How to distribute mobile Internet from a smartphone via Wi-Fi? We set up an access point (Wi-Fi Router) on a phone running Android OS. How to share Wi-Fi from your phone to your laptop without spending a lot of money How to share Wi-Fi from your phone to your tablet

Android has built-in tools for distributing mobile traffic via a Wi-Fi adapter. Its setup does not require any hardware, so in order to distribute Wi-Fi on an Android phone or Android tablet, you do not need special skills or programs.

Adjusting the modem mode

If you know how to distribute the Internet from a PC to Android, you will quickly understand the technology behind which you can distribute the Internet from Android to other devices. At the end of the computer, you will need a router, to which the cable is connected. After a short setup, the router begins to expand Wi-Fi in the host area, so that a laptop, personal computer (with a drone-free adapter), tablet or phone can access the Internet without a drone connection.

When distributing the Internet from a tablet or Android phone, a router is not required. This function involves the use of a Wi-Fi adapter, which, after the modem is activated, begins to supply mobile traffic. To understand how to distribute WiFi from Android to a laptop and other devices, let's see how to turn on the modem mode on the Samsung TouchWiz shell:

Please note: when the modem mode is turned on, the smartphone cannot use Wi-Fi to access the Internet. The adapter begins to act like a router, and access to the network can only be gained through mobile traffic. After increasing mobile traffic, you can take into account that the Wi-Fi network has been expanded according to location. Any device that can use a Wi-Fi adapter (tablet, laptop, PC):

If you have a connected phone with which Wi-Fi is connected, you will receive notifications about the connection before the cutoff. If you notice that the point is being used by another device that you did not connect yourself, block access for the new one and change the password in the configured network. To start distributing traffic, just turn on the modem mode or turn on the mobile Internet on your phone.

Other methods of distributing mobile traffic

Information about how to distribute Wi-Fi from an Android phone will not help in the fact that other devices do not have a wireless adapter. First of all, we need a PC that is connected to the router via wired connections. There are two ways to remove this short end:

  • Buy an external adapter, and the information about how to distribute Wi-Fi will become relevant again.
  • Use a different type of connection.

On the other hand, I can say that the preset Android contains the necessary tools for installing another type of connection - a Bluetooth modem and a UBS modem. With the first technology, you need a Bluetooth adapter on your PC, and for operation, a USB modem only requires a cable and a free USB port.

The configured connection does not have any serious considerations for Wi-Fi distribution. To set up a connection via Bluetooth:

  1. Turn off mobile internet on your phone.
  2. Open settings, go to the “Other Measures” section.
  3. Select “Modem mode”. Click “Bluetooth modem”.

To connect to the Internet on your PC, you need to search for a new device via Bluetooth. Once the phone is found, an 8-digit access code will appear on the screen, and the Android OS will register the received devices. After pairing, open the “Devices and Printers” section on your computer, right-click on the phone icon and select connections via an access point.

The Bluetooth modem shows the lowest data transmission speed, so it is instead recommended to use connections via USB.

  1. Increase mobile traffic on Android.
  2. Go to settings settings and select USB modem mode.
  3. Go to the Internet connection panel and find the list of local network connections. Click on it with the right button and select “Delete”.

A current phone can be replaced without any variety of functions, thereby replacing a large number of other devices. For example, your phone can replace a Wi-Fi access point. For this you just need to set up Wi-Fi distribution from your phone to other devices.

How to distribute Wi-Fi on an Android phone

In order for you to open the settings for Android. This can be done by launching the “Options” program from the list of all installed programs. You can also open the settings behind the top curtain or icons on the desktop.

After completing the settings, go to the “Other Measures” section. It is important to note that this section of your phone may have a different name. If you can’t find this section, look at all the setup sections that are connected to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth setups.

Next you will see a section called “Modem and access point”. I know again, on your device, this section may be a little different. They can be named “Modem”, “Modem mode”, “Connecting an access point” or simply “Access point”.

After this, you need to activate the “Portable access point” function. To do this, move the switch to the “Down” position.

After activating the portable hotspot, you will see a pop-up window with warnings about the Wi-Fi connection. In whose window click the “So” button.

Now that the setup is complete, your phone now provides Wi-Fi. You only have to look up the password to access the Wi-Fi network created by your phone. To do this, open the “Portable access point” section.

After this, a window with information about the access point will open. Here you can view and change the access point name and password.

