Galmuє computer Windows XP scho robiti. What happens when the computer glitches and freezes. System cleanup in Windows operating systems

After a troublesome failure of a desktop computer or a Windows-based laptop, business owners may be faced with a situation when the PC becomes very unstable and overworked. There may be a lot of reasons for PC galmuvannya.

In order to look in detail at the problem of PC tinting, we have prepared a material in which we look in detail at the methods and techniques that can promote PC plating. By following our recommendations, you can turn the pole with the speed code desktop computer or laptop with Windows OS. By turning the computer's speed code, you can enjoy a variety of multimedia entertainment, computer games and work, while forgetting about the galvanization and various cleanings of your PC.

System cleanup in Windows operating systems

The operating systems Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 have their own system cleaning methods. The main disadvantage of such cleansing methods is those stench clean only smitty The system itself creates this and that, not all of it.

Schob Viconati outside cleaning of the system If you want to clean the OS and other programs, you need to use third-party software quickly. One of the shortest cleaning programs is CCleaner. This utility is produced by Piriform LTD.

The utility is cost-free and attractive CCleaner on a PC you can go to the official website The utility is not the first river to be trimmed first in the ranking Such people have Internet access, like The Guardian, PC World, CHIP Online and a lot of others. The utility works on operating systems Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10. After installation, we launch the utility on Windows 7.

To clean the system, click the Analyze button located at the bottom of the window.

The image shows how much information the system has learned. This is the history of the explorer when the user opens folders or copies folders. This is also the history of the browser and various events created by utilities.

after analysis apparently smittya, Which the utility found out by pressing the Clean button.

In this simple way you can increase the speed of your system and your program. The utility does not end there. The program also includes remove unnecessary registry entries, Which were created by different software. To speed up the process, we need to open the tab “ Registry“And following the analogy with the front butt, press the Search for problems button.

After searching, press the Edit button and thereby remove the most unnecessary registry entries.

The functionality of the utility does not interfere with this, and if its coverage does not fit into the topic of the article, we will discuss it further. Having finished cleaning the system and registry, it’s time to start cleaning defragmentation, We know about the yak in the butts of our feet.

Defragmentation in Windows operating systems

The operating systems Windows XP, Vista, as well as the newer Windows 7, 8, 10 have their own features that allow defragmentation to work. One downside of the installed defragmenter in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 is robotic fluidity and weak functionality.

It’s better to use a defragmenter faster than third-party software. The best defragmenter today is a cost-free utility Defraggler. utility Defraggler the same company broke up CCleaner Piriform LTD. entice Defraggler The PC folder can also be accessed from the official website, as well as CCleaner.

Installing Defraggler is simple and takes just a few clicks, so any PC user can use it. Cream Defraggler There are still a lot of clear defragmenters, but our choice fell on a new one, since it will help us solve another problem, through which your PC can be very mischievous and very efficient.

Defraggler It works with all the latest Windows operating systems, starting with XP and ending with Windows 10. So feel free to install and run it on any Windows. Our vipadka was launched Defraggler on Windows 7.

To run the defragmentation program, click the Defragmentation button at the bottom of the window. You can use this button to run an analysis of the disk for the need for defragmentation. After defragmentation starts, it can be monitored on the disk map.

This process can take a long time and be delayed due to disk wear and the stage of disk fragmentation.

utility Defraggler You can defragment the entire disk, as well as surrounding folders and files. The functionality doesn’t end there. The same utility includes:

  • Work on defragmentation;
  • Robiti robot program for the layout;
  • Defragment the free space on the disk;
  • Wipe your PC after defragmentation;
  • Defragment the registry.

Of all the descriptions of the functions, the one that remains the most significant. vicoristuchi registry defragmentation You can also increase the speed code of your desktop computer or laptop. To quickly access this function, go to the menu “ fine-tuning»І activate defragmentation of the registry when starting the PC, As shown in the image.

