Ale, as a bi-oprational not a process, you can still get power from the bagats, like connecting a router to the Internet and iptv (video video channel for a TV) independently. Algorithm i itself is assigned to this article.

In order to start earning the router in the first place, it is necessary to work out a few simple steps:

  • Turn on the attachment at the fence for the help of the life block and press the life button;
  • Connect the router to the external network (provider's cable) via the WAN port (see the color on the rear panel);
  • Connect a PC via a cable that is included in the kit (it is inserted into one of five sockets);
  • Verify the correctness of the indicators on the front panel: the life light is on, connected to the wire and the indicator to the port with the inserted cable for the PC;

If we can, we can open the computer, check the connection to the border (the “Access to the surroundings” pardon) and put in an important adjustment:

  • From the tray (place on the Start panel with the hour and date) you can see the "Measurement Management Center ..." by right-clicking the mouse behind the icon of the merezhі;
  • In the window, we know the tab of the adapter's parameters and turn it off;
  • On the right connection, click with the right mouse button and select power;
  • The new vіknі shukaєmo the fourth version of the protocol of the Internet, for the help of the button under the list vіdkrivаєmo vlastivostі;
  • For both selectors, it is automatically set (IP and DNS);

Why are you starting a Wi-Fi connection for the Rostelecom provider and another provider of services.

Custom router

To upgrade the Zyxel Keenetic Start, you need to go to the main interface. And for which we need to open a browser and enter the number series into the address row - the standard address of the Kinetic family. Once the side is taken over, we need an authorization form, in which we enter standard data: login - admin and password - 1234. After it, we check for unification for all router lines.

To enter the setup, open the browser and enter the address: HTTP://

On the side of the page, which we saw, we only know two buttons: "Shvidke nalashtuvannya" and go to "web configurator". We have the first option to click. After clicking on the new one, there are three selectors that allow us to specify the MAC address of our provider. Most current post-employees do not register these addresses, and for them, select the first option (selector). Also, if your company is not Rostelecom, but, let's say,, you need to look into the contract or call the technical support service to remove your MAC address. Then let's remove the digit-literal combination, which is indicated in the field instructed by the "Inshy" selector, by clicking on the "Dal" button.

On the side, you can install an automatic option to set the IP or you can specify the address, as well as NDS, as the provider has transferred you this information. Let's move on. You can specify the login and password, because it stinks in the contract for the delivery of Internet services or put a check mark next to the value "I don't have a password ...". It is important not to confuse this data with the key and name for the Wi-Fi network, as indicated on the day of the router. Cost of data, because Rostelecom is the chief of staff, and Zyxel is the owner.

When moving further, we will be taken to the side, de showing data connected and information about those who are far away connect the Internet (only a dart link, not Wi-Fi) and no. The majority of your connections will be successful and you will have access to the border.

Other ways to fix

Let's take a look at a few more vipadkivs for connecting to a number of Russian providers. Let's do it with the company Rostelecom, and TTK. Algorithm of work at times of attack:

  • The replacement of the security check is selected by going to the web configurator;
  • We set a new password to enter the web interface;
  • At the bottom there is a menu with icons, open the "Internet" tab;
  • The new side, as we know it, can be the “List” tab from the top menu;
  • Click on a single name in the list to name the interface;
  • We select for the additional checkbox "Vykoristovuvaty rose" that port, where the WAN-cable (internet) is inserted;
  • We check the presence of a check mark below in the fields of inclusion of that wiki for access to the Internet;
  • IP parameters are locked: value "Without IP-address";
  • MAC addresses are not changed by themselves;
  • Zastosovuєmo change that go to the tab of the upper menu "Authorization";
  • Dodaёmo z'ednannya;
  • Zadієmo yogo, having checked the checkbox next to the appropriate selector;
  • Choose the type of PPoE, assign more (weather) name-description;
  • It is assigned a fee for accessing the Internet;
  • Enter authorization data from the contract for the provision of services (login/password);
  • The protocols for zahistu are chosen by all or the first two: pap and chap;
  • Let's name the PPoE server "Internet".

