Saving, processing and transmission of information. Methods of information processing Information processing is divided into two types

Fall on sleep.
Professor. How does a transformer work?
Student. Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

We have long since called for personal ones. We turn them on and work, seeming to be proud, without thinking much about how they smell and work. All this is due to the fact that PC and software vendors have begun to create reliable products that do not allow us to think about the installation of a computer or the program that runs it.

Tim, of course, blog readers need to know about the principles of computer operation and software. This will be the subject of a series of articles published in the section “How the PC works.”

How the PC works: Part 1. Information processing

Computer for automating information processing processes. We will settle with the utmost order, so that we can use all our capabilities for the successful completion of our mission.

In order to process information on a computer, it is necessary to combine the following basic operations:

enter information to your computer:

This operation is required in order for the computer to function properly. Without the ability to enter information into a computer, you are left with nothing at all.

Save entered information at the computer:

Obviously, if you can enter information into a computer, then you need to save this information and then use it during the processing process.

Complete the entered information:

Here you need to understand that in order to process the entered information, the required processing algorithms are required, otherwise nothing can be said about processing the information. The computer is responsible for ensuring that such algorithms are used and is responsible for keeping them in check before the information that is entered in order to “correctly” transform their output data.

save collected information,

So just like saving the entered information, the computer must save the results of its work, the results of processing the input data so that they can be processed more quickly.

output information from a computer:

This operation allows you to display the results of information processing in a manual view for PC users. It is clear that this operation makes it possible to quickly obtain the results of processing information on the computer, otherwise the results of processing would be lost in the middle of the computer, which would make them completely useless.

The most important role of a computer is processing information, and its role lies in the fact that it can transform information. The entire computer device is designed to process information in the shortest possible time, in the best possible way.

When processing information on a computer, you can understand various actions that transform information from one stage to another. Apparently, the computer has a special device that is used for extremely fast data processing, with speeds that amount to billions of operations per second.


The processor removes the data necessary for processing from a device designed for time-to-hour saving of both input and output data. There is also a place in the RAM for storing intermediate data that is formed during the processing of information. In this way, the processor retrieves data from RAM and writes the resulting data to RAM.

Random access memory (RAM)

You have decided to connect to the computer to enter and display data, which allows you to enter information that facilitates processing, and displays the results of the processing.

External hard drive, external DVD drive, flash drive, keyboard, mouse

The processor and RAM operate with great speed. As has already been said above, the speed of information processing can become many millions and billions of transactions per second. No external device for entering or displaying information can operate on such benefits.

Therefore, for their connection to the computer there are special transmissions controllers of installations and installations. Their goal is to ensure high speed of the processor and RAM with relatively low speed of input and output of information.

These controllers are divided into specialized ones, which can be connected to either special devices or universal ones. The specialized device of the controller serves, for example, as a video card, which is intended for connecting to a computer monitor.

Information processing is the separation of certain information objects from other objects by means of the implementation of certain algorithms.

Processing is one of the main operations that results from information, and primarily increases the diversity of information.

The methods of processing information are based on all the devices of the system created by mankind, and most importantly, the computer is a universal machine for processing information.

p align="justify">Computers process information through the use of various algorithms.

Living organisms and plants collect information about their organs and systems.

Information processing is the process of systematically changing the location and form of information.

The processing of information is carried out in accordance with the rules by any given subject or object (for example, a human or an automatic device). He is called a Vikonavian information processor.

All processing, interacting with the external medium, extracts from it input information that can be processed. The result of processing is the output information that is transmitted to the external medium. Thus, the external middle acts as a source of input information and production of output information.

The processing of information is subject to the rules established by the law. Processing rules, which describe the sequence of adjacent processing steps, are called an information processing algorithm.

All processing is based on the storage of a processing unit, called the processor, and a memory unit, in which both the processed information and the processing rules (algorithm) are stored.

Explaining the topic “Information Processing”, we follow with examples of processing both related to the removal of new information and related to changing the form of presenting information.

The first type of processing: processing associated with the creation of new information, new knowledge. To what type of processing must be done the most mathematical tasks. Before what type of information processing should be done to solve various problems in the world, logical decisions must be made.

For example, following a certain set of evidence, you will know the evildoer; a person, analyzing the circumstances that have developed, makes decisions about his future actions; In the future he will unravel the mystery of ancient manuscripts.

Another type of trimming: trimming, knitted with a change in shape, but does not change the place. This type of information processing requires, for example, the translation of text from one language to another: the form is changed, otherwise the replacement can be saved. An important type of computer science processing is coding. Coding means converting information into symbolic form, manually storing, transmitting, processing.

The structure of the data can be transferred to another type of processing. The structure is associated with the introduction of the song order, the song organization of the information collection. Arrangement of data in alphabetical order, grouping by various classification signs, selection of tabular and graph representation - all this applies structure.

A special type of information processing is search. The present search should be formulated as follows: there is a mass of information - an information array (telephone guide, dictionary, train schedule, etc.), you need to know the required information that satisfies the singer and mind the search (telephone number of this organization, translation of this word in English, hour direction of this train). The search algorithm lies in the method of organizing information. If the information is structured, the search results are faster and can be optimized.

Information processing systems

There are different types of data processing: centralized, decentralized, distributed and integrated.

The visibility of the CC is centralized. With this method, the client delivers output information to the computer center and selects the processing results in the form of effective documents. The peculiarity of this method of processing is the complexity and difficulty of establishing a smooth, uninterrupted connection, the great importance of VC information (for a great duty), the regulation of the terms of the execution of the operation, the organization without Protect the system against possible unauthorized access.

Processing has been decentralized. This method is associated with the appearance of PEOM, making it possible to automate a specific work area. Currently, there are three types of technologies for decentralized data processing.

Persha runs on personal computers that are not connected to a local network (data is saved in separate files and on separate disks). To remove the displays, please rewrite the information to the computer. Disadvantages: the number of mutually interrelated tasks, the inability to process large amounts of information, the low level of unauthorized access.

Other: PCs are united in a local network, which leads to the creation of unified data files (and avoids wasting a lot of information).

Third: a PC united in a local network, in which special servers are included (with a “client-server” mode).

Dividing the method of processing these foundations into subdivisions of processing functions between different EOMs included before the measure. This method can be implemented in two ways: the first transfers the EOM installation to the skin node of the system (or on the skin level of the system), in which data processing occurs one or more times the EOM in accordance with the real capabilities of the systems and that is what is needed at the given moment. Another way is to place a large number of different processors in the middle of one system. This approach is found in systems for processing banking and financial information, where there is a need for data processing (branches, branches, etc.). Advantages of the divided method: the ability to obtain any given term from the given data; high level of reliability, due to the fact that if one technical feature is identified, it is possible to instantly replace it with another; the short time required for the transfer of tributes; increasing the flexibility of systems, simplifying the development and operation of software, etc. The divisional method lies in a complex of specialized processors, then. The skin of the EOM is assigned to the highest singing commands, and the command of its peer.

An advanced method of data processing is integration. It transfers the created information model of the ceramic object to create a distributed database. This method will ensure maximum handiness for the operator. On the one hand, the data bases are transferred to collective governance and centralized management. On the other hand, for the purpose of obtaining information, the diversity of tasks involved will require different parts of the database. The technology of integrated information processing makes it possible to improve the accuracy, reliability and fluidity of processing, since processing is carried out on the basis of a single information array, one-time entered into the EOM. The peculiarity of this method is the technological separation and time-consuming processing procedures from the procedures for collecting, preparing and entering data.

Current information processing systems use digital technologies that include paper data and enable data exchange between automated workstation technologies, which also allow for the integration of specialized forces of the spivrobit group. no one over the top of any task (such as organization within a work group), exchange of thoughts in progress of negotiations at any time in real time mode (teleconference), prompt exchange of materials via e-mail, electronic mailboxes, etc. For such systems, we need to broaden the term “corporate business process management systems” to support business operations as a whole. Such systems are characterized by the use of “client-server” technologies, including the connection of remote clients via the global Internet network. It is not uncommon for the system to unite over 40 thousand clients, located in different countries and continents, into a global information space. One of such applications could be the McDonalds company, which operates its branches all over the world, including in Ukraine.

Processing of digital information

In fact, any engineering device depends on the transformation of energy or the transformation of information. The task of any control system for the most important sense is the processing of information about the flow mode of the robotic object and the selection based on the signals that are controlled, in order to bring the flow mode of the robot object closer to the specified one. When processing information, it is always necessary to respect the decision in one way or another to equalize the status of the system.

In electronic devices, there are two main methods of processing information: analog and digital.

The fundamental feature of the analogue method of information processing is the ability to smoothly change the values ​​of electrical signals corresponding to the changing system. All transformations are carried out in a practical manner.

When processing information digitally, the skin variable value is assigned a digital code to the data type in the system. Functional functions in the system are implemented by means of the highest level of the system using these and other numerical methods behind the underlying program. The device that implements this solution is called a processor.

An important feature of digital control systems is the sampling of the signal behind the level, the value of which is determined by the bit depth of calculation. Thus, in the case of an 8-bit system, the entire range of changing the value of the signal is divided into 256 sections and a digital code corresponding to which signal can be received in just one of the 256 values. This may impair the accuracy of the digital control system. For a long time now, precision systems have continued (and in some cases continue) to rely on analogue methods of information processing. Let's carry out a thorough analysis. In an analog system, any active signal whose amplitude contains information can vary between 0 and 10 V. The level of noise in which does not exceed 1 mV. For reliable transmission of information, which excludes the influx of noise, the minimum increase in the signal must be at least 1 mV.

To transmit such a large amount of information in a digital code, it is necessary to have a bit depth of at least 14 double digits. Also, digital systems with a lower capacity can match the accuracy of an analog system. However, due to the obvious capacity of a lower 14-bit digital system, the parameters may not change over time and not such external factors as temperature, there is etc. that the great power level in almost all analog systems.

In particular, at this time, with all sorts of things, there is a large-scale introduction of microprocessor technology in almost all areas of activity, where just yesterday analogue methods of information processing were in decline.

In modern technology, microcontrollers assume the role of direct control of the transmitter with the help of specialized peripheral devices, and the role of a digital controller, protection system and diagnostics, and connect the systems with the technological framework of the highest level.

At the same time, there has been a shortage of microcontrollers specialized in managing the transmission switches. Їх computational core, pobudovane, zazvichay, z urahuvannyam t.zv. “Digital signal processing processors”, a series of recurrent polynomial digital control algorithms has been adapted. The peripheral devices included include multi-channel PWM signal generators, analog-to-digital converters, vector coordinate conversion units, treatment timers, Watchdog timers, etc. Examples of such devices include the ADMC330 microcontroller from Analog Devices, the TMS320C240 from Texas Instruments, the 56800 from Motorola, and the ADMC200 vector processor from Analog Devices.

The first processor, as a software-functioning device, was able to perform arithmetic and logical operations, and also optimize the algorithm of its functioning based on the results of previous calculations, which was created in the 40s ah of our century in the USA by the representatives of IBM. It is a device on electro-mechanical relays, occupying a large number of surfaces, with extremely low speed and reliability, and is only suitable for a very high class of specific calculations. With the progress of electronic technology, the elemental base for everyday processors has been improved. Processors based on electronic tubes, transistors, and discrete logical microcircuits of a small integration stage appeared. The world's most sophisticated processors have become smaller and smaller, have less energy, and are less productive and reliable. However, the stench was still of little relevance for the real-life management operations, and they were mainly used only for the singing class of accounting departments.

The true revolution in computing technology took place after the appearance of the first so-called. "microprocessor", that is. a processor equipped with seemingly one high-stage integration microcircuit. This is a 4-bit microprocessor 4004 from INTEL. Born in 1973 INTEL produces the 8-bit microprocessor 8080, and in 1978. - 16-bit microprocessor 8086, there are 29 thousand transistors on the chip and a cost of $360. The evolution of microprocessors is slower than the pace that has accelerated since entering the market in 1993. microprocessor INTEL PENTIUM MAV is already 3.2. million transistors on a chip and the price of 878 $. The main directions of the evolution of microprocessors are (and are) an increase in the capacity of rapidly changing calculations and a change in the hourly calculation.

Microprocessor-software-coding devices used for processing digital information and controlling the process of processing, processing of one (or several) integrated circuits with a high level of int integration of electronic elements.

Changes in performance, reduced weight and overall dimensions, increased reliability and productivity of microprocessors have led to a significant expansion of the scope of their development. Along with traditional calculation systems, stench has become increasingly prominent in management tasks. In front of the microprocessor, the task of software control of various peripheral objects was assigned.

Information processing management

Information systems can function with or without technical restrictions. The price is economical. It is important to classify the stage of automation of information processes in an organization's management system into manual, automatic and automated.

Manual intelligence is characterized by the presence of modern technical methods for processing information and converting all operations by humans. For example, about the activity of a manager in a company that uses computers every day, we can say that he works with manual IV.

Automated IV eliminates all operations from processing information without human participation.

Automated systems involve both human and technical processes in the processing of information, with the computer playing the leading role. The current term “information system” includes the mandatory automation of the system. Automated insurance systems, which are widely used in the organization of control processes, may have various modifications and can be classified, for example, the nature of the information provided in the field of stagnation.

The increase in the need for information in the information system of an organization, the need for faster and more efficient processing methods necessitates the need to automate the work of the information system to automate ї information processing.

In a non-automated information system, all actions related to information are decided by humans. Automation of information processing processes will lead to the emergence of general rules within the processing algorithms, which can lead to the development of a pure information system into an information management system. Within the framework of the remaining partially implemented functions, people will soon make a decision.

Automated information system for managing the organization - the totality of data, ownership, software, personnel, standards of procedures, purposes for collecting, processing, distributing, saving, and generating (information) is interconnected And this is obviously due to the goals of the organization. Typically, this system supports the development of information products that support computer information technology, as well as the personnel that interact with computers and telecommunications. The technology of work in a computerized information system may be understandable to facists. The system will support the dynamic information model of the economical facility for satisfying the information needs of customers and making management decisions.

Enable automated IS to enable automated work stations (AWS) of facists, methods of communication and information exchange. All this allows you to effectively automate the robot. The effectiveness of the use of IV for the management of economic objects (enterprises, banks, trade organizations, government institutions, etc.) must be kept in mind, management solutions must be promptly prepared, adapted before changes message and information needs of correspondents.

Information technology is an infrastructure that ensures the implementation of information processes (collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search and distribution of information). IT is intended to reduce the complexity of processes for obtaining information resources, increasing their reliability and efficiency. The IT warehouse includes hardware and software, data, and telecommunications.

Functional subsystems are specialized programs designed to ensure the processing and analysis of information to prepare data and make decisions for a specific functional area based on IT. The range of functional subsystems and add-ons includes: manufacturing, accounting, finance, personnel, marketing, and production.

IV management is a component that ensures optimal interaction between IT, functional subsystems and associated faciliates, and IV developments throughout the entire life cycle. ІВ is involved in the management of personnel, accounting, operational, financial, safety, quality, development ІВ.

The skin is automated and is oriented towards the implementation of essential functions in the thyroid gland.

Economic information systems (EIS), associated with the data and processing of information for various levels of management of economic objects. This information allows the functions of planning, control, analysis, planning and regulation to be carried out in order to make effective management decisions. The levels of government of the EIS are divided into state, regional and municipal. According to the objects of management, EIS is divided into industry and non-industry.

Decision support systems (DSS) are analytical IVs that ensure the possibility of development, forecasting, development and assessment of possible behavioral options based on the analysis of data that displays the results of action the integrity of the object throughout the singing hour. DSS generates information that is accepted by people before it becomes known and where decisions are made.

DSS are systems developed to support decision-making processes by managers in complex, weakly structured situations associated with decision-making and decision-making. The development of DSS has been strongly influenced by hostile advances in information technologies, closed telecommunications networks, personal computers, dynamic spreadsheets, and expert systems.

At the level of strategic management, low DSS is developed, for long-term, mid-term short-term, as well as for financial planning, including a system for the division of capital investments. Operational management oriented DSS will be involved in marketing (forecasting and analysis, market monitoring and prices), scientific research and design work, and personnel management. Operational and information stagnation is associated with the production, acquisition and volume of inventories, their physical distribution and accounting form.

Business information systems (BIS) are computerized systems designed to provide online and reliable information to top managers to support business decisions based on networked desktops. ій. There are instrumental ways to ensure preparations on the noses of sounds in a consistent format and instructions for the latest kernels of the highest level. They clearly demonstrate the preparation of the world and the ability to begin. VIS is classified as a specialized DSS that helps scientists analyze important information and identify various tools in order to direct them to create strategic decisions shen in organization. Thus, BIS helps Wikonavians to develop a more accurate and up-to-date picture of the organization’s operations, as well as competitors, employees and associates.

BIS's specialty is monitoring current trends, both internal and external. With more information and tools available, senior managers are better prepared to make strategic changes to improve the organization's capabilities and reduce problems. VIS can be competitive and instrumental in strategic planning; color the brightness of the solutions made on the market; took the time to identify problems; improve the level of planning at the upper levels of organization management; Provide a mechanism for improved control within the organization and increased access to data and models.

The BIS fragments are intended for the upper level of management and for the consideration of strategic alternatives, the system may be adapted to the management process, lower level DSS. In addition, the distributors are responsible for a creative approach to the development of initiatives for the desire of the vicoristan system with the highest quality of care. The design of the BIS may result in a more detailed, lower development of the DSS, a medical solution and a type of doctor.

Information and listening systems enable the entry, systematization, saving, and delivery of information to the user without complex data processing.

Information-computing systems carry out all operations of information processing according to a specific algorithm. Among them, it is possible to carry out a classification step by step by infusing the generated output information into the decision-making process and see two classes: those that are helpful and those that please.

Careful IS generates information, on the basis of which people praise the decision. These systems are characterized by the type of task of a rozrakhunkovy character and the processing of great obligations of data.

