How to enable auto redial on samsung galaxy. The program "Autodial" for Android to get through the call every year. Possibility of stitching firmware

The problem is even wider: call to call if the subscriber is constantly busy.

Such a trapleyaetsya, if there are no rich-channel telephones in the companies, or the subscriber just loves to talk. In such a mood, you want to press the button on your smartphone and check until the android itself calls the addressee.

Unfortunately, there is no standard auto-dial function in the Android system, but you can use an additional add-on. GooglePlay has a few options, most of which are free.

The auto-dial program will re-dial the required number of the smartphone, the docks will not get through, otherwise the docks will not run out of samples.

You can independently set the number of rings in the patches, you can also set the interval between the rings yourself. As for the introduction of a number of repetitions, and without calling, the program will try to dial you back.

In addition, auto-dial programs are often provided with other basic functions, for example, an automatic call back command.

If you need to call a relative with an expensive tariff plan, you can drop the call and the program itself will call back to that subscriber. For whom it is more necessary to enter the required numbers to the list of programs.

Vibіr autodial programs for android dosit great:

  • AutoRedial - the program is simple, it does not require special adjustments and warnings / warnings, it works. At the time of a missed call, you see a window: "Call back?"
  • Autodial Water - manual adjustment of the number of repetitions and the interval can take an hour to move and shave for a long time by the installed command. For example, so as not to override the operator's setting of the limit, which is not charged. If the program could reach the required subscriber, it will tell the caller with a sound or vibration.
  • Auto redial - a popular program to dial, also available automatic dialing "return call". The program is paid.
  • Auto redial Lite - for the cost-free lite version, the number of attempts to dial is limited by five.
  • Super Call - the interval for calls can be set to 3, 5 or 10 seconds.
  • AD CallPro є autodialing for a group of contacts, dialing from a given number of cycles to a week and an interval between them. Іsnuє funktsіya avtomatichnі ї vіdpovіdі, zatrimі vhіdnogo zvіnka sing o'clock.
  • AutoRecall - this program does not work in the background on android, to make a call, you need to run the program and call from it, then turn it off. Calls launched from the list of contacts will be called without auto redial.
  • Kaller #9 - in fact, the main program for calls, called to replace the standard, ale, cream duplication of the main functions, which allows you to dialer automatically.

Irrespective of those that practically all home/stationary telephones can have an auto-dial function, the Android platform retailers have not included such a possibility in their operating system.

A good half of the “necessary” enterprises and state institutions do not oblige themselves with the installation of rich canal devices. I chim vyshchiy pokaznik tsієї consume, tim fold more call to the month. If you want, take a simple butt from polyclinics: registration, recording to fakhivtsiv, laboratories and other departments will take a cilo-dobovo, and at that end a little less than short beeps. Sometimes you decide that it’s easier to come to the place especially, without a hitch, tap the screen of your smartphone.

Yak buti?

After such moments, it comes to mind that auto-dial to Android is not just an add-on “trick”, but a de facto necessary attribute of the platform. Tim coristuvacham, to whom, for some reason, the dialness or for some other reasons, the necessary parts of the call in similar "borrowed" should be established, the possibility of auto-dialing will be a correct order and significant relief.

This problem is simply solved by installing third-party add-ons, so that special programs for auto-dialing, which work in the background mode in parallel with the main functionality of the call. Some gadgets (about them a little lower) have such a possibility for more firmware, but there are, unfortunately, fewer of them.

Then, let’s figure it out, how to enable auto-dial on the Android platform and how programs can help you with your help.

Possibility of stitching firmware

Deyaki pedantic smartphone makers still do not forget to add to the factory firmware the ability to auto-dial to the "Android" platform. It is necessary for the brand "Samsung" that yoga series "Galaxy", which is the most competent to implement the functionality.

At the menu, it is sufficient to select the "Phone" section, then go to the item "Settings of calls", give "Additional parameters" and stomp on the checkbox with auto redial. After that, all your calls will be re-dialled, and if the call is successful, you will remove the call from the chosen one earlier (vibro or melody).

