A short description of possibilities. Nizhny Novgorod embarrassment "Poshti Rossii" Brief instructions for EAS ops

It was revealed that there was a difference in the cost of Kasov's MC-42 and X-stars:
Reveal the reason
Create rows at the magazine of pennies after sums across articles
Close the change with an act under the supervision of the head of the security service, using the “Close change” button
without building DS"
Due to obvious discrepancies, the “Create DS” button is not active


Emergency connection of electricity to the fire alarm system:
Correctly exit the System and shut down the operator’s computer
Complete the work on the computer of the head of the security service
Whisk in all your life
All information can be formed on the beginning of the upcoming operating day.
Shchob pratsyuvati shvidshe treba:
Use hot keys
Use hints from the System
Entering an address starts with the index
Vikoristovuvati TsKhDPA at the hour of entering the address
Wikoristat data history


You cannot independently change locations/rearrange equipment
Any services can be given to the skin surgery area
If necessary, you can add an unfinished input sample


Today you learned:
How can EAS help you achieve your goals?
Your role and functions on the project
Basis for launching EAS in OPS
How to print a robot in the EAC system and open the transaction day
Main functions of acceptance, processing and delivery of RPO
How to close an operating day
Korisna is ready to work at the EAS


Advanced course with all the materials
posted on Confluence under the section Navchannia EAS OPS

The creation and the canvas are restored

A unified automated system for postal communication based on the MS Dynamics for retail platform for the Russian Post Federal State Enterprise


Postal service subsystem. Priyom RPO

EAS OPS.001.І3.03-2


The document “Training courses at the warehouse of the working place” in part describes the procedures for the work of the postal operator when accepting postal shipments, which are registered (hereinafter - RPO) of divisions within the framework of the work of the postal service and the creation of a pilot in promotion of a unified automated system for postal communication 'language based on the MS Dynamics AX for retail platform for the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia" (hereinafter referred to as EAS OPS).

The purpose of the EAS OPS is to increase the efficiency of these services by creating a single solution for automating the activities of postal communication.

This document contains a description of the procedures for the work of the postal communication operator when accepting postal shipments that are registered with the unified automated system for postal communication and the purposes for starting operators and for the vikoristan Operators will provide postal communication if necessary to obtain pre-order information about EAS OPS.

The basis for the work is the Agreement dated April 3, 2013 No. 2013-AHKS-0009 for the work on the topic: “Creation and implementation of a unified automated system for postal communication based on the MS Dynamics AX for retail platform" between the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" » and LLC "J-Em-Si-Es Verex".

1 Intro... 4

1.1 Stagnation area.

1.2 A short description of possibilities.

1.3 Procedure for checking the validity.

2 Description of operations... 6

2.1 Select menu for selecting operations.

2.2 Entering RPO parameters... 12

2.2.1 Introduction of direction to the class. 13

2.2.2 Introduction of vehicle characteristics.

2.2.4 Introduction of the announced value of the department. 15

2.2.5 Select the category of direction. 16

2.2.6 Introduction... 17

2.2.7 Indicates direction icons. 18

2.2.8 Introduction of data about otrimuvach. 19

2.2.9 Entering address data. 26

2.2.10 Indication of the method of overpowering the RPO... 31

2.3 Entering information about the provider who receives the payment.

2.3.1 Entering information about the director. 33

2.3.2 Possibility of ordering payment after payment.

2.4 Possibility of introducing additional services, receiving assignments, and paying for assignments. 35

2.4.1 Introduction of data for additional services. 35

2.4.2 Payment for delivery. 38

2.5 Select stamps for RPO payment... 41

2.5.1 Select brands 43

2.6 Review of bag data.

2.7 Copying data about RPO when accepting several RPOs from one sender 49

2.8 Reception of migration information.

2.8.1 Entering the basic parameters of migration notification. 52

2.8.2 Entering information about the informant/migrant. 53

2.8.3 Introduction of data for additional services. 56

2.8.4 Review of bag data. 56

2.9 Acceptance of simple orders.

2.10 Additional postal services.

3 Emergency situations... 62

3.1 The pardon code is “no paper”. The line at the fiscal registrar has been completed.

3.2 The amortization code is “1000 and 1002. At the hour of the operation, the amortization began” at the time of payment... 62

the list is short and soon... 64


Galuz zastosuvannya

The document presents a course for operators of the postal communication department (OPS) when registering service connections with the acceptance of postal dispatches (RPO), which are registered with the use of a unified automated system for postal communication language (EAS OPS, System).