ІС, it is good to generate information that is accepted by people before it comes to mind and does not inevitably turn into a series of specific actions. They are characterized by the accumulation of knowledge, but not by knowledge. These systems are characterized by the type of task of a rozrakhunkovy character and the processing of great obligations of data.

In addition to all the above categories, information systems are also integrated, designed to automate all management functions for the operation of an economical facility (such as scientific research, design, production, release and implementation before analyzing the operation of the system).

Automated information processing

Automated information processing allows you to quickly process in the recording mode (in real time) various updates, information, special and professional characteristics, information about service movements, and much more Wow, let’s allow all the work with the staff of the Kerivniks to be raised to a higher level.

Automated processing of information in the form of basic functions creates a change in the need for manual filing of filing cabinets, eliminating the need for manual operations to improve the basics their features, the breakdown of depreciation and amortization, the compilation of manual accounting records and other forms.

Automated processing of information on the created synthetic data transfers the basic mind to the automated processing of all data in the accounting system. The processing of information for this business is special. Automated processing of information results in advances to the core of the robotic communication channel, which indicates the speed of transmission and reliability. Due to the need for automated information processing in the form of inventories, there is a need for prompt processing of large quantities of documents.

For automated processing of information about reliability, data from the primary forms of data is transferred to special maps of fault data, divided into automated processing structures.

For automated information processing, graphic texts are short and pleasant, although the smell may not go away.

p align="justify"> The technological process of automated information processing includes the stages of filling out the original documents, transferring data from them to computers, and processing information on the EOM. In the process of such information processing, allowances are made due to the lack of reliability of technical methods, and due to the fault of the human operator. A meta-system of automated information processing operates on the stored and processed output information to separate out the information that is currently necessary to make a decision.

To ensure automated information processing, primary or secondary converters are used to provide an output voltage signal. These include inductive, transformer, whirlpool, mechanotronic, pneumomechanotronic, raster, photoelectric and other types of converters.

When designing automated information processing, it is important to integrate elements into three main aspects: pragmatic, semantic and syntactic.

Effective functioning of an automated information processing system (AIP) to ensure the safety of life in everyday minds is practically impossible without reliable mathematical security. The mathematical security of the SAO means the selection of mathematical methods adequate for processing sociological, socio-economic, engineering, sanitary and hygienic and other data (indicators minds at work, the protection of work, productivity, occupational illness and viral injuries, assessments of them Influenced on the efficiency of production, the productivity of work and other programs that implement the designated methods.

The growing importance of automated information processing and the growth of information flows continually stimulate the search for fundamentally new methods and ways of saving information.

Below is shown the technology of automated information processing in the form of payment from the application of this software complex.

All the lists of systems for the new automated processing of information are nothing more than a decomposition of decision-making methods during the life cycle of the system: pre-design research and development work, design, creation of functions tsyonuvannya. Phases delimit the process of system life within an hour, which allows the system to be divided into different hourly phases of the process. The principle of a systemic approach does not allow one to look outside the clock phases in isolation. The legacy of the praise of a large-scale decision at any time phase is bound to be seen not only during this phase, but also at all times. For example, a gross leak at the stage of planning the birth of the family, it is important, because it is impossible to correct it at the early stages.

Enterprises that implement automated information processing require a large number of personnel to collect and verify data, compile and operate various types of classifiers and encryptors. It can be said that at factories that have achieved great success with advanced automatic control systems, such growth has reached the number of 50 or more. Creation of automated systems for managing and processing information. The industrial approach to automated information processing means the type of price for it is wholesale. It is necessary for us, in advance of important information, to spend individual expenses on collection and processing of some kind close to absolutely necessary expenses. Prior to analytical information, the constant power of which will increase and the molding process of which is of an individual nature, which appears at higher costs, there will be an agreed-upon approach to pricing i. At the same price, the time-sensitive aspect of this information is also reflected, since processing it in batch mode is trivial, but cheaper than in dialog mode.

If the organization is in a state where information processing is automated, then additional codes can be entered in the specially designated field next to each row. The coding system must either be fragmented by the organization itself or transferred to software.

The development and implementation of an automated information processing system involves the preparation of technical specifications. Instead of the first part of the system, it is determined by the warehouse task of design, analysis, planning and operational management, which are most amenable to automation and are of great importance for making management decisions in enterprises . In the process of developing the operational aspects of the system, there is an increase in the output complex of functional tasks, expansion and integration of information and mathematical security, and modernization of a complex of technical features. When the first draft of the EIS is created, the technical specifications are divided into the entire system, and the technical and operational projects are divided into the production and subsystems that are included before the storage of the first draft of the system.

The section is devoted to the consideration of the principles of automated information processing, which carries the topological structure of the FGS connection. Meaningfulness, information density and structural organization of linking diagrams ensure the possibility of promptly effective formal procedures (with their implementation on a digital computer) for transforming linking diagrams into other and equivalent forms of mathematical description of the system. The section will review automated procedures for the division on the diagrams linking the operational cause-and-heritage lines, displayed in a normal form to the level of the FGS, prompting the FGS algorithms that model, signal graphs of folding Projects and transfer functions for displaying the dynamic behavior of linear systems.

A bright development in the development of automated information processing marks the emergence of the EOM measure - the absence of the great and small electronic computing machines connected by communication channels. Connecting to a large number of subscriber points to the EOM measure will ensure the collective access of users to a variety of information stored in the memory of any EOM included in the measure.

Manually entering codes under automated information processing. If accounting is carried out manually, it is not necessary to set the codes.

The number of workers involved in automated information processing is determined using a special methodology.

Since information processing is automated in the information system, technical security includes electronic computing technology and communication methods between them. The main part of technical security is EOM. Large modern companies are developing complex automated information processing that combines all technical information processing techniques with new technologies and information processing methodologies. . The creation of complex automated systems takes place in a number of stages.

The main activity profile of IVO enterprises is the automated processing of information using additional EOM, as well as the creation of information, software, technical and technological environment for effective processing of information This is the formalization of the results.

A procedure that defines the features of automated information processing. Since the organization is already a service for automated information processing, it is often the specialists themselves who are entrusted with the task development. Thus, through this process, a team of specialists is created. May be assigned to the project. It is possible that the members of the team may be selected from the facists who took part in the implementation of automation. So, in this case, when it comes to helping companies that provide services, it is important to hire one or several consultants to support automation management. Physicians who are between the medical professionals - the sub-sections of the organization, who are in a relationship to the task that is being dismantled, and the team of specialists - often have tensions, the selection of specialists is responsible for carrying out the procedure services for automated information processing, as well as for the purpose of maintaining the organization’s database and databases.

The calculation center is currently developing and implementing programs for automated processing of insurance information in insurance practice. Interaction with all structural parts of the insurance company. Forms electronic databases of insurance claims, categories of insurers and other groups. Creates a closed electronic system within the central office and branch of the insurance company, connected to the central computer. Works on the creation of other local computer networks. How to determine the cost of river operating expenses for automated information processing using automated control systems.

In the minds of the robotic information-computing center on an independent balance, the processing of information is automated in the order of state government services and is assigned on the basis of the availability of the EOM machine-year and the time for carrying out expansions. Semiotic problems of automated information processing – published materials devoted to: exploration of problems linking between syntactic and semantic powers of computer systems; research into natural and formalized science and technology in connection with knowledge, saving and searching for information; feeding automatic text processing by creating practical systems for machine indexing, abstracting and translation of texts; According to research, Galusa created special programs and translators from them for machine processing of texts.

The current features of computing technology are being considered that are being developed for the automated processing of information during the development of naphtha deposits. The effectiveness of the considered methods for processing geological and industrial information is shown in the development of the rich clans of the Ural-Volga region and Western Siberia.

In the rest of the years, computer graphics are widely used in the automated processing of information on the EOM. Hundreds of scientific papers have been published in computer graphics, conferences, international congresses and exhibitions are systematically held.

In the minds of processing cloud information on the EOM, with automated processing of information, a therapeutic method of control due to its great difficulty stagnates, as a rule, it is difficult to verify the correctness of transfer to the machine from the first documents of cash-sum exhibits. Other indicators are verified on the EOM using software control methods, which can ensure a logical verification of document details. Logical verification makes it possible to identify errors in many cases, especially if the original document is filled out. Other methods of monitoring the transfer of these primary documents to machine media will be established to ensure their effectiveness.

Up to the third group of output machines, held in the process of automated information processing in the form of payroll payments, various types of data sheets, such as registers, are processed analytically the appearance and detailing of the sum of these events is planned and resolved. The information of the departmental records does not require additional processing, it is located in the accompanying files and is part of the data on paid wages, as well as other types of payments and is eliminated. Let's take a look at some of the pre-video reports.

When the subsystem is fully put into operation, methods of automated information processing and direct planned expansion are used based on the use of mathematical methods and methods of computing technology to estimate the consumption of types of material and technical resources for the main directions of their development in the section of galusies and fund drainers, the folding of natural and waste balances machinery products, molding and verification of plans for the division of material and technical resources and compilation of statements from them for fund managers. Control system operators should be familiar with the basic concepts of automated information processing, equipped with instructions for preparing information before machine processing and obtaining the resulting information from their activities. As an example that illustrates the capabilities and principles of organizing automated processing of information about the reliability of CE ownership, the ASN reliability that functions in an important electrical machine It serves to generate information about the reliability of electric generators. In the minds of the vykoristannya services of the bulk computer center, expenditures for automated processing of information are carried out on the basis of the performance indicator of one machine-year of the EOM robot. In the case of substitution of services to the cash accounting center, the costs for automated processing of information are based on the cost of one machine-year of the EOM robot.

The Adviser can be useful to a wide range of scientists who develop systems for automated information processing, design, automation of scientific and technical experiments, production management, as well as students and graduate students. Obviously, with computer science, there is a lot more to it than that - automated information processing.

As a result (and regardless of whether the organization has already automated information processing), the management team has to develop a policy for automated information processing, which is in line with the automation plan correctness. The rest may be formulated based on the specific difficulties that the management apparatus faces when removing its obligations through manual procedures, as well as the establishment of a global policy of improved management of the organization Yes.

Based on the completeness of the operation, the complexity of processing and the results of automated processing of information from an automated control system, they are divided into information (or information-based information), cordially and caringly.

The concept of databases has long been the primary driver of the creation of effective automated information processing systems. However, the rest of the time, the fachists came to the conclusion that the most important component of this concept is a unified methodology for designing databases. This is explained not only by the fact that the design of new databases is a difficult and labor-intensive process, which requires obtaining highly qualified accountants, and also because, being an information model, parts of the In this real world, the data base must also be changed in order to adequately reflect the action. Therefore, in order to support and operate information systems, there is a need for consistent database design procedures. Naturally, the use of automation systems for database design may lead to a change in the cost of development of information systems, a reduction in the number of routine and non-creative work (related to the collection and editing of output data) and expenditure on the development of application systems. At present, the naphtha industry has a great need for efficient automated information processing and control together with a traditional control system to ensure increased efficiency information about all types of production in naphtha production.

The registration warehouse of the application registration card details allows you to rationally carry out search procedures under the hour of automated information processing.

At an accelerated pace, develop the production and promotion of paper for hand, for automated information processing, paper and cardboard for packaging and packaging of grub and industrial goods. Collect waste paper more widely from paper and cardboard.

Information processing methods

One of the main purposes of IT is the collection, processing and supply of information for managers to make management decisions.

In connection with this method of processing economic information, it is easy to look at the phases of the life cycle of the process of making a management decision:

1) diagnosis of problems,
2) identification (generation) of alternatives,
3) choice of decision,
4) implementation of the decision.

Methods that are used during the diagnostic phase of problems will ensure a reliable and up-to-date description. Our warehouse includes methods of alignment, factor analysis, modeling (economic-mathematical methods, methods of mass service theory, inventory theory, economic analysis) and forecasting (explained and common methods ). All these methods involve collecting, saving, processing and analyzing information, recording the most important aspects. The set of methods depends on the nature and location of the problem, the terms and costs that appear at the stage of formulation.

At the phase of developing (generating) alternatives, methods of collecting information are also being developed, but at the same time as the first stage, which influences the search for responses to questions like “What happened?” And “For what reasons?”, here they learn how the problem can be solved with the help of some management actions.

When developing alternatives (methods of management actions to achieve the goal), choose methods of both individual and collective problem solving. Individual methods are characterized by the least investment per hour, but the solutions are optimal. When generating alternatives, use an intuitive approach and methods of logical (rational) problem solving. To help the decision maker (DM), experts are obtained from the most common problems to take part in the development of alternatives. Collective problems arise from the brain attack/assault model, Delphi and nominal group technology.

During a brain attack, there is an open-ended discussion, which is important to conduct in groups that consist of 4–10 participants. A brain attack on the self is also possible.

The greater the difference between participants, the better the result (through different evidence, temperament, work areas).

Participants do not need any extensive or tedious preparation or knowledge of this method. However, the variety of ideas that are floating around, and it will take an hour to show how much participants and entire groups are aware of the principles and basic rules of this method. It is positive that the participants have knowledge and evidence in the field of analysis. The duration of the session within the framework of a brain attack can be chosen between a number of days and a number of years; the duration of the session is typically 20-30 minutes.

With the use of the method of brain attack in small groups, two principles must be strictly adhered to: avoid evaluating ideas (here a lot turns into harshness) and adhere to four basic rules - criticism is turned off, floats in A stronger association, as far as the quantity is concerned, is being sought to be understood and improved.

The choice of decision is made in the minds of significance, risk and insignificance. The difference between these stages of the middle is indicated by a variety of information, the level of knowledge of the decision maker about the essence of the problem, and the minds of the decision-making process.

It is important for the mind to make a decision (become aware of the essence of the problems), if the decision maker can later determine the result (output) of the skin alternative assigned to the choice. This is the situation with tactful short-line solutions. And here the decision maker has his own ordered reporting information, then. comprehensive knowledge about the situation to praise the decision.

The mental risk is determined by such a state of knowledge of the essence of the problem, if the decision-maker is aware of the credibility of the possible results of the implementation of a dermal alternative. The minds of the crisis and insignificance are characterized by the so-called minds of richly significant perceptions of the current situation in the external environment. In this case, the decision maker can choose an alternative without accurately identifying the contributing factors and their impact on the result. In the minds, the result of the skin alternative is the function of the minds - the officials of the dovkill (the function of coarseness), which is the first step in the transmission of the decision maker. To analyze the results of choosing alternative strategies, a decision matrix is ​​created, which is also called a payment matrix.

The mind of insignificance is such a state of excessive middle-classness (knowledge of the essence of the phenomena), if a skin alternative can produce a number of results, and the certainty of the culprit of these inheritances is unknown. The insignificance of the middle has decided to lie in the relationship between a number of information and reliability. Because of unimportant external concerns, it is more important to take effective decisions. The middle will decide to lie also in line with the level of dynamics, the looseness of the middle, etc. The speed of change that is expected will lead to a decision. A change of minds can result from the development of an organization, then. adding to it the possibility of facing new problems, created before updating, and with the influx of new officials, who can be regulated by the organization. The choice of the best solution for the minds of insignificance must be based on this, which is the stage of this insignificance, then. Moreover, the information is provided by the decision maker. Such a choice, if the number of possible options of minds is unknown, but to determine the principles of approach to assessing the results of actions, will provide the following criteria: the maximum Wald criterion, using the Savage criterion, the Hurwitz criterion for pessimism-optimism, the Laplace criterion or the Bayesian criterion.

When implementing a decision, it is necessary to establish methods of planning, organizing and monitoring the implementation of decisions. The plan for the implementation of the decision transfers the elimination of nutritional patterns, so that, to whom and how, and where to work. The evidence for this nutrition may be documented.

The main methods to ensure consistency with a plan for the implementation of management decisions are the moderate modeling of certain obligations. The main tools of edge modeling are edge matrices, a edge graph of connections from a calendar-scale grid.

The methods of organizing a decision include the methods of compiling an information table for the implementation of a decision (ITPP) and methods of infusing and motivation.

Methods for controlling the financial decision are divided into monitoring intermediate and final results and monitoring the terms of the financial system (operations in ITRR). The main purpose of control lies in the established system of guarantees of the final decision, the system of ensuring the maximum possible extent of the decision.

Information processing technologies

During the information process, the information that circulates in the enterprise or organization is subject to one or the other processing depending on its activities. Behind the scenes one can see input and output, internal and external information. In the process of processing, information can be primary and secondary, intermediate and resultant, during which the data are transformed from one type to another. With the development of information technology, the amount of work spent on data processing increases and requires the use of sophisticated technologies.

Technology (gr. techne - mastery, logos - knowledge, knowledge about mastery) - the totality of knowledge about the methods and features of manufacturing processes, in which there is a necessary clear change in the objects that are being produced.

Information technology is a process that uses a combination of techniques and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting information to collect new information about an object, a process, or a device. A similar meaning is given in Art. 2 Federal Law No. 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and information protection": information technologies - processes, methods of searching, collecting, saving, processing, data, expanded information These are the ways of developing such processes and methods.

Meta-information technology is the collection of information for human analysis and further decision-making for any actions. In general, information technology is a set of clearly meaningful actions of people from processing information on a computer. The technological process of processing information consists of stages, operations and specific actions of the operator that result in data processing.

The structure of possible operations based on data can be named as follows:

Data collection and formalization, then. reduced to a new form;
filtration and sorting;
processing and transformation of data in accordance with the given task;
archiving of data, then. organizing data storage in a compact, handy and easily accessible form;
Data protection - a complex of approaches aimed at preventing the loss of data and their modifications;
transportation of data, tobto. reception and transmission of data between remote participants in the information process.

The history of the development of information technologies includes a number of stages associated with fundamental changes in the field of information processing.

