Viral illness - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Viral advertising, or how to infect a target audience with your ideas? Extraordinary, unconventional ones

There is an idea that creatures, plants and people are more important in numbers on planet Earth. It's really not like that. The world has an untreated number of microorganisms (bacteria). And viruses are among the most dangerous. The stench can become the cause of various illnesses for people and creatures. Below is a list of the ten most dangerous biological viruses for humans.

Hantaviruses are a class of viruses that are transmitted to humans through contact with rodents or their products. Hantaviruses cause a variety of illnesses, associated with such groups of illnesses as “hemorrhagic fever with neuropathy syndrome” (mortality average 12%) and “hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome” (mortality up to 36%). The first great outbreak of illness, the outbreak of hantavirus and known as “Korean hemorrhagic fever,” began during the Korean War (1950-1953). Then, more than 3,000 American and Korean soldiers experienced an influx of a virus unknown at that time, causing internal bleeding and impaired function of the nerves. It is important that this virus itself is considered to be the main reason for the outbreak of the epidemic in the 16th century, which was blamed on the Aztec people.

Influenza virus is a virus that causes acute illness in people Dikhalnykh Shliakhiv. At this hour it is sleeping more than 2 thousand. There are three variants that are classified into three serotypes A, B, C. The group of viruses with serotype A is divided into strains (H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, etc.) and is the most dangerous for humans and can lead to an epidemic and pandemic ї. Unfortunately, in light of seasonal epidemics, influenza deaths range from 250 to 500 thousand. People (most of them are children under 2 years of age and people over 65 years of age).

Virus Marburg - dangerous virus people, beyond the descriptions, in 1967 there were small gatherings in the German towns of Marburg and Frankfurt. In humans, there is hemorrhagic Marburg fever (mortality rate 23-50%), which is transmitted through blood, feces, mucus and vomit. A natural reservoir for this virus serve sick people, most likely, rodents and other species of mafia. Symptoms in the early stages include fever, headache and pain in the stomach. In the later stages - swelling, pancreatitis, vaginal wasting, delirium and neuropsychiatric symptoms, bleeding, hypovolemic shock and multiple organ failures, most often the liver. Fever Marburg is one of the ten deadly diseases transmitted by animals.

Next on the list of the most dangerous viruses in humans is Rotavirus, a group of viruses that are the most common cause of acute diarrhea in infants and young children. Transmitted by fecal-oral route. This illness can be easily cured, but in the world, over 450,000 children are dying in the last five years, most of whom live in weakly developed countries.

Ebola virus is a type of virus that causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever. It was first discovered in 1976 at the time of death in the basin of the Ebola River (the name of the virus) in Zaira, DR Congo. It is transmitted through direct contact with the blood, sight, other bodies and organs of an infected person. Ebola fever is characterized by a rapid increase in body temperature, marked weakness, headache, and sore throat. Most often it is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, viscera, impaired liver and liver function, and in some cases internal and external bleeding. According to data from the US Disease Control Center, in 2015, 30,939 people were infected with Ebola fever, of which 12,910 (42%) died.

The dengue virus is one of the most dangerous biological viruses for humans, called dengue fever, in some cases the mortality rate is close to 50%. The illness is characterized by fever, intoxication, pain in the muscles, swelling, viscera and enlarged lymphatic nodes. It occurs mainly in the regions of Western and Western Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Caribbean, where approximately 50 million people are currently infected. Retailers of the virus cause illness in people, mice, mosquitoes and Kazan.

The virus is a complex virus, the cause of high-infection diseases and diseases that only infect people. One of the most common illnesses, the symptoms of which are chills, pain in the area of ​​the spine and across, increased body temperature, confusion, headache, vomiting. The next day the swell appears, and within an hour it transforms into putrid puffiness. In the 20th century, this virus took the lives of 300-500 million people. From 1967 to 1979, approximately 298 million US dollars were spent on the anti-revolution campaign (the equivalent of 1.2 billion US dollars in 2010). Fortunately, the last known episode of infection was registered on June 26, 1977 in Somalia in the area of ​​Mark.

The virus is a dangerous virus that affects humans and warm-blooded creatures, which causes a specific effect on the central nervous system. This disease is transmitted through the nose through the bite of an infected animal. Accompanied by an increase in temperature to 37.2-37.3, bad sleep, illnesses become aggressive, violent, hallucinations appear, madder, due to fear, paralysis of the eyelids, lower limbs, paralysis occurs. The true discord is death and death. The first signs of illness appear late, if the brain has already suffered from brain damage (swelling, hemorrhage, degradation of nerve cells), making treatment practically impossible. To date, only three cases of infected people have been recorded without vaccination, all of them ended in death.

Lassa virus is a deadly virus that causes Lassa fever in humans and primates. The disease was first identified in 1969 in the Nigerian town of Lassa. It is characterized by severe overload, disorders of the respiratory system, nervous system, central nervous system, myocarditis and hemorrhagic syndrome. It occurs significantly in the regions of Western Africa, especially in Sierra Leone, the Republic of Guinea, Nigeria and Liberia, where the incidence of illness reaches 300,000 to 500,000 iv, 3 thousand. Bring the patient to death. The natural reservoir of Lassa fever is the multi-nipple sciatica.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the most harmless human virus, the cause of HIV infection/SNID, which is transmitted through direct contact of the mucous membranes or blood from the body of the patient. During the course of a HIV infection in one and the same person, all new strains (species) of the virus, such as mutants, are formed, completely different in the speed of creation, inoculate and kill either and types of cells. Without medical supplies, the average life of a person infected with the immunodeficiency virus is 9-11 years old. According to data for 2011, 60 million people fell ill with HIV infection in the entire hour, of which: 25 million died, and 35 million continued to live with the virus.

History of tracking

The first discovery of the virus (as a new type of illness) came to Russian thought in 1892 by D.I. Ivanovskyi i n. After extensive investigations into the illness of Tyutun Roslin, in work dating back to 1892, D. I. Ivanovsky comes to the conclusion that Tyutun’s mosaic is called “bacteria that pass through the Chamberlant filter, which, prote, are unable to grow on piece substrates.”

Five fates in that, with the disease of great horned thinness, and itself - foot and mouth disease, a similar filtering microorganism was seen. And in 1898, when the research of D. Ivanivsky was completed by the Dutch botanist M. Beijerinck, he called such microorganisms “filter viruses.” In short, this name came to mean this group of microorganisms.

In recent times, the spread of viruses has played an important role in the development of epidemiology, immunology, molecular genetics and other branches of biology. Thus, the Hershey-Chase experiment became the greatest proof of the role of DNA in the transmission of recessionary powers. At least six Nobel Prizes in physiology and medicine and three Nobel Prizes in chemistry have been awarded for research directly related to russiv.


Simply organized viruses are composed of nucleic acid and many proteins that create a membrane around it - capsid. An example of such viruses is the Turkish mosaic virus. Its capsid contains one type of protein with a low molecular weight. Elaborately organized viruses destroy the additional membrane - protein or lipoprotein; Sometimes in the outer membranes of folded viruses there are carbohydrates in addition to proteins. Examples of complexly organized viruses include influenza and herpes. Its outer shell is a fragment of the nuclear or cytoplasmic membrane of the host cell, from which the virus exits into the post-clinical midsection.

The role of viruses in the biosphere

Viruses are one of the most widespread forms of organic matter on the planet due to their number: the waters of the light ocean contain a colossal number of bacteriophages (about 250 million liter of water), their total number in the ocean is approximately 4 x 10 30, and the number of viruses (bacteriophages) in It is practically impossible for the bottom deposits of the ocean to lie in the depths and everywhere very high. There are hundreds of thousands of species (strains) of viruses in the ocean, most of which have not been described and are no longer studied. Viruses play an important role in regulating the population size of various species of living organisms (for example, the virus has reduced the number of Arctic foxes over the course of several decades).

Position of viruses in the living system

The march of viruses

Viruses are a special group that has no ancestral ancestor. Currently, there are a number of hypotheses that explain the behavior of viruses.

Several RNA viruses are associated with viruses. Viruses are highly structured circular fragments of RNA replicated by cell RNA polymerase. It is important to note that viruses represent “leaked introns” - small portions of mRNA are virzed during splicing, which gradually add to their existence before replication. Proteins are not encoded. It is important that the addition of viruses encodes data (open reading frame) and led to the emergence of the first RNA viruses. And it is effective, depending on the use of viruses, to prevent the development of a virus-like virus (Delta hepatitis virus).

Applications of icosahedral virion structures.
A. A virus that does not have a lipid membrane (for example, viruses).
B. Obolonkovy virus (for example, herpes virus).
The numbers indicate: (1) capsid, (2) genomic nucleic acid, (3) capsomere, (4) nucleocapsid, (5) virion, (6) lipid shell, (7) membrane proteins of the shell.

zagіn ( -virales) Family ( -viridae) Pidrodina ( -virinae) Read ( -virus) View ( -virus)

Baltimore classification

Nobel laureate, biologist David Baltimore, having established his scheme for classifying viruses, focused on the differences in the mechanism of mRNA production. This system includes seven main groups:

  • (I) Viruses that destroy double-stranded DNA and do not destroy RNA stages (for example, herpesviruses, poxviruses, papovaviruses, mimiviruses).
  • (II) Viruses that destroy double-stranded RNA (for example, rotaviruses).
  • (III) Viruses that destroy single-stranded DNA molecules (for example, parvoviruses).
  • (IV) Viruses that replace a single-stranded RNA molecule of positive polarity (for example, picornaviruses, flaviviruses).
  • (V) Viruses that carry single-stranded RNA molecules of negative or sub-polarity (for example, orthomyxoviruses, filoviruses).
  • (VI) Viruses that replace a single-stranded RNA molecule and undergo DNA synthesis on an RNA template in their life cycle, retroviruses (for example, VIL).
  • (VII) Viruses that replace double-stranded DNA and undergo DNA synthesis on an RNA template in their life cycle, retroid viruses (for example, hepatitis B virus).

