Internal linking - is it really necessary and how to fix it? Secrets of linking Why does it sell?

Good morning, dear readers.
Two months ago, the 24th of May, I wrote about those. The topic is already interesting, and I wanted to expand on it. Therefore, the plan of this article is as follows:

  1. Repetition of mother's knowledge - What is the linking?
  2. linking scheme

What is this linking?

Well, let’s repeat, what is this linking? The statement on this topic is in the name itself. Perelinkovka is the Russified meaning of the word link, which means not only “sent”, but “linking”. That's why linking is a link. Why?

Contact web sites with each other for help. This linking (relinking) can be either between one site - internal linking, or linking different sites - external linking. This article is important about internal linking. If you don’t mind catching the essence, you will become more intelligent.

How did you understand this, and why was everything invented?
In the remaining article, I wrote about the promotion in sound systems. The primary factor in ranking sites is the presence of anchors. The skin message informs the search robot that a particular item is relevant to a particular query.

So, one of the important officials who emerges from the front is the static side. For the search robot, the skin page on the Internet has its own static energy, which is increasing in the world with increasing force, so that the more you try to stand on the right side, the more static energy there is. This static value is also very important when ranking sites in search engine systems.

So, having lifted up the pouch of what was said,

linking- linking web pages with messages to increase relevance for previous queries and to increase the static content of your site.

The rich people have a problem with food, but the linking is also literate or correct.

Correct and competent linking

Vzagali, the linking is correct or competent, this is the linking, for which the pages are poked through in search queries. Just how to understand, how to create linking correctly. In whom we will try to convert.

Well, we understood that in linking there are two warehouses: anchor and static link. The stench is very intertwined with each other, and besides, with the anchor, for the most part, everything has become clearer, but it is more complex with the static one. And in order to clearly understand how the site’s pages are correctly linked, it is necessary to focus on the static list of pages and understand what it is and how it works.

Well, if a new site appears on the Internet, it doesn’t matter whether it’s on the site or not. As long as there is no need to send a message to the sound system, there will be minimal noise. As soon as a message appears on it, internal or external, the message of the newly born page immediately begins to increase due to the flow of the message from the page that was sent to it.

Let's try to think logically. If the static effect of the side increases with the skin messages, and the anchor message is informed by which queries it is necessary to show the songs of the side, then it is logical to assume that on the side you want to put it in a sound type May cost more than postal and ob'vyazkovo with anchors. In principle, this is the same, but with one very important addition.

The skin sends part of its static vagina not just once, but gradually. By placing the message from article 1 on article 2, the message will be transmitted gradually. If a new message appears on article 1, then the static energy on the side of article 1 will increase, which means that more energy will be transferred to the side of article 2.

Therefore, including logic, it is understood that if we send to the published statistics, and on them the transfer of your request for help to end, then they will gradually adapt to the new force, increase it, and not with whom it should not be shared. And the stories that were sent to them will only be guides in the future. And the money that will remove the calls will be given to these articles, on which the transmission of your money will be delayed.

Otherwise, the situation is different, if you went to the side of the page, and there is one new message from it, then it turns out that the money that you accumulated for the side of the page will flow along one of the other messages, then you will go to someone else’s site.

Therefore, with proper linking, it is necessary not only to rely on the published articles, but to work in such a way that all the information that is concentrated in these articles that passed through other internal pages of the site turns back to them, and even worse them vagoyu. I will never go to an external site at any time. Then all internal messages to the site must be closed.

By supplying the bags of these bags, you can improve the nutritional information: What is correct, competent linking?

the linking is correct- this is the linking of the pages in such a way that all the static data is distributed in the middle of one site or in the middle of a network of sites (as we are talking about external linking), and not on third-party sites.

With all of this said, we see the basic rules for linking pages.

