Unpacking the firmware image. Editing firmware img. Overview and description of functions Samsung Root Firmware Replacer start program

For those who want to get started with creating official firmware for Sony based on official ones, you need to know how to extract Sony firmware to FTF format.

What is necessary?

1. Computer

2. Enjoy the remaining version not an official stitcher FlashTool and install

3. Enable the Unix image manager ext2explore.exe

3. Download and install the cost-free 7-zip archiver

4. Sony firmware in FTF format

Instructions for unpacking Sony firmware in FTF format

1. Right-click on the FTF firmware - open the archive or unzip the archive

2. After installing FlashTool, follow the path C:Flashtool
3. Launch the FlashTool program and select the menu in the panel Tools -> Sin Editor

4. Select the extracted from the ftf firmware, the sin file from the Sin Editor and click Extract data. After this, the process of converting the firmware file into a form that can be read begins.
5. As a result, you can extract the new file from the extensions yassf2 or else ext4 or else elf

The file is *. yassf2

Select Tools -> Yaffs2, after which the window for selecting a file will appear, select the file from the extensions *.yasff2

After a couple of clicks, you select the folder with the files that were in the firmware

Either *.ext4 or *.elf file

1. What kind of file do you have with extensions? *.elf, then rename it to *.ext4

2. Run the previously installed ext2explore program, select the firmware file, and then appear in the window instead of the firmware, now you can save it.

What's next?

If you plan to create update.zip, then go to stat - create Updater Script

How to properly extract the kernel from FTF firmware?

In order to select the “correct” kernel for flashing the additional update.zip firmware, you will still need the same Flashtool.

1. Open the FTF firmware with the archiver and remove it kernel.sin

Let's start with the fact that you need Linux. On Windows, you can only flash the firmware, but you won’t be able to get it back for purely technical reasons. Now about the firmware. The stinks appear everywhere when you look at ZIP archives that are flashed through custom recovery. We will need one of them for further investigations. When starting out with a romodel, I recommend using custom firmware that is as close as possible to AOSP, since it is often easier to get started with than stock.

  1. We unpack the archive with the firmware into any folder.
  2. The script is downloaded and unzipped into any folder.
  3. We launch the ext file (as it indicates the presence of Java, just skip by pressing y; Java only needs it for packaging).
  4. Now we select unpacking by pressing button 1, and then Enter.
  5. A new folder named extract_* appears with the ext file and the tools folder. The files system.new.dat and system.transfer.list are copied into it.
  6. After copying files, press Enter and check. After about an hour, you need to press Enter again, enter the administrator password and press Enter again.
  7. Ready. Instead of the system in the folder extract_*/output .

Manual method

We unpack the archive with the firmware into any folder (for example, in rom):

$ mkdir ~/rom $ unzip path_to_archive -d ~/rom/

Please see the tools we need for this folder:

$ cd ~/rom $ wget https://github.com/xpirt/sdat2img/raw/master/sdat2img.py

Let's run the script:

$chmod +x sdat2img.py $./sdat2img.py system.transfer.list system.new.dat system.img

Win converts the system.new.dat file into a raw image named system.img . We mount the image to the mnt subfolder:

$ mkdir mnt $ sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop system.img ~/rom/mnt

Android directory structure

After unpacking the system, the directory structure appears:

  • app- installed programs with standard privileges;
  • priv-app- installation of programs with advanced privileges, including certain system components;
  • bin- binary files in ELF format, analogous to the /bin and /usr/bin directories on Linux. Replace various system components that are associated with more high-quality system components;
  • etc- Filey tune up. A new analogue of /etc in Linux, which is vikorized, prote, by the system components themselves. Android programs save individual settings in the /data/data/ directories;
  • fonts- Font. For any reason, use the proprietary Roboto font;
  • framework- Java class libraries that are supported by the system and add-ons. Here lies the file framework-res.apk, which contains a new description of the operating system interface, including all graphic files;
  • libі lib64- Linux libraries that are used by low-level system components. An analogue of the /lib and /usr/lib directories on Linux, including standard libraries such as libc, libz, libssl. On devices with ARMv7 architecture and below there will be no lib64 directory;
  • media- media files: ringtones, notification sounds, interface sounds and OS animation;
  • tts- Files required by the movie synthesizer;
  • usr- the directory where you want to place files, the necessary add-ons from the bin directory. Essentially, an analogue of /usr/share;
  • vendor- file, I’ll add a virobnik to the post office. Be sure to use binary firmware for various metal components, such as the Wi-Fi module;
  • xbin- Non-language catalogue; custom firmware is used to save such messages as the bash interpreter, SSH, PowerTOP, BusyBox and other core tools;
  • build.prop- a file that contains information about storage, as well as various low-level adjustments;
  • addon.d- Replace scripts that are launched after installing the firmware. This is where GApps write their script, which will always restart after reinstalling the firmware.

