Godless information headers. What are Http headers? Zagalny theory. Corrections can not modify header information - headers already sent by

It’s amazing how small a problem can lead to your WordPress site completely stopping functioning. We are talking, primarily, about the well-known WordPress plugin Warning: can not modify header information - headers already sent by pluggable.php (cannot change header information). Since you are one of those who have come to terms with this sweetheart, then you have come for the address. In this case, we will first discuss the reason for the appearance of this problem and the way we look at it in order to resolve the problem.

what is needed

Before starting, check the availability of the upcoming:

  • Access to your hosting control panel or FTP access

How to blame Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by

Let's take a look at the example of this act to better understand the reasons. The pardon must appear in the following form:

Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /public_html/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/my-function.php:#) in /public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line #

As you know, there are two files in the middle. First file (in our vipadka: my-function.php accommodations in /Public_html //wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/) On the basis of suspicion. This is our original code, which is used to change the core functionality that is provided by WordPress. The functionality of the kernel is contained in a file pluggable.php(WordPress core file, immutable for everyone WordPress installations). In other words, the problem is in the first file, which does not allow the other file to finish properly.

The main reason for pardon is the pledge clearings in the first file. These gaps are at the bottom or at the bottom of the file, unnecessary gaps are always in the file or there are gaps in PHP tags . Before the word, through those that programs can (and say so and are expected to do so) silently insert statements of gaps into their code, this error most often occurs, but it could not be detected. Row #, indicated in the notification about the remedy, is used in the process of resolving the problem - this will help solve the problem more quickly and without fuss.

Corrections can not modify header information - headers already sent by

Now, if you know what the message is, you can proceed to correct it. We will show you two options for solving this problem, which you can try either directly or alternatively if it did not help.

Option 1 - Editing an invalid file

The first version of the milk shake Warning: can not modify header information- manually correcting the file with permission. You already clearly have the necessary information to identify the problem in the notification about the file itself (memory, the first file in the notification). All you need to do is open the file via FTP, using a vikoryst client using FileZilla or through a file manager.

Essentially, everything that needs to be done here is to collect cleared areas / empty rows in the file. Garne place for the cob will be in a row #, as mentioned in the information about the meal. From here you can continue searching through the other file in search of other unneeded clearings or empty rows until the very end of the document.

Check the correct spelling of PHP start and end tags. There is no need to leave a space before or after the tag , Same as tag ?> . Also, the remaining row of the code does not have to end with a skip or a complete reversal of the row.

In the screenshot below you can download the file wp-config.php, In which there is a gap before the first PHP tag.

Hint: U bagatioh text editors You can remove unnecessary passes automatically. For example, to remove any gaps in the Atom editor, see all the code and go to P ackages -> Whitespace -> Remove Trailing Whitespace.

Option 2 - Replace the faulty file

Of course, editing a whole series of files with changes can be difficult. The files can be installed in front of the plugin or themes that you have installed on your site, or they can be loaded with WordPress core files.

If the application is effectively activated by the plugin or theme, everything that needs to be done is to reinstall it. This action helps in most cases. On the other hand, since the WordPress core file is the reason for the change, for better decisions take a clean copy of WordPress and replace the minion file in your installation with the same one in the reference version. This will guarantee that the faulty update file in cob mill As soon as your WordPress site is installed again, it will lose its integrity and confidentiality. Now, just re-enable the page and re-convert to see that the error has been corrected.

On completion

Regardless of whether you inserted a piece of code into a file, added a new plugin/theme, or wrote the code manually, there is a risk that gaps will appear in the file. It would seem like innocent clearings, they could turn around by the way WordPress Warning: can not modify header information - headers already sent by.

Whose care, we looked at how to correct such errors, and now your site is working again how to do so. You can find more people from WordPress.


Olena has professional technical knowledge in the field information technologies and evidence of programming in different languages ​​under different platforms and systems. She has dedicated more than 10 years to the web sphere, working with various CMS, such as: Drupal, Joomla, Magento and the most popular content management system these days - WordPress. These articles are always technically verified and accurate, whether it is an overview for WordPress or instructions for setting up your VPS server.

This information about the cancellation is often shared by programs that start using PHP. An understanding of what this settlement entails will help you find a solution.

PHP works a lot of robots to generate web pages for you, without your bothering. A web page consists of two parts: a header and a body.