Relinking pages - basic rules

1. It is necessary to consistently comply with the published statistics.
2. It is necessary to make sure that the anchor words contain keywords.
3. A good effect will come from the sending of the old article, which already has static importance and authority for the search system.
4. It is necessary that there are no external instructions to open the sides.
5. If you push through the side and external messages (especially relevant for blogs), then divide your attention into your own internal pages.
6. You can and will need to force yourself on your inner pages, but in such a manner that, having passed along any stake in the middle of the site, all the water will turn again to the larger side.
7. Take the cob from the first point - loop the inner sides of the site, so that the static energy is lost in the middle of the site, flowing from one side to the other, thereby gradually increasing.
8. The more internal pages a site has, the greater the effect of linking.
Ale is rich in food, well, I’d like to show you one linking scheme.

linking scheme

There are a lot of different schemes thrown into the mix. All the stinks, however, so I don’t want to steal pictures or paint them again. Everything has long been broken down before us and for us. I recommend the article by Roztlumachiti Page Rank. This article is old, but still relevant for understanding, as static information is distributed on the pages of the site. She presents the main schemes for linking pages on a site: hierarchical, cyclical and high-linking. I gleaned a lot of what I described to you from this article.

So, before this article, I found a small note on one forum that was so worth reading.

In general, I want to share my special thoughts on the drive of the circuits. I respect, there is no need to strictly follow these schemes when talking about internal linking, especially when there are blogs. Golovny, remember those rules that I described above. Work for people, for their integrity.

If you have conceived an article, and it is connected with other articles, and the translations sent from it to other articles, or, for example, the translations sent to a new article from old articles, then it is absolutely necessary to Xia. It will be easy to read, it will be useful for increasing the static effect of other pages, and it will be useful for passing through the singing sounds.

And do not think that old statistics are not indexed by search engines. Search robots steadily index sites, especially those pages that are in high positions in the search engine and may have sufficient weight and authority for the search engine.

Automatic or manual linking

Above all, I wrote that it is necessary to put the message on your articles, as long as it is correct and can be handy for the readers. I appreciate that the manual method gives the greatest effect in linking pages to the site, so work thoughtfully, trying to find the middle of the article, which is more befitting search engines. Of course, there are also automatic methods for linking pages.

These include the installation of special scripts or plugins for linking. There are ready-made solutions for the skin engine, which can be easily found on the Internet.

For additional plugins and scripts, at the end of the article there is a list of similar articles. But it’s not always the case that in this list the very same statistics are the most common, because all plugins and scripts display similar statistics based on the labels you have added.

That’s why I respect that the effect of such scripts and plugins is less than that of manual, deliberate linking of pages. Ale, then, the stench gives an additional effect - to distract the readers on your blog.

Updated 14 June 2011.
The correctness of the linking on the site can be verified using special programs. I wrote an article about one of them.
Long story short to you.

Hello to all readers! Today I would like to talk about such an important concept for bloggers, SEOs and copywriters as linking. Making the site easier and more reasonable for the buyer will give you credibility with search engines.

Who can write the title correctly, insert keys into the text, or forget or simply don’t know about such an important step for insertion as linking.

I started to use the linking tool purely intuitively. Without explaining to anyone, this is absolutely necessary. I wrote a post for the blog with the thought: “It would be bad to insert a link here. This way I will bring forward a number of views that will attract readers.”

Follow me and you will find out what linking is, how to work correctly, and how to avoid mistakes.

If you like food or if you want to discuss this topic with me, write comments. I will be glad to chat with you.

What is this linking?

Linking is a powerful structure that creates meaningful connections between pages and sites. The concept is similar to the English word "link" - "sending".

What does linking provide:

  • Promotes relevance. The powerful mass allows the sound robot to understand that the page corresponds to the song.
  • Builds up a static barrier. This indicator is important for SEO optimization. Together with other factors, the site rises in search quality.
  • speeds up indexation. If, when scanning the page with the sound algorithm, an unknown message is detected, it will be entered into the database of the sound system.
  • Additionally protects against theft. They can still steal content. It will be easier to identify the villain if you copy the article via an RSS feed.
  • Greater agility and a positive impact on behavioral factors. It’s easier for Koristuvachev to navigate the site. We will come back to you again for useful information, product/service. The more often you move through internal hyper-forces, the more the dynamic balance of the sides grows.

Proper linking will help you create a nasty conversion funnel. You will receive referrals, recruit them on sites with useful information and redirect them to sell for other products.

There are different types of links

It is important to separate internal and external linking where and how the hyper-force will be placed. The skin type has its own specifics and rules.

Internal linking

Internal linking means placing one page on another within one site. As the core of internal optimization, it moves the static side of the side, raising it in the sound mode according to the midrange and low-frequency inputs.

Naroschuvannya masi - a white method of drying, praising with sound systems. Before that, he is also catless.