The first stage of connection with the development of writing. The means of collecting, storing and processing information here were pen, ink, paper and books; the efficiency of information processing at this stage was extremely low. Vinakhid of the Friendship in the middle of the 16th century. significantly increased the efficiency of information processing, such as the dialing board and the Drukarsky verstat.

“Manual technology” was replaced, at the end of the 19th century, with the advent of telegraph, telephone, and radio, by “mechanical” technology, which allows for the rapid transmission of information.

Creation of electric Drukar machines, television towers, copying machines, tape recorders until the middle of the 20th century. led to the rise of “electric” information technologies.

From the other half of the XX century. With the emergence of the EOM, and then the personal computer, a new stage in the development of information technologies arose - “electronic” technologies.

An electronic computing machine is a universal device for entering, displaying, accumulating, processing and transmitting information for increasing calculation and information tasks. The term "computer" is used in the same sense as the term "EOM". EOM is an electronic machine, the fragments of which are composed of electronic circuits, and a calculating machine, which processes the fragments of information in digital form, finite calculations, numerical arithmetic and logical operations without human input. The digital form of presenting any data will provide the computer with such power as universality and suitability for a variety of different tasks.

The first was the design of an analytical machine (calculating machine) in a warehouse with an input device, a memory device, a processor, a device for displaying registration letters in the 19th century. Charles Babage. In the first place, I came up with the idea of ​​software processing with such a machine. Further development of this idea is known to be continued with the introduction of the first electronic calculating machines. The functioning of the EOM was based on a dual numerical system for representing numbers and placing control programs in the device. The first EOMs were developed in the USA and England, in continental Europe the first “small electronic medical machine” (MESM) was created in the USSR.

Electronic computing machines are classified as low.

The physical data collected includes:

Analog computing machines are non-stop operations that work with information supplied in a non-stop (analog) form. in a seemingly continuous series, the value of any physical quantity (most often electrical voltage);
digital computing machines that process information in discrete form (digital);
Hybrid computing machines are combined, which combine the advantages of analog and digital computing machines and are used for advanced control of folding sliding technical complexes.

Behind the stages of the creation of EOM one can see several generations of development of computer technology, which was formed throughout the XX century.

The first generation includes cars built in the 1950s. with the arrangement of electronic tubes. At this time there were divided medical machines: MESM (small electronic medical machine), BESM (large electronic medical machine), “Strila”, “Ural” series, M-20. The main consequences of the first EOM were the cessation of scientific and technical developments.

Ten years later, EOMs were created, based on discrete conductor devices (transistors). Another generation of EOM was stagnated for technical and development purposes.

Third generation cars appeared in the 1970s. and there were separations on the conductor integrated circuits with a small and medium level of integration (hundreds, thousands of transistors in one package). This generation of EOM has begun to stagnate in the management and implementation of economic developments.

The fourth generation of EOM took shape in the 1980s. with the understanding of great and super-great integrated circuits - microprocessors (tens of thousands - millions of transistors per crystal). The method of EOM of this generation was already the presentation of information and wider development in management.

Thus, EOM creations are characterized by dozens of parallel working microprocessors, which allow for efficient knowledge processing systems. This generation is characterized by the stagnation of personal computers, telecommunication data processing, computer networks, the widespread stagnation of database management systems, elements of the intelligent behavior of data processing systems and devices.

The creation of optoelectronic EOMs with massive parallelism and neural structure dates back to the beginning of the 21st century. It is expected that the next generation of computers will have a clear transition from data processing to knowledge processing.

Information processing process

Information processing is a process of ordering and transformation that is consistent with the algorithm for solving the task.

After complete processing of information, the result may appear to the end users in the required form. This operation is carried out as soon as the latest information is available. The presentation of information, please, is carried out using additional external EOM devices such as texts, tables, graphs and others.

Information technology is the material basis of information technology, which also includes the collection, storage, transmission and processing of information. Until the mid-19th century, when the processes of collecting and accumulating information were dominant, the basis of information technology was the pen, inkwell and paper. Communication (contacts) took place through the route of directing packets (dispatches). The “manual” information technology at the end of the 19th century was replaced by the “mechanical” one (typewriter, telephone, telegraph, etc.), which served as the basis for fundamental changes in information processing technology. It would take a lot more effort to move on from storing and transferring information before processing. This became possible with the emergence in the other half of our century of such information technology as electronic computing machines, which gave rise to “computer technology”.

The ancient Greeks respected that technology (techne - mastery + logos - knowledge) is the mastery (mystery) of speech. The greatest significance of this concept has arisen in the process of industrialization of marriage.

Technology is the totality of knowledge about the methods and methods of carrying out manufacturing processes that involve a clear change in the objects that are formed.

Technologies of ceramic processes of power are ordered and organized, as opposed to spontaneous processes. Historically, the term “technology” has been used in the sphere of material production. Information technology in this context can be influenced by the technology of the hardware and software of computing technology in this subject area.

Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and software and technical features integrated into technological devices that ensure collection, processing, saving, expansion and display formats by reducing the complexity of processes for obtaining information resources, as well as increasing their reliability and efficiency .

Information technologies are characterized by the following main powers:

1. The subject (object) of the processing (process) is data;
2. The method of the process is the removal of information;
3. The methods of this process include software, hardware and software-hardware computing systems;
4. Data processing processes are divided into operations corresponding to a given subject area;
5. The choice of inputs into processes that are managed is the responsibility of the people involved in making decisions;
6. The criteria for optimizing the process are the timeliness of delivery of information to the public, its reliability, validity, and completeness.

Of all types of technology, information technology in the sphere of management provides the greatest benefits to the “human factor”, giving an important contribution to the qualifications of a worker, replacing his work, physical activity and knowledge. wife, professional prospects and the level of social contributions.

Analysis of information processing

The primary sociological information is removed and then stored, analyzed, and scientifically integrated. For this purpose, all collected questionnaires, surveys, report cards and interview forms must be verified, coded, entered into the program, grouped, collected, compiled into tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. In other words, it is necessary to establish methods for analyzing and processing empirical data.

The primary methods of processing information are based on the data that was collected during empirical investigation.

Secondary methods are the methods used to remove indicators, to determine frequencies and grouped data.

Six stages of sociological information:

Stage 1. Coding and editing of information. It is important to formalize empirical data, which has been removed by the method of study and other methods of collecting sociological information. Part of the questionnaire information is already formalized, so that all possible options are given and corresponding digital codes are entered. However, most of the time, there are problems that need to be put in place when editing already collected profiles. In addition, another type of data that is collected is the output when the power is on. Therefore, their grouping and further coding is also important for the first stage.
Stage 2. Transfer of sociological data to magnetic media. The amount of information that is collected in the course of sociological research is often large: the average of the research yields at least a few thousand pieces of information. Processing such a large amount of data without shutting down current computers is very important but ineffective. The importance of computing technology requires that the information that is collected be located on specially designed carriers. Therefore, the transfer of data from questionnaires to such media will replace another stage of processing sociological information.
Stage 3. Entering information on the computer. The data of the research we need, which is stored on special media, is entered into the computer and retrieved in a new version, as soon as possible previously fragmented and modified by special data processing programs. This stage is most often implemented by the calculation center's employees and current programs.
Stage 4. Verification of sociological data and correction of inaccuracies. Information has been entered into the computer in many cases to avenge more or less serious consequences. The reasons for such cancellations vary widely - the failure of respondents when filling out questionnaires and the transfer of codes to computer-readable media, and in addition to the failure of technical devices of computers. However, it doesn’t matter, the stars are gone. It is immediately necessary to identify and correct them after entering the data into the computer, so that the process begins to move to the next stage of analysis of sociological information. For this purpose, the sociologist-preslednik formulates songs of benefits that may be satisfied with the removal of data under the hour of investigation. On the basis of the removed information about these and other proposals, the sociologist-pre-researcher makes a decision about their removal, thereby eliminating the information.
Stage 5. Creation of change. The information collected from additional questionnaires often does not directly correspond to nutrition, which is necessary during the investigation. This is most often due to the fact that it is often very difficult to obtain the required characteristics of any traceable characteristics. For this purpose, to get everything done, you may need to revise the collected data. For rich questionnaires, the information directly corresponds to the research findings, and in this sense the nutrition itself is changeable.
Stage 6. Final. Statistical analysis of sociological information. Due to its significance, this stage is the most important in any analysis of sociological data. During the statistical analysis, the necessary statistical patterns and relationships are revealed. Sociologists use a wide range of different methods of mathematical statistics to easily access and thoroughly analyze all available sociological information. In this case, the stagnation of modern computing technology, equipped with similar programs for mathematical and statistical processing of information, is necessary for the mental, prompt and clear analysis of sociological data.

Sociological data must be correct, accurate, stable, informed and representative. The classification of alarms is important for assessing the reliability of sociological information. In sociology, all attempts are usually divided into the following two groups: instrumental and theoretical.

Instrumental relaxations serve the purpose of the virtual and true meaning of the sign. The stench is divided into phases and systematically. Vipadkovym means amends, which, with repeated deaths, change according to international laws. Systematic eliminations with repeated deaths will become permanent.

Other methods of increasing the reliability of sociological information can be used to ensure compliance and control the reliability of empirical data. To discover methods of external and internal control. External information is important in relation to the empirical information provided, which is followed by any other external information. The internal ones are knitted in the middle with the cross-sectional sign of the investigator.

Presumably, it is possible to develop a conclusion that methods for increasing the reliability of sociological information make it possible to establish the level of reliability of the follow-up results that were removed when repeated This is the same methodology and technology in the same minds.

Processing of text information

Regardless of the wide possibilities of using computers for processing various information, the most popular ones, as before, are deprived of programs designed for working with text.

When preparing text documents on a computer, there are three main groups of operations:

Input operations allow you to transfer the output text from your external form to an electronic form, a file that is saved on your computer. Entries can be made not only by typing on an additional keyboard, but also by scanning the paper original and then converting the document from a graphic format to a text one (recognition).
- Editing operations allow you to change an existing electronic document by adding or removing fragments, rearranging parts of a document, splitting multiple files, dividing a single document into multiple smaller ones, etc. Introduction and editing during the hour, work on the text is often completed in parallel. When entered and edited, a replacement text document is formed.
- The formatting of a document is specified by formatting operations. Format commands allow you to precisely determine how text appears on the monitor screen or on paper or on the printer.

Programs that process text information are called text editors.

All the variety of current text editors can be mentally divided into three main groups:

1. First, the simplest text editors are used, which allow you to use a minimum of capabilities and work with documents in the original text format. This group of editors can include the WordPad editors included with the Windows OS and the very low-functional NotePad, as well as similar products from other manufacturers (Atlantis, EditPad, Aditor Pro, Gedit, etc.) etc.).
2. The middle class of text editors includes a wide range of possibilities for document design. They work with standard text files (TXT, RTF, DOC). Such programs can be downloaded from Microsoft Works and Lexicon.
3. Up to the third group there are heavy text processors, such as Microsoft Word or StarOffice Writer. Please note all operations with text. Most of the vikory writers are editors in everyday work.

The main functions of text editors and processors are:

Introducing and editing symbols in the text;
- Possibility of selecting different fonts for symbols;
- copying and transferring parts of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;
- contextual joke and replacement of parts of the text;
- Setting additional parameters for paragraphs and fonts;
- automatic transfer of drains to a new row;
- automatic numbering of pages;
- processing and numbering of wines;
- Create a table and daily diagrams;
- checking the spelling of words and adding synonyms;
- Pobudova zmіstіv and subject indicators;
- distribution of prepared text on a printer, etc.

Also, almost all text processors have the following functions:

Support for different document formats;
- richness, then. the ability to work with a large number of documents overnight;
- insertion and editing of formulas;
- automatic saving of the edited document;
- robot with rich column text;
- Possibility of working with different formatting styles;
- Creation of document templates;
- Analysis of statistical information.

Today, almost all modern text editors are included in the stock of integrated software packages intended for the needs of the daily office. So, for example, Microsoft Word is included in the warehouse of the most popular office suite, Microsoft Office.

Similar MS Office programs are Writer, StarOffice Writer, Corel WordPerfect, Apple Pages.

Processing of personal information

The Russian Federation ratified the Convention for the sake of Europe “On the protection of physical persons under the automated processing of personal data.” With the ratification of this international document, our country and we and our communities have entered into a new socio-economic formation, in which the rights of people and the rights of “operators” are re-important. At the end of the Convention, Russia hastily adopted Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data” (hereafter Federal Law No. 152), which repeats the Convention in all basic provisions. Federal Law No. 152, however, until recently, when going to the library or to the dentist, people did not have the opportunity to give new information about their life: themselves, family, work, power.

The brutal and total collection of information about all aspects of people’s lives came as no surprise to the authorities of Federal Law No. 210 “On the organization of government and municipal services.” Here they also requested the adoption of the Convention for the sake of Europe “On the protection of physical persons during the automated processing of personal data” and Federal Law No. 152. On the basis of Federal Law No. 152, residents will also have to sign various forms “for the processing of their personal data” at the place of work, starting at the nursery that raises the child. Schools, clinics, libraries, and all social institutions collect our voluntary benefits. We also noted that stores that, when given a discount, hand out questionnaires with a phrase about a benefit for the processing of personal data included in bold font.

First of all, people need to know what is behind the concepts that are used on forms:

1. Subject to Federal Law No. 152, personal data is any information that can be communicated directly or indirectly to an individual.
2. The concept of “processing of personal data” is not nearly as innocent as most of us think it is. Subject to clause 3 of Article 3 of Federal Law No. 152, “processing” includes any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) that operate with or without the use of automation methods personal data, including collection, recording , systematization, accumulation, saving, clarification (updating, change), acquisition, retrieval, transfer (expansion, transfer, access), unisolation, blocking, removal, reduction of personal data.
3. The term “operator” is very important. It is necessary to remember that the operator independently decides what personal data he chooses and how he deals with this data. Subject to Federal Law No. 152, the operator is a government body, a municipal body, a legal or physical person who, independently or jointly with other persons, organizes and/or carries out the processing of personal data, and also determines the purposes of timidity of personal data, warehouse of personal data, scho facilitate processing, actions (operations) that deal with personal data.
4. What is meant by the concept of “personal data wiki”? Since operators are given the right to take any action with our personal data, then the recognition of legally significant decisions is subject to this right. Giving time to process their personal data, people are willing to allow operators to carry out any actions or manipulate any of their own information, including confidential information.
5. Subject to Federal Law No. 152, “rozpovyudzhennya” – these actions are directly related to the disclosure of personal data to an unidentified number of individuals. Fragments of personal data - whether information about a person, or more broadly - are not actually controlled by people's awareness of their confidential information, whether physical or legal, at the discretion of the operator. If the operator acknowledges that it is necessary, then in the process of processing, transcordon transfer of personal data may occur - transfer of personal data by the operator through the State Cordon of the Russian Federation to the authority of a foreign power, foreign physical or a foreign legal entity.
6. Federal Law No. 152 provides virtually unlimited possibilities for any manipulation of our personal data to any operator who has denied people “the processing of personal data.” The formal phrase of the forms about the right of people to request the processing of personal data does not apply. At the time of clicking on personal data, people have already been sent to different databases, they will be deprived of their rights and will be subject to abuse. In addition, clicking here threatens the operator with reprisal attacks. Some operators talk about them immediately, while others stagnate in practice without further delay. Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 152 has been amended to give the operator the right to continue the processing of personal data and after clicking on the processing. Changes to Article 6 of this law allow the processing of personal data without the need of a person when performing state and municipal services, including registration on a single portal of state services. Subject to the logic of these provisions, no electronic services will be allowed to process personal data of any kind. Well, in the information sector, a new person is coming to the fore - an operator who dictates his mind to the people and powers.
7. Thousands of people with religious connections cannot accept the automated method of collecting personal data that is linked to a number of special identifiers (SNILZ, IPN and others), bar coding of information Yes, personal data bases have been created, access to which is based on the individual’s digital identifiers. The use of individual digital identifiers in any legal framework violates the right to operate under one’s own name, guaranteed by Article 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For a common person, replacing a name with a digital identifier is unpleasant, since there is an actual replacement of the name given at Baptism with a digital number, which is pre-modern and becomes obligatory mental access before being what rights and services.

However, the use of an automated method for storing personal data does not reduce the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The first application of sanctions for vidmova is to provide all information about yourself at the discretion of the operator. So called operators, who have approved the release date for the processing of personal data, are forcing citizens to pay subsidies, do not provide medical assistance, and the Scientists are informing about the threat of not being allowed to undergo tests or not being able to see a certificate. This is a grave violation of the rights of the citizens.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation has the rights of citizens to social security, medical assistance, education and other things that are not covered by the compulsory year for the processing of personal data. The Constitution has a direct effect and has legal force. Residents have the right to exercise all their rights and have the right to process personal data.

The Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church adopted the Document “The position of the Church in connection with the development of technology and the processing of personal data.” The Document states that thousands of citizens, on the basis of their constitutional rights and with religious motivation, are motivated by the emergence of a new identification system.

The Church places particular importance on the principle of voluntariness in accepting any identifiers and points out that it is necessary to respect the constitutional rights of citizens and not discriminate against those who are deemed to accept electronic their identification methods.

The Church respects the inadmissibility of compromising the rights of citizens whenever they have the right to process personal data.

Paragraph 5 states: “In connection with this, the supply of personal information creates the ability to control and manage a person through various areas of life (finance, medical care, family, social security, power and otherwise) there is a real problem, not only Introducing people into everyday life, and bringing peace into their soul. The Church shares the concern of the citizens and respects the unacceptable infringement of their rights for all people to have the right to process personal data.”

Organization of information processing

In each case, there are possible options for the design of the structure of the body, such as external and individual officials, officials of a particular enterprise.

Individual factors include:

Trivality of the variable and level of penetration (breadth/number, depth/common and stage of integration of add-ons) OI in the enterprise;
kerivnitstva style;
The basic structure of the organization of the organization and the sphere of OI.