By enabling this option in your PC at system startup Defraggler Effective registry defragmentation:

Now we know about the possibilities of the programs that we guessed before. Defraggler will marvel at the figure of your Winchester, and S.M.A.R.T..

S.M.A.R.T.- A subprogram has been introduced that can determine the size of the hard drive. Let's go to the " mill».

The picture above shows the parameters of a good hard drive. In the current image of the Winchester readings broken sectors:

Since you yourself have such a situation, then the culprit in the Galmuvan system is Winchester. Those who come out, replace the hard drive with a new one. In addition, a hard drive won’t last long in such a setting, and you may end up wasting a lot of important information. I'm sure that's all.

You can see from the butt that you need help Defraggler you can robiti:

  • Disk defragmentation for a long time or less;
  • Registry defragmentation;
  • Check the Winchester camp.

Also note that if you have an SDD disk type installed in your PC, do not defragment it, as this may shorten its service life.

Solving RAM problems

It is often the fault of people who are guilty of galvanization and PC freezes. RAM. In operating systems starting with Windows 7 and ending with Windows 10, memory verification features have been introduced. For example, let's start checking the RAM for errors in Windows 10. To do this, quickly search in tens and enter the phrase “ Please check the memory».

Now we can run the found utility.

In the window, select the first item, after which the computer will restart and RAM diagnostics will begin.

After a long check, the computer will start working and you will see the result of the check. If the result of the verification will be negative, this means that the RAM must be replaced with a new one.

Older operating systems, such as Windows XP, do not have a built-in memory scan. What does it mean that on Windows XP to check the memory trace get third-party software quickly. You can check your RAM using one of the most popular utilities Memtest86.

Let's quickly get help ReadyBoost

However, to ensure that all Wikonian actions are taken to eliminate malfunctions and glitches in the PC, do not provide proper assistance. This is available through those on your PC weak hardware. To resolve this problem in the OS, starting with Windows 7 and ending with Windows 10, the user has the ability to change the technology ReadyBoost.

The essence of robot technology ReadyBoost lies near Vikoristan Swedish USB storage devices for keshuvannya tributes. Tobto vikoristuyuchi ReadyBoost, you can replace the standard swap file on a screw, on a USB flash drive.

For applications, a high-speed PC with Windows 10 OS and a flash drive with an interface USB 3.0. You will ask why yourself USB 3.0. The answer is simple, this interface really cool and be as suitable as possible for our task. Insert the flash drive into the PC and go to її authorities to the tab " ReadyBoost».

Now select the item in the window to speed up our system as shown in the image and press the Freeze button. The same procedure is used for setting up in Windows 7 and 8.

After this, the system must speed up significantly, long-term launch of the program and galvanization may occur.

If you want to quickly use the described technology on Windows XP, Then vikorize a third-party program eBoostr.

Other ways to speed up a stationary computer or laptop and get electricity

If the most looked at butts did not help, then the following methods can help solve the problem with glitches and glitches:

  • Change anti-virus programs;
  • Enabling visual effects;
  • Zupinka of unnecessary services;
  • Reinstallation of the operating system;
  • Updating the sim card to tens.

If you have a good anti-virus program installed on your desktop computer or laptop, then your PC will be reliably protected and will not affect the system's speed code. If you have a weak laptop or a stationary computer, then it will be clear that the antivirus has become very annoying to the system.

To rectify this situation, Panda Security SL has developed an antivirus Panda Cloud Antivirus, Which practically does not waste the system resources of a weak PC. The secret of this antivirus is that everything complicated operations in the new world end in gloom.

Antivirus cream can be applied to the speed code of a weak laptop or desktop computer visual effects of the OS. Starting with Vista in the Windows OS, various visual effects appear that spoil the PC's performance. To enable visual effects, for example, in Windows 10, you need to go to System Power. For whom in the program Viconati Let’s type the command “sysdm.cpl”.