What are the functions of the internal linking:

  • distributes moisture between the sides,
  • creates meaningful connections between articles.

How does this look in practice? Let’s say I’m writing a text about keeping an eye on dachshunds. It describes the correct procedures, diet, and musculoskeletal treatment. I can insert there thematic messages on the article about the illness of dogs, the nature of the breed, a list of short feeds, stores, etc. For additional linking, I will transfer part of the old story to the new one, and the search robot will note it earlier.

Main rules:

  1. The side and the place of responsibility are relevant to the inserted hyperforce. Please send me a continuation and additional topic.
  2. It’s not good to add more detail to the picture. The sound robot reads better and understands text instead. If you have already made the images clickable, you would like to include keywords in the Alt attribute and the title.
  3. For one article, create 2-3 thematic hyper-syllabuses. They have to be separated one way at a time, otherwise the shock absorber will glue the message and part of the static water into nowhere.
  4. Fight against mercy 404. If the page has become inaccessible and the search robot cannot index it, please provide another relevant one.

Classification of linking by type of sending, place of their placement:

  • Contextual. Hypertension is evenly distributed throughout the text. Ranking is based on the fact that you mix the anchor with keywords. For example, if the article talks about the domain, it will miraculously fit the message on the page about hosting.
  • Navigation. Here the message is part of the change of status. They help the reader to orientate in the material and find information about the topic. Vikorist in lengthy articles of 6,000 characters, which have at least 4 subheadings.
  • Skrіzna. All superpowers placed in the back menu and tabs are listed here. It is important to structure it correctly, so that it greatly affects the ranking of the site.
  • Thematic. Melodiously, more than once after reading a post in the blog, you were stuck with a group of hyperbole below on the symbol “color”, “read more”, “similar”, “read more” - this is a thematic linking.

Create a site map. This is a special page that contains messages on the main sections of the project. You will not be authoritative through a great number of transitions, but rather speed up indexing many times.

It is better to vikorize all types of linking on the site. This way you will achieve better results.

Before optimization, I would like to conduct an audit and clean the site:

  1. Remove unnecessary hyper-power, check whether the correct formatting has been lost.
  2. Protect your sides, identify your greatest weaknesses, and compile a list of key words for insertion.
  3. Customize pages to select keys, enter - edit headings, titles and the articles themselves.

Now you can create as many things as possible by sending a network to the site.

Manual: operating diagrams and methods

Inserting hyper-tension, organizing the final connection between the sides is important and lasting. Ale and the result is much better. I'm not asking you to rely on automatic linking methods. You can use them to get used to them. Only people within reasonable boundaries.

If you are linking manually, remember the main rule - those sent from the old pages are obliged to post on the new ones.

Before I reveal to you the secrets of the schemes, I will reveal the difference between correct linking and non-written linking. The difference is the same as between lost headphones in the soup and unwound, neatly folded. In both situations, the organization is in disarray, the cry is to quit everything. Find out what the customer feels if you don’t find the back page in two clicks. Don't get angry and go. Search engine that analyzes behavioral factors, navigation, and lowers the rating.

It’s easy to fit the message into the text harmoniously. It is necessary to become a broad-profile writer - a copywriter. What do you learn about in institutions? No. And with us - SO! in our online school we will benefit anyone who works with the text. Through the book, you will notice how easy it has become to write, to put out your thoughts and ideas. Our scientists have especially moved into this.

Competent manual linking is done - by placing the hyperpower behind a rigid scheme, the sides are grouped behind the place, level.

The simplified structure of the site consists of:

  • 1st level - head side.
  • 2nd level - divisions.
  • 3rd level - subsections, subcategories, insert pages with information/products.

Why am I telling you everything? It will be easier for you to learn how to link to high-frequency, mid-frequency, low-frequency inputs, as you can imagine, like a powered site.

  • For HF power supply

The main page is the most requested part of the site. Vaughn collects a great number of transitions. This is a static, dynamic way to grow, because we want to push through the high-frequency input, rather focus on it.

How can I get the linking via HF powered up? We create a two-way connection between the head side and the sections. For the skin section, we set hyper-power on the insert page with content, and then on the head.

  • For midrange power supply

To optimize the site for mid-frequency queries, we need to focus on categories. The head and the contents of the pages are forced into sections, but they go back.