This document is intended for the purpose of obtaining the necessary information from the OPS operators during the period of work and for the collection of preliminary information during the work hours in the EAS OPS.

Before reading the document, you must familiarize yourself with the document “Creation and implementation of a unified automated system for postal communications based on the MS Dynamics AX for Retail platform. Training courses at the warehouse of the operational security department. Zagalni procedures. EAS OPS.001.І3.03-1” (hereinafter referred to as “Regular procedures”), which contains a short summary about the System, the procedure for preparing the System before operation and a description of the standard operations required for the entire EAS OPS system.

In times of need, the power supply of the EAS OPS will be reduced to the technical support service.

A short description of possibilities

EAS OPS is intended to automate the operational activities of OPS. This document contains a description of the robotic procedures for receiving RPO:

Select the class, type, category and category of postal delivery, method of forwarding according to the needs of the sender;

Processing information about the announced price and post-payment;

Introduction of data about the vaga RPO, ШІ;

Select possible icons for RPO;

Entering data about the ruler and possessor;

Entering address data is the responsibility of the representative;

selection of additional services for RPO;

Select the type of payment RPO (GZPO, franking; advance book; prepared payment, unprepared payment);

Postal tariffs.

Description of operations


In the document, when describing the operator's actions, the PC keyboard keys are written in bold font ( Enter), fields and buttons of on-screen forms are written in the tabs (“Exit” button).

Entering RPO parameters

On the first screen of the RPO, the main groups of postal fields are displayed. For any parameters on the screen, there are fields:

- “Klas, Kraina znachennya, Vaga in grams”;

- “Otrimovach” (as the direction has the “Internal” class);

- “Advanced result” (Advanced size for the direction of the treatment, type, category of direction, method of transfer).

Depending on the class, type and category of department, the following fields may appear on the screen:

- “Paid with stamps/frankings” (RPO due to the possibility of payment by DZPO);

- “The method of overpowering.”

Introduction to the class of administration

The first field to select is “Department Class”. Typical class of the department is “Internal” (Malyunok 9).

Figure 9. Form "Priyom RPO". RPO tab. Tab “Division Class”

The values ​​of the field will change if you change instead of the field “Country of destination”, in which you need to select the country when the RPO will be sent (Malyunok 10).

Figure 10. Fields “Class of Administration”, “Country of Recognition”

After selecting the department class, go to entering your RPO.

Introduction of vehicle characteristics

After selecting the input screen element (Malyunok 11), to remove the value of the input from the postal insert, you need to press F4. The system displays the extracted values ​​from the postal bag in the appropriate field.

Figure 11. Vibranium insertion element


Vaga vkuєєtsya gramakh.

In case of postal service or malfunctions, a diagnostic message will be displayed on the screen (Malyunok 12).

Figure 12. Information about the problem in the robot

For this option, you need to enter the password manually from the keyboard. When you enter your order, the number keys available are the remote keys Delі Backspace.

If at the time of entering your input the type of direction is not selected, the System will designate the input field as having an unacceptable value. The same icon will be placed if the entered entry does not correspond to the selected type of management.

Select department level

The rank of department is introduced as necessary. Producers do not indicate the meaning of the “Discharge” field. The direction rank can take one of the following values:

Without discharge;







The category can be selected if the director is a legal person, in addition to the OVPO, selecting the category of OVPO available for the director - a physical person. The OVPO category can be selected for the “Sheet” and “Poshta Card” delivery of the “Organization” category. It is possible to select the category of department (Malyunok 16):

Figure 16. Selecting a department category

Introduction ШІ

Entering a barcode identifier or a barcode postal identifier can be found in field ШІ (Malyunok 17).

Malyunok 17. Input field “ШІ”

You can enter the mail ID by pressing the mail scanner key or manually using the keyboard. In both cases, the system checks the correctness of the ID entered and at the same time displays a notification about the process. Grants may fail if the identifier type does not match the RPO type, or the identifier assignments are already in the System (those previously entered).

Introduction of information about the possessor

To enter data about the owner of the postal item that is being registered, go to the group of elements for entering data about the owner (Malyunok 20).

Figure 20. Form "Priyom RPO". RPO tab. Bookmark "Otrimuvac"

To enter the special data of the possessor, you need to place the cursor near the “Otrimuvach” field and press the key F4 or use the left button to press the mouse on the “Otrimuvach” field. System to display the form (Malyunok 21):

Figure 21. Introduction of special data of the owner

To indicate the type of client (individual/legal entity), you must indicate in the “Client Type” field whether the client is an individual or a legal entity (Malyunok 22).

