How to live young daughters of rich fathers. Di Caprio and boring Paris

Among the young blues of the establishment and the oligarchic elite, a new trend has appeared. How do you remember the portal, the crimson rich “Instagram” and the warm “Twitter” on their gadgets, the program is listed as an anonymous service, food and updates. Someone can go to the public side of the koristuvach and put it to you, be it a request. The portal has collected the most outstanding reports of young people with low incomes and millions of stats.

Particularly popular on the anonymous platform is the 16-year-old model Ales Kafelnikov, daughter of the vice-president of the Tennis Federation Yevgen Kafelnikov. To the question “What are the pennies of happiness?” Kafelnikov was sung in response: “Hi, good luck with the kilkost”. For the time being, the girl is dressing herself with fashionable fritters that company of her kohan - 18-year-old son of the businessman Arkady Novikov Mikiti. Until the speech, the loving father is ready until the 18th of March, Alesya, a gift for her daughter's engagement - a red Porsche Panamera, about which she told the tsikavym prepayers.

15th riverDiana Manasir- Daughter of billionaire Ziyad Manasir, whose name is on the 36th row of the list of the richest businessmen in Russia according to the version of Forbes magazine. In her youthful years, Diana made a pivsveta, and the axle at the Moscow metro was not a good time. On the portal, the decline of the great camp will change the anonymous coristuvachiv from the one who has the carpet sewn from the farm of the chinchilla, and give it to the one-year-olds, so you can check the peace.

16-riverGanna Tabakova,onuc director Oleg Tabakov, became famous in the capital's worldly arena, becoming the debutant of the Tatler ball. The girl already caught up in the company of couturier Karl Lagerfeld at the grandiose fashion show Chanel, which called out to the chimalu zazdrіst odnolitkіv. At her “asci”, Hanna is convinced that she is supplied exclusively with Latin letters and is very dissatisfied, if anonymous coristuvachi ask why she was inspired by Russian letters. Zdivuvannya also called food, which led me to the summer before my grandmother.

The main leitmotif of the “ask” of the daughter of the musician Dmitry Malikov Stefaniya is call the anonymous audience on the side of love. 14-riverStesha Malikova,regardless of the last century, - the right expert in love affairs and psychology of the stosunkivs. Invisible coristuvachi shower the Instagram star with prohannyami to give a special pleasure. Stesha does not skimp on knowledge and is pleased to direct his pre-payers on the true path, which they were angry with the unfortunate kokhanny.

The folded blues of Russia from Sunset, which veered into a protracted crisis, with a skin day, the daedals are more signified on the equal life of the cross-country Russians. The presence of deep problems does not prihovyat and the first person of the state, proof of which is the phrase of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who became a krylat, addressed to the Crimean pensioners... Prote in our country there are a lot of people, for such a total increase in prices there is not a little special significance.

In the rest of the hour, under the hour, I will review the news at the head, time and time again, I merge the name of the Radyansky film: “You can’t live in peace.” Proteassociations navіyuyut zowsіyut no news from fashion shows, and then podomlennya, scho zayavlyayutsya in ЗМІ, about the devil's feats of the so-called "majors". Here you will be divinely transported through the night Moscow "new project" onuk of a billionaire, who propons the passerby for a penny to drink a flask of slaughter.

Resonant story about "majors for a helika" for example, the grass literally shook the Russian bulk. A wide voice of the incident took a deep breath in why the trouble is for the one who is the master of the car, the son of the top manager of the Lukoil company Ruslan Shamsuarov, in the live broadcast of what is seen in the Periscope measure It is noteworthy that the retailers of the social services laid in them the idea of ​​​​simplification of mutual modality and the combination of people of different nationalities, including and equal incomes. However, in today's realities, for the sake of additional social measures, we took away the ability to create greatness between the strong world and the great people.

Children of even more secure fathers demonstrate to us from special accounts the glimpse of a luxurious life: you can share photos of bouquets in the city of chanuvalniks, or else show you amazingly expensive cars that lie with them. Flipping through the lines of social networks, you can easily vouch for the food, set by the great Nekrasov in the last century, - who in Russia truly lives well.

Shose mi fly

- One of the passengers of the woeful "helicopter". The girl did not sit behind the kerm of that car; Mare is regularly charged with fines for violating the rules of the road traffic, for the love of a girl before driving with expensive cars, not for crossing the road like a paperback. Instagram young ladies of Mercedes show photos of cars of their favorite brand, and the lady of the party herself always appears on the signs, but only in the uninterrupted proximity of her beloved car with the keys, which are on a glanced finger.

