Yak clean the page in VKontakte from all entries. Yak shvidko clear the wall in VK for additional script and browser extensions. Robot zі stіnoyu - vikoristovuєmo script abo VKBot

The popular social media "V kontaktі" is used by even more people. Innocent wine is such a need to clean your wall. Bagato koristuvachіv timid the price, I see records one by one. On one side, it’s okay, if such records are for a few thousand rockets, then those who want to put things in order on their wall in VK are known to have a vitality of rockets. Є Ways to shvidshi, as it is practical to clean up all the records at once. Available options.

Yak vidality all entries from the wall in VK all at once - option pershy

There are a number of inverted methods, as you will be confused about the records on the wall:

  • The whole way is the simplest and the fastest, but don’t wait for it. It is necessary to go to brothers to respect. See your side.
  • In the address row, you need to enter the axis of such a combination, just copy the following: "java *** script: var h = document.getElementsByClassName (" ui_actions_menu _ui_menu "); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = h [i] .getElementsByTagName ("a"). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2); if (i == h.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id = setInterval (del_wall, 500) ".
  • I will need to pick up the little ones by hand, marking the worm with a color.
  • Natisnit Enter.
  • That's it, the script will almost invoke its robot without your participation. All records on the wall will now be automatically seen.
  • As soon as the recordings are even more abundant, thousands and tens of thousands, then the script will have to be inserted by hand, a lot of times, that is, it is only pouring into the visible records in the middle of the hundreds.

Yak vidality all entries from the wall in VK all at once - option other

The first method is smart and good team, so you can quickly put things in order in a short hour, but there are not many recordings.

I have accumulated a lot of records, so it’s like this:

  • It is necessary to roztrinkati deyaku part of the recordings on his wall, mattered by the key "Probil" or the key "End".
  • Then you need to press the bears with the right button and vibrate from the proponated list "Divimsya code". Left in the browser, the option may be designated as an inax, of the type "doslidzhuєmo element".
  • Then open the console, insert the axis with the following information: “(function () ('use strict'; if (! Confirm ('Do you want to see all entries from the line?')) Return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll ('a.ui_actions_menu_item '); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }())». После введения подтвердите свои действия, нажав на энтер.
  • Pidtverdzhuєmo svoyi, ochіkuєmo, as long as the code cope with the assignments.
  • I know a part of the recordings on the wall and I repeat my work.

And what a yaksho ...

In case of vikonanny simple diy at the skin koristuvach vinnikє rich pitan. Vidpovidaamo on newest:

  • the design of the side has recently changed, what will be the best way to get offended? So, scripts are active, ale innodes can be done by the way, like they were choosing the first way. If you take a trapilia, try another option;
  • in the sp_vtodovaristvo you can also see the records of the week, so you can create only the administrator;
  • you need to see the data from the wall in VK, you need to update the page;
  • photographs are also seen at once from the records.

On the VKontakte wall, you have accumulated a lot of records and for bad deeds? Wihid - all seen. Ale yak clear the VK wall from the decilcom with thousands of posts? The price is simpler, there is no need to be built. Read the details.

Clean all the records from the wall, stop using the methods. The first one is vidiliti kozhen post okremo. For reasonable reasons, we shouldn't go. Two of the other methods may use special software code on the basis of the application code. Another one to do everything for you.

Don't kick around: there won't be any program. For the additional scripts, all you need to do is give a command to the browser visonati diy shvidko i without hassle.

Rebound! Shvidke clearing the wall can screw up the respect of the VK administration. Є The size of the blocking of the side for the maturity of the evil. Then, perekonayte perekonayte, scho remember the access code to the obl_ record. Also, for renewal of access to the side, a telephone number is required, until which it is tied.

Yak vidaliti all VK records through the address row

Go like this:

  • Open your VKontakte account.
  • Copy the code below ↓↓↓. Take, we are not a Skoda. See and click on more student buttons Ctrl + C.
java **** script: var h = document.get **** Elements *** By *** Class **** Name ("ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = h [i] .get *** Elements **** By *** Tag **** Name ("a"). onclick.to *** String (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2); if (i == h.length) (clear *** Interval (int_id)) else (i + +)); var int_id = set **** Interval (del_wall, 500);
  • Click once on the VK web address so that you can see it, and then click Ctrl + V.
  • Pick up the stars from the script (*). When you see these symbols, do not cover the glades.
  • Press the "Submit" button.

