Russian folk tale. Russian folk tales

  • Fox and tsap
  • Vikonavets: N. Minaeva, N. Voevodina, I. Kalinin
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Kostyantin Dmitrovich Ushinskiy

Fox and tsap

Beagle the fox, gaped at the raven, - and drank it into the well. The water in the well was not rich: you can’t drown, that one can also viscochit. Sitting fox, grieving. Come goat, sensible head; go, shake your beard, shake your mug; glancing, znichev'ya, into the well, waving the fox there and feeding:

What are you doing there, little fox, are you spoiling?

I swear, my dear, - I swear the fox. - It's hot up there, so I climbed up here. It's already cold here, oh well! Cold water - you want skilki.

And the goat wants to drink for a long time.

Chi good water something? - feed the goat.

Vіdminna! - vidpovida fox. - Clean, cold! Stribay here, if you want; there will be room for both of us.

Having cut off the goat's zduru, the fox's trochs are not stavlyachi, but out to you:

Eh, bearded fool! I didn’t shave it off - I blew it all over. "

The fox gathered on the back of the goat, behind the back on the horns, and that one got out of the well.

Not enough goat went missing from hunger in the well; forcibly yogo was shoved and pulled by the horns.

Information for fathers: Fox and Goat - a short Russian folk tale. She talks about the cunning Fox, drank the yak in the well and about the trusting Goat. Fairy tale є povchalnoy and will be a cіkava for children from 2 to 4 rokіv. The text of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat" spellings simply і tsіkavo, її can be read on any children. Good reading to you and your little ones.

Read fairy tale Fox and Goat

The fox beckoned, it gaped at the raven - and drank it into the well. The water in the well was not rich: you can’t drown, that and viscochiti - tezh. Sitting fox, grieving.

Goat goat - a reasonable head. Come on, shake your beard, Shake your mug; glancing into the well, waving the fox there and feeding:

- What are you doing there, little fox, are you fooling?

- I see, my dear, - the fox says, - it’s hot up there, so I climbed up here. It's already cold here, oh well! Cold water - you want skils!

And the goat wants to drink for a long time.

- Chi good water something? - feed the goat.

- Vidminna, - vidpovida fox. - Clean, cold! Stribay here, if you want; there will be room for both of us.

Having cut off the goat's zduru, the fox's trochs did not stand. And there youmu.


The fox was bewildered by the cost, marveled at the crows and, in spite of her disrespect, ended up in the well. It was fortunate for him that the well of the well was dried up, take a troch to the bottom, the fox did not drown. Ale could not vibrate to get out.

Sitting in a well, scolding, not knowing how to be. At that time, he was a dear goat, shaking his horns, shaking his beard. Vipadkovo looking into the well and primitiv a fox there, it became cicato for you, drinking wine from her:

What are you, fox, robish in the well?
- I see, - she says, - It became hot for me, I specially went down here to the beast. It's so cold in here, drive as much as you can.

And the goat on the bіdu drink even hotіv, having fed the fox with wine:

Is the water in the well good?
- Oh, good, - like a fox, - Cold and clean. If you want, try it yourself, here is the place for the two of us to hitch.

Chi did not think about the goat about the traces and cut straight to the fox, she was so ungraciously that she splattered everything.

Well, you, the bearded fool, you don’t mind the stribati - pouring water all over me.

For the time being, the goat was wise, what the hell, the fox shook his back on him, and already stared - on the horns, and from rig - names. The goat is alone in the well. Sitting there, without a hedgehog, while they didn’t know Yogo, they didn’t stand by the horns.

Child without falling asleep?

The Russian folk fairy tale “The Fox and the Czap” ended, like a child without falling asleep, it is recommended to read another piece of fairy tales.

B like a fox hung around, it looked like a raven - and fell into a well. Drive in a new bulo is not rich: drowning will NOT drown, and viscochiti - you will not viscochish.
Sitting fox, grieving.

Come on, goat goat - a sensible head. Come on, shake your beard, Shake your mug. Znichev'ya looked into the well, bobbed the fox there and fed it:
- What are you doing there, little fox?
- I see here, dove, you don’t succumb, - the fox tells you, - it’s hot up there, so I climbed here. And here it’s so good and cold! Cold water - you want skilki!

And the goat wanted to drink for a long time.
- Chi good water, then? - ask the fox goat.
- Vidminna water, - vidpovida fox. - Clean, cold! Whatever you want, stribay to me here. We both have a place to hang out here.
Having cut the goat zduru, the fox did not stab the troch.

And there youmu seems to be:
- Eh, you fool with beards, and you don’t get along well with the stribati - having sprinkled me all over.
And she herself jumped on the back of the goat, on her back on the horns, and she jumped out of the well.
And the goat did not disappear from hunger in the well. Forcibly, yoga was known there and pulled by the horns.

Today, all the more popular are the delivery services of various goods. People value their hour, and the stench allows you to shop without leaving your home. It’s time to check the products quickly before buying, which signifi- cantly increases the success.

