A diagram is a visual graphical representation of information that equalizes several values ​​and values ​​of one. Change the value of two values. Format middle values. Microsoft Excel number format

Awareness of sizeє one of the treasures of sensory and rose-mind therapy children of preschool age

In the process of everyday life, posture to special endeavors children do not use conventional methods of dying, with more or less success, they try to copy the external affairs of adults, often without understanding their meanings and changes.

Based on the characteristics of children, the statement about the size of objects, Pedagogical work will be carried out in the following sequence.

On the cob being molded statements about size as a spacious sign of an object. Children begin to see this sign in order with others, scrawling special quilting techniques: add-on and invoices.

Almost equal(varyingly) objects, small objects, however, are contrasting in size set the boxes for “equivalence – inequity”.

PORIVNYANNYAM is called the operation of establishing similarity and similarity between objects and manifestations of the real world.

The results of the alignment are displayed in the formula for additional help from notebooks: longer, shorter, however(Dovzhni Rivni), wider, already, however(Regions in width), higher, lower, however(Rivni by height), more, less, however(Revenues by size), etc. In this way, the beginning is transferred to a pair of equal objects for one sign.

On this basis we will continue away from the robot, in the process of any children start when changing a number of items get involved in one of them yak zrazkom.

Practically accept the add-on and overhead get stuck for folding in an ordered (serial) row. Then the children start follow the rules. Looming in their ordered objects (3-5 pieces) in a growing or declining order behind the length, width, height and other signs, they represent this in language: nayshirsha, vzhe, shche vzhe, naivuzhcha ta in.

Zadanna of distant robots - There will be a series of items to secure for depth, width, height and other signs that correctly represent the world, develop the eye of children, read the size of various objects, which relates them to the size of visible objects, and also develop mental Bright.

In such a manner

- for the young and middle preschool children mean the dimensions of objects are in the middle of their alignment(Additions or overhead);

The elder one is stagnant mediation method(Estimation of the size of captured objects in the world with good knowledge, which grows in the childhood before, in the world of mental darkness).

VIMIR includes two logical operations:

Persha – tse process below what allows a child to understand that it can be crushed into pieces;

Friend - tse substitution operation, which lies in the adjacent elements.

The essence of the world lies in the small fraction of the measured objects and the established value of this object in relation to the accepted world. Following the additional operation of calibration, a numerical relationship is established between the value that is being calibrated and the subsequent calibration unit, scale or standard.

The activity of the vimir is complex. This will require specific skills, familiarity with the entry system, and the establishment of special tools. Vikoristannya of smart approaches timid accessible to children. The term “mind-mirror extinction” means the ability to vikorize the mode of extinction.

At the children's garden the boys are starting to panic dekіlkoma species VIMIRUVANNYA MENTAL WORLD.

Until first sight next add linear vimir When children, with the help of a paper, a stick, a skein, kroki and other mental items, begin to measure the length, width, height of various objects.

Another type of vimiru - The purpose for the help of the mental world is to use hoarse speeches: Children begin using a bowl, a bottle, a spoon and other containers to measure the amount of cereal, sugar powder in the bag.

Third view- this is a mental peace of mind, in order to find out how many bottles of water the countess has.

Zastosuvannya mirok I hope Accuracy is established in the process of dyeing“Jealousy - inequality”, “part - whole”, allows for a greater and deeper manifestation of their power.

Thus, the preschool lighting activity has an elementary, propaedeutic character. The child immediately begins to visualize objects with the mental world, and then changes of mind arise for the “real” world.

Children’s orientation towards the size of objects has a lot to do with it appears CHOMER- The most important sensory experience. The development of the okomir is directly related to the aging process using special methods of aligning objects. Initially, the leveling of objects based on depth, width, height is carried out using a practical method of applying and adding, and then based on adjustment. The eye of the sky is aligned with the practical hands.

In the middle group great respect is due okomir development. Children are given the task of finding out about four or five objects that are equal in size, either larger or smaller (find similar ones, find longer ones, shorter ones, etc.). To complete all tasks, transferring the program to the middle group, you need to spend at least 10-12 hours.

It is necessary to know that it is important to stop doing such activities systematically consolidate and consolidate in other types of activities:

· Adjust the dimensions of different parts of the plants,

· Select materials of required sizes for book repair,

· Paint, mold objects of similar sizes,

· be careful about changing the size of the booth, what will happen, etc.

Great respect is given to the development of children in the world. Based on the use of methods of careful arrangement of the size of objects (overlay, addition, adjustment for additional measurements), children begin to experience confusion, which results in more complicated activities.

Senior preschoolers viconuet folded, lower in the middle group, focus on the development of the okomir:

· Recognize objects of larger or smaller size by eye;

· Pick up two objects so that the smell is equal to the smell of each other.

Step by step expand and flatten, where you can find objects of the required size.

As a result, different objects can be different. At the same time, one and the same symbol can be used to align objects, both in length, and in width, etc. Nowadays, children check the correctness of the correct ordering, checking by receiving the supplement (inside) or Bathing in darkness. Similar tasks can be set for children in various types of activities.

In the process of putting children in an orderly row, the teacher sets a rule: it is not possible to apply and rearrange objects. The skin of the offensive element among children who have lost it is worth keeping an eye on.

You can prove it and foldable buildings. For example, select 2 objects on the eye and put a third one out of them, equal to the eye; set the pattern between the decal (2-3) rows of objects, ordered by size.

