Multiple submit for a form. Obroblyuvach or dzherelo submit submit Kilka submit in the middle of one form

Viklik to the submit method() form NOT equal pressing the edit button. With the help of this method, only a third of the resurrected more than three times will be victorious - Data transfer to the server. Those who are not guilty of generating viklik obrobnik onClick correction buttons, as a matter of fact - even if we try to correct data bypassing the correction buttons (which, before speech, may not be called). Ale and the form submit onSubmit to the form tezh don't call out- tse є for bagatioh unspod_vanim. Let's not judge how logically it is reset(), div. Below), but simply illustrating the effect, inserting into the front butt of the force that calls the method submit():

callclicky method submit() form

5.8. The submit() method doesn't click on the onSubmit handler

Tim himself can send data to the server without prior re-verification by a JavaScript script. What is the rank of zmusiti browser viklikati obroblyuvach onSubmit? For whom it is possible to turn to whom it is possible to complete without intermediary: document.f.onsubmit (). There is no need to repeat what the next method is submit() It is guilty of calling not always, but only then, if onSubmit either does not turn any value, or turns true, in other words, it does not turn false. Remaining we take:

viklikati submit() with a forward revision onSubmit

5.9. Primus viklik onSubmit before submit()

There is one more way to initiate correction of data form bypassing the correction button (which, before speech, the form may or may not be). How to focus on a text field form and press the Enter key, then (in most browsers) you will see a click on the form submitter onSubmit the form Data transfer to the server.

Enter text and press Enter:

5.10. Correction of data forms by pressing the Enter key

Which method is more logical, lower method submit() To the fact that the data is sent to the server, it will not be unique before the re-verification by the onSubmit.

reset button

drop button (reset) Allows you to turn all the fields of the form to the first stan, as if the stench was small when the side was occupied. Press the drop button to bring it to the next browser sequence:

1. weekly follower onClick at this button;

2. click on the form's onReset button;

3. Reinstatement of the value for the lock in all fields of the form.

Wiklik to the click method() The drop button has an evenly strong pressure of the button, to bring up to the same three times:

callclicky method click() drop buttons

5.11. Click the click() method of the drop button

Є ways to throw off the form in cob mill bypassing the drop button (like, before speech, the form may or may not be). First, tse tweet to the reset method() At form. In another way, if the focus is on a field or a form button, then you can press the Esc key. butt:

Change the text, and then type Esc (or send).

callclicky method reset() form

5.12. Skidannya form the onslaught of the Esc key

How can you bachiti, insulting ways to not just drop the form, but also call the form's onReset command. Thus, the method reset() Behave more logically and transferred, lower submit().

graphic button

graphic button- the purpose of the edit button. The point is that you can replace the button with the letter koristuvach to click on the picture, you can click on it:

Krim moreover, if koristuvach click by the graphical button, then not only the data entered into the form fields, but also the coordinates of the mouse indicator in the upper left corner of the image, are sent to the server. Unfortunately, you can't change the coordinates in JavaScript programs. If you need to work with these coordinates, then replacing the graphic button is recommended to create an active map behind an additional container .

Graphic buttons make a number of divats. For example, being at the same time a button and images, I smell like a daily stink in the document.f collection. elements, So in the document.images collection (IE 7, Mozilla Firefox). As a result, the stench is not protected in the most common elements of the form (document.f. length), Ні in the last number of the document image (document.images. length).

How can one turn to such a button? You can do this, for example, by setting the ID attribute:

And then in the program, having written: var knopka = document. getElementById("D1"). Therefore, we can go to the power of the button, for example knopka.src, and also to the knopka method. click(). The stepping butt shows what wiclick to the click method() Graphical buttons "mayzhe" equally strong pressure of these buttons, so that sequentially calls out the commands onClick buttons, onSubmit form and transfer data to the server (alternatively, when is it transferred in the same coordinates of the mouse cursor?):

callclicky method click() graphic buttons

5.13. Wiklik to the click () method of the graphic button

Oskіlki graphic buttons vikorivuyuyuschisya seldom dosit, on tsomu mi zupinimsya in їх discussed.

Before "onSubmit" form the standard function addHandler / addEvent ( Key features) "Attached" as a function-obrobnik.
So the axis, as if correcting the form, is called after pressing on the input, the function-computer is called,
yakscho through form.submit (), then no.
Why? How about fixing it?