Information is provided on the site solely for informational purposes. Official website of the service -

Service Yandex Zha - delivery service from restaurants and fast food in the company "Yandex". Service of creations on the cob 2018 on the basis of the supplement of the FoodFox service (the company was purchased by Yandex in 2017). Yandex Started working in Moscow and St. Petersburg, later we were connected to other places in Russia. Today Yandex is working in Kazakhstan, in the city of Almaty.

The Yandex delivery service is constantly expanding and expanding. More and more varied food outlets come to the base of supplements, which give the koristuvachs a dish to taste.

Yak practice Yandex Zha - the principle of robotic service

Robot Yandex їzhi vlashtovana dosit simply - koristuvach s create їzhi z s neighbor cafes, restaurants, fast food, and courier to bring її in the indicated place. It is worth trying to set up divisions into zones, in which there are points of partners in the Yandex Live service.

To the fact that the territorial distribution of partners (restaurants, cafes, fast food) is in order with you, the curriers come to finish the shvidko. For example, in certain places Yandex shows an hour - 32 hours:

Zavdyaki why the dish is filled with hot. A smart, slick container for delivery helps keep products in their original appearance.

Yandex їzha - home service

Corystuvatisya tsim servisom zovsіm clumsy, it's better to go to the Internet. Yandex works, both from a laptop or a stationary computer, and through a mobile add-on. Handily using the service and from the tablet, you know a restaurant or a cafe in any place in Russia.

Directly send to the site -, or you can type in the search system “Yandex Yandex”, the site will be up on the first side of the view. The service has a lot of pledges of the community eating. If you drive in your address, where you need to deliver the prayer, then I’ll show you only a mortgage in the transfer, so that I can serve the same point. The mobile addendum is easier and more efficient, even if there is a place for the subscriber's payment, it will be automatically indicated.

select insurance

Stravi choose easily and simply, like from the presented menu, so enter the name in the joke. For example, if you need to know the veal tartare yourself, then you will ask and enter:

I’ll only lay it down, there’s one dish on the menu. Presented and subdivided by category for clarity of search - sushi, healthy hedgehog, Vegg, pizza, kava.

Specific prices for delivery are indicated, as well as the minimum order amount. Straws are served for desserts, drinks, side dishes, salads.

Straw photo

It is also acceptable for those who take care of the propositions with photographs, you can not only help the warehouse, but also evaluate it visually. Photographs dosit akіsnі i іtkі.

It is necessary to choose less like a stray, all of them are absent in the presence, but to register before them. The booking is made out, a manual payment method is selected, prepared or with a bank card. Zapovnyuyut the delivery address and that's it, zamovlennya to be in the work.

What restaurants are presented on the service

Yandex їzha represents only some of the most popular and popular restaurants and other places of public eating. Stravi nayrіznomanіtnіshі, yak i khіnі, vіd evropejskoї ї sіatskoїї, є vіt okrema kategorіya vegetarіantsіv. The base is constantly expanding.

Etapi, how to remember zhu:

  • go through the site or install an add-on on your smartphone;
  • enter your address;
  • vibrati stravi, add to the cat;
  • look over the versatility of the whole prayer;
  • enter the address, add a comment for the request;
  • choose a manual payment method;
  • finish decorating.

Promise to bring the next hour, you can bring it. In the special office, the status of the appointment is shown. For a smartphone, it’s also easy to hand over the space of the delivery driver.

How to pay for the pledge

Bagatioh kliєntіv tsіkavit pitanya - chi can you pay for Yandex Groshyma? You have to pay for the preparation, or for an additional bank card. Opportunity to choose to lie down and see sumi. If it is less than 5000 rubles, then you can pay the postal worker with a preparation or a bank card. In case of booking more than 5000 rubles, payment is made only in a non-prepared form. While Yandex Grosima pays for the order, you won’t see it, but in no time the retailers of the service plan to complete the supply chain.

delivery area

The delivery zone is assigned automatically by the service. If the restaurant is shown in the list after the entered address, it means that the delivery will be made in the same place. For other regions, you can also check available mortgages by entering the address. The area covered by the service is visually marveled at on the map. You can write to the fahivtsy of the service, so that the stinks have added the point of a huge meal.

Promotions and discounts

Fans of discounts and promotions will find a lot of things in the service. Vіdstezhuvati vigіdnі propozitsії zruchno through social media. Those who, when making the first application through the client's addendum, already take a 20% discount. For whom a promotional code is required, but the reduction can be taken only when paying in a non-prepared way. In order to receive discounts and other promotional propositions through social measures, it is necessary during registration to put the necessary ticks next to each other. Propositions can be sent to e-mail or mobile phone.

Yandex Zha - this is a korisny service, which allows you to type in a similar way for the specified address. In rich vipadkah wines, it is better to save not only an hour, but a penny. Through the service it is not easy to know the most bizarre manias, sometimes exotic or non-violent ones. For whom it is not necessary to travel to all restaurants and cafes, to need all the time. This service will require some additional developments, but behind such technologies there is a future. Vlasniki and fakhіvtsі service postyno yogo dodoskonalyuyut, roblyachi zruchnym in koristuvannya and expanding the base.