This extended PHP modification must be avoided if the program is using modifications in the manipulation or creation of headers. Axle butt:

Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/usr1/public_html/sent.php:42) in /home/usr1/public_html/includes/theme-header.php on line 12

As a rule, you don't need to worry about the header, since the header is generated automatically and contains information about the site, servers, and cookies. The information in the title is important, but you won’t be able to see the koristuvacheva. Butt axis:

Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 18:51:59 GMT Server: Apache / 2.2.0 (Unix) mod_ssl / 2.2.0 OpenSSL / 0.9.7g Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Type: text / html

Some programs want to change some of the header values. For example, since PHP generates XML drafts, the Content-Type is subject to changes to indicate this. Another advanced method is to redirect the user's browser to another web site using an additional Location header element, as described in this article.

The title must come first in the output from the web server and appear next to the body in one empty row. The reason for this compromise is that most of the web page body was sent to the user before attempting to set the header values. PHP will solve a lot of problems for you, the problem may be in the emergency room. The axis of the inset to find the problem:

  1. Find the header() instruction that is causing the problem. The pardon is due on or before this line.
  2. Watch out for any instructions that could direct you to the correct instructions in the title. If you have found one or another, change the code to move the header instruction before them. folding smart operators They can solve the problem, but they can also help solve the problem. Alternatively, you can put it in the upper part of the PHP script, which means the values ​​of the header earlier, and inserts it there.
  3. Check that there are no gaps between the head and end PHP tags. At that time there is an empty row in front of the cob tag
  4. If you save your file in UTF-8 encoding, you will be forced to save the file without a signature (without BOM). A signature is a byte that is sent to the front of the file, and if the PHP script is saved in this format, then this byte will be taken as part of the displayed body of the page, which cannot be allowed in order to eliminate the problem we have considered.

It’s awkward to pardon qiu vipravity.
Often the same notification appears at the start of sessions, in a slightly different form:
Warning: Can not send session cookie - headers already sent
Warning: Can not send session cache limiter - headers already sent

Byte Order Mark
Then you checked EVERYTHING - there is nothing there. Change editor. View your file in another program. For example, Windows Notepad, when using Unicode encoding, adds the service symbol Byte Order Mark to your file, without making it visible. Open the script in another editor and remove third-party characters. І change Notepad to another editor.
Or save in UTF-8 encoding without BOM

Numerical feeds on the forum are challenging for me, work here respectful:
This mercy appears to be in no way due to the fact that in your script “what is written better.” And besides, PHP should be displayed in the browser. This is not a simple code. Tse mozhe buti notification about the amends. You may have broken the HTML tag. So-so. For those who are new: I’m talking about any symbol sent to the browser, and not just about what the browser displays to an uninformed user. HTML pages have output text. And it is the result of a PHP script, and not a beautiful letter with pictures, as many people think.

Today we received news about those that mean information "Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at / home / ...", What appeared on the site's side instead of its main one.
As it turned out, at least enough has been written on this topic, but there is no formalized instruction about what it all means and how to proceed.
We wanted to add a few drops in the great sea of ​​information on this topic, some of which dealt with this problem especially.

Recently, we transferred several client sites from one hosting to another.
Everything went fine, the sites were accessible, but when you tried, log in to the admin. panel, after entering your login and password, a white side appeared on the control panel.
We checked on other sites - the same.
In order to identify possible reasons, we included a variety of expressions.
To do this, you need to edit the .htaccess file via FTP, which is located in the root of the site, adding in a new row:

Php_flag display_errors on

After this, when logging into the admin panel, a message appeared like “Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/.../functions.php:1552) in /home/.. ./public_html /wp-login.php on line 362 » etc.

As a result of searches, information was found that informs that the header information cannot be changed, because the headers (information about them) were already sent before and are still in the checkboxes fell in all sorts of rows in all sorts of files.

headers (Headers) - this is the service information of the server, on which site is being developed. Before the browser displays the site, it receives headers from the server, which indicate various data: whether caching is enabled on the site, its coding, the type of content on the site, and others. In management systems, instead of a website, headers are formed by functions that exist in various system files.
obov'yazkovo umova- the headlines will be sent to the main page instead of the content.

If the site is transferred to the headers, then the situation arises, about which we are informed “Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent by ...”

In what situations can you blame yourself? As we have already said, in current CMS, headers are the result of the work of one or several functions. The function itself is just a fragment of code, laid out between the cob and finally ?> tags.

Everything that is located between these tags is considered to be the content of the page.
In this way, since on the beginning of the page there are functions, the result of which is the sending of headers, and we reject the notification “Warning: Can not modify header information ...”, then we get information that goes to the content of the page from server to headers .