Once you understand the basic structure of Android, it's time to make changes.

We can see it and add it to the program

All installed programs can be found in two folders:

  • /system/app/;
  • /system/priv-app/.

One type of stink is distinguished by privileges of access. Since programs from the app may have the same importance as third-party programs (for example, installed from the Play Store), programs from the priv-app can be abused by privileged APIs (privileged rights). The report about the process can be found out.

To install the program into the firmware, simply drop the APK file into /system/app/. You can, of course, create a folder, but in our opinion there is no sense in this, since the folder is used to save libraries and odex files, which we don’t have. To see it, just look at the folder behind it.

You can also replace stock programs with analogues. For example, to replace the calendar, you delete the folder Calendar And copied to /system/app our favorite com.rpagyc.simplecalendar.apk. But you don’t have to copy it. Then the firmware will be without a calendar.

Please remember: stock programs may be interconnected. Therefore, the entirety of one program can lead to the complete unavailability of others (for example, CalendarProvider and Calendar: having seen the first one, you will make not only the latest one, but also some other calendar unproductive). Fortunately, pure AOSP firmware does not have so many interconnections.

Changeable attraction animation

The animation is saved in the form of PNG images, packed in the archives /system/media/bootanimation.zip without any restrictions. In the middle of the archive there is:

  • desc.txt- A file that describes the animation;
  • part0- a folder with animation files that appear to be created first;
  • part1- a folder with animation files that can be created by others;
  • part?- the outermost folder, the images behind which appear in the same way.

The file desc.txt can be used for your education

1920 1080 60 p 1 0 part0 p 0 0 part1

The meaning of these rows is intuitively clear: 1920 × 1080 is the separate size of the picture, 60 is the number of frames per second. Part0 and part1 indicate the folders in which the animation is created, and the sequence of creation. Vzagali, there may be one piece, or a splint (three or more).

The images that are in the part folders are numbered with five numbers in the order of creation: 00000.png, 00001.png, 00002.png ... You can replace these images with your own, thereby creating the original animation. Or you can simply open the bootanimation.zip file. This device displays animation from standard Android. Or quickly check out the ready-made collection of animations on w3bsit3-dns.com.

Changeable sound design

In fact, all sounds produced by the system are stored in the folder /system/media/audio. In the middle of it you will find the following folders:

  • alarms- alarm clock melodies;
  • notifications- sounds to be announced;
  • ringtones- jingle melodies;
  • ui- system sounds, for example, low battery, camera focusing, selection of interface elements.

With alarms, notifications, ringtones you can add as many melodies as you like. You can take them, for example, here:

  • standard melodies from various Nokia phones and smartphones;

І a small life hack: deleting files from the ui folder will not lead to crashes and errors, but to the sound of system sounds. Therefore, you can easily turn on the sound of the camera taking a screenshot, simply by inserting files to match the sounds (their names are intuitively understood).

Available fonts

Fonts are stored in fonts. You can find archives with font files on w3bsit3-dns.com and XDA. To install it, just copy and replace the ttf files from the archive into the fonts folder.

Changeable system settings (build.prop)

The system image contains a single build.prop file, which contains anonymous information about the device and settings that are installed behind the scenes for various stock add-ons. For the sake of fairness, I will respect that this is not the case ever again. For example, Gigaset ME and ME Pro build.prop are divided into two parts. In one part there is setup of Gigaset ME, and for ME Pro the rows are duplicated, but the keys (smartphone name, etc.) are different in them. This has been broken down to ensure the correct operation of the same firmware on different devices.

Build.prop take revenge (or you can take revenge) impersonal adjustment. Actions from them do not change anything, but they can be reduced one at a time to improve the other, but also those that are true.

