Why is such a Chinese not needed? IMHO how xiaomi is deceiving us. Why is such a Chinese not needed? The xiaomi mi4 phone does not fit in

When using a Xiaomi smartphone, it may become unacceptable and, at first glance, the situation is not clear - the phone does not connect. What are the possible ways to solve this problem and what could be causing it?

Of course, if you take a smartphone directly from your skin, the problems can be completely different and different factors will appear, and then we will look at the broadest of them.

Problem #1. Gliboka discharge

A common problem is that the Xiaomi smartphone does not stick in and the red LED is shining. This can indicate that the battery is completely discharged. In this case, the smartphone does not have enough energy to start the system, and then pressing the power button will not produce the desired result.

Solution: put the smartphone on charge and after about an hour (one hour) try to press it after pressing the life button (10 seconds)

Well, there could be a problem here - the charging cable is damaged. Try connecting another smartphone or any other device and see how it charges. Replace the cable as needed.

Here you can also add a problem with a damaged USB port on a smartphone, which can be replaced at the service center.

Problem #2. System hangs

Another common problem is a system glitch that turns off the smartphone and prevents it from connecting normally.

Solution: for smartphones with a back cover, which is removed, you can try removing the battery and reinserting it into the smartphone, after which try turning it on. Most of the time, for some devices it is unknown, there is another way - press and hold the power button for up to 10 seconds. In this case, a thorough re-installation will be carried out and it is certain that the smartphone can become wet.

The report is described in the statistics:

Problem #3. Damage to the power button and other mechanical problems

Situations arise when the inability to turn on the smartphone is due to mechanical failures that occur when the device fails or, as a result, to the faulty gateway.

In case of any problem, you will need to go to the service center to look for the problem and fix it.

This may also be due to a malfunction of the life controller, if the smartphone does not connect and does not charge. To check this, you need to insert a charged battery into your smartphone and try to turn it off.

Problem #4. Lost firmware

You can often run into problems if the screen burns out and you can’t use your smartphone. This is due to a bug in the robot's firmware. For best results, it will be necessary to reinstall the software. One of the ways is to use Mi Flash programs.

The new Xiaomi Mi 4 is undoubtedly considered the most epic marvel of those that China has revealed to the mobile world for the rest of the time. I need to say that this device, which even before the speech was called “Apple of China”, has significantly changed the scale of its size not only to the devices of the Xiaomi company, but also to the Chinese phones, and even better - there is a report about them.

Today's million-dollar army of Chinese Xiaomi fans is literally growing day by day with new thousands of “volunteers” from other countries, who not only buy Xiaomi Mi 4, but also generate a wave of praise from Merezha, All the same, master the advantages of your smartphone.

And it is certain that Xiaomi Mi 4 still has something to please the marketer, so the device’s sensational popularity is not only due to the company’s marketers.

On the other hand, Mi4, which is popular in the domestic Chinese market, has already surpassed all its competitors, including Galaxy and iPhone, being a device of the so-called HighEnd class, becoming a real surprise for wealthy wealthy people. That senses that not everyone is able to master all the capabilities of their smartphone as quickly as they would like.

But, judging by the looks of Xiaomi tablets and smartphones, for example, the very specific-looking MIUI interface (Mi Ui), at the same time, allows you to use the new Xiaomi Mi 4 even more comfortably and get rid of even more great functions іnalom.

However, for true neophytes who have not yet come to terms with the possibilities of Mi4, knowing a couple of worm tricks will not be easy to sing.

Well, now that you have Xiaomi Mi 4, it’s now memorized:

1. Make money screenshot (Screen snapshot) Xiaomi Mi4 simply stamped the “Menu” and “Change sound volume” buttons. Once an image is removed, it is automatically saved in the main image directory.

2. Player in Mi4 “play” (this means opening files) when the smartphone screen is locked. We tap on the circle on the locked screen (in orange) and go to the screen with elements of the player.

3. You don’t have to be afraid of the temryavi. Likhtarik in Xiaomi Mi 4 it is just as easy and simple to turn on: you can press and press the Home button and - Fiat lux !

4. If you are interested in how well your operator’s network functions, you can display a special message on the Mi4 screen (in the status bar). Fluidity indicator data transfer. For this we go to “ Setting up", dali - in " Notification panel» and included « Show fluidity...» ( Settings -> Notifications -> Show Connection Speed).

