Special advance payment beeline connection. How to turn on the advance account. Service "Mobile payment"

The era of the introduction of new technologies gave the people a stylish tie. So that your mobile phone does not restrict access to a wide range of services, requiring control over a penny. A skin operator has its own algorithms, but how can you change the accounts on Beeline? For all subscribers, the cost of food is not less relevant, the lower cost of paying the tariffs of the telephone operator. Better than an hour in an hour to change the rozmir of a penny sum, so that an unacceptable situation disappears, if you don’t see a wake-up call.

Recognize on Beeline balance when paying

Popular is the company of style communication to the telecommunications market, which promotes options for the skin client, as a way of knowing about the in-line mill of the rahunka. Access to up-to-date information, which thousands of coristuvachs see today, the company does not accept. Merezha continues to develop actively, at the same time the main services are improved and new ones are developed. In order to pay for the calls after the roaming, the stylnikovy operator has expanded the system by dialing the sing codes.

Koristuvachevi merezhі it is necessary to know more than to type symbols in order to display the information on the screen or listen to the information. Developing handy programs for your coristuvachiv, one of the largest operators of stiletto ties, having transferred a number of methods. Clients of the company can independently choose whether it is a convenient option for rechecking: the quick one - ask for an extra amount through text messages, and the detailed one - go to the special office.

How to request a surplus on the screen

The clerks of mobile phones, tablets, which are employed by Beeline services, can request information about the excess of a penny sum in different ways. The most accessible - if the screen of the mobile annex displays the information about the windows. Recognize, like on Beeline, reverify the accounts, simply:

  • dial the next combination "* 110 * 04 #";
  • give the display to show the excess of sumi, and you can calculate how much pennies you need to deposit to pay off the bill.

Detailed balance via SMS

If you want to know the exact information about stained glass, then the company of style communication to the GSM standard will offer one more service "Detalizatsiya". When sending messages, as on the Beeline, you can check special accounts, remove the necessary information without a cost, these clients can request a service through text notifications to the number 1401. Before editing, enter your email address i. May you please come and send me a sheet to inform you in detail about the bills for the rest of the month.

Balance on the screen

A popular operator to the GSM standard does not restrict access to information for a penny. The connection of special services guarantees to the client that the camp will be cleared and the surplus of money, we will recognize the mittevo. If you think about how the balance of the beeline looks, then the screen of the mobile device will display all the relevant information. And the service is available only after typing the command “* 110 * 902 #”, and then press the “Viklik” button to activate the corresponding service.

vitrat indicator

With the appearance of a new service from the company's clients, they have chosen a postpaid system for themselves, not blaming the difficulties of re-verifying the bills. Request a video prompt promptly, so type the command “* 110 * 45 #”, after which you will need to get a text message. The priority of the cordless service is based on the Swedish and detailed information about the flow of stained glass. To optimize your display, set the "Personal Threshold" function, otherwise you won't be able to display an overplanned amount.

Pereviriti rahunok on Beeline, as if the tariff with prepayment

Mobile phones for a few years have become an invisible part of a new skin day in the lives of millions of people. The companies that provide the services of a style caller have a whole range of tariffs with manual services, in order to attract future customers. Easy access to information about surplus of money - the mind is important for rich koristuvachiv. The more different ways the company is ready to propagate, the more number of subscribers you will get.

For prepaid clients, the largest style company transferred a squirt of ways, like on Beeline to change the accounts, like a tariff with prepayment. When you are married, you can find out information about stained pennies through a special office. The display of the mobile add-on will display your information, showing the current line of reference. Subscribers for the tariff with prepayment can find out about the surplus of money through a manual addendum or by making a call to the operator.

voice balance

The system of payment, according to which clients pay pennies on the spot, and then they can themselves determine the amount of money, is a nifty tool. Pereviriti rahunok, schob ozumіti, skolki pіshlo pennies to pay for a mobile phone call, in the simplest way. Selecting this service, make a call to the number 0697, which is a call to auto-reply. You will feel the information about the day you have the amount to pay for a mobile phone call in real time.