Having passed into the power of the system, open the tab “ dodatkovo" In the text block with speedcode, click on the Options button.

A window may open in front of us, where we can enable and enable visual effects in Windows 10.

The same procedure is used to adjust visual effects in Windows 7 and 8. As we are talking about Windows XP, turning on visual effects makes no sense, since they require few resources.

You need to be careful when connecting services, as they may cause the operating system to malfunction. To stop unneeded services, for example, in Windows 7 you need to upgrade to the service enabler. For whom in the program Viconati Let's type the command “services.msc”. After finishing the video, the equipment will be opened. services».

With this equipment you can enable any service. Before you enable an unnecessary service, make sure that enabling this service is absolutely safe for the system. For example, you can download the service without any problems. Dispatcher", If your PC does not have a printer enabled.

Another way is completely reinstalled the system. After installing Windows, you will immediately note how quickly your laptop or all-in-one PC works. This is true because the OS is new and has a clean registry and no smudges. In many cases, reinstalling the OS helps to revive a laptop or stationary PC and wake up.

There are problems with the reinstallation process if you decide to upgrade your system to Windows 7 and then you work hard. The full operation of the system is connected with the method of extensive updating and repair. In the first phase, a lot of work is associated with a new type of delivery, updated in the P2P framework. To renew the process from koristuvach to koristuvach. In another case, a lot of work is tied to an old scar. In this case, you can only help by upgrading components or purchasing a new laptop.

Supplied pouch

We support all the material in the articles, which will help our readers and you won’t have to worry about why your PC may be malfunctioning, or why your laptop or all-in-one computer may be freezing. I also want to give some pleasure to our readers.

If you don’t get rid of problems and freezes in the system, then perhaps the faulty software is to blame for your problem. In this case, you should scan the system for viruses and delete them from the known folders.

Besides, if you are the owner of a PC running Windows XP, then it’s time for you to think about changing the OS to a more secure one. XP support has long been discontinued and new antiviruses have not been supported for a long time. This means that the system is no longer secure and if you give such a system access to the Internet, you can run into real problems through viruses. Through viruses, you can be exposed to both system glitches and the theft and loss of special information.

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One of the most widespread problems that occur on the Windows 7 operating system is that the computer or laptop becomes dull or cluttered. This manifests itself in the fact that the device begins to become more attracted, to react to the actions of the merchant, and in the end it is not easy to pretend, but is forced to work. The reasons for this suspension are great. They can be divided into two main blocks:

In case of skin swelling, it is necessary to perform various actions. Let's take a look at the most widespread problems of the general Windows operating system, as well as their solutions.

A little free place

For a smooth running computer or laptop, the system requires sufficient memory. Most often, install Windows on the “C” drive. Due to lack of information, users install all other programs on the new one (directly to the system folders, to the “program files” or “system 32” folder). Make sure that the disk on which you have Windows installed has sufficient disk space for comfortable work.

Delete all application files, programs that are located on the system disk. As a rule, the following directories are installed:

  • Work table;
  • enchanted;
  • My documents (library, images);
  • files Koshiki.

Lastly, it is recommended to clean the work table first. The presence of a large number of different files, shortcuts, folders will often affect the productivity of your computer or laptop. By allowing enough free space (so that the disk color appears blue rather than red), the computer will freeze up less.

Corruption of system files

The main reason why your computer or laptop is very uneasy may be damage or the absence of files and folders that are important for the operation of the system. The reasons may vary:

  1. Windows 7 is not installed correctly right now.
  2. Critical fixes after a long-term Windows installation.
  3. Legacy of system infection with corrupt files.
  4. Incorrect operation of the computer or laptop.
  5. Vipadkova has a list of important system files.
  6. Incorrect display of third-party add-ons.
  7. Inherits of incorrect work with the registry.

