How to change the subtitle language. How to add subtitles to a film. Why are there no subtitles before the video?

Well, you know where to get the Russian subtitles, you watch the film, and you have finally started adding subtitles to the film. Ale... I think the credits don't coincide with what appears on the screen. Here it will be explained how to adjust the credits to the version of the film.

1. There is a personal program that allows you to change the synchronization (hour of display) of subtitles. We will show you how you can earn money using the additional Subtitle Workshop program and how you can get credit.

2. After installing the Subtitle Workshop program, launch it.

3. The program supports a number of languages. Some of us work with Russian subtitles, using the Russian interface. Tim more, the translation of the Russian program was done by your humble servant. :) From the “Others” menu, select the “Language” sub-item, in which there is the “Russian” option, which allows us to connect with the Russian language program.

This adjustment needs to be canceled more than once. Before starting the program again, immediately install the selected language.

4. Now you need to open the file with subtitles. Remember, after browsing the Internet, the files are packaged using WinRAR or WinZip, so you need to extract them from the archive. Knights? Then select the “Enable subtitles” option from the “File” menu. For example, let’s choose the movie “Shaolin Soccer”.

5. It’s very surprising that you don’t know the original, so adding subtitles to the film will be a little more difficult than for an American or English film.

It is necessary to catch the moment when the film has its first phrase. Our vipadka has 1 hvilina 50 seconds.

And the moment when the film has the last phrase. Our age is 1 year 39 hours 33 seconds.

6. Select the “Verify subtitles” option from the “Subtitles” menu. At the end, what appeared, we write down the first and last phrases of the film.

Press the “Verify” button. Now the beginning of the first title may coincide with the well-known hour of the first phrase in the film.

7. Lost saving subtitles. The greatest expansion has come in MicroDVD and SubRip formats. The first connection is to the frames of the film, and the other is for an hour. Subtitles are linked up to an hour as the text is more obvious, so there is another option. From the "File" menu, select the "Save as..." option. You will be presented with a choice of possible subtitle formats. We know in the new “SubRip”, on which you can click on the target.

If you read such languages ​​as French, German, Japanese, then you can easily get confused with the situation if you read the subtitles or it’s impossible at all, or the stories are zipped. How to solve this problem?

How to fix subtitle coding?

In any case, you first try to watch a movie with beautiful subtitles, you need to check which code is being saved. There are 2 ways to earn money:

The menu is looking at each other Lister Select “Options” for the animal and make sure that the subtitle coding is “text only”: for example, “Text only” is checked. In this regard:

  • For foreign European languages, you will improve the timing of subtitles and rows of foreign text, replacing letters with accent marks with Cyrillic letters. Screenshot axis for French subtitles in SubRip format ("srt" extension), SubStation Alpha ("ssa" extension), MicroDVD
  • For Japanese and Chinese languages, you will change the timing of the subtitles, and replace the text with a simple set of characters. The screenshot axis for Japanese subtitles is in the SubRip format (extension "srt"), SubStation Alpha (extension "ssa"), MicroDVD (extension "sub", do not confuse subtitles with graphic format).
  • For Russian language you will need to change the timing of subtitles and Russian text. Screenshot axis for subtitles in SubRip format (extension "srt"), SubStation Alpha (extension "ssa"), MicroDVD (extension "sub", do not confuse subtitles in graphic format).

If the subtitle code is “text only”, you can go to .

However, it may appear that the encoding of subtitles is one of the Unicode ones, which may be the case in the review Lister The checkbox in the "Options" section of the menu is opposite "Unicode" or "UTF-8". As such, subtitles should be saved in the “text only” format using a rich text editor (div. below).

2) for help with a fancy text editor ( Microsoft Word, OpenOffice).