How to distribute Wi-Fi on an iOS phone

If you have an iPhone, then in order to set up Wi-Fi distribution you need to go to settings and open the “Modem Mode” section. Since this section is daily, it may mean that your phone is not connected or has not set up mobile Internet.

For which partition it is necessary to activate the “Modem Mode” function. To do this, move the jumper to the pressed position.

In this section of settings you can see the password you need to use to connect to Wi-Fi.

That's it for setting up the iPhone. Now you can connect to the created Wi-Fi network.

How to distribute Wi-Fi to a phone on Windows Phone 8

If you have a phone based on the Windows Phone operating system, then in order to distribute Wi-Fi you need to open the “Customization” program.

After this, you need to open the “Special Internet” section.

Now the setup of Windows Phone is complete. The Wi-Fi network is working and you can connect to it.

Recently, a number of websites have been downloaded to distribute the Internet from an Android tablet via Wi-Fi network. “To be honest, this is a relevant topic for the rich,” I thought and started working on this article. Surprisingly, for the elderly, distributing Wi-Fi from Android is not at all difficult, but people are still experiencing difficulties. Perhaps you haven’t yet simulated the situation for yourself, or you haven’t been in a position where you need to enter the global network, and you don’t quite understand that you now need the ability to distribute the Internet from a tablet or smartphone.

Find out that you are with loved ones on a picnic nearby. You have a mobile Android device connected to a new 3G Internet, and your relatives and friends have a tablet or a smartphone, and the axis of drone-less output to the global network is not available. One of your companions is engaged in an online business or any other work activity. And then, of course, I need to access the Internet from my device, but no one has access. You can also help a friend and distribute Wi-Fi from your device.

By the way, you can become a guardian of such a situation. It’s also common to buy a laptop in order to complete various tasks, and it’s good if there’s a good Wi-Fi zone nearby, so you can stay in moderation. And if there is no encrypted Wi-Fi access, you can set up a tablet or smartphone running Android OS as a 3G router. The point is that our situations can be different, but decisions can be made easily.

Setting up a tablet, Android smartphone and 3G router mode.

It should be said that the interface of devices based on the Android OS can be quite different, but the meaning of activating the access point option for drone-free Wi-Fi is similar for all. It is important that you have a SIM card inserted into your tablet/smartphone or that your operator has set up an Internet connection before installing a USB 3G modem connection. If the network has not been adjusted, contact your operator for the necessary settings.

So, to distribute Wi-Fi from Android, you need to go to the “Customization” of your device. Go to the “Bezrotovy Merezhi” section, find the “More...” tab and go to the “Wi-Fi access point” option. On some Android devices, this function may be called “Modem Mode”.

To switch the device to Wi-Fi distribution mode, you need to activate (set up) the “Wi-Fi access point” function and go to setup.

When you have configured an access point, you can change the SSID (name of the network) of AndroidAP for registration. It is better to protect the dartless network from this type of WPA2-PSK. The password can be a letter, numbers or any keyboard characters with an English layout, but it can also become at least 8 characters. Don’t forget to type “Save.”

You can use the Android device only as a Wi-Fi client, then. Use the vikorist device to access the Internet. But in fact, any Android device can be created with an active device, a mini-router (at least the number of clients is limited to 5), and the creation of a “distribute” Internet (if available on the Android device 3G\4G module) or simply combining devices into I'm guessing. For which it is not at all difficult to install additional programs, you can get by using the following methods. In this article, I will briefly describe how to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi using a tablet PC or smartphone.

Please note that the screenshots below will look similar to what you do on your smartphone or tablet, but most of the details are identical, so once you get the point, you can easily set up Internet distribution on any Andes Royd gadgets.

First of all, we need to insert a SIM card into the tablet/smartphone and set up the Internet (to set up the Internet, I recommend contacting your operator so that they can give you the necessary settings). Since the Internet is working, you can print out the settings for its distribution via Wi-Fi. To do this, press the Main Menu button on the tablet/smartphone.

We know that we press the button " Setting up".

Near the Bezdrotovo field, the boundaries are being pressed "More" - "Modem mode".

Move the button near the Wi-Fi access point field near the position " Uvimk".

Now, if Wi-Fi distribution is disabled, you need to establish access to the created access point, for which press " Setting up the access point".

Change the required Wi-Fi network name (SSID), the security (I recommend deleting the one that will be specified for WPA2PSK connections) and enter a password for connecting to your Android device, I recommend using a folding password, which will not be less Izh z 8 characters with great letters, numbers and special characters (@#$&%). At the end press " Save".