An excellent option for online stores. To the sections, go to the product/service page, to the main page. I'll make it easier for you to navigate because you're looking for a laptop battery that doesn't indicate the brand or model.

  • For LF power supply

A collar is installed only between inserted pages with content of the same category, and is closed in a ring. Menus, tabs, messages not related to sections are found in search engines under nofollow / noindex tags.

On the main page, in the sections of delivery, messages are sent to the lower level (infopages).

  • Hierarchical scheme

We choose one side. Get the most out of it. There we place the message on two other pages, and from them on two more, and so on in order of geometric progression. And put a seal on them to put the side through.

The downside to the method is its roughness. If one element of the entire power structure is inaccessible, the effectiveness is reduced to zero.

  • Kiltseva scheme

Separated, pages with content are tried to be one on one and one on the other (removing more static content, gaining a sufficient number of anchors).

The weak point of the ring model is Germanness. If you want to show up with a bat one day, then the whole structure can fall apart like a little cardboard box.

  • Scheme "Zirochka"

Classic. The stories are fought one on one at a time. Please choose this model if you are going to put everything on the site and have not seen a single page for SEO optimization.

Your data is distributed evenly, and indexing by search robots is speeding up.


Scripts and plugins have forgiven the webmaster. By setting the correct parameters, you will enjoy the result. Ale loses food: “Why is the automatic method completely different from the manual one?” On the right is that this method may be harmless:

  1. Non-unique anchor. The search robot recognizes them as spam, reducing the ranking of your site.
  2. Vіdsutnіst okolosilochnym text.
  3. The key and the message are disgusting.
  4. It’s easy to properly adjust the distribution of hyperpower. Obligations to the articles of massacre.

There is no need to be convinced at all. It’s just a matter of vikorista with manual linking.

I would like to give an example of a popular method of automatic linking. And the name of this one is so cheerful - “bread crunches”. This is the navigation row at the top panel, which is overpowered. Vaughn guesses the path to the file in Explorer on your computer. Its main meta is navigation, and ranking is in a different place.

Other methods:

  • creation of the site map,
  • forming a list of articles similar in topic,
  • placing contextual instructions in the text for additional programs.
  • Modules

To create the final structure of a site using the WordPress engine, use one of the following plugins:

  1. Smart Linker. It's a terrible plugin, so utterly clueless. You can create an anchor based on the keys assigned by the client. You can insert the message at once with the previously specified text. It carefully selects relevant pages. Ale with registration at the new bid. You can seduce someone - he’s without cats.
  2. Cross-Linker. It turns any keys into messages, as they are in the status and tasks in the program. The import/export function allows you to link two blogs at once.
  3. Breadcrumb Navigation XT. Updates are regularly released for this plugin. Over 600,000 webmasters and SEOs benefit from it. With just a few clicks you can set up navigation.

Plugins make it easier to deal with problems. Enjoy, try them, if you still have your site linked.

  • programs

Linking collapsible sites with a 3-line structure requires additional software. Just scan the pages and insert the necessary anchors yourself.

  1. Linkoskop. An indispensable program for optimization. You will find the weak points of your site, generate a map of it, feed your pages and predict it, stock a list of hyperposted placements, and check their correctness. You can use the demo version for 10 days, after which you will have to purchase a license for $23.
  2. Pageweight Lite. Provides static payment for both the entire resource and other pages. It also calculates the sending bits and creates linking schemes. The program works better than Linkoskop, but is then cost-free.

If you’re trying to gain a lot of money or you’re going nowhere, I recommend changing the linking model. Perhaps you are pushing through the wrong sides.

External linking is the placement of a message from one site (acceptor) on the site of another (donor). If the donor has a higher rating in the search system, the acceptor has a lower rating, and will not transfer a large part of the static energy. If the request is placed on a site with a lower or the same rank, there will be less effort.

It is necessary to monitor efficiency. Since no one has followed the instructions for a long time, a month or a fate, it means that we are seeing them. We don’t marry for brilliance, what’s more important is yakness.

To rise to the top 10 search results, you have to pay. You can find a reputable project using an additional search system and submit your message for payment. If you don’t want to carry on long negotiations, love, if everything is easy and simple, then send exchange messages - GoGetLinks, PromoPult and LinkFeed.


Relinking is the foundation of site navigation, passing. There, like a cobweb, tying together hundreds of sides in a single fabric, the suction line tightens.

