The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is a stronghold of the Orthodox faith in Baden-Baden. Russian Orthodox Church in Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden (Nimeczina): hotels and other places of residence near Zmina respect privacy

The Church of the Transfiguration of Baden-Baden is one of the most beautiful images of Russian temple architecture on European territory. Between Russia and Baden until the end of the 19th century. Close dynastic and cultural ties emerged. Orthodox churches began to appear in the Grand Duchy of Baden.

Church of the Transfiguration of Baden-Baden (Christi-Verklärungskirche)– this is one of the brightest images of Russian temple architecture on European territory. Between Russia and Baden until the end of the 19th century. Close dynastic and cultural ties emerged. Orthodox churches began to appear in the Grand Duchy of Baden.

Russian Church (Russische Kirche) were behind the project of the Russian architect I.V. Shtroma under the supervision of a German architect and contractor Beltzer. Material assistance was provided by members of the royal family and Russian religious philanthropists. Painting the walls and crypt of the church Prince Grigory Gagarin(Vice-President of the Art Academy of St. Petersburg), he worked at the temple for free. The outer walls were erected in the spring, and activities ended at the spring of 1882.

28 June 1882 r. archpriest Oleksandr Izmailov consecrating the church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Russian Church (Russische Kirche), Baden-Baden

The church was built in the Russian style: with a simple facade, three rows of kokoshniks and a gilded dome-tsibule. The entrance portal is decorated with a mosaic image of the Transfiguration of the Lord, prepared by the Italian master Salviati after the sketch by G. Gagarin. The plan of the church has a small walnut cross; The internal space was divided into three parts: the central hall, the vestibule and the vault. Several straight columns supported the brewers who carried the crypt. All the columns, the dome crypt and the walls were painted with blue Byzantine ornaments. Five great bronze chandeliers served for lighting.

Russian Church (Russische Kirche), Baden-Baden

A single-tier marmur iconostasis with images of Jesus and the Mother of God stands on top of the paraffins overlooking the ancient expanse. Access until Sunday is limited to clergy and their assistants. The ancient doors were decorated with images of the archangels Gabriel and Michael; On the Royal Doors there were painted images of several evangelists and a scene of the Annunciation.

Later, before the end of the year, it was placed tombs Duchess Vilyami (Maria Maximilianovna, who died in 1914) and princesses Aunt Gagarina(died 1920). The Nebizhchiki richly rocked were the patrons of the Baden Russian Orthodox community.

At the end of the First World War, the church was closed. The gold leaf from the dome was taken, confiscated and melted down according to the orders of the German authorities. There were few sacrifices; only a handful of people gathered for services in the cold church.

Since 1988, restoration of the church began. The outer appearance was completely renewed before 2000, and the interior furnishings were also improved. Today, the Baden Transfiguration Church has a large spiritual library and bookstore; This is a week-long school. Parafia sees the magazine “Transfiguration”, has an Internet site, has a plot on the Russian calendar.

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Christi-Verklärungskirche)
Lichtentaler Straße 76 76530 Baden-Baden, Germany‎

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Collegial Church of Baden-Baden (Nimechtina) – description, history, development. Exact addresses and website. Tips for tourists, photos and videos.

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The collegiate church of Baden-Baden designates the place as the capital of the margrave – the Margraviate of Baden. Margraviates in that era were destroyed by nobles, who at once took away the title of margrave from the land, and submitted to the king. So it was here too – the region has been ruled for as long as one century by one noble row, founded in the 11th century. Baden itself has been ruled since the 12th century, and the Metropolitan Collegiate Church is their family cathedral, where they were worshiped (it was also possible).

13 generations of the Margraves of Baden and the activities of their servants are buried here, the church is already standing on its own, and there is also a bunch of other objects. The first church in this place was built in the 10th century, and in the 12th century it was in the Gothic style. Then it burned down, and it was rebuilt in the Baroque style, combining new parts with old ones, so the church at once lost both its fancy Romanesque image and the old-Gothic one that appeared after the last revolution. timid people, pretending to be like several dozen architectural styles at once.

In the middle of the collegiate church of Baden-Baden there are a lot of interesting elements and objects.