From the editor Microsoft Word No problems will occur - when you open the file most often Word It will automatically assign you the code in which the subtitle file is saved. Substitutes, for subtitles of the mob, for all of the coduvannya “windows)”, for subtitr with a nimest, a Frenchman - Shvidsha for all “zakhayatno -auropeis (Windows)” or "Unicode (UTF-8)" etc. Also, when you open a file Word tells you the “necessary” coding (div.) and after opening the file, the text is displayed without corrections (for Western languages, all diacritics are displayed correctly, for hieroglyphic words you will receive the correct one text, and for Cyrillic - normal Russian text), then there is nothing for you to change in A subtitle file is not required, the coding is more correct, you can go to . How to open a file Word tells you one of the Unicode codes, then you need to open the file, re-convert so that the foreign text is displayed without errors, and then select “Required” in the “File” menu - “Save as...” - “text format txt” code manually (div.). Because Word When saving a file, give it the extension "txt", you will then need to manually change the file extension to the same one that corresponds to the output file format ("srt" for the SubRip format, "ssa" - for the SubStation Alpha format, "sub" - for the format MicroDVD). You can easily remember the file extension using a file manager Total Commander. You can also change the file extension in Explorer Windows. For this need, get ready Windows so that when viewing folders, file extensions are displayed - go to the "control panel" - "folder authorities" - the "View" tab - check the option "accept extended registered file types" (Note: some Word glitch - when you open a file, it shows you the wrong encoding - the text is displayed with errors, but it shows you the correct encoding, but opens the file without errors. In this case, be careful with the front view window - select different codes until you find the one for which foreign text is displayed in the front view window without any corrections).

Watch the film with subtitles in the required code

Now let's start watching again - copy the subtitle file to the folder with the film (in which case the names of both files may overlap - amazing). There are two options to create so that the foreign text appears in the subtitles without corrections:

1) The most important option. At the codec Vobsub(Please enter to the codec collection warehouse Combined Community Codec Pack Since this collection of codecs must be installed on your computer, you will need to select the codec for your subtitles. For which the movie is launched, a green arrow appears at the bottom of the right hand (along with the Windows login). Click on it with the right mouse button and select “DirectVobSub (auto-loading version)”. Press the button with the images of the chosen font under the inscription “Text Settings”. In the window, click on the same button under the inscription “Font”. At the bottom of the right hand, select the required region: Western- for foreign European languages, Cyrillic- for Russian, Japanese- for Japanese. In the Japanese window, make sure that the selected font ("Font") includes Japanese hieroglyphs and kana, - in the "Sample" window, the letter "A" is displayed, written in hiragana and katakana. Printed "OK".

2) Alternative option. If you know that all your subtitles, for example, are stored in French in the Western European (Windows) code, then you can install French as the default language for programs that do not support Unicode (Start Panel - Control " - "Regional and Language Options", tab "Advanced") For this option you do not need to change the coding in the codec Vobsub after starting the movie.

“YouTube” is the largest video hosting site where you can find videos on any topic: from the light to the dark. All videos are recorded on professional equipment, crisp and clear sound, the picture is not distorted. And sometimes the intensity of the videos is overwhelming. But I still want to take a look at it.

What should you do if you need to watch the video, but the speakers don’t work? How do people experience hearing problems? It’s even more important to marvel at the videos of the unknown.

The site's distributors talked about how people could comfortably watch videos by adding subtitles to the videos.

How can I turn on the subtitles before YouTube?

How can you activate this coris function? The finishing process is simple. In the video player, you need to click on the “SS” icon. Sometimes the subtitle icon may appear slightly different, all of which will remain on the edge while watching the video. The easiest way is to turn on subtitles before YouTube. To click them, you need to press the same icon on it again.

Some clips are provided with a multi-language track. So how can YouTube turn on Russian subtitles? All you have to do is click on the “Adjustment” icon, then “Subtitles” and select a suitable language from the registered list.

Automatic subtitles

It’s easy to find out how to add subtitles to YouTube. Before you connect them first, you need to understand what subtitles are added to the clip.

Most of the “subs” on the site were created automatically. In such situations, the distributors do not guarantee that the entire text will be correct, that there will be no pardons, etc. Those who are interested in the channel can send them.

Why does the video have no subtitles?

The function of automatic creation of subtitles has significantly simplified the viewing of videos by foreign languages. Now you can watch the recording without sound. All these actions mean that not all videos on YouTube are “sabi”.