Zastosovuєmo zmeni. The connection of the wire connection for Rostelecom has been completed. The installation of WiFi and IpTV is far away. In the meantime, let's take a look at how the router setup for the Beeline company looks like:

  • At the first stage (configuring the network interface), you need to set up the IP address automatically. Otherwise, everything is the same, like for a Rostelecom router.
  • When adding a ticket, the "Authorization" tab only changes the protocol type (to L2TP), and the "" message is written in the "Server address" field;

After setting the required parameters, it is necessary to set up and recheck the connection of the Kinetic Start router to the Internet. As everything is functioning, as it follows, we proceed to the installation of parameters in Wi-Fi transmission.

Wi-Fi setup

To set up WiFi transmission on Zlex Keenetic Start, you need to select the appropriate item from the bottom menu. Then, on the web site, which I have seen, I will set up the “Access Point” robot mode, select the connection to the new radio network, and stop. After that, it is necessary to go to the one-menu menu item (Access Point), where we will see a table for setting up a Wi-Fi network:

  • We will install a bazhane im'ya pіdklyuchennya, yak bachitimute koristuvachi pіd hour poshuku available merezh (SSID);
  • We set up a defense to the maximum level. The key is the password for connecting to your Wi-Fi;
  • Nothing more is pushing against Zastosuvati.

After the router has processed the received data, the indicator light on the indicator panel will light up. Attachments, which are connected to WiFi channels, are responsible for making a new connection available. Try to find out the password and try the connection procedure.

P.S. Even though in the premises or on the total area there are a few routers / Wi-Fi receivers on the same frequency, the signal may fluctuate and spoof. In order to identify this, it is necessary to change the channel, which will be victorious in the new ones (with the value of Auto on any other number that is not victorious). When it is necessary to re-attach the attachment, it will begin to broadcast the Wi-Fi signal at a new frequency.

On what basis, the installation of your WiFi is completed! Cory with the Internet from satisfaction!

Setting up IP-TV

In order to fix the current video, ranks of the current IPTV (IPTV), it is necessary, first, to see the port of the new port: turn around to fix the explicit interface (with a higher algorithm) and put an additional checkmark instructing the WAN port to another rose. At the new one, insert the cable from IpTV and you can watch TV channels on your laptop via Wi-Fi (for the installed program, you can watch it).

Dali varto check the correctness of the settings for the WAN menu, the field for selecting ports for the bridge opening: there can be the same values, which is higher. Also, in the LAN settings, the connection is due, but the default ip is set: and for the upper and lower fields. The subdivision mask is responsible for displaying the value, otherwise the parameters will be left blank (for locking). After saving, we change IPTV and reconsider that everything works.

If something went wrong (the sign is a Wi-Fi or Internet signal), you can reset the factory settings for additional pressure on the Reset button on the back panel. Hold it in the jammed position for 10 seconds or more, after which the data for entering the router and all parameters are reset to the cob.

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Zyxel Keenetic Start is the best low-cost home router. We organize local networks and Wi-Fi without any problems to transfer data between dekilkom outbuildings. The variance of the router does not exceed 1500 rubles, the lower cost is added. Why else is the model given, rozpovimo today.

Starry look

Added to the ideas of a straight-cut body, made of plastic. On the frontal part of the body, there are indicators that are fixed:

  • activity of the Wi-Fi network;
  • charging;
  • the number of connected devices through the LAN network;
  • position (on/off);
  • authorization status of the postmaster of the Internet service.

The right sector (mountain) has an option to control Wi-Fi. On the right side of the case є:

  • ports - 5 pcs. (one WAN port - for the "internet" cable, chotiri LAN - for the connection of the network);
  • entry for the living block;
  • REDUCTION parameters option.

Koristuvachі appreciate the simplicity and clarity of the router panel. Zavdyaki will write on the buttons and roses to the body the process of adjusting the router for a loan for a short time.


For access to the services of the Zyxel Keenetic Start provider, it is possible to use the following connection types:

  • VLAN 802.1Q;
  • IPv4/IPv6;
  • 802.1X;
  • VPN (PPTP and L2TP);
  • PPPoE.

