How to earn real pennies from Dota 2. Participation in tournaments

At the moment, one of the most popular computer games in the whole world is Dota 2. Dota 2 bets are paid by millions of people today almost in every corner of the world. As a result, rich wealthy people, who understand this game, are able to earn a decent amount of pennies. For this purpose, you don’t need any special skills, just enough understanding to find the necessary information.

Effective earnings on Dota 2

Surprisingly, one of the greatest opportunities for increasing your earnings by betting on eSports is the very opinion of experts. Before any visible match, any streamer who respects himself must tell him about his thoughts and what the result of the song will be.

To come up with your idea, all you have to do is watch a bunch of similar videos and then come up with the best idea on which team can best make a bet. If you first listen to the thoughts of experts, then very soon you will be able to achieve the following results:

  • Earnings from bets will increase several times;
  • you will become richer in your understanding of your favorite game;
  • spend an hour in joy and joy.

It’s important to remember that such income is not only a great way to save a significant amount of money, but it is also as comfortable as possible. Realize that you are sitting in your own chair and watching the matches of your favorite game and you are still getting paid for it. It’s not at all surprising that betting on Dota 2 is popular at the same time.

If you listen to the thoughts of the fachists, you can easily reach significant heights in this sphere. It is enough to increase your knowledge of the tactics of the game that remain in the world of great eSports in order to become aware of everything that is needed to make money on bets.

Dota 2 is not to blame. Here you can bring a small sum, just need to know what rank. Next, we will look at the main ways to make money from Dota 2.

1. Trade in speeches and objects

This is the most important way to make money in Dota 2, but, unfortunately, it is not the most profitable. You can do it in two ways:

  1. Resell items;
  2. The drops will roll out.

Of course, the first path is the most practical, because in the other it is practically impossible to figure out what is really valuable, so to speak. It's not as easy to resell items here as it is for newbies. For leather resold there is a commission of 15%, so in order to lose the “plus”, it is necessary to sell it at least 16% more expensive for its purchase.

Therefore, in the trade of objects and speeches one can see such advantages and shortcomings.

  • Stability;
  • Minimum deposit.
  • Small profit;
  • It’s a long time when I go searching for and resale of objects and speeches;
  • The commission is 15%.

2. Sales of accounts

If you are good enough, you can “pump up” your cloud records to a high MMR and sell them. The average account with 3000 MMR costs 700 rubles. For 4000 MMR – already 2000 rubles. You can sell accounts with MMR on specialized public pages in social networks, simply by creating a stir in discussions among gaming groups, on specialized forums. Some people threw it away, sell it carefully to that one.

3. Upgrading cloud records

So the title is "boost". At which option you will be given an oblique record, and you will pump it up to the MMR value required by the deputy. Make it more profitable to sell ready-made accounts. You can see your estimated income on the page below. You can also try to join the booster team, so that they throw money at you for hundreds of dollars. If no one knows you, it’s even difficult to find your deputy.

4. Creation of speeches

There is another way to make money in Dota 2 – by creating unique items. But it is only suitable for those who are good at imagining and showing creativity, because modeling of 2D and 3D models is required. The great advantage of this method is the satisfaction that the author of the subject takes from the fact that it will end up in the game and become accessible to other people. How else can you “get featured” at The International!

To implement this idea, you need to come up with a concept, draw a 2D or 3D model and submit the result to the Steam engineer. Of course, the income here is completely different, compared to the above-mentioned methods. Leather item sales bring your author 25% of the purchase. So everything should lie down to the very developer and his beginner. Who knows, maybe you will be able to create something for the Genuine Demon Shard sword, which costs $200. Find out how much you can earn from your skin purchases!

Now it is necessary to see the pros and cons of the creation of speeches.

  • The Creator can become famous;
  • 25 percent rate for skin cleansing.
  • Necessary knowledge of galusa modeling;
  • A non-leather object is accepted.

5. Stream

Streaming game moments at this time is the most popular way to make money in Dota 2. Moreover, it is available to everyone. But in order for the game to bring real money, it is necessary to collect a large number of peepers, otherwise there will be no income. How can you get agents?

For example, you can stream not only major games, but also various tournaments. For streaming you can get 3.5 dollars. per skin 1000 views.

The benefit of this method is that the more repayments and views there are, the greater the income for the channel.