Nowadays, for the classification of viruses, offending systems are being analyzed instantly, as one can compare one another.

Further research is carried out on the basis of such features as the structure of the genome (presence of segments, circular or linear molecule), genetic similarity with other viruses, presence of lipid membrane, taxonomic affiliation with the host organism and so on.

Viruses in popular culture

In literature

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Fantasy novel)

In cinematography

  • Resident Evil "and its continuation.
  • The fantastic film “28 days because” has been continued.
  • The plot of the disaster film “Epidemic” includes the “motaba” virus, a description that resembles the real Ebola virus.
  • In the film “We kindly invite you to Zombieland.”
  • In the film “Lilova Kulya”.
  • In the film "Nosii".
  • In the film "I am Legend".
  • In the film "Contagion".
  • In the film "Report".
  • In the film "Quarantine".
  • In the film "Quarantine 2: Terminal".
  • In the series "Regenesis".
  • In the TV series “The Walking Merits”.
  • The TV series “School is Closed.”
  • In the film "Nosii".

In animation

In recent times, viruses often become the “heroes” of cartoons and animated series, for example, “Osmosis Jones” (USA), 2001), “Ozzie and Drix” (USA, 2002-2004). The virus is attacking" (Italy, 2011).


  1. In English language. In Latin language, the plural of this word is called spirnim. The word is lat. virus belong to the rare variety of the II category, in words of the neuter gender in -us: Nom.Acc.Voc. virus, Gen. viri,Dat.Abl. viro. This is how the lats heal themselves. vulgus and lat. pelagus; in classical Latin, many are recorded only in the remaining: lat. pelage, Form of the ancient Greek walk, de η<εα.
  2. Taxonomy of viruses on the website of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).
  3. (English))
  4. Cello J, Paul AV, Wimmer E (2002). “Chemical synthesis of poliovirus cDNA: generation of infectious virus in the absence of natural template.” Science 297 (5583): 1016-8. DOI: 10.1126/science.1072266. PMID 12114528.
  5. Bergh O, Børsheim KY, Bratbak G, Heldal M (August 1989). "High abundance of viruses found in aquatic environments." Nature 340 (6233): 467-8. DOI: 10.1038/340467a0. PMID 2755508.
  6. Elements - news of science: Ruining bacterial cells and viruses are actively taking their part in the circulation of rivers in the depths of the ocean

Non-clinical infectious agent. It contains the genome (DNA or RNA), but the addition of moisture is synthesized by the apparatus. Built before creation, only having absorbed more highly organized substances into the body. When multiplying, it damages the cells in which this process takes place.

Our skin encounters viruses countless times in life. They themselves are responsible for most episodes of seasonal colds. The body successfully copes with HIV-related illnesses on its own - our immunity steadfastly resists the blows of the infection. But not all viral illnesses are so harmless. However, actions taken from them can lead to serious damage to tissues and systems, lead to important chronic illnesses, cause disability and death. How to deal with different types of viruses? How to protect yourself from the most unsafe? And why bother, since the illness has already been revealed? What are the antibodies to the virus and how do they appear when you get sick?

people's viruses

To date, over 5 thousand different viruses have been described, and millions of their species are transmitted. Odors are found in all ecosystems and occur in the largest biological form. In this case, infectious agents can attack animals and plants, bacteria and archaea. Viruses have a special place in people, and they themselves cause the greatest number of illnesses. Moreover, illnesses are even more varied in their severity, prognosis and course.

At the same time, an important mental evolution is associated with viruses - horizontal gene transfer, in which genetic material is transferred not to animals, but to other types of organisms. Essentially, the virus in the singing world has ensured genetic diversity. For example, research has shown that 6-7% of the human genome consists of various virus-like elements and their parts.

Virus in people

Human viruses, however, are known to infect the bodies of children and adults, as well as representatives of both articles. However, there are situations that create special concerns for the singing category of the population. An example of a dangerous virus in humans can be paramyxovirus, which causes mumps. Most often, mumps passes without any special difficulties, with noticeable manifestations of old and habitual lesions. However, the virus becomes very dangerous in humans, although more often in women, it also affects the skin, causing orchitis in 68% of cases. And this in its own way can become the cause of infertility. This development is typical for adults and children; in children up to 6 years of age, orchitis occurs in only 2% of cases. The virus can also provoke the development of prostatitis in men.

Paramyxovirus is highly contagious and is transmitted by wind chill, including during the incubation period, when there are no symptoms of illness yet. There is no specific treatment for mumps, so the best cure for illness is vaccination. Mumps infection is included in the routine obstetric vaccination calendar in most countries.

Virus in women

In particular, the virus has become especially common in women, and some types of cancer have been linked to the development of cervical cancer. Of all these types, according to the World Health Organization, there are at least 13, with the greatest risk of becoming 16 and 18 types, which are characterized by the highest oncological risk. These two viruses in the body are responsible for 70% of all cases of cervical cancer and precancerous conditions.

In this case, with proper diagnosis and removal of the disease, such a result may be unique. Cancer, as a complex type of IDP, with normal immunity develops over a period of 15-20 years, so systematic examinations by a gynecologist will help to quickly detect a dangerous virus in women of different age. It should be said that such a factor as chicken influences the activity of the papilloma virus - it transforms the degeneration of condylomas into a malignant new creation. While there is no specific treatment for IDPs, the World Health Organization recommends vaccination of types 16 and 18.

The virus is especially dangerous in women during the hour of pregnancy, as small-sized shell fragments easily penetrate the placental barrier. In this case, the severity of illness in the mother and the severity of the disease in the fetus are not related. It often happens that hospitalized or easily transferred viral infections lead to serious pathologies in the fetus, which can cause pregnancy loss.

It should be said that most viruses become dangerous because a woman becomes infected with them during pregnancy. In this situation, the mother’s body is unable to produce enough antibodies to protect the fetus, and the virus causes serious damage.

The most dangerous early period of gestation, up to 12 days, is when embryonic tissues are formed, which are more easily affected by viruses. As the development progresses, the complexity decreases.

Viruses that are transmitted through blood and warehouses, as well as other biological environments, are not safe and secure in the middle of the day. The baby's fragments can become infected with them, passing through the birth path.

The most dangerous viruses in women during pregnancy:

  • Rubella virus.

In the first trimester, the fetal gestation rate reaches 80%. After 16 years of age, the severity of the disease changes significantly, and most often the pathologies manifest themselves as deafness. In the early stages, the virus can cause bowel disease, congestion, blindness, heart defects, and brain damage in the fetus.

  • Herpes virus 1st (HSV-1) and 2nd (HSV-2) types.

The most dangerous one is the other, genital type, with which a child can become infected during the passage of ancestral paths. This results in the possible development of important neurological disorders, among which the most dangerous is encephalitis. In some cases, a different type of herpes virus can lead to the death of the child. HSV-1 is asymptomatic, is most often easily tolerated by the fetus, and does not cause significant health problems.

Infection of the mother at an early stage can lead to the development of pathologies in the fetus, which can lead to life-threatening complications. Moreover, the disease is dangerous not only because of the infusion of the virus itself, but because of the underlying intoxication of the body. This, in turn, can become the cause of fetal hypoxia, impaired development, etc. The WHO itself recommends that pregnant women should avoid catching the flu, especially during an epidemically dangerous period.

Botkin's disease (hepatitis A) is often experienced in childhood, but during pregnancy it rarely occurs. However, if the infection has resolved itself, the disease is soluble in all forms. Hepatitis B and C can pose a threat to a future baby, especially if the woman becomes infected with them during pregnancy. Chronic hepatitis B and C are not safe for infection in beds. Most often, this is how the virus itself is transmitted to hepatitis B. Moreover, in its original form, it tends to be more complex and in 90% of cases it turns into a chronic non-viral form. For those women who are planning to become infected, hepatitis B may be recommended. The hepatitis E virus is rarely a serious problem, but even during pregnancy it can lead to serious consequences for the fetus and the woman herself. In addition, the cause of death was narcotic deficiency.

Most often, infection occurs during childhood, after which a person carries the virus, during which no symptoms appear. Therefore, as a rule, until the moment of pregnancy, this virus does not pose any particular concern in women. In this case, when the child is infected with cytomegalovirus during the course of the child’s guilt, in 7% of cases, complications in the appearance of cerebral palsy, loss of hearing, etc. can be eliminated.

The human body develops a specific immunity to various viruses, which it endures throughout life. This itself is explained by the fact that children fall ill with ARVI (registered respiratory viral infections) more often than adults. The frequency of infection with the virus varies, however, in adults the immune system suppresses the infectious agent even before symptoms appear. In Vietnamese pediatrics there is a basic concept: “a child is often ill”, one who carries more than 5 GRVI per river. However, foreign doctors believe that for children under 3 years of age the norm is 6 infections per child. And a child who runs a kindergarten can tolerate up to 10 colds quickly. As long as the GRV passes without difficulty, it is not their fault to cry out for concern, - this is what respected pediatrician Yevgen Komarovsky believes.