There are a lot of schemes. To understand what is right for you, you need to try and marvel at the results.

Did you bother linking? How did the scheme turn out to be effective? Don’t hesitate to write comments. It’s good for me to talk to you.

Subscribe! We have a lot of basic articles on SEO copywriting, you won’t be bored. Good luck to you!

Today we want to talk about such an important process as internal linking of website pages, what is it and why is it so important.Let me start from the fact that there is a notice posted on the pages of the site, for which clients will move from one side to another. The linking of pages is properly thought out and implemented to evenly distribute the number of messages in the middle of the site.This is all about making the site more authoritative in the eyes of search robots. Why should the resource take a place in the first positions of the search engine? Increase your respect! The control value of the page or Pagerank depends on how much the message for a particular page is placed on other sites.It is very easy to achieve a good result on the site by correctly placing the internal instructions. Golovna, know the basic principles of linking, as we will discuss below.

Relinking the pages of the site, what is it - I’ll tell you more briefly. But let's take a closer look at why it is needed and what results can be achieved.

  • Increased accessibility of the site - that is, usability. The visibility of internal messages makes it possible for journalists to better focus on resources, such as articles and materials similar to the topic.

Increase your respect! The visibility of the message motivates the buyer to click on them. Vin sets out on his own journey around the site. As a result, the teacher “gets stuck” on something new and spends a lot of time. What a positive way to evaluate the search engines.

  • The relinking of pages allows you to thoroughly compose the structure of the site, which allows you to positively evaluate search robots. I would like to point out that when assessing the resource of sound robots, it is obligatory to evaluate the Riven deposit (UV). So, how many clicks will you need to generate in order to be directed to a specific page? On the main page - this display is older 1. If you need to make one click to go to a specific page - HC is older 2. The higher the HC display, the higher the page the robots will index. Proper relinking can reduce the hydrocarbons.
  • Rational division of dynamic and static sides. I think you will understand that the skin page of the site has its own static image. If a message is sent to another side, it transmits part of its static energy. This also allows you to transmit some of the dynamic energy. All this means a centerless flow to the remaining position of the side in sound systems.

Increase your respect! In this way, you will be able to enter into the TOP the specific search that is most important to you.

  • Swedish indexation. Internal linking of website pages speeds up the work of search engine robots. What positively influences the speed of wasting the pages of your resource in the search engine index.
  • Reduced vitrat for prosuvannya. Posting a message is a cost-free and effective way to effectively promote the site’s position in search engines. What makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of drying.

Correct and incorrect linking: butt

When internal linking is done, everything will be done correctly. Especially from the site navigation point of view. Zokrema, on the main side of the guilty obligation will be presently sent to all obvious divisions of the other and third tier. It’s not possible to put the message on the home page.

An example of a competent affixation

  1. The message is sent to all sections of the site and on the main page.
  2. The skin around the section may be sent to other sections.
  3. The skin side in the middle of the section is connected with other sides in the same section.

Apply the unwritten note

  1. There is no message on the main page for all parts of the section.
  2. The correct structure has not been transferred.
  3. There is no connection between sections.
  4. In the next section there is a message sent to the side, which does not bear any further attention.
  5. There is no cohesion between the materials in the middle of the section.
  6. There is no message on the side of the table.

Besides the moments that need to be remembered: unique features of linking

  1. Directly from the main page you can put messages on the main page with articles and materials.
  2. In the middle of the section it is allowed to put notes on those materials that are not included in this section. For example, in one section you have recipes for cooking fish, but you want to put information on specific dishes, how to prepare it and how to write about it in the thematic section.
  3. From another point, it is allowed to link the article from different sections.

Increase your respect! Let us understand that these nuances are relevant only for singing episodes.

Relinking pages and views

There are several types of linking. I will describe the skin type in more detail below - all smells have their own characteristics and songs of merit.

However, for successful website development, I recommend that you use all of the methods described above.

1) Cutaway view

Read about the song block with messages that is installed on all sides of the site. The most colorful butt is the menu - in this there may be further sections:

  • Golovna;
  • statti;
  • About us;
  • Contacts etc.

Just like a butt, you can present blocks in the following representation:

  • related to those materials;
  • most popular statistics;
  • most comments before articles.

It’s easy to get this look. It is necessary to install a special extension that will generate blocks.