Di Caprio and boring Paris

Obviously, it’s not good to think that all the goodies of businessmen without exception are buying up expensive cars and, having paid for kermo, mittevo begin to create a threat to the public order. Most of the representatives of the "golden youth" do not sing about the floor, but on the sides of their profiles in social media, photographs of speeches jump over and over again, come and go of people, about the sound of such a remarkable person can only dream of.

Anastasia Bilyak, the daughter of the president of the Association for Support of Independent Gas Stations, the girl is positive on the whole side: she is a gold medalist, as she is studying at MDU. Judging by her Instagram profile, Anastasia periodically sees bohemian parties, videos of which are interspersed with photographs of the girl's exclusive selection. On one of the video recordings, Anastasia's actor is draping violently before the object Leonardo Dicaprio, how to sit for a few meters in front of her, and even for a few seconds a model passes by Irina Shayk. On some photographs, the girl takes part in favorable races, and on others she demonstrates the form on aphids of palm trees in the Arab Emirates.

Profile Diani Chervichenko, daughters of the kolishny Vlasnik of Spartak Andria Chervichenko, looking richly modest. Krim znіmkіv іz kohanim (synonymous with Jasmine and businessman V'yacheslav Semenduev) the maiden of this place posted selfies and photographs of the most wonderful girlish joys – bouquets of dozens of trojans, expensive embellishments of handbags with the Chanel logo.

64 000 - the number of prepayers on Instagram Diani Manasir. 16th birthday daughter of Forbes Ziyad Manasira the will not to steal from the eyes of others of your well-being: photographs of your profile are cleared up by the views of England, and I see the sides on the service.

For the largest citizens, from the average income of buying speech, the cost of which is more than 15-20 thousand rubles, which is tied to credits with a rose stitch; a loan for money from the primary income and a penny on gifts for young people is on the right. Hardly chi sing of a billionaire Samvel Karapetyan, which recently wesilla at "Safіsi" I saw the president of Vіrmeniї, going to the aid of targeted lending.

You can match the Russian "gold fry" from fuerdai (Chinese "colleagues"), even if you know that our country recently took a "course to Skhid". It is worth mentioning that this young phenomenon is truly destroying the myth about the justice of the socialist society, like the Chinese Communist Party will be for decades. And I don’t want to, that such a social stratification would be so deep in our country.

P.S. Suggest to readers in the comments to evaluate everything that is depicted in the pointed photographs. Why pull the ring of keys in the photo on five hundred million?

Not a lot of numbers

23,500 rubles - the price of a small clutch bag like Chanel; 8,330,000 rubles - the price of a Mercedes-Benz G-class car with basic equipment, 9,452 rubles - a living wage per capita with a minimum cost of payment of 7,500 rubles. Zgіdno, in the deplap, the rating of the goodobut, for the bypass of the RIK geographers of the Rosiyki regions, I roded: Kilkіst regions, in the Yakiki of 4 Osіbs Pizly Vihuvannie Virahuvannia of the Menchech Rublevs, Zerosla Zoli. 'I'll set you up...

Be friends with the oligarchs

Diani Manasir is less than 15 years old, but about the way of life of a girl, for some kind of warto yakuvat to her father Ziyad Manasir, even if you can dream of leather. Ziyad Manasir - entrepreneur, manager, founder of the Budgazconsulting holding, which specializes in life and engineering. The Manasira mill is estimated at 2.8 billion dollars, and by the same token, it allows you to stay on the 36th row of the richest businessmen in Russia. Yogo's daughter is still no more than a Moscow schoolgirl, keep respect for her even if you want to. Until her 15th birthday, Diana had already made her way to the world, she had known, de riyala: in France, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Monaco, in Sardinia, in Switzerland, in Spain, and, of course, in fatherland in Jordan.

Diana is popular and zavdyaks to her records at social networks, like rich inhabitants cry out more widely. On the right, the fact that the girl is registered on the famous portal, created in Latvia, de leather can anonymously put coristuvachev if it hurts food. Zavdyaki to this wide swearer it became clear that Diana would not be friends with the little khatny robitnitsa - only the oligarchs are ready to make friends.

