Where can you pay with Bitcoin in Russia? Where and how can you pay with Bitcoin cryptocurrency? What to spend it on

The popularity of cryptocurrencies is growing every day. And about the most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, I almost never know. And now the food is on - and in Russia it is possible to spend purchased bitcoins on real goods without going through the procedure of exchanging bitcoins for fiat pennies.

Where can you spend bitcoins in Russia?

At the moment, Russia can already get more goods and services by paying for them with bitcoins. Ale varto vrahovuvati — in the territory of the Russian Federation there are a number of organizations that accept cryptocurrencies as a payment method. It is easiest for residents of the capital, Moscow and St. Petersburg, to pay with bitcoins. This is the ability of the locals of the great regional centers - Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk. Unfortunately, it is still very difficult to spend your earned bitcoins in Russia.

For those who want to spend their earned coins, use the coinmap.org service. Site for distribution of the authors of the Bitcoin blockchain. Here, the members of the organization that accept satoshi and bitcoin are indicated on a special interactive map. As of today, the map shows over 12 thousand places. Ale varto vrahuvat - its concentration is uneven, and it absolutely lies under the laws of a particular power. In Western Europe, Western and Central America, and in Japan, cryptocurrencies are allowed, but they are both regulated by local legislation. And in these countries there is the greatest opportunity to pay for those who accept bitcoins.

In Russia today, the situation is similar to the one that has developed in China and other countries where cryptocurrencies are under protection. And the problem here is that until recently the government, the courts and the prosecutor’s office were focused on bitcoins as an illegal payment method. The situation began to change in 2017. Moreover, the law has not yet been introduced to regulate the use of cryptocurrency. There is not much room in Russia to allow payment in bitcoins. It is recommended that you become familiar with the method of paying for goods and services using additional cryptocurrency.

It is important to note that low organizations accept not only Bitcoin, but also Ether and Litecoin tokens. There are two payment options for additional bitcoins. At online payment the client transfers the required amount in bitcoins to the company's account. It is necessary to remember - for a successful transfer it is necessary to indicate the address of the owner in order to avoid wasting money. At offline payment The translation looks more complex. The seller generates a special barcode (QR code), indicating the exact amount to pay for the goods or services. The buyer scans and recognizes the code, Vikorist and a special mobile add-on for Bitcoin. The scanning process triggers the transfer of funds to the organization’s staff.


Be sure to check out which stores in Russia accept bitcoins. Start following great companies. Currently (2018-2018), large corporations accept payments in cryptocurrency, as described, by Microsoft. Other companies have become interested in accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment method. There are also very few small companies and organizations that allow you to pay for their goods and services in Bitcoins and Satoshi. Moreover, there is a stink in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in other places in Russia.

U Moscow Varto refers to the franchise network of Subway restaurants. Some of their representatives accept payments in bitcoins at the current rate. Here, shoppers can dine by paying for the help of an electronic card. Ale varto vrahovuvati - not all franchises offer the service that is described. Before dinner, you should contact coinmap.org, which restaurants accept bitcoin payments. You can now pay your respects to the small teahouse Teacube, where the electronic gamblers may be able to drink tea by paying for cryptocurrency.

Moscow has the largest number of non-essential services that can be purchased with bitcoins. It is possible to pay with cryptocurrency for a portrait, painting based on a photograph, or pay with tokens or coins to the photographer himself. You can also rent a hotel room for bitcoins and get more goods. For example, the Neovima store sells bags, backpacks, etc. for cryptocurrency. In addition, it is possible to pay to the company Proklimat, which manufactures and installs ventilation systems. Cosmetic products from the Amway company are also paid for in bitcoins and satoshis.

U St. Petersburg Varto means FactTech store. Here you can pay for goods online, and the choice of ordered products is wide. There are a number of companies that offer services from developing websites and accept payment in Bitcoin coins. Bitcoins can be used to pay for a subscription to a fitness club. Cryptocurrency could not be avoided in goods and services “for adults.” Some specialty stores accept electronic money as payment. And the series of bars “Zavist”, which promotes solutions for those who are already approaching retirement, promotes to existing clients the possibility of paying in bitcoins.

