Information systems. Concepts and warehouse information system Concepts and warehouse information system elements

on-screen forms, sounds, which will ensure the confirmation of queries to data;
  • the appearance of a specific medium or technology, and itself: the topology of the network, the configuration of the hardware that is being tested architecture (file server or client-server), parallel processing, distributed processing of data, etc.
  • Design of information systems The project begins first with a commitment to the project. In general, a meta project can be seen as solving a number of interrelated tasks that include security at the time of system startup and throughout its operation:

    • the necessary functionality of the system and the level of adaptability to changing minds of functioning;
    • the necessary system capacity;
    • the required time of the system's reaction to power supply;
    • invisible robot systems;
    • the necessary level of security;
    • ease of operation and support of the system.

    Similar to current methodology, the process of creating IV is a process of encouraging the consistent transformation of low-quality models for all stages of the life cycle(LC) IS. At the skin stage of life cycle, specific models are created - organizations that can be used up to IV, project IV, and can be added to the same. Models are formed by working groups of the project team, saved and accumulated in the project repository. The creation of models, their control, transformation and data in collective research work with the use of special software tools - CASE tools.

    The process of creation is divided into a series stages(Stages [1.1]), surrounded by various time frames and ending with the release of a specific product (models, software products, documentation, etc.).

    Call to see things like this stage IV: molding before the system, design, implementation, testing, commissioning, operation and support [1.1] [1.2]. (The remaining two stages are not discussed further, as they go beyond the scope of the course.)

    The initial stage of the creation process is the modeling of business processes that take place in the organization and realize its goals and objectives. The organizational model, described in terms of business processes and business functions, allows us to formulate the main capabilities of the IS. This fundamental development of the methodology will ensure objectivity in the virtualization system prior to system design. The anonymous models could be described up to the IS and then transformed into a system of models that describe the conceptual project of the IV. IV architecture models are being formed, which can be used for software security (PS) and information security (IV). Then the architecture of the software and IV is formed, corporate databases and other add-ons are visible, models can be formed before the add-ons and their development, testing and integration can be carried out.

    With a sweep of cobs stages of creation IV, which is concluded at the stage of analyzing the activity of the organization, its formation can be done up to IV, so that it correctly and accurately reflects the goals of the given organization-deputy. To specify an IW creation process that meets the needs of the organization, it is necessary to understand and clearly articulate what those needs are. For this purpose, it is necessary to identify the possible partners before IV and modify their models before the development of the IV project so as to ensure consistency with the goals and objectives of the organization.

    Preformed molding can be one of the most reliable, important formalizations and the most expensive and most important for correction at the time of washing. Today's tools and software products allow you to quickly use the IS for ready-made applications. However, most often these systems do not satisfy the deputies, they demand more money, which leads to a sharp increase in prices actual valueІС. The main reason for this is the incorrect, inaccurate or inaccurate value obtained before IS at the analysis stage.

    At the design stage, data models are first formed. Designers, as output information, select the results of the analysis. Based on logical and physical data models, the main part design basis data. When the information model is removed in the process of analysis, it is initially transformed into a logical one, and then into a physical model of data.

    In parallel with the design schemes based on data The design of processes is finalized in order to eliminate the specifications (descriptions) of all IS modules. The design processes are closely linked, and some of the business logic is implemented in the database (interfaces, triggers, procedures that are stored). The main meta-design of the processes lies in the displayed functions, extracted at the analysis stage, in the information system module. When designing modules, program interfaces are determined: menu layout, window view, hot keys and bells associated with them.

    The final products at the design stage include:

    • database diagram (on the ER-model framework, broken down at the analysis stage);
    • dial module specifications systems (this will depend on the structure of the function models).

    In addition, the design stage also involves the development of the IV architecture, which includes the selection of platform(s) and operating system(s). Multiple IVs can run on a number of computers on different hardware platforms and under different operating systems. In addition to choosing a platform, the following architectural characteristics are determined at the design stage:

    • What will be the “file-server” or “client-server” architecture;
    • What will be a 3-tier architecture with the following balls: server, security software for the middle ball (add-on server), client security program;
    • Whether the database will be centralized or distributed. As the database will be divided, then what mechanisms will be used to ensure the usability and relevance of the data;
    • If the database is homogeneous, then all database servers will be products of the same vendor (for example, all servers are not Oracle or all servers are not DB2 UDB). Since the database will not be homogeneous, then a software program will be used to exchange data between DBMSs of different vendors (either the same or split up specifically as part of the project);
    • To achieve reliable productivity, you should use parallel database servers (for example, Oracle Parallel Server, DB2 UDB, etc.).

    The design stage ends with the design technical projectІС.

    At the implementation stage, the system's software is created, technical features are installed, and operational documentation is developed.

    The testing stage will be divided into several hours.

    For business, such objectives include increased profitability, increased sales, reduced costs, reduced risks and overall stabilization of market entry. It is important for the power to expand the range of social, economic, defense and other tasks at the lowest possible cost. A major breakthrough occurred in 2005, when full-scale computer management was first introduced to automate business processes. For the butt, you can imagine new information technologies, which are characterized by a relatively small amount of necessary...

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    PAGE 3


    1. Information system. Classification IV. Structural warehouses of corporate ІС……………………………………….…..…….5

    2. Concept of information security. Structure of IO……………….…12

    3. Zavdannya…………………………………………………………………………………15




    One of the key factors to the success of modern economic systems of any level and scale is the rise of new information technologies (IT). These new technologies, called information innovations, allow governments and businesses to manage their tasks more effectively. For business, such objectives include increased profitability, increased sales, reduced costs, reduced risks and overall stabilization of position above the market. It is important for a power to cover a range of social, economic, defense and other tasks at the lowest possible cost. With the help of other powers and businesses, new ideas, mechanisms, computer technology, methods and models are coming to the real sector of the economy, the financial system, government administration and the social sphere. Often similar tools are introduced into frequent business environments.

    A major breakthrough occurred in 2005, when full-scale computer management was first introduced to automate business processes. This decision made it possible to free up resources and optimize the work of enterprises. As a result, it was possible to speed up spending and cancel the current increase in GDP.

    The development and introduction of new information technologies leads to increased efficiency and effectiveness of organization management, increased productivity, and reduced costs for production and management. This is due to the minimization of risks. These new technologies, which allow the production of the greatest number of similar tasks in the complex, bring the greatest profit to the market and bring a significant financial return to the creators.

    However, it should be remembered that the development and introduction of new technologies, products and innovations into the market will require investment. Otherwise, it seems that the economic essence of innovation is that it can bring great income, but from them the creation and expansion of required expenses. What do you say, servers, cable laying, hardware - everything doesn’t come cheap. For example, you can recognize new information technologies that are characterized by a relatively small amount of necessary investment and a very high return. A typical example for today’s small and medium-sized businesses shows that most successful enterprises are ready to invest about 1/20 of their operating capital in their information technology infrastructure approximately 5% of revenue per river.

    1. Information system. Classification IV. Structural warehouses of corporate IS.

    Information system is a system for processing information and other organizational resources (human, technical, financial) that provide and expand information (ISO/IEC 2382-1:199 3).

    The information system is designed for the timely security of important people information , so that the satisfaction of specific information needs among the singingsubject area, whereby the result of the functioning of information systems and information products are documents, information arrays, base data and information services.

    Information system concepts are interpreted differently depending on the context.

    To achieve a broader interpretation of the concept “information system” is due to the fact that the invisible components of the IS data, technical details security software, as well as the staff and organizational steps. The federal law interprets the concept of “information system” broadlyRussian Federation“About information, information technologies and information security”, subject to the information system, the totality is located in base data information and ensure its processinginformation technologiesі technical features" Among Russian scientists in Galusia computer science , the widest use of IC givesM. R. Kogalovsky, according to the idea that the concept of an information system, including data, programs, hardware and human resources, also includes communication skills, linguistic capabilities and information resources, such as and create a system that will provide support for the dynamic information model of any part of the real world for the satisfaction of information "Koristuvachiv's needs."