This robot needs to gain respect not as much in math class as in God’s game. Pose, activities and didactic games “Put the tablets together”, “Place them in order”, “Do you have a box?”, “Who’s first?” (Author T. G. Vasilyeva).

The previous notes described the procedure for verifying hypotheses about numerical and categorical data: , number, and also that allows you to enter one or the other. At this point, we will look at methods for testing hypotheses about the differences between parts of signs in general populations with the arrangement of a number of independent samples.

To illustrate the methods that are used, a scenario is used to evaluate the level of satisfaction of hotel guests, which belongs to the company T.S. Resort Properties. Know that you are the manager of a company that has five hotels located on two resort islands. If you want to satisfy the needs of your guests, you are very likely to turn to the advancing river and recommend your friends to stay at your hotel. To evaluate the quality of service, guests are asked to fill out a form and indicate that they are satisfied with the hotel. You need to analyze the data from the experience, determine the level of satisfaction with the guests' drinking habits, assess the likelihood that guests will come again, and also identify the reasons for possible dissatisfaction with guests. ientiv. For example, on one of the company’s islands there are Beachcomber and Windsurfer hotels. However, there is no service in these hotels? How can this information be used to improve the performance of a company? Moreover, since some of the guests have stated that they will not come to see you again, what reasons do they most often give for the stench? What can be confirmed about the reasons for sticking to a specific hotel and not being shared by the whole company?

Here the wikis are as follows: X 1 - the number of successes in the first group, X 2 - the number of successes in another group; n 1 X 1 - the number of failures in the first group, n 2 X 2 - the number of failures in the other group, X =X 1 + X 2 - great number of successes, nX = (n 1 X 1 ) + (n 2 X 2 ) - the number of misfortunes is so great, n 1 - obsessed over the first election, n 2 - visited another selection, n = n 1 + n 2 - Summary of elections. The table has two rows and two columns, so it is called a 2×2 factor table. The middles, created by the webbing of the skin row and the rest, can be used to avenge a number of successes and failures.

We illustrate the table of the received sign in the example of the scenario described above. It is acceptable to ask: “Will you turn to the coming fate?” 163 out of 227 guests strongly agreed with the Beachcomber Hotel, and 154 out of 262 guests with the Windsurfer Hotel. Is there a statistically significant difference between the level of satisfaction of hotel guests (which means that guests are more likely to turn to bad luck), so that the level of significance is more than 0.05?

Rice. 2. Factorial table 2x2 for assessing the quality of guest service

The first row shows the number of guests of the skin hotel, who voted to turn around in the coming year (success); in the other row there were a large number of guests, who showed dissatisfaction (bad luck). The middles, served in the “Together” section, avenge the unsatisfactory number of guests who are planning to return to the hotel’s doom, as well as the unsatisfactory number of guests who are dissatisfied with the service. The middles, spread out in a row of “Everything”, take revenge on the number of food guests of the skin hotel. Some of the guests who plan to return are calculated according to the number of guests who said about the number of food guests of this hotel. Then, to equalize the calculated frequencies, the 2nd criterion is set.

To check the null and alternative hypotheses H 0: p 1 = p 2; Н 1: р 1 ≠ р 2 Vikorist's test 2 statistics.

The chi-square test for equalizing two parts. Test χ 2 statistics is the sum of the squares of the difference between the monitored and the identified number of successes, divided by the estimated number of successes in the cutaneous center of the table:

de f 0- beware of the number of successes and failures for a specific sign in the middle of the table of successes, f e

Test 2-statistics are approximated by 2-section with one degree of freedom.

Otherwise, if the skin does not receive a sign in the middle of the table, it is necessary to understand its sense. If the null hypothesis is true, then. Parts of success in two general aggregates of the region, vibrating parts, calculated for the skin of two groups, can vary for one type or more than one type of reason, and the offending parts are based on the assessment of the lateral parameter of the general aggregate. R. This situation has statistics that combine the offending parts into one final (average) parameter estimate R , the total number of successes in the combined groups (then the total number of successes, divided by the total number of selections). This is an additional 1 – , I know a lot of failures in social groups. Vikorist's meanings are described in the table in Fig. 1. You can enter formula (2) to calculate the parameter :

de - Signs in the middle of the area.

To calculate the number of successes achieved fe(instead of the first row of the table the obtained sign), it is necessary to multiply the selection procedure by the parameter . To count the number of failures f e(instead of another row of the table you get a sign), you need to multiply the selection procedure by the parameter 1 – .

Test statistics, calculated using formula (1), are approximated by a 2-section with one degree of freedom. For a given equal significance, the null hypothesis is weakened if a 2-statistic greater than U 2 is calculated, the upper critical value of the 2-section with one degree of freedom. Well, the general rule looks like this: hypothesis H 0 it exhilarates if χ 2 > χ U 2, otherwise the hypothesis H 0 does not heal (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Region 2 is critical - criterion for equalizing frequencies with equal significance α

Since the null hypothesis is true, the χ 2 statistics are calculated to be close to zero, leaving the squared difference between the guarded f 0 and refreshed fe The size of the skin center is even smaller. On the other hand, the null hypothesis H 0 There is a significant difference between the parts of successes in the general population, calculated by χ 2 - the statistics may be great. This is explained by the difference between the measured and the measured number of successes and failures in the skin average, which increases when squared. However, the contribution of the difference between the calculated and the values ​​in the underlying 2-statistics may not be the same. One and the same factual difference between f 0і f e You can expand on χ 2 statistics, so that the results of a small amount of caution are placed in the middle, but there is a difference that indicates a greater amount of caution.