And before the minuses, you can secure a number of moments:

  • A large number of prepayers is required;
  • It is necessary to finish using a heavy gaming computer;
  • Description of this format, which differs from other channels.

6. Bets

Betting in Dota 2 is a much better alternative method of earning money, but it’s even more important that it can still be taken to gambling. It’s important to bring in money, and then you can add it to our list.

What are the robiti bets?

  1. Go to the website of any bookmaker;
  2. Vibrate the command that you deserve;
  3. Place your bet;
  4. Check the results of the tournament.

Of course, it is impossible to say exactly about the amount of earnings when using this method, the remainder will be entirely dependent on the size of the prepared bet. Ask for 20–30% of the bet.

The value of bets is a quick income, but the disadvantages lie in the risk of wasting bet money, as well as the need to look at the team’s warehouse in order to judge what kind of money they are making. You can't get that lucky. The report about the method is here -, and the instructions for this -.

7. Participation in tournaments

Of course, this method will be inaccessible to almost 99% of all Doti 2 players. Even in order to win in professional sports, you need to play well and play wholeheartedly, and then the chance is very small.

Apparently, if you are already playing well, it is not enough to simply write the captain’s commands and check for your evidence, which you are unlikely to remove, since there are a lot of similar sheets for you.

Then you need to get noticed, how to gain respect for your person, and what is required in order for you to be marked?

  1. It is necessary to work on the stream of powerful games. Pre-payers, who will be paid every time for the presence of a garnet, will recognize you on social networks, thereby creating a positive reputation for you and your channel;
  2. The creation of a powerful team, which has already made its appearance in small and less prominent tournaments, which then goes on to the great ones, and sometimes to the international ones.

Before speaking, it would be bad to combine two overexposed better methods. So your confidence in building a team of professionals will become much greater.

It turns out that the gravel, who created a channel for streaming solely in order to be marked by professional teams, gradually forgot about his head and began to concentrate solely on his pre-paid payments, since the stream was already bringing in a pittance.

Now let's look at the advantages of this method:

  • Gain international fame;
  • Earnings on a grand scale.

Few participations in tournaments:

  • It is necessary to be kind;
  • Find good soldiers for your team.


We have explored all possible ways to make money in the Dota 2 game. All of them have already been tried by many gravers and have become robotics. So now you can not only take satisfaction out of your life, but also make money from it. Don’t forget to combine several ways to earn more money. For example, if you are going to boost your account, why not support it on the right?

I'm flying! In this article, we’ll talk about making money on Dota 2.

  • How much you can earn: 300 dollars per month.
  • Minimum benefits: high skills gr.
  • Chi varto do: need great robes .

Every gamer wants to make money from his favorite game. You spend a good hour, train, become smarter and still take away pennies for the price. For the most part, this approach is a dead end. Especially in Dota2 with its great fan base (more than 350 thousand people online today). This article lets us know what you can really earn in Dota, what ways you can earn it, and for whom it is suitable and for whom you can earn money in the future.

You can earn money quickly in Dota

Now, let's look at food and how you can make money on Dota 2 just by playing. As I already said, many rich gamers will dedicate all their free time to online gaming.

I can definitely say that it’s real to make money in Dota, but it won’t be easy.

Earning money from Dota will bring you a lot of money. You will have to adopt the life style of the Gravians, who devote at least 8 years a day to this game. You will take great risks, and no one guarantees the result.

5 ways to make money on Dota 2 without deposits

I'll tell you about 5 ways to make money on Dota. Let's name it in order, from the simplest to the most complex.


Trading is the exchange of internal game values ​​for the purpose of increasing capital. Buying cheaper - selling more expensive. The scheme is very simple. On special squares for exchange, in the middle, or through instant messengers, you can find out about the exchange of speeches, your task: to change the road for less.

It’s even more complex, because you need to focus on the value of speeches, the fairness of the exchange, etc. It’s not easy to find clients for an exchange, and even for the most part, you’ll have money to spare.

It’s a lot of bad luck to read on Pikabu an analysis of trading schemes, aka CS:GO. The mechanism is the same one I told you about. Lyudina spent the whole summer and earned close to $30. Changing and searching clients for 3 - 4 years every day.

The profit from such fraud will be minimal. With all commissions on sale, if you manage to exchange the road for a cheaper one, you will take away 1 - 2 $ per item.

You can withdraw from other online platforms for trading skins. Methods of removing the mass. We all support the popular payment systems Webmoney, Qiwi, Yandex Groshi. Actions can be displayed on the card.