Also typical for children is a number of common viral infections, which rarely occur in adults. Among them:

  • There is wind.
  • Kir.
  • Rubella.
  • Mumps.

Please note that children in the early stages of life are practically not susceptible to getting sick, as long as they are still in the womb, antibodies are removed through the placenta to viruses from the mother’s blood.

Despite the fact that overexposed infections are most often easily transmitted by children, there is still a risk of complications. For example, it often leads to pneumonia and is one of the main causes of child mortality, and mumps causes inflammation in the organs of the body. Therefore, in case of all viral infections, effective reactions emerge - proper immunization makes it possible to eliminate immunity without suffering illness.

Virus as a form of life

Also, in these non-clinical infectious agents, viruses themselves are characterized by daily basic and energy metabolism. They cannot synthesize proteins, as they do with other living organisms, and they act as a part of a biopolymer, and not a microorganism. A virus that is found in the body is called a virion. This is the structure of the viral part, which is designed to attack the master cell. When infected, the virion becomes active, creates the “virus-clin” complex and in this state multiplies, thereby transmitting its genetic code to new virions.

Viruses, like other living organisms, evolve through natural selection. Because of these actions, for example, the influenza virus, epidemics are constantly emerging, and the fragments of the weakened immunity against new forms do not work.

The size of the virion is 20-300 nm. Thus, viruses are the smallest infectious agents. For comparison, bacteria are on average 0.5-5 microns in size.

As has already been said, the virus grows so that it can multiply and is active even in the middle of living cells. Most types of viruses directly penetrate the cell, or even those that introduce only their genome into it.

The life cycle of this post-clinic agent can be divided into several stages:

  • Attached.

Moreover, at this very stage, a number of viruses are identified, and often highly specialized microorganisms that interact with other types of cells. Thus, viruses that cause respiratory ailments are more important for the formation of mucous membranes, respiratory tracts, and the interaction between a specific type of human leukocytes.

  • Penetrating.

At this stage, the virus delivers its genetic material throughout the body, which will later be converted to create new virions. Viruses now multiply in different parts of the body, some for this purpose vikorist the cytoplasm, others - the nucleus.

  • Replication is the creation of a copy of the genetic material of the virus.

This process can only be done in the middle of the process.

  • Release of virions from the host cell.

As a result, the membrane and the wall of the cells become damaged, and the cells themselves become damaged. However, in some cases, the virus stops living in the cell, without destroying it and multiplying with it. Infected cells can remain dormant for a long time, and the illness itself may not be noticeable, turning into a chronic form. This behavior is typical, for example, for the herpes virus, papillomavirus and others.

Virus genome: DNA-contain and RNA-contain

It depends on the form in which the genetic material of viruses is located, they are usually divided into DNA-containing and RNA-containing (classification for Baltimore).

  • DNA viruses.

Their replication (creation) takes place in the nucleus of the cell, and the process of formation of new virions in most cases is ensured by the synthetic apparatus of the cell.

  • RNA viruses.

Numerical group, which mainly reproduces in the cytoplasm of the cell. Among the RNA-revenge agents, it is important to say about retroviruses that differ from others that are created in the DNA of the host cell. These viruses are often seen in other groups for their unique power of turnaround transcription. During initial replication of the genome, information passes from DNA to RNA, and retroviruses create double-stranded DNA based on single-stranded RNA.

It is important that how active the virus is and how much genetic material is ruined for the tissue, lie and infuse it on it. So, for example, one of the most dangerous infections is considered to be retroviruses - VIL. On the other hand, the very same insertion into the genome of a living organism allowed certain types of viruses of this type to be fixed in DNA - they are now associated with the species diversity of living organisms, as well as evolutionary processes.

types of viruses

Viruses, regardless of their small size and longevity in the body, can still steal the genetic material they carry. For this reason, first of all, membranes are susceptible to the virus. Therefore, some viruses are classified according to their types.

Infections with viruses similar to those of other people in everyday life can be easily achieved:

  • Nucleic acid (RNA or DNA).
  • Protein shell (capsid).
  • Obolonka (supercapsid). It does not occur in all types of viruses.

virus capsid

The outer shell is composed of proteins and performs the chemical function of the genetic material. The capsid itself determines what types of cells the virion can attach to; the membrane also indicates the initial stages of cell infection - membrane rupture and proliferation.

The structural unit of the capsid is the capsomere. While living in the cell, the virus, through the process of self-assembly, creates not only the genetic material, but also the protein shell.

In total there are 4 types of capsids, which are easy to distinguish by shape:

  • Spiral - the same type of capsomeres convey single-stranded DNA or RNA to the virus along their entire length.
  • Icosahedral - capsids with icosahedral symmetry, as sometimes called balls. The most common type of viruses is one that infects human beings and, therefore, infects humans.
  • Dovgasty is one of the types of icosahedral capsid, and in this variant it is slightly retracted along linear symmetry.
  • Complex - includes spiral and icosahedral types. It rarely occurs.

shell virus

For additional protection, various types of viruses form another membrane formed from the cell membrane. And since the capsid is created in the middle of the cell, the supercapsid is “buried” by the virus leaving the cell.

The presence of the membrane, which is essentially composed of material native to the body, makes the virus less noticeable to the human immune system. This means that such vibrations can be highly contagious, lasting longer than others similar to them in the body. The butts of viruses with shell are - VIL and influenza virus.

virus infection

Signs of the presence of a virus in the body vary depending on the type. These types of infections result in acute progression of illness, with clear expression of characteristic symptoms. Influenza, measles, and rubella viruses can be transmitted to these. Others, however, may not manifest themselves for long periods of time, causing severe damage to the body. This is how hepatitis C virus, HIV and other dangerous infections occur. Sometimes their presence can only be revealed through specific blood tests.

Methods of infection with viruses

Remnants of the virus are widely spread and actively infect various cells of the human body, all the main routes of infection transmission are available to them:

  • Aerogenic (spot-droplet) - viruses are transmitted through the air, by coughing, coughing, or simply by breathing.

This mode of transmission is characteristic of all GDV, including influenza, as well as measles, rubella and other infections.

  • Nutritional (fecal-oral) - mode of transmission characteristic of types of viruses that can accumulate in the intestines, are excreted in feces, rashes, and vomit.

Infection is obtained through breast water, dirty urine or breast water. Examples include hepatitis A and E, polio. Often, such infections are characterized by a seasonal nature - infection with the virus occurs in warm weather, during the summer.

  • Hematogenous (through blood and storage) - the infection spreads through wounds, microcracks in the skin.

Viruses that are transmitted in this way are unsafe through blood transfusions, surgical procedures and other medical procedures, injectable drug addiction, tattooing and cosmetic procedures. Often the infection can penetrate through other biological sources - drain, mucus, etc. Hepatitis viruses B, C, D, VIL, and others are transmitted through blood.

  • Transmissible - transmitted through coma and tick bites.

Among the most common diseases that are caused by such viruses are encephalitis and mosquito fever.

  • Vertical - the virus is transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy or under the bed.

Most diseases with hematogenous mode of transmission can be transmitted in this way. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not safe to develop rubella, influenza and other illnesses.

  • State - infection occurs during unprotected state contact.

The mode of transmission is also characteristic of viruses that are transmitted through blood and warehouses. According to WHO data, the most frequently transmitted viral infections are HIV, herpes, papilloma virus, hepatitis B.

Not all viruses that enter the human body cause illness. If a foreign organism has consumed us, it will immediately interact with the cells of the immune system. And if a person has a weakened immune system, the antigens will be low even before the symptoms of the disease develop. Our immune system provides lasting protection, often for life, to many viruses - the inflated immune system vibrates after contact with the virus (illness, vaccination).

Infections such as measles, rubella, poliomyelitis, and current epidemics among children and practically do not affect the population. This is precisely explained by the evidence of the developed immunity. With the help of additional vaccination, “herd immunity” is ensured, such viruses will not be able to spread into epidemics in children’s groups.

All types of viruses, such as influenza virus, mutate. This season, a new strain of the virus appears, to which the population’s immunity has not been weakened. Therefore, this same infection can lead to early epidemics and pandemics - infecting the population of several countries or regions.

In the midst of the worst pandemics that humanity has experienced, influenza often occurs in various forms. First of all, the “Spanish flu” of 1918-1919, which took 40-50 million lives, and the Asian flu of 1957-1958, during which time approximately 70 thousand died. Cholovik.

Pandemics and natural disease viruses emerged, which caused 300-500 million deaths during the 20th century. Thanks to mass vaccination and revaccination, this virus was overcome - the remaining type of infection was recorded in 1977.

Serious illness is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which in its prevalence is also equivalent to a pandemic illness.

Symptoms of the virus entering the body

Different viruses in the body behave differently, are manifested by their own symptoms, and sometimes the illness is asymptomatic, without making itself known for a long time. For example, hepatitis C most often does not manifest itself with external signs, and illness is detected only in the advanced stage or occasionally - by blood tests. The flu, however, always proceeds acutely, with an increase in temperature and intoxication of the body. Measles and rubella are characterized by a specific hang on the skin.

There are viruses that can be successfully smothered by the immune system and then continue to reside in the body. The classic example is simple herpes, infection both old and new. However, illness rarely indicates serious handicaps, which are sometimes manifested by lesions on the lips, organs and mucous membranes.