In order to illustrate the 2-criteria for testing the hypothesis about the equality of two parts, let us return to the scenario described earlier, the results of which are shown in Fig. 2. The null hypothesis (N 0: p 1 = p 2) confirms that with equal service levels in two hotels, some guests who plan to face the oncoming fate are practically the same. To evaluate the parameter R, which represents the proportion of guests who plan to return to the hotel, since the null hypothesis is true, the value is calculated , how to calculate using the formula

A portion of the service providers were left dissatisfied with services = 1 – 0.6483 = 0.3517. Multiplying these two parts by the number of guests staying at the Beachcomber Hotel, we can estimate the number of guests who plan to return in the coming season, as well as the number of those who will no longer hesitate to stay at this hotel. The stays of guests of the Windsurfer Hotel are calculated in the same way:

So - Beachcomber: = 0,6483, n 1 = 227, then, f e = 147,16.
So - Windsurfer: = 0,6483, n 2 = 262, then, f e = 169,84.
Ні - Beachcomber: 1 – = 0,3517, n 1 = 227, then, f e = 79,84.
Ні - Windsurfer: 1 – = 0,3517, n 2 = 262, then, f e = 92,16.

The structures are shown in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. χ 2 -statistics for hotels: (a) output data; (b) 2x2 factor table for leveling ( f 0 ) and ochіkuvanogo ( fe) the number of guests who are satisfied and not satisfied with the services; (c) calculation of χ 2 -statistics when the proportion of guests who are satisfied with the services is equal; (d) breakdown of the critical value of test 2 statistics

To expand the critical value of test 2 statistics, use the Excel function = XI2.INV(). What is the value of significance? After calculating the value of 2-statistics, which is higher than 9.053 (Fig. 4c), the number is increased to 3.841, the null hypothesis is rejected (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Value of the critical value of test 2-statistics with one step of freedom at equal significance α = 0.05

Virtue R those that the null hypothesis is correct with χ 2 statistics equal to 9.053 (one level of freedom) are calculated in Excel using the additional function =1 - ХІ2.DIST(9.053;1;TRUE) = 0.0026. R- a value that is more than 0.0026, - the difference between the sample percentages of guests who are satisfied with the services at the Beachcomber and Windsurfer hotels is more than 0.718 - 0.58 8 = 0.13, as it is true that their parts in both general ones are combined. Thus, it is clear to you that there is a statistically significant difference in the number of guests served between the two hotels. Research shows that the number of guests who are satisfied with the service at the Beachcomber Hotel is greater than the number of guests who plan to stay at the Windsurfer Hotel again.

The verification is based on a 2×2 factor table. To obtain accurate results based on data from a 2×2 table, it is necessary that the number of successes and failures exceed the number 5. Since your mind is not swayed, it is necessary to obtain an accurate result. Fisher criterion.

With an equal number of clients who are satisfied with the quality of service in two hotels, the criteria Z and χ 2 are brought to the same results. It is possible to explain the close connection between a standardized normal split and a 2 split with one degree of freedom. In this case, the 2-statistic is always the square of the Z-statistic. For example, when assessing the level of satisfaction of guests, we found that Z-statistics are +3.01, and 2-statistics - 9.05. Not easily rounded, it’s easy to roll over, so another value is the square of the first (then 3.01 2 = 9.05). KRIM, Porvoyni, valuable statistics at RIVNIS Significantly α = 0.05, can Viyaviti, the value of 1 2 dorivnya 3,841, the square of the upper critical validity of the Z-statistics, rye +1.96 (Tobto χ 1 2 = Z2). Moreover, R-The significance of both criteria is the same.

In this way, it can be confirmed that when reversing the null and alternative hypotheses H 0: p 1 = p 2; Н 1: р 1 ≠ р 2 criteria Z and χ 2 are equivalent. However, since it is necessary not only to identify the differences, but also to determine which part is larger (p 1 > p 2), trace Condense the Z-score into one critical region surrounded by the tail of the standardized normal division. Below we will describe the definition of criterion 2 for the equalization of frequent signs in several groups. It should be noted that the Z-criterion in this situation cannot be stagnated.

Establishment of 2-criterion for testing the hypothesis about the equality of several parts

The “chi-square” criterion can be expanded to a larger extent and tightened to test the hypothesis about the equality of certain frequency signs. Significantly the number of analyzes of independent general populations by letter h. Now the sign acquisition table consists of two rows and h stovptsiv. To check the null and alternative hypotheses H 0: p 1 = p 2 = … = p 2, H 1: not all Rj equal to each other (j = 1, 2, …, c), The χ 2 test statistic is wikipedia:

de f 0- beware of the number of successes and failures for a specific middle of the factor table 2* h, fe- more theoretically, it is clear that the number of successes and failures in a particular middle of the success table is a sign that the null hypothesis is true.

To calculate the number of successes and failures in each person's success table, it is necessary to remember the same. Since the null hypothesis is true and the success rate in all general populations is equal, the same sample parts can be divided into one or more of the same types of reasons, including all parts є evaluation of parts of the signs R at the joint general aggregate. This situation has statistics that combine all parts into one final (or average) parameter estimate R place more information, keep your skin safe from them. This statistic is indicated by the symbol , and the lower (or middle) part of success in the general election.