Stream - live broadcasts of your games. You can, if you play well and look good in the frame. You need to be charismatic and earn respect for yourself. Our community already loves inadequate people.

Valve has allowed all people to comment on their tournaments. If you have your own audience, you can simply comment on popular tournaments. If you gain popularity, you may be invited to one of the Russian commenting studios. There is just a marriage of professional personnel.

Dota is very popular among the Russian community. Today it’s amazing to see that there are less than 30,000 people. When popular streamers come in or tournaments start, shows reach up to 100 thousand people. Dota streaming in the Russian segment has a high chance of breaking through. This is to bring up the numbers.

Mini-tournaments for pennies

Unfortunately, services that allowed 1x1 gambling on internal game values ​​became fashionable. Since such services are less popular, you won’t earn much money. But sometimes people go to such sites, put their speeches out of interest, and try to overcome it.

I took part in similar tournaments from the CS:GO team. There were a lot of players there, so I won about half of the bets. For Doty, as a skilled person, the likelihood of winning will be greater, and even less. It is possible to fight them using the right means.

If you play tournaments today and let newcomers know that they actually won, you can earn a lot of money after winning. But you can earn money for your brains, because you have a stronger gravity in the 1x1 game.


When a person plays really well, she earns the highest internal gaming rating. And people who don’t know how to do good, but believe that all of them are on the same team and what their rating is, they’ll waste more money. They ask people who play well to increase their ratings. This is all called boosting. Those who engage in boosting are called boosters.

Boosters take away their income in two ways: they are paid for an increased rating and they stream how they work. Booster's salary income: 300 - 500 rubles per day for transactions. The additional fee depends on how popular the stream is and how many viewers it gets on the stream.

All games are actively fighting for boosters. For Doty's blame. In Dota, earnings from boosting are the main thing for rich players. There are plenty of high school students who want to achieve great MMR (rating) numbers in Dota, and are willing to pay a pittance for the price.

Professional gra

This is the main concern of all Dota players who want to know the size of the prize money at great tournaments. The main rock tournament The International collects a prize fund of over 25 million dollars. Tens of millions of dollars in prize money will be played for the future. The citizens receive a salary (5-6 thousand dollars per month) + hundreds of prizes from tournaments.

Ale is not a big problem. In order to enter the professional scene and live like a king, you need to work hard, perform and show simply fantastic results. Altogether 15 - 20 teams in the world can boast that they provide their citizens with a salary of 5 thousand dollars per month and compete for several million prizes. All the Gravians can’t get enough of the place.

It’s very easy for a gravitational driver to get to Doti. The players are still in the top, they knew each other 5-6 years ago and played at the same time, since Dota was born as a discipline. Gravtsіv, which were simply found in the original family, can be touched on the fingers. Therefore, the likelihood of what you can earn from a professional game is very low.

Who can make money on Dota 2?

Earn money on Dota when you have a lot of time. More mature people will not have to go through those that you will have to endure at this very hour. While students begin their studies, they have the opportunity to take risks and work in what they deserve without regard for money. Most older people don’t have such capabilities.

Let us go to those who are ready to throw away their youth and let it go into milk. You will have to play 10-12 years a day, stretching out several rocks, to reach any heights you want. Otherwise, you are missing out on a small chance to play on stage.

All other methods of earning loyalty. You just have to play this game better for more, talk bad and be media. The most promising way to earn money is streaming.

I can definitely say: earning money on Dota is not suitable for those who just come to play for satisfaction. If you play for less than 4 - 5 years a day, or go for a few years once a week, then don’t worry about the possibility of earning money.

How much can you earn from playing in Dota?

Now let's take a quick look at ways to earn money with pennies:

  • By trading you can earn from 5 to 50 dollars per month.
  • On dota streams - from 100 to 100,000 rubles. And this is far from the limit.
  • It’s difficult to make money at mini-tournaments, but you can earn 50 - 60 dollars per month for high skills.
  • You can spend up to 300 rubles per day for boosting. There is no music, just like on streaming.
  • Professional workers earn a minimum of 5 - 6 thousand dollars per month + 70-75% of the prize money.

Difficulty making money on Dota

There is nothing complicated about making money on Dota. Just play, you can record broadcasts, you can still boost and try to break into the professional scene. Golovne – gra.

In reality, everything is much more complex. To learn how to make money on Dota, you need to devote all your free time to this game. You practically won’t have time to fix things.