    A more sophisticated information system surrounds the warehouse with data, programs and hardware. The integration of these components makes it possible to automate the processes of information management and the direct activities of terminal equipment, directly related to the recovery, modification and saving of information. Thus, the Russian standard GOST RV 51987 refers to an “automated system, the result of which is the provision of output information for further processing.” DERZHSTANDARD R 53622-2009 uses the term information and calculation system for assigning aggregates data (or databases), database management systemsі application programs, which function onin calculationsas one united goal for the height of the singing commandments.

    An organization's information system is treated as a security program that implements the organization's business strategy. With this practice, the creation and larynx of onecorporate information system, which satisfies the information needs of all military personnel, services and sub-sections of the organization. The same in the practice of the barrel of such an all -legged system of the Support Systems is to be incorporated, to be inconsistent, to the pydprimstvo, call the function to the function of the systems, and the virty of the rods of the Group of the Group:keruvannya virobnitstvom, financial-government activity, electronic document managementetc. Part of the task is “covered” overnight by computer information systems, while some tasks are not automated at all. This situation was called “clutch automation” and is quite typical for many enterprises.

    Classification architecture

    Based on the level of division, they argue:

    1. desktop, or local IC, which has all the components ( DB, DBMS, client programs) be located on one computer;

    2. distributed IV, which components are distributed among computers.

    The divisions of the IS, at its core, are divided into:

    * IV file servers (IV with architecture " fileserver");

    * client-server IV (IV with architecture " client-server").

    For file servers ІС, the database is located onfile server, and the DBMS and client programs are located onwork stations.

    In client-server IS systems, the database and DBMS are located on the server, and the client programs are located on the workstations.

    In general, client-server ICs are divided into two types: dvolankov and multi-lank.

    In dwarfs (English) two-tier) There are only two types of “lanks”:database server, how the database and DBMS are known ( back-end ), those workstations that contain client applications ( front-end ). Client programs are converted to the DBMS without fail.

    In Bagatolankovidae (eng. multi-tier) Intermediate “lanks” are added:addon servers(application servers). Local client programs do not directly connect to the DBMS; they interact with other servers. Typical butt stockTrilankov architecture Such web add-ons , which you can use to create databases. Such add-ons include both the DBMS and the client links that are linked to the web browsers , at least one crotch strap web server From standard server software.

    Classification by level of automation

    At the automation stage, IVs are divided into:

    1. automated: information systems in which automation may be inconsistent (which requires constant delivery to personnel);

    2. automatic: information systems in which automation is widespread, so that it is not required to be handed over to personnel or is only required sporadically.

    "Manual IV" ("without a computer") cannot be used, as it is strictly necessary to punish the liability of the storage of IV hardware and software. As a result of this concept, “automated information system”, “computer information system” and simply “information system” are synonyms.

    Classification of the nature of data processing

    According to the nature of data processing, IVs can be divided into information-sounding IVs, or information-searching IVs, which have complex data processing algorithms, and the method of the system is to search for and display information at a manual glance;

    Data processing ICs, or global ICs, in which data can be processed using complex algorithms. We can't wait to see such systemsautomated bathing systemsі support systems take action.

    Classification in the sphere of stagnation

    If fragments of IV are created to satisfy information needs within a specific subject area, then each subject area (sphere of study) reflects its own type of IS. It is senseless to list all these types, since the number of subject areas is large, but it is possible to consider such types of IP as a butt:

    Economic information system¦ information system intended for the implementation of management functions in the enterprise.

    Medical information systemThe information system is intended for use in the medical or medical-preventive field.

    Geographic Information SystemAn information system that ensures the collection, storage, processing, access, display and distribution of space-coordinated data (space data).

    Classification of forest burials (scale)

    Personal IV is assigned to the highest stake of one person.

    Group IS is oriented toward the collective sharing of information by members of a work group and subdivisions.

    Corporate ISIdeally, it takes care of all information processes of the entire enterprise, reaching their full convenience, simplicity and clarity. Such systems are sometimes called integrated enterprise automation systems.

    The structure of an information system is formed by a collection of adjacent parts, called subsystems.

    A subsystem is an integral part of the system, and is seen as such.

    The underlying structure of an information system can be considered as a collection of subsystems independent of the sphere of stagnation. Why talk about the structural sign of classification, and call the subsystems such that they are guaranteed. Thus, the structure of any information system can be represented by a set of subsystems that provide support.

    Among the subsystems that need to be secured are information, technical, mathematical, programming, organizational and legal security.

    Although information systems are basic software products, they have low functionality compared to standard application software systems.

    Depending on the subject area, information systems can be further subdivided into their functions, architecture, and implementation. However, one can see a number of authorities that are hidden:

    · Information systems are used for collecting, storing and processing information. Therefore, at the basis of any of them lies the middle of preserving and access to the data;

    · Information systems are oriented towards the terminal operator, which does not require high qualifications in the field of stagnant computing equipment. Therefore, the client information system features a simple, user-friendly, easy-to-learn interface that provides the end user with all the functions necessary for the job, but at the same time does not give you the ability to konuvati be-yaki zaivі dii.

    Therefore, the development of an information system requires two main objectives:

    · Database creation for storing information;

    · Development of the graphical interface for client applications.

    In the corporate information systems warehouse, you can see two distinctly independent warehouses:

    · Computer infrastructure of the organization, which is the totality of edge, telecommunication, software, information and organizational infrastructures. This warehouse is called a corporate warehouse.

    · Interconnected functional subsystems to ensure the highest level of organization and achievement of its goals.

    The first warehouse reflects the system-technical, structural structure of any information system. In essence, this is the basis for the integration of functional subsystems, which essentially means the power of the information system, which means its successful operation. Possible computer infrastructures are uniform and standardized, and their methods are well known and have been extensively verified in practice.

    The other warehouse of the corporate information system is directly related to the application area and is stored according to the specifics of the assignment and the purposes of the enterprise. This warehouse is entirely based on the computer infrastructure of the enterprise, which means the practical functionality of the information system. people from various applied areas. Prote, the warehouse itself is important for the functioning of the organization, since it will be the computer infrastructure.

    2. Concept of information security. IO structure.

    Information security is the totality of a unified classification system and coding of information, unified documentation systems, information flow schemes that circulate in the enterprise, methodology I will wake up the databases.

    In general, the information includes: documentation, regulatory and regulatory information (installed by the legislative bodies of the Republic of Belarus), information required by higher authorities (for example, the treasury, ministries), information required accounting for additional local measures.

    Information security includes internal and inter-machine information security.

    Possible information security includes various documents on paper media (contracts, punishments, orders, notices, invoice and debit orders, TTN, cash orders, etc.).

    Internal machine information security includes the information base on the machine and its management functions. This security can be implemented in real time, with changes in the data generated by one user being available to other users of the system.

    Current ASOEIs provide the ability to extract from various forms: such as other documents, screen forms, on machine media; It can be presented in text, graphic or tabular views.

    Relevant information for production is displayed in the primary data collection mode, which can be reduced to the following options:

    Centralized reception of data recorded in documents or directly on the automated workplace;

    Acceptance of machine-readable documents;

    Decentralized data collection in localities is due to further transmission through PEOM communication channels.

    1. transfer of noses of different forms and types;

    2. remote transmission of data.

