How to add a widget to the main page. Installing a widget on Android: easy for beginners

Widgets on the working table Windows 7 or 10 give coristuvachas a great number of opportunities, allowing you to rationally adjust the working space. Vzagali, in Microsoft systems stench is called gadgets. First, let's move on to how to install widgets on a Windows 7 or 10 desktop, you need to know some information.

On the right, the locking function is only available for sim cards from the Home Basic to the Professional version. And dozens of koristuvachs will have to spend a little bit of sweat to install gadgets, so live tiles came to replace them in the current version of the operating system. As a matter of fact, they stink the same function as widgets. So try a little bit of speed with the stationary minds of Windows 10. If you still want to try something new, then we tell you how to do it.

Windows 7

Since you are a lover of widgets on your desktop and a koristuvach, whether it be a version of the Windows 7 operating system, then you are a lucky man. It will be easier for you to install gadgets: right-click on the mouse in any place on the work table (RS), select “Gadgets” and transfer it to something like it on the PC. Simply nowhere, is it not so?

Windows 10

Dozens of Koristuvachs will have to go to the aid of third-party supplements. The most popular today is the Windows Desktop Gadgets program, which can be downloaded from If you have such a tab, like a koristuvachіv simka. Tobto, the instruction given will be the same. One more addendum, but with great functionality under the name 8GadgetPack. VIN available for purchase on the official website of the retailer At the same time with the previous program, it has not been translated into Russian until the end. But if it’s not a problem for you, then this option for downloading will be better.


Now you know how to enable widgets on the working style (for example, the weather). The following gadgets are presented in the system:

  1. Currency. Provide information about the exchange rate of major currencies in real time. So, all you bachite in the zone of the golden card with the card of the world - the rest of the information for the moment. For a robotic gadget, a connection to the Internet is required.
  2. Puzzle. This is a cool mini-gra, I use it to pick a puzzle from the picture. For zamovchuvannyam varto barvista a picture of a bird. It is necessary for you to change the squares in such a way that you can restore the old little ones. In customizations of the widget, you can choose any of the eleven images. After that, as you honor the squares, the mountains will rise at the hour. So you can make friends with friends, set high records.
  3. News headlines. For a robotic gadget, it is also necessary to be connected to the Internet. It will show data from RSS-feeds, on which the system has subscribed. Come out, now you will always be aware of the rest of the news, the topics of which you choose independently.
  4. CPU indicator. Here the CPU is the central processor. Widget shows interest in percent. So you can see if your computer or laptop is getting clogged up and you can evaluate it, when you start and work with the same programs, the processor needs the most.

  1. Calendar. The essence of this widget is not necessary to explain: it’s just a pretty calendar that shows the months, the day of the week, the river (in a flash, everything is necessary, so as not to get lost in the hour).
  2. Weather. The gadget gives you the rest of the information about the weather in that place, you know. You can either put the required place at the patches yourself, or you can automate the automatically revealed place of the patch.
  3. Slideshow. In fact, this widget is a kind of photo frame for Windows 7 or 10 working style.
  4. Well, stay - the year. Yak is not wonderful, the stench will show the hour. In the parameters you can choose one of the eight types of years, which is the most suitable for the design of your work table.

Receiving work, dear friends! Do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments: tell me which widget is the best for you. For rich people, this is the “Weather” gadget.

Starting to practice with the Android-attachment, you have to stick with such concepts, like a “widget”. Such programs are an important element of today's mobile devices, so the skin coristuvacha, naturally, blames the power, the widget on Android?

Widget is one of the most important storage interfaces popular today for managing mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The stench gives more priority when the working table is fixed under the power, you need a coristuvach. As a rule, for the sake of clarity, the programs are displayed on the main screen, or on one of the working tables on the phone, or on the tablet, as they appear at the graphic image (shortcut) on the main screen space.

For a better understanding of what a widget is on Android, you can use informator software. The stench gives the master of the gadget the ability to take various types of information: hour, weather reports, news, exchange rates, and so on. Variations, expansions, as well as functional directives in similar virtual helpers are large in number.

Advantages of using graphics modules

The installation of programs for displaying these information modules on the main screen may be of no concern to the koristuvach. To the main ones you can see:

  • Mitteve otrimannya necessary information;
  • Possibility of a quick search, as well as the stoking of information in the annex itself or on the Internet;
  • Shvidky access of a koristuvach to obvious additions;
  • I will improve productivity;
  • Forgive access to management i.

Where do you need programs?

At the same time, your add-on needs to be equipped and installed, as an Android add-on. Finding a set of standard programs for your smartphone or tablet is not difficult. for example, A sea of ​​cost-free widgets are downloaded from the Google Play (Play Store) free distribution.

Now let's figure out how to install a widget on Android. This operation can be done in two ways:

  1. Download the installation file directly to the mobile device, and then download the installer. it is possible when the gadget is connected to the Internet;
  2. Since the victorious gadget does not have a connection to the Internet, then you can download a file with the .apk extension for installation with the help of a personal computer (but again, you can connect to the Internet). After downloading the file, it is necessary to transfer it to the gadget and install yoga.