It’s frustrating when those who have captured the recording cannot create it, and then the ability to turn on subtitles on YouTube becomes inaccessible. This is true for many reasons:

  • The size of the clip is very large.
  • The language, which is vikorized by the video, is not supported by the function of automatic addition of subtitles.
  • The ear of the clip is silent.
  • The sound of recordings of rotten yakosti.
  • There was noise and a rich voice in the background.

People who watch videos not from personal computers are like turning off subtitles on YouTube on their phones. The process is not interrupted by anything. You will also need to find the subtitle icon and select the language you need.

We enchant video text and subtitles

In addition to being able to watch videos with subtitles, the publishers have added two more useful functions to the site:

  • Review of the subtitle text. By clicking on the “More” icon under the player, and then “Video text”, you can download all the video text, divided by timing.
  • Interest in the subtitle file. The authors of interesting videos have the opportunity to import subtitles from the .sbv format, which can easily be opened in Notepad or another text editor.

YouTube is constantly changing. Retailers add all new functions and components to the site. The problem of subtitles was solved almost completely.

It’s easy to navigate the site by adding subtitles to YouTube. The authors of the videos are given a basic set of tools for setting them up. The site supports automatic creation of subtitles for several languages. You can add an additional file to the video, as well as add subtitles.

It may be that the sound on the YouTube video is poorly heard, either because the speaker does not have working speakers, or he has hearing problems. It is also possible that the correspondent does not know the language that goes into the dubbing of the video.

In all these situations there will be a benefit function of robots with subtitles on the YouTube service.

When I'm watching a YouTube video, you can turn on the subtitles. Subtitles are added to videos by the authors of posted video content, or subtitles are created automatically.

Turning on subtitles on YouTube and choosing a movie

A few simple steps are enough to display subtitles and configure their formatting.

How to add and unmute subtitles to a video on YouTube

To hide the subtitles, click on the video player icon. The icon can be seen. Fragments of the player's design lie on the edge.

If you need to press the text, press the same icon again.

To select a movie, click on Setting up(icon). From the menu select the item Subtitle and choose the language you need.

Automatic subtitles on YouTube

Automatic subtitles are created whenever speech is recognized. In this case, sabi are identified as automatically created.

Such texts are not ideal, everything lies in your words. As soon as a bunch of people were talking, there was a leapfrog in the text of the subtitles.

The timing will be perfect. Well, then you just have to correct incorrectly recognized words, supplement divisional signs, etc. For this, select the item in the video manager menu Change and gave the item Subtitle. Here you can change the time code.

According to Pershe, the video must be great.

In a different way, YouTube does not support the automatic creation of subtitles for this movie.

In third, the video is silent on the sound. Due to this, the switching subwoofer function is not activated.

On a quarter The vitriol is bad for the sound.

Five, outside noise and the language of dozens of people at the same time.

How to choose a language subtitle?

Yak nalashtuvati subtitles in YouTube?

To change the design of subtitle settings, you need to click on the item in the settings menu Parameters:

To quickly adjust the size and formatting of the letter, use the following keys:

b– the subtitle background blinks or fades.

+ - Increase the size of the letters.

- Changes the size of letters.

How can I look at the text of a video?

The offensive option is acceptable, You will need to read all the subtitle text on the screen.

To watch all the text up to the video according to the timing, you need to click under the player More, and then the menu item Video text:

For example, you need to go to a fragment of a video that begins with the words acceptable with you. Ozhe, you just move the cursor over this phrase and click.

Capturing subtitles from YouTube

When a video is hosted on a hosting, you, as the author, have the opportunity to download subtitles to your computer. For whom is it enough? vibrati mov press the button Vantage.

The enchantment file is available format *.sbv, which can be opened in Notepad or Word.

  1. Copy the address of the desired video from YouTube.
  2. Next, download the necessary translation of subtitles from YouTube to your computer.