You know, most of the stores and organizations that accept cryptocurrencies are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other places in Russia, including most of them, there are very few ways to spend bitcoins. For example, in Izhevsk there is a delivery service for ready-made food (pizza, rolls, burgers, dumplings, etc.) with payment in bitcoins. And in Perm, goods for photographers are sold for cryptocurrency. It is also recommended to purchase insurance - the number of goods and services that are offered for cryptocurrencies must be verified independently. A number of organizations (both in Russia and there) are promoting payment in bitcoins for the sake of gaining additional respect. They are not interested in the high quality of products or services, and for additional cryptocurrencies they are looking for an additional audience of cryptocurrencies.


There are many services on the Internet that allow you to make payments with the most popular cryptocurrencies. However, in Russia these services can never be denied. From the websites of the map, select the interactive map you have already guessed coinmap.org. But in a number of cases, it’s not easy to use a card. Zokrema, if you need to search for a specific product for bitcoins, you need a service spendabit.co. This is a search system created specifically for the acquisition of products and services that can be purchased with cryptocurrencies. Algorithm for quick attacks: accurate information about the product that is being searched for is entered, and the search engine sees necessary resources and stores, with obvious information about them.

Please take a look at other options. A number of Bitcoin authorities recommend investing in the site www.gyft.com. This vlasniki encourages the purchase of gift cards from online stores - eBay, Amazon etc. using cryptocurrencies (payment options without payment). The advantages of the system include the sales of gift cards for trading platforms, which do not deal with cryptocurrencies. The commission for bitcoins is small. The website periodically advertises discounts on products. The cheerful koristuvach from the building will be purchasing gift cards for discounts for their distant vikoristan. The service is available to merchants from Ukraine.

Bitcoin payments are available on the website OpenBazaar.org, which deals with bitcoins using the peer-to-peer (p2p) system, without intermediaries or commissions. This is a decentralized blockchain platform for exchange between traders. Here it is important to choose a seller so as not to waste money on the shahrays. Delivery must be paid in addition. Just to be clear, there are a lot of reliable sellers on the site who are willing to pay for delivery in cash. In fact, traders from Russia said that the local post office regularly delivers imported goods. But, unfortunately, the food is not on par with the service that is described - everything is stored with the regional postal service.

Another service that works with gift cards from online stores. Purse.io. Here the owners of gift certificates sell them for cryptocurrencies (Zokrema, for Bitcoin). Available offensive algorithm: the owner of the gift card accepts electronic pennies (coins, tokens), which buys goods for the card, purchased by the gift card owner (for example, the Electrum card owner). In essence, having spent the cryptocurrency, the buyer buys the goods he needs. Moreover, the platform works in such a way as to ensure reliability of service for both parties. To receive additional gift cards, a discount on the gift card is applied. This will speed up their implementation and increase the number of contributors to the site. Plus includes everyone - card owners, bitcoin owners and the administration of the platform, which takes a small commission from each person.

Non-essential service is promoted by the authorities to the site freezvon.ru. This site promotes the creation of virtual telephone numbers and the entire range of services associated with them. Moreover, available telephone numbers are not only in Russia, but also in neighboring and distant countries. Available inexpensive fees for the border, cheaper inter-local negotiations, additional protection from overcrowding of negotiations (important for business) and other services. And everything is paid for consumption in bitcoins and satoshis. The service operates stably and without interruption, with low positive feedback.

Video game lovers will click on the online trading platform fangamer.com. Currently, Bitcoins are accepted here as a form of payment. The store's assortment includes clothes, clothes, bags and accessories, all of which have designs associated with popular games. When consumed, goods are prepared for sale. In this case, the administration of the Maidan observes: some of the goods are still being destroyed due to explosions. There is no problem with the situation if you have to prepare speeches of non-standard size. Warto vrahuvati - the store is located in the USA, Arizona, and the delivery fee is very high.

Another online store, which is located in the United States, is dedicated to selling home health care providers. Vin is called cryptopet.com, and here you can spend bitcoins on gifts for your lover. Varto note – cryptocurrencies here also include Litecoin, Darkcoin and Dogecoin. The range of products offered is wide and varied. The downside of the trading platform is the high commission for delivery. On the other hand, a number of products are difficult to find in Russian stores, so it makes sense to get them behind the border by spending part of the earned cryptocurrency on your pet caregiver.