Most types of human papillomaviruses occur with mild symptoms; the infection does not require treatment and goes away on its own. However, there are IDPs who create and transform into evil new creations. If any type of papillomas or condyloma appears, it is necessary to perform an analysis for the virus, which will help determine the type of infection.

Signs of viral infection

Most often we encounter viruses that cause acute respiratory illnesses. And here it is important to take into account the elimination of their illnesses, bacteria, and the fragments of the bath in which case they will be greatly damaged. HRV provokes more than 200 types of viruses, including rhinovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza and others. However, regardless of whether the virus is infected, it manifests itself with similar symptoms. GRVI is characterized by:

  • Low-grade fever (up to 37.5 ° C).
  • Rhinitis and cough with clear mucus.
  • Possible headaches, extreme weakness, poor appetite.

Particular symptoms include influenza, which begins immediately, lasting for several years, is characterized by high temperature, as well as inflammatory intoxication of the body - severe discomfort, pain, often in the flesh and lumps. Human viruses that cause respiratory illnesses are usually active in the body for no more than a year. And this means that approximately on the 3-5th day after the first symptoms of illness, I begin to feel worse.

In case of a bacterial infection, beware of intense fever, sore throat and chest, seeing the skin become green, yellow, thick, and may cause leaks of blood. The immune system does not always successfully cope with bacteria, so I may not be able to prevent it from becoming worse in the first serious illness. Bacterial infections of respiratory diseases can cause problems in the heart, lungs and other organs, so it is necessary to start treating them more quickly.

It is very difficult to identify the virus only behind the symptoms. There are especially common types of viruses that are similar in invading the body. For example, as of today, nearly 80 viruses have been infected in people’s populations. Some of them are safe, while others lead to the development of cancer. Hepatitis viruses, regardless of the fact that they attack the same organ, the liver, pose a real threat. Hepatitis A often goes away without complications, and virus C, however, in 55-85%, according to the WHO, leads to the development of a chronic illness that ends in cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Therefore, if symptoms are detected or if infection is suspected, it is necessary to carry out tests to help accurately determine the type of virus.

Virus analysis

Among the tests that are used to detect viruses, the most popular are:

  • Enzyme immunoassay blood test.

It is used to identify antigens and antibodies before them. In this case, both clear (depending on the presence of the virus) and complex (depending on the number of virions) analysis is carried out. This method will also help to determine the level of hormones, identify infections transmitted by bacteria, allergies, etc.

  • Serological blood test.

Vicorist is used not only to identify an infectious disease, but also to establish its stage.

  • Polymerase Lanzug reaction (PLR method).

Today, there is the most accurate method that helps to detect small fragments of foreign genetic material in the blood. Moreover, this analysis for the virus indicates the presence of an infectious disease, and not a reaction to a new one (antibodies detected), which can be carried out during the incubation period of the disease, if there is an immune type There is still no food.

To diagnose viral infections, it is important to detect not only the infection itself, but also the quantity in the blood. This is what the virus is called - the number of specific types of viruses in a given volume of blood. With this very indicator, doctors indicate the infectiousness of a person, the stage of illness, can control the treatment process and check its effectiveness.

After the virus enters the human body, the immune system begins to produce specific immunoglobulins (Ig) - antibodies to a specific type of virus. Based on them, it is often possible to reliably identify a specific illness, the stage of illness, and indicate the presence of a previous infection.

Humans have five classes of antibodies - IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE. However, in the analysis of the virus, two indicators are most often used:

  • IgM - immunoglobulins, which are the first to be produced when an infection occurs. Their very presence in the blood speaks to the acute stage of a viral infection. IgM develops throughout the course of the disease, during the initial infection or in worsening cases. These are large immunoglobulins, which, for example, cannot pass through the placental barrier. This explains the serious infection of the fetus with certain viruses when the woman is first infected during pregnancy.
  • IgG - antibodies to the virus, which are generated much later, in case of certain illnesses already at the stage of infection. These immunoglobulins will remain in the blood for the rest of your life and thus provide immunity against a specific virus.

Decipher antibody tests as follows:

  • Daily IgM and IgG. However, people are not immune to the infection, which means that it is possible that they may have been infected for the first time. In case of planned pregnancy, such signs of the virus in women indicate a risk group for the development of the primary infection. In this type of disease, vaccination is recommended.
  • Daily IgM, present IgG. The body of the infected person has immunity to a specific virus.
  • Present IgM, absent IgG. In the acute stage of infection, the virus is present in the body first.
  • IgM and IgG present. The end of the illness, or the end of the chronic process. The correct interpretation of this test result for the virus is due to the presence of a large number of antibodies and you can only work as a doctor.

Types of viral infections

Viruses, like other antigens, respond to the immune response - this is how the body copes with various foreign objects and microorganisms. However, some types of viruses can be harmful to the immune system for a long time. It’s important to keep track of how long the illness will last, before it becomes chronic, and what kind of harm it can cause to the body.

Whether it is a viral illness, it begins in the acute stage. However, in some cases the illness comes after it, and in others the illness becomes chronic. Moreover, illnesses that are quite mild before chronicity are only weakly manifested during the acute period. Their symptoms are nonspecific, and sometimes they occur throughout the day. However, those illnesses that the immune system successfully suppresses are characterized by pronounced symptoms.

Before acute viral infections, which do not progress to the chronic stage, include:

  • HRV, including influenza
  • rubella
  • mumps
  • Hepatitis A (Botkin's disease) and E
  • Rotavirus infection (intestinal flu)
  • I'm windy

Before viruses are treated in the human body, a strong immune system is restored. Therefore, illnesses are only experienced once in a lifetime. The culprit is just any form of HRV, fever, influenza, the virus of which is actively mutating.

Chronic viral infections

The smallest number of viruses are characterized by chronic migration. In some cases, when the virus is detected, then after the acute stage the person is deprived of his normal nose. So the infection does not pose a threat to the health and life of a person. These viruses include:

  • Epstein-Barr virus (in some cases, infectious mononucleosis can occur).
  • What types of virus do people have?
  • Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2.

All these viruses have the potential to cause serious damage to tissues and systems, especially if the immune system is reduced. For example, with SNIDs, certain autoimmune illnesses, as well as with the use of alcohol, sedation, and treatment of cancer.

Another group of viruses, which can remain in the human body forever, becomes dangerous for people with a normally functioning immune system. Among the main infections of this kind:

  • Human immunodeficiency virus.

The period of infection and the first stage of spread of the virus throughout the body are asymptomatic. However, 2-15 years after infection, a person develops advanced immunodeficiency syndrome (SIDS). The syndrome itself is the cause of fatal episodes of HIV infection.

  • Hepatitis C and B.

Hepatitis C in the acute stage is asymptomatic, and often (up to 85%) turns into a chronic form, which threatens the development of cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. However, today there are drugs that can effectively treat patients with diabetes. Hepatitis B develops into a chronic form significantly less often, in no more than 10% of cases in adults. If there is no cure for the virus, there is no cure for chronic hepatitis B.

  • Papilloma virus in people with a high risk of cancer (types 16, 18 and others).

These types of IDPs are known to provoke the development of malignant tumors, zocrema, and the human papillomavirus itself in women causes 70% of all types of cervical cancer. The virus in humans can also manifest itself as light warts of various types, but oncological illness does not result.

To date, medicine has been unable to fully understand the virus infections, but this group of patients is very susceptible to therapy. In most cases, there are simply no effective drugs, and the treatment of viruses is reduced to symptomatic and supportive therapy.

What to watch out for, if there is a virus

The treatment strategy depends on the virus itself. For example, as we speak about HRV and childhood viral illnesses (cyritis, rubella, mumps, roseola in children), effective therapy will eliminate symptoms. And especially because the stench causes great discomfort. So, for example, you can write:

  • Vessel-sounding drops for removing swelling in an empty nose.
  • Antipyretic at high temperatures (37.5-38 ° C).
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that provide effective action - reduce temperature and relieve pain (ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin).

Treatment of the influenza virus does not vary according to the schemes described, however, since the infection itself often develops important complications, the patient must be treated carefully under the supervision of a doctor. One of the most dangerous consequences is viral pneumonia, which develops on the 2-3rd day after the onset of illness and can cause severe illness and lead to death. Such inflammation of the legens can only be treated in the hospital with the use of specific liquids (Oseltamivir and Zanamivir).

If the human papilloma virus is detected, treatment is limited to supportive therapy and surgical removal of condylomas and warts.

For hepatitis C in the chronic stage, current medicine uses direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs). These drugs themselves are immediately recommended by the WHO, as an alternative to interferons and ribavirin, which were the cause of illness until recently.

People with VIL are prescribed therapy with antiretroviral drugs. If a virus has been detected in the body, it cannot be completely eradicated, unless it is treated and treated under control, as well as to prevent the spread of illness.

For acute herpetic infection, special medications can be taken, but they are only effective in the first 48 years after symptoms appear. Their stagnation later is incomplete.

The basis for fighting viruses in the body is the human immune system. You will ensure successful disinfection of most common viruses, and neutralize other products and remain safe.

The immune system is complex and multi-stepped. Divided into innate and developed immunity. The first one will provide non-specific protection and will act on all foreign objects in the same way. The swelling appears after the immune system encounters the virus. As a result, a specific protection is generated that is effective for each specific infection.

In case of any virus, in one way or another, avoid the immune system and not trigger the immune system. Let's look at the example of VIL, which infects the cells of the immune system itself, where viruses are successfully isolated from them and block the production of antibodies.

