Unblock access to YouTube videos anywhere in the world, at work or at school. What should you do if YouTube is blocked by your provider or network administrator? What's wrong with blocking YouTube?

Youtube is the most popular hosting for videos in Russia and throughout the world. Millions of people come in every day to post their own videos, marvel at other people’s robots, or even stumble upon requests for videos on the site, attractions on Youtube. It is difficult to find the Internet without video hosting from Google, but problems arise when you log in and are unable to access it. What to do about YouTube blocking and how to watch new videos - we will understand within the framework of this article.

Why is Youtube blocked?

Video hosting company Google hosts millions of videos, and the corporation has developed special algorithms that allow you to remove all uploaded illegal content, erotic videos and videos that contain a lot of junk. In connection with this, it is unlikely that Youtube blocking may be on the side of the government’s branch authorities. However, there are some tricks that can lead to temporary or permanent blocking of Youtube on your computer or at the time of a profit. Most often, access to video hosting is blocked through:

  • Obzhenya from the side of the administrator of the border, which blocked the exit from Youtube and social measures increased productivity of the company's employees for other reasons;
  • Through a DNS failure on the computer, which does not allow you to correctly connect to the Youtube IP address;
  • By blocking the site from the side of the provider, which can be encountered when watching a video clip, you will not be able to see it from Youtube at any time, otherwise you will have, in your opinion, content that violates the law.

If Youtube is blocked specifically at your level, there are many ways to solve the problem, and we will talk about them below.

Access to blocked YouTube through anonymizing sites

There is a whole group of sites on the Internet that are united under the common name “anonymizers”. They are online proxies, through which you can deny access to almost any resource. If you have been blocked for your IP address on a website, forum, blog or Youtube, you can access it through the “anonymizer”.

You need to do it like this:

After this, the Youtube site will open, which will appear as before, but in the address row you can add unintelligible characters, since the connection to the hosting was made through a third-party service that corresponds to the IP address.

This method It helps if not only Youtube is blocked, but also some other site. In this case, there is no difference - access to the resource is limited by the provider, the administrator of the specific local measures or for other reasons.

Go to Youtube blocking using Google DNS servers

Unfortunately, since access to Youtube is blocked at the corporate level, the most common exchange is registered via DNS. A similar method, when administrated as a Firewall, allows you to block access to a specific site, and not to all Google services. Apparently, for the sake of great freedom, you can unblock access to Youtube, which allows you to edit moderate connection, which is active on the computer.

To access the Youtube website using Google's DNS servers, you need to do the following:

All, from now on, as a network administrator, by setting up an exchange for access to Youtube via DNS, you can use video hosting for the registered addresses of the Google company.

Also, if YouTube is blocked, access to it can be gained through an anonymous browser or extensions that provide anonymous access to sites. However, since there is no need to go all the way to blocking Google’s video hosting company, then the descriptions of two methods are no longer sufficient.

Often, the world's media circles focus on the fact that Youtube has been blocked. And immediately it becomes impersonal to ask: how, why, for what? And other similar ones. There may be a number of reasons and, obviously, ways in which this problem may worsen.

Why is it so loud

If Youtube is already blocked, there may be a number of reasons. And the most popular position is in It’s simple: if a koristuvach has published any video without indicating its first location and the plagiarist, then the remaining one has the right to obtain from the Vlasnik video hosting service the blocking of the plagiarist. And if you believe it, it will happen. The whole world is very jealous of copyright. Another reason is the price of every money-maker to replace the video. So, for example, if you include materials for adults, then with a 100% guarantee we can say that the entire channel will be fenced off until the next time. Because Youtube is blocked, you have to think: why was it right that the video was given for viewing by other koristuvachs?

Why not protect it?

Spring 2014 excitement

At this time, Russia simply received new information about those who blocked Youtube.com for RuNet users throughout the country. However, this was not entirely correct. Effectively, the government is actively taking up the task of clearing up the World Wide Web, cleaning up stolen files from plagiarists. It’s only a matter of time before I stopped using Youtube. They blocked him, apparently, not for long. Today, it works miraculously, contributors post, watch, and comment on videos without any restrictions other than transferring them to the hosting administration.