At her 15 Diana already feels like the navel of the earth and knows that the housekeepers are guilty of turning up to her on “vi”

Bags from the French brand Louis Vuitton Manasir are very easy to go to the restaurant, so you can go to school from them. For food about those who are different between the benefits of a great and private light, Diana said that she simply does not remember, as if she were talking about a great light. Well, in the Moscow metro, the girl did not wake up every once in a while, even if she had wet water, which “does not work, because you are not in any way sick.” Diana categorically does not accept the word “perucarnya”, respecting what you should lay down in the countryside, and for her, use less beauty salons. Manasir loves the Italian salon Aldo Coppola, which is one of the most authoritative brands in the world's fashion and beauty industry, and 3-4 times a day to do the styling there, because she has a hairy hair. When it comes to restaurants, then the pannochka loves to ask for spaghetti and fish, but she doesn’t want to, that she has already tasted champagne and that wine. For the wealthy girls, the best gift for holy steel would be, for example, a little or a soft toy, but Diana doesn’t need anything, even if she wants to take a bracelet from the French company Cartier for a better one. At the same time, Manasir zovsim is not ready for homework - for Diani's exclusion, she could not beat or caress. And yet not all - it appears, after the release of the 6th version of a series of smartphones in the iPhone, Diana distributed all her 5S to housekeepers through non-necessity. І navit tse no border - Manasir shared a story about those who had a chance to kill one girl for those who spoke nasty about their homeland, and їy for the price nothing happened. “I didn’t work, I was sipping a vial of the carrier, cleanly read it. Nothing happened,” said Diana. Manasir also loves fashion and everything that is connected with it. Vaughn easily gives fashionable reasons and encourages you, how to correctly combine these and other speeches. For example, with the lights of Diana, to wear the backs of Alaïa, Valentino, Stella McCartney, and if there are many years, then Diana loves the Rolex company - the anniversary of the brand's generous father gave it to New Year.

Dian's rich life is more accessible than the father's father Ziyad Manasir, who is one of the richest businessmen in Russia

The daughter of Ziyad Manasira is studying at the Moscow School of Economics, she plans to become a journalist and get a job in Russia. “It’s true, for the sake of studying in London, but I’m in doubt - I don’t want to go so far like this,” Diana seems to say.

"Happiness is not in pennies, but in their kіlkosti"

On the brand speech of Kafelnikov, you don’t miss a penny - the daughter of finding a professional tennis player of Russia can have an unlimited card and no matter what she does

Tato 16-river Olesi Kafelnikova is not an oligarch, but the world of sport and wine is far from being a leftover person. Batko Alesі - Yevgen Kafelnikov - find the top tennis player in the history of Russia, merited master of sports, honorary member of the Russian Golf Association, 1st vice-president and member of the Presidium of the Russian Golf Association and champion of Russia in golf. From mother Alesya, Mary Tishkova, the athlete separated in 2001, and at that time the girl is alive at the same time from that. Undaunted by his youthful age, Olesya has long been leading an unchildish way of life.

Regardless of those that Ales is less than 16 years old, looking out for all 25: the girl is engaged in the modeling business and wants to become one of the Victoria's Secret Yangoli

Kafelnikova lives in the light of fashion: taking part in fashion shows, taking part in photo shoots, regularly publishing new pictures on Instagram, read by 80,000 people, and enjoy your own popularity. “It suits me that people on the street find out about me, come and ask to be photographed. It’s acceptable that they don’t know me through my father, but look at me as an independent specialty, ”the girl boasts. Behind Alesya's words, at the same time, all life begins to succumb - in the future, we can overshadow the most popular models and go to fashion in Milan, Paris and New York, "robiti" all the headline shows, from Dior to Alexander Wang. Moreover, after 5 years Kafelnikova is ambitious to become one of Victoria's Secret "angels". And yet far away, Alesya cherishes the Russian world of fashion and brews foreign brandy - the daughter of a famous athlete loves Prada, Hermes, Kenzo, Miu Miu, Chopard and Valentino.

Alesya doesn’t have a soul for her father Yevgeny Kafelnikov, who is ready to viconate, be like a daughter’s baganka

Ale, popri pragnenny vlastuvatisya Come in, read Kafelnikova, nevertheless, Russia is selected. “I plan to join the MDIMV, the faculty of “Communications with the community”, and for that I need to finish school well. Ideally, a gold medal.” Krym tsgogo, Alesya is actively engaged in horseback riding - she has her own horse, the cost of which is 40 thousand euros, and the delivery of yoga from Nіmechchini is up to 10 thousand.