The speed of transmission of the signal for one-hour operation and the number of outbuildings should be 80 Mb/s. Wi-Fi transmission is supported by the 802.11n protocol.

Preparation before operation

The first step is to proceed to the installation, next to fold the router. Connecting a router to a computer via a LAN cable is required for an additional dart equipped with connectors. One connector is installed in the PC board, the other one - in the router socket.

For the Zyxel Keenetic Start Wi-Fi router, the setup is set for two connections (Wi-Fi and dart) as standard through the browser. Here, perhaps, you need data about the password, oskіlki access to the security can be encrypted. This information is indicated on the body of the device (or at the service provider). Ring up, tse admin/1234.

The settings can be adjusted either manually or with the assistance of the "Installation Master".

You can also look at the setup of the Keenetic Start router in the video format:


To configure the Zyxel Keenetic Start router, it is enough to bring a PC or a laptop to the router, go to the browser and enter the IP address in the address bar (values ​​on the router box).

If you give IP per day, then enter the standard address for Zyxel Keenetic Start: In case of vindication of problems, it is recommended to correct the combination of numbers:

Upon successful entry into the system, you will be prompted to set the parameters in two ways - manually or automatically.

Manual lashing

For the correct Wi-Fi connection by the Keenetic Start router, it is necessary to know the type of connection provided by the provider (the majority of Internet service providers use the PPPoE protocol).

When starting on a regular basis, the property will revert to the Start parameters. With this option, it is recommended to choose not the standard type of setup, but the "Web configurator".

When restarting, the parameters are restored to the Internet options (for the PPPoE/VPN tab). Here it is necessary to activate the option “Add a new order” and adjust the number of adjustments:

  • at the menu "Nakashtuvannya z'ednannya" it is necessary to mark marks (in the first two fields);
  • in the field "Description" indicate the name of the day (whether it be);
  • "Protocol type" - PPPoE;
  • "Connect via ..." - Broadband connection;
  • "Im'ya koristuvacha" and "Password" - zgіdno z dannym, vіdobrazhenimi in the contract with the provider.

Save the other parameters for locking and fix the change of the “Shut down” option. The rewiring will become available at the distribution of the Z'ednanny router. The yarlik from the green label, on the contrary, is called new, to tell about the correct operation of the data transmission channel.

Automatic lashing

For automatic setting, it is enough to activate the option "Shvidke setting" and check the connection re-verification. For the field (for authorization) it is necessary to enter a login and password. At a different PPPoE partner, put a checkmark in the field “Press provider”. In order to win another type of connection, login data and password must be entered manually (hopefully by the provider of the Internet service).

When activating the "Dal" option, you will be allowed access until the update (update is recommended for availability). After the installation is completed, the computer will be reloaded and the configuration will be fixed. The PC and the router cannot be installed during the process of installing vimikati.

Following the re-advantage of the proposal about the activation of the secure Internet option (Yandex.DNS). Due to the apparent low speed of Wi-Fi robots, such a connection service is not recommended.

Wi-Fi setup

For adjusting the Wi-Fi parameters, you need to change the Keenetic configuration. You can activate (deactivate) the access point in the Wi-Fi menu at the "Access Point" tab (behind the additional checkmark).

Click on the Wi-Fi menu field to display the name of the SSID, so you can change it to your own discretion. Koristuvachas hope to be able to take their merezh from others. This option can be activated in the "Get SSID" field.

In this case, when connecting new outbuildings, you will have to re-enter the login and password (at the “Connection to a wireless fence” tab).

Overview of functions and possibilities

Zakhist merezhi

WPA2 is recognized as the most secure protocol. It is recommended that you select it next to the field “Protection of the Merezh”. Next, prompted to install (review) the following parameters:

  • password (not less than 8 characters);
  • region;
  • standard version - 802.11b / g / n (automatically installed).

If it is planned to organize a securely accessible security measure (without a password), the encryption field should be left empty.

Viber channel

Wi-Fi wireless security available to choose a channel. As one channel of assignments of dekilkom outbuildings, the speed of transmission of data will be reduced to the minimum indications.