Massive organizations

More and more often, students of various institutes and colleges, as well as security officers of various companies, are concerned that YouTube has been blocked by administrative officials. Be careful so that no one gets involved in outside interests. So, in addition to popular video hosting, they also block social media. Naturally, the community will get bored, but they will organize it instantly. Then, if there is nothing to worry about, the first orders will be more and more effective. Unfortunately, the administration of universities and other organizations do not care about those that have already blocked Youtube, so they will not be able to use them for their own purposes. It is also useful to publish and demonstrate videos that can be useful in work.

Can you stop for a minute?

Absolutely, that’s the way. However, before that, as quickly as possible, you must take on your robes. So, for example, Free programs can penetrate into personal computer Or on a smartphone/tablet I’ll look at the blocked site every hour. And a strong antivirus here will be even more detailed in order to protect devices. It makes you wonder why it’s really necessary to marvel at the videos, since the site was specially blocked for work or in the initial bookmark.

How to escape the fence?

And such special sites that allow you to increase prices on the World Wide Web incognito. The system does not mark any different plugs, screens, or other elements that are protected. These sites are called anonymizers. Essentially, their actions come down to the fact that they replace their original IP address with another one. The one who is not blocked from looking at the singing site. Ale, again, there is a risk of bringing the virus to the device through such walks. In addition, it is not advisable to enter passwords and logins through the anonymizer. And Rizik, that they will be replaced by other profiteers (also known as hackers and shahrais).

I'm blocking!

The burden of blocking access to various sites in organizations and installations usually falls on the shoulders of system administrator I'm a programmer. And punishments from superiors are rarely discussed. There is no need to rebuke this before this. On each machine (computer) the addresses of the site are registered, and access must be closed until necessary. And after this, it will no longer be possible to withdraw anyone until the return procedure is carried out. However, you can also try to block the channel at home. For example, the one that violates copyrights and the rules of the site itself. Under the skin video and on the side of the skin channel there is a button “Share”. As soon as enough dissatisfaction accumulates, the administration reacts strongly, checking the rigor of the money. As a rule, blocked videos are blocked quickly. There's another way! If someone stole your video, you can write official sheet V electronic view at the address of the video hosting administration, supporting it with evidence of their self-interest. The answer will come after 72 years.

YouTube will soon be blocked from Russia forever. And while some are shaking their fists and giving likes for those who don’t want to happen, others are getting ready. It’s obvious how amazed YouTube is that once Roskomnaglyad gets its way.

You can unblock YouTube using a VPN

Roskomnaglyad add sites to your blacklist. In order to ensure direct access, providers filter information from Roskomnaglyad and update their list of resources inaccessible to subscribers.

VPN services allow you to enter if you have changed your country of residence - hire by IP. For the provider, you are lost there, as a matter of fact.

If you want to go to YouTube, then connect to a VPN server (this is not allowed). It creates an encrypted tunnel, goes to YouTube for you and transmits traffic from the required site through the tunnel. I have not protected anyone from anything.

How to vibrati VPN for YouTube?

Marvel not only at the security, but also at the available income. No cost VPN - it's great, amazing, but do you seriously want to enjoy videos with "squares"? Until then, your data can anger the left-handed. Report.

And one more point: from Roskomnaglyad about the use of Opera VPN, Kaspersky Lab, 2ip.ru, 2ip.io, cameleo.ru. Since Roskomnaglyad blocks YouTube, the chances of losing your favorite videos on other services are lower than others.

How to connect to a VPN is in the service. Request vendors to use a client program with ready-made configurations that connects to the VPN server and redirects all traffic to it. Install, select an edge (as the service allows), and launch. You can marvel at the butt.

Another option is a browser extension. The logic is the same: install, click, go to YouTube. Then you turn it on due to lack of need, and the sites begin to become more attractive.

Where to install the extension:

Chrome:“Adjustment and management Google Chrome"(three gray dots right-handed top panel) - "Additional tools" - "Expansion". At the bottom of the page, click “More extensions” (or follow the instructions) and search for VPN, select the next one.