Figure 22. Field for selecting client type

Below is a group of on-screen elements for entering the special data of the possessor, if the client is a physical person (Malyunok 23):

Malyunok 23. Introduction of special data of the possessor, who is a physical person

To enter the owner's address data, you must fill in the following fields:

Nickname (A);

According to Father (B),

Or press the “Select from history” button.

When specifying the “Legal Entity” client type, you must enter the name of the organization, or press the “Select from history” button (Malyunok 24).


Since the RPO has the status of “Service” and is registered at the address of another OPS, then it is held by the director as a legal entity.

Malyunok 24. Entering the address data of the owner, who is a legal entity


For a client with the “Physical Person” type, it is necessary to enter the field nickname, name and father’s name.

For a client with the “Legal Entity” type, it is obligatory to enter the organization name field.

When clearing the data entry field, the data entry will be deleted without changing the client type value.

If the owner (director) was previously entered into the System, it will appear in the list that appears when entered and is available for reselection (Malyunok 25). The system will automatically insert your address data into the provided fields.

When a flatbed scanner is connected, you can import information from the client’s passport.

Malyunok 25. Variations of data about possession that were introduced earlier.

When you press the “Select from history” button on the form for entering data about the client (Malyunok 23, Malyunok 24), the system will display a proxy form with already entered information about clients (Malyunok 26).

Figure 26. Form "Select client data"

To search for data in the browser that was previously entered, you need to enter the search information in the empty row above the list (Malyunok 27) (name mask or name in full).

Figure 27. Row for entering requested information from the provider

After pressing the “Select” button in the “Data about the possessor” form, the nickname, name, father’s name and contact number (Malyunok 28) will be filled in.

Malyunok 28. Form “Tribute about the possessor”

If the client selects from previous entries, the address data will be imported into the “Owner Address Data” form. If necessary, they can be changed.

Entering address details

After entering information about the owner, you must enter his address data, since they were not selected from the history with the client (Malyunok 29).

Figure 29. Vibranium screen element for selecting addresses

To enter the client’s address data, you need to place the cursor near the “Addresses” field and press the key F4. The system displays the address entry form (Malyunok 30).

Malyunok 30. “Addresses” form

On the “Addresses” form there are expanded buttons:

- "OK"- confirmation of data entry;

- "Skasuvannya"- Complete the work on the screen without saving your data.

Address type

Entering address data proceeds to selecting the address type. The warehouse of address data fields is stored in the selected type of address (Malyunok 31).

The instructions for entering data indicate a typical address type.

For any type of address, it is obligatory to enter the OPS index.

To change the address type, you need to select the appropriate field. In the form (Malyunok 31) you need to select the address type. The selected address type is displayed in the address entry view.

Figure 31. Select address type

Postal code

Entering the address is followed by entering the postal code (field “Index”).

To enter an index, you must use the number keys. The system allows you to enter three more than six digits. After entering the index, before moving to the next element of the address data, the entered value is checked against the reference index database. If an incorrect index is entered, the System will recognize the index entries as correct (Malyunok 32), saving the entry of address data will be impossible.

Figure 32. Incorrect index value icon

Other address data

You can enter additional address elements manually or with the help of the central mail address data repository (CHDPA):

- “Region” – region;

- “District” – district;

- “Misto” – locality;

- “Internal territory (district)” - internal territory (neighborhood, settlements, etc.);

- “Vulitsa” – street;

- “Budinok” – the number of the booth;

- “Apartment” – apartment number.

To sequentially insert address elements and move between them, you need to press the key Tab(or show Misha).

If you select the CHDPA, the System will identify the corresponding entry index region, district (if obvious) and a list of settlements. The region and district are displayed on the screen automatically, the population point must be selected from the list.

You can also quickly cross the field of Poshuk for our name. point where you need to enter the cob symbols of the required locality. If the TsHDPA service uniquely enters symbols with any populated area that appears in the database, the following fields will be automatically filled in: “Index”, “Region”, “District”, “Population point” (Malyunok 33).

Figure 33. Vibіr of the locality

Unfortunately, the System does not clearly indicate, after the first entered symbols of population searching, the point that will be available for selection from the list (Malyunok 34).

Figure 34. List of indexes for a locality

After selecting a locality, you must select or manually enter the internal territory, street, booth number and apartment number.