Similar functionality of implementations in other phones of famous brands, on the Xiaomi or Lenovo computer, here and there, the firmware is literally stuffed with different “chips”, including auto-dial to Android. But, as it was said above, the possibility is a rare guest on the smartphones of other manufacturers.

Third Party Programs

If your phone did not have mercy on being included in the list of such functions, then you can install third-party programs, like nitrochi not higher for text, but here it is better. Golovne - choose the right one.

One of these machines I will simply call “Auto Dzvon” (Water retailer). You can grab yoga on the same "Google Play" or search on specialized resources and forums. The program is free of charge, but the free version is covered with advertising. Even though the rest is very strong, you can turn it on by purchasing an extended version of the product (less than 100 rubles).

Possibility of the program

The program copes with auto-dial as follows: periodic calls of a busy subscriber with the given parameters, a ringing signal when the call is set and a dial tone is set, as well as the reported call statistics.

The utility for ordinary auto-dial to "Android" utility can set the exchange for the frequency of the call, set the following intervals and add the subscriber to the black list. The program resonates with a clear and understandable interface, a sequence of competent localization and a great number of prompts.

Other competing brethren of similar add-ons may have a similar functionality, but I fell to the hearts of AvtoDzvon itself for its simplicity, efficiency and effectiveness. Before that, critical shortfalls, judging by the observations, the program is not tight.

It's amazing, but the retailers don't bother for the need to work the auto-dial function on the phone for locks. And in the meantime, it’s vital that it’s necessary to dial up to any subscriber.

Unfortunately, not a lot of companies or state establishments need to install a rich-channel telephone for the need. I, singly, richly hto, trying to get through to the clinic, for example, or to another organization, at the same time, you can’t smell too short beeps, which sometimes bring just to lack of self-reliance.

This situation is even more typical, if you ever feel sorry that there is no such function on your phone. But the problem is easily overcome by installing a special add-on on the mobile device. For quiet koristuvachіv, who by the nature of their duties or through other needs often communicate with subscribers, the telephone line of those is often busy, ce bude polegshennyam.

Deyakі virobniki all the same rob the function of auto-dial, vbudovanoy in pristry. It is worth to be in the first place of the Samsung company and the great range of phones of the Samsung Galaxy brand. To turn on the function on such a device, launch the program " Telephone”, press the button to click the menu and select “ Link settings". We know the row " Additional parameters and wiki"and put the checkbox at the point" Auto redial».

In other situations, we often need food for additional special supplements, good stench, as a rule, is costless and does not take up a lot of space.

Auto chime

For the main function of automatic dialing, the program prompts you to set the necessary limit for the ringing itself. And even deyakі mobile operators proponuyut servitor bezkoshtovnyh dzvinkіv, yakshcho trivality not overvischvatim sing bar'єru. If you set some additional parameters in addition, the system will automatically break the calls after an hour interval.

In the auto redial mode, the program automatically dials a loud call and non-stop dialing to the subscriber.

It is easy and simple to use the utility: the call trivality is set by the first ringer, the interval between the rings is set to another, the green button is the beginning of automatic dialing, the red one is completed.

Super Auto Redial

There is one more program to help you get through in the middle of nowhere, whether it is a “hot line”, booking tickets, ordering pizza, etc.

Video about the work of the program:

How to enable auto-dial on Android, you now know, get in touch!


Topics of the day

    In Russia, when talking about collectors, it is not possible for them to inspire summaries. Age ti, in their attempts to “reach out” to borzhniks, are marked by the motto: “In the war, make everything good.” One of the most widely used collection methods is the automatic redial to the barber's phone. I'm good, like only on the new. Most of the time, it is the same way to “get along” with your relatives, who are known to roboticists. "" figured out how legally and how it is possible to apply similar "domestic" collections.