In Zhovtni 2014, Kafelnikova appeared at the ball of debutantes at the cloth in Christian Dior

Olesya does not want to love pennies. On її thought, the stink itself є nayseksіnіshі ob'єktom і zhittі, аdzhe її їх to love that want. Vaughn honestly knows - a lot of green papers in the hamanz bring her satisfaction. “I am working on a model and earning 50 thousand per month plus a few pennies - that’s an unlimited card,” Kafelnikova says openly. For food about those in which you are lucky, if not in pennies, you can see that in their quantity. Prote, in order to be a viscount of your own bazhan, Alesi neobov'yazkovo earn two kopecks, even if it's a bag of ready viskonati father. Evgen, like, to the point, he’s no longer doing PR of the donka on the Internet, having already announced the gift of a new Mercedes on the 18th.

On the special front, the girl also does not know confusion. 16th Alesya is dating a young man named after Mikit Novikov - the 18th birthday of a famous businessman, restaurateur and TV presenter Arkady Novikov. Yunak rewards his love with majestic bouquets of flowers and gifts, and the latter is confirmed to you by the kohanna.

Dodom coach

In his youthful years, Malofeeva is already miraculously aware of the brands of bags, eyepieces and perfumes, to follow her figure and become a model.

The Russian subsidiary, the founder of the investment fund Marshall Capital Partners, a member of the guardian for the non-commercial partnership "League of Safe Internet" and the head of the board of the Charitable Fund of St. The girls are less than 15 years old, and she already took the pseudonym “Natasha Kogman” and signed a contract with the Geneva Model Group modeling agency. Like a lot of one-liners, won’t you be satisfied with the food of people, how can you ask on the portal. Natalya's youthful lives miraculously come to mind on the brands of bags and always help readers to make the right choice.

The carefree life of Natalia Malofevoi is taken care of by her father Kostyantin Malofeev - the founder of Marshall Capital, one of the largest Russian private investment groups.

On National Day, the fathers gave me a penny, and a Chanel bag, and on New Year's Day, Natalya wore a beige bag from the Parisian Celine boutique. Anniversary is also an object of devotion to Malofevoi - you won’t love Swarovski and Chanel, and if you talk about sun protection eyepieces, then here you should choose Ray-Ban Aviator and Wayfarer. Natasha insists that in her 15 years she is already guilty of sitting on diets, however, it’s not good for her to go out, to that she’s worthless to herself. “It’s hard to finish a model, but I still can’t call myself a good professional model,” - the young star of the podium seems to be. To improve yourself at the form, Natalya is engaged in fitness, but not at the gym - a coach comes to her home.

With anonymous koristuvachs of the social network, yak to force Natal’s food, she’s not supposed to be friendly - people, food like їy befits, she can easily be called a “hard-boiled creature”, and to give joy to the prohannya - to say that it’s not a problem to chirp people in a foreign world.

Handbag in the form of Hermes є obov'yazkovy part bagatioh "cibulin" Malofefєvoї

Hookah and alcohol at 17 years (11-13)

17th River Elizaveta Sarvadiy is another representative of the Russian "golden youth", whose father Yuri Sarvadiy is the general director of the Alfa-Vidrodzhennya funeral company and is a participant for the sake of the international association of veterans in the anti-terror breeding. On her side on the site, Elizaveta knows that she lives in Rublyovtsi and supports women with her fathers, and also boasts of a gift, which stench gave her on New Rock - the golden year of Rolex. Ale on all nutrition, kim є її dads, out with the words "This is secret information." To the question "Kim is your father's father?" you can feel: "Not your right."

Єlizaveti Sarvadiy generous fathers on Novy Rіk brought the golden anniversary of Rolex

Sarvadiy, why don’t you think about it: your wardrobe is made up of less than branded clothes - until the favorite brands of Elizabeth include A&F, Balenciaga, McQueen, Chanel. You can easily buy one piece of clothes for a variety of clothes from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles (approximately from 530 to 1400 euros) - for a new one, the price is “most different”. In perfumes, a girl is more likely to be chosen for riches and freedoms YSL L "Homme, Amouage Dia, Kilian Straight To Heaven White Cristal. At her 17, she already indulges herself with a hookah and you can drink good alcohol in a bad way. For example, we will fall in love with champagne є Crystal and Laurent - Perrier, and wine - white Pinot Grigio and Prosecco: “I don’t like white wine,” write Elizabeth.

