Comments in HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code. Yak robiti comments in html Yak in html robiti comments

First of all, there are some robotic comments in HTML; As long as you get such information, then, melodiously, already in the course, we will not be able to get on with the food. Deyakі do not come up with proper respect for the distribution of comments in their codes. In one-sided sites, such a pardon may be lost. If you go to talk about the majestic portals, there are few comments to cheer you up for an hour and ask for your life. Plus, to all the notation, allow the other vendors to understand your code, if you need additional explanation.


The development of html pages cannot be done for an hour without confusing codes and tags, which are always repeated. New classes, selectors, ID-indicators, etc. Everything is possible in a straightforward way. Comments in html pages, please post an important share of web development. Even if the site's code stretches far down, it is important to guess where it is. The comments themselves add small notes directly to the html-code, which will not be visible to your koristuvachi. Newbies And yet, even more recently, they see the majesty, the power of the comments. Especially effective tag, if the robot over the code to cheat at once the number of rozrobnikiv. Instead, you just need to look at the comments if you want to put your food and take your partner out of the robot.


If your code has a new row with a comment, you need to add an offensive record:... It’s just like that in the HTML tag. Everything that is in the new one will not be brought to the screen of koristuvachiv. Html-comments are not guilty of being drawn to the row of rows and misstatements in their code (it should be done in a nasty tone). The stench is guilty to bear the deyakiy describe the purpose of the roster of the insertion of the male tag, the attribute of the value. I want the middle of the high rivnya maystrіv іsnuє dumka, but the code is guilty of being written down in such a rank, it’s not necessary to explain it. Ale, it's a pity, not all may have such a gift of writing html-links.


TagI have my own specialties. For example, it’s possible to add any tags, but it’s not possible to add comments. Tse is brought to an unpredictable result. HTML comments are widely used for testing web sites. For example, if you need to wonder on a site without a singing tag, you can't even see it, so it will be important to update the entire output code. In general, you just need to point out the necessary part of the page from the commentary. The first tag will be ignored by the browser. Ale varto respect that all comments can be quilted, if you can see the side code of the page. And tse can cut a skin koristuvach. It’s not easy to help me be-as important to the information of the central tag.

At the end of the day, I tell you about those who are comments in HTML, CSS, PHP... Comments є text that is not visible on the web site. Smell vikoristoyutsya for descriptive explanations, nagaduvan, descriptions for webmasters, allowing the structure of the document. The comments are indispensable when the code is applied, they allow you to quickly display in the layout of the web page and to know the required block. Often comments are made to improve HTML code. For example, it is possible to comment on a specific block code at a time, so it’s not visible, but if it’s easy to use it, it’s easy to see it.

Comments in HTML

HTML comments are formed after additional symbols:... Such a rank, be it a text with symbols є a commentary. The butt is visible:

Comments in CSS

Comments in CSS are followed by additional symbols: / * ta * /. To open a comment, you just need to distribute the web page code with the following symbols:

/ * Bobbin block with styles for Body * / body (background: #efeded; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;) / * Finish block with styles for Body * /

Comments in PHP

Comments in PHP can be single-row and simple:

1) The same order of comments in PHP are followed by additional symbols: //. To finish the delivery, simply put a symbol in front of the row and it will be commented out. Such an option will be stuck in that vipadku, if the comment is stored in less than one row.

2) For the implementation of bagatoradykovyh comments, symbols: / * і * / will be stuck. This option is brown, as a comment for the loan.

With such a rank, we have come to robiti

At the end of the day, I tell you about those who are comments in HTML, CSS, PHP... Comments є text that is not visible on the web site. Smell vikoristoyutsya for descriptive explanations, nagaduvan, descriptions for webmasters, allowing the structure of the document. The comments are indispensable when the code is applied, they allow you to quickly display in the layout of the web page and to know the required block. Often comments are made to improve HTML code. For example, it is possible to comment on a specific block code at a time, so it’s not visible, but if it’s easy to use it, it’s easy to see it.

Comments in HTML

HTML comments are formed after additional symbols:... Such a rank, be it a text with symbols є a commentary. The butt is visible:

Comments in CSS

Comments in CSS are followed by additional symbols: / * ta * /. To open a comment, you just need to distribute the web page code with the following symbols:

/ * Bobbin block with styles for Body * / body (background: #efeded; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;) / * Finish block with styles for Body * /

Comments in PHP

Comments in PHP can be single-row and simple:

1) The same order of comments in PHP are followed by additional symbols: //. To finish the delivery, simply put a symbol in front of the row and it will be commented out. Such an option will be stuck in that vipadku, if the comment is stored in less than one row.

2) For the implementation of bagatoradykovyh comments, symbols: / * і * / will be stuck. This option is brown, as a comment for the loan.

With such a rank, we have come to robiti

I will read this article for what I need comments. Let’s say that you distribute the module from a folding structure. For robbing the layout without adding elements. In such cases, the code is the most beautiful to mention - for a whole comment.

Infectious, I will show you a report of some types of comments, more precisely, all types of comments for some types of codes.

Comments in HTML-rosmіttsі

In order to add a comment to HTML-layout, vikoristovuєmo:

Everything that stands at the cich tags is not visible on the screen, but is accessible for viewing the output code.

Comments on CSS styles

In order to add a comment to CSS-style, vikoristvoєmo:

Everything that stands at the cich tags is not used to form styles, but is not available for viewing in the style file itself.

Comments in JavaScript

For additional comments from JavaScript two oh tipi.

First type:

// Text, code chi іnshe

Another type:

/ * Text, code abo іnshe * /

Anything that stands at these tags does not go awry before the hour of the script, but it is also available for viewing in the JavaScript file itself.

Comments in PHP code

Tsya mova programuvannya, on vidminu from before, maє 3 types of comments.

First type:

// Text, code chi іnshe

Another type:

/ * Text, code abo іnshe * /

I third type:

# Text, code abo іnshe

Everything that stands at these tags does not fail when the script is displayed, and you can see it from the PHP file.

To brutalize respect!

/ * / * My code * / * /

vivede pardon.

Mikhailo 2016-05-06 1 HTML and CSS 0

Yak writing in css comments at the code?

I vvazhayu, plush in css comments in the code, even a good tone of the web rozrobnik. In a way, so smartly for you. In a different way, it’s overwhelming that we will grow older, who didn’t write the code, but do it again in a new way. I vvazhayu, so the frankness of the comments, just one sign of the professionalism of the web rozrobnik. Ale yak їkh writing in the same css?

How to write comments in css codes?

Everything here is just as simple and similar to those that smell like roaming in programmovs. Bagatoryadkovy (that same single-row) comments can be made like this:
/ * Text here * /

All I can do is to fix it with a slash and a slash, and then close a comment, pick a ringing design (a little bit of a star, then a slash). The editors give comments to the code in a simple way, Notepad ++, for example, in green color. On the whole screen, you can backity, as I comment on the style of the input elements.

Need a treasure?

For css comments, it is necessary to navigate more, but not for html. It’s tied together, but the css code must be changed more and more often when the ready-made template is changed. Oscillations of a row here can be 5-10 times more, less at the time, then go for that, as it seems, styles without comments would not be so easy.

For example, the standard version of the middle layout has є 500-1000 rows in the css code, which is based on the style of the design of the elements. At the same time, I repeatedly file and file 5-10 times more. At the sound of the tsim, with the versttsi garny tone, you will overwhelm the comments. Axle butt їх vikoristannya:

Everything, even the readability and the reading of the written rules, will be more beautiful to visit at the newcomer, well, and the additional information will be taken care of. Zagal vikoristov їkh at your versttsі.

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