Calculation of the middle part:

To calculate the number of successes achieved f e In the first row of the success table, the sign must be multiplied by the skin sampling procedure by the parameter. To count the number of failures f e the other row of the success table has a sign, it is necessary to multiply the skin sampling rate by the parameter 1 – . Test statistics, calculated using formula (1), are approximated by a 2-section. The number of degrees of freedom of a given division is indicated by the value (r – 1)(c – 1) , de r- Number of rows in the factor table, h- number of columns in the table. For a factor table 2*s the number of degrees of freedom is ancient (2 – 1)(s – 1) = s – 1. For a given equal significance α, the null hypothesis is rejected if the 2-statistic is calculated to be greater than the upper critical value U 2 , the powerful 2-section z 1 steps of freedom. Well, the general rule looks like this: hypothesis H 0 it fails if χ 2 > χ U 2 (Fig. 6), otherwise the hypothesis fails.

Rice. 6. The region is critical to the χ 2 criterion for equalization with the frequency with equal significance α

The verification is based on the factor table 2*s. To obtain accurate results based on data entered in the factor table 2* h It is necessary for the number of successes and failures to be great. Statisticians believe that the criterion gives accurate results if the calculated frequencies exceed 0.5. More conservative investigators insist that no more than 20% of the middle of the table of success of the sign should have a value less than 5, and every middle is not guilty of having a value less than one. The rest of our mind is a reasonable compromise between these extremes. In order to please everyone, the categories, which contain small values, should be combined into one. This criterion becomes more accurate. If, for whatever reason, it is not possible to combine several categories, alternative procedures must be put in place.

In order to illustrate the 2nd criterion for testing the hypothesis about the equality of shares in several groups, let us return to the scenario described at the beginning of the chapter. Let's take a look at the similar treatment to which the guests of the three hotels, which belong to the company T.S. Resort Resources, share (Fig. 7a).

Rice. 7. Factorial table 2x3 for equalizing the number of guests who are satisfied and not satisfied with the services: (a) the number of successes or failures that are to be avoided – f 0; (b) the number of successes and failures is realized – fe; (c) calculation of χ 2 statistics with an equal number of guests who are satisfied with the services

The null hypothesis confirms that the proportion of clients who plan to turn away from their fate is practically the same in all hotels. To evaluate the parameter R, to determine the number of guests who plan to return to the hotel, the value is determined R = X/n= 513/700 = 0.733. The percentage of service providers who were left unsatisfied with services is as high as 1 – 0.733 = 0.267. Multiplying three parts by the number of hotel guests, we can estimate the number of guests who plan to return in the coming season, as well as the number of clients who will no longer hesitate teli (small 7b).

To verify the null and alternative hypotheses, use the test χ 2 -statistics to calculate the additional and guarded values ​​using formula (1) (Fig. 7c).

The critical value of the test 2-statistic is calculated using the formula = ХІ2.OBR(). The fragments in the hospital take the fate of the guests of three hotels, 2 -statistics are (2 - 1) (3 - 1) = 2nd level of freedom. With equal significance α = 0.05, the critical value of 2-statistics is equal to 5.991 (Fig. 7d). The fragments were calculated as 2 statistics, which is higher than 40.236, exceeds the critical value, and the null hypothesis fails (Fig. 8). On the other hand, peace of mind R In addition, the null hypothesis is true when χ 2 -statistics equal to 40.236 (and two degrees of freedom) can be calculated in Excel using the additional function =1-ХІ2.DIST() = 0.000 (Fig. 7d). R-value is equal to 0.000 and less than the value α = 0.05. Well, the null hypothesis is dying out.

Rice. 8. Areas of acceptance of the hypothesis about the equality of three frequencies with equal significance, which is higher than 0.05, and two degrees of freedom

Supporting the null hypothesis with equal frequencies in the factor table 2* h We can also confirm that some of the guests, satisfied with the services at the three hotels, are not afraid. In order to understand which parts differ from others, it is necessary to use other methods, for example, the Marascuilo procedure.

Marascuelo procedure allows you to rotate all groups in pairs. At the first stage of the procedure, the differences p s j – p s j ' are calculated (de jj) between s(s – 1)/2 in pairs of parts. Common critical ranges are calculated using the following formula:

When the value α is equal to the value, the value is the square root of the upper critical value of the chi-square division, which may z 1 degrees of freedom. For the skin pair of vibrational frequencies, it is necessary to maintain a very critical range. At the remaining stage the skin s(s – 1)/2 A couple of times are equal to a similar critical range. The parts that make up a particular pair are considered statistically significantly different, since there is an absolute difference in the sampling frequencies | p s j – p s j | I see a critical range.

We illustrate Marascuilo's procedure using the treatment of guests of three hotels (Fig. 9a). Using the chi-square test, we found that there was a statistically significant difference between the proportions of guests of different hotels who were going to turn out in the coming period. The fragments in the experiment take the fate of the guests of three hotels, it is necessary to calculate 3(3 – 1)/2 = 3 pairwise equalities and calculate the three critical ranges. We can count three vibrator parts (Fig. 9b). When the level of significance is equal to 0.05, the upper critical value of the test χ 2 -statistic for the chi-square section, which is (z - 1) = 2 degrees of freedom, is calculated by the formula = XI2.OBR (0.95; 2) = 5.991. Otje, = 2448 (Fig. 9c). Next, let’s calculate three pairs of absolute differences and similar critical ranges. If the absolute difference is greater than the critical range, then the different parts are considered significantly different (Fig. 9d).