After selecting a locality, you must click on the address element to enter the internal territory (field “Internal territory (district)”): which locality has exactly one internal As for the territory, it is automatically displayed in your field. If necessary, you can delete it.

Subject to communication with the Central Database, all fields starting with the region (Region) must be filled in manually.

When you select the type of address “PO Box”, “Vyskova Chastina”, “Polish Post”, the form for entering the address displays a field for entering a telephone number (“No”) (Malyunok 35). This must be filled in manually with digital information. If you enter a postal code, the information in that field is not cleared.

Figure 35. Form for entering address data for the address type “PO Box”

When you select the “Hotel” address type, a field for entering the name of the hotel “Name Hotel” is displayed on the address entry form (Malyunok 36)

Figure 36. Form of the address entry field from the “Hotel name” field

This must be filled in manually. If you enter a postal code, the information in that field is not cleared.

Entering information about the director

Entering data about the manager works the same way as entering data about the owner described in paragraphs 2.2.9, 2.2.10 (Malyunok 40).

Figure 40. Form "Priyom RPO". Tab "Administrator"

Select stamps for RPO payment

After completing work with the “Additional Services” tab, you must click on the “ Dali", once you pay for RPO with stamps, the “Stamp Sales” tab will open. On the form, the System automatically selects the necessary stamps for payment of in-line RPO, available at the OPS (Malyunok 50).

Figure 50. Form "Priyom RPO". “Stamp Sales” tab

If the client comes with his own stamps, then it is necessary to enter the amount of his stamps in the field “Payment for stamps, rubles.” The system automatically reschedules the amount that is rejected before payment and reforms the list of stamps (Malyunok 51).

Figure 51. Form "Priyom RPO". Tab "Sales of stamps". Filling out the field “Paid stamps”

In the field “Balance before payment, rub.” The sum is stated in rubles, since it is necessary to sell the stamps.

Select brands

To change the list of brands on the expanded button form:

- "Add" - add stamps to the list;

- "Change" - change the current list;

- "Vidality" - a selection of stamps from the list.

To add a brand, you need to press the button “ Add", The form "Choose a brand" will open (Malyunok 52).

Figure 52. Form “Choose brand”

To select a brand, you need to click on the “Brand” field, a new form will open with a list of brands, as is in the OPS (Malyunok 53).

Malyunok 53. Form "Stamps"

The form has expanded fields for searching brands by name and item code. To search for them, you need to enter the required data for the search and click on the “Search” button. To clear the filters, you need to press the “Clear” button. To select a brand from the list, you need to select a row and click on the “OK” button.

The system opens the front window, in which you need to indicate the number of the selected brand and press the “OK” button to confirm (Malyunok 54).

Figure 54. “Choose brand” form

The system will turn to the “Priyom RPO” form to the “Stamp Sales” tab.

Review of pouch data

After completing the entry of all data for receiving the RPO, you must press the button “ Dali" When you open the “Pouches” tab, you will see the availability of the RPO delivery, detailed parameters of the RPO, the transfer and availability of additional services, the details of the bag amount, as well as the premium for important availability, is listed under the advisor “Vazhko OPS” on the address data of the advisor, What to introduce that obsession (Malyunok 55).

Figure 55. Form "Priyom RPO". Tab "Pouches"

When registering an international RPO, the field “Avoided value in SDRs” appears on the “Bags” tab, which displays the amount of the agreed value in the redraw for SDRs (Malyunok 56).

Malyunok 56. Form "Priyom RPO". Tab “Bags” when registering an international RPO

To select the entered data before receiving the RPO, you need to press “Skasuvati”. To complete, you need to press “OK”, after which the cash window will open (Malyunok 57).

Malyunok 57. Golovne vikno kasi

A cat may have a large number of RPOs, which may appear on the skin with a check.

At the main window you need to select a payment method:


No building;

When you press the “Cooking” payment button, the System will display the on-screen payment form for cooking (Malyunok 58).

Malyunok 58. Type of payment window

In the “Enter preparation amount” field, you must enter the preparation amount to be deposited by the client, and click the “Save” button. The system rotates to the main window of the cash register, displays the payment amount on the screen, and the fiscal printer prints the receipt.

If the client deposits an amount at the cashier without payment, in the main window of the cashier you must select the Without payment button. The system prints a receipt on a fiscal printer.

When paying with a foreign bank card, you must select the “Card” button. The system will carry out transactions with the card and turn to the main window of the cash register, the fiscal registrar will release the receipt.