    Autodial - call to the subscriber's number through the song interval. However, as soon as you pick up the phone, the ring will immediately drop. Looks like a "dirty thing", but if such a rank is blocked, for example, the phone of organizations, the stench, whether or not they want, stimulates their poor spivrobitniks to pay for the stitched positions.

    Telephone call

    For example, sickle collectors with their links paralyzed the work of the St. Petersburg company "Trading Dim Petroalliance". Spontaneous to the telephone warehouse of the company by telephoning the spіvrobіtnik of the microfinancial organization "Before salary". Vin said that one of the practitioners of the trading booth took a position and did not turn її. It is impossible to contact a borzhnik, for that phone number and place of your robot will be set to auto redial. After the announcement, the office and warehouse of "Torgovyi Dim Petroalliance" began to receive shokhvilins on the phone.

    Oskіlki spіvrobіtnik "Before salary" having filled in the number of her mobile phone, the company's manager Inna Vіgdorchik called him back and urged him to take care of the working process. Now, once on the chotiri hvilini її mobile is also roaring in the form of calls. In the distance, it was important that the number they called should belong to the subscriber of the mobile operator Tele-2.

    One company clerk contacted the head office of "Before the salary", they announced that the telephones of the sales booth would be taken from autodial. Ale, the twinks did not stumble.


    Letter to the law

    Such creditors and collectors are absolutely illegal, says lawyer Volodymyr Gorbenko. The stench violates the Federal Law No. 230-FZ dated 03.07.2016 “On defending the rights and legal interests of physical assets in the event of a change in the length of the drawn-up fence about making changes to the Federal Law “On microfinance activity and microfinance organizations”. And also the right of the company "Torgovyi Dim Petroalyans" to change the acceptance of activities, the shards do not allow to withdraw calls from the callers and accept the entry of customers and contractors.

    The law, about which to go, the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin signed less at the end of 2016. Prior to that, there were no laws governing the relationship between collectors. І on the vіdmіnu vіd єvropeyskih kraїnі і the USA, de collection companies mаyut tsivіlіzovaniya roboti algorithm, and practice zaluchennya up to the stitching of stitched fencing is the norm, in Russia collectors, it seems, everything is allowed. I їх methods of work, as an elementary superscript to legislation, did not surprise anyone.

    According to the new law, in cooperation with a borrower, credit organizations and individuals whose main type of activity is the return of a stitched fence can be included. I more than nothing. Tim is bigger, it is fenced to people with an unknown or outstanding criminal record.


    Collaboration with third persons, for example, relatives, judges, and whether it be other people, collectors can now be less for the sake of a borzhnik. So, without the help of a stench, you can’t have the right to transfer information about it to anyone.

    It became possible to chat with a borzhnik more than once a day, and call - girls for a day. Moreover, whether it was splintering from 20:00 to 9:00 on weekdays, from 22:00 to 8:00 on weekdays, it also fell off under the fence.

    The law of defense is threatening that stagnation of physical strength, bad health, poor health, psychological pressure, introduced into Oman.

    Name the spelling of the term, if the borzhnik can start talking about the collector, and after a couple of months after the vindication of the stitched fencing. І here away splkuvannya vіdbuvaєtsya through a lawyer.

    What work?

    It is easy to fight against the collectors, to harden fahіvtsі. Golovna - know your rights and don't panic. Oskіlki same zavdyaki juridical illiteracy collector can die for the death of a borzhnik, or a distant relative who is absolutely indecent to the Borg.

    How to deal with the collection autodial? First of all, lawyers are happy to turn to a mobile operator. Providers can block the number, for which auto redial is performed. Tim more, have a lot of legal issues such a clause, like blocking-spam of rozsilok, we will write prescriptions next to the agreement with the operator.

