Wordpress parser. My plugin WP Uniparser - universal parser for blog autocompletion !!! Short description of functionality

Spheres of activity, where the parser can stop, do it richly, but in the main, select different information. Shvidko pick up pictures and send them only programmatically. Zastosuvannya parser to search for information allows you to automate the process, significantly saving an hour. If you have a site on wordpress, then you can easily autocomplete it with the aid of the AftParser parser.

- a cost-free, universal parser for WordPress. allows you to select content from one or more dzherel, processing yogo pid required format on my PHP. Damage parser for a plugin for WordPress. After the initial installation of the plugin in the wordpress console, a menu will appear to the parser, as in the picture.

The parser has two main tools: the wordpress site parser and the wordpress rss parser.

Parser for WordPress vmіє:

1. Parsing data according to messages

It’s less necessary to show the power to the dzherelo. There is no way to send them, you can pick them up with a parser. Tell me the way to the site map and the grabber will take all the power. Abo you can pick up the power of be html side. Posilannya can be filtered according to the required criteria. The present two filters are sent for the help of which you can change the mind of parsing. Dosvіdchenі koristuvachі can themselves fold the macros for parsing, so that the parser can be made more flexible for your needs.

2.Parse data RSS page

Everything is simple here, enter the required URL of the page and start parsing.
One of the most possible is to install a parser for wordpress, the price of new columns on your site, vikoristovuyuchi such dzherela іnformatsії, like blogs, rss lines, vkontakte pages and so on. Competitors - WP-O-Matic, FeedWordPress, CyberSyn.

Parser for WordPress - this setting is Datacol, designed to collect content (news, stats, take a look, etc.) with further export to CMS WordPress.

For this application, the export of the removed content is restricted to. The results of the skin post are saved in a file, the name of which is generated on the basis of the name of the plant, and instead - on the basis of the parsed information. You can also export directly to your WordPress blog. How it works is shown in the video.

You can convert the robot parser for WordPress free of charge in the demo version of the program.
The main advantages of the parser for WordPress based on Datacol:

  • Possibility to customize parsing for WordPress specifically for your needs (or you).
  • Possibility, additional processing of the collected data for additional plugins, and also to take advantage of them.
  • Possibility of cyclic launch of campaigns. If the results of the first parsing task will be input data for another data collection task. More details.

How to hack a parser for WordPress?

If you have created a blog, then in an hour it will become clear to you that a new unique content. And to write articles on my own and to replicate the site by hand, it’s a long time. How about some new content? It's early to come early, if you want to get into autoblogging. Seemingly simpler, win the parser, which will publish the information we need independently. To cope with these tasks, we will help you with a content parser for WordPress.

All sites, if anything, were created from scratch. Ale, as a method of your site є nadanny іnformatsії, vіn stáne tsіkavim іtlki tіlki іt, іt ії obligаt іnformаciії tо transcribe nіlkіst. The WordPress blog parser is the perfect solution for such a task. With this help, you can catch up with competitors in a short time by expanding the catalog of information to the site. The WordPress parser can be implemented by a WordPress grabber for a specific site.

parser for blog post you can help with the virishennі impersonal tasks, the axis of deakі from them:
- the primary resource naming (the site parser for WordPress allows in the shortest terms to revise the blog with information from scratch to the required obsyagu);
- creation of an auto-completed blog (WordPress parser can ensure regular auto-updating in my site)
- publishing content "for the distribution" (you can schedule an hour to add posts to your site)

Bulk posting in WordPress

Parser for WordPress, views in Datacol is a prime example of a parser for bulk posting. Win allows you to automatically select content and publish it on your blog. The WordPress parsing process can be divided into several stages:

1) The process of collecting content. The parser for WordPress collects the necessary information on the skin of the blog post: title, content (committed with pictures, which are taken to your computer for remote FTP access to your server), category, author and request, for which data is selected (URL) .

2) Saving information collected by the parser for WordPress. After parsing, the information is collected, TXT files are saved (the post is saved into an okremy text file), the names of which are generated exactly up to the name of the plant.

3) Export WordPress. You can also directly export the parsed information to your WordPress blog. Tse rob the process to be more swedish and turn off the possibility of pardons due to the human factor. The ability to export to WordPress has been transferred to the basic functionality of the program. You need to specify in the settings of the program how to set up the settings for your blog and set data for export (title, content, category, etc.)