Firefox:(three horizontal right-handed buttons at the top panel) - “Add-ons” - “Expansion” (directly sent), also enter VPN in a row by search. І 55 options are in front of you.

Safari: menu - “Adjustment” - “Expansion”, and the same three letters in search. Damn it, Apple.


YouTube’s “civil browser” is tolerable to marvel at. However, please understand that cipher authorization in Tor is not great, but it’s quite useful.

The main page of YouTube was a bit of a bummer for me. For another ten seconds, the page with the pop-up video opened. I couldn’t marvel at videos higher than 480p without pauses.

Zagalom, at the treasury. Ale is far from the most comfortable and best option.


This is not a safe alternative to VPN. Proxy services also create tunnels and act as an intermediary between you and the desired protected site. Please ensure that you only deal with web traffic and do not encrypt it. In a word, your own method is non-accidental and without advantages.


Theoretically, you can watch YouTube through an anonymizer, but nothing better is required. In front of us, the ping and fluidity of the robot are lower, the connection is unstable, hanging up.

A lot of anonymizers (especially the bad ones) don’t work with YouTube. I'll watch the video for an hour, it's not visible to the anonymizer's authorities.

I'm sorry, anonymizers do not encrypt traffic. There is no need to replace the IP.


Once you block YouTube, you know how to live. Get excited about VPN, try accessing YouTube from Tor, compare the prices of paid services with the possibilities of cost-free ones. A local apocalypse could happen at any time, unless you are ready.

Access to the most popular cost-free video hosting Youtube may be blocked for a variety of reasons - both political, economical and social: -Youtube blocks system administrators in local areas of companies simultaneously with social in other ways, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, so that the spyvrobitniki do not freeze; - access to video hosting can be blocked by the provider for possible reasons of looking at video clips that violate the law; - The site may be blocked simply through a faulty DNS server, such as an incorrect IP address and you will not be able to access the service.

However, since the reason for the blocking of a certain video on YouTube is completely justified by the rules of the law, then due to the blocking of the entire service, it is the natural, law-abiding prostitutes who suffer, who often do not guess about the video that violates the law. The Yakbi knew that they would hardly have been surprised. Fortunately, there are many ways to unblock Youtube that are not available through blocking.

Today, most administrators (corporate and provider) block sites by replacing the IP address of the site on the level of the DNS server. So, when entering an IP address to the YouTube service, the DNS server sees incorrect addresses - for example, or a stub site. Why so, and not through the firewall? And for those who happen to block the whole thing, I will share the address of the video hosting service, through which other Google services may suffer. You can bypass this Youtube blocking by entering the addresses of public DNS servers. I most often use Google's DNS servers - and If Youtube blocking is done on a corporate level, you can specify the Yandex DNS server address -

To manually register DNS server addresses in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, you will need to use a network connection. Samy Swedish way- press the Win+R key combination, in the Open row write the command ncpa.cpl and press the OK button. In the window of connections, select those through which you are connected to your provider or home router And according to authorities, Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IP v4) requires the following addresses:

After this we press the OK button and are prompted to enter the service. In 90% of cases, this allows you to unblock YouTube.

The method is different. Vikorist anonymizers.

Anonymizer is a special online service that allows you to access the desired site not directly, but through this service. So, there is no direct approach to a blocked site. The most popular anonymizers on the Internet are: - anonymouse.org - webwarper.net - hidemyass.com - hideme.ru As a butt, let’s look at the Anonymouse.org service. Having typed this address in the search bar of the browser, perhaps the axis is like this:

In the "Enter website address" row, enter the website address. Our vip doesn’t have Youtube.com blocked. After this, press the Surf button anonymously to unblock available services.

Method three. Vikorist extension for browsers and “anonymous” browsers.

There are many different programs and browser extensions for anonymous access to sites and web services, bypassing blocking. Among the wide range of browsers that use proxy servers, the most popular ones are FoxyProxy for Google Chrome and Firefox, Stealthy, Anonimox, friGate. To install them, you need to go to the Tools section of the browser menu, select extensions and install one of these extensions. I, especially, will for such purposes vikoristovuvat okremium browser works through a proxy - Tor, PirateBrowser or Ultraserf. As a side note, let's take a look at the Tor browser, which is the most popular.