It's hard to finish the channels. The stench is behind all routers, which work in one sector of the signal. The most occupied channels are from 3 to 8.

Pressure signal

This parameter is set independently (depending on the presence of a change in the radius of the signal). Walls, furniture and wiring with pereskodami, yakі can istotno improve the quality of the sound.

Likewise, the router should be fixed at a height of at least 1 meter from the level of the logs, the area of ​​​​the signal will increase. It is also recommended that the router antenna be fixed in a vertical position.


The WPS function is disabled for connection of attachments with a similar function. It becomes active as soon as Wi-Fi is upgraded, so it is in the process of setting up.

Follow the respect for those who, in case of a trivial attack on a copy of the WPS notification / cancellation, will be thrown off the parameters of the measure and all steps will be completed again. Therefore, the function can only be activated by short-time onslaughts.

Before connecting to the WPS support, it is necessary to turn off this option on all outbuildings. The appearance of the “Connection with WPS connections” button on the authorized device indicates successful connection. As soon as you press the “Connection…” button, access to the link will be opened in automatic mode (password not required).

Adjustment of modes

The Zyxel Keenetic Start Wi-Fi router can be adjusted in the following modes:

  • access point;
  • pidsiluvach;
  • repeater (repeater);
  • adapter.

The settings of the parameters are available in the "Modes" section (in the configurations). After the mode is set, re-attach the attachment. If you choose a modem, the internet is not required. Access to the Internet is required by the router, a signal of some kind of Keenetic power (offending the device is guilty of working in Wi-Fi mode).


You can connect the prefix after updating the software to the remaining version. Dali need to work like this:

  1. Connect the receiver to the LAN port.
  2. Go to the WAN distribution (for modem configurations) and in the "Select ports" field, select the roses to which the device was connected.
  3. Specify IP and password (information from provider).

IPv6 protocol

IPv6 installation settings are available in the Internet distribution (Start setup). Here, select the required protocol and activate the option “Add a date”.

In the field "Description" - indicate the name of the measure (enough), and the first two rows are marked with ticks. The same information is required, given by the provider (for filling in the address: servers and IPv6). In the "IPv6 Prefix" field, copy the front row, and without the "/64" characters, and activate the "Save" option.

nalashtuvannya security

To configure the security settings, go to the “Security” section and on the “Intermediate Screen” panel, set the exchange for access to the songs. For whom it is proponed to work like this:

  1. In configurations, activate the "Add rule" option.
  2. At the field, which was clear, choose the fence (otherwise it did).
  3. Select the order of the filter (personal mesh, external resources).
  4. Adjust protocol parameters: ICMP, TCP, UDP.
  5. At the row "Porty" insert the parameter "Be it".

You can add a cost-free service "Yandex.DNS" to the installation of security (in Keenetic). You can also protect your computer from infected resources: it will block the download of shkidly files and get ahead of potential threats.

Batkiv control

This function is supported by the SkyDNS service. Here you can independently designate a list of sites available to small koristuvs.

For the activation of the interchange, the option “Rozklad” was transferred (section “System”).

Installing a new layout between guest Wi-Fi, and transferring data in a flash. The administrator can also choose the right attachment (for sharing access). The parameters are set after fixing the option "Shut down".

Setting up a VPN server

The VPN server connection algorithm transmits the following:

  1. Select the PPPoE/VPN protocol (if installed).
  2. Enter "VPN" and select the "L2TP" protocol in the "Description" field.
  3. Entering login and password (provider data).
  4. Enter data in the "Server Address" field (provider type).
  5. Configuration activation.

Skidannya nalashtuvan

Skidannya nalashtuvan at such vipads helps to solve low problems that blame the hour of work of the merezhny obladnannya. To reset the settings, use the quick button, which is placed on the right side of the enclosure (in order with the antenna).

Firmware update

For stable operation and expansion of the possibilities of possession, it is recommended to upgrade the firmware when the skin is upgraded. Update software on Start Keenetic can be done in two ways:

  1. Through the web interface. With this method, it is suggested to get an updated version of the software from the official site. Let's go back to the "Configuration" section and activate the file, assign the gear (blue color).
  2. For the help of a mobile supplement. The procedure for updating the software through the mobile add-on is the same as the above-designated method (via the web interface).