Rice. 9. Results of the Marascuillo procedure for testing the hypothesis about the jealousy of the frequent satisfied guests of the three hotels: (a) experimental data; (b) sampling parts; (c) the upper critical value of the test 2-statistic for the chi-square section; (d) three pairs of absolute differences and types of critical ranges

As a matter of fact, with equal significance, which is higher than 0.05, the level of satisfaction among guests of the Palm Royal hotel (ps2 = 0.858) is higher than that of guests of the Golden Palm (ps1 = 0.593) and Palm Princess hotels (ps3 = 0.738). In addition, the level of satisfaction among guests of the Palm Princess Hotel is higher than that of the guests of the Golden Palm Hotel. These results will prompt us to analyze the reasons for such differences and try to determine why the level of satisfaction among guests of the Golden Palm Hotel is significantly lower than that of guests of other hotels.

Materials from the book by Levin and In are reviewed. Manager statistics. - M: Williams, 2004. - p. 708-730

Prote, a circular diagram will always ensure the necessary accuracy of the information presented. First of all, in one count there can be many sectors. Otherwise, all sectors can be approximately the same size. At the same time, there are two reasons to disturb the circular diagram of low-corrision.

2.Stovpchasta diagram (histogram) -Use to adjust a number of values ​​at a number of points.

The same parts of the diagrams (as the name suggests) are formed by the players. The height of the stopper is indicatedvalues ​​of adjusted quantities . Kozhen stovpchik of ties toreference point .

3.Linear diagram (graph) -Serve in order to follow the changes of several quantities during the transition from one point to another.

Follow the linear diagrams in the same way until every day. Instead of markings, their height is simply indicated (by dots, marks, crosses) and the symbols are connected by straight lines. Instead of different hatching (stitching), there are different symbols (diamonds, three-pieces, crosses, etc.), different thickness and type of lines (solid, dotted, etc.), different colors.

4. Tiered diagram (histogram with accumulations) - Allows you to precisely equalize the sum of many values ​​​​at many points, and thereby show the contribution of the skin value to the total sum.

The order of the daily tier diagrams can even guess the order of the weekly diagrams of the stack. The difference is that the stoppers in the tiered diagram are not placed on top of each other. The rules for dividing the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the diagrams obviously change.

5. Area diagram (area diagram) -A hybrid of tiered diagrams with a linear one allows you to simultaneously measure the change in the skin value at several points and the change in their sum at several points.

All around, the stoppers are angry, creating uninterrupted areas. Stars and names – area diagram and area diagram. The skin area appears to be of one size and is marked with different shading (shading). Previously, the stacks were arranged in tiers, now there are lines (and squares bordered by them).

    Format middleware. Microsoft Excel number format.

Formatting in Excel makes it easier to process data, which plays an important role in productivity.

In order to recognize the format you need to use the following:

2. Select the command “Format” - “Comments” (Ctrl+1).

3. In the dialog box, enter the required formatting parameters.

4. Click the OK button.

Formatting in the middle saves its format so that the new format is not saved or the old one is not deleted. When you enter a value into the account, the format that is already entered into the account will be frozen.

In order to change the format, you need to enter the following:

1. See the mixture (range of averages).

2. Select the command "Edit" - "Clear" - "Format".

3. To clear the values ​​in the middle, select the “All” command from the “Clear” submenu.

Please note that when copying a commercial item, the format of the commercial item is copied instead. In this way, you can save an hour by formatting the output sequence before using the copy and paste commands

Formatting can also be done using additional toolbars. The most commonly used formatting commands are located in the Format toolbar. To set the format to a toolbar button, view the item or range of items, and then click the button with the mouse. To select the format, press the button again.

To quickly copy formats from the seen middles to other middles, you can select the "Format by Sequence" button in the "Format" panel.

Formatting can be done up to several characters of text value in the middle as well as before. To do this, you need to see the required characters and then select the “Comments” command from the “Format” menu. Next, set the required attributes and click the “Ok” button. Press the Enter key to view the results of your work.

Adjusting the number format in Excel

Excel fragments are used for processing numbers; correct setting of their format plays an important role. For people, the number 10 is not just one or zero. From an Excel point of view, these two numbers can convey a wide variety of information, including the number of employees of the company, a penny value, a hundredth of a whole, or a fragment of the heading “10 leading companies” m". In all situations, this number may appear and manifest itself differently. Excel supports the following data formats:

* Zagalny- text and numeric values ​​of the same type; * Chislovy- The most sophisticated way of representing numbers; * Groshovy- Financial values; * Financial- penny amounts with grading according to the separator of whole and shot parts; * date- date or date and hour; * Hour- hour or date and hour; * Vidsotkovy- the value in the middle, multiplied by 100 with the symbol “%” for example; * Drobny- rational fractions with a number and a sign; * Exponential- tens of fractions numbers; * Textovy- text data is displayed as rows are entered and formed, regardless of their placement; * Dodatkovy- Format for work with databases and address lists; * Zamovny- The format that koristuvach is tuning in to.

The most extensive options for data formatting can be found in the additional Format toolbar.

1. Press C4 on the middle, and then on the button Video format. The value of the C4 threshold will be multiplied by 100 and preceded by the “%” sign.

Rice. 9.14. Tab for selecting data format

2. Press the key down and press the button Penny format.

3. Press Sat on the middle, and then on the button Format with dividers. This button changes the numbers to be verified in the column according to the separator of whole and shot parts.