You can download the browser on the official website torproject.org. When launched, the browser connects to a large number of proxy servers. In fact, the Tor browser is a silent way to deny access to a blocked site, and in our case, to a blocked site.


What should you do if YouTube is blocked by your provider or network administrator?

Youtube is the most popular hosting for videos in Russia and throughout the world. Millions of people come in every day to post their own videos, marvel at other people’s robots, or even stumble upon requests for videos on the site, attractions on Youtube. It is difficult to find the Internet without video hosting from Google, but problems arise when you log in and are unable to access it. What to do about YouTube blocking and how to watch new videos - we will understand within the framework of this article.

Why is Youtube blocked?

Video hosting company Google hosts millions of videos, and the corporation has developed special algorithms that allow you to remove all uploaded illegal content, erotic videos and videos that contain a lot of junk. In connection with this, it is unlikely that Youtube blocking may be on the side of the government’s branch authorities. However, there are some tricks that can lead to temporary or permanent blocking of Youtube on your computer or at the time of a profit. Most often, access to video hosting is blocked through:

  • Observation on the side of the administrator of measures such as blocking the output from Youtube and social measures to increase the productivity of the company’s employees or for other reasons;
  • Through a DNS failure on the computer, which does not allow you to correctly connect to the Youtube IP address;
  • By blocking the site from the side of the provider, which can be encountered when watching a video clip, you will not be able to see it from Youtube at any time, otherwise you will have, in your opinion, content that violates the law.

If Youtube is blocked specifically at your level, there are many ways to solve the problem, and we will talk about them below.

Access to blocked YouTube through anonymizing sites

There is a whole group of sites on the Internet that are united under the common name “anonymizers”. They are online proxies, through which you can deny access to almost any resource. If you have been blocked for your IP address on a website, forum, blog or Youtube, you can access it through the “anonymizer”.

You need to do it like this:

After this, the Youtube site will open, which will appear as before, but in the address row you can add unintelligible characters, since the connection to the hosting was made through a third-party service that corresponds to the IP address.

This method helps if not only Youtube is blocked, but also any other site. In this case, there is no obvious difference - access to the resource is limited by the provider, the administrator of a specific local network, or for other reasons.

Go to Youtube blocking using Google DNS servers

Unfortunately, since access to Youtube is blocked at the corporate level, the most common exchange is registered via DNS. This method, when administrated under Firewall, allows you to block access to a specific site, and not to all Google services. Apparently, if you really need it, you can unblock access to Youtube, which means you can manage connections to the extent that they are active on your computer.

To access the Youtube website using Google's DNS servers, you need to do the following:

All, from now on, as a network administrator, by setting up an exchange for access to Youtube via DNS, you can use video hosting for the registered addresses of the Google company.

Also, if YouTube is blocked, access to it can be gained through an anonymous browser or extensions that provide anonymous access to sites. However, since there is no need to go all the way to blocking Google’s video hosting company, then the descriptions of two methods are no longer sufficient.


What's wrong, why was YouTube blocked?

Often, the world's media circles focus on the fact that Youtube has been blocked. And immediately it becomes impersonal to ask: how, why, for what? And other similar ones. There may be a number of reasons and, obviously, ways in which this problem may worsen.

Why is it so loud

If Youtube is already blocked, there may be a number of reasons. The most popular is the violation of copyright. It’s simple: if a koristuvach has published any video without indicating its permission and plagiarism, then the rest has the right to extract from Vlasnik video hosting and block the plagiarist. And if you believe it, it will happen. The whole world is very jealous of copyright. Another reason is not the skarga of any koristuvach replacing the roller. So, for example, if you include materials for adults, then with a 100% guarantee we can say that the entire channel will be fenced off until the next time. Because Youtube is blocked, you have to think: why was it right that the video was given for viewing by other koristuvachs?

Why not protect it?