You can verify the correctness of receiving the RPO by pressing the button “Review the journal (2)” (Malyunok 59). The remaining sales are concentrated in the top row of the magazine. A group of right-handed fields has modified characteristics of received RPOs, as registered with the System.

Figure 59. RPO log

To receive the next RPO, press the buttons “Postal services (1)” / “Reception (1)” / “Receive RPO (1)” on the form of the head window of the cash register (Malyunok 60).

Review of pouch data

A review of the pouch data on the “Pouches” tab (Malyunok 67), a description of the work with the presentation tab on the pouch 2.5.

Malyunok 67. Form "Acceptance of migration information". Tab "Pouches"

After pressing the “Ok” button, the System displays the main window of the register with migration notifications. All steps for making payment are described in clause 2.5. A cat may have a large number of RPOs, which may appear on the skin with a check.

Accepting simple things to do

To complete a simple procedure, you need to press a key on the keyboard to select operations from the menu. 5 , or click the mouse on the button “Taking simple actions (5)”. The system displays an on-screen form for registration and receiving simple instructions (Malyunok 68).

Malyunok 68. Form "Receiving simple orders"

This screen form consists of two tabs, based on the order in which the data was entered:

- "Class" - the meaning of the field "Mizhnarodne", this field is not available for editing;

- “View” - the field contains the value “Friendly package” and “Mishok M”;

- “Vaga” - in this field the variable of simple direction is indicated.

- “Method of relocation” – the field means “Air” and “Ground”;

- “Client type” - in this case you need to select the client type “Individual” or “Legal person”;

- “Payment method” - the field contains a list of available payment methods (Malyunok 69);

Figure 69. Values ​​of the "Payment method" field

- “Full varity” – the field is filled in automatically according to the tariffs.

At the bottom of the screen form there are expanded buttons:

- “Squeeze” – exits the on-screen form for completing the migration notification without saving data;

- “Back” – turn to the front tab (inactive on the first tab);

A review of the pouch data available on the “Pouches” tab (Malyunok 70), a description of the work with the tab is presented in section 2.5.

70. Form “Acceptance of simple dispatches”. Tab "Pouches"

After pressing the OK button, the system displays the cashier's head window. All steps for making payment are described in clause 2.5.

Emergency situations

EAS OPS preserves efficiency in the event of emergency situations. Special actions of the operator (operator) are required in case of emergency situations directly in the fire safety system. Such emergency situations can be observed in the electrical system, in the server and edge equipment of the fire alarm system and in the personal computers of the operators, and in the software of the server equipment in the fire alarm system and in the computers of the operators.

In the event of such emergency situations in the fire alarm system, the operator is responsible for informing the technical support providers who serve the fire alarm system and the service personnel of the fire alarm system and the operation of their orders.

When working in the System, you need to know the current rules.

Dovidkova key F1 and the button in the upper right corner of the screen (obviously) serves to retrieve detailed data on the System.

The button at the top left corner of the screen (obviously) serves to return to the front form without saving the typed information.

Moving between on-screen elements (input fields, buttons, menu items) operates behind the button Tab, in addition to specially designed episodes. The movement is left-handed and downwards. When you change the elements of the left and right side, the storage of the elements on the right and below can be changed, so that the fields moved to the right and below can be cleared or marked as fields with incorrect values.

An input element that may have an unacceptable value is indicated as left-handed.

Moving in the middle of entry fields, screen lists, menu items, selection groups (individual - legal person) is done using the arrow keys ( ,,,) and translating the sides ( PgUp,PgDn).

You can move between on-screen elements using the arrow keys, as long as you move them into the elements listed in the previous paragraph.

There are many on-screen forms for selecting an on-screen element available with the help of the mouse manipulator.

the list is short and soon

In this document the following terms and abbreviations are used:

change registration sheet
Numbers of sheets (pages)
Zmin. changed replaced new canceled bathrooms Usyogo arkushiv (story) at the document. Document no. Entry number of the supporting document. that date Sub. date

Training courses at the warehouse of the work center of the OPS

Details Published 12/27/2019

Dear readers! The library team wishes you Happy New Rock and Happy Holidays! With a big heart we wish you and your families happiness, love, health, success and joy!
Let the coming river give you prosperity, peace of mind, harmony and good mood.
Good luck, prosperity and victory of the most blessed holidays for the new family!

Test access to EBS Ibooks.ru

Details Published 12/03/2019

Shanovny readers! Until December 31, 2019, our university has been given test access to the EBS Ibooks.ru, where you can familiarize yourself with any book in full-text reading mode. Access is possible from all computers within the university. Registration is required to gain remote access.

