We steal your smartphone from the villains: Avast! Anti-Theft. Review of programs for remote Android installation from a computer Avast anti theft does not connect to the device

How to unfasten the phone?

  • Peredmova
  • Avast Anti-Theft
  • Avast Anti-Theft
  • Setting up Avast Anti-Theft
  • Wikoristanny Avast Anti-Theft

Today we are talking about the Avast Anti-Theft program, which, in addition to its main function of Anti-Theft, can be used as a program for unlocking your phone.

To begin with, I called this method “Vintage”, not because I am a great fan of the Avast antivirus, but because by installing the Avast antivirus at once with the Avast Anti-Villain program, with the help of which it can be hidden behind the phone and grab the fact stiffening

The Avast Anti-Theft program was created to search for stolen smartphones and tablets. You can also use dads to keep an eye on your children. If you use the Avast Anti-Theft program using the method of strictness, strict caution, and for secret wiretapping of third-party people, you are violating the legislation of your country!

Avast Anti-Theft

Why Avast Anti-Theft?

By installing any phone connection program on your phone, you give that program a set of rights and permissions. It is very important that the program, or rather the distributor, has a good reputation. And Avast, as you know, is not Turker Bayram with its worthless extras, as I learned from the “News” article. Avast is so reliable! I'm not talking about antivirus, but only about it. I'm talking about those who don't need secrets on the phone. Of course, there are no 100% guarantees, but it is unlikely.

Main features of Avast Anti-Theft

Let's take a look at what the antivirus company is promoting against the virus. This is due to the fact that the program has two versions: free and paid.

For the catless version:

  • Unfastening and re-stuffing.
  • Outside is the residual poverty of the given.
  • Emergency phone blocking.
  • The darkening of lilacs.
  • All calls are forwarded and SMS notifications are sent.
  • Please send a notification to your phone.
  • Ring on the phone.
  • Partial masking programs on the phone.
  • List of trusted SIM cards.
  • Saving battery charge.
  • Please note that the battery is low.
  • Change of Avast Anti-Theft settings has been removed

For the premium version:

  • The listening and sound recording has been removed.
  • Photos from cameras (front and rear).
  • Retrieving data that is saved on your phone.

How do you expect the catless version of the Avast Anti-Villain program to have great capabilities. Now let's figure out how to install it, set it up and work with it correctly.

Avast Anti-Theft

You need to install the program on a device that needs to be installed. It’s far away and won’t be able to install. Physical access to a smartphone or other mobile device is required.

For starters, let's move on to the side of attraction. You can download the Avast Anti-Theft program bydirectly from Google Play. We go to the official page of the program and click “Install”.

As I have already said, when you are interested in add-ons from the market, you need to be aware of the rights the program has. This category has a long list of permissions, but it’s not good. There is nothing to gain from this, since programs for correct operation really need access to these parameters.

After installation, press “Open” or close Google Play and launch the program using additional icons on the desktop.

Setting up Avast Anti-Theft

After launching, you will be prompted to enter the name of the owner of the device. We enter and press “Continue to Live.”

And now you need to enter a PIN code.

The couple enters the secret code and presses “Confirm”.

Linking cloud account creations from the Avast web panel.

For this you need to register your account account on the Avast website. Enter your work email address and password. I do not recommend registering or authorizing for social benefits.

Assuming you have done everything correctly, it will seem like a complete program.

To activate the device and enhance the protection, you need to move the button next to the active position. The program will not allow you to set the condensation mode until all necessary fields are filled in!

After switching to the selected mode, a shortcut to programs will be visible on the desktop and an additional menu. To access a program, you need to send a special command from the control panel on the Avast website. After this the program will go up and you can change the settings. In addition, you can change the settings of programs directly from the control panel, without having to worry about launching the programs on the device itself.

In principle there is nothing to be learned here, everything is very simple. You will figure it out yourself. There's a lot to be found here, like your special likenesses. The retailer did his best and helped with reporting tips.

We all got tired of the phone. Now let's go to the Avast web interface for more information on how to connect and control your smartphone/tablet via the Internet.

Let's go to the official(In my opinion, I chose the mobile version of the site because I want to connect the phone to another phone) and enter the login and password that we registered with the installation program.

If the interface is in English, then we will immediately change it to your language. I have a Russian heritage. Click on the “Three faces” icon and click on the “Language Settings” item in the menu. Then we select the language we need.

All devices on which the Avast Anti-Villain program and other Avast products are installed are displayed on the main page. Having pressed onto the device, we are pushed into the control center. All adjustments, monitoring and control of the device are provided here.

On top I will build a camp, and below the tools I will build a bath. I won’t tell you about the skin tool, we’ll only tell you how to turn on and off this other function.

By clicking on one of the icons, you enter the menu function. The gray color of the icon indicates that the function is not activated, and the green color means that the tool is turned off.