The easiest way to resolve more over-corrected problems is to upgrade the system. The advantage of this function lies in the fact that the procedure does not install programs such as installing the device itself (drivers and other software) or other special files on the computer, but also checks the integrity of the system. If necessary, you can download all your daily files and your computer will be less annoying. Carrying out this procedure cannot be seen negatively, and after updating the computer will only work faster.

If the damage is too serious, you have carried out an update, and your computer or laptop is still dull or glitchy, then you can think about installing Windows. The work is only in the extreme.

Smittya in the registry and auto-announcement

As you use a laptop or computer (installing and installing remote programs, copying files, connecting USB devices, etc.), a number of entries accumulate in the Windows system registry (). Some are duplicated, others are added there lightly. This all leads to the point where systemic errors appear, add-ons conflict with each other, and the computer gibberish and overwork. To improve the efficiency of your computer or laptop, it is recommended to clean the registry. Of course, I won’t be able to do it by hand. The best way is to use the cost-free CCleaner utility. Here you can not only correct changes to the registry, but also adjust auto-enablement settings.

There are a lot of programs that are installed on the computer and will be available when the system starts. In some cases, there may be absolutely unnecessary add-ons that the computer system rarely requires, and when running the robot in offline mode, it consumes system resources. Having removed unnecessary programs from Windows autostart, the computer will not only start up more quickly, but will not run.

virus infection

As a rule, the virus operates in silent mode and consumes large amounts of system resources, causing the computer to crash. For those whose computer or laptop is infected with viruses, the following symptoms can be described:

  • The device freezes during this or other activities (for example, when you open “my computer”, the explorer takes a long time to update);
  • files and folders are not deleted, they somehow disappeared or are not restored;
  • Critical concessions began to appear;
  • in the browser the home page has changed, the search engine has changed, third-party extensions and intrusive advertising have been added;
  • Third-party programs have appeared that are impossible to remove;
  • enchantment processor at 100% when programs are closed;
  • It is impossible to close the system update, launch the task manager or end one of the processes.

The problem of virus infection is getting worse because smells have a high priority. This means that if the system has a choice: viconate, powered by a virus or a virus, priority will be given to the virus. There appears to be a noticeable jam when operating the add-ons, and the computer is malfunctioning. To solve the problem, it is necessary to work on the following steps:

  • install an antivirus if you don’t already have one;
  • scan your computer for infected files;
  • Send found files to quarantine or delete.

The virus blocks the launch or installation of anti-virus programs

Sometimes infected files change system settings. This makes it impossible to launch or install an antivirus. In such a situation, it is necessary to step up:

  1. Use the express checkout program. Such software does not require installation and is absolutely cost-free;
  2. Update the system. If you are not blocked by a virus, then restore your computer by reinstalling Windows (via a secure flash drive or disk);
  3. Before you start downloading Windows again, do not forget to save important information to another flash drive (it must be empty), and then scan it on another device for viruses (if the files are suspected of being infected).

As a rule, express testing for the presence of viruses gives a positive result and takes no more than 30 minutes. After such cleaning, your computer or laptop will work much faster.

Malfunction of hardware parts

If the computer makes a lot of noise or starts to freeze up at all times, causing strange sounds (knocking, creaking, noise), then we can talk about serious internal damage and “locking” problems. There are a number of problems that affect the speed of computer work, and the actions of them are entirely within the power of the average user:

  • Hard disk failure;
  • overheating of the processor due to a faulty cooling system;
  • cooler failure;
  • presence of saw in the system unit or laptop.

Hard drive failure

The fluidity of a computer or laptop is more than 70% stored on the hard drive. Unfortunately, the cruel one is not eternal and power can wear out. When this moment arrives, in the robotic system there are important steps of galvanization. This is due to the fact that the hardest part consists of the sectors in which information is saved. Hour after hour, the stench is erased and designated by the system as “beats.”