Until then, the content of other pages will be transmitted to those who are interested. However, it is necessary to obtain more specific input for a specific page in order to display it in the TOP, following the speedy presentation in the next section by the type of linking.

2) Context view

We are talking about placing the message in the middle of the statistics. They are to blame for the good and go directly into the text so as not to misunderstand it.

Increase your respect! The messages should be distributed evenly throughout the text of the article, and not collected in one part of the material. This is where the vagina is transmitted. Before that, it should show up positively on the behavioral factor.

Naturally, it does not seem possible to automate this process. All numbers must be entered manually, which takes a lot of time.

Of course, there are special plugins that can do this for you, but their availability is low. It will immediately be obvious that the message is not included correctly in the text of the article.

3) Snake side view

This method is similar in principle to the first described. The point is about the vikoristan of a special block, but on the other side of the vikorist there are unique messages. So, the messages on the pages are not repeated.

4) “Bread Crisps”

This species can be found in the context of additional navigation. It's time to unpack:

  • above the article title;
  • above the title of the page;
  • etc.

In fact, by crashing through such “critics”, the user can go from the main page of the site to the one that appears as a result.

It's great! I based my method on the analogy with the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. Remember how Hansel and Gretel came out of the forest, wandering around scattered trees?

This method allows you to improve usability and make it easier for users to navigate your resource.

How the linking of pages helps in the insertion of specific sound queries

Properly applying the principles of internal linking can ensure the effective passage of sound queries, regardless of the level of their frequency.

low-frequency power supply

For them, pages with a third level of investment are ideal. The specifics of internal linking in this case will be the following:

  • on the main page of the site there will be relevant messages on actions from others;
  • binding is the connection between the inner sides;
  • The main respect when placing a message is given to the internal pages.

mid-frequency input

  • headings;
  • categories.

Naturally, the emphasis will be on them - on this page there will be messages from the original pages, and also there you can post external messages when materials are posted on third-party resources.

Increase your respect! There is no need to put messages on the front page, as they will be on the front page. Reduce the fragments until powdered. It’s better to use the head side to insert more significant ones.

high frequency power supply

To get a drink with a high level of competition, it is recommended to choose the victorious pages that have the highest HC. The best place to do this is on the front page of the site.

Effective schemes for linking pages

A variety of linking schemes will allow you to extract unique messages. And link all the pages with messages.

The work of the digger, or even that wart - the usability of your site is truly powerful. What to evaluate is not only the koristuvach, but also the search robots.


This can be called the main method among all the others. We will allow you to ensure that all sides work together one on one.

This is a way to evaluate that does not show any specific page of your resource, but rather shows all pages at once (the remaining option is relevant for online stores), and there is no need to transfer the same information ї pages.

In addition, Zirochka allows you to achieve the independence of the pages, which will completely prevent illegal indexing of your resource. It is important that only clear and unique content is posted on it.


The main advantage of the scheme is that it allows you to direct your energy to a specific side.

It turns out that all the sides are trying one on one, which will increase the fuss. In addition, all sides are made ready for drying, which allows them to remove as much moisture as possible. Aje von removes the meaningless message with the keywords necessary for passing through.

And these schemes and songs are short:

  • when one of the pages is missing from the search system index (or the banal inaccessibility of the page for some reason), the whole scheme immediately breaks down and it stops processing;
  • The scheme also strongly promotes the shock wave, which has a negative effect on the sides that are at a low level.


This scheme is widely used on most websites. Its popularity is completely grounded.

The essence of the scheme lies in the fact that one side is divided into two, the skin from these sides into two, and the rest - into the one that is connected to the beginning of the scheme. In this way, you can reach the highest possible level for the side you are going to stick through.

The Hierarchy scheme has shown itself miraculously and is working with the maximum possible effect. Well, of course, she’s not ideal either. Remnants of one of the pages of the index will cause a significant reduction in the efficiency of the program.

Relinking pages in WordPress using additional plugins

Most of all, I wrote about those that use special plugins to automate the creation process. Zokrema, such expanded and additional ones, generate blocks at the bottom or on the side of the page, depending on where you place them in the settings.

Smart Linker

One of the shortest extensions of this type. The plugin operates on the principle described above through direct interchange linking. Ale is an optimized variety.