In the process of installing the software, it is not possible to turn on (re-enable) the possession.


The achievements of Kinetic Start are indicated by such indications:

  • initiation of the “DNS.Yandex” service (providing the security of connected attachments for an hour of work in the field);
  • mesh filter;
  • possibility of choosing a protocol;
  • availability of SkyDNS (for Batkiv control).

To the minus points of the model, the fact of the presence of the USB port is considered. This environment is between the functionality of the router (including the possibility of a different printer).

Let's hope that they gave advice on all your questions! It’s like it was unreasonable, otherwise they didn’t give me a second glance, don’t hesitate, write! Our good-natured administrators and authors are always for the sake of communication!

In these instructions, we report on how to set up a wifi router Zyxel Keenetic Start KN-1110. We wonder how to connect the Internet and install the wifi network. For us, it is especially important to note that the cream of the updated porrivnya with the past Zyksels of the modern design was recognized by the firmware of the router. Now the administrative division has become richly simpler and more convenient for fixing the dart-free treadmill. Before speech, literally a few days ago I published it.

Instructions for connecting the Zyxel Keenetic Start router

To connect the Keenetic Start router to the computer and the Internet and install it on a new wifi network, we can use two ways:

  • Z'ednati yogo from the PC behind the patch cord, which is to lie at the box
  • Otherwise, I’m immediately skinned to a wireless signal from the router

Zyxel Keenetic Start KN-1110 router setup master

After connecting to the router, to enter the control panel, open the browser on the computer or laptop and enter in the address bar or . At a glance, as if at the same address, then the solution is the same on our website.

Change password for locking Zyxel Keenetic Start

For new wifi routers, I recommend starting Keenetic Start with a basic master. At the first vіknі it will be suggested to change the language of the web interface to Russian.

After that, set a password for access to the administrator's distribution.

In that case, if you show the old version of the firmware of the blue color on your router, then you will be better off with it.

Internet connection

The next few years are related to the choice of the robot mode and the type of connection to the Internet. First of all, choose how Keenetic Start will win: as the main router, or as a signal booster or wifi adapter.

As another and third option, we go to the “Additional modes” section and choose the needs. I’ll report about them better, but at the same time we’ll make Keenetic Start as the main router, Ethernet is selected for this

If so, it is necessary to delete the MAC address of the router or clone it from the computer. You need to check with your ISP (deputy providers of Internet services bind MAC attachments, other than that, they are in the measure), but for the sake of uniqueness, I will make a copy of it from the main PC, which is earlier than cable connections.

Now the most important thing is to choose the correct IP parameters for connecting to the Internet. Selection is carried out from three types:

  • Automatic - for all types
  • Manual - for Static IP
  • Without IP address - PPPoE

Static IP

If your Internet connection type is Static IP, then select it from the list and enter the IP address, mask and gateway, as if you have entered your provider.

To solve, select "Automatic" and let it go to the side of the choice of a specific type.

For Rostelecom subscribers - PPPoE

If you are a subscriber to Rostelecom, then you will need to select the type of PPPoE - you will also win in other postal employees, check with your contract. Here you will need to enter your own password for connecting to the Internet.

For Beeline - L2TP

It’s easier to win L2TP, but the same wine, no wonder, at Beeline. If it’s your choice, then it’s necessary to enter the address of the vpn server to the login and password.

Dynamic IP

Mostly have DHCP or Dynamic IP, if I don’t need to write anything manually and set up the Internet automatically. If you, like me, win the same wine, then emboss "No password" and check if the router is connected.

Well, come on, at the final short, you can see information about WiFi networks - unfortunately, you can’t fix it here, so you need to go to the main menu.

