Instructions: how to set a short PIN code to log in and replace your Microsoft account password. How do I find out the PIN code of an MTS SIM card? Setting up a PIN code in Windows 10

Securing data is an important moment for any financial professional, especially if you are concerned about financial records. Of course, with skin-based authorization, entering a password is easy. Ale nehtuvati zahist ne varto. Especially for customers who are tired of this procedure, Microsoft has introduced a new option that allows you to set up security via a PIN code.

Operating system technicians from the Windows company rated it a “ten” for innovative security features. Vlasna, the PIN code option has become one of the innovations in the remaining version of the OS.

Today we know how to set a PIN code in Windows 10 during authorization.

Naturally, the PIN code in the context of security is far from ideal and can hardly be compared with such security methods as finger swipe or network scan, which are available in “ten” versions of the Windows Hello service. Don't be fooled by the fact that this method also has many advantages.

Should I set a PIN code? advantages of the function

The procedure for entering a PIN code increases its flexibility in that unexpected guests will be able to recognize the secret combination, it will become available only to a specific PC, and not to all existing devices. In this way, giving a PIN will not help criminals to obtain authorization on other devices related to membership. On the other hand, if an ill-wisher manages to compromise the password, then they will gain access to absolutely all platforms that are associated with the password.

Another significant advantage of the PIN code is the need for the presence of an accountant on the PC, since only in this case you can enter a code, which cannot be said about the password. In addition, if your device is stolen, the criminal will not be able to log into the system in any way, since he does not know the PIN.

Please note that activating the PIN code function is necessary for security operators who want to “unlock doors” to enhance security functions. However, there are no immediate ways to protect yourself, such as the Windows Hello service.

Another small bonus of using PIN is its ease of use in devices that operate on touch screens.

Activating the option to enter a PIN code

In general, this function can be reduced to one of the most elementary procedures in the system. It’s also just an option and turns it on. To do this, open the main menu of the system and select the “Parameters” section, then go to the “Cloud Records” subsection. On the left side of the list of options, click on the “Login Options” item. On the right side of the screen, find the “PIN code” item and click the “Add” button.

After this, the system will ask you to confirm the person by entering a password, then you can add a PIN code.

In this case, if you have a Microsoft cloud account, you need to enter your password and click the “Login” button. Then a dialog box will appear, in the center of which there will be 2 fields for entering a PIN and confirming it.

The system transmits a random code, the minimum cost of which is 4 characters. Some of these symbols can be represented by numbers in the range from 0 to 9 (and nothing else). And the axis at most does not move, so calmly use your imagination, even if you worry about the safety of your device.

To check the entered combination, click on the icon that appears at the end of another field with the code. To ensure that the amendments are correct, complete the procedure by pressing the “OK” button.

As you can tell, in all cases where the system requires authorization, you can block PIN entries. Please remember that using the safe mode only transfers authorization through a password - other methods are not recognized by the system.

You should also remember about certain nuances while typing the code. As has already been said, the daily limit for the number of characters in a PIN allows you to create such a combination that it’s simply “annoying the hell out of your head.” At the same time, this combination is guilty of being a cheat in the vikoristan, since the stagnation of the code does not cause serious problems in the form of cunning passwords.

Never enter trivial codes in the format 1111 or 1234, since in this situation it is completely unclear what the meaning of such a code is, if the level of protection is minimal.

You should also turn off the PIN option that is registered in your bank accounts or credit cards. In addition, do not repeat the same combination on different platforms.

Changing your PIN code in Windows 10

In case you doubt the reliability of your combination, the code can be easily replaced. To do this, you need to go to the same section “Login Options” and the “Start” menu. Now in front of you, in the “PIN code” section, replace the “Add” button with the “Change” button.

However, after typing it, you can enter a more reliable combination in the “New PIN code” field and by typing it again in the “PIN code confirmation” field.

However, it often happens that someone forgets the code - and that’s what happens. In such a situation, you need to reset the forgotten numbers. Fortunately, Microsoft's spyware developers have conveyed such a development. In general, it is easy to get out of this situation - go to your account account, password and password. Next, go to the “Login Options” section and in the “PIN Code” section, click the “Change” button on the link “I don’t remember my PIN code.”

After this, you will need to enter your password again in order to confirm your identity and then you can enter a new PIN.

How can I get my PIN code on my computer?

In order to deactivate this function, you need to complete the cancellation procedure. The axis is only at the end, when it appears to enter the code, instead of typing PIN, simply press the “Tap” button.

As you know, the PIN code in the “ten” represents a very strong and reliable security, in addition, it is even easier when dialing. In principle, all adjustments related to the code are very simple, and making changes involves just a few steps. In addition, our report instructions will not deprive you of any information on this topic.

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For the most part, a phone or tablet is no longer just a device for accessing the Internet, but a way to contact someone, and also a device that saves your personal information: photos, videos, bank card information, contacts, social media passwords zhi i etc. And they were planning on how to steal this data in one of the simplest ways. setting a password on your phone or tablet. Password protection is a compromise option between security and security; you choose the type of password yourself and regulate its strength. In this article, I will show in detail what types of passwords exist for the Android OS and how to set them.