The church is very simple in form, there are few decorative elements (though there was a smell that belonged to the Gothic era of that era, but they were removed during one of the coming revolts). The result was a simple basic body of T-like shape, decorated with a tall, thin and unevenly thin baroque ring. It’s great that in the past there was an ancient burning system, which was heated by the fact that natural thermal water circulated through it, because of the hot nature - the church stands right above the natural springs. Well, it’s already been processed so many times – the water is diluting.

In the middle there are a lot of useful elements. To finish the larger part is worth it. Їх 20, the stinks lie until 16-18 centuries, an unimportant table of reminders is installed above them. A handful of wooden and stone sculptures from the 15th century have also been preserved. Elements in the Gothic style were often replaced here with elements in the Baroque style, which, in their own way, were neo-Gothic, which turned out to be chimerical.

The most famous element of the interior decoration is the stone cross of the 15th century, installed above the choir.

The church is in the middle

Practical information

Official addresses: Baden-Baden, Marktplatz, Die Stiftskirche Baden-Baden. This is the Old Town, most of the streets around the square are pedestrian, you need to walk to get there. It’s nice to walk there, the old Rinkova Square, one of the oldest in the area.

The church is open daily from 8:00 to 18:00, viewing is possible with religious visits.

Type Church Architectural style neo-Russian Author of the project I. V. Shtrom Budivelnyk Belzer Persha riddle 1859 Budivnytstvo - rocks Status protected by power Mill chinny Website Coordinates: 48°45′14″ mon. w. 8°14'40"E /  48.75389 ° mon. w. 8.24444 in. d. / 48.75389; 8.24444 (G) (I)

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord(Nim. Christi-Verklärungskirche) - the church of the Berlin and German Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church behind the cordon, located in Baden-Baden. The rector is Priest Oleksandr Shpuling.


First temples

Suchasny Temple

Grand Duchess Maria Maximilianovna built a special deposit at the building adjacent to the temple. Through their efforts, the place gave the Russian community a place. The foundation stone for the temple was laid on September 12 (24), 1881. On the side of the Orthodox community of Baden-Baden stood the daughters of Prince S.S. Gagarin, Varvara and Tetyan.

The project of the church was built by the architect I. V. Shtrom. Grand Duchess Olga Feodorovna, as well as the Grand Dukes George and Alexander Mikhailovich and the birthplace of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Frederick-Franz II, were present at the service.

The Baden architect Belzer was the architect of the city. Construction of the temple was completed in the spring of 1882. The consecration of the church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord took place on the 28th of June (9th leaf fall), 1882.

At first, the community had about 100 people, among whom was actress Olga Chekhova. Over the past year, the number of paraffins has dwindled to twice as many.

The main restoration work was carried out in the mid-1980s. The gilding of the dome was updated until 1988.

The parish consists of immigrants from Russia, as well as Serbs, Greeks and Germans. Services are carried out in shotizhnya.

Architecture, improvement

The Kamyan church is built in the ancient Russian style and is topped with a gilded cibulin dome.

The plan of the temple has a Greek cross. The walls are laid with slabs of light stone.

Above the entrance there is a mosaic icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord, as depicted by the Venetian artist A. Salviati after the baby of Prince G.G. Gagarin.

The temple is supported by six columns.

All interior paintings were signed free of charge by Prince G.G. Gagarin. These frescoes depict the earthly life of Jesus Christ. The dome contains an image of the sun in the detailed evangelists Luke, Mark, Matthew and John. The entire expanse of ornamentation. It is now time to place a copy of the fresco “The Last Supper” at the Volodymyr Cathedral in Kiev.

The windows are stained glass. Single-tiered iconostasis of marmuru sculptures.

Grand Duchess Maria Maximilianova and Princess Tetyana Sergievna Gagarina (1834-1920) were buried in the crypt. The walls of the crypt are decorated with mosaic ornaments; forgery from white marmuru.