    The information security system (IV) AIS will take into account a number of factors and transfer the creation of a unified information fund, systematization and unification of indicators and documents, development of formalized description in the data, in accordance with the models of the data and in. This uneven change is already characterized by the complexity and richness of the development and structural structure of the IO, which is closely related to the tasks and functions of the management of the economic system, the structure of the system, the forms of submission and transformation of information, the authorities and the characteristics of the system itself. ї information.

    Information security is a unified system of classification and encoding of information, a unified documentation system, information flow patterns that circulate in the economic system, as well as a methodology Pobudovi, warehouse and storage of databases. From which it is important to ensure technological uniformity, unambiguity of description and connection between indicators, timely formatting and provision of prompt and reliable information for the adoption of management decisions shen.

    The main importance of information security lies in the creation of a dynamic information model of an economical system, which is pushing ahead in the future.

    Structurally, AIS information security consists of two parts: machine information security and internal machine information security:

    3. Zavdannya

    In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is an overflow of obligatory minds to the employment contract. Find additional information in the “Consultant Plus” system.


    In order to replace the employment contract, Art. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    If an employment contract is subject to any reconsideration of statements in such a way as to comply with the law, one is guilty of retaliation:

    All thoughts, obligatory inclusions before the agreement;

    Never mind that you cannot defy the orderly legislation;

    Just remember to read other company documents, such as collective agreements, internal labor regulations and other local regulations.

    At the station 57 of the Labor Code specifies a warehouse of obligatory documents and information that should be included in the text of the employment contract.

    Obligatory statements that are included in the employment contract:

    1. nickname, name, according to the father’s father’s father and the name of the worker (nickname, name, according to the father’s father’s father – a physical person);

    2. information about documents that certify a worker or an individual;

    3. Identification number of the tax payer (for robot sellers, in addition to robot sellers - physical persons, such as individual entrepreneurs);

    4. information about the representative of the employer, who signed the employment contract, and the representative, due to his or her duties. An employment contract in the name of the employer-organization can be signed by the director, who is under the statute, the head of the personnel service, who is under the power of attorney, the director of the representative office (branch of the organization) ii, what is on the power of attorney and position;

    5. date and date of the employment contract.

    List of obligatory terms of the employment contract.

    The transfer of obov'yazkovyh minds to the employment contract is established by Part 2 of Art. 57 Labor Code.

    These can be seen:

    A) Misce roboti. The employment contract may indicate the place of work due to the purposes of the reinforced structural unit and its growth. Fixing a structural structure and a specific place of work in an employment contract can be to the advantage of the employer. It is important to allow the professional worker to justify his/her presence at work by the fact that he/she is not on the territory of the enterprise.

    B) Labor function. The employment contract must include the labor function of the worker. Labor function is a job from a plant (profession, specialization) according to the staffing schedule with clarification of qualifications, a specific type of work that is entrusted to a specialist. Landing obligations must be specified in the planting instructions, and may also be specified in the employment contract.

    C) Date of the cob roboti. The obligatory term of the employment contract is the date of the beginning of the work, and for the term of the employment contract - the term of the situation (reasons) that became the basis for its arrangement.

    d) Pay your dues. This is the specific size of the tariff rate and the salary of a healthcare worker, additional payments, allowances and optional payments. In some situations, it is permissible to follow the procedure for the breakdown of earnings, references to local regulations of the enterprise and the collective agreement. In this case, the doctor will sign notifications about the replacement of documents.

    e) Mode. The specific mode of the working day is then specified in the employment contract, which is subject to illegal rules, like that of a worker.

    G) Compensation. At the employment agreement, Obov'yazkovo, Slid, to bending the Rosemic for the important robot by the robot іz shkіdlivami that (Abo) by the infamous minds of pratsi, Yaksho improving pratsі on the timid mschim to be in the important Chic Schkіdlivimi (non -absenteeism).

    H) The character of the robot. Practitioners of various professions have a special character in their work: rokhomiy, roz'izny, and at the same time. The clause about the nature of the work must be included before the employment contracts of couriers, forwarders, drivers and other service workers whose work may be of a different nature.

    I) Umova about social insurance. This idea reflects the fact that from the moment the employment contract is concluded, the worker becomes an insured person and in the event of illness, illness or injury, he has the right to withhold payments from the insurance coverage.

    J) Different minds. Prior to the employment contract, other obligations may be included. They are prescribed in special cases defined by labor legislation and other normative legal acts in order to replace the norms of labor law.

    How to ensure the interests of the employer in the employment contract?

    The interests of the employer may be covered by the employment contract in the section on additional skills.

    The Labor Code conveys the possibility of supplementing the employment contract with the following minds:

    * specify the place of work (from the purposes of the structural structure and its location);

    * insert the experimental term;

    * indicate the responsibility for the dissemination of the secrecy that is protected by law (sovereign, service, commercial and other);

    * discuss the term “practice work” after starting work for a worker’s job;

    * provide the possibility of additional medical insurance;

    * guarantee the enhancement of the social and everyday minds of the practitioner and members of his family;

    * specify one hundred percent of the minds of the robot of this spіvrobitnik yogo rights and obligations and rights and obligations of the robot seller.

    Additional minds, which are included before the employment contract, are not to blame for becoming a worker.

    What kind of acceptable additional minds are the most suitable for robot sellers?

    Protection of the commercial secrecy.

    The employment contract can specify the obligations of a worker related to the protection of the employer's commercial secrecy.

    Delivery to station. 11 of the Federal Law dated July 29, 2004 N 98-FZ “On commercial secrets”, the commercial secret of a robot seller can be protected by law and court, if the company establishes and complies with the regime of commercial secrets. This mode is important to install after the owner receives the information in order to establish a commercial secret, first steps to protect the confidentiality of the information. One of these obligatory steps is the regulation of the supply chain in order to increase the availability of information in order to become a commercial secretariat, workers on the basis of employment contracts.

    Umovi navchannya

    A lot of current companies teach newly hired doctors the intricacies of the profession, and with great cost.

    Before the employment contract, you can add a clause for which labor contracts will be enforced after the start of the contract, the term that the start will be carried out with the help of an employee.

    If you train a worker, but the employment contract does not include a clause, then the employer runs the risk of wasting hours and money on training a competitor's worker.

    Include a clause in the assignment agreement in the same manner as the fertilizer that is being accepted, if directions are given to the beginning of the work. As soon as the beginning is planned for the future, you can do without it, but you can negotiate an additional agreement with the worker before the employment contract.

    Material qualification of a worker.

    Letters of agreement on full material support can be established with full-time workers to directly service and exchange penny, commodity values ​​and other matters (year 1, Art. 244) Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, the transfer is carried out by the category of practitioners with whom such an agreement can be concluded, and its standard forms are confirmed in accordance with the procedure established by the Order of the Russian Federation.

    At this time, there is a shift in plantings and jobs that are being replaced or replaced by new workers, with whom the employer can enter into written agreements for new individual material compensation for the lack of a trusted mine, Genius Resolution of the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2002 N 85. First fix name the position in the regular schedule and in the employment contract, and add them to the text of Perelik. If they are not determined in writing, then it will be impossible to conclude an agreement on new material liability. The Labor Code stipulates that workers in previous professions are subject to compensation and benefits, and their names and qualifications may be subject to liability. but before the qualified witnesses, confirmed by the rules established by the Order of the Russian Federation.

    There is no need to conclude, in addition to an agreement on full material support, for the workers who occupy the positions of the organization's protector and chief accountant. Subject to Part 2 of Art. 243 of the Labor Code, this material liability for the full extent of the work contracted by the employer is established by the employment contract itself.

    A popular term.

    This is Dodatkova’s understanding of the employment contract for the job seller:

    * This is a good method of motivation. The specialist, knowing that they are still surprised, appreciated and can be saved, may work diligently in the future.