  • YouTube gives basic tools for work with subtitles and their adjustment of the image.
  • Zavdyaki to automatic translation, bye There are a number of subtitles that can be removed. The greater the choice, the automatic transfer of KeepSub will be provided.
  • It is now possible to select your own subtitle and then go to the beginning of the fragment from this video.
  • Subtitles may not appear just on the cob video daily sound. In this situation, you need to download the video to your computer (for example, via or install this program for downloading directly from video services in one click).
    Trim the cob with a video editor without sound and enjoy it on YouTube. The site has already “boosted” the sound and recognized the text.
  • You can add a video from YouTube additional text content.
  • KeepSub gives you the ability to easily import text, voiceovers from videos, etc. Select the required translation.

Everyone loves to admire films and it doesn’t matter who I say. The problem is that most projects do not have enough budget to transfer the film to a large number of people, which means that regardless of where you live, you may simply not understand the film itself. If you want to add subtitles to your favorite film or write them yourself, you should know that translating a film is not so difficult, but it takes time and patience.

This article describes the process of adding subtitles to a film that does not have them. If you want to know how to turn on subtitles while watching a movie, click here.


How to enchant subtitles

    You can only add subtitles to a film on your computer. Since there are no subtitles in the “Adjustment” or “Mova” menu on a DVD disc, you will not be able to add them without additional software. DVD discs are stolen from being re-written, and new subtitles cannot be added to DVD players. The computer axis is completely different. On your computer you can insert new subtitles into any movie.

    • When I'm about to watch the film on a DVD player, try clicking on the "Titles" or "Subtitles" buttons.
  1. Find a movie that needs subtitles and place it in a separate folder. Find the folder with the movie or movie in Finder or Windows Explorer. Shvidshe for everything, film matime extension .mov, .avi or .mp4. Fortunately, you won’t have to change the movie file itself, but you will need to know it and link it to the subtitle file. Files with subtitles usually have the extension .SRT, and are a set of phrases and hour markers, while some other phrases are guilty of appearing in the film.

    To find the required file, enter the search for [[film name] subtitles in [your language]". Open your favorite search service and find your own subtitles. For example, if you need Russian subtitles for the film “X-Men: First Class,” enter “X-Men: First Class Russian subtitles” (without pads). Of course, you will need to send it first, some files with subtitles will not last long and are unlikely to contain viruses.

    Find the required subtitles and download the .SRT file. Download the extended .SRT file from sites such as Subscene, MovieSubtitles or YiFiSubtitles. Do not press on leaking windows and only download files with the .SRT or .SUB extensions. If you feel that the site is not reliable, close it and go to another one.

    Rename the file with subtitles so that it is identical to the file with the movie. While the file with the movie is called “The Most Short Film.AVI”, the file with the subtitles may be called “The Most Short Film.SRT”. Find the file with subtitles in the place where you saved it (call it the “Love” folder) and rename it. A file with the extension .SRT may be called the same as a file with a movie.

    Paste the SRT file into the movie folder. I’ll create a new folder for the movie, since I haven’t created one yet. Place the SRT file in the same folder as the movie. For most video processors this is enough to link files.

    • VLC is the simplest, cost-free programmer that supports a wide range of formats.
  2. Insert the .SRT file of the movie you want to watch on YouTube. Why press the “Subtitle” button when watching the video. Then click “Add new subtitles” and select the file from the extensions.SRT. Make sure you selected “Subtitle” and not “Translation”. Press the “CC” button an hour before watching the video to turn on the subtitles.

    How to create subtitles (three ways)

    1. Review the subtitle meta. Subtitles are a translation of the text and be-someone, who-be-if you've been using Google Translation, say, what's the translation - it's rather a mysticism, a science. Before translating any scene, it is necessary to include a number of moments:

      You can effectively add subtitles to the following subtitle creation site. On sites such as DotSub, Amara and Universal Subtitler, you can watch a movie and write a new subtitle instantly. The result will be an .SRT file with subtitles for the film. If you want to create subtitles on your own site, they all follow a similar format:

      Create your own subtitles in Notepad. Subtitles can be added manually, but the program will be richer. To do this, open any text editor, either Notepad (Window) or TextEdit (Mac), and select the appropriate format for subtitles. First start from the bottom, click “Save as” and name the file “Film Name.SRT”. Then select ANSI encoding for English subtitles and UTF-8 for others. Add subtitles.