For example, you need to sort out the layout on the map. We click on the “Find” icon, which indicates where the phone is located, and we can see where the smartphone or tablet is currently located. It is also possible to view the entire history of the phone’s movements and determine the exact coordinates for both the entire hour and the previous period.

Now it’s just a matter of how the program acknowledges its presence. As far as I understand, the premium version of the program will attract a lot of attention. Koristuvach does not add a program to the list of his programs. The original version does not have this ability, but there is a defective function, the activation of which does not provide the ability to delete the program. If I try the premium version for testing, I’ll find out how everything works there and how the candle works.

Well, that's it and that's it. For everything else, I hope to figure it out myself. In general, I am not satisfied with this program and can happily recommend it to those who know that this program will not harm you or your loved ones.

Don't forget that there are a lot of extras that can help you demonstrate the same functions, but even if you follow others, they may follow you. Don’t forget about the safety of your loved ones!

How you decide to unfasten your phone is no longer so important. I tried to explain it as clearly as possible, so that it would be clearer for newbies on the computer right. If there will be food, write in the comments. I would also like to know your thoughts about the program, it may not coincide with mine, or it may even be disconcerting for the promoters of our site. As always, all comments including swear words and politics will be praised. Well, don’t forget to subscribe to us on social networks. Good luck friends!

I delete all readers website. It's the end of the working day, and it's time for a long weekend before the end of the summer weekend, which means it's time for a new issue "Great look around".

Once again I want to tell you about programs that will help you know how to spend or vikradeniy Android smartphone. Google Play has a lot of different anti-villain programs, but in this review I will tell you everything about a few of them.

Well, in this edition of the “Great Look Back” you will know: Prey Anti-Theft, avast!Mobile Security, Cerberus, WatchDroid, LMaxi Anti Theft.

- This is an anti-villain that will help you know not only an Android smartphone or a tablet, it can also be installed on Mac, Windows, Linux and iOS devices.

To get started, you will need to install a special client on your mobile device and register on the website preyproject.com. And then simply set up the settings for the guard: set an SMS notification text to enable the “spent” mode, write an advance notification like “spending phone number, please call for the number...”, etc. Everything can be done either with the programs or by going to the official website.

When the “lost” mode is active on the official website, you can find out if you currently have a device, turn on the siren and lock the phone. It’s true that the remaining function worked for me due to some malfunctions and blocked the device more than once.

With the catless version of this villain, up to one cloud account you can connect up to 3 mobile devices and save up to 10 calls, which include data about the device’s current position. For the catless version, it takes about 2 minutes to mold with a ten-fold seal.

If you decide to pay a subscription, which costs from 5 to 400 $ depending on the number of devices that are connected, you will be able to access all the necessary information more efficiently.

The developers have tried to include almost all possible functions. There is an antivirus, a call and SMS filter, a traffic cleaner, a firewall and an anti-villain.

To use all these modules, you will first need to download the required package (in our anti-villain type) and select one of two installation types. In the first - basic option, you will be prompted to choose a password, and also set a couple of contact numbers from which you can send SMS notifications to your device.

With advanced settings, you can set the dialing action to cancel the program when you remove the notification from a trusted number. For example, it locks the phone, or turns off the sound signal, or activates GPS. You can also block access to the settings and program manager, and users of “rooted” devices can install protection against hard reset.

In addition to other participants in this review, the anti-villain program includes 2 programs that can be installed on mobile devices. The first and most importantly must be installed on the device, and the other can be downloaded to a friend’s smartphone and then use special SMS commands.

As in other dry programs, in order to start working, applicants will need to go through a simple registration. Before speaking, immediately after registering, you can add an additional license for $3.5, which allows you to connect up to 5 mobile devices to one account.

Yak i in avast! Mobile Security, with this add-on, the distributors encourage customers to specify up to 3 trusted numbers, which will result in an SMS notification when the SIM card is replaced. And thanks to the SIM-Checker function, you can find out about the new phone number.

Also, using this anti-villain, you can find the phone on the map, block it with a secret code, cancel the log of remaining calls and received calls, delete all data and turn on the siren.

- This is a small program that will help customers find out their mobile device. In terms of functionality, this anti-villain is no different from its brothers in the genre. You can delete files from the device’s memory, send notifications to a local phone on the card, turn off the “nearby” mode or block the smartphone.

When configured, users can specify the accuracy of the specified GPS coordinates by enabling a function that saves the remaining position of the device on the map when the battery is low.

But the main feature is the very low energy consumption, as the distributors seem, this anti-villain practically does not use the system resources of the device.

In my opinion, it is one of the most sophisticated anti-villains for Android. And all this is because the main way to manage these programs is to receive SMS notifications.

Retailers have stagnated a little of the unoriginal system of installing programs. Initially, users will need to request a special installer from Google Play, and then use it to install it on their mobile device.

Customers can also block the phone or recognize its location, and also block the launch of singing programs. Also, using additional special commands, users can retrieve a VCF file that was previously assigned to an email address, which contains all contacts from the address book.