If the computer spends the information it reads in the “bad” sector, the system crashes (a characteristic sound may appear), the computer freezes until it reaches another sector. A freeze like this can lead to a critical shutdown and reboot of the system. The more “bad” sectors there are, the more often the computer crashes and the closer the hour is, when it’s hard to change everything. This problem is inevitable, but it is possible to remove and reduce the consequences as much as possible. For whom it is necessary to step on:

  1. You would like to carry out defragmentation once a month. More instructions.
  2. When cleaning your computer with a saw, do not forget about the heat, as heating will have a negative effect on it.
  3. Unique physical flow to the Winchester call.

If you suspect that one of the sectors is “beaten”, use special utilities to find and update them.

We can find the bits (indicated by the red color) of the sector on the hard drive using the “Hd Tune Pro” utility.


Another common reason for excessive computer operation is overheating of computer components. It is easy to diagnose such a malfunction using the following signs:

  • The computer gets busy and spends every hour working, then productivity drops sharply.
  • The cooler makes a lot of noise or not at all.
  • The computer blinks uncontrollably.
  • If you have a laptop, you can simply put your hand on it and check the temperature on the dial (there have been episodes when the computer overheated and the desktop could have been taken care of!).

If the reason for most of the work is overheating, then you need to work like this:

  • This means that the components themselves are overheating (processor, chipset, hard drive). You can earn money using any additional cost-free utility or gadgets for the Windows 7 desktop.
  • Clean the system unit or laptop, and if necessary, change the thermal paste.

This procedure will not only increase the performance of your device, but also prolong your life.


The computer cannot start galmuvati uncontrollably (behind the blame of physical influx on the new one, after which this can effectively happen). Whatever the problem, it starts step by step. To ensure that the device does not plague you with malfunctions for as long as possible, it is necessary to implement a number of procedures that will help improve productivity:

  • Follow the obligation of free memory.
  • Sort installed programs and uninstall them correctly.
  • Check the register for benefits.
  • Perform defragmentation.
  • Clean your computer with a saw.
  • Always remove unnecessary items from your desk, clean your cat, etc.
  • Follow the car enthusiasts.
  • Scan the system for viruses.

All this does not require a lot of time spent or special knowledge, which will save you a lot of nerves in the future.


It is important to clean the disk and clean the system using a "smudge". We launch the standard cleaning program.
For Windows 7: "Start -\u003e All programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e Services -\u003e Disk Cleanup" (right button -\u003e
For Windows XP: "Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e Services -\u003e Disk Cleanup"
If you have a number of hard drives installed on your computer (or one partitioned per number of logical ones), then you will eventually see a question on which of these drives to clean. Select the required system drive on which Windows is installed. (Then it’s easier to carry out this procedure with all the computer disks).
Check all the items listed at the end, click “OK” and check. It is possible to check for a long time, due to the “observation” of the system

Now we will check the computer’s hard drive for errors and failures. First close all running programs and remove all external media (flash drives, hard drives, etc.). For Windows XP and Windows 7, the procedure will be the same.
Open “My Computer” in “Explorer” at the end. By right-clicking on the system disk or partition of the disk, select “Power”. In the window, go to the “Service” tab, and there click on the “Finish verification” button. A small box will appear at the end where you need to tick the 2nd check box and click the “Start” button.
You will be informed that Windows cannot verify the disk that is being victorious and will be created after restarting. Click "Recheck disk folder" for Windows 7 and "So" for Windows XP. Restore your computer. After restarting, it appears that the disk will be verified in text mode. Until it is completed, the operating system will not start. The verification process will take a long time, so it will be even better to run it at a time when the computer is not needed (for example, do not verify it at all).

The next step will be defragmentation of the system disk. We launch a standard disk defragmentation program.
For Windows 7: "Start - All Programs - Accessories - Services - Disk Defragmentation" (right click - Run as administrator).
For Windows XP: "Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e Services -\u003e Disk Defragmentation"
In the window, select the disk on which the operating system is installed and click on the “Disk Defragmentation” button. (Then it’s easier to carry out this procedure with all the computer disks).