5. Xiaomi Mi 4 has been redesigned “ gut regime “With such a device you can carry it around without worrying too much about those that are unlocked and are still unauthorized to call everyone you can.

6. From Mi4 you can get important information from outside eyes. For this purpose, you need a notification and drag it down the screen until the window opens. Notify private people ". For information needs, you can also set a password.

7. As we know, transferring data to the background (unknown) mode is one of the main reasons for accelerated battery discharge. Therefore, in MIUI you can choose which programs can run in the background from active programs. Unnecessary or unnecessary programs can be turned on in a couple of clicks.

8. If you know (or suspect) that your Xiaomi Mi 4 can be accessed by others, then it is better to activate it this time guest mode , in which personal data and important information will be collected. To enable this function, go to “ Setting up then at " Safety» and launch Guest mode.

The deceptive reputation of Apple and Samsung will not lead to any good.

A new flagship smartphone - . About this device without writing more than a few words, but just a few words. They brought us one of these from China, we walked around with it for a week and finished it off.

I say right away that I am writing for myself, not a repost, not a rewrite. Just thought, the situation has come to a head

The Xiaomi phenomenon, which kills all axis-axis

Xiaomi- The company is unique. It doesn't do things the same way as most Chinese electronics brands: it stinks philosophy of design, production standards, its own wireless shell for Android, top technologies and quality.

Of course, I’m still asleep Meizu, What is sold openly on the Russian market, but with the design of this problem.

The phenomenon of Xiaomi is based on reputation, the company actually has legendary status beyond the borders of China. Ask any gadget addict, and with 99% certainty, they will say that they know that it’s inexpensive to buy cool things, and they have begun to “bring up all the demands” for the first benefit.

The Americans turned to the iPhone for 700 dollars or double slavery to the operator in exchange for a big discount. They can be bugged. If you buy a stylish, metallic, unlocked smartphone with a lot of modern technologies for only 250 dollars, they cannot have any other reaction other than AMAZING. Hoarding stars, kindly announced about the upcoming Xiaomi panic, which is quickly spreading around the world with IT-videos, greedy for reposts (including so).

The smartphone itself and investigative journalists - with all the great attention to them - most often did not vikorize for more than 15 weeks. They didn’t drag him down, didn’t work with him 24/7, didn’t check him for problems. Above all, no one will lose their smart phone after the release of new versions, without benefiting from Xiaomi’s technical support. The result is negligible continuous positive information Foreigners are trying to break records on the Chinese Maidans, and what happens next is no big deal, the problems of the third world.

I currently have my own smartphone, which I’ve been using for a long time; There are as many as 4 batteries, which are called the largest on the market; You will find that it was recently the same flagship Mi5, which few people have managed to profit from. I am also familiar with the owners of the Mi Band bracelet, about which we will tell a story.

Miracles don’t happen, because Xiaomi doesn’t want to know you

It’s important not to squabble with Xiaomi smarties – their design is amazing, especially the flagship models. I quit in mid-2015 and added a model Xiaomi Mi4i on one Asian site. The device arrived quickly.

Mi4i is already highly valued among gadget lovers: in addition to the poor price, it also has one of the best audio chips in smartphones, and the other channel does not disappoint. Yogo ne varto plutati z Mi4, Mi4c and other modifications that look the same (it’s time to be wary). No, this is a huge premium device from Xiaomi, which can show TOP results for all parameters.

I was immediately struck by the way the Android shell is very misleading ( MIU) is similar on iOS. Chi navpaki? It’s important to say that there was no hope for the call. The setup menu was copied and pasted with similar icons, and nothing. With the downloaded program, you can add a theme with a design to your iPhone, after which the picture can be considered complete.

I used Smart for a few years, and then I gave it to my fathers and did not harm it. They have identified a number of problems with the smart phone, which in general reflect the real twist of Xiaomi devices.

1. Sometimes the wine re-invents itself

Maybe once a month, or maybe once a week. This problem occurs with many models of the same fate, and constantly discarding data and changing settings does not help. How does Xiaomi view this food? No, the couple of updates that came out did not improve the situation.

Perhaps, having lost my love, but turn him nowhere, please go nowhere. There is no official sale in Russia, remember?

2. The robot's autonomy is ridiculous for such a battery

Mi4i lasts a maximum of a day without strong interference. If you use it as the main handset, the charge will remain until 8 pm. And not in battery saving mode, in which productivity itself is not a fountain. Having taken it, until the 16th anniversary of the day, we remove the “tseglu”.