Wi-Fi networking Keenetic

To set the necessary parameters for WiFi connection on Keenetic Start routers, you need to go to the "Home Merazh" section. Here we can:

  • Activate jetless signal
  • Ask im'ya merezhі
  • Change password
  • Assign the type of encryption - for the defaults, the best ones are used, I recommend deleting yoga (WPA2-PSK)

Read about the prices and other upgrades of Keenetic Start in the following publications on our website.

Thank you! Didn't help

Zyxel Keenetic Start for Zyxel Keenetic light model. Tim is no less, Keenetic Start is able to solve the problem of connecting electronic devices to the Internet. The router allows you to connect your home computers and all kinds of gadgets to the extent that you can provide one-hour access to the Internet with a large number of Wi-Fi attachments.

For guest annexes, there is the possibility of seeing Wi-Fi with access to the Internet, as well as access to special data. The regular intermediary screen is responsible for the information security of the home security.

Complete set of the router and yoga view

The configuration of the router is minimal: a small mesh cable, documentation and a living block. I will add all the inscriptions on the corps to the Russian vikonan. In reality, I will attach the fixing to the wall. On a handy place, there is a WPS activation key - a function that allows you to simply connect to the Wi-Fi router without calling, without zastosuvannya encryption key.

The router looks similar to its older brother (Keenetic 4GII). Vіn less likely to worry about the number of USB-ports and now there is only one antenna on 2dBi.

Attachment is compact (140x110x30 mm). Yogo vaga - less than 180 grams.

On the upper side of the application there is a brand name, a WPS key for automatic protected Wi-Fi connection, and light indicators of life, an indication of a wireless Wi-Fi module, a clear connection to the Internet and a connection to lan ports.

All ports and roses are stashed on the back side of the router.

Connection and training before work

The connection of the Zyxel Keenetic Start router can be folded at first glance.

Let's look at the connection process in detail:

After connecting the router, it is important to set up the Zyxel Keenetic Start router. To do this, you will need to enter the router's interface first.

Entrance at the station

For setting up that service of the router, there is no need to use specialized programs. All keruvannya router is used for the help of a web browser.

To enter the router interface, you need to enter the following:

Zyxel routers have "Schwidke setup" for the primary Internet connection.

Connection to the Internet

The router provides options for connecting to the Internet, as a matter of course, first for everything, with the choice of a postal worker, a call.

PPPoE for, TTK and Rostelecom

The sequence of setting up a Zyxel router for these providers (Rostelecom, TTK and

A requirement for access to the Internet will be created.

Dynamic IP

To establish an Internet connection with a dynamic address, you need:

The system for accessing the Internet with a dynamic IP address is ready.

Video: Look at Zyxel Keenetic Start

How to fix the Zyxel Keenetic Start router for beeline

Sequence of the setup of the examined router for Beeline:

As a result of the victories, a new business will be created for Beeline.

Local LAN

To set up the local network options on the analyzed wi-fi router, you need to:


The sequence of events for the installation of Wai Fai on the Zyxel Keenetic Start attachment is coming:


IPTV is a special technology, such as when transferring information in a series, based on IP protocol specializations. For this reason, telemovement of channels is realized for additional group transmission. For the functioning of IPTV, it is enough to install the latest version of the firmware, and the program will automatically download the correct settings.

At the router for setting up IPTV, you should see the “Programs” tab, in the next step, enter the necessary parameters and save.

Skidantnya router

In order to enable the router to be removed, it is necessary to perform the following:

After that, the life indicator of the router will fade later, and then the router parameters will be reset at the factory (parameters for locking).

Firmware update

Dosit often traplyayutsya vpadki, if it's important to upgrade the firmware I'll add it. Irrespective of those who are already vidpovіdalna diya, yakscho dorimuvatysya sing vkazіvok - it's not easy to independently install a new version of the software.

It is recommended to upgrade the software by connecting to the router with an additional Ethernet cable. To update the firmware, you need to speed up the standard component update function. It's important that the next hour of the update will be on the day of connection with the Internet.

To update the firmware on the Zyxel router, you need:

No wonder Zyxel is positioning Keenetic Start as the Internet center of the starting line. It is trivial to achieve it, but it is possible to create a compact counting measure without special difficulties. This is the ideal choice for home and compact office.