  • ro.product.modelі ro.product.manufacturer- the model of the smartphone that is the same as the manufacturer. To further replace these rows, you can use the Play Store to think if you have another smartphone, which will allow access to more software. For some small-sized Chinese smartphones, these rows can be quite impressive;
  • hw.qemu.mainkeys- accepts only two values: 0 - show navigation keys on the screen, 1 - do not show buttons. The number of days in a row shows 0;
  • debug.sf.nobootanimation- value 1 turns on the attraction animation, which raises the fluidity a little. Setting 0 or the next row rotates the animation in place;
  • ro.telephony.default_network- depending on the system, which mode the mobile device is switched to when activated;
  • ro.sf.lcd_density- Display DPI, the most accurate value for the display can be found through the official website. However, it does not prevent you from putting more or less value on your taste: higher values ​​will make the interface elements larger, lower values ​​– less;
  • ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps- number of cuts per hour of tinkling (for washing 8);
  • ro.config.media_vol_steps- quantity of multimedia content (15 per month).

Upgradeable to Google Apps firmware

In the future, custom firmware will be delivered without Google services or to the software store. Retailers should install them alongside the additional GApps package. However, it can be integrated directly into the firmware.

To get started you will need to download the GApps package. I recommend the Open GApps archives. You choose the Android version, processor architecture and configuration option (Pico, Nano, Stock...), which determines how many different Google programs will store archives. I recommend getting the Pico version. You will need to remove the Play Store and set the libraries necessary for your robot.

Integration of GApps with firmware is configured as follows:

  1. We unpack GApps ZIP archives using any archiver.
  2. Let's go to the Core folder.
  3. Many archives with extended tar.lz extensions. You can use lzip for help.
  4. After unpacking, we copy the files from the folders in the external folder to the system. Whatever you throw at it, it doesn’t matter to guess the structure of the directories in the archives. For example, configupdater (from the screenshot) needs to be placed in the priv-app folder.
  5. Let's go to the GApps folder (using the command from Core) and follow steps 3 and 4 for the files in it.
  6. That's it, we have integrated GApps into our firmware!

Vilna town

It is necessary to understand that the place for installing firmware is limited. It is not possible to install firmware whose size exceeds the size of the device’s system partition. You can marvel at its significance, vikorista:

$ adb shell df /system

Another option: put a terminal on the device and type the command


The size of the partition in bytes can be determined by installing BusyBox on your smartphone and entering the command at the terminal

$ busybox df -B 1 /system

Otherwise, for help ADB:

$ adb shell busybox df -B 1 /system

The place to do the firmware will be approximately the size of the system in its unpacked form. In general, if you have installed the firmware, you must ensure that the user can flash various modifications (SuperSU, Xposed) on top of it, or transfer the programs to the system section. For example, the minimal package of Google programs (Pico) requires at least 150 MB of additional installation space.

If necessary, the size of the firmware file can be changed, including other unnecessary programs from /system/app (/system/priv-app) and sounds from system/media/audio and bootanimation.zip, and also:

  • /system/tts/lang_pico- Movies of the primitive voice engine Pico TTS, Google voice engine is not to be missed;
  • /system/usr/srec/config/- offline movie. You can download it online if you need it.


After making changes, you must take everything back. We will now pack the system section into system.new.dat. We are looking forward to the tools we need:

$wget https://github.com/xpirt/img2sdat/raw/master/img2sdat.py $wget https://github.com/xpirt/img2sdat/raw/master/blockimgdiff.py $wget https://github. com/xpirt/img2sdat/raw/master/common.py $ wget https://github.com/xpirt/img2sdat/raw/master/rangelib.py $ wget https://github.com/xpirt/img2sdat/raw/ master/sparse_img.py $ sudo apt-get install android-tools-fsutils

Let's convert our folder back to a RAW image. Namely system_new.img:

$ sudo make_ext4fs -T 0 -S file_contexts -l 1073741824 -a system system_new.img output/

1073741824 The size of the system partition in bytes can be changed. It is important to earn a little money for the lesser ones. Robimo from RAW image sparse image:

$img2simg system_new.img system_snew.img

Let's convert our image to system.transfer.list and system.new.dat, as we need to put it in the archive with the firmware, otherwise we can see the old files:

$ rm -rf system.transfer.list $ rm -rf system.new.dat $ rm -rf system.patch.dat $ chmod +x img2sdat.py $ ./img2sdat.py system_snew.img

You can also download the firmware files from the archived file (files that we have imported for work. For this purpose, you need to manually access the archive with the firmware). Have you seen it? Now you need to pack the firmware into a ZIP archive (any archiver).