Another butt can be neurotropic viruses, which attack the cells of the nervous system, and the immune system simply cannot reach them. Among such infections are skaz and poliomyelitis.

innate immunity

Innate immunity is the body’s reaction to any foreign biomaterial that occurs upon first contact with an infection. The reaction develops quickly, but as the immune system changes, the system recognizes the type of antigen better.

Innate immunity can be distributed in warehouses:

  • Cellular immunity.

It is more important to provide cells with phagocytes that are capable of eradicating the virus, infected dying or dead cells. Phagocytosis is important for storage and post-infectious immunity. In fact, the phagocytes themselves are responsible for the effective cleansing of the body from foreign objects.

  • Humonal immunity.

An important drying reaction to viral illness causes the body to produce a specific protein - interferon. The infected cell begins to vibrate, just as the virus begins to multiply in it. Interferon leaves the infected tissue and comes into contact with healthy patients. The protein itself has no effect on the virus, so infectious agents cannot produce any protection against it. However, interferon itself can change the suppression of cells in such a way that the synthesis of viral proteins is suppressed in them, their collection and the release of virions. As a result, the cells become resistant to the virus, preventing it from multiplying and spreading throughout the body.

inflated immunity

Invigorated immunity is the ability to neutralize antigens that have already been absorbed into the body before. Distinguish between active and passive types of innate immunity. The first one develops after the body encounters a virus or bacteria. The other is transmitted to the fetus or not communicated to the mother. Antibodies are released from the mother's blood through the placenta during pregnancy and through breast milk during pregnancy. Passive immunity will provide protection for a few months, active immunity will often last a lifetime.

The developed immunity, as well as innate abilities, can be divided into:

  • Cellular immunity.

It is provided by T-lymphocytes (a type of leukocyte) - cells, which recognize viral fragments, attack them and destroy them.

  • Humonal immunity.

The ability of B-lymphocytes to produce antibodies to the virus (immunoglobulins), which neutralize specific antigens, makes it possible to create a specific defense for the body. An important function of the humoral immune system is to remember the contact with the antigen. For this purpose, specific IgG antibodies are generated, which subsequently cause the development of illness, which results in infection with the virus.

Today, in medicine there is a relatively small number of antiviral drugs with proven effectiveness. The entire range of colors can be divided into two groups:

  1. Stimulating the human immune system.
  2. Direct drugs are called drugs that directly affect the symptoms of the virus.

The first ones can be called drugs with a wide range of effects; treatment with them often results in a number of serious complications. One of these drugs is interferon. The most popular of them is interferon alpha-2b, which is used in the treatment of chronic forms of hepatitis B and previously stagnated for the hepatitis C virus. Interferon is important to tolerate in patients, often causing various side effects on the side of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The stench also surrounds the pyrogenic powers - screaming heat.

Another group of antiviral drugs is more effective and easier to tolerate by patients. Among them, the most popular medications are:

  • Herpes (drug acyclovir).

Suppress the symptoms of viral illness, otherwise the virus cannot be completely eliminated.

  • Flu.

For the recommendation of Buyz, the Ingibizniyinіdazi flu (Oseltamivir il Zanamyvir), the Oskilki to ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї є час є stamp The commercial names of the drugs are Tamiflu and Relenza.

  • Hepatitis.

Until recently, for the treatment of hepatitis C and B, Ribavirin was actively used in combination with interferons. Infection with hepatitis C (genotype 1B) rejoices in the additional medications of the new generation. Zocrema, since 2013, has been praised for the direct drug Simeprevir, which has shown high effectiveness - 80-91% of the persistent virological type in various groups, including 60-80% in people with liver cirrhosis Inki.

Unfortunately, the virus cannot be completely eradicated, unless antiretroviral drugs give a lasting effect - the stage of remission has begun, and people are not contagious to those who have left. For HIV-positive people, antiretroviral therapy is life-changing.

Prevention of viral illnesses

For many viral illnesses, there is no specific treatment, but when the smell poses a real threat to the health and life of people, prevention comes to the fore.

Foreign calls

Many viral infections are expanding due to the coronavirus and, at the same time, high infections. As we are talking about viruses that are transmitted by wind-droplets, we will immediately introduce quarantine in pre-school and school settings. Shards of an infected child can spread the virus even before symptoms appear, which can in turn infect the entire family with the virus.

This epidemically dangerous period is due to the unique occurrence of large crowds of people, especially in closed areas. This will reduce the risk of infection with various GRVs, including influenza.

Prevention of viruses transmitted by fecal-oral transmission (for example, Botkin's disease and polio) - washing hands, boiling water and stirring up water supply, washing fruits and vegetables.

The greatest concern is for viruses that are transmitted through blood and other biological sources. Risk factors for infection for them are:

  • Injection drug addiction.
  • Cosmetology procedures and tattooing do not disinfect instruments.
  • Useful items of special hygiene for an infected person - nail clippers, toothbrush, razor, etc.
  • Unprotected article contacts.
  • Prompt delivery, blood transfusion.

People who are at risk for infection with such illnesses are required to undergo tests for antibodies to viruses, first of all, HIV, hepatitis C and B. It is necessary to donate blood 4-5 days after being infected Nya.

Any other accesses do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against viruses. Today, the most reasonable way to prevent viral infections is vaccination.

Pharmacists have identified products that are effective against more than 30 different viruses. Among them:

  • Kir.
  • Rubella.
  • Mumps.
  • There is wind.
  • Flu.
  • Poliomyelite.
  • Hepatitis B.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Human papilloma virus 16 and 18 types.

Thanks to additional mass vaccination, it was possible to overcome two natural outbreak viruses that caused epidemics and led to deaths and disabilities.

Beginning in 1988, WHO, in partnership with a number of government and private health sectors, launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. To date, additional mass immunization has reduced the number of virus infections by 99%. As of 2016, polio is becoming an endemic disease (one that does not go beyond the borders) in two countries - Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Vaccines contain the following material:

  • Alive, but weakened by microorganisms.
  • Inactivated - killed viruses.
  • Acellular - purified material, for example, proteins or other parts of the antigen.
  • Synthetic components.

In order to reduce the risk of developing complications, vaccination for certain viruses takes place in several stages - initially inactivated by the material, and then live.

Some vaccines provide immunity for life - strong antibodies are generated against the virus. Others require revaccination - repeated vaccination after another hour.

Viruses and illness

Viruses among people differ in severity and duration of illness. Some of them are associated with most of the world's inhabitants, while others are rare. From whom we collected the viruses themselves.


Adenovirus was discovered in 1953, and it was discovered after surgery on the tonsils and adenoids. Today, science knows about 50-80 species of this virus, and all of them report similar illnesses. The adenovirus itself is a common cause of the development of acute respiratory viral infections, and in some cases it can lead to intestinal illnesses in children. Infection with the virus leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, amygdala, eyes, and bronchi.

  • Way of transfer.

Povitryano-speckled (more than 90% of episodes), fecal-oral.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

Sickness begins with a high temperature, which can rise to 38 ° C. There is a deep intoxication - chills, pain in the flesh, lumps, esophagus, weakness. Beware of a red throat and burning of the mucous larynx, as well as rhinitis. With infected eyes - redness of the mucous membranes, itching, rash.

  • Possibly complicated.

Rarely detected, bacterial infections such as pneumonia, otitis media, and sinusitis may occur.

  • Likuvannya.

More symptomatic, it is permissible to take vitamins and antihistamines.

  • Forecast.

Friendly, if there are concomitant illnesses and immunodeficiency, the illness will go away on its own.

The influenza virus is perhaps the most common influenza virus that causes high levels of respiratory infections. It is effective to treat other GRV and symptoms, and possible complications.

The flu itself often causes epidemics and pandemics, because the virus gradually mutates. In this case, these actions often lead to serious illnesses, often with fatal results. It is important to note that in the absence of serious pandemics, according to WHO data, the number of deaths in the world reaches 250 thousand. Up to 500 thousand. Cholovik.

  • Way of transfer.

The virus can also survive on the surfaces and hands of an infected person.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

Acute illness begins - the temperature rises (up to 39 ° C), a cough and rhinitis begins, the fever begins to worsen. The influenza virus causes severe intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in pain, weakness, drowsiness, and loss of appetite.

  • Possibly complicated.

Influenza is more often associated with additional bacterial infections - pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other ailments. Intoxication can lead to chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular diabetes, and asthma. The flu can also be caused by a viral infection, which may appear on the 2-3rd day after the first symptoms. These are the most dangerous types of illness, as they can lead to swelling of the lungs, development of encephalitis and meningitis. There can be a time-consuming waste of hearing or smell.

  • Likuvannya.

If the illness progresses normally, the virus will not require specific treatment. If viral complications develop, especially pneumonia, the drugs Oseltamivir and Zanamivir may be administered, interferons may be administered.

  • Forecast.

Influenza is the most dangerous for people over 65 years of age, as well as those who suffer from concomitant illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and legion. In the middle of these categories, the virus most often leads to lethal consequences. Also, infection with the influenza virus can be dangerous for mothers and children. Therefore, the WHO recommends that people with risk groups undergo primary vaccination.

Chickenpox is caused by the human herpes virus type 3 from the large family of herpes viruses. This illness is typical for children of a young age, whose transmission to the person takes away immunity to the virus for the rest of their lives. At this point, the body's tolerance becomes 100%. Therefore, if a person without a developed immune system comes into contact with sick people, they will definitely become infected. In adults, chickenpox can be more easily tolerated, and if the primary infection occurred in a pregnant woman, it can lead to serious illness in the fetus (in a maximum of 2% of cases).