Since the greater expansion of the content is in the content of the anchor of the message in the name of the material, then in this plugin the user can set the necessary text in the name of the message. This allows you to truly enhance the effect and achieve better results when passing through the site.

WordPress Related Posts

The extension creates cross-linking in the middle of the site. The plugin automatically analyzes the material on the site, including such factors as:

  • topic statti;
  • the category in which the article is classified;
  • tags.

As a result of extracting data, the plugin selects articles similar to the topic and displays them in a block at the bottom of the page.

The site will have a lot of statistics that indicate what to highlight on its topic, which significantly optimizes behavioral factors - users spend more than an hour on the site, and the number of views decreases.


This plugin is used to create contextual linking - it can be done automatically. As you remember, contextual linking itself takes a lot of time and will greatly reduce your labor costs.

In the settings of the plugin, you need to enter the following keywords, and the extension, when viewing the pages, will analyze the text of the article. If there are designated keywords in something, the plugin will put a tag on them.

Breadcrumb Navigation XT

Relinking pages - this is a system of internal messages between the pages of the site. What is cross-linking of pages on a website and why is it needed? The internal linking is the nervous system, and the sending is the connection. The less connections there are, the more primitive the system, the more stupid your site is and the stupidity is revealed in the fact that the site cannot explain to pranksters which page corresponds to which query, and which of several pages they need to be shown as similar in jest.

I can already feel the storm of those who say: “I have 20 pages on my site, they are all different and nothing is confused!!! 111razraz.” Isn’t it great that your child has learned 20 words and has started cutting up a tree from a car, but what about working with the site on 1k +++ pages, where the connections between the pages are getting stuck and they start quoting each other? There is only one idea - to create an internal structure - interlinking.

The following is transmitted through the internal linking system:

  • Vaga between the pages of the site;
  • smyslova zv'yazok.

What does this mean in practice: If you have 5 pages, all of which have the same keywords, then the pages can compete one after another in search. nerds mutual linking We can send from several pages to one for a hidden key query and thereby indicate that this very page represents the query, and not all five pages.

Scheme 2. Internal linking with the method of displaying a specific side after a comma.

Schemes for linking website pages

It’s important to know which stories you’re going to reveal in search of jokes. different linking schemes.

Attach schemes for linking pages to the site:

Scheme 3. Pre-link for transferring the cable to the sides with high-frequency power supplies.

By doing internal linking based on high-frequency keywords, you can move static content to those pages that are easier to implement for SEO.

Scheme 4. Pre-linking of pages on the site is consistent with mid-frequency key queries.

It is logical to transfer the focus to the sides, which are representative of the highly competitive tasks themselves: high-frequency and mid-frequency; Low-frequency entries often occupy high positions on their own with careful optimization of the pages.

Scheme 5. Pre-linking for low-frequency pages on the site.

If you don’t need sides with low-frequency inputs, you’ll need to design the circuit more carefully. Heads up - clearly separate the pages by key words and don’t forget which page you are putting through and according to which question, otherwise a number of competing pages may be lost in the linking and it’s not a fact that you need to show up in search.

Modules for linking pages

Previously, I have repeatedly abused the word logic and for good reason. The process of linking pages on a site can be quite laborious, depending on the size of the site, but here, for the most part, “SEO managers” turn on “and so on,” and everyone goes in the same direction plugins for linking pages and other automation. So, the logical core of the site is that the placement of pages not according to key queries, but instead of the sense of all pages of the site creates the logic of the theme or theme of the site. It is impossible to automate logical connections at a level where it is necessary to develop for wide access.

Madly, you will melodiously find a sea of ​​propositions, different WordPress lag for linking pages, other programs and services, but 99% of the time it’s important not to destroy those that need to be destroyed, but rather a strict logical organization and re-linking of pages using all possible names, synonyms, logical synonyms ami drinks and different types of posilan.

So, I wrote in 99% of cases that automatic linking is possible, but to implement such a system, colossal statistics and processing at a very high level will be required. Such systems exist, but it is possible to discover, purchase or develop them available only for even large projects.


Don't be fooled by the fact that you've found a SIMPLE AND SMART method for effective linking, and it's a no-brainer. Work with these statistics, be clear about the logical core of the site and create linking within its framework with your own hands. To better understand the reality, add information to the site and you will be rewarded for your efforts.

It works efficiently.

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