Шо means exporting contacts. Importuvati - does it mean? The meaning of the word "importuvati"

Address book and contact information It is possible to import from the formats of the decilkoh programs, re-create them for the victorian in Windows and to save them in the "Contacts" folder. You can also convert contacts to files of different formats, exporting them. It allows you to exchange contacts with criminals, who creep in front of the front versions of Windows or the operating system.

To import contacts, to set up your program

  1. On the toolbar, click Import, and then select one of the formats for importing contacts.
    • CSV (values, distribution of comas). This is a great file format, which can be used for export and import of information in either the base of the given electronic tables. I do not want to import the address book file without the need to add it to the addon " Windows Contacts», Try a selection of converting it to CSV format, and then also import it.
    • LDIF (LDAP server). This format is used for importing information about directories from directory servers based on the LDAP protocol.
    • vCard (VCF file). The most popular format for contacts.
    • Windows address book file (Outlook Express contacts). The whole format (.Wab file) is used by older versions of Windows, including Windows XP.
  2. Viber / import, insert a file with contacts, such as a trace of import, and press the View button. Papa "Contacts" will have a new contact.

    As soon as you know the file of contacts, which is a trace of import, look at the pre-existing information of the programs, which contacts are enabled, or open the website of the virobnik. You can, from a collection of examples, export contacts from programs, and then import them into "Windows Contacts".

  3. If you show up about the process of importing contacts, press the OK button, and then the Close button.

Schob exportuvati contacts for victorian with the latest programs

You can immediately transform all contacts into an inverted format before the front version Windows, could see that re-glance їkh.

  1. Open Windows Contacts.
  2. On the toolbar, press the Export button and select one of the next formats.
    • CSV (values, distribution of comas). This is a great file format that can be used for export or import information in either the base of the given electronic tables.
    • vCard (folder with files. vcf). The whole format is adaptable to bagatma programs. Call a simple format for exchanging contacts with koristuvachi Windows version or with an operating system.
  3. Natisnit Export, vibrate the folder, in order to save contacts in a new format, and press the OK button.
  4. If you see on the screen about those contacts exported in a new format, press the OK button, and then the Close button.

The word "import" is often used in Russian language. Do you want me to be kind? What does "importuvati" mean?

About the meaning of the word

Radianska lyudina on the meaning of the word "import" reads bi without vagan: "Zakordonne junk." Apparently, importuati - the process of delivering speeches in the SRCP, playing outside the borders of the country. In the minds of the total deficit, the comrade of the overseas virobnistva for the Radiansk people became one of the non-bogey options of the polish, their humble beggar. To that people, the ability to deliver imports was much appreciated. Foreign goods were attributed to a special power, far from being dependent on the power.

Mіzh іnshim, the people didn’t think so much about the value of those dzherels, which were reasonably imported into the territory of the state of the overseas goods, not to be transported a year ago. Ale of the explanation is not possible for us to receive.

About the like words

The word "import" resembles the Latin importo. Іmportuvati - meaningfully means "to bring in" or "to enter". And here there is a sense of ambiguity: it is also possible to import it in a reasonable way. What kind of vipadks do they say about import themselves? It is important to introduce ourselves to the clarification of the vocabulary, it’s not just about the reliable goods in the land due to the cordon, but about the goods imported to the country’s territory. Tobto light or jeans, bought by a Russian tourist for an hour to leave in Turechchina, for the special speech of the landowner, since it’s because of the way back, there will not be an import. Importation - the process of taking care of the system is straightforward, depending on the legislation of your country (including those in the country). Economical and political state interests lie at the heart of the business.

You can import

As a comrade of the Earth's economy, and in each case, import to the territory of the country - the food of the strategy of the state, based on the given legislative base. Before the speech, for the understanding of the import, it is not only material values. Robots, servants, intellectual products can become the subject of current trade, as well as regulated by legislation.

It is necessary to say that in the hours of the CPSR in the structure of the imported goods and in the number of items added to the list. Radianska lyudina, yakby win raptom in a bitty shop, buv battles for abundance and growth of greedy foreign speeches. What is the import of Russia in the Danish hour? That is great! Products for food production of light industry, science technologies and happy possession, The cars are very rich. However, it is important to name the structure of import-export as balanced, but not at all the history.

About actions of political terms

The one who was brought to vivchati communist literature, melodiously guessed and also the formula: importing Marxism. Go about political science, which is not a people in Russia, but after having a meal here from the countries of the world. for bitch people It is unlikely that there will be an important worldview of history about those, like the Idea of ​​Marx, disintegrated in Europe, who fostered the Russian expanses and freaked out the minds of the world. But the very practice of vikorystannya the word "import" and yo old for describing political and economic phenomena can be tricky.

About inflation

"Products, how to import inflation" is a term of novoy. But the essence of yogo is the same, as well as in the forerunners: it is necessary to be delivered to us on a call. Well, did you have a meal in our land for the whole time?

Інфляцію (from the Latin Inflatio - "zduttya") is called the style of growing prices for comrades and servants, as a result of such a small currency it becomes lower. Tobto, as a result of internal cataclysms, there are pennies, and people can buy less goods for a certain amount of money. Inflation is a superficially unacceptable phenomenon, and it is subtly covered, if there is a reason to lie behind the borders of the land. For example, as a result of the growth of the import sector, there is an increase in prices for fallow lands from a new city comrade. One of the imported inflation may be the result of folding financial debts of one national currency with a penny unit of the other powers.