Professional CS:GO player Christopher Get_Right Alesund openly spoke about his schedule as an e-sportsman at school: getting up, going to bed, going to school until 8, coming home at 4, sitting at CS and starting to train until 11 pm , from 11 pm to 1 am Grabbed with the team, trained and sorted out tactics. After going to bed, the day was repeated all over again.

So it happens to be applied directly to the skin in Doti. You won’t be able to lose more than 70% of the benefits if you don’t spend 6 to 8 years every day. And you won’t be able to become a booster or a professional driver if you don’t spend 10-12 years every day. A similar schedule does not work for everyone. Not everyone needs such a schedule.

Once you're done, you'll stop being satisfied and loving her. This is not the best option. It’s not for nothing that the Gravians ask the question at every hour of the hour: “Do you still like the game?”


Making money on Dota is difficult. You will learn how to gamble much better, lower than average, and find an option to monetize your gaming skills. If you end up with bad earnings on streams, tournaments, boosting, etc. If it’s not easy for the average player to achieve such performances, then I don’t want such earnings.

I honor you, dear readers. Today the site’s archives have been updated with one more interesting article. In advance, this article will be of interest to the graves, and even from this article itself the stink will be recognized, how to make money on Dota 2.

It’s easy to understand that DOTA 2 has a lot of money spent on in-game purchases. Below I will list three different options, if you read how you can earn money on Dota 2. We do not see “long-term earnings”, for example, participation in championships or 3D modeling for the master, with the subsequent sale of the created item in the DOTA 2 store. take a closer look " Swedish" ways of earning additional income.

The first option, which is well known to gamers, is betting on real money. Earning money on DOTA 2 bets will be appreciated by both old-school and new players, but you will understand that it requires a good deal of knowledge of the DOTA 2 gaming discipline.

If you follow professional games and watch live game broadcasts (for example, on DOTA 2 TV or Twitch), then you can sing along to see which team will win in the upcoming match. I think I don’t tell you America, even if you know everything about betting on sports, but you don’t know everything about betting on eSports. If you keep an eye on eSports products and are able to analyze them correctly, this method of withdrawing profits is suitable for you. I’ll give you some statistics so you don’t miss the mark.

Betting on eSports. There are a number of different sites that promote betting on Dotti 2. I especially pay on the site, and we will look at it as a proof butt.

1. Registering on the site -

2. After registering on the screen, select the table from the filter that we need, for example, Dota 2, as shown in the screenshot.

3. In the table, all matches are shown in different colors. Bili – finished. Chervoni – the match is over. Blue – bets are accepted. Before you place a bet, you need to replenish the ratio, so that we can distribute our money on the matches.

Note: є PlayMoney, which allows you to practice without investing real pennies. If you have not placed bets on other similar sites, I recommend starting your training with the cost-free currency.

How to get more money on Egaming Bets?

Elementary, the system supports all popular services, I hope that you are definitely not to blame for the new problems. The report is where to click and what to do and see in the screenshots below. Over time, the site will be updated, and these buttons may move to another place, otherwise the principle of updating the layout will be lost.

We press “make a deposit” and select a payment system in the window, through the following steps. Payments accepted: WebMoney, Yandex penny, Qiwi, VISA and many others. We are asked to pay and are pressured to “pay.”

Dota 2 betting

4. In order to place a bet, select the required match, indicate the bet amount (minimum $1) and press the “place bet” button. You can also change the bet odds and the amount you will win if you win (screenshot below).

You may note that bets can only be made on the winnings of one of the teams, but also on other actions. Before the game steps there may be:

MAP 1(or the first card) - this is a bet on the team, since the first choice of the hero (the hero's pick), the team is selected by the game randomly.

First Blood(chi persha krov) – this is the bet on the team, yak prolje persha krov, tobto. kill the enemy first.

Will take 1st Roshan(Or the fall of the first Roshan) – this is a bet on the team, as the first to kill Roshan.

That other...

Before you play any bets, think about how you can both win and lose your money. Don’t splurge with great sums, more than a little, but a lot. And now, as I said, there are not a lot of special statistics. I didn’t embellish anything, but showed everything as it is. Regardless of the three remaining shocks, I still lost a decent plus and lost pennies for the dollar WMZ Gamanets.

On the screenshot you can see how the balance has been replenished by $1 and $3, and I have already added $11.