Until 2013, you could pay with bitcoins for a trip to a bar in St. Petersburg, pay a taxi in Moscow, or buy a company anniversary card. The situation changed dramatically after representatives of the government began to worry about bitcoins and were preparing to introduce a criminal offense for their presence on the territory of Russia.

On June 16, 2016, the Ministry of Finance announced its readiness to equate Bitcoin to foreign currency, and on September 16, the first Bitcoin exchanger opened in the center of Moscow.

For this additional service, you can find companies that deal with cryptocurrency on the map. In Russia, such points of poverty are important and everything comes down to the service of exchanging pennies. Judging by the map, the acceptance of bitcoins is the most common in Europe and the United States.

Bitcoin expansion map

Compare.ru knows on the 6th month that Russians can still spend bitcoins:

1. Buy airline tickets

Russian tourists can quickly use the services of a Latvian carrier that flies throughout Europe. For paying for your reservation using bitcoins, the company will charge a commission of 5.99 euros.

2. Book a hotel, car, cruise and sightseeing tours

You can earn money on the website. When paying in Bitcoin, it will be converted into US dollars. The price of the cryptocurrency is fixed at 10 coins, and then can be updated depending on the exchange rate. If necessary, the armor can be collected, and the buyer's bitcoins will be returned.

3. Pay for housing and communal services, payment card or transport cards

The service allows you to make payments in bitcoins for utility services in Moscow and low regions, renew your mobile phone, deposit money on Triika, Podorozhnik and other cards. The service commission is 2%.

4. Buy luxury goods

On the site you can buy vintage cars, vintage and original ones. For example, a small restaurant near Panama with an area of ​​125 square meters. m for 304.4 bitcoin (175 thousand dollars). For the service, we charge a commission of 5%.

Cryptocurrency traders can print their own branded T-shirt with images of bitcoin or other thematic prints for 0.03-0.08 bitcoin (19.99-49.99 dollars). For delivery to Russia you will need to pay another 0.15 bitcoin (9 dollars).

6. Buy cava, tea and croissants

The Peresuvnyaya Kavyarny Headquarters near the headquarters of Oschadbank (Moscow, Vavilova St., 19) can also accept bitcoins. The payment process looks like this: the bank transferor transfers the payment amount to the virtual gambler Vlasnik Kavyarni, and he converts the amount into rubles.

Bitcoin is a global cryptocurrency. The advantages and possibilities that he reveals seem endless. However, all the positive points are of no significance, since we simply save and sell our coins, without being able to spend them in any way. Bitcoin will only become a successful global currency if people buy it as a fiat currency, for which they can get whatever they want. Luckily, there are now plenty of places where you can pay with bitcoins. Some of them were specially created for such purposes. From which material you will learn how to spend your bitcoins (online and offline) without interrupting the entire Internet searching for the information you need.

Part 1 – Online Shopping


The Spendabit search engine allows you to find millions of products that are available for purchase with Bitcoin. The system allows you to find various trading platforms and stores on the Internet that meet your needs. Vikoristovvat Spendabit is simple: you just need to enter the searched product in the search row. The system allows you to know how great and what other stores are.


OpenBazaar is a completely decentralized e-commerce platform. Deposits are issued only in bitcoins without any additional commissions. You can use the OpenBazaar program or use the search engine Duosearch (a product of OpenBazaar) to search for your favorite products.


Purse.io is a tool for owners of gift cards that can buy goods for you instead of your bitcoins. This is the best way to sell your Amazon gift card for pennies. The robotic algorithm is very simple: you need to select a product and pay for the purchase with Bitcoin. Owners of Amazon gift cards will use their certificate to pay for your order in exchange for your bitcoins. This means that if you apply for gift cards, you can also use the Purse.io system.

Part 2.

Do you want to know the local stores that accept bitcoins, if you don't think anything nasty, where to prank them? Fortunately, there are a number of useful tools for searching for places where you can buy goods for bitcoins.


Coinmap – “coin” is a coin, and “map” is a card. These are the very things that you discover when you read this word. The tool provides a map of the world that displays the locations of stores that accept Bitcoin. The map is simple in Vikoristan: just change the scale to find the points in your place.