Import yak technical term

Victory of computer technology introduced a new meaning of the word "importuvati". In the world of development of digital technologies, there is a need for exchanging data from small dzherels. Dodavannya (insert) new information into a stream document, file, base of data, it was accepted by import. Ninish rapt is relieved of the power of scooping up the data, it’s already uncomfortable. The Microsoft company was one of the first to provide information exchange with its supplements, and not only. So, pratsyuchi in text editor Microsoft Word, Easily supplement the text with "someone else's" pictures and tables. Import of tribute to the database of the database Microsoft Excel etc.

It is important to see all the possibilities of visibility, as they are visible in front of those working at the computer the prospect of receiving information from other people's databases. Mova, zrozumilo, not about spying. Vyavimo an extravagant online store, which is a trade by-run technology. The shop spіvpratsyuє with the owners of the goods, і importantly, schob for the skin change in the base of the previous suppliers in the next period of the information about the information of the store (for example, about the appearance of the part of the singing goods). Otzhe, the necessary service, which allows you to add the database to the online store in current country... The whole service, in its turn, is based on the possibility of importing the data of the owners into the information files of the clients.

So also "import photos"?

Ninishniy computer koristuvach nonabiyak promises. All the more lack of texts and numbers - there is a need for new services, more flexible and barvy information. One of such possibilities is import of photographs. What does it mean?

For digital cameras (cameras), photographic data is just a file, which can be processed using the same method (everything can be stored as a function of the camera). Ale nytsіkavіshe pratsyuvati with photography bezposseredno on computers. Import is a way to move or copy this file, so that it can be reached by the way of technical manipulations (offending attachments) and software (the ability to import is transferred from a computer, from a camera). From and everything! The distance for the importation of marks can be simply taken, or else it can be processed for help. computer programs(For example, Adobe photoshop). Such exchange of information small outbuildings to rob those powers truly without limits. Writing a computer image, you can use a photo to become a master of a painting. Ale і computer text, illustrating the necessary photos, at once due to its significance and value.

The ability to import photographs allows you to take your favorite photos, to create thematic photo albums, sharing names with friends, etc. You can import files not only from a camera, ale. From memory cards, scanners attached Take photos, import texts, music, clips. day different ways exchange of data allows you to create unique multimedia projects, that is, just cut off the bad guys from your robots at the computer.

About bookmarks

The bookmark was called prisosuvannya (often a lace or a lace); It’s not used to changing the meaning of the word and in our days: bookmarks are the power of vibrating (laying down) a favorite Internet site, so that you can go to them with the best easy way. When you change the computer, or program the entry to the Internet, and when you change software securityє. But in the bugs of the virus, the problem can be helped by the possibility of importing a bookmark (i.e., a singing rank for saving, and then again putting it into operation). It’s a good thing, technically, it’s okay to look at the skin, but it’s easy to re-evaluate the service.


The exchange of data is seen all over the place. Files and bases are imported, contacts are imported e-mailі okremich bookmarks social hedge... Understanding "import" can be quickly navigated to address books mobile phones... And, perhaps, even tomorrow we will feel about a new meaning of the cynical and functional word.

We will visually see if you can import contacts from VCF or backup copy and export of contacts to a VCF file in simple crocs.

Part 1: Import of contacts from and export of VCF contacts into one click

It wouldn’t be wonderful, since all those foldable crocs, what were they just import and export contacts to vcf (convert.contact to.vcf or convert.contact to vcard) can be replaced with one button press method? So, it would be so lighter and shorter. There will be more changes. Wondershare TunesGo beat the male. Vona work on Android and iOS add-ons, and it is effective to import contacts from and export contacts to vcf files.

Yak importuvati VCF contacts to phone

  1. Open Wondershare TunesGo / Instrument, and then select the "Views" tab to display your contacts.
  2. At the contact management window, press the "Import" button and select one of 4 options, which are displayed at the prompt you need.
  3. Oberit "Z file VCard"... Then you can show up quickly, you need to vibrate the rakhunok contact, which can save you money on the SIM, Phone or, be it the only regional one, I will write down, like Gmail or Outlook.

Yak backup copy and export contacts to VCF file

  1. Open Wondershare TunesGo and click on the "Information" tab and select any contacts you need to export. Press the "Export" button, and then select the "vCard file" for 4 options ...
  2. Please contact us for export. When finished, press the button " OK".

Note: As long as you save contacts in Gmail, Facebook or other rakhunki, you can go to regional records Importing or exporting contacts to a VCF file is also seamless. We will forgive the whole process with quick results.

Part 2: Importing contacts from VCF for Android manually

You can import vcf contacts for your Android phone I will hand it in also means that you can import your vcf contacts without a vcf third-party supplement or to the tool. The features of all presence on the Android add-in do not require any additional information.

However, tse is not so simple, how does it sound. Manually importing contacts from vcf to an Android phone has two main shortcomings. Perchet is not available at all Android add-onsі іn the most basic shortcoming of the method є even foldable і includes a lot of crocuses. The price can also be seen as foldable for people who are not even more flexible; so I will look at fate for an hour.

At any time, every step of the way (you can vikoristovuvati a guide for importing your contacts to vcf) -

You can import your vCard data as exported to vCard (. VCF file).

We will be vivchati short version for import and export of contacts, as a third-party add-on, or allow you to import and export contacts; і convert.contact to.vcf or convert.contact visiting cards with the help of one click.

With Wondershare TunesGo, you can easily import and export your contacts. The whole program of efficient and effective management, as the method emerges as shvid and simpler in relation to the other traditional methods. Traditional methods (which include manual processing) є more than an hour or more, less than an hour, more than an hour or more, less than an hour, and the process is still folding like to rob it; We will help you to understand the vibrations.