If everything is broken correctly, in an hour the microblog VK will be empty.

Note: This method is not very stable. If bazhaniy is effective so and having lost in the category of "bazhanikh", try the offensive method.

Yak videliti VK records through the console command

The whole method is more foldable than the front, but it is guaranteed to clear the microblog from the records. The order is as follows:

  • Log in to your VKontakte account.
  • Scroll through the wall to the very first post.

Now? As long as it’s not broken, then to know only those records, which are displayed on the side. To that, it is more beautiful to vitrate a couple of quilins on the entanglement of all posts, not just to carry out the procedure again.

Computer life hack: for an hour scrolling, rub the corn with a stick of Mish, zatisnit punched or the End key and go to brew a cup of tea.

  • Open the browser console by clicking the context menu and vibrating "Surprise the code". At the window, go to the Console tab.

importantly: in other browsers, the command can be displayed. For example, in Firefox, replace "Surprise the code", it will be written "Dosliditi element".

Є The best way to wiklik the console. For example, in Google Chrome browsers press Ctrl + Shift + J buttons. If you are using Mozilla, press Ctrl + Shift + K buttons. You can find the press buttons in the case of the largest providers in Merezh.

  • Copy the combination below ↓↓↓. I think it’s not a matter of course to explain how it’s going to be.
(Function () ("use strict"; if (! Confirm ("Would you like to see all the records from the line?")) Return; var delete *** Post *** Link = document.body.query **** Selector ** * All ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< delete***Post****Link.length; i++) { delete***Post****Link[i].click(); } alert(delete***Post****Link.length + " posts deleted"); }());
  • Clear code from stars (*). Be careful not to look more important.
  • Place the cursor at the window console and press the Ctrl + V combination, and then the "Enter" button, then enter.

Note: cleansing the wall does not take place instantly. The visibility of storing up a number of posts in your microblossic VK. Yak bi there was no bulo, tse nagato shvidshe, I’ll see it by hand.

Expansion for cleaning wall VK

The whole way of simplicity in the implementation, albeit at a new and a hundred shortcomings - the installation of extensions (especially unofficial ones) will block the safety of your computer.

Protect a small number of browser extensions, which will help you to solve the problem. Try the VkOpt program: the interface is intuitively audible, and the visibility of Google Chrome stores is also safe.

If you use your browser, you can add the extension to the official site vkopt.net.

The axis is required to change:

  • Install expansion.
  • Start yogo.
  • Go to the record tab (guilty but it says їх number).
  • Push to the point "Diya".
  • From the list, vibrate "Clear wall".
  • Check.

Periodically cleaning the microblog in VK is not a primh, but a necessity. There is a great number of posts to talk about those people who spend an hour online, which characterize its not the most beautiful side. In addition, the correct side can also be richly told about the master, for that, for the most part, it is only the most important and relevant information that is to blame.

Earlier, you can get rid of all the posts on the wall for a few clicks. The dealers have taken care of their power, so that they do not forgive the life of people, as they annoy the sides and see the important tributes of the koristuvachiv. The program code didn’t have any functionality, but let’s start the necessary script.

Axis and all science. Head - do not forget to clear the code of all symbols. There are innocent glades on the "zirochok" scene. Besides, be careful not to see the required parts of the script. Look at the information for the recovery and stop tormenting yourself, I will see the skin post by hand.

How can I clear the wall? Immediately I would like to say that it is possible to build up the price using standard methods, but rather to the edge of it.

On the right, you can see it one entry at a time.

The growers decided to go for such a croc, but the evil ones, as they took control of your profile, or even the hard friends didn’t know in a stroke the history of 3-5 thousand records, as you picked up the rocky ones.

Brutal respect! I would like to guard the reader in one thing: all of the other projects can be rocked by the administrator of VK yak shahraiski diy. If you change the password to save access to the page, the phone number is linked to the most important data, and there is some ambiguity about it.

cleaning methods

The best method of extensions is easy to understand and it is easy to clean up the wall in VK in chromium.

The same way to go for the Opera and Yandex browser, some of the stench are based on the same engine, albeit with a simple graphical shell.

Partition in Chrome

Nothing foldable in a whole lot, unaffected by an admittedly unreasonable game for a great big deal of koristuvachiv.

Everything is necessary - go to your side and press the right button on the "wall", vibrating "look at the code ...".

On the right (below) you can see a window with the commands for development. You don't need any knowledge of PHP, HTML and Java Script, don't worry.