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Urivok, which characterizes the Church of the Transfiguration (Baden-Baden)

What is it now? How to get rid of money? Angry? Do you need to fix this? she fed herself. Vona couldn’t get in without looking around. Vaughn simply caught a glimpse of you, and his closeness and sweetness, and the good-natured sweetness of his laugh overcame her. Vaughn laughed the same way as Vaughn, amazed right in your eyes. And again she realized with horror that between him and her there was no need for trouble.
The curtain rose again. Anatol Viyshov from the box, calm and cheerful. Natalya turned to her father’s box, completely in order with the world in which she was found. Everything that appeared before her already seemed completely natural to her; But for all those crazy thoughts about the betrothed, about Princess Mary, about rural life, they never came to her mind, because all those were a long time ago, long ago.
In the fourth act there was some kind of devil who was sleeping, waving his hand, the docks did not hang out under him, and he did not go down there. Natasha was just wondering from the fourth act: what was being praised and tormented by her, and the reason for this praise was the former Kuragin, behind whom she was unwittingly stagnant. When the stinkers came out of the theater, Anatoly went before them, calling for their carriage and picking them up. As he sat down with Natasha, he pressed her hand closer to the elbow. Natasha, shocked and chervona, looked at him. Vine, their eyes twinkling and gently laughing, marveling at her.

As soon as she arrived home, Natalka could clearly think about all the things that had happened to her, and having guessed Prince Andrey, she gasped, and in front of everyone at tea, after everyone sat down after the theater, she gasped loudly and ran away imnati. - “My God! I am lost!” she said to herself. How could I let this happen? she thought. She sat for a long time with her hands covered in red, trying to give herself a clear voice to the one who was with her, and could not understand what There was nothing with her that she had sensed. Everything seemed dark, unconscious and scary to her. There, in that grand, bright hall, scrubbing along the wet boards to the music with Duport’s bare legs and a jacket with sparkles, and sheep and old , and with a calm and proud smile, Elen shouted “bravo” at the capture, - there, under Elen’s shadow, everything was clear and simple; What is this fear that I have felt before? What is this darkness that I perceive now? Vaughn thought.
One old Countess Natasha would have been in bed at night to reveal everything she was thinking. Sonya, she knew, with her stern and whole look, she wouldn’t have understood anything, or she would have been horrified at her knowledge. Natalya herself tried to resolve what was tormenting her.
“Why did I die for Prince Andrey’s kohanny? she fed herself and with a calm smile she confessed to herself: What kind of fool am I that I feed this? What happened to me? Nothing. I didn’t earn anything, I didn’t ask anyone for anything. No one knows, and I won’t bother anyone anymore, she told herself. It became clear that nothing had happened, that there was nothing to repent of, that Prince Andrey could love me just like that. Ale like this? Oh God, my God! there is nothing missing here! Natasha calmed down, but then again, some instinct told her that I wanted everything and really wanted nothing - the instinct told her that all the great purity of love she had before Prince Andrey had disappeared. And again, in her waking life, she repeated all her roses with Kuragin and showed the accusations, gestures and gentle smile of this beautiful and smiling person, when she pressed her hand.