Android has a number of types of passwords:

1) Password;

4) Function of assigned appearance.

To select one of the methods, open the “Customization” menu.

Select "Screen lock", on some models of devices you need to go to "Security".

I try to restore skin using methods, and start with the safest ones.

Set a password on Android.

This method will provide the shortest way to ensure the security of accessing information on a smartphone/tablet, since you can come up with a complex password that will be extremely important.

Select "Password".

Create and enter a password, numbers, letters (headers, capitals) and special letters. signs.

The minimum password requires a minimum of 4 characters, a maximum of 17. The password has little to do with it, and you can easily come up with a useful password. The only thing that needs to be restored:

a) Don’t forget to enter your password;

b) Make sure that you need to enter it every time when the device is unlocked and enter 17 characters for a long time.

Setting a PIN code on a smartphone/tablet.

Another way to secure your mobile device is to use your PIN code. This method is less secure and only the digits in the password are transferred.

Select “PIN code” from the list of methods.

Installing a graphic key.

Another way to secure your gadget is to install a pattern key. In this way, you must manually select the password in the password box. Another minus is that with standard 9 points this method transmits 389,122 combinations, which today is not so rich.

Select "Pattern key".

The minimum requirement is to connect 4 points.

Repeat the entry.

Recognition of the culprit of unlocking your phone/tablet.

This method, it would seem, would be a standard and it would be practically impossible to refine it, since all individuals and varieties are unique. But it’s easy to bypass such an unlocking, for which you need a photo from your mobile device, and today it’s practical to get photos from social media, Instagram and other services. There are variations in the choice of individual and voice, but such a combination does not complicate the process for the evil one. Plus, you must not forget that you can end up in a dark room or place where it will be difficult to bring the gadget to your bed.

Smart Lock function in Android.

Starting with version 5 of Android, it added the Smart Lock function, which can make access to the device easier. What is Smart Lock? You indicate that your password, PIN code or graphic code will not block your phone/tablet. How you can think about it:

1) Reliable devices. They can be a Bluetooth tag, a Bluetooth connection in a car, or an NFC tag in a car. For example, if the anniversary is in charge of you, then unlocking the phone/tablet is not necessary.

2) You can enter a geographical location, but you do not need to enter, for example, a booth, a place of work, etc.

4) Physical contact. The mobile device will be unlocked until it is no longer in contact with you (in your hands, stomach, bag).

Naturally, in order to avoid the need for other sensors (GSM, take a photo, connect a Bluetooth device, etc.).

You need to know that such a function will be extremely handy if you actively use your phone or tablet. Please ensure that the skin of our minds is deprived of a small loophole for evildoers.

In addition to the ability to log into the operating system using an additional Live ID account and a local account, Windows 8 includes an option to create a PIN code assigned to the user, which can be associated with your local account. bo Live ID. And although this function was added to Windows 8, the main thing is that for users of tablet devices and PCs, they can create a PIN code to log into Windows.

I have been using Windows 8 since its first public release in 2011, and only recently started setting up a PIN code to log into the operating system. And the advantage of this function is that with it I can quickly deny access to my computer, so that I don’t have to enter my folding password (or enter 4 digits faster and easier, without typing different symbols, numbers and letters), until In addition, there is no need to press the Enter key, since after entering the remaining digit of the PIN code, the system automatically opens the initial screen.

Please note that the PIN code is less secure, and the password contains numbers, upper and lower case letters and special characters. Tim is no less at ease with everyday use, especially on your home computer. On devices with a touch screen, you can use a picture password, which is more secure than a PIN code.

In practice, the skin owner of the mobile phone has a PIN code. As a rule, there is a 4-digit code that must be entered to gain access to the phone. Our credit cards were stolen in a similar manner, and we will not let you know how to create a PIN code on Windows 8.

Press Win + I. The “Settings” menu will appear on the right, in the lower part of which you need to click on the “Change computer settings” button.

In the PC settings, go to the “Corristers” section and click on the “Create PIN code” button.

Enter your exact password. Thus, it is necessary to set a default or graphic password on your computer, otherwise the “Create PIN code” function will not be available.

Then decide and both enter the 4-digit PIN code and click on the “Done” button.

That's all. To check, lock Windows 8 using the Win + L key and repeat your test using the created PIN code. If you don’t need to, remove the PIN code, go to PC settings and simply click on the “Delete” button.

Please note that the picture password and PIN code can only be accessed on the local computer, so these methods may not be available remotely.

Have a wonderful day!

Friends, I especially don’t bother with the PIN code of SIM cards, so I don’t see the need for it, for the last ten years. Today's smartphones, including Xiaomi smartphones, can provide good protection, especially for the phone, not the SIM card. Just wait, if in the past the PIN code itself was used to protect phones. On the other hand, I’m good with these money-makers, so I can say: “What can you do if you have a bank SIM card, then the SIM card is the number of which links to bank accounts?” So, you need to install a PIN code on the SIM card. Let's turn back to our food hall.