Depending on the scale of the information processing problem at a particular enterprise, there are various organizational structures in this area. Let's take a look at the different structural diagrams (organizations) that characterize typical options for organizing subdivisions (or services) of different scales.

The structure of the great branch of OI is divided into other ranks of the central organization, the design of application systems and its maintenance, the IC, the development of basic technological features, and the main VC. Apparently, the staff here is given broad staff functions.

Servicing in large enterprises takes up 50 to 70% of the obvious efforts, which can be seen as a significant autonomous part of the structure. At the same time, it is often said against this dismembered substructure that in practice the design of a robot is considered more prestigious, and the maintenance and support of systems by their parts is, as a rule, the most clear, that is a valid sense secure these functions thoroughly, t .e. for help from these people themselves.

The computational center may, for example, be the central hub of data; Many enterprises have adopted a division of data structure.

Come in before the vantage of the cars, they will spit out the plans for the carving of clay and, more precisely, the caravan. When organizing computational work, it is often necessary to recognize their changeable nature in principle.

Subject to design (development) and the development of systems can also be recommended for the structure of the average unit OI. The selection and implementation (implementation) of standard application software features that are added by third-party organizations will become increasingly important for all companies; servicing of terminal koristuvachs is presented in this same group. Such structures often do not have a central hub of data, which is designed for the purpose of decentralizing control over viral species.

Planning and support functions include organizational tasks that are not otherwise within the competence of the care department of the species. Planning and support functions also rely on technical and software features and boundary planning. Depending on these and other situations that have arisen among the staff, it is also possible to delegate certain functions to work groups of another or third level.

Important for the small number of workers in the small sector (all functions are carried out by the same person, the planned and responsible responsibility for this is to work with a different personal union of Management often. is transferred to the sub-unit, which prompted the promotion of OI. In industrial plants, it is often the case that there is no standard application software, and the functions of support and support in such enterprises are often transferred to the bank, the parts of the government of which profile have not yet been formed.

Processing economical information

1. Tabular display of economical information.

Tables are a more compactly concentrated representation of business activities in digital expression. The role of the table is high due to its ability without text analysis. And the most convenient and rational form for receiving information. There are 3 types of tables: simple, group, combined.

Behind the analytical place, there are tables that display the characteristics of the object, which is determined by these or other signs, the order of the displays, the dynamics of the following indicators, structural changes in the storage of indicators, Implications of indicators for different signs, the results of the breakdown of the influx of factors to the level of the monitored showing off.

2. Graphic method of displaying information.

Graphs are large-scale images of indicators and their location using geometric figures.

The main forms of graphs are diagrams, which behind their shape are stacked, dark, circular, square, linear, shapes. In place of the diagrams there is an equalization (the simplest graph of the equalization of the values ​​of indicators - stacker diagrams, smooth diagrams. For them, a rectangular coordinate system is created), structural (sectoral), dynamic, linkage graphs (On the and the abscissa shows the values ​​of the factor indicator, and on the axis ordinates – the value of the effective indicator on a similar scale.), control graphs (there will be two lines on the graph: the planned and actual level of indicators for the period of an hour.) etc.

3. Leveling method.

Evaluating is a scientific method of understanding, in some unknown phenomenon, objects are presented with those already known, previously investigated, using a single method of identifying hidden characteristics and the values ​​associated with them.

Vikoristavayutsya when:

Alignment of actual data with planned data;
- Change of performance indicators;
- alignment of the indicators of the analyzed PP with the average indicators for Galusia;
- Increasing the results of activities before and after making a management decision.

4. Variation of extreme and average values.

Absolute displays show the vast dimensions of the item, regardless of other items in the world, vagi, obsyagu, trivalosti, ploshcha, vartosti, etc.

These indicators establish a relationship between the size of the object under investigation and the size of any other object, or the size of this object, or taken over a different period or from another object. The relevant indicators are taken from the result of the division of one value in another, which is taken as the basis for the equalization.

To characterize the change in indicators over a period of time, use specific dynamics values. They are designated by the division of the value of the indicator of the flow period for the previous period (months, quarters, generations). They are called rates of growth (increase) and are expressed depending on the percentages and coefficients. The actual dynamics values ​​can be either basic or Lanczygian. The indicator of the structure is the visible part (pitted part) of the sterile part, expressed in hundreds and coefficients.

5. Grouping of information.

Widespread use in AHD is to understand the grouping of information - the division of the totality of objects, which is divided into somewhat homogeneous groups behind similar signs. It is important to analyze typological, structural and analytical groupings during the analysis.

Examples of typological groupings can be population groups for activity, groups of enterprises for forms of power, etc.

Structural grouping allows for the development of internal structures, connections between new elements. They are also divided into workers' warehouses based on their professions, work experience, age, and employment standards.

Analytical (causal-inheritance) groupings are used to enhance clarity, directly forming a connection between the indicators that are being studied.

6. Balance method.

The balance method serves as the main principle of the correlation, the proportion of two groups of mutually related economic indicators, some of which are identical. It is widely used to analyze the security of the enterprise with labor, financial resources, raw materials, fuel, materials, main methods of production, etc., and to analyze the abundance of their waste.

The balancing method can be used in case of deterministic additive factor models. The analysis can establish a model based on the balance of goods. For example,

Surplus for the settlement + Virobnitstvo + Import = Sales. Products + visa + Surplus on the market

7. Rich world level.

For the needs of the date, an assessment of the activities of several enterprises of the same area, region, subject. Based on the comparison of these indicators, a ranking of the activities of the enterprise is carried out. For different displays, one enterprise can take different places, so different methods can be used. The rich-scale analysis, based on the Euclidean scale method, allows one to determine not only the absolute value, but also the proximity/distance of this indicator to the indicators of the standard enterprise. In connection with this, the coordinates of the aligned enterprises are expressed in parts that correspond to the coordinates of the reference enterprise (its coordinate = 1).

Stages of conducting a wide-ranging analysis based on the Euclidean method:

1. Setting up a system of indicators, which evaluates the results of the activities of enterprises, the collected information and the folded matrix of output data.
2. For each graph in the matrix, the maximum values ​​are calculated as compared to 1. Then all elements of the graph are divided by the maximum values.
3. Remove the coefficients by squaring them and multiplying them by the value of the corresponding coefficients of significance, and then add the rating score to the surrounding column.
4 The results of the ratings are to rank and indicate the place of the skin business for the sum. 1st place for the enterprise with the maximum rating score.

With the sum method, the place in the skin graph is indicated by the place of admission to this coefficient, in the rest of the place the place is subsumed. Those who have less sum – 1 sum. However, it is important to pay attention to the coefficient of significance (the most important is the coefficient of absolute liquidity).

8. Methods of bringing in indicators from a foreigner.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to keep in mind during the analysis - the need to ensure the consistency of the indicators, since it is only possible to compare clearly homogeneous values.

Inconsistency of indicators can be caused by various reasons: different price levels, activity obligations, structural changes, heterogeneity of products, differences in the indicators distribution method, In other calendar periods, too. Correction of uncorrected indicators can lead to incorrect conclusions based on the analysis results. Since the inconsistency of the indicators of the vyklikan with different levels of vartis assessment, then in order to neutralize this factor, their levels are expressed in the same prices

Methods of processing information

Current information processing systems use digital technologies that include paper data and enable data exchange between automated workstation technologies, which also allow for the integration of specialized forces of the spivrobit group. no one over the top of any task (such as organization within a work group), exchange of thoughts in progress of negotiations at any time in real time mode (teleconference), prompt exchange of materials via e-mail, electronic mailboxes, etc. For such systems, we need to broaden the term “corporate business process management systems” to support business operations as a whole. Such systems are characterized by non-viable technologies.

“Client-server”, including connections of remote clients through the global Internet network. It is not uncommon for the system to unite over 40 thousand clients, located in different countries and continents, into a global information space. One of these applications could be the McDonalds company, which maintains its branches in the world and in Russia.

Simply installing personal computers at work stations and connecting them locally is unlikely to have a positive effect in business management, since the original information structure will not be completely changed . It is not possible to automate outdated methods of work; a personal computer can be turned into a tool for the high-speed production of new papers. Thus, the results of the analysis of the work of enterprises in the United States describe the situation when, in order to enable the time service to the list warehouse of the enterprise, 43 different documents were drawn up, a total of 113 pages, including the necessary copies. This is because the information system has established connections (communications) between sub-units and other services. Moreover, for the normal functioning of an enterprise, no more than 20-30 internal communications are required, in fact they have 3-4 times more. Moreover, the practice of automation of business management shows that the establishment of productive computer equipment can lead to an increase in the number of communications for the management of “every problem” of your copies and their distribution. This stage of implementation for the production of computer technology can be achieved by speeding up all communications (communications) to an optimal level.

One of the most widespread problems: the attribution of the obvious power of the computer. A personal computer, no matter how expensive or productive it is, is nothing more than a healing machine, because it cannot solve our complex economic problems, because we ourselves cannot correctly formulate our goals.

Of great importance are also social and psychological problems that the team has under the hour of introduction of computer technology, which leads to a reduction in the number of spivorobnitniks, increased (and therefore strengthened) control over the activity and other coronavirus patients too.

Computerization fundamentally changes the technology of accounting and analysis of government activities. In a non-automated accounting system, the processing of data on government transactions is easily simplified and is accompanied by documents on paper, information - orders, assignments, records and regional registers, such as regional journals Iku. Similar documents are often stored in a computer system, but in many cases they are not found in electronic form. Moreover, the main accounting documents (accounting books and journals) in the accounting computer system have data files, which are impossible to read or change without a computer.

p align="justify"> Computer technology is characterized by a number of features that must be taken into account when assessing intelligence and control procedures.

A single operation. Computer processing transmits one or more commands for several identical accounting operations, which includes the appearance of random errors, such as manual processing. However, software fixes (and other systematic fixes in hardware and software) lead to incorrect processing of all identical operations for new minds.

Subfunction. p align="justify"> A computer system can create non-personal internal control procedures, as in non-automated systems there are different falsifications. This situation deprives frontline employees who have access to a computer from being able to perform other functions. As a result, computer systems can introduce additional inputs to support control at the necessary level, which in non-automated systems is achieved by simple subfunctions. Before such logins, a password system may be in place to prevent actions that are unacceptable on the part of facsimile agents who can access information about assets and cloud documents through a terminal in interactive mode.

Potential possibilities appeared due to inaccuracies. Compared to non-automated accounting systems, computer systems are more susceptible to unauthorized access, including features that provide controls. They are also open for the desired change of data and direct or indirect removal of information about assets. The less people are involved in the machine processing of the operation, the lower the possibility of identifying errors and inaccuracies. Applications made during the development or adjustment of application programs may be subject to undue delay during the trial period. The potential for increased control from the side of the administration.

Computer systems provide the administration with a wide range of analytical capabilities, allowing them to evaluate and control the activities of the company. The availability of additional tools will ensure the improvement of the internal control system and, thus, reducing the risk of its ineffectiveness. Thus, the results of the normal comparison of the actual values ​​of the coefficient of expenditures with the planned ones, and the calculations of the accounts are usually received by the administration during computer processing of information. In addition, certain application programs accumulate statistical information about the computer's operation, which can be used to control the actual progress of accounting transactions.

Initiation of a computer operation. The computer system can log certain transactions automatically, and its authorization is not necessarily documented, as is the case in non-automated accounting systems, since the very fact of putting such a system into operation by the administration It conveys in an implicit sense the obviousness of the corresponding sanctions.

Thus, the method of processing government transactions when maintaining an accounting system greatly influences the organizational structure of the company, as well as the procedures and methods of internal control.

The role of the accountant and his interaction with the administration is clearly changing. However, automation of the accountant’s work attracts specific minds in Russian minds, for example, there are a large number of documents that need to be printed one by one. Additional difficulties will arise over the next three years in connection with Russia's transition to international standards.

Types of information processing

Processing information involves separating one “information objects” from other “information objects” by means of various algorithms and one of the main operations that creates Working on information leads to an increase in diversity.

On the very top level you can see numerical and non-numerical processing. When designating the type of processing, there is a different interpretation of the concept of “given”. In numerical processing, objects such as variables, vectors, matrices, rich arrays, constants, etc. are used. For non-numeric processing, objects may include files, records, fields, hierarchies, boundaries, tables, etc. Another importance is that from the numerical processing of the data there is no great significance, since from the non-numerical processing we can obtain comprehensive information about objects, and not their totality.

Based on the current availability of computing technology, we see the following types of information processing:

Sequential processing, which is based on the traditional von Neumann architecture of the EOM, which uses one processor;
parallel processing, which stands for the presence of many processors in the EOM;
Conveyor processing is connected with the same resources in the EOM architecture for the execution of different tasks, and both tasks are the same as the sequential conveyor, but the task is, however, a vector conveyor.

It is customary to classify common EOM architectures from the perspective of information processing into one of these classes.

Architectures with a single stream of commands and data (SISD). This class includes traditional single-processor systems, which contain a central processor that processes attribute-value pairs.

Architectures with single command and data streams (SIMD). The peculiarity of this class is the presence of one (central) controller, which controls a number of processors.

It is important to look at the capabilities of the controller and the processing elements, the number of processors, the organization of the search mode and the characteristics of the routing and control measures:

Matrix processors that are used for performing vector and matrix tasks;
associative processors that can be used for a variety of innumerable tasks and memory storage, which can be used directly to access the information that is stored in it;
processor ensembles that can be used for numerical and non-numerical processing;
conveyor and vector processors.

Multistream and Single Data (MISD) architectures. To what class can conveyor processors be classified?

Multi-instruction multi-data (MIMD) architectures. To which class can the following changes be made: multiprocessor systems, systems with multiprocessors, computing systems with multiple machines, computing measures.

The creation of data as a processing operation transfers their light as a result to the current algorithm and further processing for processing at a higher level.

Data modification is associated with changes in the real subject area, which are affected by the inclusion of new data and the removal of unnecessary ones.

Ensuring the security and integrity of data is directly based on adequate representation of the real object data in the information model and ensures the protection of information from unauthorized access (security) and from data failures code of technical and software features.

Searching for information that is stored in the computer’s memory acts as an independent operation when selecting outputs from different records and as an additional operation when processing information.

Making a decision is the most important step that comes before the time of processing information. A wide variety of decisions has been made to necessitate the use of different mathematical models.

Depending on the level of information about the machine of the ceramic object, the precision and accuracy of the object models and control systems, the interaction with the external environment, the process of making a decision takes place in different minds:

1) make a decision for the minds of the importance. In this particular model of the object and control system, the tasks are important, and the injection of additional power is not networked. Therefore, between the chosen strategy of resource utilization and the final result, there is an unambiguous connection, it is evident that in the minds of the importance of vicorizing the general rule for assessing the cost of solution options, accepting as optimally those that lead to the greatest effect. As such strategies are similar, all of them are considered equivalent. For the sake of understanding, the importance of using mathematical programming methods;
2) praise for the decision in the minds of the riziku. In order to make a decision in the minds of the crisis, it is necessary to take into account the influx of the external middle, which cannot be accurately predicted, but is known to be an unimaginable division of its forces. In minds, the use of the same strategies can lead to different results, the likelihood of which will appear in respect of tasks and can be determined. The assessment and choice of strategy is carried out according to the following general rule, which ensures the possibility of achieving the final result;
3) a praised decision in the minds of insignificance. As in the primary task between the choice of strategy and the final result of daily unambiguous connections. In addition, the significance of the likelihood of the final results appearing is also unknown, which either cannot be determined or does not exist in the context of the substitute sense. Each pair of “strategy - final result” suggests that the external assessment looks like a winner. The most broadened criterion is to achieve the maximum guaranteed winnings;
4) make decisions based on rich criteria. Regardless of the above, the richness of criteria arises from the fact that there are many independent goals that cannot be reduced to one another. The presence of a large number of decisions complicates the assessment and selection of the optimal strategy. One of the possible ways is to use alternative modeling methods.

The creation of documents, records, and reviews places the converted information on forms that can be read by both humans and computers. This activity involves operations such as processing, reading, scanning and sorting of documents.

When processing information, it is transferred from one form of submission to another, which is determined by the needs that arise in the process of implementing information technologies y.

The implementation of all processes related to the information processing process operates using various software tools.

Class: 5

Date of:

Subject: Types of information and methods of processing.

The quantity of information, units in the world of information.

Lesson objectives:


    dates of understanding of information

    become aware of the authorities, types, units of the world of information, information processes

    learn to signify information obligations


    education of cognitive needs, interest in the subject;

    TB control; correct seating at the PC;

    chipping of the basics of independent robots.

    attachment of moral values: reliability, discipline, neatness, neatness


    developments of the myslniya (they will be based on analogy with the previous ones, elevate, organize, classify, systematize)

    development of language

    development of cognitive interest in science, influence in government, interest in computer science as a science;

Lesson type: acquisition of new knowledge

Obladnannya: PC, distribution material

Lesson plan

    Organizational moment

    Explanation of new material

    Practical robot.


Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.

I'm flying! Today we will talk about information, and the form of power, we know how in some units information exists, and what actions can be taken over information.

    Explanation of new material.

First of all, the importance of science is that it generates information.

Informatics is a discipline based on modern computer technology, which includes the structure and power of information, as well as the patterns and methods of its creation, saving, searching, transformation, transmission and stagnation bath in various spheres of human activity.

Mentally, it can be divided into 3 blocks:

    technical features of Hardware, which literally translates as “hardware”;

    software specialties Software (literally – “software”);

    get a koristuvach. Brainware (from the English Brain - intelligence).