Spring 2014 excitement

It's time for Russia's koshti mass information We were simply informed that Youtube.com is blocking RuNet users all over the country. However, this was not entirely correct. Effectively, the government is actively taking up the task of clearing up the World Wide Web, cleaning up stolen files from plagiarists. It’s only a matter of time before I stopped using Youtube. They blocked him, apparently, not for long. Today, it works miraculously, contributors post, watch, and comment on videos without any restrictions other than transferring them to the hosting administration.

Massive organizations

More and more often, students of various institutes and colleges, as well as security officers of various companies, are concerned that YouTube has been blocked by administrative officials. Be careful so that no one gets involved in outside interests. So, in addition to popular video hosting, they also block social media. Naturally, the community will get bored, but they will organize it instantly. Then, if there is nothing to worry about, the first orders will be more and more effective. Unfortunately, the administration of universities and other organizations do not care about those that have already blocked Youtube, so they will not be able to use them for their own purposes. It is also useful to publish and demonstrate videos that can be useful in work.

Can you stop for a minute?

Absolutely, that’s the way. However, before that, as quickly as possible, you must take on your robes. So, for example, malicious programs can penetrate a personal computer or smartphone/tablet while browsing a blocked site. And a strong antivirus here will be even more detailed in order to protect devices. It makes you wonder why it’s really necessary to marvel at the videos, since the site was specially blocked for work or in the initial bookmark.

How to escape the fence?

And such special sites that allow you to increase prices on the World Wide Web incognito. The system does not mark any different plugs, screens, or other elements that are protected. These sites are called anonymizers. Essentially, their actions come down to the fact that they replace their original IP address with another one. The one who is not blocked from looking at the singing site. Ale, again, there is a risk of bringing the virus to the device through such walks. In addition, it is not advisable to enter passwords and logins through the anonymizer. And Rizik, that they will be replaced by other profiteers (also known as hackers and shahrais).

I'm blocking!

The responsibility for blocking access to various sites in organizations and installations usually falls on the shoulders of the system administrator and programmer. And punishments from superiors are rarely discussed. So, before blocking a channel on Youtube, there is no need to block it. On each machine (computer) the addresses of the site are registered, and access must be closed until necessary. And after this, it will no longer be possible to withdraw anyone until the return procedure is carried out. However, you can also try to block the channel at home. For example, the one that violates copyrights and the rules of the site itself. Under the skin video and on the side of the skin channel there is a button “Share”. As soon as enough dissatisfaction accumulates, the administration reacts strongly, checking the rigor of the money. As a rule, blocked videos are blocked quickly. There's another way! If you want to steal your video, you can write an official letter in electronic form to the address of the video hosting administration, supporting it with evidence of your self-interest. The answer will come after 72 years.


Why bother if your video is blocked on YouTube?

If a video is blocked on YouTube, you will see a notification on the mail channel, and also in the “Copyright” section in the video manager there will be information about copyright violations and about those who blocked the video.

See video blocked on YouTube channel.

If the Content ID system recognizes any third-party content in your videos (fragments of other people's videos, music), and if the legal authority has adjusted the policy for blocking such content, the video on your channel may be blocked.

The screenshot shows that the first video is blocked in all countries, another video is blocked in some countries, and the third video contains copyrighted material.

There are three types of blocking that apply to the system: if the video is blocked in all countries, the reputation of your channel will be damaged, and you will lose access to a number of important functions, such as the importance of videos, there are more than 15 content, privacy, and personalization of video icons. You can also get monetization on the channel.

The screenshot shows that the cloud recording includes all additional functions and monetization through video blocking in general.

If the video is blocked in some countries or third-party content is blocked, then in most cases it will not affect the reputation of the channel and will not interfere with the function. Such videos can be removed if you go to them good traffic, or make sure that the legal authority does not change the policy to blocking and does not send you a strike.

What should you do if the video is blocked in the world?

First of all, we need to understand whether the blocking is legitimate. Click on the inscription “Video blocked in all countries” and see who the copyright holder has filed a claim for which fragment of the video:

If you agree that blocking Milkova and you did not violate copyrights, then you have two options:

1) Submit a request for video blocking.