Ask for extra money on the screen

Coristuvachas with a tariff plan for an advance payment have such a way of rechecking the overage, which helps them to ask for help in sending SMS. In order to recognize, as on Beeline, you need to read the accounts, you need to dial a single combination of symbols: “# 102 #”, and then generate a tweet. The screen of the mobile phone displays all the relevant information about the stained money, as the company provided textual information.

Recognition of fences in a special office via the Internet

The quality of a special office is easy to reevaluate. In order to gain access to the same host service, the subscriber needs a modem or other access to the global network. All relevant information is displayed in the distributions of the remote service. If you are looking for a simple, smart, handy way to sort out the windows, find out about the stained glass of cheap coins, then you will become the right way to open a special office, and you will know how to change the balance on Beeline.

Subscribers of a popular operator to the GSM standard do not face difficulties with registration. For this, you need to see the official website of the Beeline company, enter your login, which is your phone number, and password. They gave the middle of the divisions of the special office to be left to know the necessary point, for example, about the details, the division of rachunkivs, control over the relatives' attendance.

How to recognize excess traffic as an addendum My Beeline

Beeline customers have three different ways to get information about the amount of traffic. If you have access to the Internet, the easiest way to convert it is to go to the special office. The display of the mobile add-on will show the number of lost traffic. The best way to re-verify is to call the operator, and the best way is to install the My Beeline add-on through the Play Market. The virtual service will automatically show information about excess traffic in the "Finance" distribution.

How to revise the excess of whilin in the SIM card menu

A SIM-card for all coristuvachs of a style connection to serve as a dzherel, to take care of current meals. Sob through the menu of the phone, check the excess amount of whilin, you need to activate the SIM-card, and then know the bookmark "My Beeline". They gave the middle number of points in the list of opinions and distributed "My balance". To get rid of just press the call button: long-term check of the one who clicks, how to change the balance on the phone, you won’t happen, even if you know a few whilins that you have lost your wiide mittevo.

How to recognize the balance of another subscriber

Expanding the system of tariff plans, the popular telephone call operator does not forget about additional services. To make sure that the mobile call is made as clear as possible, the company knew the solution to change the balance of another subscriber. Potsіkavitisya about the excess of penny koshtіv on the phone of the іnshoy koristuvach merezі vyde navіt without the rest of the house. If it’s a problem, then you can connect to this handy service: you can receive information about the station of another subscriber on a regular basis.

Servant Balance of loved ones

The relevance of this service is to be assessed by those who have children or old members of the motherland. The stylist's operator promotes a handy decision, like a middle ground, so it helps to take away the cost of the camp of the rahunka, to make a person close to you by the servants of your stylist's company. To evaluate the value of the service, the subscriber needs to dial the combination “* 131 * 5 *”, and then enter the ten-digit number of the close person, ending the code with the symbol “#” and pressing the call button. Text notifications will tell you about the connection, as soon as you come to the phone.

Checking the account of someone else's number, as if you are not a Beeline client

The transfer of additional services to the company's style connection to the GSM standard is constantly being updated. Among the innovations is the re-verification of the subscriber's account, which is the client of another operator, which provides services to the telecommunications market. In order for this service to become available, the caller of someone else's number is guilty of granting access to his own number. Change, so, first dial the combination "* 131 * 1 *", give the subscriber's number, which consists of 10 digits, "#" and the call button.

Rechecking the advance account

The operator gives new access to the service both to corporate clients and to physical persons using the prepayment system. There are three ways for customers in Russia to pay for it: with a bank card, with a bank card, or with a single payment card. Create a custom service for yourself in the following way: dial the combination "* 110 * 271 #" and press the whic. For reverification, use the combination "* 222 #". Special offer from the largest operator helps subscribers to pay for goods, services virtually for help mobile phone.