It is necessary to deprive it of natisnut on the item "Console".

If you don’t bother with the whole menu - draw a line, so you can see all the available options.

The console is displayed with a blinking cursor, where you need to insert text.

Copy the JS code, which you like, insert it, and then hover the cursor. Write to Enter and follow the result.

var z = document.getElementsByClassName ("post_actions"); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = z [i] .getElementsByTagName ("div"). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2); if (i == z.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id = setInterval (del_wall, 1000);

Important! Danish script to allow the connectionclear the wall in VK in Yandex, Chrome and Opera without the Possibility of Renewal. Rob the whole croc lease in the same way as singing in his actions.

Vidalennya zd_ysnyuєtsya without your be-like engaging in croc in 1 second.

Behind the great rakhunk script - additional options for manual cleaning, only you do not need to sit for years and scowl at a glance to click on the "cross", which pidtverzhu namiri.

I would like to respect that absolutely all records will flow in, and not only seen in a given moment, but not all at all.

When the operation is completed, the console is "zaryasnin" with some pardons - do not kick around. Zakryit її, re-enlist і for all.

Nichto will not vykradati your data, passwords and confidentiality nuances.

Particle in Firefox

It is important to see a lot of instructions for FF like this: download Firebug or Greasemonkey.

For the newcomers to the expansion, nothing can be said, but it will only be hard to get through the functionalities, if only to speed up the task.

I will try the console method, which is an additional help to clear the wall in VK in opera and other browsers.

You can see your side on the head and also embossed with the right button on the “wall”. Shukaimo point under the name "doslijuvati element".

Do not be late to fall into the window, because when the script is inserted, it will appear on the screen, as if you were going to receive you from the checkpoint.

As soon as you enter in your actions - to register in the row "allow the insert" (only without paws), then the system has allowed the creation of other games. Enter the harvest is not obov'yazkovo.

Inserting a script, embossed "introduced" and spostering, as the repair is "cleaned up" independently with an interval of 1 post per second.

After the completion of the procedure, the console is closed, re-engaging the side and starting up.

Vikoristannya expansion

Another quick, but not the safest method - expansion, which is victorious for quiet purposes. In our vipadku - for cleaning the wall VK.

Deyak rozrobniki can put in their product not only brown, but also add some shakhrayskiy character.

They go out of their way, after the shukati only rewrite the programs from the famous rozrobnik.

The most popular product is VkOpt.

First, you skip the store for Chrome extensions, but in other words, they have their own website, you can download the version for any required browser, meanwhile navigate Safari and Maxthon.

To clear the page, I will install VkOpt from the store or the site, launch it my way and embed it on my buggy entries.

At the top right kuti there is a button "for action";

Check, leave the wall to clean and for all. Likewise, the expansion has no more tsykavih features, but still a topic for okremoї statty.

The head, they helped you to solve the head problem.

Need to clean the wall?

Deyakim should be built, if they planted 2-3 years ago, they would be built to end up being stupid.

You shouldn't love the wicked "mess" of the great number of posts from the early generations, in some of them there are "evaluations". The third one is rewarded with such an order of life.

Yak bachite - the process is to end up idle, and in an hour everything will lie in the number of publications. Chim more - tim more script / expansion will be successful to the extent possible.

Yak clean the wall VKontakte shvidko

Yak shvidko clear the wall in VK for additional script and browser extensions

Practically everything has been registered in our days in social fences; At the same hour, they often come to the conclusion of the situation, if koristuvacham need to cleanse their wall. It’s obvious that they have a lot of friends, who love the same kind of people, and send the games to you on the wall. It is also often the case that the requested picture is taken in a yaku-nebuzhno new gru.

Clean up the wall Vkontakte povnistu

Often there are situations, if there is a reason to get into any kind of spam, or if you are asked to log in. That and just navit buvaє, how you should write to you inappropriate people, because of whom you also want to see. The process of seeing unused or uncommon experiences can be done in a number of ways. Kozhen s tsikh ways of making his own passages, so and not enough. Infected to look in detail at the yak to clear the wall in VK shvidko.

Yak vidalyty all entries on the wall of Vkontakte

First way: povilny, ale verniy

The whole way is from one side є the easiest, ale from the іnsh side and the most laborious. Winn the adherent team, who either has a lot of good time and is not interested in doing it, or who has three entries on the wall. Tsei sposib transferє of a vivid skin record I will hand.