    * The establishment of a testing term expands the scope of the framework for exonerating an unsatisfactory worker from unsatisfactory testing results (Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Term of the agreement.

    What is beneficial for the employee in a mental employment contract is the establishment of the terms of its agreement. However, not every employment contract can be concluded within an hour.

    An employment contract, laid down in the final term for all the previously required provisions, is considered to be laid down in the non-inferiority of the term (Part 5 of Article 58 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    The non-written stipulation of the terms of the employment contract can lead to the fact that it is recognized by the contract as not having meanings of the term. And this threatens not only with a fine for violating labor legislation at the time of verification by inspectors or the prosecutor’s office. If the employee withdraws from the completed line of the employment contract at the time when the term is inserted incorrectly, the withdrawal may be considered illegal. A professional worker has the right to return to work and collect from the employer the average salary for forced absenteeism, compensation for moral disgrace, expenses for a lawyer, etc.

    Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies which and which terms can be specified in the employment contract. In other cases it is lineless. It is allowed to enter into a term of employment contract with a salaryman. This can be done in connection with the completed terms of the agreement (clause 2 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    An employment contract, laying down with a salaryman on non-definition of terms, can be applied at the time of employment of a worker, for which work will be the main one (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the employer, in writing, can inform the businessman about the upcoming salary no less than two days before the employment contract is signed.

    Find additional information in the “Consultant Plus” system.


    1. "Labor Code of the Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (as amended on December 31, 2014) (as amended and added, rank accrued from March 31, 2015)

    Obligations for inclusion in an employment contract are as follows:

    * the place of work, and if the worker is hired to work in a branch representing another reinforced structural subdivision of the organization that has a different locality, the place of work is significant for the strengthening of the structural structure and the local area;

    * labor function (planting work is consistent with the regular schedule, profession, specialty with designated qualifications; a specific type of work that is entrusted to the operatives). As is consistent with this Code, other federal laws govern the employment of former positions, professions, and specialties by providing compensation and benefits, or the existence of exchange, or the hiring of these positions, professions, or specialties. and the qualifications before them are due to the names and responsibilities assigned from qualified witnesses, which are confirmed by the order established by the Order of the Russian Federation, or by related provisions of professional standards (as amended by Federal Laws dated 02/28/2008 N 13-FZ , dated December 3, 2012 N 236-FZ);

    * The date of the beginning of the work, and if the term of the employment contract is established, the same is the term of the situation (reasons) that served as the basis for the establishment of the term of the employment contract in accordance with this Code or other federal law;

    * payment plan (this includes the size of the tariff rate and the salary (salary) of the worker, additional payments, allowances and optional payments);

    * Working hour and hourly schedule (which for this worker is subject to the illegal rules that this employer has);

    * guarantees and compensation for work with unprofitable and (or) unsafe minds, since a worker is hired to work with qualified minds, due to the designated characteristics of minds in the workplace;

    * Understand what the nature of the work indicates in necessary situations (rukhomiy, roz'ezny, in doze, other nature of the work);

    * Umovi pratsi at work (paragraph of introductions by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 421-FZ);

    * The opinion about mandatory social insurance for workers is consistent with this Code and other federal laws;

    * Other minds have problems related to labor legislation and other normative legal acts that violate the norms of labor law.

    As soon as the employment contract is laid down before the new bulge, any information is included in the warehouse of the transferred parts of the first and other statistics, but this does not constitute a substitute for the recognition of the employment contract without its termination. The employment contract may be supplemented by daily considerations and (or) minds. In which daily information is included in the text of the employment contract, and insufficient intelligence is indicated as an addendum to the employment contract and we will round it up for the benefit of the parties, put it in written forms, which is an invisible part of the employment contract.

    The employment contract may be subject to additional considerations so that the worker’s position is not compromised by the established labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts that are in violation of labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations, cream:

    About the clarification of the place of work (from the purposes of the structural structure and its location) and (or) about the work place;

    About testing;

    About the confidentiality of the secrets that are protected by law (sovereign, service, commercial and other);

    About the obligations of the worker, they are applied after the beginning of the term established by the contract, as soon as the beginning was carried out regarding the cost of the worker;

    About the vision of the additional insurance of the practitioner;

    About the expansion of the social and everyday minds of the practitioner and members of his family;

    About clarification of the rights and obligations of the worker and the employer, established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts, in order to replace the norms of labor law;

    About additional non-state pension security for workers (paragraph sanctioned by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 421-FZ).

    During the period between the parties to the employment contract, the rights and obligations of the worker and the employer may also be included, established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts that are in accordance with the norms of labor law, local regulations, as well as the rights and obligations of the worker and the employer I'm whining from the minds of the collective agreement, please. Failure to include, prior to the employment contract, any of the statutory rights of both the worker and the employer cannot be considered as a form of implementation of these rights or the implementation of these obligations.


    The concept of “information technology” is closely related to computer technology and various other related methods. Due to these technologies, all types of data processing have the potential to accumulate and process highly sensitive information.

    Using low-tech techniques allows you to increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process and take your business to a completely new level.

    Most companies around the world are working to develop these technologies in order toquickly beat your competitors. The area of ​​information technology is one of the most popular in business.

    This area has a special need for qualified personnel. Information systems engineers successfully create diverse solutions by improving their creativity and technical skills.

    The scope of these developments allows you to develop security programs for various tasks and establish communications. Over time, companies are becoming decentralized. It is becoming increasingly important to save and avoid wasted information.

    The care of the skin is aware of the risk of lack of control over the data. The larger the company, the greater the risk of flow of valuable information.

    Information technologies are most widely used in the medical, banking, government and transport sectors. They allow you to save and process a significant amount of information that is necessary for the normal functioning of the company.

    The use of advanced information technologies makes it possible to introduce new types of services to clients. As a result, more and more companies are switching to automated information systems.

    By advancing information technologies, companies can successfully compete in the lighting market. The faster information is released and disseminated, the greater success the company can achieve. Information technologies make it possible to save time and reduce production costs.

    List of references

    1. Bondarenko O.S., Grinberg O.S., Gobachov N.M. Information technologies keruvannya. M.: Alpina Business Books, 2011.
    2. Grinberg O.S., Gorbachov N.M., Bondarenko O.S.Information technologies management: Beg. Handbook for universities. – K.: UNITI-DANA, 2012. – 479 p.
    3. Zayets A., Khalikov M. The Internet and the World Wide Web: Navch. additional help. St. Petersburg: GLTA, 2011. |
    4. Computer modeling for management: Navchalny pos_bnik/A.F. Gorshkov, B.V. Evteev, V.A. Korshunov ta in. // For zag. ed. N.P. Tikhomirov. – K.: Vidavnitstvo “Ispit”, 2012. -528 p.
    5. Labotsky, V.V. Knowledge management (technologies, methods and techniques, acquisition and modification of knowledge) / V.V. Labotsky. – Minsk: Suchasni, school, 2011. – 392 p.
    6. Pikuza V., Garashchenko A. Economic and financial developments in Excel . Basic course. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 396 p.
    7. Seletkov S., Khoroshilov A. World information resources. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012.
    8. Utkin V.B., Baldin K.V.Information systems and technologies in economics: Beg. for universities. – M: UNITI-DANA, 2011. – 335 p.
    9. Khoroshilov A. Information resource management. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2011.
    10. Stepanova E.E., Khmelevska N.V. Information security of management activities: Head. additional help. M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2012.-154 p.

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    1. Understanding the system. Information systems

    System. By system we mean any object that is immediately viewed as a single whole, and that combines a variety of different elements to achieve the goal.

    The system can be defined as a collection of mutually interconnected elements that either function or the laws of its development are isolated from too much of a middle ground.