Information is the primary and unimportant concept within the boundaries of science. There are plenty of these in various sciences: “speck” in geometry, “multiple” in mathematics, “object” in computer science. It is customary to say about unimportant concepts: under the concepts "..." we understand "...". The concept of “information” has a specific meaning in various spheres of human activity. For example, theoretically, information under the information understands the facts, which replaces the insignificance, theoretically, the information – the facts, maintenance and recovery from the method of saving, thoroughness and a turn of the suspenseful and technical system, in documentary - records, recorded on paper as text (in iconic, symbolic, graphic or in tabular form)

Information ("informatio" (lat.) - information, explanation, report) - information about objects and phenomena of the most common environment, their parameters, authorities and systems that receive information systems (living organisms, ch_ cars and in.) in the process of life and work; - a world of change and insignificance of knowledge; - completely computer processing of data to understand the sequence of symbolic symbols (letters, numbers, encoded graphic images and sounds, etc.), meaningless and presented in an intelligent computer you look.

Information about us comes from various types: the appearance of texts, babies, chairs, photographs; there are light and sound signals; u vigladi radiokhvil; the appearance of electrical and nerve impulses; in the form of magnetic records; the appearance of gestures and facial expressions; the appearance of smells and savory sensations; In the form of chromosomes, through which the signs and power of organisms are transmitted to recessions.

Feeding: Why do people take information from the outside world for help?

Subject: The authorities are on the lookout for help.

The way people perceive information is divided into the following types of information: visual, auditory, olfactory, savory, tactile.

To submit and exchange information between people, use languages ​​that are divided into two types: natural, which resulted from the historical development of human marriage, and formal, created individually by people to achieve various goals.

Types of information that are received by a computer: text, digital, sound, graphic, multimedia.

Information can be grouped into a large group: discrete (intermittent) and analog (non-interruptible).

Information can be described as: new, old, current, reliable, up-to-date, accurate, etc. Power of information: reliability; abundance; value; relevance; reasonableness; accessibility; slickness.

Information (resources, knowledge) is divided into declarative (I know what ...) and procedural (I know how ...)

Food: Introduce applications of declarative and procedural information

Subject: I know that the Russian language has 33 letters. I know how to make tea.

Information is transmitted from each source of information before it is received through the communication channel between them. Dzherelo forces the transmission of a message that is encoded in the signal that is being transmitted. This signal is amplified by the connection channel. As a result, a signal appears in the receiver, which is decoded and becomes a received notification. Communication channel – physical line (directly connected), telephone, telegraph, satellite communication line and hardware that supports the transmission of information.

Feeding: How can information be lost?

The basic abstract has a value of one unit of information – bita.

Bit (English bit - binarydigit - double digit) - the amount of information that fits into the “so-or-no” type; Because of the quantity of information, it is necessary to separate two equal reports; The smallest “portion” of memory is necessary to save one of the two characters “0” and “1”, which are used for the internal machine representation of these commands; minimal amount of information.

1 byte = 8 bits. Most bits need to be encoded in 256 characters in the computer keyboard alphabet (256=2 8).

More popular information items are widely followed:

1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 bytes = 2 10 bytes,

1 megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB = 2 20 bytes,

1 GB (GB) = 1024 MB = 2 30 bytes.

1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB = 2 40 bytes,

1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024 TB = 250 bytes.

The information required for notification is a number of characters (equal to a number of bytes).

Zavdannya: Write down your address: street, booth and apartment number. In order to understand what kind of information is required, it is necessary to cover all symbols, including special (. , ; : ? () !) and spaces. How many bytes does your friend have?

Feeding: What kind of activities can people do with information?

Version: Create, know, copy, divide into parts, structure, arrange, encrypt, process, die, spend.

The process of processing human information is extremely complex - to be kept from the everyday knowledge of people, from their knowledge, from their profession, from their concentration in these and other matters, in Id to temperament and moral attitudes of particularity.

Information process is the process of completing operations with information, in which the place of information and the form of its presentation change. Basic information processes: reception, processing, saving, transmission, coding, searching, viewing. Processing is one of the main operations that results from information, and primarily increases the diversity of information.

3. The robot is practical.

Inclusive card.

Look for the following types of information behind the submission form:

Numerical information (Various characteristics of objects in the world - age, age, population growth, population size, reserves of bark copalin, forest area, etc.).

Text information (everything that is written be-yak-ya-ya-ya-ya-from-our-words).

Graphic information (Little things, paintings, armchairs, diagrams, maps, photographs, etc.)

Sound information (everything we feel - human language, music, birds singing, rustling leaves, car horns, etc.)

Video information (sequence of images - films, cartoons, etc.).

Zavdannya:Fill in the table:

Type of information

I guess


Stock: Zorova

Stock: Zir

Stock: Ochi





Warehouse for students.

Launch the "Calculator" program. For the help of the “Calculator”, check out the tasks of the test, marked with a star – it’s practical part, do not forget to record the development of the sewing, another part - theory, nutrition on the topic of today's lesson.

    What is more - 1 MB or 1 KB?

    How many bits are there in one byte?

    How many bytes are in one kilobyte?

    How many characters can be encoded in one byte?

    *What information about the article is available on 2 pages of 50 rows on each side, 40 characters per row.

Meal number

4. Home improvement: extracted from the supporting outline; task “One World of Information”

Information - this is information about something

Understanding the types of information, transmission and processing, searching and saving information

Fire up the place

Burn up the place

Information is important

Information - this Any information that is received and transmitted is preserved in different ways. Information is the entire collection of information about the world, about all the processes that take place in someone, which can be absorbed by living organisms, electronic machines and other information systems.

- tse Significant information about anything, if the form of their presentation is also information, then the formatting function is consistent with its nature.

Information - this all those with whom our knowledge and appendage can be supplemented.

Information - this information about what is going on, regardless of the form of their presentation.

Information - this a mental product of any psychophysical organism, vibrating by it at the time of the creation of any special purpose, called the special purpose of information.

Information - this Vidomosti that people perceive that (or) special. devices for the reflection of facts of material and spiritual light in the process of communication.

Information - this tributes are organized in such a manner that they are meaningful to the person on their right.

Information - this the value that a person invests in the tribute on the basis of the household lands that are victorious for their tribute.

Information - this summary, explanation, report.

Information - this be it any data or information, whatever it may be to scold someone.

Information - this information about the objects and phenomena of the excessive middle class, their parameters, authorities and forces that receive information systems (living organisms, working machines, etc.) in the process of life and work.

The same information (article in a newspaper, publicity, letter, telegram, news, confession, chairlift, radio broadcast, etc.) can contain a wide range of information for different people - be sure to keep them in mind know them, depending on the level of reasonable knowledge and interest.

In cases where we talk about automated robots with information using any technical devices, you need to know how many symbols you need to know.

Basically, computer processing of data for information involves a sequence of symbolic symbols (letters, numbers, encoded graphic images and sounds, etc.), meaningless and presented to an intelligent computer you look. Each new symbol for this sequence of symbols increases the information required for reporting.

Nina does not have a single meaning of information as a scientific term. From the looks of the fancy galoozes, the knowledge of this concept is described by its specific set of symbols. For example, the concept of “information” is basic in a computer science course, and it is impossible to express its meaning through other, more “simple” concepts (so, in geometry, for example, it is impossible to express the basic understanding of “point”, “straight line”, “plane” ) in simple terms).

The place of the main, basic things to understand in any science may be explained with examples or revealed by the way of their composition with the place of others to understand. The problem facing the concept of “information” is even more complex than that of other scientific concepts. This concept is used in various sciences (information science, cybernetics, biology, physics, etc.), and in every science the concept of “information” is associated with various systems.

Concepts of information

Modern science has two types of information:

Objective (primary) information - the power of material objects and phenomena (processes) gives rise to diversity of states, which appear to be mutually (fundamentally mutually) transmitted to others 'Eects are saved in that structure.

Subjective (semantic, semantic, secondary) information - semantic replacement of objective information about objects and processes of the material world, the formation of knowledge of people with the help of semantic images (words, image and noticing) and fixations on any material matter.

Everyday senses have information - information about the excessive light and processes that take place in it, which are received by humans or by a special device.

Nina does not have a single meaning of information as a scientific term. From the looks of the carved galuzes, this concept is described by its specific set of signs. Subject to the concept Before. Shannon, information is worthless, then. facts that can be revealed in a different way from a colleague to the point of removing insignificance, expanding his understanding of the object with interesting facts.

From the point of view of Gregory Beton, there is an elementary piece of information that is “indispensable power” or a real power for any larger system that compresses. Those substances that are absorbed are called “potential”, and those that are absorbed are called “active”. “Information is made up of unexpected aspects” (c) “If we take information from the need to remove information about activity.” According to computer science, information has a low fundamental value: novelty, relevance, reliability, objectivity, completeness, value and others. The science of logic deals with the analysis of information. The word “information” is similar to the Latin word informatio, which in translation means information, clarification, awareness. The concept of information was already understood by ancient philosophers.

Before the start of the industrial revolution, the essential essence of information was lost to the prerogative of important philosophers. At that time, the science of cybernetics began to look further into the nutrition of information theory.

Sometimes, in order to grasp the essence of any concept, carefully analyze the meaning of the word by which the concept is signified. Clarification of the internal form of the word and the study of the history of its life can shed unexpected light on its place, which is obscured by the basic “technological” origins of the word and the current connotations.

The word information entered Russian language in the Petrine era. First recorded in the “Spiritual Regulations” of 1721. at the meaning "podannya, understanding about sth.". (In European languages ​​it was established earlier - around the 14th century)

Based on etymology, information can involve any significant change in form or, in other words, any materially recorded traces created by the interaction of objects or forces and intelligence huddle. Information, in this way, is a transformed form of energy. The information carried is a sign, and the way it is created is by illumination: identifying the meaning of the sign and the sequence of signs.

The meanings can be reconstructed according to the sign of the sign, which caused its guilt (in the case of “natural” and fleeting signs, such as, as evidenced by others), or knowledge (in the case of mental signs, powerful spheres of language). Another variety of signs makes up the body of human culture, which, with one meaning, is “the totality of information that is not transmitted in bursts.”

Information can contain information about facts or interpretation of facts (from the Latin interpretatio, interpretation, translation).

The living essence receives information from various organs sensitively and gives rise to thoughts and intuitions. Exchange of information between subjects and communication (from Lat. communicatio, inform, transfer, also in Latin communico, to communicate, to inform, connect).

From a practical point of view, information is always provided in the form of a notification. The information provided is linked to the notification message provided by the communication channel.

Returning to the Latin etymology of the word information, let's try to understand the nutritional meaning of what is given here in form.

It is obvious that, first of all, the singing sense, which, being initially formless and inexpressible, has no potential and may have “urges” to be absorbed and transmitted.

In a different way, to the human mind, what is moving is structurally and clearly. Thirdly, as a result of the fact that its members share the meaning and integrity of their vikors, there is a need for unity and functionality.

Information as an expression of a rational sense is knowledge that can be stored, transmitted and be the basis for the generation of other knowledge. Forms of knowledge conservation (historical memory) vary: from myths, chronicles and pyramids to libraries, museums and computer databases.

Information - information about the world, about the processes that take place in the world, which are absorbed by living organisms, ceramic machines and other information systems.

The word "information" is Latin. Over the course of a long life, its significance has seen evolutions, now expanding, now limiting its boundaries. First of all, under the word “information” there is little respect: “submission”, “understanding”, then “vidomosti”, “transmission of information”.

In recent years, people have believed that the primary (accepted) meaning of the word “information” is elastic, diffuse, and they gave it the following meaning: “the world of importance among the known.”

Information theory was inspired by everyday life and practice. This guilt is connected with Claude Shannon’s work “The Mathematical Theory of Links”, published in 1946. The fundamentals of information theory revolve around results, to the exclusion of many other things. Until the other half of the 20th century, the earth was buzzing with information that was transmitted, running along telephone and telegraph cables and radio channels. Later, electronic computing machines appeared - information processors. And at that time, the main tasks of information theory were to improve the efficiency of the functioning of communication systems. The complexity in the design and operation of features, systems and channels is due to the fact that it is not enough for the designer and engineer to determine the task from physical and energetic positions. From this point of view, the system can be both comprehensive and economical. It is also important, when creating transmission systems, to pay attention to the amount of information that passes through this system. Even the information can be carefully communicated and protected. І do with such calculations in a basic way: abstract from the sense of awareness, as seen from the concreteness of arithmetic operations that are familiar to all of us (like folding two apples and three apples, moving on to folding numbers together: 2+3).

They said that they “totally ignored people’s evaluation of information.” To the successive series of 100 letters, for example, they attribute the greatest importance to information, without extinguishing respect for the fact that this information has a sense and, in its own way, a sense of practical stagnation. The Kalkisny approach is the most fragmented thread of information theory. It is obvious to what extent the totality of 100 letters - a phrase from 100 letters from a newspaper, Shakespeare's poem or Einstein's theorem - is exactly the same amount of information.

This amount of information is extremely useful and practical. This exactly represents the job of the engineer, who is responsible for transmitting all the information included in the telegram, regardless of the value of the information for the addressee. The channel is soulless. The transmission system has one important thing: to transmit the required amount of information in a single hour. How can you measure the amount of information in a particular piece of information?

The assessment of the amount of information is based on the laws of the theory of reliability, more precisely, it is determined through the reliability of the topic. This made me understand. The information has value, providing information only if we know about the result of the procedure, which may be of an episodic nature, if the singing world is not satisfied. Please do not ignore any information you already know. Tobto. If, for example, someone calls you on the phone and says: “It’s light during the day and dark at night,” then this kind of information will only make you aware of the stupidity of the obvious and what is known to everyone, and not something new, which is to say. Otherwise, for example, the result is a race on stripes. Who will come first? It’s important to recap here. The more information that informs us, the more random the results, the more valuable the information about the result, the more information. Information about the concept, which has only two possible results, contains one piece of information called a beat. The choice of information item is not random. It is knitted in the most extensive two-way way and encoded during transmission and processing. We would like to try, in a simplified way, to understand the hidden principle of the quantitative assessment of information, which is the outer stone of all information theory.

We already know that a lot of information lies in the credibility of these and other inheritances. As it seems, there are two equal results, which means that the consistency of the skin result is equal to 1/2. This is the certainty of getting “heads” or “tails” when a coin is tossed. Since the product produces three equal results, the skin sensitivity is equal to 1/3. Please note, the sum of the probability of all results will always be equal to one unit: any of all possible results will inevitably come. As you can imagine, this may result in uneven results. So, in a football match between strong and weak teams, the likelihood of victory for the strong team is high - for example, 4/5. The reliability of nothing is much less, for example 3/20. The severity of the infection is very low.

It turns out that the quantity of information is a world of change in the insignificance of the singing situation. Various amounts of information are transmitted by communication channels, and the amount of information that can pass through the channel can be greater than its capacity. And this means how much information passes through here in one hour. One of the heroes of Jules Verne’s novel “The Secret Island,” journalist Gideon Spillet, transmitted a chapter from the Bible by telephone, so that his competitors could not quickly reach him with a telephone call. And here the channel was full of attractions, and the amount of information reached zero, because the subscriber was transmitted directly to his account. This means that the channel was running idle, missing a large number of impulses, without attracting them in any way. As more information is generated due to the greater number of impulses, the channel capacity increases. Therefore, it is necessary to intelligently encode information, find economical, parsimonious transmission of information.

Information is “prosumed” reliably. In the telegraph, letters that are often condensed, concurrent letters, represent entire phrases with a shorter set of zeros and ones, and those that are condensed less often are represented by a longer one. Finally, if you change the value of the code word for characters that are often condensed, and increase for those that are rarely condensed, you talk about effective encoding of information. But in practice, it is often lost that the code that results from the most recent “scanning”, the code is simple and economical, you can create notifications through transitions, which unfortunately sometimes happen to the channels of communication: causing the sound in the phone, atmospheric disturbances radio, blurred or darkened images in the television station, delays during telegraph transmission. These have gone wrong, or, as the fakers call them, they are noisily attacking the information. And where there are the most powerful and, naturally, unacceptable disagreements.

In order to increase the reliability of the transmission and processing of information, it is necessary to use the required symbols - a kind of protection against problems. The stench - these are the symbols - does not carry an effective role in the knowledgeable, the stench is supernatural. From the point of view of information theory, all those who rob the language of barvisim, gnuchkim, richness in views, richness of plan, richness of meaning are supra-worldliness. How supernatural it is from such positions of the sheet of Aunt to Onegin! How many information superhumanities there are for a short and all-sensible message “I love you”! And as the information is accurate, the signs are clear to everyone who enters the subway today, where instead of the following phrases there are laconic symbolic signs indicating: Entrance, Exit .

It’s interesting to remember an anecdote told by the famous American scientist Benjamin Franklin about a captain who asked his friends to discuss a whiskey project. . One of the friends noticed that the words “for cooking” are meaningful - such fortune-telling will be useful for the buyer. Others in the know also use the word “sells,” since they realized that the dropper sells droplets, and does not give them away for free. The third thought that the words “droplet” and “to make droplets” were an unnecessary tautology, and the remaining words were thrown out. The fourth one has been dropped and the word “dropper” - the daubing of the droplets clearly states who John Thompson is. Declared, having chanted for the fifth time, that for the buyer it is absolutely better that the dropper is called John Thompson or otherwise, and having ordered to do without even a single note. In such a manner, nothing was lost in Vivisci except a drop. Naturally, if people only used this kind of codes, without any supernaturalism in their reports, then all “information forms” - books, evidence, statistics - would be even shorter. Ale would have been lost in resourcefulness and beauty.