Now play around with the size of the swap file.
For Windows XP: "right-click on My Computer -\u003e Power -\u003e Dodatkovo -\u003e Shvidkodiya -\u003e Settings -\u003e Dodatkovo -\u003e Virtual Memory -\u003e Change".
For Windows 7: "right-click on "Computer" -\u003e Power -\u003e Additional parameters -\u003e Widcode -\u003e Parameters -\u003e Additional -\u003e Virtual memory -\u003e Change".
At the end, select “Specify size” (“Special size” for XP)
Now the entire amount of your RAM is multiplied by 1.5 (if it is too small, then by 2). The selected value is written to the fields "Output size" and "Maximum size"
(And because the computer has 4 gigabytes of RAM and Windows XP installed, you can set it to a small value, for example 512 megabytes)

Non-Victorian services are included. "Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Administration -\u003e Services." This great list of all services includes names and descriptions of all services. It seems that everything can be turned on without harming the system. (Specifically, for the sake of completeness, other services can be easily found on the Internet). Stops the selection of services (double-click on the selected service "Startup type -\u003e Disabled" and click on the "Stop" button)

Non-vikorized elements of auto-engineering are included. To get started, let's go to "Start -\u003e All programs -\u003e Automatic" and select all unchecked shortcuts. Then we will launch the standard program for setting up system auto-enablement: “Start -\u003e Vikonati” and write in the “msconfig” row, go to the “Auto-an-auto-annotation” tab and turn on all non-viconized programs. (Specifically, for the sake of completeness of enabling this, you can easily find out other programs in auto-enablement on the Internet by typing in the names of the programs in the sound system)

Visual effects are enabled.
For Windows XP: "right click on My Computer -\u003e Power -\u003e Dodatkovo -\u003e Shvidkodiya -\u003e Settings -\u003e Visual Effects".
For Windows 7: "right-click on "Computer" -\u003e Power -\u003e Additional parameters -\u003e Widcode -\u003e Settings -\u003e Visual effects."
At the end, switch to the item “Secure the best possible software” -\u003e OK

Non-usable devices are included.
For Windows XP: "right click on My Computer -\u003e Power -\u003e Ownership -\u003e Device Manager".
For Windows 7: "Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Hardware and Sound -\u003e Device Manager"
In the window, you can turn on non-living devices (with the right button on the selected item -\u003e “Enable”)
You can connect an uninstalled camera, edge card, IEEE 1394 controller, COM and LPT ports, etc. Whenever a device is turned on, it will be possible to use it if needed.

Clean your computer from viruses with an antivirus with up-to-date antivirus databases. You can use both permanently installed anti-virus programs and cost-free “one-time” scanners, such as CureIT from Dr. Web,

After installing all the necessary programs on your computer, the effect of a significant increase in the operating system is often noted - Windows XP“Galmuwati” begins uncontrollably. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the large number of automatically launched resident programs and utilities installed with various add-ons within their components.

Such utilities start simultaneously with the operating system and actively exploit operative memory resources, at a time when the usefulness of their activities is very doubtful. Icons for such programs can be found in the notification area located on the right side of the task panel Windows XP charge with a year old. Regardless of the fact, such programs are automatically launched instantly due to the settings of the operating system, their shortcuts are usually located in the Automatics folder of the Main menu Windows XP. It’s not surprising: the command to automatically launch programs can be written in the system registry Windows XP. Therefore, in order to prevent the automatic launch of unnecessary resident programs, it is necessary to edit the registry directly: in Windows XP It is a more handy tool that allows you to complete this task. Read on to find out how to do it.

Open the Run window by selecting sequence of Start-Vicont commands (Start4Run), enter the msconfig command in the Open field and click on the OK button. The System Configuration Utility window will appear on the screen.