SpendBitcoins also allows you to see merchants who accept Bitcoin on your map. Although this card is less popular, it is still possible to find other sellers on it than there are on Coinmap.

Essential goods and luxury items, technology and software, space flights and basic payments – the world is accepting more and more deposits on par with fiat currencies. We will look at the main services that allow you to pay with digital coins, with respect to the nutritional interest of such points.

From being an important investment instrument, Bitcoin is being transformed into a legitimate payment instrument. And although it is officially recognized only in Japan, payment for the appearance of tokens is accepted by both the giant market and other trading platforms. We will inspect the transfer of online stores and physical organizations that allow you to spend money, earn money and mine bitcoins.


A decentralized marketplace where all products are sold including bitcoins. On the Maidan, sellers constantly interact with buyers. You can add anything that is useful: from handmade products to hedgehogs, equipment, clothes, objects of art. The commission is not liable for the placement of goods or the commission of law. To start making money, you need to download and install a special program on your computer or mobile device.

The final version of the Maidan was released at the beginning of leaf fall in 2017. Moreover, to improve the anonymity of OpenBazaar clients, they will integrate with Tor. Next to Bitcoin, other altcoins will be available for payment here, one of which may be Monero.

Online trading giant Overstock began accepting Bitcoin in 2014. And recently, an American retailer has begun to work on cooperation with the ShapeShift platform. This allows online stores that operate on Overstock to now accept Bitcoin as payment for other cryptocurrencies such as Ether, Dash, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash.

Maidanchik is considered one of the largest sellers of goods in the mass market. Here you can find everything you need: furniture, jewelry, cosmetics, equipment, gardening tools and cars. Handcrafted objects like Wikonian are presented in a single copy.


The popular Dell computer manufacturer has also been using Bitcoin for retail for a long time – since mid-2014. To make payments, use the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase. You can add a variety of products: laptops, desktop PCs, hardware, projectors and much more.


What if the store doesn’t accept payment in Bitcoin? For example, Amazon. The Purse.io service can come to help. The platform operates simply - the customer selects the required product and adds it to the box on Purse. Next, anyone will pay for the purchase in fiat money, and then consider the purchase of goods in bitcoin.

It would seem that the benefits were obvious to everyone. However, everyone has their shortcomings. First of all, the service does not display the entire assortment of products presented on Amazon. Otherwise, it is impossible to look past the words of other sellers about the product or you will lose yours.

At this time of trading, Ebay and Amazon traders are considering the possibility of directly paying in Bitcoins. And since there was a lot of talk about Amazon, the Ebay industry seriously affected these foods.

More expensive

You can plan your trip and pay for your trip and accommodation in bitcoins using the services of travelforcoins.com or cheapair.com. Here you can choose a one-way or return flight, book a hotel room, or create a flexible route. You can also rent a car on Cheapair.

From other platforms it is significant:

  • BTCTrip;
  • ABitSky.

The New York company BTCTrip calls itself nothing less than a “travel agency for the safety of cryptocurrencies.” Bitcoin works in the same way as Litecoin and Dogecoin. The American travel agency Expedia.com accepts bitcoins. You can get help from these services wherever you are on the planet.

Other options

Today you can pay with bitcoins for your purchases in other BNZs. Cypriot universities were the first to begin accepting digital tokens with such intentions. Later, the idea was adopted by King's College in New York, the University of Applied Sciences in Lucerne and Switzerland and other initial deposits.

Cryptocurrency can be used to pay for going into space—digital currency is accepted by billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic. It is also possible to rent a satellite for 5 days through BitsPremier. Denison Yachting offers bonuses on yachts from leading brands. At auctions conducted by the Aspire company, you can pay in coins when purchasing exclusive antiques and ancient artifacts.

Cryptocurrency can be accepted as early as the start of medical services. Thus, the American Andy Murphy Center offers its clients the opportunity to pay for tokens for both medical procedures and psychological consultations.

In Australia there is already a number of rocky service Living Room of Satoshi, whose name translates as “Satoshi’s Living Room”. With this help, citizens of the region can pay with bitcoins for utility services, loans from VNZ, and pay off debts. The Maidan also works with Ether, Monero, Litecoin.