    The systems are significantly different from each other, both for the warehouse and for the main purposes.

    Table 1. Applications of systems that are made up of various elements and aimed at achieving various goals

    Elements of the system

    Head meta system

    People, possessions, materials, etc.

    Production of goods and services


    Electronic and electromechanical elements, communication lines, etc.

    Preparation of tributes

    Telecommunication system

    Computers, modems, cables, software, etc.

    Transfer of information

    Information system

    Computers, computer networks, people, information and security software

    Viralization of professional information

    In information technology, the concept of “system” is broader and has an impersonal meaning. Most often it is based on a complete set of technical features and programs.

    The system can be the hardware part of a computer.

    Added to the concept of “system” of the word “information”, it reflects the method of its creation and functioning.

    Information system (IV)– this system is designed to maintain an information model, most often – any kind of human activity. This system can provide features for carrying out information processes:



    Transformation of information.

    An information system is also called a set of mutually dependent functions that support the storage and processing of information, also called information-computing systems. To access the information system, please refer to the information section. This data is saved or processed by the system and then transferred to others.

    Information systems ensure the collection, storage, processing, searching, and display of information necessary in the process of solving problems of any kind. They help analyze problems and create new products.

    Between us and the power of the information system, it is possible to establish turn-off links. And here the information system is called closed. The channel of return connections is necessary if it is necessary to capture the reaction of the resident with the removed information.

    2. Structure and warehouse of information systems

    At the most extreme level, an information system can be seen as consisting of the following elements:

      dzherela information;

      hardware part IV;

      program part IV;

      keep up with information.

    Structure of the information system

    The structure of an information system is formed by a collection of adjacent parts, called subsystems.

    A subsystem is an integral part of the system, and is seen as such.

    Structural classification mark. The underlying structure of an information system can be considered as a collection of subsystems independent of the sphere of stagnation. Why talk about the structural sign of classification, and call the subsystems such that they are guaranteed. Thus, the structure of any information system can be represented by a set of subsystems that provide support (Fig.). Among the subsystems that need to be secured are information, technical, mathematical, programming, organizational and legal security.

    Purpose of the subsystem information security It is believed that the information is formulated in a timely manner and provides reliable information for making management decisions.

    Information security- The combination of a unified classification system and coding of information, unified documentation systems, information flow patterns that circulate in the organization, as well as a methodology for creating databases.

    Unified documentation systems are created on the sovereign, Galuzev and regional levels. The head of the meta is to ensure the effectiveness of the displays of various galusa of suspinal vibrancy. The standards are broken down and the vimogs are installed:

    Before unifying documentation systems;

    Until the unification of document forms from different regions of Keruvania;

    To the warehouse and structure of details and displays;

    Before the procedure of implementation, conduction and registration of unified forms of documents.

    Information flow diagrams display the routes for the flow of information and obligations, the location of the primary information and the subsequent resultant information. By analyzing the structure of such circuits, one can go into a thorough analysis of the control system.

    As an example of the simplest data flow diagram, you can create a diagram that shows all the stages of passing a service note or an entry in the database about the hiring of a specialist from the moment it is created until the order about his employment is issued.

    By creating information flow patterns that allow you to identify relevant information and conduct a detailed analysis of it, you will ensure:

    Inclusion of duplicate and non-corrupt information;

    Classification and rational presentation of information.

    In this case, it is important to look at the interconnection between the flow of information and management levels.

    The following will reveal which indicators are necessary for making management decisions, and which are not. Only the information that is being discussed may be available to every vikonavit.

    Methodology of databases is based on theoretical ambushes of its design. To understand the concept of the methodology, we outline the main ideas in two stages, which are subsequently implemented in practice:

    1st stage – unification of all functional subdivisions of the company with the following method:

    Understand the specifics and structure of its activities;

    Create a diagram of information flows;

    analyze the existing document management system;

    Determine the information objects and the corresponding store of details (parameters, characteristics) that describe their power and significance.

    The 2nd stage is the creation of a conceptual information-logical data model for the area of ​​activity outlined in the 1st stage. This model may have all connections between objects and their details installed and optimized. The information-logical model is the foundation on which the database will be created.

    Logical statements about the power and data of the objects of the subject area are determined by the external, information-logical model that lies in the methods of physical placement of data. In this model, objects are represented by record types, authorities are represented by record fields, and notes are represented by links between record types and fields. Initially, a logical model can be depicted in two ways: graphically, if the diagram is an oriented graph with vertices of record types and arcs of links, and tabular, if the skin type of record (object) is represented by a table with an anonymous gender ів records (of authorities).

    Varieties of information-logical model

    There are three types of information-logical models:

    1) Hierarchical data model(IMD) is based on a graphical method and conveys the meaning of data one by one from the “tree”, in which the top of the skin has only one link with the top of the tree. To search, it is necessary to indicate the first way to the data, starting from the root element;

    2) data model(SMD) is also based on a graphical method, but allows the folding of the “tree” without limiting the number of ligaments that go to the top. This allows for complex sound structures;

    3) at relational database model(RMD) the tabular method is implemented. In RMD, the table is called positions, the row is called a tuple, and the columns are called attributes.

    For the creation of information security it is necessary:

    There is a clear understanding of the goals, assignments, and functions of the entire organization management system;

    The flow of information revealed from the moment of its inception and up to its emergence at various levels of management, which is presented for analysis in the form of information flow patterns;

    Improvement of the document management system;

    Availability and availability of classification and coding systems;

    Volodin's methodology is the creation of conceptual information-logical models that highlight the interconnections of information;

    Creation of massive amounts of information on computers, which will require immediate technical support.


    One of the main powers of IV is the focus on subsystems, which means advantages from the point of view of development and operation:

    · Simplified development and modernization of IV as a result of specialization of design groups for subsystems;

    · Simplified deployment and installation of ready-made subsystems ensures reliable operation;

    · Simplified operation due to the specialization of subject area workers.

    Ensure that the subsystems are functional and secure. However, as the third subsystem one can also see the organizational subsystem. before її order to enter:

    · Relevant to the order of development and implementation of the EIS, its organizational structure, and the pool of employees;

    · Regulation of the process of creation and operation of EIS etc.

    The structure of the economic information system, looking at each subsystem, is presented in Fig. 15.

    Small 15. Divided EIS into subsystems

    Functional subsystems

    Functional subsystems IV(FP ІС) - a complex of economical tasks with a high level of information exchanges (links) between tasks (the actual process of processing information with a clearly defined impersonality of input and output information. For example, the calculation of regular wages, the receipt of materials, registration of purchase orders, etc. ) bud.

    FP IV informationally serves all types of activities of the economic system (enterprise), characteristic of its structural subdivisions and (or) management functions. Integration of functional subsystems into a single system involves the creation and functioning of subsystems to ensure, such as:

    · Information;

    · Technical;

    · Software;

    · Mathematical;

    · Linguistic.

    The FP warehouse is largely determined by the peculiarities of the economic system, its shelf life, the form of moisture, size, and the nature of the business activity.

    Functional IS subsystems can be based on different principles:

    · Scientific;

    · functional;

    · Problematic;

    · Mixed (subject-functional).

    Subject principle Vykoristannya IV in government processes of industrial enterprise means subsystems for managing industrial and financial resources: material and technical supplies; production of finished products; staff; from finished products; finances. In this case, the subsystems have the highest task at all levels of control due to the secure integration of information flows vertically.

    To implement the management functions, there are functional subsystems that are implemented at different levels of management and integrated at the front management circuits (marketing, production, logistics, i):

    · Forecasting;

    · Standardization;

    · Planning (technical, economic and operational);

    · Analysis;

    · Regulation.