  • Way of transfer.

Wind-droplet, in which the virus can move in the air at a distance of up to 20 m.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

The main source of chickenpox is a specific bulbous swelling that spreads throughout the body and appears on the mucous membranes. After the first symptoms, new bulbs take another 2-5 days to resolve, in some cases up to 9 days. The stench is itching and itching. The onset of the disease is accompanied by a high temperature, which is especially important in adults.

  • Possibly complicated.

In children, chickenpox is easily tolerated; the infection goes away on its own without specific treatment. Particular care should be taken to apply visip, and even if you scratch the skin, a scar may appear. Also, bulbs bursting and swellings in their place, the wound can be an entrance for bacterial infection of the skin.

  • Likuvannya.

There is no specific treatment; in case of chickenpox, treatment is symptomatic, sedation, and prevention of skin infection is carried out. An effective vaccine against the virus has been developed that will ensure long-term immunity.

  • Forecast.


Herpes simplex virus

The herpes simplex virus comes in two types. The first type most often causes wrinkles on the lips and mucous membranes of the mouth. The other is the level of state bodies. A person who has become infected with the herpes virus is deprived of it for the rest of her life. This infection cannot be cured, but with normal immunity it can be asymptomatic. HSV is transmitted to neurotropic viruses, so that after infection the veins move to the nerve cells and there become inaccessible to the immune system.

The greatest concern is HSV-2, which, according to the WHO, increases the risk of infection by the virus with immunodeficiency in humans by 3 times.

  • Way of transfer.

HSV-1 is transmitted through oral contact, oral contact, and acute infection. HSV-2 is transmitted vertically and vertically.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

HSV-1 appears every time the formation of lesions on the lips and mucous membranes. The frequency of such manifestations lies in the human immune system; in some cases, the virus may not manifest itself in the future. HSV-2 is also often asymptomatic, but sometimes manifests itself as raised bumps on the anal organs and in the anal area.

  • Possibly complicated.

The greatest concern for type 2 virus in women is during pregnancy, as it can cause infection of the fetus and the onset of pathology in the central nervous system and other organs.

  • Likuvannya.

In case of acute infection, people may be advised to take antiherpetic drugs, such as acyclovir.

  • Forecast.

If you have immunodeficiency, this infection should not cause serious damage to your health.

The group of virus viruses includes more than 100 types of different pathogenic agents. Regardless of the fact that illnesses arise, similar to the symptoms - new growths appear on the skin - the severity of illness depends on the type of infection, as well as the immune system of the infected person.

Human papilloma virus

Human pathogenic viruses (HPV) are one of the most widespread infections in the world, which present a wide range of impacts. Most types are harmless, after infection they show mild symptoms and then go away without treatment. According to WHO data, 90% are completely infected within 2 years of infection.

However, the virus in humans is still under special control and is being monitored. This is due to what has been reported today - at least 13 types of human papillomavirus and cancer. Thank you for everything, it’s not safe to become 16 and 18 types.

  • Way of transfer.

Contact (through the skin with newly created ones), article (for genital forms of the virus).

  • Symptoms of the virus.

After infection on the skin or mucous membranes, papillomas, condylomas and various warts develop. Depending on the IDP type, stench appears differently and appears on different parts of the body. So, for example, for certain types (1, 2, 4) it is not typical to have problems with the feet, but the mucous membrane is attacked by viruses of types 13 and 32. Condylomas on the organs of the body appear under the influx of 6, 11, 16, 18 and other types.

  • Possibly complicated.

The most dangerous complication is the degeneration of papillomas into a malignant fluff.

  • Likuvannya.

There is no specific therapy. Viruses either go away on their own or disappear for the rest of your life. For people with severe symptoms, surgical removal of warts, condylomas and papillomas is recommended.

  • Forecast.

Overall friendly. These types of IDPs with a high risk of cancer can be controlled. The key to successfully suppressing the virus in women and men is immediate diagnosis, such as blood tests for antibodies.

Human papilloma virus in women

The association of various types of human papilloma virus in women with advanced cervical cancer has been reported. According to WHO data, types 16 and 18 account for 70% of all types of cancer.

When the newborn is born in the middle of 15-20 years, the woman has no problems with immunity. For VIL-infected purposes, the gaps can be added up to 5 times. Local treatment can help prevent the development of infection, which requires prompt diagnosis. In addition, women are advised to promptly undergo examinations by a gynecologist and undergo tests for the papilloma virus.

Two types of condylomas develop on the body organs - acute and flat. The first ones most often provoke virus types 6 and 11. The smells are noticeable, they settle on external organs, and rarely lead to cancer. Flats are provoked by viruses of 16 and 18 types. The stench is found on the internal organs, is more noticeable and carries a high risk of cancer.

Today, between 16 and 18 IDPs, vaccines have been distributed, which the WHO recommends should be given to children between 9 and 13 years of age. In the USA and some European countries, splintering is included in the vaccination calendar.

In the midst of all the fires of the liver, illnesses of a viral nature become more frequent. The following types of hepatitis viruses are seen - A, B, C, D and E. They vary depending on the method of transmission, progression of the disease and prognosis.

Hepatitis A and E

Viruses of this group are differentiated from others that do not cause chronic illness. Having suffered an illness once in most cases gives long-term immunity. Therefore, Botkin’s illness is typical for a child’s age.

  • Way of transfer.

Alimentary (fecal-oral), most often through contaminated water.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

Hepatitis A and E is manifested by fatigue, vomiting, pain in the liver, increased temperature, and loss of appetite. Also characteristic is the darkening of the section and the whiteness of the stool. The illness includes the yellowing period, during which the skin, mucus, nail plates and sclera of the eyes swell as a result of the increase in the level of bilerubin in the blood of the yellow skin.

  • Possibly complicated.

This burning liver is not safe for people with immunodeficiency, as well as during pregnancy. Once infected with the virus during pregnancy, hepatitis A is more difficult to tolerate, while hepatitis E can cause serious fetal pathologies and, in some cases, maternal death.

  • Likuvannya.

There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A and E viruses. The main therapy lies in supportive practices, as well as a long-term clinical diet. There is a vaccine available for hepatitis A.

  • Forecast.

Amicable. Hepatitis viruses A and E do not cause chronic diseases. The infection can pass without treatment over several years or months. Now the oven is ready to renew itself.

Hepatitis B, C, D

Hepatitis B, C and D pose a great threat to health. The stench is severe before chronicity, especially type C, which leads to chronic illness in 55-85% of cases. The hepatitis D virus is particularly problematic. This is a satellite virus, one that exhibits activity only in the presence of virus B. It itself makes it difficult to overcome the disease. And in some cases, co-infection can lead to acute liver failure and death even during the acute period of illness.

  • Way of transfer.

Hematogenous (through blood), statevia, vertical. Particularly contagious hepatitis B is called hepatitis B.

  • Symptoms

Hepatitis B occurs acutely with severe symptoms of liver damage - intoxication, boredom, loss of appetite, white stool, dark spots, gluttony. Hepatitis C in the acute stage is asymptomatic in most episodes. Moreover, you may become ill in a chronic form. People can only guess about illness at critical stages of cirrhosis or liver cancer.

  • Possibly complicated.

Illnesses from time to time turn into chronic infections. It occurs most often in patients with the hepatitis C virus. Chronicity of hepatitis B occurs during the life of the patient. So, for example, in the case of adults, the rate of such overkill is 80-90%, and for adults it is less than 5%. Chronic hepatitis is caused by irreversible diseases of the liver - cirrhosis, cancer, acute liver failure.

  • Likuvannya.

Hepatitis B is treated in the acute period, in the chronic form there is no specific therapy - it is necessary to support the eyes before birth. However, there is an effective vaccine against the B virus, which has been around since 1982. Current pharmacological developments have increased the effectiveness of treatment of chronic hepatitis C to 90%. For this disease, direct antiviral drugs, which are taken on the denticles for 12 years, are used.

  • Forecast.

Chronic hepatitis C causes serious liver damage for 20 years after infection, in some cases - 5-7 years. Rizik development of cirrhosis becomes 15-30%. Hepatitis B is dangerous even during the acute period because there is also virus D in the blood. The chronic form of hepatitis B can also cause serious liver damage.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

VIL today is considered one of the most dangerous infections in the whole world. As of 2014, there were approximately 37 million infected individuals in the world. VIL is a pandemic illness that is different from others that affects the immune system itself. The virus is most dangerous in the terminal stage of disease development - in advanced immunodeficiency syndrome (SNID). Even with such a diagnosis, other infections may become active in a person, and there is a tendency to develop malignant swellings, even if a minor illness leads to serious complications. The most severe decrease in immunity and the cause of death is VIL.

  • Way of transfer.

Hematogenous, state.

  • Symptoms

Until the development of SID, it is asymptomatic. As a result of decreased immunity, congestion, viruses become active that are practically not manifest in healthy people. For example, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus. Other viruses (virus, rubella, influenza) can lead to serious infections and the development of pathologies.

  • Possibly complicated.

Associated with infections such as in humans. In case of immunodeficiency, the risk of development of complications in any illness reaches 100%. Some mild infections can be fatal.

  • Likuvannya.