Information can be divided into types based on different criteria: for the truth: The truth is the hibna;

for the method:

Visual – perceived by the visual organs;

Auditory – perceived by the organs of hearing;

Tactile – sensed by tactile receptors;

Smelling - sensed by smell receptors;

Smakova - absorbed by smack receptors.

for the form of tribute:

Text - conveyed as symbols, meanings and lexemes of language;

Numerical - as numbers and signs that signify mathematical operations;

Graphic - how to depict objects, graphics;

Zvukova – sleep or have a visual recording of the transfer of language lexemes in an auditory way.

for reasons:

Masova - to place trivial facts and operates with a set of understanding that is understandable to most of society;

Special - to place a specific set to understand, during the time of the day, the transfer of information is carried out, which may not be understood by the majority of society, but is necessary and understood within the framework of educational society other group, where this information is provided;

Secret - transferred to the high school stake through closed (stolen) channels;

Individuality (private) - a set of information about any individuality, initial social formation and types of social interactions in the middle of the population.

for the values:

Relevant - information is valuable at the moment;

Reliable – information, removed without confusion;

Intelligible - information expressed in my understanding to the person to whom it is assigned;

Povna - information sufficient to praise the correct decision and understanding;

Corrisna - the corrosiveness of the information is determined by the subject, who has taken the information carefully to the best of his ability.

The importance of information in different galuzahs is known

Theoretically, the information of our time is divided into many systems, methods, approaches, ideas. It is important to keep in mind that new ideas will be added to information theory today, new ideas will emerge. As proof of the correctness of one’s assumptions, let the smell suggest “alive”, that the character of science is developing, pointing out that the theory of information is rapidly and widely used in various areas of human knowledge. Information theory has penetrated physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, philosophy, linguistics, pedagogy, economics, logic, technical sciences, and aesthetics. According to the knowledge of the fakhivts themselves, the need for information that came from the needs of the theory of connection and cybernetics has crossed their boundaries. And now, perhaps, we have the right to talk about information as a scientific concept, which gives the theoretical information method into the hands of predecessors, with the help of which one can penetrate into the wealth of sciences about living and inanimate nature, about marriage, which cannot be allowed look at all the problems on the new side, the other side is more unimaginative. That is why the term “information”, having been abandoned in our time, has become very broad, becoming part of such concepts as information system, information culture, and information ethics.

Numerous scientific disciplines are exploring information theory in order to draw new directions from old sciences. This is how, for example, information geography, information economics, and information law appeared. However, the emergence of the term “information” is extremely important due to the development of new computer technology, automation of mental processes, the development of new methods of communication and processing of information, and especially vineyards of computer science. One of the most important tasks of information theory is the development of the nature and power of information, the creation of methods of its processing, and the transformation of highly dynamic everyday information. in programs for EOM, which additionally support the automation of the mind’s work – this will enhance intelligence, and therefore, develop the intellectual resources of the marriage.

The word “information” is similar to the Latin word informatio, which in translation means information, clarification, awareness. The concept of “information” is basic in a computer science course, but it is impossible to define it through other, simpler concepts. The concept of “information” is widely used in various sciences, while in every science the concept of “information” is associated with various systems of understanding. Information in biology: Biology involves living nature and the concept of “information” is associated with the complete behavior of living organisms. In living organisms, information is transmitted and stored through various objects of different physical nature (DNA), which are considered as signs of biological alphabets. Genetic information is transmitted at birth and is stored in all cells of living organisms. Philosophical approach: Information is about interaction, reflection, knowledge. Cybernetic approach: Information is the characteristics of the carrier signal that is transmitted along the communication line.

The role of information in philosophy

The traditionalism of the subjective consistently dominated the early forms of information, as categories, concepts, and the power of the material world. Information is the main source of our knowledge, and can be received as a result of interaction: receiving, reading, rejecting as a signal, stimulus. Information is not material, like all powers of matter. Information is located in the following row: matter, space, hour, systemicity, function, etc. Information is the power of matter and beats its power (station and publication of mutual relations) and the number of ways of mutual relations.

From a material point of view, information is the order of directing objects of the material world. For example, the procedure for passing the letter on the arkush paper for the singing rules and written information. The order of passing different color dots on the paper's arch, following the simple rules and graphic information. The order of passing musical notes is musical information. The order of passage of genes in DNA is a burst of information. The order of directing bets in the EOM is also based on computer information. etc. For this exchange of information to work, the presence of the necessary and sufficient minds is required.

Required washes:

The presence of at least two different objects, material and intangible, to the world;

The visibility of the objects of hidden power, which makes it possible to identify objects as carriers of information;

The presence of a specific intensity in objects, which allows objects to be separated from each other;

The presence of space, which allows you to determine the order of straightening of objects. For example, the expansion of written information on a paper is a specific power of the paper, which allows the letters of the letter to be expanded to the right and to the bottom.

There is only one sufficient reason: the presence of a subject capable of recognizing information. This is the whole human marriage, the partnership of creatures, robots, etc. Information will be provided to you by selecting from a basis copies of objects and rearranging these objects in the space in the designated order. After the date of information notification, the number of copies of objects in the basis is cross-referenced and is then expressed as a whole number. It is necessary to separate the information from each other, which is in totality, so that we know what to put in the information, which is unknown to one It's dying. From a mathematical point of view, information is the sequence of integer numbers as written in a vector. Numbers are the object number in the information base. The vector is called an invariant of information, the fragments of which lie due to the physical nature of the basis objects. The same information can be expressed in letters, words, propositions, files, pictures, notes, songs, video clips, or any combination of all the above names.

The role of information in physics

Information - information about the excess world (object, process, phenomena, ideas), which is processed by the object (including saving, transmission, etc.) and is used to determine behavior, to make decisions no, for management or for navchannya.

Typical information is as follows:

This is the most important resource of daily production: wine reduces the demand for land, land, capital, and changes the waste of waste and energy. So, for example, if you are willing to archive your files (as well as having such information), you can avoid spending money on buying new floppy disks;

Information calls for the life of a new generation. For example, the introduction of laser technology has caused the rise and development of laser (optical) disks;

Information is a product, and the seller uses the information after the sale. So, if a student informs his friend about the schedule for the semester, he must not spend the money for himself;

Information provides additional value to other resources, such as human resources. In truth, a worker with a high light price is worth more than the average.

As it follows from the meaning, three concepts are linked to the information:

A piece of information is that element of extreme light (object, process, phenomenon, phenomenon), information about what is being transformed by the object. Thus, in terms of information, as the reader of the reference textbook immediately removes, computer science is a sphere of human activity;

Consuming information is that element of great light that supports information (for developing behavior, praising decisions, managing and starting). The reader of this information is the reader himself;

A signal is a material medium that records the information transferred from the device to the resident. Once the signal is electronic in nature. If the student took this book from the librarian, then the same information is in the paper’s nose. Having been read and memorized by the student, the information adds another dimension – biological, if it is “signed up” for the riddle of the study.

The signal is the most important element of this circuit. The forms of this submission, as well as the specific and clear characteristics of the information that are included in it, which are important for the development of information, are discussed further in this section of the handbook. The main characteristics of the computer, as the main instrument that displays the information source (link 1) and “brings” the signal to the information (link 2), can be found in the Computer section. The structure of procedures that implement connections 1 and 2 and warehouse information process is the subject of consideration in the section Information process.

Objects of material light are in a constant state of change, which is characterized by the exchange of the object’s energy from sub-cells. The change of one object will always lead to the change of another object of the most extreme kind. This phenomenon, despite the fact that the very nature of the objects themselves have changed, can be seen as the transmission of a signal from one object to another. Changing the status of an object before transmitting a signal is called registering a signal.

A signal or a sequence of signals creates a message that can be perceived by someone in a different way, as well as in a different way. Information in physics is a term that clearly defines the concept of “signal” and “information.” If the signals and notifications can be calculated casually, then we can say that the signals and notifications are units of information. The message (signal) is interpreted differently by different systems. For example, a successively long and two short beeps in Morse code terminology means the letter DE (or D), in BIOS terminology from the AWARD company it means a video card malfunction.

The role of information in mathematics

In mathematics, information theory (mathematical linkage theory) is a branch of applied mathematics that defines the concept of information, its power and establishes boundary relationships for data transmission systems. The main sections of information theory are core coding (which compresses coding) and channel (transfer) coding. Mathematics is a large scientific discipline. She is creating a unified effort of Science.

The subject of mathematics is abstract objects: number, function, vector, non-personalities and others. Whose majority of them are introduced axiomatically (axiom), then. without any connection with other concepts and without any significance.

Information is not included in mathematics subjects. The word “information” is lived in mathematical terms – power information and mutual information, which lies before the abstract (mathematical) part of information theory. Prote, in the mathematical theory the concept of “information” is associated with abstract objects – variable quantities, while the modern theory of information views the concept much more broadly – ​​as the power of material objects Ektiv. The connection between the two new terms is beyond doubt. The very mathematical apparatus of linear numbers was developed by the author of information theory, Claude Shannon. He himself pays respect to the term “information” in a fundamental (non-reducible) way. Shannon's theory intuitively respects the fact that information has a place. Information replaces hidden insignificance and information entropy. A lot of information is available worldwide. However, it prevents the predecessors from mechanical transference to understand from this theory to other findings of science.

“The search for the status of information theory in other branches of science does not amount to the trivial transfer of terms from one branch of science to another. the hypothesis of their experimental revolution." K. Shannon.

The role of information in cybernetics

The founder of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, spoke about information like this:

Information is not matter and not energy, information is not information. in the process of continuation to the new us and ours pochuttiv.

Information is the main concept of cybernetics, and it is also economical. - basic concepts of economical cybernetics.

The meaning of this term is rich, complex and super-expressive. The reason, obviously, is that I. As a matter of fact, sciences are engaged in a variety of sciences, and cybernetics is the youngest of them. I. - subject of study of such sciences as management science, mathematical statistics, genetics, theory of mass functions. (drug, radio, television), computer science, which deals with the problems of scientific and technical I., etc. There is still great interest in the problems of I. Philosophers reveal: the stench is more subtle to discern I. as one of the main universal powers of matter, it is associated with the concepts of imagination. With all interpretations of the concept I. she conveys the origin of two objects: dzherela I. ta spozhivacha (obsessed) I. Transfer I. From one to the next, one is alerted for the help of additional signals, which, apparently, may not have the desired physical connection with its replacement: this connection is determined by pleasure. For example, the blow at the vicious jingle means that you need to get to the square, but for those who are not aware of this order, they are not informing each other.

In the situation with the evening call, people who decide on the sense signal know that at the moment there can be two alternatives: the evening collections will or will not take place. Otherwise, according to my theory I., it is not obvious that two results may occur. The signal of praise leads to a change in insignificance: people now know that hope has only one result - it will happen. However, as it was clear from afar that there would be more to come about this year, the call did not reveal anything new. The result is that the less certain (the more uncertain) the information, the more I. It is important to avoid this, and in the end, the result is more consistent with the end result, and the less I. remove the signal. Approximately the same decline resulted in the 1940s. XX century to the vindication of the statistical, or “classical”, theory of I., which means the concept of I. through the world of changing insignificance, knowledge about the development of certain conditions (such a term for the names of entropy). At the forefront of this science were N. Wiener, K. Shannon and Radyanskie Vcheni A. N. Kolmogorov, V. A. Kotelnikov and others. They were able to deduce the mathematical laws of the variation of the volume of I., and from this understanding such as the capacity of the channel I., the capacity to remember I. devices, etc., which served as a further incentive for the development of cybernetics as a science and electronic computing technology as a practical stagnation of the reach of cybernetics.

Highly valued value, value I. for the possessor, then there is still a lot of unknown, unclear. As it arises from the needs of economical management and, therefore, economical cybernetics, then I. It is possible to determine how all these information, knowledge, and information help to solve other management tasks (in order to change the insignificance of their results). There are also possibilities for assessing I.: this is useful, valuable, which is easier to achieve the highest level of performance with less investment. Understood I. close to understanding the data. The difference between them is the importance: these are the signals that need to be pulled out. Processing of data is the process of reducing them to their appropriate form.

The process of their transfer from the dzherel until they are accepted and received as I. You can see how three filters pass through:

Physical, or statistical (purely based on the capacity of the channel, regardless of the replacement of data, in terms of syntactics);

Semantic (selection of such data that can be understood in a meaningful way, so that it represents the thesaurus of his knowledge);

Pragmatic (selecting from among sensible facts those that are useful for a successful task).

This is clearly shown in the diagram taken from the book E. G. Yasina about economic information. There are clearly three aspects to the development of problems I. – syntactic, semantic and pragmatic.

Behind the scenes I. is subdivided into suspense-political, socio-economic (including economic I.), scientific and technical, etc. The main classification of I. Indeed, there will be stinks from various bases. As a rule, through proximity one will understand and classify the data. For example, I. is divided into static (permanent) and dynamic (changeable), and data in which case - permanent and changeable. Another division - primary, hidden, exiting I. (this is how the data themselves are classified). Third section - I. important information. The fourth is nadmirna, korisna and hibna. Pyate - povna (sucilna) and vibirkova. This idea of ​​Wiener makes a direct reference to the objectivity of information, then. This reality in nature is independent of people’s knowledge.

Objective information of modern cybernetics means that the objective power of material objects and phenomena generates a variety of states, which, in the form of fundamental interactions of matter, are transmitted through one object (process) to another, and are selected from its structure. The material system in cybernetics is perceived as non-personal objects, which can be exerted by powerful forces in different parts, and the skin part of them is defined as the parts of other objects of the system.

In the nature of the system's unconditional stages, there is information, and the elements themselves become the primary code, or the core code. Thus, the skin-material system is a source of information. Cybernetics defines subjective (semantic) information as a substitute for information.

The role of information in information science

The subject of science is the data itself: the methods of its creation, conservation, processing and transmission. Content (also: “new” (in context), “new to the site”) is a term that means all types of information (both text and multimedia - images, audio, video) that become new (visualized for double, instead ) website. A separate concept of information is required to create the internal structure of the page/site (code), based on what is displayed on the screen in the result.

The word “information” is similar to the Latin word informatio, which in translation means information, clarification, awareness. The concept of “information” is basic in a computer science course, but it is impossible to define it through other, simpler concepts.

You can see the following approaches until you obtain the information:

Traditional (conventional) - vikorista in information: Information - information, knowledge, information about the state of information that people perceive from the outside world as sensory organs (sight, hearing, taste, hu, dotik).

Imaginary - vikorista in the theory about information: Information - information about the objects and phenomena of the excessive middle class, their parameters, power and the state, which will change the level of insignificance that is evident about them And know the wrong things.

Information is saved, transmitted and processed in symbolic (sign) form. The same information may be presented in different forms:

A symbolic letter, which from different signs between them is symbolic like text, numbers, specials. characters; graphic; tabular then;

Types of gestures and signals;

Usny verbal form (Rozmova).

This information is supported by sign systems, which are based on the alphabet and create rules for the execution of operations on signs. Language is a song and sign system for presenting information. Show:

Natural languages ​​– common languages ​​in spoken and written forms. In some cases, formal language can be replaced by facial expressions, gestures, and the language of special signs (for example, road signs);

Formal languages ​​are special languages ​​for various areas of human activity, which are characterized by a strictly fixed alphabet, strict rules of grammar and syntax. Tse mov music (notes), mov mathematics (numbers, mathematical signs), numerical systems, mov programming etc. The basis of any language is the alphabet - a set of symbols/symbols. The higher the number of characters in the alphabet is called the strength of the alphabet.

The media of information is the middle or physical body for transmitting, storing and creating information. (These are electrical, light, thermal, sound, radio signals, magnetic and laser disks, other materials, photographs, etc.)

Information processes are processes associated with the capture, storage, processing and transmission of information (those activities that result from information). Tobto. These are processes in which the location of information and the form of its presentation change.

To ensure the information process, there is a need for an information source, a communication channel and information storage channel. Dzherelo transmits (forces) information, and accepts it. The information that is transmitted reaches the device until it receives an additional signal (code). Changing the signal allows you to remove information.

Being an object of transformation and transformation, information is characterized by the following powers:

The syntax is authority, which means the way information is presented on the nose (at the signal). Thus, this information is presented on an electronic device in a special font. Here you can also see the following parameters for providing information, such as the style and color of the font, its size, the spacing between rows, etc. Seeing the necessary powers as syntactic elements, obviously, is indicated by the transfer method of transformation. For example, for a person who hates to type, what matters is the size and color of the font. If you have to enter text on a computer through a scanner, an important paper format;

Semantics is power, which means the replacement of information as a signal’s correspondence to the real world. Thus, the semantics of the signal “informatics” is important. Semantics can be seen as a matter of convenience, based on the current information about what the skin signal means (the so-called rule of interpretation). For example, the very semantics of signals is learned by a motorist who studies the rules of the road, learning road signs (in which case the signs themselves act as signals). The semantics of words (signals) is known by those who begin any foreign language. We can safely say that the importance of information technology lies in the learned semantics of various signals - the essence of the key to understanding this discipline;

Pragmatics is power, which means the influx of information on the behavior of a student. Thus, the pragmatics of information contained in the reading of this initial guide seems to be, at least, a successful development from computer science. I would like to believe that the pragmatics of this exercise will not be limited and will serve for the further development of the professional activity of the reader.

It should be noted that different syntax signals can lead to different semantics. For example, the signals “EOM” and “computer” mean an electronic device for processing information. Who dares to talk about the synonymy of signals. On the other hand, one signal (that is, information with one syntactic authority) can mean different pragmatics for students and different semantics. Thus, a road sign with the name “target” and its semantics (“entry fence”) means for a motorist a fence at the entrance, but does not in any way imply a barrier for a pedestrian. At the same time, the “key” signal can have different semantics: a violin key, a jernel key, a key for opening a lock, a key that is used in the information for encoding a signal to protect against unauthorized access (in which case we talk about the homonymy of the signal y). The signals are antonyms that imply semantics. For example, “cold” and “hot”, “sweet” and “high”, etc.

The subject of the science of computer science is the data itself: the methods of its creation, saving, processing and transmission. And the information itself, recorded in the data, is substituted by the scientists of information systems, which are scientists of various sciences and galuzes of activity: doctors click medical information Yes, geology is geological, enterprise is commercial. (including information from computer science and how to work with data).