4. View the C7 computer and click on the button Increase the capacity. This button does not change the main format, but adds one sign to the fractional part of the number.

5. Press the Enter key and click on the button Change the capacity. This operation removes one decimal place and rounds the number. Now the middles from C4 to C9 look completely different, although absolutely new numbers have been introduced into them. Other formats are considered complementary to such actions.

6. Press C10 on the middle and select a command Format > Middles.

7. In the dialog window, open the tab Number(Fig. 9.14).

8. Have a list Number formats click on item date.

9. On the list of those who have appeared Type Click on row 14 ber 01 (14-Mar-01). Then click on the button OK.

Rice. 9.15. Massacre of number formats

10. Similarly, assign the middle C11 the Exponential format, and the middle C12 the Numerical format. Now the table looks like this (Fig. 9.15). Please note that the middle value of the table has not changed, so when you change the format, only the display method changes, and the numeric values ​​are no longer unchanged. To verify this fact, follow these lines.

11. Double click on the middle C11 and change the value 01/03/1900 to 02/03/1900.

12. Press the Enter key. The average value of the table (as displayed in the penny format) will change to 15.41 rubles. As a result, you can combine dates with hundreds and, as a result, withdraw rubles. This is a typical example of incorrect recognition of data formats.

    Zakhist arkush. Protecting middleware in Microsoft Excel.

    Autoformats and styles in Microsoft Excel.

    Vikoristannya mental format in Microsoft Excel.

    Create a list and form data in Microsoft Excel. Vimogi until the list is completed.

    Sorting and filtering of data in Microsoft Excel (autofilter, extension filter).

    Grouping and structure of data in Microsoft Excel.

    Automatic results: the creation of a pouch table, displaying on the pouch screen between one or several groups of records.

    Creating a consolidated table in Microsoft Excel.

    Connection and consolidation of data. (in zoshiti)

    Understanding database theory. Principles of data organization.

    Hierarchical and bordered models of data organization.

    Relational model of data organization. Normal shapes.

    The concept of database management systems (DBMS) has its purpose.

    Professional database management systems (DBMS).

    Purpose, order of work, creation of databases DBMS MS Access.

    MS Access database tables: meaning, structure, creation options.

    Data types and power fields DBMS MS Access.

    Concept of domain, attribute, key of a relational database.

    Creation of the structure of links between database tables.

    You can see the difference in the MS Access DBMS.

    I understand, the importance of the power of forms.

    Variants of creation of forms. Vikoristannya master of forms.

    Working with the form designer. Separate the forms.

    Vikoristannya viraziv i obslyuvannykh polіv.

    Types of elements of ceramics with forms.

    The purpose is to see the options for the creation of drinks.

    The procedure for working with the query constructor.

    Filtering and sorting of data in applications.

    Vikoristannya of operators and minds in power supply.

    Creation of the calculated fields, combined with the waters.

    The order of work with a large number of tabular queries.

    Drink your bags. Group operations in MS Access.

    Change information for additional modification requests.

    The appropriate methods for creating data are MS Access.

    Vikoristannya master for the creation of the world.

    Working with the sound designer.

    Grouping of data and intermediate results in the results.

    Macros in Access and their design.

    Protecting information from databases.

    Classification of computer measures. Concept of server, work stations.

    Security software for robots in local areas and on the Internet.

    Exchange of data within boundaries, protocols. Merezheve ownership. Connections between the edges. Dartless measures.

    Internet, network structures, basic concepts. Internet services.

    Principles of information search.

    Indexing and search mechanism.

    Scheme of information and sound system. Strategies by search. Interface.

    Anti-virus programs and their classification.

    Fundamentals for the protection of information and records to create a state secret.

    Methods for protecting the program and data.

    Hardware security for protection.


Stage no. Get busy Hour Payment activity Student activity Program
Organizational moment 2 xv. Inspects students and checks their readiness before class The notebook is running, getting ready for class
About the lesson plan 1 xv. Presents the lesson plan
Control knowledge 20 hvilin. Conduct an interview on a leading topic It confirms. I hear. Additional information.
4. Introduction to new topics, goals, motivation, plan and presentation of new topics 3 xv. Introduces the topic of the lecture, the purpose, and motivates the need to learn about it. Introduces the plan to the publication of new topics. I hear.
5. New material release. 30 hvilin. Weekend new topics for additional multimedia presentation I hear. I'm writing it down.
6. Secured by those 20 hvilin. Vikonannya zavdan It confirms. Additional information.
7. Suitability of pouches 2 xv. Comments and gives ratings.
8. Home improvement 2 xv. Shows homework

Activities “Business graphics.

Pobudova, editing, formatting of diagrams"

Excel has a term diagram Vikorist is used to identify all types of graphical display of numerical data. Pobudov graphic representation is carried out on The fundamentals are low. This is the name given to a group of middle rows with data at the boundaries of the adjacent row of cleanliness. You can display multiple data series on one diagram.

The diagram is an inserted object, inserted into one of the pockets of the workbook. It can be drawn on the very same arch on which the data is found, or on any other arch (often, to illustrate the diagrams, the same arch is introduced). The diagram saves links to the data on the basis of which it was generated, and when the data is updated, it automatically changes its appearance.

To get inspired by the diagrams, call vikorists Meister diagram, which is launched by clicking on the button Meister diagram on the standard toolbar, you can often manually see the area behind where you can enter the data that is displayed on the diagrams, but you can set this information while the master is working.