Now your device is distributing the Internet, you need to connect to the application in which you will connect from a laptop with the Windows 7 operating system. In the information area, located in the right edge of the command panel, find the Wi-Fi togram and press on the new one. A list of all visible Wi-Fi networks will appear, find the previously created ones, select them and press the " button Connection".

You can easily connect your phone, tablet or other device to the high-speed internet connected to your home via a Wi-Fi router (router). However, such a device is not always at hand (for example, you went to the dacha, taking with you a laptop and a drone-free USB modem). In such cases, you can access the Internet on your mobile gadget through a laptop computer by clicking on the router function. Let's look at how to set up a laptop with a Wifi access point.

Methods for creating a drone-free access point

Every modern laptop is equipped with a wireless adapter, which can be used as a Wi-Fi router. For this purpose, it is necessary to create your own virtual place, which receives a edge between itself (Wi-Fi adapter and edge board).

To avoid such routing, you can quickly use the following tools:

  • standard Windows OS tools (graphical add-on "Meterance Control Center...", command line or bat file);
  • additional security program.

Whatever the method, it is necessary to reach such minds:

Creating a drone-free access point behind the additional Windows menu

The simplest way to create a virtual router is to use the built-in OS function “Power Control Center...”. For whom is it necessary:

After the virtual router has been created, for successful surfing via the Internet, you may need to enable private access. Try it like this:

After all, we connect to Wi-Fi on your mobile gadget and start searching for available networks. From the list, select the name of the route that was specified when creating the virtual Wi-Fi router, and specify the task key.

Wi-Fi access via the command row

To connect your phone to the Internet via a laptop, you can use the command row using a virtual router. This procedure may seem complicated to the uninitiated, but if you follow the instructions exactly, you will be able to turn on the Wi-Fi hotspot in just a few minutes.

To start distributing wifi from your laptop to your phone, you need to:

To distribute the Internet via a laptop computer to your phone or other device, you need to connect your private access to the newly created Wi-Fi point. To do this, go to the section “Merezhevі connections” and click on the authorities of this network, through which the Internet is connected to the laptop. After this, in the “Addatkovo” tab we put a “bird” opposite the appropriate item, and from the list we select the name of the created virtual router.

Wikoristannya bat file

Creating a Wi-Fi access point through the command line is not manual, because if you connect the computer to your skin, you need to re-enter all the commands. Therefore, this method of converting a laptop computer to a router can be used only for a one-time Internet connection on the phone.

The series of guessing commands can be completely automated. To do this, you need to write a small script in a standard Windows text editor, and then save the document on your laptop desktop under any name in the .bat format. To start distributing Wi-Fi via a virtual router to your phone, you will need to run this document with administrator rights. The butt of the script for readings on the baby, de YourSSID and YourPassword - this is the name of the drone-free connection and the key to access to the new one.

Creation of a virtual router using an additional software

If you are unable to activate Internet distribution on your phone using the above mentioned methods, you can try to create a virtual Wi-Fi router using additional special software. While there are plenty of similar utilities to choose from, the ones that are most important among them are:

  • MyPublicWiFi;
  • Connectify.

Wi-Fi distribution for help MyPublicWiFi

This program is absolutely cost-free and has a user-friendly interface, albeit in a foreign language. With this help, you can create a Wi-Fi access point for anyone by clicking:

Creating a Wi-Fi access point via Connectify

The MyPublicWiFi utility may have problems because the Internet connection to the laptop is not via cable, but via a USB modem. It’s best to use the Connectify program faster. The free version of this program is paid for. For periodic use, another option is sufficient. To stop distributing Wi-Fi from your PC to your phone using Connectify, you need to:

Difficulties in creating a Wi-Fi access point

When creating a new Wi-Fi access point, users often encounter minor difficulties. The table presents the most common problems that can occur in a plant distributing the Internet from a laptop, and possible solutions to solve them.

The essence of the problemThe reason why you need to cryPossible decision
The phone cannot locate the Wi-Fi network, even though it is runningBlocked by installed antivirus or firewallIt's time to turn off your firewall or antivirus program
The phone does not use the Internet, although Wi-Fi is connectedKoristuvach, when adjusted, forgot to turn off the private accessGo to “Control center for security and private access” and turn off private access
The connection blocks the firewall or antivirusShut down for an hour to lock out online mode
Releases the notification “It was not possible to start the measure”There is a dartless adapter on the laptopTurn down Wi-Fi when setting up a laptop computer
Incorrectly running drivers for adapterUpdate drivers using the additional disk that comes with your PC or the Internet.