Semiotics - the science of information

Information cannot be detected without its capture, processing, transmission, etc., within the framework of information exchange. All acts of information exchange take place in the form of symbols and signs, with the help of which one system merges with another. Therefore, the main science that includes information is semiotics - the science of signs and sign systems in nature and marriage (theory of signs). In every act of information exchange, one can identify three “participants”, three elements: a sign, an object, what it signifies, and the possessor of the sign.

Moreover, between these elements, semiotics is divided into three sections: syntactics, semantics and pragmatics. Syntactics weaves signs and hundredths between them. In this case, one abstracts from the place of the sign and its practical significance for the possessor. Semantics develops the meaning between signs and the objects signified by them, resulting in the form of signs and the values ​​of the remaining ones: for the new. It is clear that the development of the laws of semantic representation of objects in signs is impossible without understanding and the development of hidden laws of any kind of sign systems that are studied by syntactics. Pragmatics twists the lines between signs and their values. Within the framework of pragmatics, all factors are taken into account that differentiate one act of information exchange from another, all the nutrition of practical results from the exchange of information and value for the owner.

In this case, many aspects of the lines of signs are inevitably lost among themselves and with the objects that they signify. Thus, the three branches of semiotics correspond to the three levels of abstraction from the peculiarities of specific acts of information exchange. The development of information in all different aspects reflects a pragmatic attitude. Coming from the content of information, including from the point of view, we move on to it on the semantic level. Instead of symbols of information analysis, the level of syntactics is transferred. Such interpenetration of the main branches of semiotics, associated with different levels of abstraction, can be represented by the additional scheme “Three branches of semiotics and their interconnections.” Vibration of information appears to be the same in three aspects: syntactic, semantic and pragmatic. The need for such a wide range of information, as will be shown below, is dictated by the practice of design and organization of information systems. Let's take a look at the typical situation.

Finally, change the plot planner and prepare the final production schedule. This data goes to the information and calculation center (IOC) of the enterprise, where it is processed, and the information about the production plant is currently visible to the kernels. The head of the workshop, based on the collected data, makes a decision to change the production plan for the upcoming planning period or implement any other organizational steps. Obviously, for the shop manager, the amount of information that was used to inform the process depends on the magnitude of the economic impact that is derived from the decision made, in view of the extent to which the data was removed i. For the plot planner, the amount of information also reported depends on the accuracy of the presentation of the factual status of the plot and the level of disagreement of the facts that are reported. Whatever they are, they need to inform the authorities about them, so there is more information in your report. For IOC practitioners, the number of signs is of primary importance, the date of notification, which carries information, since it itself signifies the importance of computing technology and communication channels. Regardless of the richness of the information, nor the great world of semantic value of the information, it is practically impossible to emphasize them.

It is natural that when organizing a production management system, future models for choosing a solution, as the world of information content will be aware of the inherently high value of information. When the system is up and running, it will ensure the storage of data about the processing of the manufacturing process for a large amount of information, after accepting the newness of the removed documents. The organization of procedures for the mechanical processing of information requires a careful understanding of the number of observable signs. Three such different approaches to the transformation of information do not overlap and do not include one another. However, by measuring information on different scales, they allow us to better and more comprehensively assess the informativeness of skin awareness and effectively organize a production management system. Behind the best Viraz, Prof. NOT. Kobrinsky, when it comes to the rational organization of information flows, the volume, novelty, and richness of information are interconnected, just like the volume, consistency and variety of products ї at the plant.

Information from the material world

Information is one of the most important things to understand related to matter. Information originates from any material object as a variety of its elements and is transmitted from object to object in a mutual process. The basis of information as the objective power of matter logically follows from the known fundamental powers of matter - structure, constant change (rukh) and interaction of material objects.

The structure of matter manifests itself as an internal division of wholeness, a natural order of linking elements in the composition of the whole. Otherwise, it seems, be it a material object, like a subatomic part of the Meta-Verseve (Great Vibukh), a system of mutually dependent subsystems. As a result of the uninterrupted upheaval, which is widely understood as the movement in space and the developments of the hour, material objects change their positions. The state of objects changes and interacts with other objects. The physical components of the material system and its subsystems provide information about the system.

Strictly apparent, through insignificance, inconsistency, power of structure, the amount of objective information in any material object is endless. This information is called again. However, it is possible to see structural levels with terminal multiples of stations. Information that is based on the structural level with the final number of stages is called private. For private information, it is important to understand the scope of the information.

The above statement is logical and results in the choice of a unit depending on the amount of information. Let's see the system, how you can experience everything in two equal countries. Give one of them the code “1”, and the other - “0”. The amount of information that the system can accommodate is minimal. This is one piece of information and is called a bit. There are different, more complex ways of processing a certain amount of information.

Depending on the material form of the carrier, information comes in two main types – analog and discrete. Analog information changes continuously over time and acquires a continuum value. Discrete information changes at any given time and accumulates a value with a certain number of values. Any material object or process is the primary source of information. You can all set a code for receiving information. Mittev's meanings are presented as a symbol (letter) of the code. In order for information to be transmitted from one object to another before receiving it, it is necessary to have some kind of intermediate material object that interacts with the device. Such carriers in nature, as a rule, are processes of the hyl structure, which are rapidly expanding - cosmic, gamma and X-ray vibrations, electromagnetic and sound waves, potentials (and may not yet be discovered) and hvili) gravitational field. When electromagnetic interference interacts with the object, the spectrum changes as a result of the reflection and reflection. The intensity of daily activities changes. Changes when interacting with objects and the harmony of sound sounds. Information is transmitted through mechanical interaction; mechanical interaction, as a rule, leads to major changes in the structure of objects (even before they are destroyed), and the information is greatly affected. The distortion of information during transmission is called disinformation.

The transfer of jerela information to the structure of the nose is called encoding. In this case, the device code will be converted to the wearable code. The nose with the dzherela code transferred by it, like the nose code, is called a signal. A receiver of a signal has its own set of possible parameters, which is called a receiver code. The signal, interacting with the receiving object, changes its state. The process of converting a signal code into a receiving code is called decoding. The transmission of information through the receiving device can be considered as information exchange. Information exchanges are radically different from other interactions. In all other interactions between material objects, there is an exchange of speech and (or) energy. In this case, one of the objects expends speech or energy, and the other takes it away. This mutual power is called symmetry. When interacting with information, the recipient receives the information and the user receives it. Objective information in itself is not material, it has the power of matter, such as, for example, structure, structure, and is based on material elements in the form of its codes.

Information from living nature

Living nature is complex and varied. In this way, the information is received by living organisms and their cells. The body has low powers that destroy its type of inanimate material objects.


Continuous exchange of speech, energy and information with people;

Substance, the ability of the body to accept and process information about changes in the external environment and the internal environment of the body;

Alertness, ability to react to the activities of the subordinates;

Self-organization, which manifests itself as a change in the body to adapt to the minds of a child.

The organism, which is viewed as a system, has a hierarchical structure. This structure of the body itself is divided into internal levels: molecular, cellular, level of organs, structure, moisture of the body. However, the organism interacts with other living systems, such as the population, ecosystem and all living nature (biosphere). The flows of not only speech and energy, but also information, circulate between these levels. Information interactions in living nature are generated in the same way as in non-living nature. At the same time, living nature during the process of evolution has created a wide range of sources, carriers and information receivers.

The reaction to the infusion of external light manifests itself in all organisms, although it is characterized by tolerance. In other organisms, adaptation to the current environment is a complex activity, which is only effective if you receive new and up-to-date information about the environment. The information from the addition of stench includes sensory organs such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, dotage and the vestibular apparatus. The internal structure of organisms has numerous internal receptors associated with the nervous system. The nervous system consists of neurons, groups of which (axons and dendrites) are analogues of information transmission channels. The brain organs that ensure the storage and processing of information in the spine are the spinal cord and the brain. Apparently, depending on the characteristics of the organs, information that is received by the body can be classified as visual, auditory, savory, olfactory and tactile.

Spending on the retina of the human eye, the signal awakens their cells in a special way. Nerve impulses from cells are transmitted through axons to the cerebrum. The brain remembers what appears to be a combination of storage neurons. (Continuation of the butt - in the section "Information in human partnership"). By accumulating information, the brain creates in its structure an information model of excessive light. In living nature, the organism's acceptance of information has an important characteristic - its accessibility. The amount of information that the human nervous system puts into the brain during the hour of reading texts is approximately 1 bit per 1/16 s.

The study of organisms is made more difficult by their complexity. The abstraction of structure as a mathematical multiplicity is acceptable for inanimate objects, but it is hardly acceptable for a living organism, because to create a less adequate abstract model of the organism it is necessary to incorporate all hierarchical levels wow structure. It’s difficult to provide the world with a lot of information. The connections between the components of the structure are clearly defined. Do you know which organ is the source of information, what is the signal and what do we receive?

Before the advent of computational machines, biology, which deals with the tracking of living organisms, remained unclear. descriptive models In an explicit model, it is practically impossible to highlight the information connections between the components of the structure. Electronic computing technology has made it possible to use new methods in biological research, the scientific method, the method of machine modeling, which conveys a mathematical description of the known phenomena and processes that occur in the body, adding to them a hypothesis about the actions of unknown processes and the development of possible behavioral options for the body. Eliminate options to compare with the real behavior of the body, which allows you to determine the truth and falsehood of the hypotheses. With such models it is possible to acquire information mutually. Information processes that ensure a healthy life are extremely complex. And although it is intuitively understood that this power is directly related to the formation, storage and transfer of new information about the structure of the body, an abstract description of this phenomenon has proven impossible until now. No less, information processes that ensure the foundation of this power often open up the deciphering of the genetic code and reading the genomes of various organisms.

Information from the spouse

The development of matter during the process of collapse is directly related to the folding of the structure of material objects. One of the most complex structures is the human brain. So far, there is only one structure known to us, which is power, as people themselves call it. Speaking about information as mere facts, we must respect a priori that information, in addition to its obviousness in the appearance of signals that we receive, may also be a kind of sense. By forming a model of the world in their knowledge, as the totality of models of its objects and processes is interconnected, people are victorious about the very meaning of the concept, and not the information. Sense is the essence of any phenomenon, as it relates to itself and connects it with the broader context of reality. The word itself directly shows that only a small amount of information can be formed instead of information. In human endeavor, it is not the information itself that is of greatest importance, but the meaning behind it.

Butt (continued). Having perceived this, people give the object a concept - “tomato”, as I will become a concept - “red color”. In addition, its knowledge fixes the connection: “tomato” - “red color”. This is the sense of the received signal. (Continuation of the butt: lower in this section). The ability of the brain to create the meaning of concepts and connections between them is the basis of knowledge. Svidomost can be seen as a semantic model of an excess of light that develops itself. Sense is not information. Information is based only on a material basis. People's reputation is valued intangibly. The sense is in the knowledge of people in appearance, image and impression. A person can say words out loud, or “to himself.” You can also create (or guess) images and visualize them “in your head.” However, you can update the information that corresponds to your sense by seeing the words or writing them.

Butt (continued). If the words “tomato” and “red color” are understandable, then what is information? Information is located in the brain in the form of neurons. It also fits into the overhand text that consists of these words, and when the letter is encoded with a three-digit two-digit code, its capacity is still 120 bits. If you can speak your words out loud, there will be much more information, rather than being deprived of it. The most information carries a healthy image. This is contrary to the popular folklore saying: “It’s better to drink once than a hundred times.” The information updated in this way is called semantic information, since it encodes the sense of some primary information (semantics). Having sensed (or learned) a phrase captured (or written) by mine, which people do not know, they reject the information, otherwise they cannot determine its change. Also, the transfer of the place value to the necessary actions between the operator and the understanding of the semantic value of signals, then. drain Such areas can be reached during the silting process. Spilling is one of the most important minds and the foundation of human prosperity.

In the modern world, information is one of the most important resources and, at the same time, one of the most important forces in the development of human society. Information processes that take place in the material world, living nature and human endeavor are studied (or even covered) by a variety of scientific disciplines from philosophy to marketing. The growing complexity of scientific research has made it necessary to recruit great teams of various specialties to the top. Therefore, everything is analyzed below theory and interdisciplinary. Historically, it has been the case that two complex branches of science - cybernetics and computer science - are engaged in the research of central information.

Current cybernetics is a multi-disciplinary branch of science that follows superstructure systems such as:

Human matrimony (social cybernetics);

economics (economic cybernetics);

Living organism (biological cybernetics);

The human brain's function is intelligence (intelligence).

Computer science, which was formed as a science in the middle of the last century, was strengthened by cybernetics and is engaged in research into ways of capturing, storing, transmitting and processing semantic information. Obedvі tsi galuzі vikoristovuyut a number of basic scientific theories. Before them comes the theory of information, and its branches - the theory of coding, the theory of algorithms and the theory of automata. The investigation of the semantic place of information is based on a complex of scientific theories under the popular name of semiotics. Information theory is a complex, largely mathematical theory that includes a description of the evaluation of methods for acquiring, transmitting, storing and classifying information. Views the elements of information as elements of an abstract (mathematical) multiplicity, and the interactions between the elements as a way of rotating the elements of this multiplicity. This approach makes it possible to formally describe the information code in order to identify the abstract code and trace it using mathematical methods. For this purpose, the research is based on the methods of the theory of certainty, mathematical statistics, linear algebra, gor theory and other mathematical theories.

The foundations of this theory are based on the American teachings of Ege. Hartley in 1928. The later theory was significantly disproven by the American scientist Do. Shannon, Russian scholars A.N. Kolmogorov, V.M. Glushkov and in. Current information theory includes the theory of coding, the theory of algorithms, the theory of digital machines (division below) and others. We honor M. Mazur. With the understanding of the algorithm, you know whether you are a human being, nor do you suspect about it. The axis of the informal algorithm: “Cut the tomatoes into circles and slices. Place the shattered tsibula in them, pour over the olive oil, then add finely chopped pepper and mix. Before the dinner, take a sip, set out the salad bowl and garnish with parsley.” (Tomato salad).

The first rules of arithmetic in the history of mankind were broken down by one of the ancient Al-Khwarizm in the 9th century of our era. In honor of this, the formalized rules for reaching anything are called algorithms. The subject of the theory of algorithms is the discovery of methods for promptly evaluating effective (including universal) computational and other algorithms for processing information. To ground such methods, the theory of algorithms is based on the mathematical apparatus of information theory. A great contribution to the development of the theory of algorithms was made by the Russian scientists A. Markov (Markov Normal Algorithm) and A. Kolmogorov.

The concept of an automaton is different from the theory of algorithms. Since there are universal algorithms for solving computational tasks, it is necessary to develop devices (even abstract ones) for the implementation of such algorithms. The abstract Turing machine, which is seen in the theory of algorithms, is now an informal automaton. The theoretical arrangement of such devices is the subject of the theory of automata. The theory of automata is a vikory apparatus of mathematical theories - algebra, mathematical logic, combinatorial analysis, graph theory, theory of consistency, etc. core systems. Semiotics is a complex of scientific theories that counteract the power of sign systems. The greatest results have been achieved in the branch of semiotics – semantics. The subject of semantics research is the place of information.

The sign system respects the system of concrete and abstract objects (signs, words), with each individual order assigned to the meaning. Theoretically, it has been proven that there could be two of these. The first type of evidence means an absolutely material object, which is what this word means and is called a denotation (or, in some cases, a nominator). Another type of appearance is the place of a sign (word) and is called a concept. In this case, such powers are considered as “sense”, “truth”, “importance”, “addition”, “interpretation” and so on. To follow the research, the apparatus of mathematical logic and mathematical linguistics is used. The ideas of semantics, outlined by G. W. de Saussure in the 19th century, were formulated and developed by C. Pierce (1839-1914), C. Morris (b. 1901), R. Carnap (1891-1970) and the main achievements of the theory It is created by the apparatus of semantic analysis, which allows us to replace the text with natural language in the appearance of a formalized semantic (meaning) language. Semantic analysis is the basis for the creation of devices (programs) for machine translation from one natural language to another.

Saving information is supported by the transfer of material materials. Semantic information recorded on a material medium for storage is called a document. People started saving information a long time ago. In the most recent forms of saving information, there was a distribution of objects - shells and stones on the sand, knots on the motuz. The ultimate development of these methods was writing - the graphic depiction of signs on stone, clay, papyrus, paper. The development of this development is of great importance because of the very few wines of medicine. Over the course of its history, humanity has accumulated a great amount of information in libraries, archives, periodicals and other written documents.

At this time of special significance, the preservation of information in the form of sequences of double symbols has become necessary. To implement these methods, various devices are used. It is the central pillar of information saving systems. In addition, such systems have different methods of searching for information (search system), methods of removing evidence (information-proof systems) and methods of displaying information (display devices). Formed for the recognition of information, such information systems create databases, data banks and knowledge bases.

The transfer of semantic information is called the process of spatial transfer from the message to the recipient (addressee). People have learned to transmit and receive information earlier, but not to save it. The language is the method of transmission that our distant ancestors used to learn from direct contact (rozmov) - we learn from it at the same time. To transmit information across large distances, it is necessary to develop highly complex information processes. To carry out such a process, information must be properly formalized (presented). To present information, various sign systems are used - sets of back-to-back meaningful symbols: objects, pictures, written and worded words from natural language. Submitted from them is additional semantic information about any object, phenomenon or process is called notification.

Obviously, in order to transmit the information to the station, the information must be transferred to the mobile device. The carriers can be moved in space using additional transport methods, as is the case with sheets that are sent by mail. This method ensures the complete reliability of the transmission, as long as the recipient receives the original message, noting the exact time of transmission. Since the middle of the 19th century, expanded methods of transmitting information have emerged, which are based on the wearable information that is naturally expanding - electromagnetic vibrations (electric vibrations, radio waves, light). The implementation of these methods means:

Forward transfer of information to be included in the information, nose - coding;

Ensuring the transmission of the signal received in this manner to the addressee via a special communication channel;

Reversing the signal code to the notification code - decoding.