“Henrikh Yosipovich Graftio – up to 150 – commemorating National Day”

Details Published 12/02/2019

Shanovny readers! The section “Virtual Exhibitions” contains a new virtual exhibition “Henrikh Osipovich Graftio”. In 2019, the birth will mark 150 birthdays of Heinrich Yosipovich, one of the founders of the hydropower industry of our region. A distinguished encyclopedist, a talented engineer and a prominent organizer, Genrikh Yosipovich has made a great contribution to the development of chemical energy.

The exhibition was prepared by specialists in the scientific literature department of the library. The exhibition presents the work of Heinrich Yosipovich from the collection of the history of LETI and publications about him.

You can check out the exhibition

Test access to the IPRbooks Electronic Library System

Details Published 11/11/2019

Shanovny readers! 3 November 8, 2019 until 12/31/2019 Our university has been given cost-free test access to the largest Russian full-text database - the IPR BOOKS Electronic Library System. EBS IPR BOOKS contains over 130,000 rubles, of which over 50,000 are unique initial and scientific papers. Current books are available on the platform, which are impossible to find with public access on the Internet.

Access is possible from all computers within the university.

To gain remote access, you need to go to the electronic resources section (room 1247) to the administrator of VChZ Scleimova Polina Yuriivna or by email [email protected] with the topic "Registration in IPRbooks".

Processing of delivery invoices begins after the paper has been returned from delivery.

For this operation you need to go to the menu:

“Postwork services (1)” → “Processing incoming mail (3)” → “Post office (4)” → “Delivery result (2)”

The system will display the screen form “Result of leafworm delivery » .

On this screen form there are expanded buttons:

Finish – confirmation of the transaction.

The field “ШІ/ШПІ” has an overlay f. 16" enter the number of the invoice that is being issued. The invoice number can be entered using the keyboard or using a barcode scanner. In the fields "Operation" and "Reason for operation" you must select the required values ​​from the list. Then press the "Enter" button. The system displays the invoice instead.


If the invoice has already been processed, after entering the WHI/SHPI invoice, the System will display additional diagnostic messages.

The option for processing the delivery invoice depends on the delivery result:

- « Delivered » - place the cursor on the position and press the on-screen button “Deliver” or use the following key combination: Ctrl + "+";

- « Not far away the test was handed over » - if the RPO was not delivered, place the cursor on the next row. Press the “Never received delivery test” button on the screen or use the following key combination: Ctrl + “–”. The system will automatically indicate the reason for the previously selected operation.


For products, in the rows of the invoice, in the “Delivery result” column, “delivery proof was not given” is indicated.

After processing all RPOs on the invoice, close the operation. Press the button " Complete» on the form «Results of leaf-nosed delivery » .

Presentation of RPO at the transaction cash register

To go to the delivery of RPO in the main menu of the System, click “Postal services (1)” "Presentation (2)" "1. When the RPO is issued, the “RPO Issue” form is displayed on the screen.

To search for RPO in the System, if the Client is aware of f.22/f.22-v, ShK in the Mobile app, you need to scan the Shk or enter the number manually.

The system displays the notification “Add other RPOs intended for the same person.” When you press “Ok”, the System will search for the RPO that is in this OPS and found for this Client. Once you press the “Skasuvat” button, the list will be deprived of the RPO, you will be entered immediately.

After adding all the RPOs to the list, you must click the “Next” button, another tab will open for checking the skin RPOs before delivery (in addition to the recommended letter correspondence).

On this tab, you need to check the skin RPO, for which you need to scan the HI RPO or next to the RPO data, press the button of the tabular part “Change” or enter the barcode in the “SHI” field and press the button Tab or else Enter, the “RPO View” screen form is displayed. Then enter your input - press the F4 key or manually press the button " OK».

When a sheet is presented with a post-payment, after pressing the button "OK", the form “Acceptance of address electronic transfer” will open.

If you want to remove the RPO, press the button "OK". The system displays the transition at the checkout window. If you need a reduction in payment for additional services, follow the procedure for paying a different check.

After successful execution of the check, the RPO seen in the System will be given the status “Delivered” and the RPO saved list will be deleted.

Finished, turned around

The creation of the invoice for the return is followed by the RPO and the line of saving in the OPS or other settings.