You are dear, here is a raptom bang, "chervone light" (onSubmit), but still! Well, you can do it naturally - emboss on the galmo (form.submit ()), go farther, and here oops, bean viskakuє, You'll start again on the galm, but the red light won't show up. Why?
How to fix it - think about how to practice the browser, how to fix it so that you need it and not like you. onSubmit - submit, form.submit () - just one more low-level sample, which is sorted by the browser itself, and available to the programmer upon request. Why would you want to initiate your podia? So i get close. One on the right to think of a deed, otherwise - yoga vikonati. Idea / thought / podіya i method obrobnik / pedal / instrument - different speech. It is not necessary to hang a sample on the method, the light house. In the simplest way, call the form function before the call form.submit().

І to buy .. The feature is documented. MSDN:

The submit method does not invoke the onsubmit event handler. Call the onsubmit event handler directly. When using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and later, you can call the fireEvent method with a value of onsubmit in the sEvent parameter.

If the koristuvach is onslaught input to go out to kshtalt

If (form.onSubmit()) form.submit();

To kill wisnovok.
If form.submit() will call form.onSubmit() then it will be a recursion.
To fix it, you need to tweak an extended version of the "standard function addHandler / addEvent", which allows you to initiate submission. In IE, it's absolutely possible without anything - we look towards fireEvent. In FF, you can also work like this, but richly folded.

Dvorny Roman [dossier], More universally - like this:
if (form.onsubmit() != false) form.submit();
Because, first, JavaScript is case-sensitive (you can’t write form.onSubmit), but in a different way, sending data to the server is not only to blame, if onsubmit () is set to true, and if it doesn’t return anything (for example , so in the onsubmit varto obb, it’s just alert, otherwise the koristuvach vzagali without putting any diy in the varto obb).

Thirteensmay [dossier], Zvichayno, por_vnyannya with red light, pedal and bobbik is more beautiful! :) But, unfortunately, I don't explain this phenomenon. More than anything in the equal world, little has been zastosovan to any obrobniks and methods, which, however, is not to be feared. I’ll formulate more precisely when I’ve lost my nutrition:

The click () method of hyperpositive - pull the wick onClick handler tsієї possilannya
- the click () method of the BE button form
- method reset () in the form
- ALE form submit() method - DO NOT pull the form's onSubmit wiki!

How could you bring it up (from the retailers of movies or browsers?), to work in such a different way?

Install the form correction code on the server, or launch the podia. The method has three options for selection:

handler(eventObject)- a function, which will be inserted into the quality of the sampler. When vyklik won’t you will take the object of podії eventObject .

handler(eventObject)- div. more.
eventData- additional data, which are transferred to the collection. The stench is due to being represented by an object in the format: (fName1: value1, fName2: value2, ...).

You can tidy up the inserts by using the unbind () method.

All three variants of the submission method, which are analogues of other methods (div. Vishche), so all the details of submit() selection can be found in the description of these methods.

Submit submit is fired immediately before submitting the form to the server, and you can initiate submit submit to submit the form by calling the eventObject.preventDefault() method, or simply turning false.

In IE, submit to the viewpoint of other subdomains does not have the power to "merge uphill along the hierarchy". However, starting with jQuery-1.4, this shortcoming has been removed and the submit subscripts installed on the elements, which lie above the form element in the hierarchy, will be notified about the failures to be sent to the server.


// insert a wrapper under submit, element with id foo, // after what we take data to the server$("#foo").submit(function()(alert( "Form foo has been submitted to the server."); return false; )); // click to submit on element foo$("#foo").submit(); // insert one more handle under submit, this time for the elements // with class block. Additional data is transferred to the obrobnik$(".block").submit((a:12, b:"abc"), function(eventObject)(var externalData = "a =" + .a + ", b =" + .b;alert( "Form foo has been submitted to the server."+ "In the obrobnik tsієї podії given data:"+ExternalData); ));

Submit () - installs the form editor on the server, or launches another sub.

The method has three variants of selection.

Submit (handler)

  • eventData- the object of collecting data, for transfer to the obrobluvach. Mainly presented in the format (fName1: value1, fName2: value2, ...);
  • handler- a function, which will be inserted into the quality of the sampler.


Click on the submit button, on the selected elements of the side.

In the first two options, there is a choice, the method is analogue.on ("submit", handler), and in the third one analogue.trigger ("submit").

Submit submit is fired immediately before submitting the form to the server, and you can initiate submit submit to submit the form by calling the eventObject.preventDefault() method, or simply turning false. The submit sub can only be attached to the form element.

Forms can be corrected or the onslaught of explicit , , or