The use of electromagnetic carriers to ensure the delivery of messages to the addressee by Mayzha Mitteva, ensures additional visits to ensure the accuracy (reliability and accuracy) of the information that is transmitted from the real channel and the binding is subject to the influx of natural and hand-made transfers. Devices that implement the transfer process establish communication systems. Depending on the method of presenting information, communication systems can be divided into signs (telegraph, telefax), sound (telephone), video and combined systems (television). The most advanced system in our time is the Internet.

Processing information

Some information is not material, its processing is carried out in various transformations. Before processing processes, it is possible to include any transfer of information from one medium to another. The information that is intended for processing is called data. The main type of processing of primary information, extracted with various devices, is transformation into a form that will ensure the perception of human sensory organs. Thus, photographs of space, captured in X-ray exchanges, are transformed into original color photographs with special transformations of the spectrum and photographic materials. The devices of the night tank transform images contained in infrared (thermal) changes into images in the visible range. For such communication and control, it is necessary to convert analog information. For this purpose, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion of signals is used.

The most important type of processing of semantic information is the determination of the place (place) that is in the mind of the individual. In contrast, the primary semantic information does not have statistical characteristics, so in many ways there is no sense. And how many things there are, it’s impossible to establish. The space that is placed in the subtitle is described by a piece of text, which represents the meaning of the connections between the words of the output text. A glossary of such language, called a thesaurus, is available at the reception. The sense on the left and the word being reported is indicated by the way of their addition to the song groups of words or words, the replacements of which are already installed. The thesaurus, in this way, allows you to replace the knowledge and instantly add new semantic concepts. Descriptions of the type of information processing are established in information-sound systems and machine translation systems.

One of the broadest types of information processing is the solution of computing problems and the task of automatic control of additional computing machines. The processing of information will always be carried out carefully. To achieve this, there is a certain order of actions on the information to get to the desired destination. This order of actions is called an algorithm. In addition to the algorithm itself, there is a need for a device that implements the algorithm. In scientific theories, such a device is called an automaton. It should be noted that the most important feature of information is the fact that through the asymmetry of information interaction when processing information, new information emerges, and the output information not spent.

Analogue and digital information

The sound of the village is collapsing in the middle, for example, in the wind. When a person speaks, the quivering of the throat ligaments transforms into the cold tingling of the wind. If you look at the sound not as a whine, but as a swaying sound at one point, then the swaying sound can be perceived as the pressure of a wind that changes over the course of an hour. With the help of a microphone, you can change the pressure and change it to electrical voltage. The pressure was turned on and the electric voltage was released.

Such re-creation can follow different laws; most often, re-creation follows a linear law. For example, for this:


where U(t) is the electric voltage, P(t) is the wind pressure, P_0 is the average wind pressure, and K is the transformation coefficient.

І electrical voltage, і pressure of the wind and continuous functions for an hour. Functions U(t) and P(t) provide information about the pricking of the throat ligaments. These functions are continuous and such information is called analog. Music, as a result of sound and sound, can also be represented as having some function in time. There will be an analog Vistava music. Ale music can also be written down in the form of notes. The skin note has a multiple of its strength and height (C, D, M, F, S, etc.). As soon as we turn this data into numbers, we reject the digital representation of music.

Let’s swear by the sound of people’s thoughts. This can also be seen in analogue view. Just like music can be broken down into notes, it can be broken down into letters. If each letter of the date has its own set of numbers, then we reject the digital expression of the promotion. The difference between analog and digital information is that analog information is continuous, while digital information is discrete. The transformation of information from one type into another is appropriately called differently: simply “transformation,” for example, digital-to-analog transformation, or analog-to-digital transformation; folding transformations are called “coded”, for example, delta-coded, entropic coded; The transformation between such characteristics as amplitude, frequency or phase is called “modulation”, for example, amplitude-frequency modulation, pulse-width modulation.

Make analog transformations simple and easy to handle on a variety of devices for humans. The tape recorder converts the magnetization on the film into sound, the recorder converts the sound into magnetization on the film, the video camera converts light into the magnetization on the film, the oscillograph converts the electrical voltage or stream on the pictures etc. Transformation of analogue information into digital information. The operations of the machine cannot be done, or they can be done by force. For example, converting a movie into text, or converting a recording of a concert into notes, and due to its nature it is a digital phenomenon: the text on a paper requires a machine to convert into the same text in the computer’s memory.

Why is it so difficult to use digital information? The main advantage of digital information over analog information is the difference. So, in the process of copying information, digital information is copied so that it can be copied almost infinitely many times, analog information becomes noisy during the copying process, and the taste savors. However, analog information can be copied no more than three times. I was overwhelmed by the brilliance of the recording. The information on the cassette is saved in analogue mode. You can rewrite music in mp3 format as many times as you like, and the quality of the music will not be compromised. The information in the mp3 file is saved in digital form.

Volume of information

People who are any other recipient of information, having removed a portion of information, allow the act of insignificance. Let's take the same wood for the butt. If we were planted on a tree, we were allowed to live in insignificant things. We found out the height of the tree, the type of tree, the thickness of the leaves, the color of the leaves, and what kind of fruit tree it is, we harvested the fruits on the new one, how ripe they were, etc. Before we marveled at the tree, we didn’t know what it was, but after we marveled at the tree, we allowed for insignificance - we rejected information.

As soon as we go out into the meadow and admire it, we reject information of a different kind, how big the meadow is, how tall the grass is, and what color the grass is. If a biologist grows in the same meadow, then it is also possible to determine what varieties of grass grow on the meadow, what type of meadow this is, what flowers will bloom, what kind of plants will bloom, and what type of meadow will be suitable for grazing cows. etc. So, we see more information, but there are more fragments in the new one, before we marvel at the meadow, there is more information, and the biologist finds more inconsistencies.

The more insignificance was allowed in the process of information extraction, the more information was removed. Although this is a subjective approach, there is only so much information, but we would like an objective approach. The formula is based on a lot of information. We have a lot of insignificance, and we have a lot of episodes of insignificance, and a lot of information can be destroyed come up with this formula, having told us Shannon:

I = -(p_1 \log_(2)p_1 + p_2 \log_(2)p_2 + ... +p_N \log_(2)p_N), de

I – quantity of information;

N – number of heirlooms;

p_1, p_2, ..., p_N - reliability of the result.

A lot of information is contained in bits - the short version of the English words Binary digiT, which means double digit.

For those who are equal, the formula can be simply written:

I = \log_(2)N, de

I – quantity of information;

N – number of heirlooms.

Let's take, for example, a coin and a movie on the table. There will fall either an eagle or a rishka. We have 2 equal versions. After we tossed a coin, we took back \log_(2)2=1 bit of information.

Let's try to find out how much information we reject as a movie cube. The cube has six sides - six equal sides. Reduced: \log_(2)6 \approx 2.6. After we threw the cube on the table, we took away approximately 2.6 bits of information.

The probability of what we think of as a Martian dinosaur as soon as we leave the house is equal to one in ten billion. How much information do we take in about the Martian dinosaur once we leave home?

-\left(((1 \over (10^(10))) \log_2(1 \over (10^(10))) + \left(( 1 - (1 \over (10^(10))) ) ) \right) \log_2 \left(( 1 - (1 \over (10^(10))) )\right)) \right) \approx 3.4 \cdot 10^(-9) bit.

Let's say we were deprived of 8 coins. We have 2^8 coin drop options. So, after throwing coins, we remove \log_2(2^8)=8 bits of information.

If we set the power supply and can, however, remove the “so” and “no” answer, then after the power supply we remove one bit of information.

It is surprising that once we establish Shannon’s formula for analogue information, we discover an infinite amount of information. For example, the voltage at the point of an electric lance can rise from zero to one volt. We have a large number of inheritances, and by substituting the values ​​in the formula for equal steps, we take away the vastness of information.

Now I’ll show you how to encode “War and Peace” with just one vest on any metal haircut. We encode all the letters and signs that appear in “War and Peace”, using double-digit numbers - we can read them. For example, the letter "A" gives the code "00", the letter "B" - the code "01" and so on, divisional characters, Latin letters and numbers are encoded. We recode “War and Peace” using an additional code and remove another number, for example, 70123856383901874..., put a zero in front of this number (0.70123856383901874...). The number came out from zero to one. Let's put the rhizik on the metal cutter so that the wear of the left part of the cutter until the last cut is equal to our number. In such a way that we want to read “War and Peace”, we simply count the left part of the string to the end of the entire string, subtract one number from another, subtract the number and recode it back from the letter (“00” to “A”, "01" in "B", etc.).

In reality, we won’t be able to work like that, because we won’t be able to calculate the dowzhins with infinite accuracy. Increasing the accuracy of measurements is important to us in engineering problems, and quantum physics shows us that after the end of the day, quantum laws are still important to us. Intuitively, we realized that the less accurate the view, the less information we can reject, and the greater the accuracy, the more information we can reject. Shannon's formula is not suitable for vibrating a lot of analog information, for which there are other methods, which are discussed in “Information Theory”. In computer technology, this corresponds to the physical state of carrying information: magnetized - not magnetized, open - not open, charged - not charged, light is knocked out - light is not knocked out That is, high electrical potential – low electrical potential. In one case it is customary to designate it with the number 0, in another – with the number 1. The sequence of battles can be encoded with any information: text, images, sound, etc.

Along with a bit, the value called a byte is often compared to 8 bits. And since the byte allows you to select one valid option from two possible ones, then the byte is 1 out of 256 (2^8). To visualize a large amount of information, larger units are also used:

1 KB (one kilobyte) 210 bytes = 1024 bytes

1 MB (one megabyte) 210 KB = 1024 KB

1 GB (one gigabyte) 210 MB = 1024 MB

In reality, the prefixes С kilo-, mega-, giga-may be used for multipliers 10^3, 10^6 and 10^9, apparently, but the practice of vicorizing multiplies in steps of two has developed historically.

The Shannon bit and the bit that is used in computer technology are avoided because the likelihood of zeros and ones appearing in a computer bit is older. Since the credibility is not equal, the amount of information according to Shannon is less than what we got from the butt of the Martian dinosaur. The computer quantity of information gives the most common assessment of the quantity of information. The non-volatile memory is initialized depending on some values, for example, all ones or all zeros after applying storage to it. It is clear that after submitting the recipe for the riddle, there is no information there, since the meaning in the middle of the memory is strictly assigned, there is no insignificance. The memory can store a lot of information, but after feeding it with live information, it is empty.

Disinformation is obviously untrue information that is given to the enemy or business partner for more effective conduct of combat operations, contrary to the information flow, and directly to the flow, Laziness of potential clients of the black market. Also, disinformation (also known as misinformation) is the process of manipulating information, deceiving someone by giving them new or new information. ї, due to the context, due to the piece of information.

There is always only one meta-meta - the opponent is guilty of doing it in a way that is not necessary for the manipulator. The purpose of the object, against which disinformation is directed, can be forced to accept the required decision of the manipulator, or be encouraged to accept the decision that is not suitable for the manipulator. Ale in any case, the kintseva meta is the action, as it will be done by the opponent.

Disinformation, therefore, is a product of human activity, an attempt to create hostility and, apparently, to lead to necessary actions and/or inactivity.

Types of disinformation:

Introducing a specific individual or a group of individuals (including an entire nation) into slavery;

Manipulation (of the features of one individual or a group of individuals);

The creation of a huge thought is like a problem of an object.

Induction into deception is nothing more than direct deception, giving fraudulent information. Manipulation is a way of infusing, directing directly to change the activity of people. The following manipulations are evident:

Strengthening the knowledge of people who are visible to the manipulator of values ​​(ideas, attitudes);

Frequent changes in views on this or that decor or furnishings;

A radical change in living attitudes.

The creation of a huge thought is the whole formation of the singer’s marriage to the same problem.

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Processing information

Processing (transformation) of information is the process of changing the form of presenting information or replacing it. Information may be processed of any kind, and the processing rules may vary.

Applications for processing information:

Information processing method

Input information

Re-creation rule

Exit information

Multiplication table


Rules of arithmetic

tvir, dobutok

Significance of the hour "Moscow - Yalta"

An hour from Moscow and an hour from Yalta.

Mathematical formula

Dorosia's hour

Interpretation of the words from the group “Field of Miracles”

The number of letters in the word and topic

Not formally designated

Vidgadane word

Retrieving secret records

Resident encryption

Its own specific skin problem

Decryption text

Making a diagnosis of illness

Patient's expenses and test results

Knowledge and evidence of the doctor

Application of information process

butt. Children don’t know what’s in the middle of a wind-up toy. We know one thing: as soon as you get a toy, then there you go. Most TV viewers know little about TV devices. If the screen appears when you are watching television programs, operating the knobs (buttons) often allows you to see the image clearly. Controlled by my cybernetics, the TV viewer begins to manipulate the inputs, trying to remove the lost code from the output.

Such a system, in which only input and output quantities are accessible, and its structure and internal processes are invisible, is called a “black screen”.

It will not be too much to say that be it a speech, be it an object, be it a phenomenon - be it an object that can be known - from the very beginning it appears to the spy as a “black box”.

butt. The engineer is faced with a faulty computer under warranty service. It is not possible to disassemble it, otherwise the engineer is responsible for repairing, sending the device for repair and replacing it with a new one. In practice, the doctor is limited by the external manifestations of the illness, but also by treating the patient’s body with unknown diseases. In front of the doctor there is a repository of “black screen”.

Processing information according to the “black box” principle is a process in which it is important and necessary to have both input and output information, and the rules that govern the transformation are not gi.

The cutaneous phase transforms (or reflects) the input signal into the output signal. For example, when processed, signal S3 is converted into signal S4. It is important to ensure that the procedure is carried out with ease, or at the end of the day for the safety of the attendant.

butt. Let's take a look at the information process that takes place during the admission of applicants to VNZ, until recently our reader was placed (in which case it is significant that a similar information process, if This transformation of information from a specific subject area is called subject). The names of the small elements are presented below:

Here is the information - the applicant, information about knowledge and other skills that are a basis for registration with the VNZ. Signal S1 - these documents (for example, a certificate of secondary education) that are submitted before the final commission;

The collection of information is finalized by the workers of the primary commission, where information about the applicant’s past successes and the results of admission tests is collected. Obviously є yakіsni that is the characteristics of Jerel-Abihturіnta: Tse Bali in the outlet, rizin Kovvvvyphykatsіy, yaki vin nabuv at the result of the dodatkovikh courses of that electives, Medical Dovіdka Toshcho. In this case, they are going to register, for example, to register in the register, where data about each student is recorded. Signal S2 is generated (it has a paper character). It is possible to use technical systems for registering collected data. Since the primary commission uses computer technology, the S2 signal is electronic in nature.

In any case, as a rule, the fixation of information on the paper nose becomes stagnant;

transmission of information. In the simplest case, the data is transferred by the courier (the clerk of the primary commission) to the person who is engaged in its processing. Of course, there are no necessary changes from the data (how the courier can spend them), then. signals S2 and S3 equal. It is possible to use technical information transfer systems, this process of mechanization and automation (in case of standstill EOM).

When automating the transmission, there may be a distinction between signals S2 and S3 due to their syntactic characteristics, which is related to the peculiarities of this procedure and is discussed below;

Processing is carried out before ordering the list of applicants according to clear and complex parameters (some were called important). Those who are most eligible for insurance are listed on the top of the list and are the first to be included before the order. This work will end at the main commission (the same task in a very simple way was chosen earlier). This signal S4 means that the list of applicants is ordered, divided into groups of specialties. Obviously, this phase can be completed manually, but for such tasks the special features of computing technology, and especially computers, are used;

transfer of an ordered list of applicants to the dean’s office, which is engaged in the formation of initial groups for the skin specialty, similarly, before the first transfer procedure, both human and technical systems can be involved. As it was meant above all, in the first case the signals S4 and S5 can be increased, in the other they can be disrupted;

Submission of lists of applicants, which are divided into groups, is finalized by the dean's office. Signal S6 appears as a table that includes names and initials of applicants. The skin in the table is included in this and another initial group;

The holder of information is the rector of the Higher Scientific Research Institute, who is preparing and issuing an order to enroll in the Higher Scientific Research Institute.

butt. We will formulate a scheme for the distribution of information at the time of submission by students to the session:

The S1 signal is the result of students’ tests, which are analyzed by the calculation and evaluated, as a rule, using a five-point system (Accumulation phase). As a result, a report is formed (signal S2), which is transmitted by the department secretary (or the depositor himself) to the dean’s office of the faculty to which the students are “assigned” (the Transfer phase).

Obviously, since there is no falsification, signals S2 and S3 are avoided. At the dean's office, the methodologist is informed, who completes the test - creates a special success log, where data is collected on the success of each student for the entire hour of study at the university (processing phase). We can say that the log itself (signal S4) is responsible for the function of saving information (this phase is not shown in the picture).

After the end of the session, the methodologist prepares a report for the dean about the results of the session for all initial groups of students: lists of unsuccessful students, lists of students who are applying for a scholarship, lists of those who can receive promotion (and I'll give you a scholarship. (Podannya phase). This is an update and signal S6, which the dean needs to complete the typical tasks for the dean’s office: rehabilitation of students, transfer to an upcoming course or to another specialty (another initial assignment), renewal, etc. In other words, these phases can be seen as a set of subsequent operations, among which one can see operations similar to the phases being considered. For example, the Processing phase, as will be shown later, is where information is collected. It is important to note that the detail of information processes is equal to their consideration of further automation, then. untethering of emergency duties for an additional computer.

To implement most of the above procedures to establish an information process, a computer is used. However, the computer itself can be viewed as a device for transmitting information from the computer to the living. This type of power supply allows you to better understand the information processes that take place on the computer, directly related to the tasks assigned to it; look at it.