That's not all. Retailers have tried in different ways to prevent malicious people from erasing their phone from their memory. If the device has active root access rights, this anti-villain will be installed in the system partition.

The latest version of the program with all active functions costs $6. You can download LMaxi Anti Theft directly from the program or on the official website lmaxi.com

Before starting the robot, retailers recommend reading the “additional help” section!

Sneak in a smartphone - spit on the right. The master villain pulls a smartphone from the place, where there are hundreds of people and you can’t even name anyone. If confidential information is stored on a stolen smartphone, blocking remote access to it without a special software is problematic. For these purposes, Avast offers a cost-free Anti-Villain program for Android.

Having installed a graphic password on the phone, people are confused, thinking that this is the most reliable way to protect information. In case of theft, you can easily enter a graphic password and deny access. The Anti-Villain wiki has a password bypass problem.

Anti-villain is installed on smartphones. Vlasnik, in case of theft, retrieves the necessary information about his phone: where to find the device, who and how often he uses it. With the program, you gain greater control over the remote device: block, delete special data, cancel unlistened listening. If detected, the criminal is required to enter a secret password to access the settings of the anti-virus program. If you guessed the folding password, then it’s impossible to zlamati yogo.

GPS extension

Avast Anti-Villain software takes control of your communications, including GPS. If the smartphone is stolen, its recovery will appear on the map. Since GPS connection does not provide accurate location data, the program connects the wire connection and available Wi-Fi access points for clarification.
Changing your SIM card will not help

The operator of the building will be able to install the phone using the SIM card and if you change it, then it will be accepted. Avast's anti-villain solution solves this problem. If you replace the SIM card, the program will not send an SMS from the new number to the owner’s phone. For this purpose, you need to indicate the number in advance in the configured programs. Give the number of the person so that order will always be known.

Listen and look at the villain

Vikoristannya programs allow you to quickly dial a phone number to a new “vlasnik”. When the phone rings, the phone will be blocked and you won’t be aware of the ringing, but you will hear everything that happens around you. Anti-villain can transmit images or videos from smartphone cameras and display them on another device.

Visible copy

The program remotely copies information from the phone, marked as “important” by the customer. After transferring the information, the original will be left on the phone. Algorithms are processed in such a way that data that has been erased does not allow for updating. All contacts and SMS notifications of the owner will also be deleted.


The program is available for purchase in PlayMarket free of charge, where you can also download the current version of Android and the hardware part of the device. At the time of installation, the user must familiarize himself with the minds of the licensed area.

Unfortunately, none of us have experienced theft from such an inconvenience as the loss of a smartphone or tablet. We rang before the technology accompanies us here, if you forget your phone at a taxi, at a park on a bench, or when visiting friends - a situation in which your skin may bleed. How to steal a smartphone as a theft?

If your device is not of good value, it will be even more difficult to discover the loss. And I almost regret that there wasn’t a software add-on installed that allows you to find out how your device is used, re-examine it right before buying a new gadget. There are non-personal programs that block a device with a driver, indicate its location, erase confidential information from an SD card, and replace the SIM card. The most effective cost-free programs from the “Anti-Villain” series are Avast Anti-Theft, Prey Anti Theft, Mobile Security & Antivirus.

Avast Anti-Theft

Let's take a look at Avast Anti-Theft. The program searches for and reveals devices on the map using an additional web-based detection function, and also allows remote browsing with a stolen smartphone or tablet via the web interface or SMS. In addition, you can set up the recording of people who want to unlock the device and block the sound. In this case, the invisibility mode captures the program from lawbreakers, and they cannot recognize that they are under surveillance. To protect your device from theft, make a few simple steps.

  1. Install Avast Anti-Theft from Google Play Market.
  2. Click the Open button.
  3. Enter the name of the ruler, I will install it. Enter the real data, and in the future it will be even more difficult to bring the affiliation of Konfetke or Zero87. Here and on the next screens, press the Continue button.
  4. Set a PIN code to access Avast Anti-Theft tools.
  5. Before you activate the protection, activate the Avast Anti-Theft account on one more phone number or register an Avast account. To register, enter your email address and password, and then click Register.
  6. Enter the number to receive notification about changing the SIM card.
  7. Set SMS overload mode for Avast Anti-Theft.
  8. Activate administrator mode to unlock additional capabilities.
  9. With the program open, go to the Extended settings tab in the Office.
  10. Scroll to the bottom and install ensign Lock the phone.
  11. Install the ensign Alarm.
  12. Install ensign Without access to software security. In this case, access to the remote program screen will be blocked due to being transferred to the operating system.
  13. Install ensign Without access to phone settings.
  14. Exit the Dry Actions tab and open the Custom blocking text. Here you can write a message addressed to the mighty thief of your device. Indicate your contact details and the amount of money for turning over the device.
  15. Install ensign Automatically activate GPS. Once the signal is turned off, GPS location is activated automatically.