Forgot to sign the archives. You can earn it both on Android itself using the additional ZipSigner, and on a PC (requires Java installed):

$wget https://github.com/appium/sign/raw/master/dist/sign.jar $java -jar file.zip

Underwater stones

By the time the system.new.dat is completed, you may encounter several problems caused by permanent changes in the mechanisms for forming Android firmware. The best way to describe this is to be careful when using firmware based on Android 5.1; newer ones may have problems with folding, so you will need to use other versions of the folding tools. It’s a pity that we can’t describe all the nuances of the structure; you might have to google it.


To install custom firmware, you need a custom TWRP recovery, which allows you to install unsigned or signed firmware with a test key (we created one ourselves). The magazine has repeatedly described the process of its installation, and in the forum pages dedicated to your device, there is sufficient information to complete it.



This article represents the tip of the great iceberg called “firmware modification.” “Serious” firmware does not only update the kernel and the firmware itself with stock add-ons and non-functional functions (which are often taken from other kernels and firmware), but also introduce changing principles of their interaction, They can completely change the operating principles of the OS. True, such a virus is no longer Android, but rather an OS, so Play services can be installed there (by the way, Google doesn’t want such things, apparently). Well, let’s not forget: all the shells from the browsers - TouchWiz, ZenUI, HTC Sense and so on - are completely custom, maximally linked before installing the device and one to one.

Android firmware, that's it. Recording new file images from the external memory of the device with the use of special Windows software, which practically automates the process, is currently not the most complicated procedure from the point of view of a professional. Since using such a tool is impossible or does not give the desired result, the situation arises from Fastboot.

In order to flash an Android device via Fastboot, you need to know the console commands of the same device’s robotic mode, as well as the proper preparation of a smartphone or tablet and one used for PC operations.

Please note that in the fastboot mode, manipulation of the device’s memory sections vibrates almost completely, when using the below-described firmware method, careful care and respect are required. In addition, it is strongly recommended that you download the lower-level shortcuts only because of the possibility of downloading the firmware in other ways.

The skin of the skin with powerful android devices affects the skin at its own risk. For possible negative results from the use of methods described on this resource, the site administration does not bear any responsibility!


Accuracy of the preparatory procedures determines the success of the entire process of flashing the device, so the following steps should be taken into account before carrying out operations.

Installing drivers

System backup

Whenever possible, before flashing the firmware, it is obligatory to create a new backup copy of the existing memory sections of the device. The information required to create a backup is described in the statistics: How to make an Android backup before installing the firmware

Preparing and preparing necessary files

This add-on allows you to cancel all operations from pointing lower butts in automatic mode and not go through manually entering commands into the console.

Resetting the device to bootloader mode

1. If the device receives commands that are used by the user via Fastboot, it is liable to restart in the default mode. In most cases, you will be able to send a special command via adb to the device with enhanced features via USB:

adb reboot bootloader

2. Reset the device to the required firmware mode. Then we check the correctness of the connection using the following command:

fastboot devices

3. Resetting fastboot mode can also be done at the additional point in (“ Reboot»).

4. If the most important methods of transferring the device to fastboot mode are not required or are not stuck (the device will not be installed in Android and will not enter recovery), it is necessary to quickly access the hardware keys on the device itself. For each model range, the order of pressing the buttons varies, but unfortunately, there is no universal way to enter.

For butts, you can look at the products of the Xiaomi company. In these devices, fastboot mode is required to help press on the connected device. Huchness-"that, pressing the keys " tavern».

Once again, it is important that in other manufacturers the methodology for entering fastboot mode using additional hardware buttons and connecting them may be different.

Rozblokuvannya zavantazhuvach

Virologists of a large number of Android devices block the ability to load parts of the device's memory by blocking the bootloader. If the device is blocked by the owner, for most devices it is impossible to flash the firmware via fastboot.

To check the status of the seller, you can send the following command to devices that are in fastboot mode and connecting to a PC:

fastboot oem device-info

Let us again note that this method of assigning the blocking status is not universal and is subject to change for devices of different transmitters. There is no need to unlock the bootloader - the methodology for performing the procedure varies for different devices and applies to different models of the same brand.