The best option is to exchange a gift card for bitcoins on the services of Gyft.com and eGifter. Here you can become a holder of cards for popular brands and services: Adidas, Nike, Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, Starbucks and many others.

It's not a problem to spend bitcoins on charity. Digital currency in the form of donations today is accepted by an independent organization that contributes to environmental nutrition Greenpeace, the Bulgarian BitHope, which turns the respect of Vlasnik tokens to global problems, as well as the Chervony Krest, which is not required є presentation.

How to find services

There are specialized platforms that allow you to quickly pick up points that accept Bitcoin in various countries around the world.


A handy service that allows you to find products on the Internet that are available for Bitcoin. It’s even easier to use it. All you have to do is enter the name of the product, and the platform will show you a selection of maydans, where you can earn money for digital currency. Among them there will be great stores and other sellers.


This service has a map where you can find sellers who accept Bitcoin. All propositions are sorted for ease of reference under headings: hotels, hostels, airports, motorcycle and car rentals, resorts and much more.

Another map of the world, showing stores that trade in Bitcoin. These maps are also handy because they clearly show which parts of the planet are the most popular for accepting cryptocurrency. Zokrema, here lies the USA, Japan, the edges of Western Europe.


This service will help you find an ATM for converting bitcoins to fiat currency. This is especially necessary if you are in a situation where you don’t have a lot of pennies, and no one near your locality accepts digital coins. Based on the remaining data, today’s BTM ATMs are available in over 6 dozen countries. Their number has already exceeded 2 thousand.

Services in Russia

There are plenty of stores that can deliver goods to Russia. Since there are a lot of services in the country that accept digital coins, their number is actively increasing with each month.

The food industry includes the Moscow headquarters café, the Pivoteka 465 pub, and the Klyuch IT bar from St. Petersburg, which is positioned as a cafe for geeks with a wonderful atmosphere. Farmer's tavern restaurant Valenok has started accepting bitcoins this summer. Also, for the safety of clients, the mortgage company plans to install cryptocurrency ATMs.

You can buy cryptocurrency from the specialized Moscow crypto bar “Evening School”. Payment can be made using either Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ether. The deposit also hosts thematic seminars and lectures that cover various aspects of the cryptoindustry.

Every now and then, a number of Swedish food restaurants, Subway, has accepted bitcoins and is represented in 110 countries around the world, including the Russian Federation. Whether I will turn again to such a practice is still unknown.

You can buy environmentally friendly products for bitcoins from the LavkaLavka farming cooperative. Coins can be accepted from all cafes, stores and taken to the market. The St. Petersburg store G-SHINE allows you to pay for these tokens. The Nano Fitness club sells gym memberships for tokens. The Tomsk School of Digital Technologies CMIT allows you to pay with cryptocurrency, as it conducts master classes and workshops for children.

In the fall, one of the largest online stores that specializes in digital technology and non-food products, Yulmart, began to accept cryptocurrency. Expensive goods are available for tokens now. Maidanchik planned to start trading with Bitcoin back in 2014, but the protetodi decided to introduce the possibility of criminal liability for carrying out transactions with digital coins.

Legal Prime GS Consulting is an international company that provides legal services, including in Russia. Now Russians, with the advice of a qualified lawyer, can purchase digital tokens.

For tokens you can buy computer games on Games Planet and G2A Game Store. At the same time, I recently started using Bitcoin on my Steam platform. The main reason is the high volatility of cryptocurrency, as well as high commissions at the time of payments.

Services in Ukraine

The Ukrainian crypto-competence does not stand up to social trends. There are also more and more stores and companies that accept digital coins.

A leading Ukrainian domain name registrar and hosting provider that is already on the market for at least 15 years, RX-NAME, has great advantages when you turn on cryptocurrency before transferring payment methods. The company's integrity is enhanced, which allows them to avoid losing clients from Asia and Europe, who can now easily pay for the services they require.

The equally popular hosting company Unihost has followed the trend. Here, for virtual coins, you can get a VPS, an SSL certificate, and you can register a domain name since the end of 2013. The service also accepts Bitcoin and Litecoin.