    As an example of a functional approach, let’s look at the insurance coverage of the richly complex complex of new automation of the Galaktika corporation (AT “New Atlant”), applications for automation of the entire spectrum of financial and government activities personality of middle and great enterprises. The Galaktika complex may have different configurations. One of the most important changes to take into account is “Management of Manufacturing Enterprises”. This configuration provides complex solutions that cover the main contours management and management of the manufacturing enterprise, which allows organizing a single information system for managing various aspects of the enterprise’s activities. The contours of the contours are drawn below to establish the value IV:

    ● Production management; ● Financial management; ● Warehouse (inventory) management; ● Sales management; ● Purchasing management; ● Managing relationships with clients; ● Personnel management, including salary structure.

    The report complex “Galaktika” will be installed in the next parts of the site.

    Problem principle The formation of subsystems reflects the need for comprehensive and prompt adoption of management decisions in relation to other problems within the framework of the DSS, for example, the highest level of business planning and project management. Such subsystems can be implemented in the form of a LIS that imports data from a CIS (for example, a business planning system based on Project-Expert), or in the form of special subsystems within a CIS (for example, an information system and kerivnik).

    In practice, it is most often stagnant mixtures (subject-functional) approach Therefore, the individual functional structures of the IV are divided into subsystems based on the nature of government activities, which may correspond to the structure of the object and the management system, as well as the assigned functions control (Fig. 16).

    Small 16. Structure of functional subsystems of IV, seen according to the functional-subject principle

    Based on this approach, one can see the current typical set of functional subsystems in the underlying structure of the enterprise's IP.

    Behind the functional principle:

    · strategic development;

    · technical and economic planning;

    · Accounting and analysis of government activities.

    Behind the subject principle (resource management subsystems):

    · Technical preparation of production;

    · Main and additional production;

    · product quality;

    · Logistics;

    · marketing;

    Subsystems, driven by the functional principle, support all types of government activity (production, supply, life, personnel, finance). Subsystems, based on the objective principle, are important to the operational level of resource management.

    Subsystems to ensure

    Subsystems to ensure This is essential for all IS, regardless of the specific functional subsystems that support these or other types of security. The robot will ensure that organizational subsystems are combined into one subsystem that will ensure. The installations of such a solution must ensure that their warehouses ensure the implementation of the goals and functions of the system.

    The warehouse of subsystems that must be ensured does not lie in the selected subject area (Fig. 17):

    ● functional structure;

    ● information security;

    ● mathematical (algorithmic and program) security;

    ● technical safety;

    ● organizational security;

    ● personnel security,

    and at the stage of development IV of additional security:

    · Legal;

    · linguistically;

    · more technological;

    · Methodological;

    · Interfaces with external IVs.

    Small 18. Functional structure of IV: 1–6 – functions

    Under the IV function there are a number of IVs that have access to private information management.

    The range of functions that are implemented in IV is regulated by the national standard and is divided into information and other functions.

    Information functions:

    · Centralized control:

    o 1 – modified parameter values;

    o 2 – change their value according to the specified value;

    · Computational and logical operations:

    o 3 – test of practicality IV;

    o 4 – preparation and exchange of information with other systems;

    · Key functions must be performed:

    o 5 – search for the development of rational management modes;

    o 6 – implementation of specified control modes.

    Information security- this is the totality of features and methods of creating an information base (Fig. 19). This means the ways and forms of displaying the control object in the form of IV data, documents, graphs and signals. Information security is divided into external and internal.

    Small 20. Mathematical security IV

    Algorithmic security is a set of mathematical methods, models and algorithms that are used in the system to solve problems and process information.

    Software security develops:

    · From the original software (OS, translators, tests and diagnostics, etc., all those that ensure the operation of hardware devices);

    · Special software (application software that will ensure automation of control processes in a given subject area).

    Technical safety(Fig. 21) is composed of devices:

    · Vimiri;

    · Re-creation;

    · Transmission;

    · Zberigannya;

    · Trips;

    · Imagery;

    · Registrations;

    · Entering/outputting information;

    · Vikonavchih extensions.

    Small 21. Technical security IV

    Personnel security- this is the totality of methods and methods of organizing and teaching staff how to work with IV.
    Its purpose is to encourage efficiency and feasibility for further development. Personnel security includes training methods, course programs and practical training, technical skills and rules for working with them, etc.

    Organizational security- This is the totality of the features and methods of organizing the development and management of them in the minds of the development of IV.

    The method of organizational security is: selection and setting of management tasks, analysis of the management system and in-depth development, development of solutions for organizing interaction and personnel, implementation of management tasks Lenya. Organizational security includes methods of conducting work, including the preparation of documents, plant instructions, etc.

    This is one of the most important subsystems of IV, which is essential for the successful implementation of the goals and functions of the system. This warehouse includes four groups of components (Fig. 22).

    Small 22. Organizational security IV

    The most important teaching materials first group , which regulate the process of creation and functioning of the system:

    · Zagalnogaluzevі kerіvny methodical materials for the creation of IV;

    · Typical design solutions;

    · Methodological materials on the organization and implementation of pre-project quilting at enterprises;

    · Methodical materials for the creation and distribution of design documentation.

    The totality of assets necessary for effective design and operation of the IS another group :

    · Plant management complexes, including standard packages of application programs;

    · Typical business management structures;

    · Unified document systems;

    · zagal system and Galuzev classifiers etc.

    Technical documentation third group , based on the process of quilting, design and installation of the system:

    · technical and economical priming;

    · technical department;

    · technical and working drafts and documents that document the stage-by-stage commissioning of the system).

    Organizational and staffing breakdown fourth group This means that the warehouse of accountants is limited from the functional management subsystems.

    Legal security is intended to regulate the process of creation and operation of IVs, which includes a set of legal documents with a statement of regulatory inputs from the formation, saving, processing of intermediate and resulting information of the system.

    Linguistic security(LO) is a collection of scientific and technical terms and other linguistic features that are used in information systems, as well as rules for the formalization of natural language, which include methods of compression and expansion of text information actions to improve the efficiency of automated information processing.

    Costs that enter the LV subsystem (Fig. 23) are divided into two groups:

    · Traditional languages ​​(natural, mathematical, algorithmic, language modeling);

    · Intended for dialogue with EOM (information-search, DBMS, operational environments, input packages of application programs).

    Small 23. Warehouse for linguistic security IV

    Technologically safe(Electronic Data Processing - EDP) IV refers to the subsystem of IV for technological stages of processing various types of information:

    · primary information. stages of the technological process:

    o transfer;

    o accumulation;

    o saving;

    o processing of primary information;

    o extracting and obtaining the resultant information;

    · organizational and management of documentation. Stage:

    o removal of input documentation;

    o transfer of Vikonanny;

    o molding and saving documents;

    o compilation and reproduction of internal documents and reports;

    · technological documentation and chair. Etapi:

    o entering into the system and updating virus templates;

    o entering output data and forming design documentation for new types of viruses;

    o view of the plotter chair;

    o updating the bank of sovereign and Galuzian standards, technical minds, and regulatory data;

    o preparation and types of technological documentation for new types of viruses;

    · databases and knowledge. Stage:

    o forming databases and knowledge;

    o introduction and processing of queries in search of a solution;

    o types of solutions and explanations before;

    · scientific and technical information, GOSTs and technical minds, legal documents and references. Etapi:

    o forming sound images of documents;

    o formation of an information fund;

    o inputting the thesaurus of key words and their codes;

    o the code will be asked in search;

    o search for the type of document or address for saving the document.

    Technologically ensured protection of IC includes the following subsystems:

    · OLTP– operational processing of transactional type data, which will ensure high speed of processing a large number of transactions, oriented towards fixed algorithms for searching and processing database information;

    · OLAP- Operational analysis of data to support the adoption of management decisions.