Yak unblock Bootloader

  • Yak rozblokuvati zavantazhuvach (Bootloader) - HTC
  • Yak rozblokuvati zavantazhuvach (Bootloader) - Nexus
  • Yak rozblokuvati zavantazhuvach (Bootloader) - Sony
  • Yak rozblokuvati zavantazhuvach (Bootloader) - Xiaomi
  • Yak rozblokuvati zavantazhuvach (Bootloader) - Huawei
  • Yak rozblokuvati zavantazhuvach (Bootloader) - LG

Recording files in the device's memory section

Having completed the previous procedures, you can proceed to the procedure for recording data in the device’s memory section. Once again we check the correctness of the import of image files and/or zip packages and their appearance is flashed to the device.

Uvaga! Flashing incorrect and corrupted file images, as well as images from another device into the device, can lead to the impossibility of using Android and other negative consequences for the device!

Installation of zip packages

To record into a device, for example, an OTA update, or a complete set of warehouse software that is available throughout the format *.zip, the fastboot command is wikipedia:


1. Reconfigure so that the device is in fastboot mode and is correctly recognized by the system, and then the partitions are thoroughly cleaned. cache"ta" data" This removes all data from the user with the device, and in most cases, in a necessary manner, which allows you to avoid the hassle of compromising the firmware and further software work. Let's enter the command:

fastboot –w

2. Write the zip package with the firmware. As soon as there is an official update from the generator, the following command is displayed:

fastboot update update.zip

In other situations, the team is stagnated

fastboot flash update.zip

3. After the text appears I will write “ finished. total time….» The firmware is complete.

Recording img images in the memory section

In many cases, search for firmware in the format *.zip For attraction there may be difficulties. Device developers are reluctant to share their decisions with Merezhu. In addition, zip files can be flashed through recovery, so the effectiveness of the alternative method of writing zip files through a fastboot is questionable.

And the axis is the possibility of flashing the same images in the same sections, close up. boot», « system», « userdata», « recovery“And using Fastboot with an updated device after serious software problems can reverse the situation in many situations.

To flash the attached img image, use the following command:

fastboot flash name_partition_name_file.img

1. As a butt, I recorded the recovery via fastboot. To flash the image recovery.img In the last section, send the following command to the console:

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

2. Other sections are flashed in the same way. Write the image file to the section " Boot»:

fastboot flash boot boot.img

« System»:

fastboot flash system system.img

And so did all the other divisions.

3. For batch firmware of three main sections - “ boot», « recovery"ta" system» you can use the command:

4. After completing all procedures, the device can be reactivated in Android directly from the console by issuing the command:

fastboot reboot

This is how the firmware is flashed using additional commands that can be applied through the console. Because it takes more than an hour and effort to complete the preparation procedures, if you do it correctly, recording the device’s memory sections can be done quickly and without any problems.

If you want to try editing firmware on Android, then the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program will help you with custom firmware!

Briefly about the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program and its capabilities

For additional help with this program you can:

  • Unpack Samsung firmware
  • Code the firmware
  • In automatic mode, get Root rights
  • Automatically update the firmware with your files
  • Freeze the project and then continue working on it
  • Pack the firmware

Necessary components and robots Samsung Root Firmware Replacer

Overview and description of functions Samsung Root Firmware Replacer start program

1. Go to the folder from the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program, right-click to open in the terminal

2. At the terminal, enter the command

3. The program interface will open in front of you

4. If you launched the program for the first time, then sign in - Settings configuration

Working with the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program

Paragraph Unpack the firmware *.tar.md5- Unpack the firmware, for which you move the file to the folder unpack_tar_md5, after which all files are pulled out, and the factoryfs or system file is moved to input_img

paragraph Creation *.img from your Android (required Android)- allows you to create firmware from the Android production line. To operate this item, you need an Android connection to a PC with advanced USB capabilities.

This item is a submenu

Paragraph Created *.img with original firmware allows you to change the finished firmware, for which you can transfer any IMG file to the input_img folder.

This item also has its own submenu

Butt wikiristan program Samsung Root Firmware Replacer

Which application has the latest firmware from the Android production line?