It’s impossible to get out of the way. Once a person becomes infected, the infection will be lost for the rest of his life. However, effective antiretroviral therapy has been fragmented, as it has to ruin everything in life. With these drugs, VIL can be treated under control to prevent the development of SNID. The virus's importance is changing to the point where people, as soon as they stop taking the bath, are no longer contagious.

  • Forecast.

With proper encouragement, VIL-positive people can live a full life. Without treatment, SID develops over a period of 2-15 years and leads to the death of the patient.

Cytomegalovirus infection is often diagnosed in the context of illnesses that are unsafe for vaginosis. For the fetus itself, this virus from the herpes virus family can pose a serious threat. However, it occurs only in the case where a woman becomes infected during the pregnancy of her child. This is likely to happen rarely, since the majority of the population is exposed to the virus in children.

  • Way of transfer.

Through biological sources - slurry, whipping, sperm, milk, and also through breast milk.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

In people without immunodeficiency, infection in the acute period is asymptomatic. The fetus may develop various pathologies, including deafness. Primary infection with cytomegalovirus during pregnancy can occur before the weekend.

  • Possibly complicated.

Very rarely and only for groups of children.

  • Likuvannya.

A vaccine has been developed against cytomegalovvirus, which may be necessary for people with immunodeficiency who are pregnant without developing immunity to the virus.

  • Forecast.


I'll tell you the virus

The virus is said to be neurotropic, such as the original enemies of the nerve cells. Being present in the nervous system, the vein becomes inaccessible to the cells of the immune system, leaving only the remains of the immune system between the bloodstream. Infection with a tale without rejoicing can lead to a lethal result.

  • Way of transfer.

Through the bites and slime of infected creatures. It is most often transmitted through dogs.

  • Symptoms of the virus.

After the incubation period, which lasts in the middle 1-3 months, there is a slight increase in temperature, near the bite, and sleeplessness. Later, there are seizures, mild and hydrophobia, hallucinations due to fear, and aggression. The illness will end with paralysis of the muscles and disorders of the mind.

  • Possibly complicated.

If symptoms appeared, then the tale was to be carried out until death.

  • Likuvannya.

Immediately after a bite or possible contact with the said creature, it is necessary to start vaccination. The elimination of the virus is based on the course of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

  • Forecast.

With proper vaccination, friendly.

Poliomyelitis mainly affects children under 5 years of age. In most cases, the virus does not cause serious consequences for health; in 1 in 200 infected cases, the virus can cause severe paralysis. In 5-10% of patients with complications, paralysis of the respiratory muscles occurs, which can lead to death.

The polio infection is difficult to obtain additional vaccination. This disease has disappeared as it is endemic in two countries - Pakistan and Afghanistan.

  • Way of transfer.


  • Symptoms of the virus.

In the paralytic form of illness, body temperature rises, nausea, fatigue, and headache appear. Paralysis can develop over many years, most often affecting the ends.

  • Possibly complicated.

Atrophy of the muscles, deformation of the tube, persistent paralysis of the ends, which will be lost for the rest of life.

  • Likuvannya.

There is no specific treatment required. In this case, vaccination against polio completely eliminates the risk of infection.

  • Forecast.

Due to the immunization of the population, the number of pathologies associated with polio has decreased by 99% since 1988.


People are most susceptible to various colds in the autumn and spring periods. Viral infectious illness is a type of illness in which the infection has penetrated into a weakened body. The stench can be dried in acute or enhanced form, but treatment must be carried out in both forms, so as not to aggravate the situation and eliminate unsafe complications. A person in average illness suffers from colds 2 to 3 times, but the development of the disease is always controlled through viral DNA.

What is viral illness?

types of viruses

Symptoms of pathology can be caused by different types of bacteria, which occur at the site of localization, speed of development, and signs. Human viruses have a special classification; they are divided into high and low levels. The other option is even more unsafe because the symptoms are even weak and the problem cannot be identified immediately. This gives her the opportunity to multiply and multiply. Among the main types of viruses there are emerging groups:

  1. orthomyxovirus- all flu viruses.
  2. Adenoviruses and Rhinoviruses. Provoke HRV - a respiratory viral infection that attacks the respiratory system. Symptoms are similar to the flu, but can lead to complications (bronchitis, pneumonia)
  3. herpesvirus- herpes viruses, which can live in the body for many hours without symptoms, are activated immediately after the immune system is weakened.
  4. Meningitis. It is provoked by meningococcal infection, an infection of the mucous membrane of the brain occurs, and the virus is ingested by the cerebrospinal fluid (spinal fluid).
  5. encephalitis- damages the lining of the brain, causing irreversible damage to the central nervous system.
  6. parvovirus, Like a wake-up call for polio. The illness is very serious, it is difficult to go to court, the spinal cord is inflamed, there is paralysis.
  7. p_cornavirus- news of viral hepatitis.
  8. orthomyxovirus- become the cause of mumps, bark, parainfluenza.
  9. rotavirus- cause enteritis, intestinal flu, gastroenteritis.
  10. rhabdovirus- I’ll tell you the birthday celebrations.
  11. Papoviruses- the cause of human papillomatosis.
  12. retroviruses- SNID alerts, VIL develops from the beginning, and then SNID.

List of viral illnesses for people

Medicine is aware of the large number of infectious viruses and infections that can cause various illnesses in the human body. Below are just the main groups of illnesses that are likely to be affected:

  1. One of the largest groups of viral diseases is flu (A, B, C) There are many types of colds that cause inflammation in the body, high temperature, underlying weakness and sore throat. Therapy is carried out with the help of antihypertensive agents, antiviral drugs, and, if necessary, antibacterial medications are prescribed.
  2. Rubella. The pathology is widespread in children, but is more common in adults. Symptoms include inflammation of the membranes of the respiratory tract and skin. eyes, lymph nodes. The virus is transmitted by droplets, which is then accompanied by high temperature and skin leaks.
  3. Piggy. The viral disease that smothers the wild paths is dangerous, and the vines suffer greatly. Rarely occurs in adult humans, it is indicated that the seeds are infected with this virus.
  4. kir- often occurs in children, affects the skin, diarrhea, and intestines. It is transmitted by the wind-spotted virus, the disease and paramyxovirus.
  5. Poliomyelitis (children's paralysis). The pathology affects the respiratory tract, intestines, and then penetrates the blood. Then there is an increase in the orchial neurons, which leads to paralysis. The virus is transmitted by droplets, but a child can become infected through a bowel movement. In such cases, mosquitoes act as carriers.
  6. Syphilis. This illness is transmitted by the state and affects the state’s organs. Then he seals the eyes, internal organs and joints, heart, liver. For treatment, use antibacterial agents, but it is also important to identify the presence of pathology in the infection, so that you can avoid symptoms for a long time.
  7. Typhus. It occurs rarely and is characterized by a swell on the skin, swelling of the blood vessels, which leads to the formation of blood clots.
  8. Pharyngitis. Sickness is caused by a virus that immediately penetrates into the human body. Cold winds, streptococci, and staphylococci can provoke the development of pathology. The viral illness is accompanied by fever, cough, and sore throat.
  9. sore throat- a widespread viral pathology, which has a number of subspecies: catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, phlegmonous.
  10. cough. This viral illness is characterized by high levels of the upper respiratory tract, swelling of the larynx, and a severe cough.

The most rare viral illnesses in humans

Most viral pathologies are infectious diseases that are transmitted by airborne diseases, wind chills. There are a number of illnesses that narrow to the edges:

  1. Tularemia. The pathology behind its symptoms strongly resembles the plague. Infection occurs after Francisella tularensis penetrates the body - this is the stick of infection. As a rule, it is lost immediately with wind or with a mosquito bite. Sickness is transmitted between sick people.
  2. Cholera. It is very rare in current medical practice to become ill. The Vibrio cholerae virus, which enters the body through breast water and infected hedgehogs, causes symptoms of pathology. The remaining pathology was recorded in 2010 in Haiti, the disease claimed the lives of over 4,500 people.
  3. Creutzfeldt-Jakob illness. The pathology that is transmitted through the meat of infected animals is even more serious. The pathogen is concerned with the prion, a special protein that begins to actively destroy cells in the body after penetration. The onset of the pathology lies in the presence of symptoms, the person begins to have a breakdown in personality, appears severely irritated, and confused. It is impossible to overcome the illness and people are dying of fate.

symptoms of the virus

Symptoms do not appear immediately, some types of viral diseases can pass for a long time without obvious signs, which becomes a problem with further treatment. Skin infections go through the following stages:

  • Incubation period;
  • prodromal;
  • pathology has broken down;
  • clothing

The severity of the first stage will remain with a specific type of virus and may last for 2-3 years, until completion. Symptoms will progress over time from illness that develops, but, as a rule, to the underlying symptoms of viral pathologies such manifestations include:

  • sickness, meat weakness;
  • slight chills;
  • stable body temperature;
  • sensitivity of the skin when dotic;
  • cough, sore throat, lacrimation;
  • disruption of the functions of various organs;
  • increase in lymphatic nodes.

Temperature during viral infection

This is one of the main reactions of the body to the penetration of any alarm. Temperature is a chemical mechanism that activates all other functions of the immune system to fight viruses. Most illnesses occur with a high body temperature. Viral pathologies that provoke this symptom include:

  • flu;
  • GRVI;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • childhood illness: chickenpox, mumps, rubella, keratinosis;
  • poliomyelitis;
  • infectious mononucleosis.