Processing of RPO for turning, completing, undelivering and transfer at time-hour is saved in the form. “Postwork services (1)” → “Processing of incoming mail (3)” →"Operations on RPO (2)". On this screen form there are expanded buttons:

Add - Add a row to the RPO list for turning

Vidality - View of the row in the list of RPOs to turn around

Form invoices - form invoices, save current data

Clear list – Clear form

Skasuvati - Zakrittya without saving money

For cutaneous RPO, which is added to the list of the screen form, you need to specify the operation on RPO, for which select the value in the “Operation on RPO” field:


Nadsilannya poshti;


Transfer at time-hour saving.

Depending on the choice of operation, you can choose the cause.

Depending on the type of operation, in the “Reason for operation” field, indicate another reason for the operation. In the “SHI/SPI” field, manually or using an additional scanner, enter the values ​​of SHI (SPI) RPO.

Click the “Add” button. The system opens the “Address data” form.

It is necessary to check the address data, then press the “Save” button, after which the RPO will be added to the list.

If you need to clear all data on the screen form, click the “Clear list” button.

In the “Transfer from window” field, select from the list the window where the RPO transfer will go.

After forming the RPO list, click the “Form invoices” button.

After closing the invoice, the System registers information from the transactions entered (addition, rotation). The RPO included in the delivery invoice will receive the status “Dossil” and will be removed from the “Zberigannya” list.

Postal transfers

Acceptance of postal delivery

To go to the main menu of the Slide System before registering the acceptance of postal orders, go to the main menu of the EAS OPS:

Financial services (2) → Penny transfers (1) → Postal transfers (1) → Reception of transfers (1)

Screen form “Reception of address electronic transfer” with tabs:

Translation parameters;



Additional services;

Rozrakhunok vartosti;

Entering translation parameters

When you enter the form, the “Transfer Options” tab opens, and the “Transfer Number” field displays the serial number of the translation that is not available for change.

The following fields are displayed on the tab:

- “Scanning DShK” - when pressed onto the field, the forms for scanning are opened;

- “Scanning LShK” – when pressed onto the field, the form for scanning opens;

- "Administrator type". The field is filled in by selecting the value from the Sender Types Provider. To select a value, you need to go to this field using the additional key Tab (Shift+Tab) or press the key on the right mouse button F4. In the window you need to select the type of director - individual / legal entity.

- “Payment method” – to select, place the cursor next to the “Payment method” field and click F4. The list of possible payment methods can be found under the type of transfer agent;

- “Occupant type” – to select, you need to place the cursor near the “Occupant type” field and click F4. When you select the type of owner “Legal entity (regional client)” or “Legal entity (federal client)”, fields will appear on the screen for entering the regional (federal) client, which you will need to select from the registry providers National/federal clients. In this type, the data about the owner is selected from the types of providers and cannot be changed using the “Select owner” button. We fill in all fields sequentially.

The form contains buttons:

- “Forward” - assigned to go to the next tab;

- “Skasuvati” - intended for exiting the form “Priyom rekladu” without saving the entered data;

- “Back” and “Continue” - navigation buttons behind the form tabs.

- “Druk form” - is intended for a second filled form for postal transfer in case of availability of a paper form from the sender (Client). Due to the presence of the paper form, I will transfer the forms - the forms will not be unzipped from the system

- “Select a director” and “Select an owner”: used for selecting data about a director and owner (hereinafter referred to as the client) corresponding to the representatives of the director/supporter registered with the System. The “Select a sender” button is currently inactive and becomes available after selecting the type of sender – an individual or a legal entity – and a payment method. The “Select Owner” button is initially inactive and becomes available after selecting the type of owner (“Individual”, “Legal Person” “Local Client”) and the type of transfer for the place of assignment. When you click on this button, the form “Advisor’s Agent” or “Owner’s Advisor” will open.

After selecting the “Author” (Owner) tab from the advisor, you will be filled with information from the advisor. The forms are of the same type.

After filling in all the fields in the “Transfer Options” tab of the “Receiving Addressed Electronic Transmission” form, click the “Continue” button to go to the “Director” tab.

Savina Valentina Ivanivna
Posada: vikladach special disciplines
Initial mortgage: GBOU College education -54
Population: Moscow location
Name of material: methodical development
Subject: Work on cash register in the EAS OPS system
Publication date: 15.05.2017
Division: mid-professional

Moscow City Lighting Department

State budgetary professional regulation of Moscow city

College No. 54 named after P.M. Vostrukhin

For specialty 02/11/12

"Poshtovy z'yazok"

Topic: “Working on cash registers using the EAS OPS system throughout the working day”

Vikonala: Savina V.I.