View a list of all programs whose automatic launch function is written in the registry Windows XP. By clearing the settings, you can turn on the automatic launch of unnecessary programs. Since it is important for you to understand behind the name that the program itself is located under one of the items in the list, pay attention to the next step before launching the program module, which appears in the Command section. By opening the folder in Explorer where this module is saved, you may be able to identify the program by its icon.

Having changed all the necessary settings, click successively click on the Apply and OK buttons in the system settings program window. If you have changed any important parameters of the system configuration, you may need to reboot the computer, immediately after which a system notification will be displayed on the screen, which means that you are interested in the new configuration parameters.

The Windows XP operating system does not work well and works well both on hardware with minimal parameters and on a daily, heavy-duty system. This is a product from the Microsoft corporation that has won the trust of billions of people around the world because of its reliability and simplicity.

When the time comes, problems appear and Windows XP begins to malfunction.

Signs to indicate an ineffective OS:

  • the system will be used for a long time;
  • programs stop responding or become confused;
  • from time to time they start typing commands that are given by the mouse and keyboard;
  • The screen freezes.
  • Why do you expect that officials do not provoke and work, since Windows XP greatly disturbs the computer?

    Main reasons

    There is more than one reason why a computer can start to malfunction and freeze. On the right, in an hour you can get as far as problems specific to your skin. However, it is first necessary to look at the broadest and most important reasons that disrupt the normal functioning of the system.

    refurbishment of avtozavantazhenya

    The first and most widespread reason is that the system begins to drag and hang for a long time. The more you work on your PC, the more different programs you install. Almost a hundred of these programs for cleaning without the knowledge of the owner are considered to be avtozavantazhenya.

    Your customers don’t bother so often because they themselves are in auto-attachment and take up a lot of system resources. Most often, most of these programs cannot be launched simultaneously with the operating system, since they rarely become corrupted and never become stagnant and do not cause any problems.


    Another broad reason, if Windows XP is running, is the saw that has accumulated in the system block. The saw gradually penetrates through and hits all storage parts of the body. Refrigerated coolers are especially vulnerable to congestion, for which reason they may cease to fully perform their function.

    In the absence of proper cooling, the hardware overheats, the overall productivity of the processor decreases and, as a result, the operating system stops working effectively.

    Important! Drink that has accumulated in the housing can cause overheating and completely lead to failure.


    Sometimes computer viruses can become a major factor in wasting OS productivity and causing other problems.

    What dangerous viruses can do:

    Viruses tend to introduce their nasty program code before ruining their proper work. They waste your computer resources, thereby reducing your productivity.

    Important! If you do not have anti-virus programs, then most likely there are viruses on your PC.

    registry complexity

    All parameters are installed by programs, created cloud records and other changeable functions are recorded in the system registry. If the settings or settings are incorrect, all unnecessary entries will remain in the database.

    Step by step, as a result of such records, the registry grows to great proportions, which increases the fluidity of the OS when updated to the database.

    visual effects

    Most of the added graphic effects want to please the eye of the user, but in this case they significantly increase the processor, RAM and video card, thereby reducing the overall productivity of the machine.

    If the computer is weak and offers only minimal or average operating system capabilities, you may want to think about enabling some visual effects.


    ways to learn

    If you are using Windows XP and working on your computer becomes unbearable, do not rush to contact the service for help or install the OS yourself. Repairing and setting up your computer can be expensive, and reinstalling the OS with all the necessary programs takes many hours.

    In almost any situation, there is a solution alternative to making changes to the service or reinstalling the operating system, which will save your nerves, money and time.


    To solve the most common problem with re-installed auto-activation, you do not need any special programs or special knowledge of programming. Any kind of koristuvach can marry you.

    All you need to do is run “System Configuration” and get tokens from unnecessary programs from the “Automatics” tab.

    Let's sort out the order of actions step by step:

    Important! Do not use the auto-installation of your antivirus and firewall, as this will cause more damage to your machine.

    Part of the saw

    Pay attention to the temperature of the processor, hard drive, motherboard and video card, which must always be within the normal range.