4) Processing of information. When you select the information in the WordPress parsing process, the information can be processed (for example, to automatically translate or synonimize). The number of possibilities are implemented for additional plugins.

Chim Spars site on WordPress?

You can not only publish the parsed information in WordPress, but you can also parse it. The manager of other people's WordPress blogs, like dzherela content for their blogs, blames often. For її vyshennya you will be assisted by a parser of sites on WordPress. The algorithm of the robotic parser of sites on WordPress is similar to the one described above.

Benefits to the WordPress site scraper

You have already singly changed the fact that the WordPress blog parser will help you not to spend a lot of time and effort on manually filling your blog. For you, you can not only automate your work, but also improve efficiency. Get a parser for WordPress, implementations within Datacol can be

Testing the blog parser

To protest the blog parser robot:

Croc 2. The campaign tree has a content-parsers campaign / kolchaka-net.par. Select and press the Play button. Before launching, you can edit Input data. So you can set a post on the blog or on the side of the blog, from which you will parse the content.

Krok 3. Check out the results of the blog parser robot. After the results appear, you can start parsing (by pressing the Stop button).

click on image to enlarge

Krok 4. After the end / primus sound to the parser in the My Documents folder, you can find text files (the skin of the post is saved in an okremy file), name those generated on the basis of the names of the settlements:

click on image to enlarge

Finish the hard universal parser for WordPress. Allows you to select content from one or more dekіlkoh dzherel and process it, changing the required format using all the possibilities of the PHP language. Present mozhlivist vіdkladenogo parsing. The shortest cost-free parser for wordpress at the moment - AftParser forever until your services!

Short description of functionality:

The parser is composed of 4 sides: the main side, the pages to the parser, the pages to the RSS parser, and the sides to add. The axis will look like everything after the installation:

Respect: How to learn AftParser can be read.

Pochnemo s head side. It displays a list of parsers running at the moment.

Explanations are shown on the skin side in the blocks. All documentation is delivered out of the box, read it carefully so that everything becomes clear.

Website parser:

The website parser allows the parsing of data both from one and from dekilkoh dzherel. It is not necessary to show any effort on the materials.

What? Do you want to dig as far as possible and pick up materials by hand? Do not fall into the vіdchay - everything is automated.

There are two tools that allow you to recall the list of messages in automatic mode.

- a kind of emulation poke system. The robot will walk on the sides of what was transferred to the new site and pick up all internal messages from them.

Naturally, the list of messages, reminders by automatic algorithms, will be strongly confounded by inappropriate tributes. And here you come to the aid of filters.

- the most nі on є simple i Swedish way filtration. You drive in the mind and the filter itself makes the cut.

High rіven filter silan- the filter is sent, which allows you to change them together and work a bunch of different speeches. Tіlki for dosvіdchenih koristuvachіv. Raju vivchiti php, in front of him, as there is something robiti.

If you vykonali zbіr posilan, then we will come soon - adding cordons to the content.

For the help of these cordons, the parser will designate a lot, as it is necessary to complete it.

Syntax matching is implemented using ACE editor javascript. All documentation and everything available functions point to the side of the plugin. The list is even more significant and I can’t give it here, because the material and so go out already. Just install the plugin and read it, you will be amazed, I guarantee it.

Approximately the same way the side looks rss parser, With tієyu less than retail, scho there it is not necessary to bring lists of posilan.

I present to you the universal WordPress Grabber WP UniParser. Danish plugin universal custom parser. When posting the plug-in, you can set the translation of the content through Google service Translate

Buyer's notes

Topic on the search, de boulo close to 6-7 vіdgukіv, bula was seen by the moderators (moving the product is not satisfied with the rules of the forum). One review can be read on the forums of mulnet and armada. Also, reviews of bloggers: axis and axis. Zovsіm recently sche vipadkovo having drunk on vіdguk.

Basic functionality

The WP UniParser plugin created by me is more advanced:
Vityagati content z sites on whatever engines(The parser gets help for help regular viruses and a row of obmezhen, the setting is simple, I will explain everything and show, moreover, before the new one);
look at the content of scripts, comments, messages, forms, little ones, spanning, objects, as well as fragments that you set.
plan a publication posts;
put the parsed materials in your own category (otherwise, separate them separately for the categories);
zdіysnyuvati automatic translation(In any direction) be-like mov, like podtremuє Google Translate.