Moscow 2017

Home menu EAS

When you log in, the program will ask for the password of the account manager, which is


Home menu EAS

8 points

1. Postal services

2. Financial services

3. Commercial services

4. Retail trade

5. Other operations

7. Golovne vikno kasi

Golovne vikno kasi operator

Priyom RPO

To accept the RPO, you need to go to

postal services – reception – reception

Why did you want to turn back?

menu, you need to press the arrow in

the upper left corner and the window will appear

From choice.

When choosing a team, this form

close without saving data, and

when choosing a team you cannot

continue entering data

At the top right corner there is a nutrition sign icon (dovidkova system) when

By pressing this icon, the subsystem will appear.

Where can you find the information you need?

The sections of the prenatal system are grouped so you can find out the answer to who you are

food, what to eat

Checking the cost of the OPS

To view costs on the current operating window, select other services in the main menu

operations - Cash operations and preparation of DS

We select an operation

cooking DS in cashier,

appears vikno de

images of exact pennies

get it:

1. pension payments

2. other cats

Date and hour


A look at the warehouse of financial services

My financial services are presented on select buttons

1.Penny transfers (using penny transfers Forsazh, Unaddressed transfer and Western Union)

2. Payments for third parties (acceptance of utility bills, fines, etc.)

3.Payment of pensions, social assistance and wages

4.Banking and insurance services

5. smut menu

I will definitely accept the translation

You need to fill in the transfer type, sender, recipient, payment method, etc., automatically

Terrorist sources are being verified.

When all fields are filled in, press the button to move to the other side

The final stage is the transfer of the video to the druk (druk form)

Press the ok button to exit on the head of the window until the whole process is completed,

Acceptance of payment is accepted only by preparation

Press the ok button to exit on the head of the cash window, where the entire procedure is completed, reception

payment will be accepted without preparation

І press the button without cooking or cooking (with building).

Asked for return of postal order

To complete a request for return of postal orders, go to the menu

Financial services (2) → Penny transfers (1) → Postal transfers (1) →

Data exchange with the ESPS head office

Data exchange with Golovny

clause of the ESPP

works with vico-

baths menu item

"Data exchange with DP":

Other operations (5) →

Administration (8) →


postal orders (2) →

Data exchange with DP (1)

Registration of delivery by leafworm

To register the delivery of leaf-nosed mail

next go to the EAS OPS menu:

Financial services (2) → Penny transfers (1) → Postal transfers (1)

→ Additional operations (3) → Registration of delivery of transfers (9)

The system will ensure payment registration for four

types of payment documents:

payment for documents to remove the barcode

(Pensions, social payments);

viplatna for additional help for funeral services - viplatna

The document is given to the operator by the client;

payment of social assistance for work -

The payment document appears to be in the paper's possession


payment of wages for work reports – paid

The document is in the paper's possession with the operator.

The operational process can be supported by the last transition to the menu items: “Head

menu → Other operations (5) → Cash operations (9) → Transfer of funds to the center of the security service (3).”

Payment of social assistance according to records

With current social assistance payments

for information on the form “Registration of payments for

Fiscal registrar" select the following in the field

“Document type” value “Social payments for

information”, in which form of registration of payments

I can see it in the future

Payment for documents to remove the barcode

Payment is valid

For whom is it necessary

vіdskanuvati ShK z

Wikoristanny scanner, with

Difficulty in reading the school code,

the operator can enter the code manually

Well. The advancing fields will be replenished


"Document type";

"Date of registration of the operation";

"Document Number";

"Document amount."

In the “Operation” field, you must select the required value from the drop-down list. Vibir

The values ​​in the “Operation” field are determined by the way the field is visible (cursor settings) and

pressing the F4 key. Acceptable types of operations are listed in the following order:

selected document type.

In case the payment for the specified document is already

was carried out, the System is more diagnostic

notification “For the specified document number

The payment has already been made.”

Registration of cash transactions. Session kasi.

To carry out operations with touch sessions, you must press the button

“Registration of transactions on the cash register (3)”, to go to the menu: Main menu→

Financial services (2)→Payment of pensions, social services. Additional assistance and salary

(3)→Registration of transactions on the cash register (3). The “Kasi Session” form will appear.

Closing sessions

To close a session, you need to set the focus to the “Case Session” form.

required session and click the “Close session” button.


Unclosed manually the sessions will be

close automatically when the change is closed

on the operating window after

solid evidence on information

System notification.