It’s hard to believe that there is a 3120 mAg battery in the middle, 10% larger than the iPhone 6S Plus! Already, Mi4i began to discharge for no reason literally a few years before zero, and then it helped to reset the charge.

3. Smart people cope with Swedish enemies

The great advantage of the MIU shell is that it has the smooth interface that iOS is famous for. But in resource-intensive areas, with a lot of traffic and especially with important programs from Google Play, the device “hangs up” for a few seconds, it’s stupid. In this case, it’s not “Pearl of Asia”, but a noname-smart for 5 thousand rubles from the store operator. There is no good optimization of the entry and software, it seems that they have not invested in it.

4. The skin model has a ton of versions, firmware, modifications.

If you came from the iOS world, it will not be easy for you from Xiaomi. By locating your phone from Asian sites, you are selecting one of dozens of varieties. The differences may be in the processor model, RAM, screen size, and in all aspects besides design. However, the model has the same name.

In addition, the biggest problem is different versions of the MIUI shell for different markets. In one there will be Russian language, in the other there will be no language. There is one feature, but there is no other feature. For example, there is often no radio. Here they didn’t put the English story - it’s in the middle of the Chinese house. You can reflash it again, but at any time, there are risks and other moments that you don’t expect when you buy smart phones that cost more than 10 thousand rubles.

5. Devices from China are loaded with a lot of bad software, which wastes resources

These ailments are common among all current smartphones on Android, and the flagships of other companies have already begun to improve. Next to your device there is the all-powerful “polishuvach” Clean Master, and Xiaomi goes further - it also adds all sorts of other programs, blockers, and so on. A bunch of chats, closed add-on stores, mindless processes - you are buying a Trojan horse, from which you then clean everything with a magnifying glass and interfere with the processes.

You can remove all this information only with the help of root or jailbreak.

6. Xiaomi kills smartphones with swedish, lower brandy Zakhada

The last and most important point. Everyone is happy to laugh at LG and Samsung as they upgrade their old smartphones to the new version of Android with great difficulty. Ale Xiaomi vzagali don't bother anyone. For example, this Mi4i will obviously be lost for Lollipop 5.1.1, because the Chinese are liking the MIUI shell.

Aje they have a new smartphone Viyshov, Mi5- The axis has already been updated with Android 6, but don’t hesitate to endure it.

The availability of updates and support for the publisher is a sure way to the future of problems, unrelated glitches and a happy life for the leader on the w3bsit3-dns.com forums as a home page. Go nowhere! And if there is some kind of glitch, a jamb, a problem in you - well, then save.

The problem is no less common with smart phones. How Xiaomi threw Vlasnik bracelets

Thank you, here you all know the sports bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band- Which is super cheap and not at all good. So, Xiaomi took it and threw it at the function, for which most people bought this tracker. Moreover, the best experience was experienced by iOS developers.

Like the past fate, Xiaomi has updated the program for iOS and smartphones removed the function of adjusting the sleep phases. The feature has not turned around. At the same time, a smart alarm clock sounded from her. Moreover, the default alarm clock and notifications are now glitched. If you don’t believe me, read the official forum on Reddit, where people are panicking about a way to update the old version of the official program.

Knowing everything, I didn’t feel the great burying of the Mi5. You can eat a new pear, but you’ll still end up choking on your own.

The biggest disadvantage to the device is that the back panel is so cool. The top model has a ceramic panel that does not fray. After all, such a model in Russia costs 40-50 thousand, and who needs it?

Those whose design is practically in zero licks from Samsung flagships - so, details. Apple has captured its brilliant edges. As a result, the device lies in your hand even more wonderfully: the bottom panel is hand-held, and the edges dig into your hand. To the honor of the Chinese, the screen is well very clear, the transmission of colors is natural.

They put a top-end processor in the middle Qualcomm 820, which is available in the flagships of 2016 from famous manufacturers. 3-4 gigabytes of RAM, an NFC module, a cool camera... By the way, on the paper we have a cool smart phone, which is on the police with the latest models on the market.

Alas, there are no miracles. The firmware is up to date I'm calling. Locking the screen sometimes causes a lot of confusion. Periodically starts putting things down for no reason. The opening hour for the program may be abnormally long. Well, that's right. I don’t want to tell you about those that have been adjusted in the system - it’s just an endless dark forest of menus.