1. Connect Android to PC

2. Launch the program

3. Vibrate the item Creation *.img from your Android (required Android)

4. Vibrate Take image from Android and unzip img

5. Select the section for which image you want to remove

6. Check 6-7 messages until the image is captured and transferred to the PC.

Important! On a smartphone or tablet, as well as a PC, there is enough memory to capture the image. The image size can vary from 2MB to 2GB

7. After you have taken the image, you can modify it if necessary (install Root), you can pack it back, for this purpose

8. Vibrati item Packaging of the project in img

9. Enter the size and name of the firmware.

  • Indicate the size of the section as follows, divide the size of the block by 1024 and add the letter M to the result.

  • The name must be similar to the name you used to change

11. Also, do not forget to copy the kernel from your Android, for this you can quickly follow the point - Take an image from Android - boot.img or zImage

12. After all manipulations, it is necessary to download the firmware to TAR.MD5

13 From the main menu, select the item Pack firmware *.tar.md5

14 The firmware for the Samsung Root Firmware Replacer program is ready, you can

Do you need to flash Android using FastBoot, but don’t know how? This article provides detailed instructions on how to use the FastBoot utility and how to use it to flash your Android device.

Instructions are given to explain how to use FastBoot! If you don’t know how to install archive updates, then you need the article - Clockwordmod - what is it like. Instructions with CWM recovery with images

Download and install FastBoot

First flash Android using FastBoot, you need to download it and install it on the desired computer.

1. You can use the FastBoot utility with the official Android SDK program (great job)

why ADB RUN is better


Yakshcho enchanted Okremo Fastboot

After you have downloaded and installed FastBoot, open the program “ Command line »

and forever Children commands to go to the folder with the Fastboot utility (where you installed okremo FastBoot

cd adb

Have you downloaded ADB RUN?

If your choice is in the ADB RUN program, then launch it and select Manual -> ADB from the menu

Files that need to be flashed are probably located in the same folder with the Fastboot utility

Instructions with commands on how to flash Android using FastBoot

It is very important to write commands and firmware files, there are no fragments of the stink!

Is your command entered?

fastboot flash cache NazvaniAFiLe.img

then you need to write like this, otherwise. The case of letters is important, otherwise you will lose the favor cannot load 'image' - There is no such file.

Command to restart into firmware mode (bootloader)

fastboot reboot-bootloader

The command to “boot” your Android PC

Please check before you know how to work in Fastboot between your computer and Android:

Checking the “chi bach” of your PC and Android

fastboot devices

The command is given to uninstall if the device is already in firmware mode (bootloader)

Commands to unblock and block the Nexus owner

Unlock bootloader for Nexus

fastboot oem unlock

Bookmark bootloader for Nexus

fastboot oem lock

Command to find out bootloader version

Show the version number of the bootloader installed on Android

fastboot getvar version-bootloader

Commands for formatting a partition

Before you flash any partition in Android, you need to format it so that it doesn’t cause problems for the robot.

fastboot erase Imya_razdela - erase sections: boot, radio, recovery, system, userdata and others

Erases the Cache partition

fastboot erase cache

Erases the Date section

fastboot erase userdata

Erases the System partition

fastboot erase system

Erases the Recovery partition

fastboot erase recovery

Commands for flashing the partition

After you have formatted the partition or partitions, you can print the firmware

fastboot flash Imya_razdela imya_file.img - firmware for the selected partition: boot, radio, recovery, system, userdata and others

Flash the system partition (System)

fastboot flash system imya.img

Flash the cache partition (Cache)

fastboot flash cache imya.img

Flash partition date (Data)

fastboot flash userdata imya.img

Flash the Recovery partition

fastboot flash recovery imya.img

Installation of enhanced animation (firmware for the section with animation)

fastboot flash splash1 splash.img

Flash all parts (boot, recovery and system)

fastboot flashall

Zamist imya.img- you need to write a name for the file you are going to flash

Command to install update.zip

Flashes updated archives on Android in the update.zip format or ZIP archives with IMG images of various sections

fastboot update filename.zip

For Sony devices

Check the connections of the Sony device, if the device type 0.3 is connected

fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version

Unblocking bootloader

fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xOtrimaniy_Key

More detailed information on how to unlock Bootloader Sony - How to unlock Bootloader Sony

Waiting for Device

It's a long time for you to write on the command window waiting for device- means:

  • Not installed or incorrectly installed driver - reinstall or install
  • The Android device is not in Bootloader mode.
  • Incorrect connection to the USB port - use the rear USB 2.0 ports of the computer, do not use the USB hubs