Display of accessories on the screen

The process of installing widgets can vary depending on the installation of other programs. On the right, in that it is necessary to add labels to the head screen independently (manually).

Depending on the OS version, the ways to change can be updated

Let's look at how to add a widget to. For the display of the already installed programs, it is necessary to viscount the coming days:

  1. Take a look at the screen of your gadget and choose a free place, on the best way to expand the program;
  2. The menu is open in the chosen place (for which, when pressed with a finger, the next hour should be taken in the same place). The menu also pops up when pressed on a special button, or the “Menu” tab on the tablet;
  3. In the menu, "Add to the main screen" (the name is displayed at the top row, seen in color), select the item "Widgets", or "Widgets and add-ons" (in the fallback version of the Android OS, installed on the tablet);
  4. At the offensive list, choose the needs, pressing on the new one;
  5. The label of the necessary supplement will be displayed on the screen.

Described zastosovna for early versions of Android OS. For versions 3.0 and higher, the widget will be added as follows:

  1. It is necessary to click on the icon near the visible cross, stitching near the upper right corner of the screen;
  2. A list with already installed programs and other add-ons will be posted at the vіknі;
  3. Select the required object and drag yoga onto the working steel.

To move the addendum in another place on the screen, press on the new one, tighten, drag.

By repeating a few times the sequence of such simple actions, you can change the setting of the software development on your extension.

How can you switch, setting up widgets on Android is a rather simple operation, it is available for novice users in the world of gadgets, because there are more programs that can become indispensable in everyday activity.

For the convenience of robots with operating systems, it was invented impersonal other additions, which made the interaction more comfortable. Їх dosit rich, and one of them - tse vodzheti. What stench are they? How to install them, and when needed, remove them?

What is a widget?

This is how the interactive elements of system shells (including Android) are called, as they look like icons and shortcuts. There is a stink on the (home screen), and it is possible for them to have quick access to specific functions, programs or information. Tse vіdnositsya to operating systems that are specialized for personal computers. Speaking of "Android", next add what widget can be added here and on the blocking screen. It should be brought to the original "American" versions, and not different shells, crushed by the Chinese and the Indians (like making their own "wunderwaffles"). Widgets are of two types:

  1. For secure easy access to the link, without dartless z'ednan. Organize a quick start of the program.
  2. To display the information: display the value of the current hour, the cost of the central processor of the mobile extension or the weather forecast.

Іsnuyut and universals. The stench will go into their own keruyuchi or informational functions. Like a butt, you can bring software security, like showing you how much RAM you have. І if necessary, they can carry out її cleansing in one click. Similar additions are being expanded both in the warehouse of the factory casing, and also in the case of the forging additions. If you are talking about widgets in general, then you should note that the stench has become wide-spread on mobile devices, as if it could function as a sensory input. It didn’t take long for the rest of the day to speed up the working process at the side of the person (there is no need to explore the long way, to know the necessary program) and to improve comfort.

What is the next step, so that the mother can install the widget?

Let's get closer to those stats. For "Android" it is necessary to download the program from the "Play Market" or from the computer and install it on the mobile device. And now let's move on to the explanation of how to install and remove widgets on Android. This topic will be divided into two subheadings.

We install the widget on the desktop screen

If you choose an option with the Play Market, then the widgets will be automatically installed after the lock. When downloading from a computer, it will be necessary to place them on the desktop. If you are talking about "Android" version 2.3.3 and lower, then click on the empty area of ​​the home screen and click until the menu appears. It is necessary for the new one to select "Widgets" and those, as the program should follow. Starting from version 3.0, it is necessary to go to the main menu and go to the keyboard until the required program is found. Click on it, and it will be suggested to create a shortcut in the menu. Wait, and then you will be transferred to the home screen, on which you can place the widget.

Cleaning mobile attachments

Now post a note: how to see widgets on Android. Tse is not difficult. For the cob, you can press on the new one, and if the wine “sticks off” in your place of rotting, then transfer it to the very top of the screen, on the inscription “Vidality”. As soon as the wines fight with her, then let the yogo go. І vin known. Since you can see widgets on Android in different ways, let's look at another option. For the new one, you need to go to the add-on manager and see it already.

about features

If you talk about widgets that are placed on blocking screens, then be sure that stinks will be constantly working in Sprat, you can say about the launcher. They have installation / removal / change, as a rule, trivial onslaught on a certain area. Need help with additional programs. Yak same?

If you can see the widget from the working screen of Android, you can speed up additional software security. It is necessary to know the special program, in which case, ticking the boxes, you can choose what to turn on next. Axis mi i z'yasuvali, how to tidy up zayvі vіdzheti in the old way.


We looked at the axes and saw how to see the widgets on Android, and checked out the installation process. You can’t help but notice that when you are interested in the Play Market, you need to take care of yourself, but when there are a lot of investments, you can use it so that you don’t stick a place on the home screen, and yo cal already carried out in manual mode. To place a message only on the most important programs, you can turn on the automatic creation of a shortcut and work only those you want in manual mode. Axis and everything, the main power - how to see widgets on "Android" and how to install them - we looked at it, and on which you can understand that the topic of the article is exhausted.