Here are some possible arguments that could justify blocking the video.

There are only two arguments behind the fact:

a) Vikorist this place, I do not violate the rights to the summed up vikoristan content is subject to copyright law

Choose this option if you have vikorized a short fragment of someone else’s video using the quotation method in your video. If you took someone else's video, this option will not be legal.

This option is also suitable if you took the video, posted by the copyright holder under a Creative Commons license.

b) I have a license or have given copyright permission to the copyrighted material

Choose this option if you are allowed. If there is nothing there, then there may be problems.

2) Contact the legal authority and ask for blocking.

You can try to find the website or channel of the legal authority, find your contacts and ask to unblock the video.

Remember that many legal authorities work with media measures, and therefore you can try to reach the legal authority through the media.

A number of people who have bad tempers are able to make house, especially if you are not an evil thief.

What will happen if I send the documents for blocking?

Important! If you send a prohibited content and the legal authority does not agree with it, you can send a strike to your channel (gross violation of copyright, for 3 strikes the channel will be removed).

Also, in even the most isolated cases, a legal authority can be taken to court for illegally blocking a video.

Another important thing: simply removing a blocked video does not solve the problem! Moreover, if you want to unblock the blocking, do not delete the video. This is how you can look at your list.

Watch a video about all types of damage on YouTube:

I axis of new sanctions for damage caused in 2016:


It's great here!

I think that for 90% of office workers the situation is similar, if on the work computer the server blocks access to other sites. We are quickly losing all sorts of social measures. Let's see what can be done if the robot is blocked from accessing the video on YouTube.

In fact, this information can be found even easily with the help of special anonymizer sites. There is no need to be afraid of these words. 🙂

In fact, an anonymizer is a major site on the Internet that virtually masks the IP address of your work computer. In this case, nothing physically changes on your computer, just other (external) sites on the Internet refer you to other names. With this fictitious passport, it is easy to fool a worker and enter a site blocked by the system administrator.

What to do if robots blocked watching videos on YouTube (YouTube)

1. To get started, go to the anonymizer website (hideme.ru). On the main page you will read this at the end:

2. Select the youtube.com bookmark if you want to go to head side YouTube. Or we’ll put it into the series of sending messages on video, because we want to marvel.

3. Press the big green HIDEME button.

4. Watch unblocked videos on YouTube channels Let's talk about robots!

The only thing that can show that you are not following the rules is the address that appears in the address bar of your browser. There it will be written approximately in this complex combination of letters and numbers instead of the name youtube.com.

Ale, wait a minute, it’s not at all insignificant, the weariness of the ability to lose contact with external light never stop working at work. Don’t forget to watch the entrance doors so that the director doesn’t accidentally catch you on a blocked site! 🙂

You can find out about other capabilities of the hideme service at the statistic " Spy Games Or how to change your IP address in 3 seconds.”

Post in the comments below how many blocked videos on YouTube you were amazed at!

There is no one to love if we are limited in access to anything on the Internet. For example, wandering around the expanses of Youtube for the next time, you can open a video, but, to your deep disappointment, you will not end up with the player, but there will be an icon with the message “The video is not available for viewing in your country.”

We've all encountered regional blocking on YouTube - it's inevitable. There are plenty of people to think about what you are going to do with the decisions of the video hosting service itself, but know that sharing your videos is up to the media content creators themselves. For example, if the author of the video wants his creation to be taken from the poor people of the singing land, then the rich people who live there will not be able to deny access to the video.

Obviously, the author has his own right, as well as his reasons. However, it is still unacceptable that they have just welcomed you, settling on your place of residence. The connection with this is due to a completely natural diet: “How can you bypass these regional exchanges on Youtube?” That’s how it is, and it’s easy to finish.

YouTube video is not available in your country? No problem! In this article we will look at ways to help you display your videos on one of the most popular video hosting sites in the world.

Change sent video

There are literally no ways to bypass regional blocking. Today, the announcement of “viewing unavailable for your country” will no longer bother anyone, since from now on you can simply change the message to video in the browser and all the changes will be removed.