Asic Trade is the official distributor of the equipment for mining of domestic mining machines. And it’s not surprising that the company allows you to pay ASIC for Bitcoins. The same story is with the Ukrainian startup Hotmine, which specializes in miners with the function of heating spaces.

In the legal field, the first company to start accepting Bitcoin was Juscutum, which deals with IT and media law. As companies often have to compete with foreign companies, digital tokens will significantly ease the process of interchange. Register a trademark for bitcoins with the help of the company “Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat and Partners”.

The first supplier of the logistics department is the Golden Corn company, which is engaged in the delivery of oversized goods, grain, oil, and molasses. They also decided not to follow social trends and allow their assistants to pay in BTC.

You can use bitcoins to pay for travel arrangements around Ukraine, including going on an excursion to Chornobyl. The Adventure Tours company provides this opportunity. For cryptocurrency you can buy T-shirts, T-shirts, baseball caps, mugs with original prints in the online store Mirfutbolok.org.ua. The company's leaders were so taken over by the ideas of cryptocurrencies that they began to try to obtain tokens using additional mining.

Asant Studio, a popular floristry school from Kiev, allowed clients to pay with bitcoins for two reasons. We've been through this kind of opportunity more than a few times. The quality of the school is due to the fact that their clients are very creative people, far from the crypto world.

It has been rumored for some time now that you can pay for goods in the Citrus online store with bitcoins. However, this information is not confirmed on the company’s website. And the companies that initially accepted Bitcoin, and then completely transferred their business to the crypto-platform. For example, the Omega-Climate store previously sold climate control equipment. Now the owners of the company's activity have burned out and started making money on mining.


Bitcoin holders are becoming more and more likely to spend their coins every day. As a matter of fact, tokens can be used to pay prices, buy household goods, buy equipment, pay for utilities, household goods, etc. And the more popular cryptocurrency becomes, the more likely it is to start accepting Bitcoin and other popular altcoins as a payment method.

How to earn money or simply withdraw cryptocurrency, we are basically confused. Where should I spend it? In principle, everything would be simple here - just cook and go wherever you want. What is the sense of everything besides investment? And if there is no sense, then you can’t wash yourself for a long time. And since I was so hungry, I wanted to do a little research on what you can buy on the Internet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

It would seem that even if Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were created in order to ease corruption on the Internet, then the direct recognition of such currencies is the same as payment for goods and services at the border.

Starting today, I monitor the Internet for such Maidans, where it would be possible to spend bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies in exchange for ordinary people, goods and employees.

In these articles, I look at only those resources where they trade in real living goods and provide casual services. I don’t see investment services, exchanges, mining and everything connected with them here. This topic is focused directly on earning money. Here I will look at the topic, including how to spend excess bitcoins.

I will try not to look at the sites where you can make a purchase from a third-party service, where bitcoins are converted or into real currency, and the site is supposed to somehow hide the mysteries about those who accept bitcoins as payment. I don’t want to pay any attention to the direct transfer of bitcoins.

Unfortunately, I have no opportunity to check the operation of all sites and will have to rely only on the information on the site and/or on the Internet.

I wanted to start with the banal. This is payment for Internet services, mobile phones and other common payments. First of all, these are necessary benefits that extract thousands of pennies infusions, and in another way, it’s easy. There is no need to go anywhere, stand at the church, wait for an hour.

The number of services on the site is great. It’s safe to overindulge in actions from them, but I mean that you have to pay for TV, Internet, mobile communications and housing and communal services:

In payment methods you can find out how to pay in bitcoins:

I'm wondering about this site, I know it for 2013. But I couldn’t find out what kind of words would characterize the robot service. I can honestly say that I don’t know of any negative influences.

Well, the rest of today’s site is for T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps and similar stuff from our neighbors from Ukraine.

Registration is required to complete the agreement, so I couldn’t verify whether they actually accept bitcoins, or in the minds of paying for it:

Doctors, in Ukraine, bitcoins are easily converted through Privat-Bank, I think there are no problems with payment.

Well, having looked at just a few basic directions, at a minimum it would be easier for me to spend the bitcoins themselves, and not the currency, because the transfer from bitcoins to the primary currency eats up to 5-10 hundred rubles in an hour.

Next time I will try to take a look at the scope of services and services.