    OLAP technologies will provide:

    – analysis and modeling of data online;

    - work with subject-oriented collections of data;

    - Implementation of requests of a sufficient type;

    - Formation of a system of knowledge about the subject area and in.

    By using the Application Program Interface, API and accessing the interface from external information systems (Interfaces) to ensure data exchange, extended functionality of add-ons to external objects:

    · Microsoft Jet objects (databases, spreadsheets, records, sets of records, etc.) in Microsoft Access Basic, Microsoft Visual Basic - DAO (Data Access Object) programs;

    · Relational database managed by WOSA (Microsoft Windows Open Standards Architecture) - ODBC (Open Database Connectivity);

    · Component object model – COM (Component Object Model), which supports a standard interface for accessing objects and methods for processing objects regardless of their nature, location, structure, and programming;

    · local and remote objects of other add-ons based on the Automation manipulation technology (OLE Automation), which ensures interaction between the server and the client;

    · ActiveX objects (OLE and OCX controls) for their inclusion before web add-ons while preserving foldable formatting, animation, etc.

    The information system supports the work of the next categories koristuvachiv (User):

    · kintsevy koristuvachy(End Users, Internal Users) – management personnel, accountants, technical personnel who use information management technologies in their activities;

    · IS administration, including:

    o designer and system analyst (Analyst) – will ensure management of IV efficiency, indicating prospects for IV development;

    o Application Administrator – responsible for formalizing the information needs of business applications, managing the effectiveness and development of business applications;

    o data administrator (Data Base Administrator) – efficient operation and support of clear characteristics of the IB (DB);

    o computer network administrator (Network Administrator) – ensures the reliable operation of the network, ensures authorized access for clients, establishes protection of network resources;

    · system and application programs(System Programmers, Application Programmers) – create, support and modernize IV software;

    · technical staff(Technicians) – will provide maintenance of technical means of data processing;

    · external koristuvach(External Users) – available output information IV, counterparties.

    89. Organizing the search for information.

    Concepts of warehouse information security

    IO - the totality of design decisions regarding obligations, structure and information saving. IO is intended for displaying information that characterizes the state of a ceramic object, which is the basis for making management decisions.

    IO is divided into:

    Internal machine information fund (input, primary, operational, regulatory, final, result and other files), automated databases (local, web-based, backed up by a wide range of databases, management systems D);

    Non-machine - display systems, documentation and document management, classification and coding of information.

    Characteristics of computer-based information security

    Personal information security includes: a system of classification and coding of information; management documentation systems; system of organization, saving, making changes before documentation.

    A non-machine information base is a collection of messages, signals and documents in a form that can be easily processed by humans without the constraints of computing technology.

    In the machine-to-machine area, in the process of control, the exchange of information is carried out in what appears to be a stream of documents between ceramic and ceramic systems: from the control unit to the object, documents are carried out in accordance with the plan information (punishments, orders, planned assignments, schedules, etc.); Along the line of the return link - from the object to the control body - there are documents that contain cloud-communication information (information about the current or past state of the control object). Secured information allows you to identify the control object, formalize information, and submit data in the form of documents.

    Characteristics of internal machine information security. Understand DB, DBMS.

    Internal machine information is stored to contain arrays of data that form the information base of the system on computer media, as well as a program system for organizing, storing, maintaining and accessing information from these arrays. , automated databases (local, web-based, distributed to a wide range of databases, database management systems);

    The database presents in an objective form the totality of independent materials (articles, regulations, regulations, court decisions and other similar materials), systematized in such a way that these materials can be found paying for an additional electronic calculating machine

    A DBMS is a special program or a set of programs that can be used to administer or monitor any data. In fact, the DBMS clicks to manipulate the data. DBMS can be: web-based, hierarchical, relational - depending on the type of database.

    Characteristics of the stages of database development.

    Infological design

    The main tasks of information technology design are the identification of the subject area of ​​the system and the formation of a view on the software from the position of strength of future database backers, then. informational model of PZ.

    The informational model of the PP describes the structure and dynamics of the PP, the nature of the information needs of clients in terms that are relevant to the implementation of the database. This description is expressed in terms of not the specific objects of the PP and the connections between them, but their types associated with them, interconnecting the integrity of these processes, which lead to the transition of the subject area from one state to another. nope.

    More logical database design

    At the stage of logical design, a logical database structure is broken down, which corresponds to a logical PP model. The most important task lies in the data model, which is supported by the DBMS.

    The result of this stage is a database schema of the conceptual and modern architecture, data storage (DDL, Data Definition Language), which is supported by this DBMS.

    Physical design of the database

    The physical design stage focuses on the logical structure of the database and the physical middle of saving the most effective data placement, then. Representation of the logical structure of the database structure saving. It is a matter of placing data in memory space and choosing effective methods for accessing various components of the “physical” database. The results of this step are documented in the Data Saving Diagram (DDL) form. The adoption of this stage of decision will give an initial boost to the productivity of the system.

    Basic concepts of the relational data model

    The relational model of data was developed by E. Codd in 1970. a logical data model that describes:

    Data structures as (changes over time) sets of notes;

    Multiplicity-theoretic operations on data: union, peretin, difference and Cartesian solid;

    Special relational operations: selection, projection, joining and subsection; as well as

    Special rules to ensure the integrity of the data.

    Attribute – in databases – names or structure of the record field. The attribute characterizes the size or type of information that is contained in the field.

    Domain - in the databases - the meaning of the attribute is unknown.

    A record – in relational databases – is a row of data tables that consists of fields of different types.

    A container key is a container attribute that uniquely identifies each of its tuples. A warehouse key consists of many attributes.

    Relationship is a two-dimensional table that shows data. The rows of such tables represent records, and the columns represent attributes.

    Relational algebra is a formal system for manipulating lines, the main operations of which are: projection, connection, cross-linking and joining.

    Database structure - the principle and order of organizing records in the database and the connections between them.

    Relational algebra. Operations of interconnection, projections and cross-linking


    The projection of the relationship R behind the attributes R1, R1, R1…Rn, where each attribute is superimposed on R, is called the relationship with the header (R1, R2, R3…Rn) and the body, which places anonymous tuples in mind (r1, r2, r3, … rn) . In case of duplicates, the tuples are deleted.

    The projection is called a vertical view of the relationship.

    Syntax R


    The connection between the two pairs is called a relation with the same header as R1 and R2 and a body that includes all tuples of operands that are repeated.

    Syntax R1 union R2




    Syntax R1 minus R2

    Cartesian tvir

    The Cartesian creation of two lines R1 (R11, R12, R13 ...) and R2 (R21, R22, R23, ...) is called a relationship, the title of which is with the title drain R1 and R2:

    (R11, R12, R13… R21, R22, R23,…), and the body is composed of tuples, which are aggregations of tuples of rows R1 and R2

    (r11, r12, r13… r21, r22, r23….), such that (r11, r12, r13…) put R1, and (r21, r22, r23….) put R2/

    Syntax R1 times R2


    Be sure to look at the number of different types of connection operations.

    Behind-the-scenes operation of connection



    Prirodne podnannya

    Behind-the-scenes operation of connection:

    The connections between R1 and R2 are called relations (R1 times R2) where C, which is a logical expression that may include attributes of R1 and R2 and/or scalar expressions.