Anatol Kuragin lives near Moscow, because his father brought him from St. Petersburg, and after living for over twenty thousand on the river, the pennies and the same amount of money with the borgs that creditors extorted from his father.
Father voiced to his sons that in the rebellion he would pay half of his Borg; Just so that he could go to Moscow to pick up the aide-de-camp of the commander-in-chief, having gotten into trouble, and try to find a good party there. Having pointed this out to Princess Marya and Julie Karagin.
Anatole waited a moment and went to Moscow, where he left Pierre. Pere accepted Anatole reluctantly, but then called to the next one, sometimes driving with him on his outing, under the drive of the position, giving him pennies.
Anatole, as he spoke audibly about new Shinshin, as soon as he arrived in Moscow, making all the Moscow ladies especially aware of the fact that they clearly did not want the will of the gypsies and French actors, with the head of Mademoiselle Georges, as they said in I'm staying with loved ones wear and tear. Without missing out on the daily revelry at Danilov’s and the other merrymakers of Moscow, constantly drinking all night long, drinking everyone else, and attending all the parties and balls of the high world. They learned about the number of intrigues he had with the Moscow ladies, and at the balls he saw the deeds. Apart from the girls, especially those with rich names, who were the worst of all the trash, they did not get close, especially since Anatole, who did not know anyone, besides his closest friends, had two friendships. Two fates ago, during the hour when his regiment was stationed near Poland, a poor Polish landowner persuaded Anatoly to become friends with his daughter.
Anatole, having soon left his squad and for pennies, decided to marry his father-in-law, having gained the right to be famous for being a single man.
Anatole was always satisfied with his position, with himself and with others. I will instinctively become the source of transformations for the one who could not live otherwise, even though he is alive, and who has never done anything bad in his life. He couldn’t think about how one of these things could lead to others, nor what could come out of this or that thing. From the beginning of the transformations, as the pumpkin is created in such a way that she is forever obliged to live by the water, so is the result of God’s creations in such a way that she is obliged to live in thirty thousand incomes and take up a situation in marriage. Vіn so firmly believed in this, that, wondering at the new one, the others were transferred to whom and did not encourage him to become great in the world, nor in pennies, like Vіn, perhaps, without borrowing from Ichnogo and transverse.
Having not been a gravel, I hired no money from winning. Vіn is not shoving. It was all the same, no matter what they thought about him. Ambition is even less to blame. Once upon a time, the irritable father was busy with his career and laughed at all the honors. He was not stingy and did not tell anyone what he asked. One thing, that he loved, they were cheerful women, and there was nothing ignoble behind their notions of these relishes, and to subdue those that came for other people from the satisfaction of their relishes, in no time, then in the shower and respecting your own a soulless person, with a great disdain for scoundrels and filthy people, and with a calm conscience, holding her head high.
Among the revelers, among these human Magdalenes, there seems to be evidence of innocence, just as among Magdalene wives, they are based on the same hope of forgiveness. “I’ll say goodbye to everything, because she loved so much, and I’ll say goodbye to everything, because I’m already having fun.”

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The Russian Church of the Transfiguration on Lichtenthaler Alley in Baden-Baden was consecrated in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord on June 28, 1882. The three-nave church with a pedestal and a golden cibulin dome based on the shape of a Greek ridge was inspired by Volodymyr Potyomkin for the project of the St. Petersburg architect Ivan Vasilyovich Shtrom (1825-1887). The mosaic above the portal and all the interior decoration was designed by the Russian prince Grigory Gagarin (1810 – 1893). The temple was closed by two people - first at the beginning of the First World War until 1921, and then at the beginning of the Second World War until 1988.

In the 19th century, Baden-Baden was the capital of the Grand Duchy of Baden, which - regardless of its name - was one of the dwarf German powers and after the unification it became part of the German Empire. The small place gained fame in Europe as a fashionable and fashionable resort, being “developed in a beautiful valley that abuts the ridge of the Black Forest, and on all sides there are mountains that protect it from various types of unfriendly winds ... Baden-Baden is no less famous and with their warm jackets,” travelers wrote about the resort. These waters that flowed from Castle Hill helped with skin and female ailments, gout, and also with the disorder of poisoning. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city had over 60 thousand. sick The season ran from the end of the day until the end of the day.

The Duchy was connected with Russia by close family ties and its status was acquired by the Duchy of Russia. In 1793 he was born Tsarevich Viv. book Alexander Pavlovich became friends with the Baden princess Louise-Marie (Elizabeth Oleksiivna); in 1857, the family of Princess Cecilia-Augustus (1839-1891) married the century. book Mikhail Mikolayovich, brother of Emperor Alexander II, and, having adopted Orthodoxy, began to be called Olga Feodorovna in Russia. With a whore, the Duchess retained her Orthodox religion. His brother is Prince William (1829-1897), who in 1863 became the son of Duchess Maria Maksimilianivna of Leuchtenberg (1841-1914), mother of Mikoli I, who was in the Russian Imperial House.