Occasions of development and illness are often diagnosed, but the temperature does not rise. The main symptoms include watery discharge from the undead and a sore throat. The absence of fever is explained by the insufficient activity of the virus and the immunity is strong, which means that all possible methods of combating the infection are not covered. Once growth has begun, high growth rates are observed, usually for about 5 days.


Most viruses provoke the development of acute respiratory pathologies. There are certain complications with this, in order to identify illnesses caused by bacteria, so the treatment plan in this case will be greatly disrupted. There are more than 20 varieties of viruses called HRV, but their main symptoms are similar. To the first signs, show the following:

  • rhinitis (undead), cough with clear mucus;
  • low temperature (up to 37.5 degrees) or fever;
  • extreme weakness, headache, bad appetite.

How to cure a cold from a virus

There is a difference between these two concepts. A cold occurs when the body is exposed to too much cold, severely hypothermia, which leads to a weakening of the immune system and the appearance of an inflammatory process. This is not called illness, but only the cause of the development of other pathologies. Viral pathology often follows a cold, because the body does not have enough strength to withstand the cold.

virus diagnostics

When brought to the doctor, the patient is required to conduct a visual examination and take an anamnesis. That's the rule. Viral illnesses are accompanied by fever, cough, illness, and even after 3-4 days people feel sick. Fahivtsi can identify the type of illness based on the underlying symptoms, or illness that escalates during seasonal recessions, for example, the winter often begins with influenza epidemics, and in the spring - GDV. Determining the exact type of virus will be required for a specific treatment (VIL, syphilis, etc.). Why do we need virological research?

This method in medicine is the “gold standard”, which is carried out in a special laboratory. As a rule, such methods cease to exist during epidemic outbreaks of viral infectious diseases. Immunodiagnostic methods (immunoindication, serodiagnosis) have become widely used for diagnosing diseases. The stench is realized through various reactions to the immune system:

  • Enzyme immunoassay (IFA);
  • Radioisotope immunoassay (RIA);
  • hemagglutination galvanization reaction;
  • complement reaction;
  • immunofluorescence reaction.

Treating viral illnesses

The course of therapy should be continued on a daily basis. For example, since it is necessary to treat HRV and childhood viral pathologies (mumps, rubella, etc.), then all medications are used to relieve symptoms. When you continue to stay in bed and eat, the body itself copes with the illness. The elimination of viruses is carried out in stages, since the stench causes significant discomfort to people. Butt butt:

  • antipyretic conditions, if the temperature is more than 37.5 degrees;
  • to remove nasal buildup, use vikorist-sounding drops;
  • in rare cases, antibiotics (as a result of a bacterial infection);
  • NSAIDs that relieve pain and reduce fever, for example, aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen.

During the hour of treatment, doctors recommend drinking more liquid to combat intoxication in the body, eating in moderation, bed rest and room volume not lower than 50%, where the patient is located. Treatment for influenza does not require treatment, but the doctor is responsible for carefully monitoring the illness, so that illness can lead to important consequences. One of them is pneumonia, which can lead to severe illness and death.

As soon as such complications begin, treatment must be carried out obligatory in the hospital due to the supply of special medications (zamіvir, Oseltamivir). When the virus is diagnosed in a person, the therapy involves keeping the immune system in good shape, surgically removing warts and condylomas. In cases of important viral pathologies. For example, VIL, a necessary course of antiretroviral drugs. It is not possible to put it inside, but you can trim it under control and prevent the spread of illness.

When the body organs are infected with herpes, it is necessary to take special medications; their maximum effectiveness has been confirmed in the first 48 years. When cats are treated later, their therapeutic effect is significantly reduced and the course of treatment can be continued from several days to several months. Herpes on the lips needs to be treated with topical treatments (ointments, gels), otherwise the wound will heal over the course of a lifetime without them.

antiviral drugs

Medicine has a long series of medications in this group that have achieved their effectiveness and are gradually stagnating. The entire range of drugs can be divided into two types:

  1. Faces that stimulate the human immune system.
  2. Features that attack the symptoms of the virus - direct drugs.

The first group should be brought to the attention of a wide range of activities, rather than their vikorism leading to serious complications. One of the applications of such drugs is interferon and the most popular of them is interferon alfa-2b. Vin is prescribed for the treatment of chronic forms of hepatitis B, previously it was also prescribed for hepatitis C. The patients tolerated this therapy well, which led to side effects on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. In some episodes, pyrogenic powers are revealed - heat is generated.

Another type of medication, PPD, is more effective and easier to tolerate by patients. Among the required treatments, you can see the available options for treatment:

  1. herpes- acyclovir. Helps overcome the symptoms of illness, but does not kill you completely.
  2. flu- Influenza neuraminidase inhibitors (Zanamivir, Oseltamivir). Before the first treatment (adamantane), current strains of influenza had lost their resistance, and the smell was no longer effective. Names of the drugs: Relenza, Ingavirin, Tamiflu.
  3. hepatitis. For the treatment of group B viruses, interferons are used together with Ribavirin. For hepatitis C, there is a new generation of drugs available - Simeprevir. Its effectiveness reaches 80-91% of the persistent virological strain.
  4. VIL. It is not possible to completely eradicate it, antiretroviral drugs will provide a lasting effect, induce remission and people cannot infect other people. Therapy affects everything in life.


Preventive visits may vary depending on the type of virus. For example, to prevent infection with hepatitis or HIV, it is necessary to protect personal contacts. There are two main directions for preventing viral diseases:

  1. specific. Conducted to induce specific immunity in people through additional vaccination. People need to introduce weakening strains of the virus so that the body develops a new antibody. This will help protect you from illnesses like cancer, flu, polio, hepatitis (liver disease). Most of the illnesses that are unsafe for people in life can be overcome with the help of vaccines.
  2. non-specific. Valuing a person’s immune defense, a healthy way of living, physical exercise and normal eating. People must adhere to the rules of hygiene in order to protect themselves from intestinal infections, take care during social contacts, and avoid HIV infection.

0 xv. to read

Viral marketing is at the peak of its popularity these days. This method of transmitting information increases the number of clients in exponential progress, especially in online business.

Why is viral advertising? Viral does not mean bad. If you associate the word virus with computer viruses, malware, Trojans, then I will reassure you. In our generation, viral advertising is based on those that are passed between friends by power initiative. This type of advertising is very popular among marketers due to its effectiveness and low cost.

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that we cannot accurately convey the behavior of our product in an advertising company (even if it is not viral). Why do we need to develop the use of viral products?

Applications of viral products in Russia and the world.

1. Viral clip (song). Group “Leningrad” with viral videos (on Louboutins, ZSZH, in St. Petersburg). I deserved everything that reveals the Russian soul, a lot of swearing and colloquial language, “the naked truth of life.”

2. Virus game. Gra pokemon go. Thank you for everything, there are a lot of mysteries in mass media. New technology of additional reality. Let us know about the animated series of the 2000s, since there was mass hysteria with stickers and Pokemon posters.

3. A funny short video (meme). The silent virus was steadily downloaded one by one to mobile phones, video jokes (“Chumazik”, “Aha Airship”, “Irreplaceable Slavik”, “The Doors Are Sleeping”). The popularity of a singing video does not last long due to the large flow of new videos. Funny videos are expanding with great fluidity, and many videos are easily understood and discussed.

4. Viral news. In 2008, when Russia and the world were hit by a financial crisis, there was a feeling that buckwheat and oil would rise in price. People bought buckwheat and salt in bulk. The same thing happened in 2015, when people rushed to buy up household appliances, including three refrigerators. I think it was for a reason that they let them in a bit. Competent marketing trick.

And so, we have identified a number of applications of viral products. Now it is possible to identify the hidden similarities and main signs of the virus.

Signs of viral products

The product can be called coli virus:

1. The product does not require any support to grow like this. The product is expanding independently.

2. The product evokes emotions, whether important, positive or negative (sexual arousal, fear, happiness, laughter, money, frustration, hatred).

3. The product contains novelty and interest. It gives something without which it is no longer possible to perceive the present light.

4. The idea of ​​the product is simple and easy to remember.

5. The product is as accessible as possible for people. Or more precisely, no matter what kind of moneymaker is available to the product.

If a product exhibits symptoms greater than those described, a virus infection may be suspected.

The concept is also known as “virus capacity”.

“Virus intensity is such a power that it tempts us to spread information about someone to our friends and acquaintances.

The point is that the greater the gap between price and vigor (better vibrancy, service, design and thus lower price), the greater the virus resistance of the product.

The task of the marketer is to launch a viral product with the highest possible viral intensity.

Now I will give you a few tips on how you can use vicor in your advertising programs to achieve high virus capacity.

Use this in advertising to increase virus capacity.


Maximum exposure to PHI.


One of the important factors that influences the virality of a product is the creativity in its advertising. Come up with something that has not bothered anyone before you and people will appreciate it. I'll start crying again and again. To achieve viral success, advertising must appear on top of all other advertisements, and not only on those of its direct competitors.

If a product is discussed by everyone and everywhere, then it will be known and advertised. Discussions can be different, both positive and negative. This method is not safe because it can negatively affect the rating of the brand itself. Ale, as it seems, cannot possibly be good for everyone.

On the border there is a foul.

This factor can best be described as follows: a video that most people would not show their mother. Such videos are considered socially acceptable. Actors can spoil them with colorful, shocking, unpleasant or sick videos. However, it is important that they develop a kind of balancing act between good humor. The element of shock that is included in the video, as a whole, comes across as more funny and less incongruous. Here you can place advertisements with direct sexual overtones.