    (R1 times R2) where R11QR21 - Q-connected relationship R1 behind the attribute R11 with the placement of R2 behind the attribute R21. Write it down

    Ekvi zednannya

    Prirodne podnannya

    Give the data R1(R11,R12,R13,..R1n,Z1,Z2,…Zn) and R2(Z1,Z2,…Zn, R21,R22,R23,..,R2m). Then the natural connections of the lines R1 and R2 are called the relationship with the header (R11,R12,R13,..R1n,Z1,Z2,…Zn, R21,R22,R23,..,R2m) and the body to accommodate the empty tuples ( r11,r12 ,r13,…r1n,z1,z2,z3,…zn, r21, r22,…r2m), such that (r11,r12,r13,…r1n,z1,z2,z3,…zn) belong to R1, and (z1 ,z2,z3,…zn, r21, r22,…r2m) place R2



    Syntax R1 divideby R2

    DBMS functions

    1. Data management directly from the database

    2. Data cache in computer memory (data cache)

    The DBMS operates on a large-sized database; when buffering, the system removes only the part of the database that is necessary for a particular task.

    3. Transaction management

    A transaction is a sequence of operators for manipulating data (inserting, deleting, reading, etc.).

    The transaction is saved in RAM. Once the file has been successfully downloaded, the DBMS makes appropriate changes to the disk. In the case of prostatic disease, changes should not be applied to the DB camp.

    4. Language database support

    5. Database change management and logging (logging). This function ensures the reliability of saving data and the ability to update the database in emergency situations. The change protocol (transaction log) has a record before any manipulation. To update the database after a failure, the protocol (log) and an archived copy of the database (another copy of the database at the time the protocol was completed) are stored.

    DBMS components

    1. data and metadata - include system tables, account tables, field names, procedures, etc.

    2. Memory block:

    A block of files that controls the growth of files on the disk

    Buffer block that buffers data from main memory

    3) The query compiler compiles the conversion to the DBMS

    5) Data modification - ask before changing data

    6) Modification of the schema - change the structure of the database, table, statement

    7) Data scheme - the entire table

    8) The transaction block is responsible for the integrity of the system, interacting with the query compiler and the memory block.

    Classification of DBMS

    Classification of DBMS

    Classification mark DBMS type Key signs
    For the number of koristuvachs 1 - koristuvalnytska At a specific moment in the hour from the database there is 1 koristuvach
    Insured for a large number of employees DB of the working group The number of koristuvachs is less than 50 people
    Insured for a large number of clients in the enterprise database The number of koristuvachs is over 50 people
    Where the database is located Centralized DB on one machine
    Rozpodilena The database is distributed at the computer network
    For the tribute model Merezhevi CODASYL (CODASYL) (eng. Conference on Data Systems Language– Conference on Data Processing Systems) is an organization (the name is “codasil”) that took an active part in the evolution of information technologies in the 60-80s of the 20th century. Founded in 1959 to develop standard language programming, which was called COBOL. At this time the conference has been disbanded) Hierarchical IMS Relational Digestive Object-oriented
    Behind the method of zastosuvannya and the sphere of vikoristannya Transactional (operational) OLTP systems (On line transaction processing) The DBMS operates from the database, where a minimum hour is allowed for transactions. Search the database for the shortest term
    A bunch of data from OLAP systems (On line analytical processing) The DBMS operates from a database designed to filter out unnecessary information when making strategic and tactical decisions. To analyze information.
    Architecture Client-server The server provides the basic functions of the DBMS, the client supports the client interface with the server

    Types of SQL commands

    Types of movie commands

    DDl- language vyznachennya tributes


    DML – Data Manipulation Language


    DQL – language of queries to data

    DCL – data language and data administration commands

    CREATE DATABASE, ALTER DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, GRANT (assigning access rights to operate on specified database objects), REVOKE (assigning access rights to operate on specified database objects) and others.

    Data administration commands - provide the ability to audit and analyze operations in the middle of the database. You can analyze the productivity of the data system under the hour.


    Transaction management commands – allow the processing of information included in a transaction

    COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVE POINT, SET TRANSACTION (transaction name values)

    Procedural language


    19. SQL data types. SQL functions.

    Tipi tributes

    The greatest benefits of the implemented functions:

    ABS* calculates absolute values ​​of numbers
    ACOS calculate arc cosine
    ASIN calculate the arcsine
    ATAN calculate the arctangent
    CEILING it is rounded uphill
    COS calculate the cosine of the kut
    COT rotates the cotangent of the cut
    DEGREES converts the values ​​of kuta from radians to degrees
    EXP rotates the exponent
    FLOOR The shape is rounded down
    LOG* calculate the natural logarithm
    LOG10 calculate the tenth logarithm
    P.I. rotates the value of “pi”
    POWER raise a number to a notch
    RADIANS converts the values ​​of kuta from degrees in radians
    RAND rotate the paddock number
    ROUND* The rounding is determined by the specified precision
    SIGN signifies the sign of the number
    SIN* calculate the sine of the kut
    SQUARE Reduces the square of the number
    SQRT* draws the square root
    TAN rotates the tangent
    ASCII rotates the ASCII code of the left row character
    CHAR Rotates the character after the ASCII code
    CHARINDEX indicates the serial number of the symbol from which the entry into the row begins
    DIFFERENCE rotates the row escape indicator
    LEFT* rotates the specified number of symbols from the beginning of the row
    LEN* turns the last row
    LOWER* convert all characters in a row to lowercase
    LTRIM* visible clearings on the cob of the row
    NCHAR rotates the Unicode character after the code
    PATINDEX selects the search for a row in the row following the specified template
    REPLACE replaces the contract entry with the indicated value
    QUOTENAME converts the row to Unicode format
    REPLICATE The series is being replicated several times
    REVERSE turns the row, the symbols of whichever is written in the reverse order
    RIGHT rotates the specified number of symbols from the end of the row
    RTRIM reveals clearings at the end of the row
    SPACE turns the indicated number of clearings
    STR Converts the value of a numeric type into a character format
    STUFF removes the number of characters specified, replacing them with a new order
    SUBSTRING rotates for a row of rows of the specified doubling from the given symbol
    UNICODE rotates the Unicode code of the left character in the row
    UPPER shifts all characters in a row to uppercase





    The webbing of two summable drains R1 and R2 is called a relationship with the same header as the drains R1 and R2, and the body that consists of tuples that lie simultaneously on both drains R1 and R2.



    The difference between the type of rows R1 and R2 is called a relationship with the same header as the rows R1 and R2, and the body that consists of tuples that belong to R1 and do not belong to R2.

    Syntax R1 minus R2

    Cartesian tvir

    Pushing the creation is similar to the creation of pushing. If the attributes R1 and R2 contain attributes with new names, such attributes must be renamed before performing the Cartesian creation operation. There is no need to think about the type.

    Students who have completed the initial R1 [semester]<=2*курс]R2

    Ekvi zednannya This is connection if Q is jealousy.

    Prirodne podnannya

    The connection is based on new attributes.


    The operation has two operands, binary and unary. The resultant relationship consists of single-attribute tuples that include the values ​​of the first attribute of the first row operand, such that the meaning of another attribute is combined with the meaning of the same attribute of another operand.

    Syntax R1 divideby R2

    Concepts of warehouse information systems

    An information system (IS) as a whole is an automated system designed to organize, save, update, support and provide information to clients promptly before their requests.

    There are two components in an information system: a security program and an electronic information system.

    1. Information security - the totality of a unified classification system and coding of information, unified documentation systems, information flow schemes that circulate in the organization, as well as a methodology I will create databases.

    The purpose of the information security subsystem lies in the provision of reliable information for making management decisions.

    2.Technical security - a set of technical features intended for the operation of an information system, as well as relevant documentation for these features and technological processes

    3. Mathematical security programs - a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of the goals and specifications of an information system, as well as the normal functioning of a complex of technical features.

    4.Organizational security - a set of methods and features that regulate the interaction of workers with technical means and with each other in the process of developing and operating an information system.

    5.Legal security - a set of legal norms that signify the creation, legal status and functioning of information systems that regulate the order of collection, transformation and circulation of information.