Elizabeth has access to all the accessories of a glamorous life: expensive cosmetics, services of stylists, stylish embellishment and going to restaurants

The girl also does not waste pennies on her own to look after the appearances and cosmetics - she loves to pamper herself with professional cosmetics MAC and Guerlain. Sports should also be a priority - Liza should take 43 kilograms and keep herself fit for going to the gym, doing pilates, yoga, step. The food about the presence of a hut’s worker at Elizabeth calls out unreasonably: “Do you think I clean up the great house myself?” - it’s quiet until one day, who asks Elizabeth and himself guesses that I live not in an apartment, but in a mansion.

In this hour, Sarvadiy is studying at the gymnasium of the Odintsovo Humanitarian University and plans to enter either the MDU, or the Russian Academy of National Governance and State Service for the President of the Russian Federation. The girl wants to learn marketing and sociology, and the axis of the work is still unknown, but she has a plan for the future: If my person is against the fact that I practice, then I will not practice.”

Sarvadiy closely comrades with Olesya Kafelnikova, and stench together with friends can easily rule hookah gatherings.

Future designer (14-16)

The 14-year-old daughter of the composer and singer Dmitry Malikoff, Stefaniya Malikova, has already won 100,000 pre-payers from Instagram and never-before-popularity on the portal. The girl lives for luxurious lives: she lives near Dubai, in the Maldives, in Italy, France, she chomps on fashion and music, and if she wants to read beyond the cordon. Stefaniya plans to become a fashion designer, because she cares that she could design clothes for a model.

An iPhone and a Chanel backpack for 2000 euros are indispensable attributes of Stephanie's style, which are necessary for going to school

“Why not come up with a design for five funny beds and sell them on Instagram? - Ask yourself Stefania. - No, I can’t sew, but you can know a person, like I can! Golovne is an idea. You need to paint well and explain to you what you want from the result. If you go ahead - there will be pennies, you won’t be able to ask the fathers.

Why did the flooding of the beauty sphere begin, like a hobby, turned into a new social project, put down to budgetary expenses and about those who watch behind the skin of the face is so important - about this richly different BeautyHack rose the Volodarka of the best beauty blog in Russia.

About those, how my suffocation of the beauty sphere began

Beauty is not my only hoarding. I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow State University and I am engaged in non-personal projects, around the blog (zocrema, joint projects with my person).

Still started in childhood - always loved to look at my mother's cosmetic bag. It was better for me to watch over him, like grown-up women to put on make-up and look out for themselves. I remember that at the child's garden, all the girls played mothers and daughters, and they went with carriages, and I picked out Barbie and picked up lyalkas, making designs for them. Not much has changed!

I started early to look at myself. The first cream for me appeared at the age of 14 years - ce buv is a healing zasib. And also bliss from the 90s with cherry relish, that powder in bags Meteorites Perles, Guerlain - she wore it at home in her backpack to school.

About those who showed up beauty blog

I didn't think at all that my zahoplennya observant secrets could become a full-fledged social project. The idea for a blog came not from me, but from my person. We spend the whole free hour together: we rarely hang out with friends, I don’t have many friends, so with all my hostility about a new mask, or a great scrub, I shared with a man (laugh).

As if you were nabridlo, and I said: “Listen, I really don’t understand anything, look for your side on the Internet, sing-songly, you will understand and need more for your payers.”

This is how my b'yuti-blog appeared. It’s not just a filter on the pre-glamous reasons - it’s the whole life philosophy, like it’s love for yourself, that turbot about your health, inner harmony and the outward look.

Why come online store

The EMBeauty website, becoming a logical continuation of the blog - after the skin post with my recommendation, following the submission of food “Where can I buy this zasib?”.

I didn’t take the blog as a business project and more as a way to make money - it’s always been and is overwhelmed by my hobby (that trust, like I’m given to me by the girls, is fooled by this fact).

Today I take away the impersonal commercial propositions, most of them are advertising. Those who want to buy a post from my blouse are rich - sums vary from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles.

If I confirm to my wife that I explain that I do not sell my thought, people are amazed. Somebody vzagalі vvazhaє me foolishness, and even advertising today is engaged in everything - from Olga Buzova to Kim Kardashian. But my principle is that my blog never had and never had advertising. Fortunately, the stars were formed so that I can allow myself to be inspired by any similar propositions.