    There are two ways to find out the temperature:

    • shortcut “BIOS”;
    • Use special utilities.

    Let's take a look at the analysis of machine overheating through "BIOS»:

    This tab contains information about the current temperature of the hardware, the fluidity of the coolers and other information.

    To analyze the storage parts of the machine, you can also use one of the following utilities:

    You can choose either of them, but you will cope well with your work.

    Allowable temperature:

  1. processor - 40-50 ° C;
  2. video card - 60-65 ° C;
  3. motherboard - 25-35 ° C;
  4. hard disk - 35-40 ° C.

If the temperature of this or other storage parts of the machine exceeds the permissible norm, it is necessary to check, perhaps, it is time to clean the saw in the middle of the body.

To remove the saw, use a vacuum cleaner with a wind flow function and a toothbrush.

Let's start cleaning:

Important! Check the amount of thermal paste under the cooler, add it if necessary.

Virus check

It is necessary to install one of the antiviruses on your computer, not only to steal your data, but also to increase the efficiency of the OS.

On the Internet you can find a number of antiviruses that vary in price and level of effectiveness in protecting against useless software.

Let’s take a look at the best paid options that the market offers today:

  • Kaspersky Internet Security;
  • Norton 360;
  • Avast! Internet Security;
  • ESET NOD32 Smart Security;
  • Dr.Web Security Space.

To find out which antivirus is right for you, you can go to the official websites of the software companies and get to know each other.

The best no-cost antivirus utilities:

  • 360 Internet Security;
  • Panda Free Antivirus;
  • Avast Free Antivirus;
  • AVG Antivirus Free;
  • ComodoInternetSecurityPremium.

Each of these utilities has its own pros and cons, the choice is up to you.

Virus Liquor:

  1. If you have selected an antivirus, run a scanner to check all data;
  2. All detected threats should be deleted or quarantined according to the antivirus recommendation.

Porada: configure the firewall to work only with reliable utilities that will protect the Internet.

cleaning the registry

To clean the registry, you cannot do without specialized software.

Beautiful cost-free utilities for working with the registry:

  • CCleaner;
  • Vit Registry Fix;
  • WindowsCleaner;
  • RegistryLife.
  • The interface of these utilities is very simple; to optimize and clear unnecessary registry entries, you only need to press a few buttons.

    Porada: To see the difference before and after cleaning, restart your computer.

    Adjusting visual effects

    To improve PC productivity, adjust visual effects.

    Let's take a look at how to enable graphic design parameters:

    Increased swap file

    Changing the paging file settings is another smart way to make your PC more efficient. The swap file, or otherwise virtual memory, serves to save personal information and helps the RAM cope with work.

    • The size of the paging file should be one to two times larger than the installed RAM;
    • It is not recommended to install virtual memory in the same partition of the hard drive that houses the OS.

    Increasing the size of the swap file:

    • right-click on “My Computer”;
    • select the “Powerfulness” row;
    • go to the “Addatkovo” tab;
    • in the “Swidcode” area, click on the “Options” button;

    • Open the “Additional Data” tab and select the “Virtual Memory” section;
    • click the “Change” button;
    • select the smallest disk partitions;
    • place the marker on the “Special size” item;

    • set the output and maximum dimensions;
    • press the “Set” button;
    • After this, you can enable paging files on other disk partitions (as a matter of fact);
    • For which, check the box “Without swap file” and click “Set”.
    • After restarting the PC, the changes will take effect.

      Windows XP doesn't work after update

      If you have Windows XP installed, after updating, you may find that your PC is not stable. To resolve this problem, you can quickly update the system.

      Search for troubleshooting after updating:

      This method allows the OS to develop to a very early stable state.

      As you can see, the unstable operation of Windows XP can be caused by more than one factor, but all of them have their own difficult solution. You yourself can use correct methods and troubleshoot problems.