The additional function is hoped for by all subscribers who pay over 150 rubles for a call. To enable "Mobile payment" to Beeline, the subscriber is guilty of depriving the letter of application in the office of Beeline. To connect to the service - USSD-command: * 110 * 271 # viklik.

The function is handy, because right through the phone you can pay for utility services, the Internet, and transfer pennies. Fee for її connection and subscription is not set.

The service is available with any system of rozrahunkiv. With the help of the service, you will have to finish the exchange according to the leather category. For example, in the category "Mobile call" at a time, the maximum possible is 5 thousand. Ruble, and per day - 15 thousand. Rubl.

Management service "Mobile payment" in Beeline

Robiti perekladi can be directly from the site. For whom it is necessary to go to the "Payment and finance" section. For the last word, specify "Payment for services." You have to choose the required payment for the great transfer. Types of payments, how can you pay with Beeline:

  • mobile call;
  • Internet;
  • telephone;
  • utility payments;
  • grace;
  • pennies pererahuvannya;
  • fines;
  • repayment of credits, registrations in the bank;
  • giving receipts.

When making a payment, the service shows a special command. It is necessary to write down and sing in a distant way, so that you can pay without intermediary over the phone. The amount of commissions should be set from 0 to 5%.

Instructions for joining the service

Also, the inclusion of services is charged for the help of a special command: * 110 * 272 # weekly. After the completion of the order, the Beeline team closes the special advance account. As a result, a fence will be set for the withdrawal of the numbers of advance payments. The command to turn on the service is cost-free, as well as for the connection.

Important! You can call 0611 and tell about those who are no longer needed to get automatic refurbishment. After that, the operator is guilty of blocking the special account. For the inclusion of the service itself, it is necessary to return to the operator's office.

You can erase the service through the "Mobile Bank" as an automatic payment. Є kіlka variant_v_dklyuchennya: via SMS, Internet and self-service terminals. It is necessary to go to the website of Oschadbank. Select on the left side of the screen "Auto payment management".

Indicate payments to the bank, if not necessary, and press "Turn on". You can not cancel the service again, but start it up for one hour, and then turn it on again. For the help of a short SMS, automatic payment can be made. For which one, SMS is sent with the text: Auto payment phone number and card number. Alerts are sent to 900.

Use the "Mobile payment" function manually, but in some cases you may be prompted. For example, as a “Mobile transfer” of connections to another SIM card. You can contact the service for the help of a special team, or especially see the office, so that you can check the food with the Beeline helper.

Not so long ago, a mobile phone served only as a companion for communication. And today, the Stilnikovy operator has launched a special service for its subscribers, as it is called "Advance Rahunok" by Beeline. With this help, the clients of the mobile money can, how to transfer money from the rahunka to the rahunok, so you can make a quick payment. If you use bank cards, then the principle of service will be wiser.

service features

The balance of your SIM card can be beaten by the replacement of the full payment fee. A special advance account will help you in upcoming situations:

  1. Allow me to put pennies from your phone on another account.
  2. Help to transfer pennies to the balance of the card, be it a person.
  3. Allow to pay for the rozvagi at the sight of dodatkiv, igor and digital television.

In addition, vikoristovuyuchi service of advance payments, the client may pay taxes and fines without telephone. For the help of this service from "Beeline" it is easy to repay, whether it be loans and borrowings. If you don’t happen to stand in old cherts in banks or other organizations. Now it has become even easier for Beeline subscribers to pay for the services of an Internet provider.

In case of overexpenditure, customers with a positive balance on the telephone, can pay for air tickets or train tickets, and make six thousand payments for an apartment and services, which stink like. In addition, by connecting such a service to a mobile phone, you can redeem the coins for a good cause from the main balance.

Merezha "Beeline" gives its customers the opportunity to win both a postpaid rozrahunkov system and a prepaid one. The service of advance payments is carried out according to the prepaid system. This means that the subscriber can deposit a small amount of money on the balance of his SIM card, and only after that he can use his smartphone or tablet as a full-fledged electronic gadget.