As for the success of the site, I can say one thing: honesty is the best investment! If you invest your soul in the project, you will blame for success. Ale, my meta is not in success - it’s important for me to consider myself brown. You don’t bring mischief to people and you live less for yourself - you’re nothing, bourgeois ...

Naviti zasib is just good, but it does not mean that it will be presented to my readers. I'm not writing about good results - I'm writing about the best, about super-efficient results, there are no analogues! And it’s easy to impress me: for my 28 years, I tried a lot of things.

About those, how I fared away to pile up the baggage of knowledge in the beauty sphere

In the first place, I see nature to finish the cicava. I love reading and discovering new things in the field of psychology, medicine, medicine, zocrema, cosmetology.

In a different way, I'm a bore (tsezh importantly!). Only a bore can go to a dermatologist through a small red chicken on the five (laughs).

Until then, I am an absolute perfectionist, and as much as I do, I can’t afford to work all the time. I am getting ready to enter the Faculty of Medicine and actively expand my knowledge in the field of dermatology.

On me lie majestic vіdpovіdalіnіlіnі vіdpоіdіlnіlnіlі vіdpоіdіlіnіnі vіdlіdаі people, if they listen to me and trust me - I have no right to pardon!

About setting up budget prices

I don’t care that a good cream for 2,000 thousand rubles is too expensive. If you want to save some pennies, people (and women) in Russia spend alcohol on cigarettes, then you will see about the amount that is necessary for a complete look after yourself.

Beautiful shkira - tse nasampered іnvestitsіya at home. The garne of the dress can be torn, get out of modi, tie up. And the lightness of the air at the mirror is not nabridne at all!

About those for whom the eye behind the skin is so respectful

You can’t find the best make-up, because the girl has a problem skin. More than that - if the skin is in a good state, make-up is practically not needed!

Thousands of my readers were inspired by the foundation and brought their skin to the ideal camp - at the same time they look like a supermodel. Do not believe? Check out the photos from my blog!

About procedures, which cannot be replaced by home inspection

Ce peelings, plasma-lifting, microstrums are serious procedures, which are necessary in case of singing situations and shkiri camps. I work in beauty salons and my cosmetologists, who I do not change by fate.

But I can say with confidence that 80% of the beauty of the skins is a regular home inspection. Zhodin peeling in the world is not built to remake the shkir so, as if it were cleansing and curing with the help of yakіsnymi.

The best tools for looking after a problem skin

Everything is even more individual - my blouse has a lot of hits, which have more readers, but not all of them (for example, they called out rozdratuvannya).

I can see some brands that are really effective for problem skins - Dr.Jart+, 3LAB, Clinique, Bioderma, Sensai.

If you have a problematic skin, then you need to change your make-up more often (I want it for a few hours). To better deal with problems, drink more water, don’t smoke, don’t use foundation cream, spend two days (loans and evenings) with the same things, as it suits you yourself, don’t be stubborn and don’t drink alcohol (you really want to, choose good wine and do not slander with it).

And yet - use masks to cleanse.

Anti-Blemish Solutions Oil-Control Cleansing Mask, Clinique
Mask for cleansing fir with white Amazonian clay Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque, Kiehl's

The best tools for watching over dry skin

Ideal cream for the contour of the eyes with vitamin C, Perfect C Eye Treatment, 3LAB
Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado, Kiehl's
Cream for shkiri navkolo eyes Hydra 3D, Rexaline

How to attach yourself to the eyes in the area of ​​​​the eyes - b'yutihak like Elen Manasir: before applying the concealer, add a drop of highlighter.

About looking after the body

I regularly do massages and walks for 5 kilometers a day (on the big road in the park) - it’s not beauty food, it’s more about health care.

Vletka through the post-priority sports go to another plane, I rush to swimming. I love the distant “floods”, the ice in Sardinia today we swim on the dry coast and back - a miracle of attraction for all groups of saps.

I have my own rituals for watching over the guise - my skin day starts with patches or gel with ivy (this rank relieves the rank swollen).

Instant mask for eye contour based on pure retinol Pure Retinol Express Smoothing Eye Mask, Shiseido

Patches Super Aqua-Eye, Guerlain

Modeling gel with ivy extract Firming Gel With Ivy Extract, St Barth

Keep an eye on the situation. As if I’m running, I don’t get laid, I’m shaking the mask, and as if I’m shining and getting fat, I choose the one with clay. My best guess is to lie down depending on the situation, on the season, hormones and other factors.