If you don’t already know about this method, then let’s take a closer look. So, you can effectively bypass the restriction and immediately deny access to the video with one small change to the sent video. Let's take, for example, the message on this video (whose video has no regional division, but is not so important):

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYXdsOEWBj0

If you have encountered regional blocking of any video, then this message needs to be changed in small parts. As a result, you may end up with something like:

  • https://www.youtube.com/v/rYXdsOEWBj0

Services and anonymizers

There are a large number of third-party resources on the Internet that can help you deny access to another video on Youtube. One of our own popular services Among the correspondents there are those whose services can be obtained simply by adding a few symbols to the message sent.

For example, the savefrom.net service allows you to download the required video to your computer, wherever available. You just need to go to YouTube from the letter SS sent to the video and press Enter, then you will be directed to the site savefrom.net, where everything is simple and clear. So, video acquisition is not a very manual process, but, technically, it is still important to bypass regional blocking. You have been denied access to the content, right? Axle butt for wiki savefrom.net:

  • https://www.ssyoutube.com/watch?v=rYXdsOEWBj0

In addition, you can bypass the blocking of the video you need using the additional NWFS Youtube resource. As a result of the previous service, you will not be able to acquire anything. Just add the message NWFS and press Enter, after which you will go to the service page, where you can watch the video. Axle butt posylannya for vikoristannya NWFS Youtube:

  • https://www.nwfsyoutube.com/watch?v=rYXdsOEWBj0

If the video is not available for viewing in your region, you can also contact the so-called anonymizers. Anonymizers are resources that allow you to share other sites on the Internet anonymous mode. Apparently, if you go to Youtube through one of the anonymizers, you can calmly watch the content you need. It is difficult to recommend one of them, because they are anonymous and all of them have similar functionality. Enter “Anonymizer” into the search engine and choose whoever you like.

Browsers for anonymous surfing

Another dirty way to bypass the regional blocking of the “video is not available in your region” message on Youtube is to use a number of specialized browsers that provide anonymous access to the Internet.

Their main purpose is to ensure maximum security for your personal data when surfing, but also to redirect traffic through multiple proxy servers, thereby masking your data protection and IP address.

Install one of these browsers, and then go to the desired video on Youtube to easily publish the video. What kind of browser do you vibrate? Almost anyone. On the Internet, you can find a number of different browsers that can help you bypass regional blocks on Youtube, as well as in other areas of the Internet.

For example, Tor Browser is extremely popular among internet users. This browser will ensure great zeal for defense by redirecting your traffic to a wider range of volunteers around the world. You will not allow anyone to view your travel history, will not allow various resources to find out about your real location, and will also give you access to web resources that were previously blocked for you.

Tor Browser can be used on Windows, MacOS or Linux, and there is no need to install it directly. For example, you can record the version of Tor Browser you have already installed on a USB device and view it in this way.

Besides Tor Browser, we can also provide you with the benefit of other browsers, with the help of which you can bypass such information about regional Yotube restrictions, as the video is not available for viewing in your region. For example, you can quickly use Epic Privacy Browser, PirateBrowser or VPN/TOR Browser Globus. These are all wonderful browsers that will give a wonderful proof of corruption.

VPN services

If you want to bypass blocking as easily as possible, for example, regional blocking on Youtube, then it is best to go to specialized VPN services. VPN is a virtual private barrier that allows you to anonymously and safely navigate the Internet, and, more importantly, block access to content that is blocked for users from your region.

As with everything else, there is a lack of different VPN services, both cost-free and paid. Choose whichever suits your taste, since each of them has their pros and cons. Ok, so as not to deprive you of anything, we recommend that you check out VPN services such as ExpressVPN, TunnelBear, Hide Me and GooseVPN. All these VPN services provide advanced functions without any costs. If you just want to bypass the regional blocking on Youtube in order to deny access to the song video material, get rid of them.

Well, we have described the most extensive ways that you can use to fool YouTube. Also remember that there are many methods that can be used to access the boundaries “this channel is not available in your region” if you want to deny access to the channel of another author. Everything is very handy, simple and painless.

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