With a set of plugin functions, you can get to know more on the screenshots of the yogo admin panel:

Also for a complete understanding of the work of the universal varto grabber.

Sometimes there is no sense to spend an hour on self-written text for the WordPress site. Tsej vpadok not stosuetsya blogіv i іnfosite, so how dohіd on them form the very beginnings of the placement of posts.

And the language is about online stores, company sites and new portals, Not covered for organic traffic. The axis for such resources of unique materials is not so important, as they are being updated.

To create an autocomplete site, you need to set up a new parser for your project. For the cob it is necessary to know the suitable maidans, from which you will parse. The stench is to blame for confirming the topics of your project, otherwise there is no sense to duplicate information from them. If so, then it is necessary to proceed to the other part of the power of parsing - in this way you will clone the text from the other site. The most primitive and non-manual way is to copy manually. And it’s smarter to speed up with one of the plugins in your article, to activate the parser of news and content in the distance.


A very popular module for WordPress, which allows you to set up a functional parser of news from other maidans. Install the tool yourself in a simple way: Abo through zavantazhennya bezposeredno in a folder on the hosting, or through the "Additional" tab.

We gave you the opportunity to install the robot plugin, if you want to ensure that the content is parsed. For whom it is sufficient, press "Next" and in the end "Submit". In this way, you confirm this year with the rules of posting this WordPress module. Zocrema, wait for us, if you only bear the responsibility for stealing other people's materials, stealing other sites, etc.

If you want to click on images in a text warehouse, then you need to create a directory called Cache in the folder with the plugin. Set special access rights to this folder. We gave you the opportunity to turn to the WordPress admin area. Go to the plugin setup and respectfully see if there is no check mark for the Unix cron item. You need to firmly check the box next to the Cache Image item, so that the parser of the news will also copy the pictures to you on the resource.

The WP-O-Matic module is a good team that works on any side of the site. You can add a okrem rubric, if you want, a list of news and content, such as pressing the parser, displaying itself there. For whom, first create a necessary rubric. Let's go to the WordPress admin in the settings of the WP-O-Matic tool and press Add Campaign. In the Categories row, tick off the special rubric you created. And write in the Feeds form RSS lines, Yaku vy bralis parsity. You can write the URL for the lines in a row, so that the parser of the text picks up the information in a row from three or to find some resources.

Another great plus in the direction of the WP-O-Matic plugin is the automatic publication of the material. You won't have to go to the WordPress admin area to change the status of posts to "Publications". The module can be built independently. And as a matter of fact, you can uniqueize the text through a special mechanism of synonymization. For whom is the key recognition of this tool against its competitor - the FeedWordPress plugin.


This is a functional grabber, which is not suitable only for the WordPress engine. Tse is not just a parser for the text of the site's sides - tse reasonable zastosuvannya, Yake allows you to filter the copy of the material. For example, you can list only articles, in some of them keywords. You can duplicate news directly from Yandex. Cloned materials will be exported in one of 15 available formats. The service chooses not only the text, but also the headings, photographs, date of publication, message, and other important data.

But Datacol is expanding on a paid basis. However, the wines are cheaper, the lower yakbys, and the material was brought to the site through the exchanges. Varto supplement is less than 500 rubles and it is possible to beat it practically for any engine. Є demo version.

FDE Grabber

Another paid parser with a great number of functions. It is already in the category of expensive grabbers, so it will cost you about 90 dollars. And you can win yoga on 10 servers, so in theory, webmasters can chip in for 9 dollars, thus making the purchase cheaper.

FDE Grabber is not a well known plugin for WordPress. Retailers name their creations autonomous system, which works independently of the type of CMS installed on the site. Main features of the parsing system:

  • download of large-scale novelties or a few fragments;
  • you can plan publications;
  • If you want to uniqueize duplication material, then the function of synonymize is enabled;
  • you can work through proxy servers;
  • building parsing bypass redirects, which can be a problem for other plugins;
  • you can automatically grab the whole site from the site and transfer it to your maidanchik (as there are not new portals on the right);

You can improve the parsing again on the authority of the court, as the program has the ability to implement microprograms for correcting robots. For example, in this way it is possible to improve the specifics of the visualization and design of the copied material. You can also add the parameters noindex and nofollow for all messages, as they will be in the text side. The Navit Parser allows you to copy and automatically transfer articles from foreign resources. This is the best way to create a steady stream of content on your sides, which will get you the best of the hour!