Academic number. Connect to a bright home Internet

Moscow telecommunications corporation VAT "COMKOR" ( trademark AKADO Telecom) is one of the largest telecom operators in the Moscow region that provides services wide internet for Ethernet and DOCSIS 3.0 technologies, digital television tower high clarity and telephones for private corporate clients based on current fiber optic cable technologies. The company was founded in 1992 to create a single information space near Moscow.

AKADO Telecom has launched a multi-service data transmission network in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. The company provides services in Moscow, Zelenograd, Sonyachnogorsk, Troitsk, Domodedovo, Shchelkovo, Krasnogorsk, Vidny, Lyubertsy, and in a number of other places, including cottage villages. The total length of the line connection exceeds 22,500 km: over 80% of Moscow's housing estate and over 1 million Moscow apartments are connected to the AKADO Telecom network. The AKADO Group also includes Internet providers and cable TV operators in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, as well as in Minsk.

Today, AKADO Telecom cooperates with a large number of government organizations, providing them with clear services. The company's clients include the Moscow City Administration, the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow and the Moscow Region, the Metropolitan Department of the Federal Treasury and the Federal Tax Service, the Moscow United Energy Company, Mosmisktrans, channel, Mosenergo, State Military Committee of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Justice, Verkhovny .

Telecommunication services of "AKADO Telecom" are used by both medium and small businesses and large corporations: Oschadbank of Russia, Bank of Moscow, Moscow United Energy Company, Posta Rossii, M-Video, Kovsk airports Vnukovo and Domodedovo.


Access to Swedish Internet that digital television tower

The provider operates under the trademark " Akado», legal person call operator JSC "AKADO - Capital"" The Akado company is represented on the telecommunications market in Moscow.

The provider provides TV, telephone, and Internet access services.
Akado provides services in the areas of IP telephony, home surveillance (ethernet), and IP telephony technologies.

There are more clients 570000 subscribers
Usyogo 100 rub. I offer the cheapest Internet with the “AKADO – Start” tariff

About the company

JSC "AKADO - Capital" (until April 16, 2008 - JSC "COMKOR-TV") was founded in 1995 and provides telecommunication services to the world market in Moscow. The company enters the ZAT "AKADO". Today's AKADO offers high-speed unlimited (without traffic interference) access to the Internet, over 160 digital TV channels (including NTV-Plus and Russian channels). broadcast channels, information channel AKADO LIVE), digital telephony, terrestrial radio and more clear mind availability of all services for subscribers.

AKADO is a leader in the Moscow market of integrated telecommunications services “Internet + TV” (double play). Nina meshkans with over 1,000,000 apartments near Moscow, Zelenograd and Lyubertsy are profiting from the servants of AKADO.

The company holds licenses for specific communication services. rank until January 23, 2012).

About the AKADO measure

Merezha "AKADO" operates on the basis of DOCSIS technology. This technological standard is known as one of the high-quality technologies for access to fences cable tower and the Internet and is widely expanding in Europe and the USA. It will ensure the full availability of various peripheral services, such as broadband access to the Internet, digital television tower, telephony, border games and others.

Services based on DOCSIS technology are characterized by reliability, ease of installation and low cost. The “AKADO” mereja protects the Central, Pivdenny, Pivdenno-Skhidny, Pivdenno-Zakhidny, Pivnichno-Zakhidny, Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative districts of Moscow and Zelenograd metro station. It is possible to connect to the AKADO network to eliminate the gaps over 50,000 apartments. Due to the active development of today, AKADO takes the position of a leader among providers of broadband Internet access, which will be in power.

Provider news

11, 12 and 13 vesnya AKADO and TV channel “LIVE!” apply to the festival “FITNESS MOSCOW”, as part of which the best trainers - leading TV channels - will conduct master classes in such disciplines as tai-bo, qigong, pilates and many others. Everyone wants to be able to learn about fitness practices on the TV channel and independently determine their rights under the supervision of professionals.

As in the past, the subscriber can be protected by connecting additional packages. Since previously the first package cost 290 rubles, and the next one - 80 rubles, now, starting from another package, the price of the packages changes.

Shvidkistost really bad
Availability really bad
Support service really bad
Price brightness really bad

It's ok

Less progress has passed since the moment of connection. The "Zirki Plus" tariff is activated - 150 TV channels and a speed of 100 m/bit per second. Mostly TV channels are grouped according to an unreasonable principle; they often appear “encoded”. Just before the bell rang before the support service, a young man named Maxim explained to me in a naive manner that it appears that the channels are insured for maximum power Sorry, but their list is not specifically for me, and that’s my problem. Thanks to the speed of the Internet - less for any criticism, it does not reach up to 10 Mbit/second - and not after connecting. I was told by technologists to marvel at another frequency - at 5 GHz, because, having said that, at a frequency of 2.4 GHz there is a lot of Wi-Fi interference and there may be interruptions. And your modem cannot be used at frequencies of 2.4 or 5 GHz. I didn’t detect any other frequency, but the technical support operator told me about it and said that my computer doesn’t support that frequency. In response to my phrase about those who have a fresh laptop with a cell phone number and support everything, that got drunk and said that the vibrator, molyav, vaps on the modem given by us, is factory adjusted, and we’ll try it right away We need to update them. If this doesn’t help, we look for other ways to solve the problem. Well, what can I say? I connected not in order to solve problems, but in order to be able to deal with TB and use the Internet without any problems, through the mediation of the Akado provider, which is an even more difficult and unpleasant task, causing increased anxiety. I am convinced of this provider and do not recommend it to anyone in the future, don’t stop coming and picking up your equipment, looking for masochists who deserve it, that the speed of the Internet is ten (!!!) times lower than stated, that the list of channels is incomprehensible ny, and the channels themselves, what is included in the list of tasks - a bunch of repetitions, a dozen TV stores, a bunch of culinary... In short, for all the parameters of Akado - a tselkovity little thing. For the sake of self-destruction, there has already been enmity, both in terms of food and technology.