VIDEO instructions

Just recently one of my friends asked me: “Listen, Andriy, how can I install the SIM card PIN code on my Xiaomi?” Of course, I didn’t support you and decided to help you get started with this food. As they say, I was given very simple food. If I pick up my phone and start fiddling around with the SIM card settings to set up a PIN, I realize that it’s not that easy. That’s why I decided to write a short article on the topic: How to easily remove or install the SIM card PIN code on Xiaomi Miui 9 smartphones.

If I pick up the phone in my hand and start fiddling with the SIM card settings to set up a PIN, I understand that it’s not so easy

At first I thought that I would find all the settings in the “Sim cards and mobile networks” section - there’s no way to go there (here I realized that I haven’t used the PIN code for a long time). Then I thought that I would definitely find out in the “Blocking and Protection” section, and there are all the settings for the security of the smartphone. Before speaking, in this section you can train your finger patterns, as described in detail in our other article here. Well, it’s a pity, and here I don’t know the requirements for setting up a SIM card.

After about an hour (maybe 5 drinks, or maybe even 10 drinks) I was able to finish my food. So, in order to remove or install the PIN code of the SIM card on Xiaomi Miui 9 smartphones - follow the instructions below!

Instructions for setting PIN on a SIM card:

Unlock your smartphone and go to the settings menu - for this you need to pull the curtain down and press the button near the gear;
Next, you need to go a little down the menu and click on the Advanced settings field;

In advanced settings, find Privacy - click;
In the Privacy section you will find the necessary SIM card settings and install or remove the PIN code - scroll down and find SIM card blocking;

I will add to myself - \u200b\u200bfirst of all, you will work in this or other actions, think carefully about what you need to work in the future, and how to keep your phone number and bank account securely yazaniya rakhunok). If you have any difficulties, then don’t get confused - ask questions below in the comments, and we’ll try to solve your problem at once.

Join us, there’s plenty more to come!

As we all know, the Microsoft corporation has combined all its services into one single account, which has completely simplified the work with add-ons, programs and services for us.

Today, in order to log into the system, read the login sheets, import a file in the OneDrive database and log into your Skype messenger account, you need to remember one single login and password, using a And all information and other companies are available chips »Microsoft.

I would have thought that everything was cool. In principle, that’s how it is. However, there is one big drawback, especially since it’s terrible for those people who have a long history of obtaining a complex password for a Microsoft cloud account.

And it’s best when you turn on your computer/laptop/tablet, or when you exit sleep mode. Every time we turn on our workhorse, we have to enter a password.

There are two ways out of this situation. The first is to enable the need to enter a password. The other one is based on entering a short PIN code consisting of numbers, replacing the long password.

It’s a pity that the first option is far from suitable for everyone, and now I’ll try to briefly explain why. For example, I have a Surface RT tablet, a PC and a netbook. All of them are working on “Visimtsi”. And when I walk around the house, I try not to leave the computer on, because someone else might be in charge. Whenever I had a chance, when my nephews came before me (and I didn’t have a password), they gave me random stuff, revealed information that was extremely important for me, and much more. I think a lot of you know this situation. Almost the same situation happened with the tablet. If you want to get the password, you can take it and read, for example, my correspondence in various social networks. limits, and almost all of the add-ons I have reviewed can be found on the start screen. It’s clear that I don’t want anything, so that my listing will be read to third parties. So, until now, on all the Windows devices that have been abused, there is a password that, frankly, seems to be entered every time, I didn’t want to, otherwise I would be confused by the process, I won’t be able to, like you. Hello, a few days ago I discovered what I could discover.

Another option is to replace the long password with a short PIN code. If you set this PIN code, you will use it to log into the system, and not your password from your Microsoft account. Right now, I’ll try to explain and show on screenshots how to do it. The instructions for finishing it are simple and you won’t have to worry about them for a long time. For everything about everything you have literally two or three ideas.

First of all, on the desktop of your device, click “Charm bar”, and then go to the parameters (you can do it the other way).

Then, given the rather small menu, here you need to select the item called “Cloud records”.

At the next stage, you will need to select the “Login Options” tab.

After you show up at the end, in which subline you will need to enter your original password for your MS account. Did you get angry? Excellent.

After you have probably entered your password, you will be prompted to enter your PIN code. Enter the PIN twice and press the “Done” button. Just don’t forget to marvel.

It is clear that the PIN code for logging into the system has been installed successfully (proceed with the buttons: Change and View).

Now let's check what wine is doing. For this, let’s go to the start screen, as you already know how to work. At the top right corner you will find your nickname/name, which is shown in your avatar, and click on a small menu that drops down. Click the “Log Out” button before you can proceed first - you will need to close and also save all open documents. Well, it’s embossed “Vyti”, you’ve left the system forever.

At the same time, we will need to log into the system again (most likely, after logging out you will see the background image, as well as the hour and date) press the button, after which your avatar will appear, as well as the row in which you previously entered password, but now to replace the password you will be asked to enter a PIN code. Enter your PIN and return to the system.

Like bachimo, everything is really simple. I hope that my short instructions for setting a PIN code in Windows 8.x will be useful to you.