I want to book Olga Feodorovna lived mainly in St. Petersburg and Tiflis, where her man was the messenger of the Caucasus, and she often visited the place where she fell in love with the sick and those living in Russia. “Some people, long ago, gained undisturbed power here and everyone lived in their villas; Others linger around dozens of people in rented apartments; “A lot of Russians come here especially during the summer months.” V. A. Zhukovsky (he died here), P. A. Vyazemsky, N. V. Gogol, N. A. Nekrasov, I. S. Turgenev (In the past this year), L. N. Tolstoy, Vl. S. Solovyov. Many Russians, including F. M. Dostoevsky, enjoyed the city casino with its roulette. Travelers emphasized that “the French language is panting on the waters” and “the greatest succession of Europe is being gathered.”

Mother's idea of ​​​​an Orthodox church service appeared in the 1830s, and the Grand Duke promised to be a welcome Russian place for him in the Old Castle, but it did not go further to the right. Some priests from Wiesbaden and Karlsruhe came to Baden-Baden and served in their apartments, as it happened, for example, on Holy Day 1849, when they created Archpriest. Vasil Polisadov.

In order to establish a regular Orthodox Church for their spivvitchniks in Baden-Baden, the Russian envoy M. A. Stolipin and the book. Trubetskoi opened a subscription among the Russian colony in 1857. 1 linen 1858, in the post office on Lichtenthalerstrasse, a funeral church was installed, brought from Stuttgart, donated in 1844. book P. P. Lopukhinim. In one summer, “the seed of capital was sown for the rule of the secular church” and a permanent committee was created with the Catholic Prince. Gagarina (nee Pototskaya) and a Protestant bar. A. S. Mulen. At the post office booth, however, the church was open for only a few months. New church on Schillerstrasse, 5 buv. consecrated in 1865. in the presence of Princess Maria Maximilianivna. Placed in a private booth, and serve once again for the week by visiting the priest. Oleksandr Andriyovich Izmailov from the court Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross near Karlsruhe, where the princess lived. The temple was used exclusively for donations.

A fragment of Russians - especially those who are in need - in a fashionable resort with leather rock became more and more, they needed a church and place of worship, and even more, they required permanent repairs. A letter was issued about the donation, “to give those who are staying here, on the day of our great Fatherlandism, a holy shrine.” Prote on the right was trimmed, often because in 1867. The Rumanian prince Mihailo Sturdza visited the richly tidied Orthodox church near the park on Michaelsberg, where he would later worship his family. Although the services there were held in Romanian, many Russians still believed that they no longer needed the church.

An hour, however, having thought of this thought, and 31 linya 1880 r. The Russian Church was founded by Rev. A. Izmailov in the presence of V. book Olga Feodorovna, lead. knn. Georgiy and Oleksandr Mikhailovichiv, on the farm, without cost, given the place. The cost of living and living expenses was 50 thousand. krb., chosen by the way to sacrifice; a sum of 7 thousand. The stamps were contributed by Maria Maximilianovna, who after her death was buried in the crypt. The pious bar has built up a lot for all kinds of enterprise. Varvara Sergievna Plessen (1824-1893), born kzhn. Gagarina, Tetyana’s sister. There was a small temple since the beginning of the 16th of June 1882 in the presence of Prince William of Baden and his retinue. book Mikoli Mikolayovicha-mol. It was consecrated by Rev. himself. A. Izmailovim and o. Sergei Lyubimov from Stuttgart. Princess Maria Maximilianovna donated the kilim embroidered by her to the temple.

Project of a church in the Russian-Byzantine style by St. Petersburg architect D. I. Grimm, and realized - I. V. Strohm with the participation of local architect Berhard Belzer and independent engineer V. I. Potyomkina. The author of the paintings, painted “in soft tones” on canvas, was Prince. G. G. Gagarin, former vice-president of the Imperial Academy of Mystery. For his little one, the local sculptor Luigi Broggi created a single-tiered iconostasis from white marble, which the princess paid for. Marmur is used to lay the foundation and cover the walls of the church. Mosaic image above the entrance of the building, also after the sketch by Gagarin, near Venice, in the master of Antonio Salviati. The ornaments on the walls were painted by the artist Shvartsman from Karlsruhe.