Connection and connection

To connect an advance payment, you can speed up in different ways. For example, enter into the phone the request, which is composed of numbers and symbols * 110 * 271 # and press the tweet key. If the subscriber sends a message to the subscriber's mobile device, he will send a text about those that the service has been activated. Once upon a time, after these diy clients, you can start victorious and correct the cost by transferring, or pay for the services.

Tse means that you can now replenish your account and make the necessary payments. You should know that you can’t independently turn on such a service at the subscriber. For this you need to call for the service number of the service provider by dialing the numbers 0674601 and be prompted for auto-replenishment.

So, you can act in a different rank, not including anything, but simply forgetting about such a service to the Beeline company. There is no subscription fee for hiring this service for a client of a mobile operator;

Replenishment and revision of excess

How to restore the balance of the electronic gamantz? For this, it is necessary to go to the site or in addition to "My Beeline" and choose the required payment method. For example, for an additional ATM, payment terminal, etc. Replace the first digit in the next number by 6, enter the Bazhan sum and check the replenishment of the SIM card balance.

Rechecking the excess pennies on the balance sheet is required for additional payment to the format * 222 #. You will receive information about those who are insured for a special advance payment. If so, they can be ordered in the same way, as well as in advance on the official card. Also, you can forget about the replenishment of the Beeline electronic gambling service by activating the service of auto-replenishment.

Whether a telephone has a special advance account, far from all of them can fit in with it. Bagato is also asked how to pop it up, or deactivate it if necessary. We will talk about a lot of other things in this article!

Subscribers, yakі є koristuvachami prepaid system of payment for yakі accustomed services zv'yazku vіd Beeline, may have a unique opportunity to get for themselves a special advance account of the standard main. And even with this help, you can manually pay for different services or comrades directly from your phone. And the axis of postpaid clients may be able to make payments similar to paying only for the assistance of another option. І for this similar rahunka, it is necessary to pop it forward.

It’s even easier to make such rahunki. Zrobiti tse it is possible to absolutely be a subscriber regardless of the yogo dignified Beeline tariff. For which it is necessary to dial a special number * 110 * 271 # from your phone. The service will be connected automatically. And it is also easy to turn on this service. Time clock unlocking is available by dialing the command * 110 * 272 # from the phone, and the next next press the “wiklik” as well. Further unlocking will be available through the link to the Support Center via the Beeline mobile operator. For this, dial 0611 or else - (495) 974 - 8888. Remember that for registration you will need to inform the operator of your passport details, as well as addresses, dewi registration. Like bachite, it’s easy to finish the service.

special features

Advance rahunok just popovnyuvati. You can do it in different ways. Let's talk about the most popular of them. It is possible without practice to work at a skin point that accepts this type of payment. Go to the nearest one and enter the exact number of your streaming phone in 10-character format. However, for whom it is necessary to remember your first number with the code "6". For Moscow special numbers, it is necessary to additionally write down their federal counterpart, changing the code to “6” in a similar manner.

You can get such accounts through ATMs from your plastic card. This method is similar to the first option, however, your plastic card and the nearest ATM are required for payment. Do not blame problems with this method. It is also more comfortable to popovnyuvati Advance account from the zastosuvannyam Single card to pay for services. To do this, you need to dial a special code from your mobile phone * 104 * "card code" * "Number popovnyuetsya mobile"#. Pressing “weeklik” and checking. Your number must also be dialed in 10-digit format.

You can call the Crimea to a special short number 0504. Auto-reply will tell you what you need to work to restore the balance. Just watch її vkazіvkam. Remember that be-yakі dії z such rahunka vvazhayutsya confidentially and the company Beeline stalks for your rights. Well, you can not worry about those who want to know about your drugs for help. And you can find out the surplus of money without work. For whom, dial the code * 222 #.