Diagram type. At the first stage, the robot master selects a form using diagrams. Available forms Re-insurance from the list Type on deposit Standard. For the selected right-handed diagram type, a number of data presentation options are indicated (palette View), from which track select the most suitable one. On deposit Non-standard A set of generated diagram types from ready-made formats is displayed. After completing the form with the diagrams, click on the button Dali.

Select data. The next step in the process is to select data, which will be followed by a diagram. Since the range of data was selected in advance, then in the forward view area at the top of the master's window an approximate display of the current diagrams will appear. Since they create a single straight-line range, they must be manually selected using additional tabs Range tributes If the data does not form a single group, then information for describing adjacent data series must be specified in the tab Row. The charts presented in advance are automatically updated when the set of data being displayed changes.

Designed with diagrams. The third stage of the robot master (after clicking on the button Dali) is the choice of diagram design. On the maistry window tabs you can set:

* names of diagrams, labels of axes (tab Headings);

* display and marking of coordinate axes (tab Axis);

* display of a grid of lines parallel to the coordinate axes (tab Mesh lines);

* description of the requested schedules (tab Legend);

* display of writings that indicate adjacent data elements on the graphic (tab Data signatures);

* Submission of data, vikoristanih daily graphics, such as tables (tab Data table).

Depending on the type of diagrams, activities from these tabs may be daily.

Placement of diagrams. At the last stage of the robot master (after clicking on the button Dali) it is indicated whether to select a new worksheet or one of the existing ones to place the diagrams. Please make this choice more important than the document available to you in order to place the diagram. After clicking on the button Ready The diagram will be automatically inserted into the worksheet.

Editing by diagrams. The finished diagram can be changed. It consists of a set of adjacent elements, such as the graphs themselves (series of data), coordinate axes, the title of the diagrams, the area that appears when you click on an element is visible as markers, and when you hover over a mouse pointer - it describes There is a clue what is leaking. Vidkriti The dialog box for formatting an element with diagrams is possible through the menu Format(for the visible element) or through the context menu (command Format) The different tabs of the dialog box allow you to change the display options for the selected data item. If you need to make any changes to the diagram, please contact the Diagram Master quickly. To do this, open the worksheet with the diagram or select the diagram transferred to the worksheet with the data. Having launched master diagram, you can change the exact parameters that appear in the master’s windows as tasks for cleaning.

To view the diagram, you can view the worksheet on which it is drawn ( Editing Vidality sheet), or select the diagram inserted into the worksheet with data, and press the key DELETE

Pobudova diagram

Almost all modern table processors have built-in special features. Business graphics. For whom is it necessary? graphics mode Table Processor Works In the graphical mode, you can have different types of diagrams, which makes it easier to understand numerical sequences.

Diagram-- for the purpose of a graphical display of information, it is necessary to equalize several values ​​and several values ​​of one value, and then change their values.

Most diagrams will be in a rectangular coordinate system. The horizontal X axis displays the values ​​of the independent time clock (argument), and the vertical Y axis displays the values ​​of the independent time clock (function). A number of diagrams can be displayed on one baby at a time.

When processing numerical information graphically using a table processor, the following is the following:

1) indicate the data area (client block) that the diagram will be in;

2) determine the sequence of data selection (in rows or columns) from the selected block of data.

When selecting the X-coordinates, the coordinates are taken from the leftmost column of the client block. Other options affect the Y-coordinates of diagrams. The number of stories indicates the number of diagrams that will take place. When selecting by row, the top row of the visible block is the row of X-coordinates, and the other rows are the Y-coordinates of the diagrams.

Let's look at the diagrams of 5 different types. Different books have a stench of different names. We will call them: circular diagrams, parts, tiered, linear and areas (or area diagrams). In reality, there are many more types of diagrams, and even more extensive ones.

I. Pie chart serve to equalize several quantities at one point. Vaughn is especially colorful, since the size of the sum becomes complete (100%).

butt 1. Dunno sells stationery: notepads, olives and zoshits. Please note that in one day you sold 2 notebooks, 13 olives and 45 garments.

Create a pie chart that shows which product was most purchased throughout the day.

Let's take a look at the sequence of table processor processes using round-robin diagrams. The pie chart, as follows the name, is expanded into pieces. Kolo - 360 degrees. The total quantity of goods sold is 60 pcs. This means that for 1 piece of product there is 360:60 = 6 degrees. We re-arrange the “product by degree”: 13 notebooks will be given 2*6 = 12 degrees; 13 olives 13*6 = 78 degrees; 45 degrees - 45 * 6 = 270 degrees. It became impossible to divide the circle into three sectors - 12, 78 and 270 degrees.

Decision. We can see the block A1:ВЗ, which contains data for graphic processing. The tributes will be located in the columns. The first column A1: AZ of the block seen is the column of the sector names; Another section B1: From the seen block, place numerical data in diagrams. The pie chart looks like this:

The pie chart will always ensure the necessary accuracy of the information presented. First of all, in one count there can be many sectors. Otherwise, all sectors can be approximately the same size. At the same time, there are two reasons to disturb the circular diagram of low-corrision.

II. Often the diagram serves to equalize a number of values ​​at a number of points. However, you will need a different tool, a different type of diagram. These are part of the diagrams.

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Bc

The same parts of the diagrams (as implied by the name) are formed by stovpchikov. The height of the stackers is determined by the values ​​of the adjusted quantities. In our case, the height of the stack is based on the number of newspapers that Dunno sold per day. Skin stovpchik of ties to the deed reference points. In our fall, the support point will be similar to one day of the year.