The single-altar temple stands among the trees and is small in size. This is a low cubic bezel without a ring, lined with stoneware and topped with a gilded head on a string drum. The facades are completed with kokoshniks and cut through with tripartite windows. The portal is constructed in a folding form and is decorated with a keel-like arch, based on old Moscow architecture. The church is illuminated by stained glass windows and five chandeliers (the largest are 64 candles), made from brass by local craftsmen.

The fate of the newly consecrated church did not begin until 1893, and was re-consecrated for a year by the prot. Izmailov. The temple was attributed to the court church of Karlsruhe (where it was served as a surcharge); But later the situation changed at the gate. In 1903-1905, the rector of Baden-Baden was prot. Mikola Petrovich Apraksin, who contributed his translations of liturgical texts to the Russian church in Carlsbad.

In the past, the Russian church had 2-5 congregations, and the number of communicants ranged from 20 to 50 people. The dead were taken to the Fatherland's shrine after their death, or they were buried in the local storehouse. The parishioners of the court temple were Russians, who were, as a rule, a significant camp. They donated a number of expensive icons, which, unfortunately, were later lost during the looting of the church. However, until the end of the 19th century, as the Russian envoy reported, “the rich Russian dignitaries who lived here for a whole river gradually disappeared, the Russians, who only come for the summer season, naturally, less were hanging over the share of the Baden church, income began to change rapidly..." , wanting to pray in Baden-Baden, Russians began to come from the newly opened resorts near the Black Forest.

19 June 1899 r. Emperor Nikola II and his retinue visited the temple, who were visiting that day in Darmstadt. He showed respect for the wall paintings and praised them: “Like so much original and unique in his family.” In 1904, the village with the temple passed from the special Volodin princess to the Russian order, as it was worth 6,750 rubles. for the morning. After the death of Maria Maximilianivna, her son Prince Mark of Badensky became the patron of the church, and on the day of her mother’s birthday and death, he served a panakhida for her. He conveyed to the temple some speeches from the closed court church of Karlsruhe. In 1905 kzhn. T. S. Gagarina donated a plot for setting up a church booth, but there were no pennies for anything.

When the World War began, the temple was closed, the gilded dome was removed and melted down. Sometimes, a Russian priest served in the military forces and became involved with the local camp. After the revolution, approximately 500 refugees from Russia arrived in Baden-Baden, and in 1920, church services were renewed - until 1979 Isnyuvav prot. Mikhailo Stefirtsa, “a simple, quiet priest,” came from Bessarabia, close to the Metropolitan of Western Europe Eulogius (Georgiyevsky). Since 1926, it has also been sold in parishes in Bad Emsi and Karlsruhe. From now on, about a hundred paraffins were attended by people: S. V. Rakhmaninov, F. I. Chaliapin, artist Olga Chekhova and in. zakhiriv. The church received almost all subsidies from the Württemberg house.

Due to the fate of the Other Light War, services became rare, icons and judgments were seized from the crypt. After the war, paramilitary life began to flourish again, with at least 20,000 refugees from the USSR gathered in the state of Baden-Württemberg, and most of them moved across the ocean through a number of rocks and in the very place of its outskirts yah lost a lot. At the end of the war, the ROCOR came from the ROCOR to the Moscow Patriarchate, in which the priest was lost to death. Stephirtsi in 1979, after which the parishioners of the Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad were alternately cordoned off by the church. As a result of a long legal battle, the remainder was transferred to the ROCOR in 1988. Proceeding its centenary on September 15, 1982, the temple with its rector, Archimandrite Avenir, is located in Moscow jurisdiction.

In 1988-1990, which is considered a monument of architecture, the bula - most importantly for the state shell - was completely restored, the gilding of the dome was renewed, and a meeting hall was installed in the crypt.

Nina at the service, where the Serbian priest Rev. Miodrag Glisic and o. Evgen Skopintsev, believers (among them Serbia and Germans) are coming from here and there. Claire is also supported by communities in Mannheim and Saarbrücken. The rector is Archbishop of Berlin and German Mark (Arndt). The Moscow Patriarchate raises its Transfiguration Community together with priests and Germans.

Having spent the importance of the residence place, Baden-Baden survives today as a fashionable resort, in which the Russian church looks like a valuable memory of the past.