Hydra 3D rejuvenating mask, Rexaline

Mud cute for face Silky Purifying, Sensai

Give respect to the shkiri camp. Find out how you have a scrub for girls for the day, admire yourself in the mirror and think - what wine do you need today?

I love watching the body! My favorites already have a lot of fate - own the St Barth brand.

Recently I tried the Thalgo brand for myself - they have nice creams for the body and wonderful scrubs. The stench is especially favored by the volodarkas of the dry shkіri - they are right to suffocate!

About favorite brands

Today on the b'yuti-market there are no personal brands. For decorative cosmetics, I definitely choose Tom Ford. The best bronzers are from Guerlain, and the mascaras are from Chanel.

As soon as I can see, I can see the 3LAB brand - for sure the brand name and subtle effect. I also love the night vision of Estee Lauder and the hair brand Global Keratin.

Universal complex that inspires II Advanced Night Repair, Estee Lauder

Moisturizing Conditioner, GKhair

Sirovatka Serum, GKhair

About makeup tools

Anytime the brush does not ruin your make-up, it seems that you are stained with inaccurate ways. The stench is important for the creation of the image, but if the cosmetics are the most equal (as in the brands Tom Ford or Pericone MD), then you can cover the entire make-up with fingertips. If I hurry, I work myself like this.

Naygolovnіshe - a good zasіb for cleansing skins, a mask that cleanses, as it suits you, a healthy cream, a lip balm and a base with the effect of saiva. Without a decision, a young girl can easily manage!

About the current summer make-up (and you can do it for help).


My favorite make-up for summer - light coat, light armchair, lip balm, highlighter and blush and a light serpentine of shadows on the eyes of a brown eye. If you want to look more sharply, you can draw thin arrows.

Aqua BB Compact Aqua BB Cream SPF40, 3LAB

Badiory balm for skin Revitalizing Supreme +, Estee Lauder

Тіні Eyeshadow, Spicy, Tom Ford
Glowing bronze powder Terracotta, Guerlain

Perfect Lips

Rum'yana Cheek Color, Tom Ford 25 December 2014, 18:54

W naigukishі vіdpovіdі young spadkoєmits guchnyh prizvishch i milionnyh stanіv:

Alesya Kafelnikova (16 years)

Particularly popular on the anonymous platform is the 16-year-old model Ales Kafelnikov, daughter of the vice-president of the Tennis Federation Yevgen Kafelnikov. To the question “Che in happiness”, Kafelnikov was sung in response: “Ni, happiness in my age.” For the time being, the girl is dressing herself with fashionable fritters that company of her kohan - 18-year-old son of the businessman Arkady Novikov Mikiti. By the way, loving father is ready until the 18th of March, Alesya is a gift for the engagement of her daughter-red Porsche Panamera, about which she told the payers.

Diana Manasir (15 years)

15-row Diana Manasir is the daughter of the billionaire Ziyad Manasir, whose name is on the 36th row of the list of the richest businessmen in Russia for the version of Forbes magazine. In her youthful years, Diana made a pivsveta, and the axle at the Moscow metro was not a good time. On the portal, the fall of the great camp will change the anonymous coristuvachi from the one who has the carpet sewn from the farm of the chinchilla, and give it to the one-year-olds, so you can “check” the peace.

Stesha Malikova (14 years)

The main leitmotif of the “ask” of the daughter of the musician Dmitry Malikov Stefaniya is call the anonymous audience on the side of love. 14-year-old Stesha Malikova, regardless of the last century, is a good expert in love affairs and the psychology of stosunkiv. Invisible coristuvachi shower the Instagram star with prohannyami to give a special pleasure. Stesha does not skimp on knowledge and is pleased to direct his pre-payers on the true path, which they were angry with the unfortunate kokhanny.

Ganna Tabakova (15 years old) and couturier Karl Lagerfeld

16-year-old Ganna Tabakova, director Oleg Tabakov’s name, became famous in the capital’s social arena, becoming the debutant of the Tatler ball. The girl already caught up in the company of couturier Karl Lagerfeld at the grandiose fashion show Chanel, which called out to the chimalu zazdrіst odnolitkіv. At her “asci”, Hanna is convinced that she is supplied exclusively with Latin letters and is very dissatisfied, if anonymous coristuvachi ask why she was inspired by Russian letters. Zdivuvannya also called food, which led me to the summer before my grandmother.

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