Decision. You can see the block of cells A1-G2, which contains data for graphic processing. The tributes are located in the rows. The first row A1:G1 of the visible block is a row of X coordinates (reference points); another row A2.G2 of the visible block is placed on the Y coordinates (heights of the stackers) with diagrams.

Indicate the title in diagrams: “Dunno sells newspapers.” The diagram will often look like this:

Butt 3. Now let’s take a closer look at the situation, for which pie chart, in principle, cannot be corrected. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to equalize a number of values ​​several times. Let’s not forget that Toropizhka and Donut were selling newspapers from Dunno. Their trading successes are summarized in the following table (for your convenience, I will add Dunno here):

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Bc
Hurry up

There will often be a diagram showing information about all three sellers. As before, the height of the column symbolizes the volume of newspapers. As before, we will have 7 reference points - one for each day of the year. The difference with the front diagram is that at the skin support point there is not one stopper, but three - one each for the skin seller. All suppliers of one seller will be charged, however.

Decision. We can see the block of blocks A1: H4, which contains the data for graphic processing. The tributes are located in the rows. The first row of the visible block is a row of X coordinates (reference points); Now there are three rows of the visible block and place the Y coordinates (heights of the stackers) with diagrams. Indicate the title in the diagrams: “Newspaper trading.”

III. Line diagram serve to quilt for a change several values ​​when moving from one point to another.

Butt 4. Create a linear diagram to show the change in the number of newspapers sold over the course of a year (Div. Exhibit 3). Follow the linear diagrams in the same way until every day. Instead, the height is simply indicated (dots, dots, crosses - it doesn’t matter) and the symbols are connected by straight lines (the diagram is linear). Instead of different crosshatching (barking) of the stitchers, there are different icons (diamonds, three-pieces, crosses, etc.), different thickness and types of lines (solid, dotted, etc.), different colors.

IV. Tiered diagram allows you to precisely equalize the sum of many values ​​at many points, and to show the contribution of the skin value to the total sum.

Butt 5. The “Newspaper Trading” diagrams we have created (both continuous and linear) are intended for newspaper sellers to demonstrate the success of their work. Ale, besides the sellers of the newspaper trade, there are other people involved. For example, you need to know how many copies of the newspaper were sold by the sellers, and how many of them were sold all at once. In this case, interest is preserved up to a certain amount to create a hidden amount. Let’s take the newspaper sales table (div. Exhibit 3) and create a tiered diagram for it.

The order of the daily tier diagrams can even guess the order of the weekly diagrams of the stack. The difference is that the stoppers in the tiered diagram are not placed on top of each other. The rules for dividing the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the diagrams obviously change. The vertical dimension is not measured by the greatest value, but by the greatest sum of values. Then the number of stoppers always corresponds to the number of support points: at each support point there will always be exactly one rich-tier stopper.

Among all types of operators, the operators most often used are equalization operators - the value of the bearing order of two quantities.

Mensche (<). Operator result< равен true if the first operand is smaller, the other operand is lower; otherwise traditional false.

More (>). The result of the operator > more true because the first operand is greater than the other operand; otherwise traditional false.

Less or more ancient (<=). The result of the operator<= является true because the first operand is less or more similar to the other operand; Otherwise the result is the same false.

More than one (>=). The result of the operator >= additional true because the first operand is larger than the other or older; otherwise traditional false.

These operators allow you to modify operands of any type. The equation can also be calculated for numbers and rows, so the operands, such as numbers and rows, are converted. The reorganization and reorganization is concluded in the following order:

If both operands are numbers or are converted to numbers, they will become equal to numbers.

As the offensive operands are in rows or are transformed into rows, they become equal as rows.

If one operand is a row or is converted to a row, and the other is a number or is converted to a number, the operator attempts to convert the row to a number and result in numerical alignment. Since the series is not a number, it is converted to NaN values ​​and the result is equalization false.

Since an object can be converted to either a number or a row, the JavaScript interpreter will convert to a number. This means, for example, that Date objects equate like numbers, so you can equate two dates and see which one is older.

Since offensive operands cannot be successfully converted to numbers or rows, the operators first turn false.

If one of the operands is equal or is converted to NaN, then the result of the equalization operator is false.

Please note that the alignment of rows is strictly character-by-character for the numeric values ​​of the skin symbol from the Unicode encoding. In some cases, the Unicode standard allows the encoding of equivalent strings from different sequences of characters, but JavaScript alignment operators do not reveal these values ​​in the encodings; is transferred so that the sequences are represented in a normalized form. To restore respect: the alignment of rows is carried out with the correct register of characters, so that in Unicode (known for the ASCII subset) all major letters are “less” than all minor letters. This can lead to silly results. For example, it’s good with an operator< строка "Zoo" меньше строки "aardvark".

When the rows are aligned, the stable method is String.localeCompare(), which also ensures the national meaning of “alphabetical order”. To align without adjusting the case, you first need to convert the rows to lower or upper case using the String.toLowerCase() or String.toUpperCase() method.

Operators<= (меньше или равно) и >= (more or one)“Jealousy” means two meanings using the operators of equality and identity. The operator “less or one” is simply expressed as “not more”, and the operator “more or one” is simply expressed as “not less”. The same applies if one of the operands is a NaN value (or is converted to something else); In this case, all the operators rotate false.