What is this information and how to find it. Most often there are clearings and empty rows.

Skip or empty rows are interpreted as symbols of the main page location, which means that some of the main content appears before the headings and is sent to the browser first.

It is necessary to import the files listed in the “Warning: Can not modify header information ...” notifications onto your local computer, open it in the code editor (I use NotePad ++) and carefully check for the presence of empty rows and gaps:

However, there is one important feature that can significantly increase the time spent searching for a solution.
The file may not have empty rows and gaps, but if it is not saved in UTF-8 encoding, then the third-party character on the very beginning of the document can be inserted by the editor in which the file is being created. This character is a UTF-8 identifier, equal to the zero-day space, which may not be displayed at all in the editor, unless it is accepted on the server as the main replacement and display before the headers.

In order to log in to this identifier, you must save the downloaded files in the format UTF-8 without BOM(UTF-8 without BOM).

NotePad++ handles these tasks efficiently.

After these actions and updating files on the server, notifications will appear and the site will operate in normal mode.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/04/2017 - 12:55

Description of a private problem

After pressing the button, the following message is displayed:

Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\OpenServer\domains\testsite\WEB\5_phpRedirect.php:10) in C:\OpenServer\domains\testsite\WEB\5_phpRedirect.php on line 12

We will provide a similar code in this topic:

experimental Web

Select script to attract

Excerpt script:

When does it happen?

Pardon (pre-judgement) type:

Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent by

It's a shame that you've already set up browser header settings, and now you want to rewrite them with new ones. For example, if you have already entered text, then php inserts headers (title Location- which indicates that you will be lost on the requested page, or you will need to go to another page and then cancel the response there) in order to tell the client browser (in its own way) how to behave.

The root of the problem

Anyway, the problem with your output lies in the fact that you are already providing content (html tags that are mixed in the file with the script) before command:

Echo header($redirect);

Remember that the header() function can only be called by the client data has not yet been transmitted. You must go first to the top, before this click there is no need for any HTML tags, empty rows, etc. There is often a problem when reading the code with file functions, including or requiring, in which code there are clearings or empty rows that appear before the header() call. The same problems can occur when editing a single PHP / HTML file.

Then you need to add a parser script to the HTML - even though it essentially doesn’t display anything itself, but simply forwards it to another address - tse first.


Echo header($redirect);


So, as echo () started, write in body http vids, And not in the headers, but header rotates void (it does not rotate the value), about what was said above, then the sense of the wikirist echo () is missing, but
- Prote, I propose to conduct an experiment:

  1. tidy up html
  2. don't tidy up echo

So, since header () is called to you essentially before echo () (as header () is the argument of echo ()), which means rotation - at the same time, it is verifiable that the function rotates null - which will be interpreted as an empty row or (whichever is worse) echo Don’t bother doing this any more, as a redirect will already appear.

Let's clarify the reason again

Tobto before the Wiklik header() not guilty, no content is displayed(What is written about before I describe the function: http: //php.net/manual/ru/function.header ...)

  • 1) not for help echo
  • 2) without additional assistance, entering the html text into the browser.

In our case, judging from this, echo does not merge into anything, and the html axis actually merges into the reader.

food was on hold

HTML tags have been removed for your satisfaction. Now the redirection is generated correctly, the search script looks like this:

The echo function does not work effectively, so you can remove it from S. Holzner:

Also, when formatting the code for a redirect, pay attention to the extension of the file to which the transition is made: with the specified syntax, it must be specified in the header argument.

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You can always practice and

You can also practice this in advance

redirection of koristuvach

How to set the option in the php.ini file

Output_buffering = 4096

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Resending headers is blocked, the HTTP protocol doesn’t work like that! Why are you working? After being posted on the website, do I need to start another session and set a cookie? - Let’s talk about output buffering.

If you set a non-zero buffer size, then it is still possible to manipulate headers. If the buffer size is zero, after rendering the content, it will be output immediately forward transferring http-video headers to the client.

And it turns out that we want to change the headings that have already “flyed” among the clients (which means it’s no longer possible to correct them - we’ll close the heading Location, Which indicates that you will be lost on the requested side, or request another one - the script - “Redirect” (we have a form generator) just to talk about those who need to request another side), about which php is ahead of us.

ale: It is absolutely impossible to solve the problem in this way (not very correctly, more precisely).

Faculty of Mathematics VDU is another classic =)

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