    So you can turn around with a skarga to Rosspozhivnaglyadu chi prosecutor's office. It's true, it will take a month to examine your complaint before the prosecutor's office, then we'll send a review from the collection agency to review it, so as to stop the work. Skarga before the prosecutor's office - a support for the destruction of criminal justice. On the thought of the styaguvachіv borgіv themselves, yakbi leather the third borzhnik, writing such a beast, it would be impossible to work as a collector.


    It is recommended to return from the application and to Roskomnaglyad, having indicated the phone number, for which automatic redial is required. Todi, having determined through the provider, to whom yoga is registered, Roskomnaglyad can also block it.

    There are more options for getting to the financial ombudsman of the police. But, as Volodymyr Gorbenko clarifies, the Ombudsman can’t do anything better, and he can only take care of the problem, the police can’t quickly take in the necessary calls. The possibility of a quick response is less for the operator and Roskomnaglyad. To that, we will find ourselves before them before them.

    Deputy of vision

    "Torgovy Dim Petroalliance" robbed the following: the company's clerk itself could block three numbers, from which the auto-dial was blocked before it, after the call to "Megaphone" "SuperAON". In the name of the trading booth, three leaves were written - to the Tele-2 operator, to the prosecutor's office and to Roskomnaglyad. It’s true that they were ruled without need, the shards of a call from the company “Before the salary” had already stuck at that time. Possibly, spіvrobіtnik, like, before speech, perebuvaє in the stage of sounding, having extinguished his borg.

    All news headings

Mobile operating systems.

Auto redial on droid - the function of modern phones is handy.

It's a pity that today far from all companies give their coristuvachas such an opportunity as installing a rich-channel telephone. It's better, richer statesmen don't think about price. What is more important for the reception, or set it, then it will be more complicated to call. Singing richly someone stuck with the problem of a busy line: don’t ring the bells, but only unfortunate short beeps. Some people decide that it’s easier to hang out on the ground especially, to sit lower and strain your nerves.

But don’t hurry to get angry, even if it’s the same situation, it’s out. The main tool and helper for the solution of problems will be auto redial for droid.

Redial Auto Redial

The program is divided so that you don't need more work redial numbers manually, the shards of automatics will do everything for you. Shorazu, yak auto redial you will stick out of the busy line, once again redial channel, and continue until the operator, let me, do not pick up the phone, or the number of repetitions will end, as they are registered in the settings. All you need is to activate this function and put the phone in sound mode. Then you can calmly go and take care of your right, and Guchnomovets tell me about those who didn’t miss the operator’s notice.

Zavdyaki autodial function, droid immediately becoming more comfortable and necessary platform for telephones and communicators. You just call the child's clinic, sometimes you have to knock more than a dozen times, but the line is still busy. And in the evening on Friday, you can get through to the delivery of pizza or sushi.

Options allow you to create a number of repeated calls, as well as enter a recurring interval between them. After that, repeat to go out, auto redial pripinyaetsya. And then they gave you virishuvati: start the machine on a call.

Still, there are great opportunities given to customers by the android operating system, auto redial- It's proof of that. One more function, which is included in the set of miracle programs, is automatic dialing to the assigned number. If you have a friend or some kind of relative, who is on an expensive mobile tariff, you can add yoga to a special list. If any of them dial you, then just drop the tweet and call the phone yourself. In this rank, you can save pennies for the rahunka of your minder.

You can install the magic auto redial feature on the Google Play website. The price is set at 99 rubles. Also, for testing the program, you can get a free trial version from the beginning, so that you can get to know it better. The demo will surround you with five dial-up calls. Having become familiar with these aspects of these options, you can choose a paid program, as to give your own extensions for the victoria.

Technologies are being developed rіk y rіk, costing and using various software for phones that work on the basis of Android. Auto redial tse deysno krok in the future, and the mother is guilty of this program in her skin, who zatsіkavleniy have a permanently installed connection with the installations, which can permanently occupy the telephone line. Such a function has long been due to buti on all phones by default, but until the retailers are aware of such a need, and the program has to be downloaded fine. Good, that the price is low and at the same time for the intestines of the skin client.

Short description

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