Croc 1: It is necessary to move the cursor of the bear before writing to the wall. Each time, if you move the cursor to write on the wall, you can click, but the record will slightly go ahead, and there will be two buttons: "Like me" and a cross.

Croc 2: Slide natisnuti on a spine. Pushing on the cross, you see the record of the wall. Amazingly, you have the ability to innovate. In this way, it is obvious to ask those who need to see a few unnecessary entries from the wall. At all times, the process will not take an hour, but you will be singing, as you have seen the very ones who want to.

Yak shvidko clear the wall in VK

Other way: scripting

It is a pity, it’s a pity, say, that the developers themselves didn’t transfer this kind of power, as the cleansing of all the wall at once in one fell swoop. As a result, it is brought about by the services and nominations of third-party vendors, that is, by "scripts". There is no folding here. For any way, you will need the Greasemonkey program to get it into your browser and give you the opportunity to select the scripts you need for the applications you need. In a number of programs only one "ale": it is broken and broken only in Mozilla Firefox.

Krok 1: It is necessary to go to the official website of the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can go there from the browser itself. If you go to the site, you need to vibrate the Addoni item and, with a quick noise, know the Greasemonkey program.

Croc 2: Zavantazhuєmo and I will install additional updates.

Croc 3: Restart my browser.

Croc 4: For the help of the sound systems, whisper the script; For the whole in the browser go to the "Toolbar", select Greasemonkey and then the item "Manage plugins". So you can see a new one in a row with a joke. By shaking you you know the script you need and dodaste yogo sob. You can also find a ready-made script in a hem and a ready-made script. Yak bach, clean the wall in contact - quickly and awkwardly, smut, bazhanya, hour.

Video yak clean the entire wall of VK in a new design

We know the situation, if on the wall of the street they are not used up, they know the situation. Look at such content more beautifully. Abo koristuvach in an hour wanted to see his own publications. Clearly detailed how to clean the wall in the VK.

Yak will clean up the wall in Vk from the computer

Varto immediately means that, behind the help of the script and the programs, you can only clear the wall in the VK. For a vibrant visualization of the publication, a manual method is available.

By running the script from the console in the browser

I will need to clear the wall in VK, if you need a computer with access to the Internet and a fragment of the code. An hour of clearing is stored in the number of records.

Robotic algorithm:

I will see the page in VK and scroll through the publication of the news. In one procedure, you can see only those publications, which can be displayed in the browser. Tom can be scrolled to the nipershoi. Tsey loan hour. To accelerate the process of jamming mo probіl or End.

Browser console is displayed. In Chrome / Firefox on a PC with Windows OS, the combination Ctrl + Shift + J / K is selected.On a PC with macOS - Cmd + Opt + J / K.

(Function () ("use strict"; if (! Confirm ("Would you like to see all entries from the line?")) Return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

і embossed Enter.

The browser window will show up with a power supply to clear the wall in VK. It is necessary to confirm the operation. After being re-assigned to the wall, it’s just as soon as it’s been added, until some of the karystuvachi haven’t been screwed up earlier. You can see them in exactly the same way.

With the help of VKOpt

Vkontakte Optimizer- a wide range of options for any browser, designed for quick visibility in VK.

For the installation of an open-ended expansion and an advanced function of mass visualization.

Set up the parameters of the image and embossed "Poyhali".

When the processing is completed, the statistics will appear as soon as possible for all of them.

At the station "Last visit" the date and the hour at the viglyad are indicated. You can see the data and the correspondence only with specific koristuvachi. Abo see all the time.

The process of cleansing is seen on the way to shvidshe.

Yak shvidko clear the wall in VK from the phone

For some reason, Koristuvach has no access to his side on the PC, there can be third-party add-ons for quick and regular cleaning of the wall in VK. program Cleaner VK vikonuє vikonuєtse zavdannya in automatic mode. Koristuvachev needs only to install additional data, display your profile and press the clear button.

With one more advanced programs, those that are possible in general, and vibrate clean the wall, photo and video gallery. For example, you can see all publications for the singing period, from a specific author, with a specific text and many likes. So you can set a filter for all publications with a hashtag, for example, # DIM.

The program is working in all directions: it is displayed in public pages, seeing bookmarks, friends, etc. In addition, there are no advertisements. All operations can be done without a booster. When you buy a license, you can set up more detailed filters for cleaning the wall in VK.